• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,528 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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Potty training

I sat in my high chair at the dining room table as mommy fed me breakfast. I gobbled up each spoonful as it entered my mouth, though most of it got on my face. Mommy could not help but giggle. “Who’s a messy eater? You are!” Mommy said. She then wiped my face clean with my bib as I smiled and bounced up and down on my diaper.

After breakfast mommy set me down in the playpen with Nyx, North Star, and Melody Note. She then knelt down and looked me in the eye. “Guess what today is sweetie.” I sat there and gave mommy a confused look. “Today is the day that you learn to use the potty! Doesn’t that sound like fun?” Mommy then rubbed my mane. “Now you play nice with the others while I get everything ready.” Mommy then left the playroom.

Melody Note gave me a sour look. “U wucky! U get ta use da potty whiwe I stuck weawing diapees!”

North Star bunched up and grabbed at his diaper. “I wike diapees! Tey soft and tey make me feel secuwe.”

“Well I can’t wait ta use da potty!” I said. “It means dat I’m becoming a big pony!” Mommy then came back into the room.

“It’s potty time!” She cooed. Mommy picked me up in her magic and carried me to the bathroom. I could see that the potty that aunt Celestia had given me for my birthday had been set up. Mommy set me down on the floor and then explained what I should do.

“Okay Blue Moon, when you have to use the potty the first thing you do is pull down your diaper.” I did as mommy said and pulled down my diaper. “Very good! Now you sit on the potty and wait until you’ve gone pee pee or poo poo.” I sat on the potty and waited. Mommy turned around to give me some privacy. After waiting for a few minutes, I finally went pee pee in the potty.

Mommy turned around and smiled. “Very good Blue Moon! Now that you’ve used the potty, it’s time to wash your hooves.” Mommy then picked me up and held me over the sink. She turned on the faucet and washed my hooves, scrubbing them with soap and water. She then placed me back on the floor and pulled my diaper back up.

“Now Blue Moon, whenever you have to use the potty just tell me or another adult and we will help you.” Mommy said. “You’re also still going to wear diapers for the time being just in case you have an accident.” Mommy then picked me up and returned me to the playpen. As soon as she left the room Nyx, North Star, and Melody Note all came rushing up to me.

“So, wat was it wike ta use da potty?” Melody Note asked.

I just shrugged. “It nothing speciaw. I just sat thewe and went pee pee.”

“Why awe U stiww weawing a diapee?” Asked Nyx.

“Mommy says that just in case I have an accident.”

Melody Note kicked over some blocks in a fit of anger. “It not faiw! How come U get ta use da potty and I don’t?”

Just then there was a flash of light, and uncle Discord stood in the center of the play pen. “Hello my little hairy potatoes! How goes everything in your little world?”

“Mommy is teaching me how ta use da potty!” I said.

Discord bent over and looked at me. “Is that so? My my, you are growing up so fast.” He then patted me on the head. Discord then looked over at Melody Note. “Why such a pouty face Melody Note?”

“I hate diapees and I wanna use the potty but mommy won’t teach me yet. It not faiw!”

“Well then if you hate diapers so much, let's just get rid of them.” Discord snapped his claws and all of our diapers vanished.

Melody Note jumped up and down with excitement. “I’m fwee! No mowe diapees fow me!”

Embarrassed at the fact that he was now naked, North Star covered himself up with a teddy bear. Nyx had a panicked look on her face. “Uncwe Discowd, I need my diapee! I’m not potty twained yet and mommy will be mad at me if I make a mess on the fwoow.”

Discord simply waved Nyx off. “Oh, your mother is just being a fuddy duddy! Accidents are perfectly natural. Besides, you live in a palace! If you make a mess a maid will just clean it up.”

“Yeah! We can do whatevew we want!” Melody Note then levitated herself out of the play pen and ran around the room naked.

It was at that moment that North Star had to go pee pee. Hearing what Discord had said, North Star decided to go pee pee right there on the carpet. He left a big yellow stain.

Soon Melody Note had to go too. “I’m gonna use da big potty!” Melody Note then crawled across the hall to the bathroom. She then climbed up onto the big potty and sat on the edge. After going pee pee, Melody Note reached up and pushed down on the handle to flush the potty. Unfortunately, she slipped and fell into the potty as it was flushing. She screamed as she was sucked down the drain.

The screaming caught the attention of mommy and aunts Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight. They all came barging into the playroom and confronted Discord.

“Where is Melody Note?!” Cadence demanded.

“Why are these foals without diapers?” Twilight asked.

“Did you let North Star pee on the carpet?” Asked Luna.

Discord paused and took a deep breath. “To answer all of your questions one, Melody Note flushed herself down the toilet. Two, I just figured that if the foals are old enough to begin potty training then they don’t need diapers any more. Three, don’t worry about the carpet. I’m sure club soda will get that out.”

“Melody Note did what!?” Cadence shouted. She immediately teleported to the sewer drain outside of Canterlot. When Cadence came back, Melody Note was all icky and crying. Cadence gave her a bath but didn’t punish her, saying that being flushed was punishment enough.

Luna scolded North Star for peeing on the carpet. He was put into the time out corner for the rest of the day. Celestia made Discord clean up the carpet. He wore a maid outfit and everything. It was hilarious!

Mommy and aunt Twilight were proud of Nyx and I for not getting into trouble without our diapers. We were all put back into diapers by our mommies. I still find diapers comforting, but the big potty seems scary. I’ll be happy using the training potty and wearing diapers in case of accidents.

Comments ( 4 )

Looking forward to the next chapter

Discord could've save Melody Note at any point after she flushed herself.

When will you update this story?

I'm really busy with other things, so don't hold your breath.

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