• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,939 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


Discord's idea of a wake-up call was one no one in the castle appreciated.

"EMERGENCY MEETING!" he hollered while ringing a giant bell through the hallways. "UP AND AT 'EM! EMERGENCY MEETING!"

He opened Rainbow Dash's door and shouted, "WAKE UP, DASHIE!"

The pegasus had been hanging upside-down from the ceiling with her wings wrapped around her. Upon hearing the ringing bell from Tartarus, she awoke with a shriek and dropped to the floor.

"Who's a…what's a…?" she asked rapidly, looking in all directions.

"Drawing room, NOW!" Discord commanded before continuing down the hall.

Twilight and Rarity were the first to come out of their rooms, glaring at their master in annoyance.

"A simple nudge on the shoulder would've sufficed!" the latter huffed.

"COME ON, SPIKE!" Discord shouted into the dragon's room. "NO TIME TO DILLY-DALLY!"

Spike emerged from his room in a nightgown and cap, rubbing his eyes and holding a doll resembling Rarity.

"Not all of us are nocturnal, you know?" he grumbled.

Rarity was looking down at the doll with wide eyes. When Spike noticed this, he quickly hid it behind his back.

"Spike, we talked about this…" the white unicorn said gently.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Spike said quickly as he tossed the doll back into his room.

Meanwhile, Discord was trying to wake the rest of his servants.

"PINKIE, GET UP!" he bellowed, lifting the lid of the pink coffin.

"Five more minutes, Mommy?" Pinkie snorted.

He rolled his eyes and threw the sleeping pony over his shoulder before proceeding to Applejack's room.

"Come on, AJ, you're always the first one up!" he grunted as he opened the orange coffin. "You said back at the farm you were used to waking up ear—"

He paused when he discovered Applejack holding her pillow close to her chest and snuggling her face into it. She inhaled its scent deeply and sighed dreamily.


"Um…" Discord uttered, poking her with his claw. "AJ?"

Applejack's eyes opened and widened. She looked between Discord and the pillow she was embracing.

"Uh…can we keep this as our little secret?"

Discord shook out of his shock. "Right. Anyway, emergency meeting in the drawing room!" He shook the pony on his shoulder as he exited the room. "And Pinkie, wake up! You're drooling all over my cape!"

Soon they were all assembled in the drawing room, sleepy and grumpy.

"What's going on?" Rainbow asked with a yawn. "It's eight o'clock at night."

"Has some pony else discovered us?" Twilight inquired.

"Are we going to have a new arrival?!" Pinkie asked excitedly, jumping up and down. "I sure hope so, because I was interrupted from a beautiful dream!"

"Pinkie, vampires don't have dreams, until they meet their soulmates, of course."

"Well, duh! I know that! But I was enjoying the endless pool of darkness." She sighed. "I like to imagine it as liquidated black licorice!"

"The matter of which I called you here is of greater importance," Discord said.

Everyone leaned forward intently. Their master surprised them by squealing like a schoolfilly.

"I know who my mate is!"

They all gasped.

"You mean you've met her again?" Twilight asked.

He then explained all that had happened: rescuing Fluttershy from the thieves, walking her home and discovering her identity.

"Her name is Fluttershy," he sighed dreamily. "Can you imagine a more perfect name?"

"Fluttershy?" Rarity questioned. "You mean Lady Starlight's niece?"

"The very same!"

The white unicorn squealed. "I knew it! I told you she'd be the one!"

"And Lady Starlight's earlier invitations offer me the perfect opportunity!"

"So you're going to invite her to dinner, then? Oh, how romantic!"

"You sure that's a good idea?" Applejack asked. "I mean…she's probably overwhelmed enough knowing there's a vampire interested in her, but coming to a castle full of vampires? That's a lot to take in at once."

"What better way for us to get better acquainted?" Discord said. "If I have dinner at her place, not only might my disguise fail, but her annoying aunt will get in the way! Besides," he looked down at himself, "if she's ever to fall in love with me, she'll have to get used to the real me."

"He's right," Rarity agreed. "It's more romantic if the two of them are face-to-face without any interruptions or disguises!"

"Romantic?" His dreamy expression suddenly turned into one of panic. "Romantic?! I just realized! I know nothing about romance! I don't even know how to entertain a guest!"

"Leave that to me!" Rarity exclaimed, putting her hoof around her master. "When I'm through with you, you'll be the envy of Don Juan!"

"Not too much like Don Juan, I hope?" Applejack whispered nervously.

"Just an expression, darling."

"We need to start planning," Twilight said. "Spike, make a list!"

"Right!" the dragon said, pulling out a quill and parchment.

"The first thing we need is food. What does Fluttershy like, Master?"

Discord bit his lip. "I…I don't know! I haven't seen her eat!"

"In that case, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, you need to go into town tomorrow and get whatever you need for a standard, yet filling, vegetarian meal."

"Can we bake a cake?!" Pinkie asked eagerly.

"Whatever you like, Pinkie."

"Oh boy! This'll be great! We haven't cooked anything in ages! You know, except for Spike's meals."

"Since we'll be entertaining our future mistress, we need to make a good first impression, so this castle has to be spick and span before tomorrow night. Spike, Rainbow Dash, you'll help me with that."

"Ugh," Rainbow groaned, her wings drooping. "I hate chores!"

"Let's see," Twilight said, tapping her chin. "What else do we need?"

"Ooh!" Rarity exclaimed. "Flowers! They are a simple yet amorous decoration! Oh, but which flowers?"


"No, no. Too clichéd."

"Carnations?" Pinkie suggested.

"This is a dinner, not a funeral. Oh, but then again, we do sleep in coffins…"

"Daisies?" said Applejack.

"Too common! This is our master's one true love we're talking about! Are we to suggest that she's as common as a daisy? No, the flower needs to mean something special. Master, how does this mare make you feel?"

"Well," Discord said, twiddling his fingers. "She…she's so beautiful and…so pure that when I look at her…it's like I'm not worthy of her presence. It's like I've seen the face of Heaven…"

"Lilies!" Rarity shouted, making them all jump. "White lilies! They represent purity and say, 'it's heavenly to be with you!'"

"Silly, Rarity!" Pinkie snorted. "Flowers can't talk!"

The white unicorn rolled her eyes. "Trust me! White lilies are perfect! You and Applejack must remember to pick some up while you're in town."

"And what are you doing?" Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow.

Discord was caught off-guard as Rarity started pushing him out of the room.

"I'll be fixing up this fixer-upper of course! Now, the first thing we need to do is to get rid of that cape and get you into something more formal…"

Fluttershy was singing her scales while her music instructor Octavia played them on the piano when Starlight burst into the room highly elated.

"Oh, Fluttershy!" she exclaimed, waving a piece of paper in the air. "I have wonderful news!"

"What, Auntie?" Fluttershy asked.

"See for yourself!"

The letter floated into Fluttershy's hooves and she read:

Dear Lady Starlight Glimmer,

I must apologize for the previous letter you've received under my name. One of my servants decided to have a bit of fun. My answer to your request is quite different from what she had expressed in her little joke.

I would be honored to meet your charming niece in person, and invite her to dinner tonight at my castle at 7:30. No entourage will be necessary.

I have ordered my servant to await your reply. If it is yes, I shall be looking forward to this evening.

Sincerely yours,

Count Discord

The writing was much neater and fancier than in the last letter, so Fluttershy figured this count was telling the truth.

"I've already said yes," Starlight explained. "Oh, we need to get ready! We need to get you cleaned up, wash your hair…just think! Count Discord hardly invites any pony to his castle! He must really be interested in you!"

"But…" Fluttershy stammered. "I thought you didn't want me married off to an 'old recluse' like him?"

"That was when I thought he'd said no, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime! Hmm. I suppose if we do up your hair a bit you'll look more sophisticated…"

While her aunt prattled on, Fluttershy's heart sank at the thought of having to meet yet another rich, noble suitor. The stories from Night Glider also made her uneasy. What can you expect from a stallion who lives all alone in a castle, never talking to any pony?

"Fluttershy!" Starlight gasped, snatching the garlic necklace around her niece's neck. "What is this…horrid piece of jewelry?!" She sniffed it and gagged. "Ugh! Smells horrible! This has to go!"

"But Auntie…" Fluttershy protested as the garlic snapped off her neck.

"You will not be wearing such garbage when meeting a count!"

Fluttershy sighed sadly as her aunt left with her only protection against the vampire. Since Count Discord's castle was in the forest, she feared the monster would take the opportunity to come back.

After last night, she wasn't sure what to think of the vampire. She'd been up all night again, but for different reasons. Every time she pictured the creature, she felt more than just fear. She had stayed up going over the recent events, analyzing his words, his actions, his expressions. When he had expressed his concern for her, his face had seemed sincere. And every time he had looked at her, his red pupils were wide and pleading, pleading for…she didn't know what.

And once again, he had called her beautiful and the thought still brought heat to her cheeks. Had he meant it? Had he spared her the other night just because he thought she was…beautiful?

Even if that were true, why had he come back? Why had he saved her? Why had he treated her so courteously, as if they were old acquaintances?

She was both frightened and curious. After all, she'd always been interested in creatures of all kinds, and he was such a unique creature. She had never thought an animal could be made up of so many different body parts and still manage to keep its balance. He was so tall. She had never seen anyone's head reach so high. When he had appeared in the alley, his cape outstretched to make him look larger, it was like watching a mother bear protect her cub. And when he had spoken to her in concern, he had bent down to her eye-level, quite unlike their first meeting when he had towered over her. Then she had been his intended victim, but in that moment, it had felt like she was his…equal.

She didn't like the idea of going into the forest tonight, and she didn't know whether or not the vampire was still stalking her, but after last night, she almost believed him when he had said he wouldn't harm her. Perhaps, if she stayed in the company of others, she would be safe.

Before Rainbow Dash returned to the castle with Lady Starlight's answer, she flew above the town and scanned the marketplace. She smiled when she spotted Applejack and Pinkie, who had changed into more common garments, at a vegetable stall. She swooped down and whispered as she passed:

"She said yes!"

Pinkie squealed in excitement as the pegasus whizzed off. Applejack let out a disappointed sigh as she paid the vendor.

"Oh, this is gonna be awesome!" Pinkie exclaimed as they moved onto the next stall. "Not only do we finally have a guest, but once the Master and his mare start talking, sparks will fly and they'll get married and we'll get a mistress!"

"Uh-huh," Applejack grumbled. "Should we get pomegranates?"

The pink mare frowned and looked at her curiously. "Why the long face, Applejack? Aren't you excited about the Master getting his mate?"

"It doesn't matter how I feel about it," the orange pony huffed as she picked out some pomegranates. "It's none of my business."

"Come on, you can tell your old pal Pinkie. I won't tell the Master. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

When she had placed her hoof on her eyelid, Applejack knew her friend was being serious. She groaned as she hung her head.

"I just…don't like the idea of him…going after an innocent young mare who probably doesn't want to…be like us and…what if he…what if he confuses this so-called 'love' for…?"

She paused. "Oh, never mind. I'm probably overreacting."

"Does this have to do with the guy who bit you?"

Applejack dropped the fruit she had been holding, making the shopkeeper cry out, "Hey! Ya drop it, ya buy it!"

"Sorry," the orange pony said as she gathered up the food. She looked sharply at Pinkie. "How many times have I told ya? Never, ever bring that up!"

Pinkie lowered her eyes in guilt. "Sorry. Still, you know the Master's not like that, right? Plus, there's that whole not being able to touch her without permission thing. He's not gonna do anything she doesn't like."

Applejack said nothing for a while as she paid the vendor and packed the fruit in her saddlebag.

"Pinkie," she said as the two of them continued down the street, "do ya ever think of your family?"

"Sometimes," Pinkie replied with a shrug.

"Do ya miss 'em?"

"I guess. I think of my sisters a lot, mostly Maud. I sometimes wonder if they'd like to be like us. Then again, they all love the rock farm. It'd be cruel to ask them."

"I could never ask Apple Bloom to leave the apple farm, and Big Mac's got a family now."

"You still write to them, don't you?"

"Yeah, but…they want me to visit. Can you imagine, me showing up looking twenty years younger than I should be, and as if that isn't suspicious enough, I refuse to eat baked apple goods?" She sighed and took an apple out of her bag. "I miss apples."

"Yeah," Pinkie nodded solemnly. "I miss cake, and ice cream, and cupcakes, and pies…"

"See why I'm not big on the idea of the Master finding a mate? If this becomes serious, Pinkie, that mare will be like us. She'll have to give up everything: her family, her friends, real food."

"Oh. I see what you mean. Well, if she loves him, it'll be alright, won't it? Doesn't love require sacrifice or something?"

"It's a big sacrifice," Applejack murmured.

"And being a vampire isn't all bad. I mean we get awesome powers and stuff! Plus, we never have to worry about getting sick! I always hated colds! Best of all, we don't have to get married to boring old stiffs and go through the pains of childbirth like all the other mares!"

"'Can't' would be a more appropriate word."

"The point is that as bloodsucking, gravity-defying, super strong vampires, we can do whatever we want!"

"Except have lives."

Pinkie huffed. "You're a real grumpy-pants, you know that, AJ? If you hate being a vampire so much, why do you stick around?"

Applejack shot her a dangerous glare. "You know good and well why! Now let's quit wasting time and get ingredients for the cake, okay?"

"Sheesh," Pinkie said as the orange mare stormed ahead of her. "Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy."

When Applejack and Pinkie returned with their groceries, Spike and Twilight were waiting in the kitchen, the latter looking grim.

"What's up?" Pinkie asked.

"I just realized something," Twilight said, trying to keep a calm tone. "The Master hasn't had anything to drink in a while. He didn't catch anything two nights ago because he was distracted by his mate, and he didn't have anything last night for the same reasons."

Applejack looked down at Spike and finally understood why he was here. "Twilight, no…"

"We may not have another choice. We dined two nights ago, we should be fine, but after going so long without blood, the Master may not be able to control himself around…"

"We can get him something tonight!"

"There isn't time. Lady Fluttershy's coming in early evening, and we can't have him dining in front of her. It would be…unflattering."

"We'll just get him to get away from her for a few seconds and give him a quick drink!"

"You're forgetting, Applejack," Twilight said impatiently through her teeth, "that Lady Fluttershy's is not the only beating heart that will be around the Master."

She tilted her head towards Spike and Applejack looked back at him.

"Would you rather the Master take some of his blood or all?"

"It's okay, Applejack," Spike assured her. "I don't mind."

After locking gaze with him for a long while, Applejack sighed relentlessly.

"Leave us," she muttered to the mares.

Twilight and Pinkie stepped quietly out of the room while Applejack removed something from a drawer. It was a conical cup with a long tube attached to its bottom and a long needle coming out of its rim. Spike pulled up a chair and rolled up his sleeve readily. They used the same instrument doctors used for blood transfusions, only instead of transferring the blood into another body it would drip into a bucket.

"Now hold still," Applejack said as she placed the bucket beneath his arm and sat across from him. "I'll make sure it doesn't hurt much. Do ya wanna hold my hoof again?"

Spike shook his head. "I can take it."

"If ya say so."

She took his arm and slowly moved the cup towards it, the needle glinting in the candlelight. Spike watched it nervously. Because of his thick skin, they had to use a longer needle than they had used for Twilight.

"On second thought," he gulped, grabbing her hoof with his free claw, "just for fun."

Applejack smiled slightly, then frowned again. "Let me know if ya start to feel dizzy."

"Go on. I trust you, AJ."

He winced and Applejack bit her lip as the needle pierced his skin.

"Ow, ow," he breathed.

"You alright?" Applejack asked in concern.

He nodded as his breathing steadied. "Yeah."

He opened his eyes and saw the solemnness in her face as she watched his blood fill up the cup and fall through the tube and drip into the bucket.

"I've always wondered. How come this doesn't bother you?"

"Believe me," Applejack said under her breath, "it bothers me."

"No, no. I mean how come you're able to do this without…losing control?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Master Discord always said I was a strange one when it came to my thirst for blood. I don't know why I'm so resistant compared to the others. I just…am."

"Well, I'm glad. I mean I consider all of you family, but you're the only one I can trust with this. Even Twilight with her being so new to this would have trouble containing herself."

"I wish I didn't have to be the one to do this though."

"Hey," Spike said, patting her hoof. "This is my choice, okay?"

"But you're just so young…"

"I'm fifteen, practically an adult!"

"You're also very small…"

"You calling me short?"

She released a snort of laughter. "No! It's just we can only take so much from you."

"I'll do whatever it takes to help you guys, even if it costs me my life."

"Well," Applejack said as she gently removed the needle, "hopefully it won't come to that. That should be enough for the Master, don't you think?"

She set down the mechanism and went to get a fresh bandage from the drawer.

"So, out of curiosity," Spike said as she began wrapping his arm, "if you guys did have to change me, how do you think I'd look?"

He cried out as Applejack pulled a bit too hard.

"Sorry," she said, ripping the gauze and tying it up.

"You think I'll get bat wings too?" Spike asked eagerly.

"Don't know. Might be different for dragons."

"Think I'll get super strong muscles?" He gasped. "Maybe I'll get taller!"

Once Applejack was done bandaging him, he stood on the chair and flexed his arms.

"Watch out!" he said in a deep voice. "Count Spike-ula's coming to get ya!"

Applejack suppressed a giggle, before resuming her grim expression. "Now, now, Sugar. Being a vampire ain't all it's cracked up to be. You'd be the same age for all eternity…"

"Exactly! How cool would it be to be immortal?! And all I'd have to worry about are wooden stakes and garlic! You think I'd be good-looking like all of you?"

If Applejack could blush, she would be doing so at that moment.

"Hey! Maybe Rarity will even change her mind about me?"

She frowned and placed her hooves on his shoulders.

"Spike," she said firmly, gently pushing him down, "ya know you're not the one for her. Vampires only…"

"I know, I know," he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "Vampires only fall in love once and are destined for one and one alone, blah, blah, blah. But maybe it doesn't work until I'm of age or something."

"I don't think…"

"I mean it doesn't always happen at first sight, right? Twilight said that's a mere technicality. Didn't it take Master Discord a few seconds before he knew that mare was his mate?"

"I wouldn't get ya hopes up…"

"I'll be eighteen in less than three years! Maybe then she'll notice me!"

"It doesn't work like that, Spike!"

She had shouted that last statement and she immediately regretted it when she saw the flicker of fright in the dragon's face. She took a deep breath.

"Look. I just don't want ya to get your hopes up for something that might never happen, and as for you becoming a vampire, I don't think you'll want that kind of life."

He smiled as he hopped off the chair. "Hey," he said, putting a claw on his shoulder. "My home is with Twilight, always has, always will be, which makes this place my home now. Like it or not," he playfully punched her shoulder, "you guys are stuck with me forever."

She returned his smile, but her eyes were still sad. Spike was her dearest friend in the world, and the last thing she wanted was for him to suffer the same fate as hers.

Rarity had been coaching Discord all through the night and all through the morning in his chamber. His eyes were weary as he didn't usually stay up this late.

"Again," Rarity ordered.

Discord groaned. "But we've already ran through it five hundred times!"

"Then this shouldn't be a problem for you. Now, what do you say when she walks in?"

He smiled and bowed to Rarity graciously. "Lady Fluttershy, it is a pleasure to see you again."

"No, no, no! What have I told you? Put emphasis on 'pleasure!' Make it low and seductive, but soft and sincere enough so she knows that you mean it!"

Discord rolled his eyes and tried again. "Lady Fluttershy, it is a pleasure to see you again."

"Good. Now, take my hoof."

She held out her hoof for him to take and he brought it to his lips.

"Fang!" she warned.

Discord put his claw to his mouth and realized his right fang was sticking out. "Oh, right."

He pinched his left nostril and inhaled sharply through the other one. His tooth retracted into his mouth.

"Sorry. That darn thing never goes in when I want it to."

"Now you may kiss my hoof."

He brought her hoof to his mouth and pressed his lips against it.

"No!" Rarity huffed. "Do you want to slobber all over her?! She's a mare, not a slab of meat! Treat her hoof like a delicate piece of glass that could break at the slightest touch. Of course, you don't want it to break."

Discord sighed and brought her hoof up to his lips again, slowly this time, and kissed it lightly.

"There. Now, take me to the table. Hold out my chair for me."

He led her to a wooden chair, pulled it out and waited for her to lower herself before pushing it under her.

"Now," Rarity said, folding her hooves on her lap. "What sort of topics will you bring up for conversation?"

"Ask about her likes and dislikes?" Discord asked hopefully.

"Correct. What else?"

"Her childhood?"

"No, no. More personal conversations come at the second date. You don't want her to break into tears from some tragic event from her childhood, do you? She has to feel comfortable crying in front of you first."

He groaned as his arms drooped to his sides. "Why are there so many rules? I mean as if the mating rules weren't bad enough, why does simply having dinner with a female have to be so complicated?!"

"If you want to win her heart, you have to work for it. Not that we females are prizes to be won, of course, but love is something that has to be earned."

He sighed as he slumped against the wall and slid to the floor. "Is there a point to all this? I mean…would she even stay once she sees who I am? I didn't tell her my name for a reason, you know? Even if she doesn't run away, would she even like me?"

"Oh, Master," Rarity said sympathetically, getting up and touching his shoulder. "You may not be the most…refined creature in the world, but you have your good points. You're…you're…you're very gifted in music! You play the piano so beautifully! And you…you've got an excellent sense of humor! Why, just a few weeks ago you made Pinkie laugh so hard she squirted blood out of her nose! Let's see, you're…you're also very kind and merciful. After all, you saved my life as well as Twilight's and Applejack's. You're also very philosophical! Mares like a stallion with brains!"

"I'm not a stallion," he grumbled.

"That's right, you're not. You're better than stallions! Most stallions…" her face suddenly became sullen, "most stallions think they can do whatever they like with mares, whether she shows interest in him or not." She forced a smile. "So I'm sure once Fluttershy sees how much you respect her, she'll see what a gentlecolt you are, so to speak."

"But she's a lady!"

"So? You're a count."

He huffed. "You know that's just a cover-up. She's of noble birth. I might as well be entertaining the Princess!"

"Oh, I doubt she's that picky. I mean I have yet to meet this mare but from how you describe her, she sounds like a nice girl. Didn't you say she stopped you from drinking those thieves even though they had tried to rob her? She's clearly good-hearted. Maybe she won't judge you too quickly."

"She does have a good heart, doesn't she?" Discord said, looking off into space. "I…I've never seen any pony do such a kind thing to such vile creatures." A smile tugged at his lips. "She's such an angel…"

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"WHAT?!" he barked in annoyance.

"Uh," Applejack's shaky voice replied, "I got ya something to drink, sir."

Discord willed the door to open and he cocked his head at the goblet and tray in Applejack's hoof.


"Ya haven't had anything to drink in five days," Applejack explained as she approached him.

"I haven't?" he said, stroking his beard. "I haven't been feeling particularly thirsty."

"All the same, you should have something before tonight. We don't want any…accidents."

He stood up and looked at the orange mare in disgust. "I would never lose control around her!"

Applejack narrowed her eyes. "I'm not just talking about our guest. Are ya forgetting our little dragon friend?"

Discord sighed as he took the goblet. "Sorry."

He raised it to his lips and gulped down its contents.

"Ah," he breathed, licking his mouth. "Didn't realize how thirsty I was."

"Well," Applejack said grimly, taking the cup back, "we have a little more if ya want some later, but don't get greedy!"

She trotted sourly out the door and shut it with a slight bang!

"Is it just me, or is she moodier than usual?" Discord asked.

"She's just upset about us taking blood from Spike," Rarity said, taking out a handkerchief to wipe her master's mouth. "Now, I was thinking, perhaps you should present Lady Fluttershy with a gift tonight."

"A gift?" he said, swatting her hoof away. "What sort of gift do you give a mare?"

"Well, there's always flowers, but I was thinking of something more permanent. It would be more impressive to give her something personal, but as we don't know much about her, we should start small and simple, like a piece of jewelry of some kind."

"Jewelry?" Discord stroked his beard in thought. "Let's see…"

He thought about Fluttershy and what he knew about her. Well, she was beautiful. That was a given. She had a gentle heart as far as he could tell. He thought of her name and how it sounded like "butterfly."

Then he had an idea and waved his claw, making a small necklace appear.

"How about this?"

Rarity took the necklace with her magic to examine it. It was a simple necklace with a thin gold chain and a tiny pink jeweled pendant in the shape of a butterfly.

"Oh, perfect!" she exclaimed. "And you said she has pink hair, so it will match!"

Discord summoned a red velvet jewelry case to place the necklace in and stared at it dreamily. She was going to love it, he knew it. He was going to sweep her off her hooves tonight and they would live happily ever after.

Rarity seemed to be reading his thoughts. "Now remember, Master. These things take time. Even if things go well tonight, you mustn't rush. She doesn't know about vampire mating laws and it's best that it stays that way for a while. It would overwhelm the poor thing! I don't believe you could actually hurt her, but…I'd have to agree with Applejack. You must be careful."

"I know," Discord sighed dreamily as he closed the box. "But still, if things go right tonight, she'll be one step closer to being mine."

Rarity crossed her hooves. "Discord…"

"I mean I'll be hers, or we'll be each other's…you know what I mean! The point is that we're destined for each other, so we have to end up together." He turned away with a determined look on his face. "We simply have to."

Author's Note:

The last couple of weeks have been hectic, with school and many setbacks in production for "Daughter of Discord." I've had to break my routine.

Apparently carnations are a funeral flower in Romania (or was it that lilies are wedding flowers? I forget).

That instrument Applejack was using is based on Blundell's Impellor. Not sure I described its use correctly.