• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,544 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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Uncle Discord

Nyx, North Star, Melody Note, and I were all sitting in the playpen. We were playing rolling a ball back and forth between each other when suddenly I overheard mommy talking to aunts Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight.

“We must leave for the world leaders summit later today, and you’re telling me that we don’t have a foalsitter?”

“I’m afraid not.” Said aunt Celestia. “Quick Wit is busy looking after Bioquill who has a cold, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are busy with school.”

“Twilight, what about your friends?” Mommy asked.

“I’m sorry Nightmare Moon, but they have their own responsibilities.” Aunt Twilight said. “Rarity is running her boutiques, Applejack is busy with her farm, Fluttershy is building her animal sanctuary, Pinkie Pie is helping the Cakes with Sugarcube Corner, and Rainbow Dash is on tour with the Wonderbolts.”

“There is one option we haven’t considered.” Aunt Cadence said.

Aunt Luna went all wide eyed. “You don’t mean.”

Aunt Cadence nodded her head. “Yes. Discord.”

Discord suddenly appeared in the blink of an eye. “Did I hear somepony speak my name?”

Mommy let out a sigh. “Discord, we all have to leave for a world leaders summit. We’ll be gone for a couple of days, but we cannot find a foalsitter for our foals. Would you please be so kind as to look after them while we’re gone?”

Discord thought for a moment. “Hmm, well since you asked so nicely, yes I will look after your little rugrats.”

“Thank you Discord.” Said aunt Celestia. “We’ll be back in two days. Here is a list of everything you need to know including feeding times, bed times, etc.”

Our mommies then kissed and hugged us all goodbye. “Now you all behave for uncle Discord, alright?” Aunt Cadence said.

“I promise that your foals are in the best of care.” Discord then appeared in a colt scouts uniform. “Scouts honor.”

Our mommies waved goodbye and left the room. Discord turned to look at us. We were all silent for a moment, then we all broke out crying. Discord instantly covered his ears. “Well at least I know that your lungs are healthy.” Discord snapped his fingers and pacifiers appeared in all of our mouths, quieting us down immediately.

Discord looked at the list. “We won’t be needing this.” He then crumbled it up and threw it away. “Now, what would you diaper butts like to do first?”

North Star removed his pacifier. “I want my mommy!”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Well too bad, because you’re stuck with me for a while.”

“U wook funny.” Said Melody Note.

Discord patted her on the head. “And you look like a hairy potato.” A light bulb then appeared above Discord’s head. “I know, how about we all go out to the park? You foals like playing outside don’t you?”

I looked up at Discord and smiled. “I wove pwaying outside! Da pawk is fun!”

“Alright then, off we go.” Discord snapped his fingers and in a flash we were all at the park. Fillies and colts were running around playing with their parents and playing on a jungle gym. Discord picked us up and placed us in a sandbox. “Now stay there and don’t cause any trouble.” Discord then sat on a bench and watched us.

Nyx and I began playing with a bucket and a shovel while North Star and Melody Note played patty cake. Things were going quietly for a while until we heard a loud hissing noise. We all looked over at Melody Note and saw a yellow stain on her diaper getting bigger. Melody Note then began to cry.

Discord appeared instantly next to the sandbox. “Okay, what’s the problem now?”

Melody Note pointed her diaper. “I made a wetty.”

“Is that all? Fine.” Discord snapped his fingers and Melody Note found herself laying on a changing mat. Discord Procceded to remove and throw out the soggy diaper. He then wiped Melody Note’s bottom, applied powder, and strapped her into a fresh diaper.

As soon as Discord was finished, Melody Note tried taking off her diaper. “Melody Note, what are you doing?” Discord asked.

“I hate diapies! Tey dumb!” Melody Note replied.

“Well you are keeping yours on. I don’t want any foals running around naked.”

“U can’t stop me!” Melody Note then slipped out of her diaper and threw it in Discord’s face. Discord looked at Melody Note with an angry face. He then snapped his fingers and another diaper appeared on Melody Note’s bottom. Melody Note just laughed. “U can’t diapies on me fowevew!”

“Oh but I can.” Soon Melody Note’s diaper began to grow, becoming more and more poofy. It soon became so big that Melody Note was lifted off of the ground, her diaper looking like a giant ball. “Okay everypony, time to play!” Discord rolled Melody Note towards us. Nyx, North Star, and I all took turns rolling her around.

“Not funny!” Melody Note screamed.

When we got tired of playing, Discord shrank Melody Note’s diaper back down to normal size. “Now do you promise to keep your diaper on?” Discord asked. Melody Note nodded her head. “Very good. Now, what would everypony like to do next?”

“I wanna go on da swide!” I said.

Discord looked over at the tiny slide and scoffed. “That tiny little thing? You all deserve much better.” Discord snapped his fingers and the slide transformed into a mega slide that was a hundred feet tall and a massive corkscrew shape. “So, who wants to go first?”

We all raised our hooves and Discord chose me. He picked me up and then stretched himself up to the top of the slide. “Down you go!” Discord gently pushed me down the slide. I went down fast, screaming joyfully as I went down. When I reached the bottom I landed in a ball pit.

Discord took turns sending us down the slide. We must have ridden it dozens of times! After my final ride down, my tummy let out a growl. “Unkie Discowd, me hungwy!”

“I see. Are the rest of you hungry as well?” Nyx, North Star, and Melody Note all nodded their heads. “Well then, I guess it’s feeding time.” In a flash we were all back at the castle, sitting in high chairs in the dining room. Discord appeared from the kitchen wearing a chefs outfit and pushing a cart with a large covered platter on it.

“Dinner is served.” Discord removed the cover to reveal a large bowl of ice cream. He scooped some up into smaller bowls and placed them on our high chairs. We immediately dug in, shoveling the ice cream into our mouths. When we were finished, our tummies bulged and we were smeared with ice cream and toppings. We laid back and smiled.

“My my, it seems like some diaper butts need a bath.” Discord cooed. He teleported all of us to the bathroom, and proceeded to remove our diapers. Discord then put us in the bathtub and began to fill it with water and bubbles. As the water got higher, the bubbles became thicker and thicker.

As we floated in the water, Discord appeared through the bubbles on a pirate ship. He walked on the deck dressed like a pirate. “Ahoy there foals!” Discord called out. “Climb aboard and we’ll sail across these bubly seas!” Discord helped us all onto the boat and we set sail. Soon we came across a giant rubber duckie. It let out a loud quack, then it shot bubbles at us.

“Wat we do unkie Discowd?” I asked.

“Prepare the water cannons!” Nyx, North Star, Melody Note, and I each ponied a cannon and aimed it at the rubber duckie. “Ready? Fire!” We fired the cannons which shot out bursts of water. They struck the rubber duckie, which sank soon after.

We all celebrated our victory until the boat began to rock back and forth. Soon, a massive tidal wave appeared, and it was heading right for us! We held on tight as the tidal wave struck the boat, causing it to capsize. We swam for the surface, and when we reached it we all found ourselves back in the bathtub.

Discord was leaning against the tub waiting for us. “Did you enjoy your bath my hairy potatoes?”

“Yeah!” We all shouted with joy. Discord took us out of the tub and dried us off. He put diapers on us, then he put us into our pajamas. With a snap of his fingers we were all teleported to our individual cribs. Discord appeared in my room and patted me on the head.

“Goodnight Blue Moon.” Before Discord could turn to leave, I held up my hooves and called out to him.

“Want kissy!”

“Sorry, but I don’t do goodnight kisses.” I was about to start crying when Discord caved in. “Fine! But don’t tell anypony I did this.” Discord leaned down and kissed me on the horn. This made me smile.

“Night night unkie Discowd!” I then grabbed Oswald, crawled under my blanket, and went to sleep. The next morning, I awoke to find that the entire castle had been turned into candy, with a chocolate river running through the center of it. The others and I crawled from our cribs and met up in the throne room.

Uncle Discord was sitting on aunt Celestia’s throne, which was now made of white chocolate. Discord took a bite then looked down at us. “Oh good, you’re finally awake! What do you all think of the little makeover I did for the castle? I thought it was a little drab and needed some spicing up.”

We all giggled and ran around the throne room, eating up all the candy that we could. I nommed on a statue which was now made of gummies. We were all having fun until Blue Blood burst in.

“What is going on here?!” Blue Blood shouted. “The whole castle is made of candy! I demand that you return everything to normal right this instant Discord!”

Discord snapped his fingers, and Blue Blood became encased in caramel.

“That should shut him up.” Discord said.

After a full day of playing and eating the candy castle, we all laid down with with tummy aches. Discord walked over and looked at us. “What’s the matter? There’s still more of the yummy castle to eat.”

We all groaned and held our tummies. “No...mowe...sweets.” I said.

“Party poopers.” Discord snapped his fingers and the castle returned to normal. He then sniffed the air and gagged, holding his nose. “Which one of you rugrats just made a dookie?” We all blushed and raised our hooves.

Discord sighed. With a snap of his fingers he created multiple copies of himself, each one wearing a hazmat suit. “Alright everyone, we all knew that this job would get messy when we took it on. So let’s just grin and bare it.” Discord said to his duplicates. Each one went over to one of us and began the changing. Immediately their faces turned green and they almost barfed. After removing the soiled diapers we were wiped, powdered, and strapped into fresh diapers.

Once we were changed, the duplicates all disappeared. A few moments later, our mommies arrived back home. “Mommy!” I shouted. I crawled over and hugged her leg. She picked me up with her magic and nuzzled me.

Aunt Celestia approached Discord. “So, did the foals give you any problems?”

Discord just shook his head. “Not at all. It was all smooth sailing through calm seas.”

“Um, why is Blue Blood covered in caramel?” Aunt Twilight asked.

“Wow, look at the time! Gotta go, bye!” Discord then disappeared in a flash of light.

“So, should try and free Blue Blood?” Asked aunt Cadence.

Aunt Celestia smiled and shook her head. “No. Let’s just leave him this way for a few days. I’ve always wanted him to be quiet.”