• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,545 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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A visit to Ponyville

I held Oswald close as I sat next to mommy in my foal seat. We were in her royal carriage, flying through the air. “Momma, where we goin’?” I asked.

Mommy looked down at me and smiled. “We are on our way to Ponyville to meet up with your Aunt Twilight.”


“Because this is what I do as co-princess of the night. I travel across Equestria and have meetings with other ponies. Also, you’ve been cooped up in the castle for too long. It will be good for you to visit new places.”

I had never been this far from the castle before, let alone Canterlot. I didn’t know much about Ponyville, only that Aunts Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash all lived there. I had overheard Aunt Twilight talk about Ponyville, and it sounded like a nice and friendly place.

The carriage landed outside of a giant crystal tree. Mommy said that this was Aunt Twilight’s castle. She picked me up by the scruff and placed me in a stroller. Mommy and I then went to the front door and she knocked. The door opened, and we were greeted by a small creature with purple and green scales.

“Greetings Spike, how are you today?” Mommy asked.

“I’m doing great Nightmare Moon! And who is this little guy?” Spike looked at me and smiled. I cocked my head, still trying to figure out what Spike was.

“This is my son, Blue Moon. I apologize if he seems puzzled, he’s never met a dragon before.”

“That’s ok, most ponies haven’t.” Spike knelt down tickled me. “Who’s a little cutie?” I laughed and waved my hooves around. I had never seen a real dragon before, but Spike seemed really nice. I grabbed his claw and began sucking on it.

Mommy and Spike both D’awwed. “Alright Blue, I need my claw back.” Spike tried to pull me off, but I would not let go. Spike held out his arm as I dangled from his claw like a fish on a hook.

“My, it seems he really likes you.” Mommy said while giggling.

Spike then tickled my tummy. I laughed and let go of his claw. After he caught me, I hugged Spike’s tummy. He was warm and toasty. Spike could not help but smile. “Clingy little guy, isn’t he?”

Aunt Twilight eventually came to the door. “Ok Blue, Uncle Spike needs some space.” She used her magic to pry me off of Spike and place me back in my stroller.

“Spikey!” I said with a big smile. Mommy and I followed Aunt Twilight and Uncle Spike into Twilight’s throne room. It had a table that had a big map of Equestria on it. Mommy dropped me off in a playpen with Nyx.

“Nyx, u neva told me dat u lived wit a dragon!” I said excitedly.

“It no big dweal.” Nyx said modestly. “Spike is more like a big bwother than a dragon.”

I looked around Twilight’s castle with awe. “Dis pwace is huge!”

Nyx smiled. “Yeah, it has wike a bajillon wooms!”

At that moment, I had a great idea. “Wets go expworing!”

It’s not like it was hard. Mommy and Twilight were busy talking, and Spike was busy in the kitchen. Nyx opened the latch to the playpen with her magic. The gate swung open, and we both crawled out to explore the many rooms of the castle.

We soon came to the first room we could reach. I used my magic to turn the knob and open the door. Inside was a giant cylinder that poked through an open window.

“Wat dat?” I asked.

“Mommy says dat her tewescope.” Nyx explained. “She uses it to wook at da stars.”
“How does it work?”

“U just wook through da small end.” Nyx pointed to the narrow end of the telescope.

I couldn’t wait to use it. One day I was going to be co-ruler of the night with North Star, and I wanted a closer look at what I would be controlling.

“Can I use it, pwease?”

“Go wight ahead” Nyx said with a smirk. I crawled over to the telescope and looked through narrow end. Instead of stars however, I got an extreme close up of Nyx’s butt.

“Ha ha! U looked at my full moon!” Nyx teased as she hovered in the air.

“U not funny!” I shouted back. Nyx had pranked me, so now I was determined to get back at her.

Nyx landed on the floor. “Come on, wet’s see wat in da other wooms.”

“I get u.” I muttered under my breath. We crawled down the hall to the next room. We opened the door and inside was a library. “Ur mommy sure wuves books.”

“Yup. I hear aunt Dashie call mommy an egghead.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Auntie Egghead! Dat funny!”

Nyx brought down a book with her magic. “Dis is one of mommy’s spell books. I’m gonna be a gweat spell caster wike her someday!”

We opened the book and looked at all of the spells. There were so many, and for many different purposes! One spell in particular caught my eye.

“Age weggression? Wat dat?” I asked.

“It’s a spell dat turns ponies back into foals.” Nyx explained.

“Can I borrow it, pwease? It might be fun.”

Nyx thought it over. “Ok, just be sure to give it back.”

I carefully tore the page out of the book. I then folded it up and placed it in my diaper for later.

We left to explore another room. I opened the door and discovered that it was the bathroom. What I did not expect was Spike posing in front of the mirror. “Gah! What are you two doing here?!” Spike yelped, his face turning red with embarrassment.

Nyx and I rolled around on the floor laughing. “U wook silly!” I said.

Spike just sighed and rolled his eyes. “Ha ha, very funny. Now it’s time for you both to back to the play pen.”

“No! We not done exploring!” Nyx complained.

Spike thought for a moment, then a smile came over his face. “Well, how about I take you both to Sugarcube Corner to play with the Cake twins?”

“Who R da Cake twins?” I asked.

“They friends of mine named Pound and Pumpkin.” Nyx explained. “They wive in a bakery with Aunt Pinkie Pie, and R supa fun!”

“Then wets go!” I cheered as I waved my hooves in the air. “Maybe they can help me prank Nyx back.” I thought to myself.

“Alright, just let me tell your moms and get your stuff ready” Spike said. Spike informed our mommies, and soon we were in our strollers and on our way to Sugarcube Corner.

The door to Sugarcube Corner opened with a ding as Spike pushed our strollers inside. A yellow stallion and a blue mare, who were Mr. and Mrs. Cake apparently, approached us from behind the counter.

“Hello there Spike” Mrs. Cake said with a smile. “And hello Nyx. Who’s your little friend here?”

“This is Blue Moon.” Said Spike. “He’s the son of Nightmare Moon. She’s busy having a meeting with Twilight, so I thought I’d bring him and Nyx over for a playdate with Pound and Pumpkin.”

“Well isn’t he a little cutie!” Mrs. Cake tickled my belly, and I giggled and clapped my hooves.

“Pinkie Pie is playing with the twins upstairs.” Mr. Cake said.

Spike picked up me and Nyx and carried us upstairs to Pound and Pumpkin’s room. Aunt Pinkie was playing peek-a-boo with them when we entered.

“Hiya Spike!” Aunt Pinkie said as she did her usual non-stop bouncing.

“Hi Pinkie. Nightmare Moon and Twilight are busy with a meeting, so I thought I’d bring Blue Moon and Nyx over for a playdate with Pound and Pumpkin.”

“That’s a super-duper idea!” Aunt Pinkie took me and Nyx and placed us on the floor next to Pound and Pumpkin.

“Helwo! I’m Pound!”

“And I’m Pumpkin!”

“Nice to meet you!” I said with a smile. “I’m Blue Moon!”

“We know. Nyx tell us all abwout u!” Pound said.

“Ok little ones, it’s laughter time!” Said Aunt Pinkie.

“Wat laughter time?” I asked.

“U see. It best game eva!” Said Pumpkin.

Aunt Pinkie then took turns blowing raspberries on our tummies. We all laughed out loud, waving around all four of our hooves.

“Awe, they are so cute.” Spike said as he watched.

After laughter time Nyx, Pound, Pumpkin, and I all calmed down and yawned. “Looks like some foals need a nappy!” Aunt Pinkie scooped us all up and placed us in Pound and Pumpkin’s crib. She tucked us all in and we soon fell asleep.

Aunt Pinkie and Uncle Spike then left the room. “Come on Spike, let’s get some lunch.” Halfway through the nap, I woke up and nudged Pound and Pumpkin.

“Hey, U awake?” I whispered.

Pound and Pumpkin both sat up. “We R now.” Pound said.

“I need Ur hwelp. Nyx pranked me earlier, and I want to prank her back.”

Pumpkin thought for a moment. “I have an just da thing!” She used her magic to raise herself, pound, and me out of the crib. She then crawled over to a toy chest and pulled out a clown mask.

“Wat dat?” I asked.

“It a mask dat Pinkie used wast Nightmare Night.” Pound said. “U can put it on and hide, then jump out and scare Nyx.”

“Dat a gweat idea! I hide in da toy chess, and U two go and get Nyx.” I put the mask on and crawled into the toy chest. Pumpkin and Pound went back over to the crib and woke up Nyx.

“Nyx, wake up!” Pound said as he shook her.

Nyx awoke and rubbed her eyes. “Wat is it?”

“We have a cool new toy dat U weally need to see!” Said Pumpkin.

“A new toy? Sounds fun!” Nyx flew down from the crib with Pound and Pumpkin. They led her to the toy chest as I hid inside, wearing the clown mask. I snickered as she got closer.

Nyx approached the toy chest. As she opened the lid, I jumped up and yelled “Ooga Booga Booga!”

Nyx screamed and fell back on her butt. I took off the mask and pointed at her. “Dat for making me look at ur butt!” Pound, Pumpkin and all laughed. Nyx wet her diaper then burst out crying.

Aunt Pinkie and Uncle Spike came rushing into the room. Pinkie switched on the lights and saw Nyx crying. “What happened?!”

Spike picked her up and felt her diaper. “Looks like she needs a change.” Spike took Nyx over to the changing table. Pumpkin, Pound, and I felt bad. After being changed, Spike got Nyx to calm down. He then set her on the floor.

“I sowry Nyx” I said as I approached her. “I just wanted to get back at U for pwanking me. I didn’t wean to wake you cry.”

“We sowry too” Pound and Pumpkin said in unison.

Nyx smiled. “Dat ok, I fowgive U. And it was a good pwank.” The four of us then huddled together and hugged. Aunt Pinkie and Uncle Spike both D’awwed at the sight.

We were all then taken downstairs for lunch. Aunt Pinkie placed us in a playpen while spike gave me and Nyx bottles of our mommy's milk. Pound and Pumpkin were spoon fed foal food by Pinkie. After we were all burped (I was the loudest!) Spike got Nyx and mine’s toys from our strollers and we played with Pound and Pumpkin.

I noticed Pumpkin playing with an old doll, so I asked her about it. “Wat dat?”

“Dis is Smarty Pants. She was given to me by Twilight.”

I showed her Oswald. “Dis is Oswald. Can they pway together?”

“Sure!” Pumpkin and I played with Oswald and Smarty Pants while Pound and Nyx played patty cake.

Soon the door opened, and a pony with an ugly nose entered the shop. “Who dat?” I asked.

“Dat Spoiled Rich.” Pound explained. “She the mommy of our fwiend Diamond Tiara.”

“She a big meanie!” Pumpkin added.

“Greetings Mrs.Rich” Mr. Cake said. “How may we help you today?”

“I am throwing a very important party for the school board this afternoon, and I will need every cake, cupcake, and cookie that you have.” Spoiled said as she examined her recently manicured hoof rather than looking at Mr. Cake.

“This afternoon? But that could take hours, we may not be ready in time.” Mr. Cake replied.

“Oh? Perhaps I’ll just take my business elsewhere. Maybe to a place that is more professional.”

Mr. Cake nearly had a panic attack. One bad word from Spoiled Rich could put Sugarcube Corner out of business. “No, no. We’ll get your order ready in time. Cup Cake, Pinkie, I need you in the Kitchen!” Mrs. Cake and Aunt Pinkie joined him in the kitchen to make the order.

Pound and Pumpkin were steaming mad. “She can’t thweaten our mommy and daddy wike dat!” Pound said.

Spoiled Rich then noticed us and Uncle Spike. “Foals, what a complete waste of time and bits. Nothing more than disgusting little brats at that stage.”

Uncle Spike became angry and confronted her. “Hey! You can’t talk about these foals like that!”

Spoiled Rich just looked down at him with disgust. “Ugh, a dragon! I don’t understand why a vile creature like yourself is even allowed in Equestria! You belong in a zoo. Or better yet, on the dissection table of a biology lab!”

Uncle Spike’s face grew red with anger as tears streamed down his face. That’s when I had enough. Spoiled Rich had threatened the Cakes, made fun of me and my friends, and insulted Spike. She need to be taught a lesson.

I pulled the age regression spell from my diaper and unfolded it. After reading the spell, my horn glew with a blue aura. I aimed my horn at Spoiled Rich and fired a bolt of magic at her. She was hit and engulfed in a flash of light. When the light faded, Spoiled Rich sat on the floor as a day old foal.

“Wat did U do to me?!” Spoiled screamed. Nyx, Pound, Pumpkin, and I could understand her, but Uncle Spike could only hear gibberish.

Uncle Spike broke out laughing. “Who’s a disgusting little brat now?”

“U a big meanie!” I said to Spoiled. “U need to be pwunished!”

“Wat R U gonna do?” Spoiled asked in a panicky voice. Nyx then lifted Spoiled up into the air with her magic.

“U been bad!” Nyx said. “Bad foals get a spanky!” I then used my magic to pick up an old, rolled up newspaper and repeatedly spanked Spoiled on her bottom.

Spoiled cried with each smack to her butt. Spike, Pound, and Pumpkin all laughed at the sight. When I was done spanking Spoiled, her butt was bright red.

“We take it fwom here!” Pumpkin said. She grabbed Spoiled in her magic. Pound meanwhile flew out of the play pen and opened the door to the bathroom. Pumpkin levitated Spoiled inside and dropped her in the toilet where she landed with a splash. Pound then flew over and grabbed the handle.

“Spoiled go down da hole!” Pound pulled the handle and Spoiled screamed as she spun around the draining toilet until she was sucked down the hole.

We all laughed and high hoofed each other. “That was great you guys! But you think you’d better bring Spoiled Rich back.” Uncle Spike said.

I concentrated and teleported Spoiled back to Sugarcube corner. She was filthy and stinky! Spoiled cried out loud.

“Alright, now turn her back.” Uncle Spike said. I reread the age spell, and in another flash of light Spoiled was back to being a big pony.

“Of all the indignities!” Spoiled shouted. “I’ll see to it that this place is shut down, and that you little brats are thrown in an orphanage!”

Nyx lit up her horn. Spoiled’s eyes glew for moment, then she held her head. “Wha-what happened? Where am I?”

“Wat U do?” I asked Nyx.

“I used a memory erase spell. She no remember wat we did!” Nyx said cheerfully.

Spoiled’s husband, Filthy Rich, then came into Sugarcube Corner. “Honey, did you place the order for the par-” He stopped and held his nose. “Gah! You smell terrible! And why are you all dirty?”

Spoiled scratched her head. “I don’t know. The last thing I remember was leaving the mansion.”

Mr. and Mrs. Cake came out from the kitchen. “Mr. Rich, so nice to see you!” Said Mrs. Cake. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think we’ll have your order ready by this afternoon.”

“The order? Oh yes, don’t worry about that!” Filthy Rich said. “I just came over to inform that the party has been pushed back to next week, so there is no rush.”

Mr. Cake wiped his brow. “Well, that’s a relief!”

“Indeed.” Filthy Rich then took Spoiled by the hoof. “Come on dear, let’s get you home and into the shower.”

Nyx and I finished playing with Pound and Pumpkin. Spike then took us back to Aunt Twilight’s castle. She and Mommy had finished their business.

“So, did Nyx and Blue have fun with the Cakes?” Mommy asked.

“Yeah, they had a great time!” Uncle Spike then looked at us and winked. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anypony about what happened with Spoiled Rich. I Pinkie promise.” He whispered.

Mommy buckled me into my foal seat on her carriage. As we took off, I smiled and waved at Nyx, Aunt Twilight, and Uncle Spike. Ponyville was fun, and I can’t wait until I can come back!

Author's Note:

I'll be doing some chapters where Blue Moon has adventures with his cousins individually.