• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,545 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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Learning to fly

I was playing outside with Nyx, Bioquill, Melody Note, and North Star when I looked up and saw mommy flying through the air. She looked so regal and majestic. I wanted to be with her so badly. I started flapping my wings. They buzzed, but they couldn’t lift me off of the ground.

Bioquill took notice of what I was doing. “Wat awe U doing Bwue Moon?”

“I twying to fwy wike mommy.” I said as I continued to flutter my wings to no avail.

Bioquill Smiled. “Fwying is easy. Just watch me.” Bioquill flapped his wings and soon he took off into the air. He flew around in circles before landing in front of me.

“How come U such a gweat fwyer?” I asked.

Bioquill simply shrugged his shoulders. “I dunno. I think it because mommy says I a pegasi. U an awicown, maybe twy using magic to fwy.”

Bioquill did have a good idea. I closed my eyes and concentrated really hard on flying. For a moment, I could feel myself levitating. Then sparks shot out of my horn and I landed on the ground with a thump. “It not wowking” I complained.

After thinking for a moment, Bioquill had another idea. “Maybe if U twy and jump fwom a high pwace U wiww fwy”

I liked the idea and instantly started looking around for a high place to jump from. I spotted a statue of aunt Celestia that looked perfect. I crawled over and began to climb. When I reached the very top of the statue, I looked down and felt like I was a million miles high. I then spread my jumped.

At the same time, mommy looked down and saw me jumping. She instantly teleported down to the ground and caught me in mid air. “Blue Moon! Just what do you think you are doing? You could have severely hurt yourself! You nearly scared me half to death!”

“I sowwy.” I said while lowering my head.

Mommy held me close. “Just why were you jumping off of the statue in the first place?”

I looked up at mommy. “Wanna fwy wike U.”

Mommy smiled and rubbed my back. “Oh sweetie, you’re much too young to fly by yourself.” Mommy then had an idea. “Tell you what, we’ll take some mommy and me young flyer lessons together. That way you can learn to fly safely while under my supervision. Does that sound okay?”

“Yeah!” I cheered. I then hugged mommy and she hugged me back.

The next day mommy and I traveled all the way to Cloudsdale. We arrived at a place called “Little Flyers” where a bunch of mommies and their foals were all sitting in a circle outside. Mommy and I took our seats along with them. A pegasus stallion with white hair and wings along with a blue mane and tail then came flying down and landed in the center of the circle.

“Hello parents and foals!” He said cheerfully. “My name is Airstream, and I’ll be your instructor for today. Now, who here is a first timer to our class?” Mommy and I raised our hooves. Airstream immediately took notice of us. “Well, it looks like we have a special guest joining us today. It is a pleasure to meet you princess Nightmare Moon.” Airstream then leaned in closer to me. “And who is this little colt?”

“This is my son, Blue Moon.” Mommy said. She then held me up to show me off to the other mommies. They all dawwed and cooed, causing me to blush.

“Well Blue Moon, I’ll make sure that you’re just as good a flyer as your mom. I promise.” Airstream said. He then returned to speaking to the rest of the class. “Okay everypony, the first thing we’re going to do is warm up those wings. I’m going to need all the foals here to just flap their wings.”

I concentrated on flapping my wings. They flapped slowly at first, then they began buzzing. I was so proud of myself.

“Very good!” Said Airstream. “Now we’re all going to do some hovering. No need to go all the way up, just hover up a few feet.”

I closed my eyes and started flapping my wings again. It took a minute, but I could feel myself lifting off of the ground. I opened my eyes to find myself several feet off the ground I turned around to find myself staring mommy in the face. “Blue Moon, you’re hovering! I’m so proud of you!” Mommy then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

Airstream clapped his hooves. “Wonderful! What great students you all are! Alright, for our next lesson I’m going to need all of you to fly in a circle.”

The other foals and I then began flying in a circle. All of the other mommies would wave at me as I passed them by. We all kept flying in a circle until Airstream had us stop. “The next lesson will have all of the foals fly to their mommies. So parents, I’m going to need all of you to line up a few yards away and call to your foals.”

Our mommies walked away and then formed a line. They then began calling out to us. “Come on Blue Moon, fly over to mommy!”

We all started flying over to our mommies. I started out slowly at first, but then I picked up speed. I was just about to reach mommy when suddenly I made a stinky. The bulge in my diaper weighed me down, causing me to slowly descend down to the cloud surface below. The other foals pointed and laughed at me, causing me to cry.

Mommy rushed over and picked me up. “Oh sweetie it’s okay. You did very good for your first try. Now let’s go get you changed.” Mommy then rushed me over to a public restroom and placed me on the changing table. After I was changed into a fresh diaper we returned to the group.

When we returned to the group, we were instantly met by Airstream. “Princess, I am so sorry that all of the other students made your son cry. I’ll have you know that they have been admonished by their parents and that this won’t happen again.”

“Do not worry about it.” Mommy said. “Foals will be foals, there is nothing that can be done about that. One day we’ll all look back on this incident and laugh.”

Airstream smiled. “Well I just want to say that your son is one of the best students that I have ever had. I look forward to him coming back for more lessons.”

I looked up at mommy with puppy dog eyes. She smiled and rubbed my mane. “We would be delighted to come back.”

“Yay!” I shouted. I was well on my way to being a great flyer like Mommy.