• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,544 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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First day of a new life

My depression had slowly gotten worse. I could barely eat, and I was constantly in tears. Some days I didn’t even feel like getting out of bed. I felt alone, like no one even cared about me. I layed in bed and shut my eyes tightly, just wanting the world to stop.

I don’t know when I dozed off, but when when I woke up I noticed that I was no longer in my room. I looked around and saw that I was in a crib with black bars, and that I was swaddled in a dark blue blanket covered in stars and moons. The room itself appeared to be a nursery, complete with toys, a playpen, changing table, and other supplies. The door to the nursery opened, and my eyes went wide when I saw that it was none other than Nightmare Moon!

Nightmare Moon walked over to the crib and looked down at me. It was then that she...smiled? Not a sinister smile, but rather a smile of joy. “Did my little Blue Moon have a nice nap? It’s time for mommy to give you your lunch.”

My head was spinning. Somehow I had become a foal, my name was now Blue Moon, and Nightmare Moon was my mom? This had to be the weirdest dream ever.

Nightmare Moon, or mommy really, lifted me out of the crib with her magic. She then layed down on a nearby couch and exposed two swollen breasts by her hips. She set me down next to one. “Go on my precious child, feed to your hearts content.” Mommy said in a soothing voice.

As if by instinct, I placed my mouth over one of the nipples and began to suckle. I could taste the breast milk enter my mouth and flow down my throat. It tasted like rich, sweet cream. I kept suckling until the milk was gone.

“My, my. You must have been hungry.” Mommy said the a giggle. She then grabbed me and placed me over her shoulder. Mommy gently patted my back until I let out a burp. Mommy then stood up and placed me on her back. “It’s time to meet the rest of the family. They’ve been waiting to see you.”

As mommy walked out of the nursery, she passed by a mirror and I got a look at myself. I was indeed a foal, with blue fur, a black mane and tail with blue streaks in both, and shiny platinum eyes. I was also an Alicorn, with wings and a little horn. I had on a dark blue diaper covered in mini stars and moons.

Mommy walked down a long hallway and into a large room. Inside were Princess Celestia, Cadence, Twilight, and Luna? I guessed in this world Luna and Nightmare Moon were two separate beings.

Mommy lifted me up with her magic and set me down on blanket. “Here he is!” She announced. The princesses gathered around me and dawwed. “He is adorable!” Twilight said with a big smile.

Seeing all of them smile made me feel happy. I giggled and booped Twilight on the nose. This caused everypony to giggle as well.

Luna leaned down and nuzzled me. “Hello little one, I am your aunt Luna.” I was immediately mesmerized by her mane. I started to swat at it with my little hooves. I guessed my mind had mostly regressed to an infant state to match my body.

I tried to tell Luna that her mane was pretty, but all that came out was “Uw madda ibbbie patty.” It seemed I didn’t know how to speak yet.

“Aww, I just adore baby talk. It’s so cute!” said Cadence.

Luna giggled as I climbed up her mane, fascinated by all of the shiney stars. “Little Blue Moon certainly likes to explore doesn’t he?” Luna said.

“That he does.” Mommy said proudly. “He will make a fine addition to the royal family.”

“And I’m sure he’ll love playing with my daughter, Nyx.” Twilight said. I had made my way to the top of Luna’s head when I heard Twilight. I became overjoyed knowing that I had a cousin to play with and clapped my hooves.

“Speaking of which, where is little Nyx?” Celestia asked.

“She’s in her stroller. I’ll go get her.” Twilight left the room and came back pushing a purple stroller. Sitting in it was Nyx, another baby Alicorn with black fur, a purple mane and tail, and teal eyes. She was sucking on her hoof when she looked up at me. I looked back at her and smiled.

“How about we get these two together in the playpen?” Luna said. “I don’t think the top of my head is the best place for a foal.”

Mommy picked me up with her magic and placed me on her back. She and Twilight walked back to the nursery and placed me in the playpen with Nyx.

“You two play nice now.” Mommy said. “Twilight and I have big pony stuff to do.” Mommy and Twilight then left the room.

I looked over at Nyx. “Hi, I’m Nyx!” She said with a smile.

“U can twalk?” I covered my mouth in surprise. “Wait, ow com I can undertand u?”

Nyx giggled. “We speeking foal. Big ponies don’t undertand us.”

This really didn’t make sense, but then again I was in a world of magic talking ponies. “My name Blue Moon!”

Nyx smiled. “I wike that name. Wanna pway?”

“U bwet!” Nyx and I rolled a ball back and forth between the two of us. We then started playing with blocks, trying to build a tower that could touch the ceiling. I stood on Nyx’s back to put the final block on top of the tower.

“Hurry up! U hweavy!” Nyx complained.

“Awmost there.” I carefully placed the last block on top of the tower. Nyx’s little legs gave out from under her, causing me to fall. I landed on my behind, with my diaper cushioning my fall. The tower then fell over. After watching it fall, I broke out crying.

“U bwoke the towa!” I shouted at Nyx.

“I did not! It twas an akident!”

“U doo-doo head!” I shoved Nyx, and she started screaming. This brought in Mommy and Twilight. They picked us up and immediately began to calm us down.

“Shh, it’s ok.” Mommy said. She nuzzled me and held me close to her chest. The softness of her fur and the beating of heart were soothing, and I soon calmed down.

“I wonder what happened?” Twilight asked as she held Nyx. Nyx looked over at me and gave me a nasty look.

“I do not know.” Mommy said. My diaper then felt squishy, and a foul odor filled the air. “But it seems this one needs a changing.”

Twilight felt Nyx’s diaper. “So does she.” We were both taken over to the changing table and laid on our backs. Our mommies removed our dirty diapers and threw them out. They wiped our bottoms and applied foal powder. Nyx and I were then strapped into new diapers.

“There, now who’s a clean little foal?” Mommy cooed. She blew a raspberry on my tummy and I laughed out loud. I then looked over at Nyx who still looked angry. I Crawled over to her.

“Nyx, I’m sowrry I pushed u I just wanted to show Mommy da towa. Wat I did was bad, and I hope u can forgwive me.”

Nyx smiled, then gave me a hug. “Apowogy accepted!”

Mommy and Twilight both dawwed at the two of us. “It looks like our little ones really like each other.” Mommy said.

Later that day, Mommy tucked me into my crib. “Time for night-night.” She placed a pacifier in my mouth to help me relax. I yawned as my eyes grew heavy.

Mommy kissed me good night. “Sweet dreams my little prince.” As I drifted off to sleep, I started to think about what else my new life would bring.

Author's Note:

This story will be told mostly in first person. I will be including more foals, and turning other ponies into foals. If you would like your OC to be featured as a foal in this story, please message me.