• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,544 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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Afraid of the dark

I slept soundly in my crib, hugging Oswald. I was wearing my dark blue nightie with a star pattern and tucked under my blankie. I was having a wonderful dream that I was eating a giant cupcake. Suddenly, I was awoken by somepony calling my name.

“Blue, wake up!”

I opened and rubbed my tired eyes and looked through the bars of my crib to see North Star standing by the glow of my night light.

“North? Wat r u doing here?”

North Star began shaking with fear. “Dawr a monsta in da castwle!”

“Wat u talkin’ about? Dawr r no monstas!”

“Yes dawr is! It has a big, glowing eye, and it sings a weird song!”

I could not believe I had been awaken from my wonderful dream for this nonsense. “If u r so scared, wy aren’t u wit ur mommie?”

“Becwasue both r mommies r busy ruling da night.” North Star answered.

North Star was right. Mommy and aunt Luna both worked at night, watching over other ponies’ dreams and raising the moon. North Star and I were put to bed while they were working.

I used my magic to lower the gate on my crib, then I climbed down to the floor. “Wook, I will pwove dat dawr is no monsta otay?”

North Star nodded his head. I knew I had to help him. Though he is skittish, he and I are set to become co-princes of the night. And it doesn’t look good if a prince of the night is afraid of monsters.

We both left my room and crawled into the hallway. It was pitch black with only the light from the moon gleaming in from the windows to provide any illumination. We crawled down the hallway until we reached North Star’s room.

“See? No monstas.” After I said this to North Star, a whistling noise began echoing throughout the hall. Suddenly, a dark figure with a single glowing eye emerged from around the corner.

“MONSTA!” North Star and I both screamed. We then took off running, hearing the monster following us. We quickly turned a corner and dashed into a bathroom. I closed the door then North Star and I held each other tight, shaking with fear.

The monster slowly walked passed the bathroom. As soon as it was gone, North Star and I both let out a sigh of relief.

“Now do u bwelive me?” North Star asked.

“Otay, u were wight. But we can’t just hide foreva. We need to fight back.”

“But how?”

I lit up my horn and looked around the bathroom for anything that we could use as weapons. That’s when I noticed the cabinet under the sink. I opened the door and found diapers, foal powder, rash cream, and foal shampoo. After thinking for a few moments, I turned to North Star with a big smile on my face.

“I gots an idea!”

After the trap was set, I looked for the monster down one end of the hallway while North Star looked down the other. Suddenly, I noticed the monsters’ bright light heading my way.

“It comeing!” North Star and I hid around the opposite corner. The monster made its way down hallway, still making the strange song. When it reached the middle of the hall, the monster slipped and fell on a puddle of foal shampoo. That’s when we made our move.

“Take dat, monsta!” We both shouted. North Star squeezed tubes of rash cream by jumping on them, spraying the monster all over. I used my magic to hurl diapers filled with foal powder at it which exploded on impact.

We stopped when the lights suddenly turned on. Mommy, aunt Luna, and aunt Celestia all stood before us. “What is going on here?” Aunt Celestia asked.

“Monsta!” I shouted as I turned and pointed, only to see a guard named Flash Sentry covered in rash cream and foal powder with a diaper on his face.

“Please, no more!” He began to beg.

I looked over to North Star to see him covering his face. I looked at mommy blushed while making a smile.

“Care to explain, Mr. Sentry?” Mommy said with a raised eyebrow.

Flash got up off the floor and removed the diaper from his face. “I was just patrolling the halls, wearing my flashlight headband and singing the newest song by Feather Bang suddenly I slipped and these two attacked me. I think I might have scared them.”

“Let me guess, they were frightened by your singing.” Aunt Celestia said with a chuckle.

“I don’t own his albums, they belong to my sister.” Flash Sentry’s face turned bright red as he scratched the back of his head.

Mommy picked me up and aunt Luna picked up North Star. “Well, no harm done. It just seems these little ones have a very active imagination.” Mommy said. “But now it’s time for you two to get back to bed.” Mommy booped me on the nose which made me giggle. Mommy returned me to my crib and tucked me in. She kissed me goodnight and then went back to work.

I held Oswald close as I drifted back to sleep. I felt good knowing that there were no monsters. But the music that grown ups listen to is scary enough.

Author's Note:

Just a simple slice of life chapter.