• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,544 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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Down with diapies!

Today was a big day. Mommy, aunts Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and our foal sitter Quick Wit were taking Me, North Star, Melody Note, Nyx, and Bioquill all the way to Cloudsdale to see the Wonderbolts!

After our airship docked, our mommies pushed us around in our individual strollers. Mommy leaned down and spoke to me. “Are you excited to see Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts perform?”

“Yeah!” I shouted as I smiled and bounced up and down. I turned to face Bioquill who was on my left. “I can’t wait to see da Wonewbowts! How about u Bioquill?”

“Tey gonna be gweat!” Bioquill replied. “Mommy took me to see them before, and theiw show was amazing!”

Melody Note was to my right. She wouldn’t stop scratching at her diaper. “Stupid diapie! Why did mommy make me weaw da extwa thick kind?”

“Because u pwincess wetty!” I teased.

“No I not!” Melody Note shouted back. “Diapies awe stupid, and I gonna bweak fwee from theiw constwaints! Just watch me!”

As we approached the stadium, Rainbow Dash was outside in her Wonderbolts uniform signing autographs. Once she saw us, she waved us over. “Hey, I’m glad you all could make it!”

“We all just wanted to thank you for inviting us to your show.” Aunt Celestia said. “The foals have been really excited to see you perform.”

Rainbow Dash leaned down to talk to us. “Are you guys ready to have an awesome time?”

I reached out and grabbed ahold of Rainbow’s Wonderbolts uniform, pulling it towards me. “Stwechy!” Soon the others were doing the same thing.

“Children, that is not polite.” Mommy said. “Please release Rainbow Dash this instant.” We all let go of the uniform, and the snap back knocked Rainbow Dash over.

“My goodness, are you alright?” Asked aunt Cadence.

Rainbow Dash got up and dusted herself off. “Eh, don’t worry about it. I’ve endured tougher bumps while training.”

“Well, we should probably be heading to our seats.” Said aunt Twilight. “You probably have a to get ready for the show.”

“You’re right Twi. I’ll see you guys after the show.” Rainbow Dash then waved us off as our mommies took us into the stadium. The stadium was huge! It was filled with thousands of ponies, as well as griffons and hippogriffs. We were led by security to a private balcony reserved just for us. There were thrones for each of our mommies to sit in. Once they took their seats, they picked us up from our strollers and sat us down in their laps.

The announcer then spoke over the loudspeakers. “Mares and Stallions, Fillies and Colts, please welcome our special guests the Canterlot royal family!” Everyone stood up and cheered. Our mommies smiled and waved and we joined them. “And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the WONDERBOLTS!”

The crowd roared as the Wonderbolts flew across the sky, leaving a trail of multi-colored smoke behind them. They performed all sorts of amazing stunts including Loops, starbursts, and flying through hoops.

About halfway through the show, a foul odor filled the balcony. Our mommies checked all our diapers, and it was coming from Melody Note. “Uh oh, smells like somepony made a stinkie!” Aunt Cadence cooed. Melody Note blushed and hid her face. “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to get her changed.”

Aunt Cadence took Melody Note to the restroom to be changed. As she was being changed, Melody Note had an idea. “Now’s my chance.” She thought to herself. After removing the dirty diaper and wiping Melody Note down, aunt Cadence reached for the foal powder. Melody Note however grabbed the bottle first and squeezed foal powder right into aunt Cadence’s eyes. With her mommy blinded, Melody Note jumped down from the changing station and ran out of the restroom butt naked.

Everyone in the stadium was enjoying the show when suddenly Melody Note came running through the stands butt naked. “DOWN WITH DIAPIES!” She shouted along the way. Aunt Cadence emerged from the restroom all covered in foal powder. She instantly gave chase as everyone in the stadium pointed and laughed.

Aunt Cadence tried to catch Melody Note, but she kept slipping through her hooves. Cadence tried to use her magic, but she lost Melody Note in the crowd. Melody Note then crawled her way up to the announcers booth. She waited until the announcer left, then she crawled over and up to the microphone.

“Attention my fewwow foaws!” Melody Note announced across the stadium. “Now is da time to bweak fwee of youw restwaints! Cast off youw viwe diapies! Wet youw bottoms be fwee! Down with diapies!”

All the adults heard was foal babble, and they all just d’awwed. The other foals and hatchlings in the stadium however heard Melody Note’s message loud and clear. Soon they all began taking off their diapers and began chanting “Down with diapies!” This caused a riot to break out as numerous parents struggled to strap their foals and hatchlings back into their diapers.

Aunt Cadence then came bursting into the announce booth. “Melody Note! What have I told you about starting a revolution?!” Bad foal!” Aunt Cadence then laid Melody Note across her lap and gave her a spanking. With the microphone still on, the entire stadium could hear Melody Note’s crying. The sound of Melody Note being spanked made all of the foals and hatchlings in the stadium stop their rioting, and their parents were able to get them all re-diapered.

After the show we were all taken backstage to the Wonderbolts locker room. Aunt Cadence approached Spitfire. “I just want to apologise for my daughter causing so much havoc during your show.” Cadence then nudged Melody Note forward. “What do we say Melody Note?”

“Sowwy” Melody Note said with a frown. She rubbed her bottom which was still sore from the spanking.

Spitfire smiled. “Apology accepted. To be honest, it was kind of funny to see a bunch of foals and hatchlings attempting to rebel against diapers.” Spitfire then leaned down towards Melody Note. “Just don’t do it again, okay kid?”

“Otay.” Melody Note replied.

“Now that that’s settled, how about a group picture?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“That sounds delightful.” Said Aunt Celestia. My family and the Wonderbolts all huddled together. The photographer readied the came and looked at all of us.

“Everypony say Diapies!”

We all said diapies and smiled. The photo was taken, and afterwards the entire Wonderbolts team signed it. The day turned out great after all.