• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,544 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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A Discorded playdate

I sat in my foal carrier and held Oswald close as I faced my mommy. We were in the royal carriage as it flew through sky above Ponyville. I looked over and saw treetops. I think we were near what mommy called the Everfree forest.

Mommy looked down at me and smiled. “Are you excited to spend the day with your Aunt Fluttershy?”

I smiled and clapped my hooves. Aunt Fluttershy had foal-sat me at the castle many times, but never at her home. She would always tell me and my cousins about her cottage and how she took care of animals.

“I just know that you will have a great time.” Mommy said. “Fluttershy has been looking forward to spending time with you for a while now.”

The royal carriage landed on the outskirts of the Everfree forest next to a cottage. As Mommy pushed me in my foal carrier I could see all sorts of animals running around, including ducks, mice, otters, and even a bear. We reached the front door and mommy knocked on it.

Aunt Fluttershy opened the door and greeted us with a smile. “Princess Moon, welcome!” Aunt Fluttershy then got down to my eye level. “And it is so good to see you again Blue Moon. You get cuter every time I see you!” She booped me on the nose which made me laugh.

Mommy smiled and gave Aunt Fluttershy a diaper bag. “Thank you again for agreeing to look after Blue Moon. Here is everything you’ll need. Diapers, foal powder, cream, plus some jars of foal food and bottles of milk.”

Aunt Fluttershy took the bag and set it aside. “Blue Moon and I will be just fine Princess Moon. You have nothing to worry about.”

Mommy leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “You be good for Aunt Fluttershy, okay? I’ll be back to pick you up later today.”

I waved bye bye to mommy, then Aunt Fluttershy took me inside. Upon entering the cottage, I noticed that Aunt Fluttershy had foal proofed nearly everything. The doorways and the bottom of the stairs had foal gates, every corner and edge was wrapped in padding, and the floor was covered with a soft carpet.

Aunt Fluttershy gently lifted me out of my foal carrier and placed me on the carpet. “You and I are going to have such a fun time today Blue!” Suddenly, a weird looking creature that looked liked a mashup of a goat, dragon, bird, and bat appeared above our heads.

“Fluttershy, I’m here for our-” The weird thing stopped and looked down at me. “Um, what’s with the foal?”

“Oh my goodness!” Aunt Fluttershy said as she brought her hoof to her mouth. “I’m so sorry discord, but I completely forgot about our tea time! I agreed to foal sit Nightmare Moon’s son Blue today.”

Discord looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I giggled because he was so silly looking. “So, instead of having our usual tea time, you’re going to spend the whole day with this drool machine?”

I should have been offended, but I was in fact drooling.

“Now Discord, just because I’m looking after Blue doesn’t mean that we can’t spend time together. Why don’t you help me foal sit?”

A lightbulb then appeared above Discord’s head as he made a mischievous smile. “Or better yet…” Discord then snapped his claws. There was a flash of light, and Discord appeared next to me on the carpet as a pony foal. He had gray hair, a brown mane, a white tail, and yellow eyes. “U cwan foal sit bwoth of us!”

“Oh Discord.” Aunt Fluttershy said with a sigh. “You don’t really want to spend the whole day as a foal do you?”

“Of cwourse I do!” Discord said with a big, happy smile. “We can still spwend time tagether, and Bwue gwets a pwaymate!”

Aunt Fluttershy thought it over for a moment. “Alright, just promise not to get into any trouble.”

Discord held up one of his hooves. “I pwomice!” He placed his over hoof behind his back. I saw two small claws inflate like balloons and cross each other. Aunt Fluttershy placed us in a playpen and I turned to face Discord.

“U silly! Who R U?”

“I Discord! Rwuwer of chaos!” Discord said with bow.

“U wanna pway?”

“Sure, but wets make it fun!” Discord clapped his hooves and in a flash we were upside down on ceiling along with all of the toys. Discord then booped me on the nose. “U it!” Discord crawled away, and I crawled after him.

“I gonna gwet ya!”

“No U not!” Discord said as he turned and stuck out his tongue.

We chased each other all over the ceiling like a pair of bugs. I caught up with Discord and tugged on his tail. “U it!” I then crawled away as fast as I could.

Discord clapped his hooves and I found myself on the ground, having been turned into an orange. Discord then appeared next to me and tagged me. I peeled and returned to normal. “Ha! I win!”

“U chweated!” I said with a pout.

“I no chweat! I pway by chaos rwules!” Discord responded with a smug look. Aunt Fwuttershy could tell that I was upset, and scooped me up in her hooves.

“There, there. Just calm down. There is no need to be upset.” Aunt Fluttershy said in her usual soothing tone. She held me close to her chest. Her warm, soft fur calmed me down and made me smile.

Discord then tugged on Aunt Fluttershy’s wing. “Fwuttershy, me hungy!”

My tummy let out a growl. “It sounds like you’re both hungry. Let’s go get you two some lunch.” Aunt Fluttershy then placed Discord and I on her back and carried us into the kitchen. Once there I was placed in a high chair and a bib was put around me. Discord clapped his hooves and he suddenly appeared in a second high chair with a bib of his own.

Aunt Fluttershy went through my diaper bag and pulled out a jar of foal food. “How about some nice mashed peas?” Aunt Fluttershy grabbed a rubber spoon and took a scoop. “Open up for the wonderbolt!”

I instantly turned my head away. I couldn’t stand vegetable foal food, it was nasty. “Now Blue, you need to eat your vegetables. They’ll make you big and strong.”

“Nah!” I said as I shook my head.

“Please Blue? If you eat these peas I’ll give you a bottle of milk and a cookie.”

Aunt Fluttershy had my attention. I really enjoyed mommy's milk, and it seemed like forever since I last had a cookie. I faced her and opened my mouth. She stuck in the spoon and I ate the mashed peas. Every spoonful was nastier the last, but I finally finished the jar.

“Good job Blue! Now for being so good, here is your reward.” Aunt Fluttershy gave me a bottle of milk and a cookie that had a smiley face made of frosting. I bit into the cookie and savoured the sweetness, then washed it down with the yummy milk.

When I was finished, Aunt Fluttershy picked me up and burped me. Discord looked over from his high chair and rolled his eyes. “U picky! I eat all my vebatles!” Discord then used his magic to lift up a jar of strained carrots. He unscrewed the lid and poured the foal food down his throat.

“Ta-da!” Discord exclaimed as he held the empty jar. A bulge then appeared in his diaper, followed by foul stench.

“Oh my, looks like somepony needs a changing.” Aunt Fluttershy walked over and lifted Discord out of his high chair. His diaper was sagging heavily.

I pointed and laughed. “U stinky butt!” I laughed so hard that I soon felt a warm feeling in my diaper. I looked down and saw a large yellow spot.

“It looks like you also need a changing.” Aunt Fluttershy picked me up and carried Discord and I to a changing mat. Both of our diapers were removed and tossed out. We then got wiped, rubbed with foal cream, powdered, and strapped into new diapers. “There! All nice and clean!”

Aunt Fluttershy placed us both back in the play pen then left to clean the dishes.. I continued to giggle at Discord. “Wat so funny?!” He said with an irritated tone.

“U mess UR diapee!”

“So did U!”

“I onwly make a pee pee. U make a bwig stinky! U stinky butt!”

“Dat not funny!” Discord threw a hissy fit. As he did, he hopped up and down on his diaper. Everytime he landed puffs of foal powder would pop out. This made me laugh even louder.

“I shwow U!” Discord clapped his hooves. My diaper then began to inflate. It kept growing until it lifted my bottom off of the floor. It had to be the size of a grown up! I began to wobble back and forth until I found myself flipped upside down, the diaper holding me in the air like a balloon.

I rose higher until my inflated diaper nearly reached the ceiling. Aunt Fluttershy then walked back into room but stopped dead in her tracks with a look of shock. “Oh my goodness!” The diaper then touched the ceiling and burst like a balloon. Pieces of it and foal powder flew everywhere. I screamed as I fell toward the ground, but Aunt Fluttershy flew over and caught me at the last moment.

After Aunt Fluttershy had caught me, I broke out crying. “Discord! That was very naughty of you!”

“I ownwy did it bwecause he made fun of me!”

“Blue, is this true?” I sniffled and slowly nodded my head.

Aunt Fluttershy placed me down next to Discord. “I want you two to apologize to each right now!”

Discord and I looked at each other. “I sowry I cawlled U stinky Butt.”

“I sowry I blow up UR diapee. Fweinds?”

“Fweinds!” Discord and I then smiled and hugged each other.

Aunt Fluttershy smiled and nodded with approval. “That’s better. Now why don’t the two of you play nicely?”

I reached over and grabbed Oswald. “Dis Oswald, he my fweind! U want to pway with him?”

“Otay, but wet’s make it more intawesting!” Discord clapped his hooves and there was a flash of light. We suddenly found ourselves surrounded by ice and snow. Also, Oswald had become a real penguin!

“Slide!” Oswald said. He then slid on his belly down a slide made of ice. Discord and I followed, cheering as we went down. We both slid right into a large pile of snow and emerged with non-stop giggling.

We had a snowball fight, made snow angels, and even made snow ponies. It was the best time ever!

Eventually I got sleepy and laid down for a nap. After I fell asleep, Discord clapped his Hooves and everything returned to normal. Aunt Fluttershy sat on her couch and cradled me in hooves.

“See? I told you Blue would have a great time.” Discord said. “And you have to admit, I was pretty good as foal.”

Aunt Fluttershy giggled “It looks like you’re not finished being one!” She pointed down and Discord noticed that he had forgotten to remove his diaper. At that moment mommy arrived to pick me up.

“Hello Fluttershy! How was Blu-” Mommy stopped when she saw Discord sitting in a diaper. “Why ask why?” She said with a sigh.

Author's Note:

I put in a movie reference. Try and find it and figure out where its from!