• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,939 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


"Okay, so did the Count really invite you or not?"

Fluttershy looked up at Night Glider in surprise. They had been in the carriage for but a minute and already the maid was on her case.

"W-What are you…?"

"Oh, come on!" Night Glider huffed. "My family has served yours for years. You really think anything goes on in the house without my knowledge? I know no letters were sent to you this morning. So…why did you lie to your aunt?"

Fluttershy glanced down at her twiddling hooves. "I…um….well…"

"Aw, you can tell me, young mistress. I can keep a secret from your aunt. Can't promise I won't tell Sugar Belle, though. So tell me," she said, leaning forward expectantly, "what exactly is going on between you and Count Discord?"

Fluttershy was now blushing sheepishly. "Uh…I…"

She examined Night Glider's bright smile and excited, but kind eyes. She had known the maid all her life, and even if she was a gossip, she trusted she wouldn't let word get to her aunt, and she needed to confide in some pony even remotely close.

"Okay," Fluttershy whispered. "The truth is…I just didn't want to spend any more time with Count Trenderhoof or his sister."

Night Glider smirked. "Can't stand 'em either, huh? Don't blame ya. That Trenderhoof's a bore, and that Sunset Simmer throws tantrums like a foal! I did not drop tea on her! I swear one of her horrid maids tripped me!"

"They make me uncomfortable," Fluttershy admitted timidly.

"Don't they?! Even when they gossip with us they act so high and mighty, as if they're better than us! Like they're…royal servants or something!"

She smiled again at her mistress. "They were pretty interested in the Count Discord too, but I won't give them any juicy tidbits you give me. They don't deserve my colorful conversation starters. So come on! What's your deal with him? Coco said he proposed to you. Do you…love him?"

Fluttershy looked away, trying to hide her grin. "I…I might, but…"

Night Glider squealed and clapped her hooves. "I knew it, I knew it! Why else would you seek refuge at his place? Your aunt's crazy to be trying to set you up with some stiff, when there's a real stallion waiting for you in the woods!"

She glanced out the window and then smiled mischievously at her mistress. "You know, I can arrange for the two of you to have some…alone time."

"What?!" Fluttershy squeaked. "I…I couldn't! What would Auntie say if she knew you left me alone with…?"

"I'll cover for you, don't worry."

"But what about Double Diamond? You know how loyal he is to Auntie. He would never disobey her…"

"Just leave him to me," the maid said, flipping her mane. "Believe me. I know how to get a stallion to…bend the rules a bit. You just have your fun with the Count, but be careful. Your aunt would really give us the sack if you were suddenly found with child."

If Fluttershy's face were any redder, it might explode. "Oh my! No, no! We don't…at least, we don't talk about…"

"I'm just teasing, domnişoară! Though seriously, it's best to avoid a scandal." She glanced out the window at the stallion pulling the carriage. "We servants, however, have a little more…leeway."

Fluttershy wanted to ask what she meant by that but they had already reached their destination and so Double Diamond brought them to a complete stop.

"I'll get out first," Night Glider said, confidently adjusting her bodice, "and give him a little…talk."

As the maid stepped out of the coach, Fluttershy leaned out to see what she was up to. Night Glider walked casually up to Double Diamond. They were speaking in such low voices that Fluttershy couldn't hear them, but she saw the stallion give the maid a disapproving glare. Then she whispered in his ear and his white face turned red. After a few more murmurs, he finally nodded dumbly. Night Glider smeared her hooves together, as if she had just finished her morning chores early.

"It's official now," she said proudly. "We'll be out of your mane and come and collect you around…a quarter to eleven?"

"What in the world did you say to him?" Fluttershy asked.

The maid smirked. "Now that is my little secret." She opened the carriage door before her mistress could question further. "Step lightly, milady! Your Prince Charming awaits!"

Fluttershy thanked Night Glider as she helped her step out and then quickly replaced her in the carriage.

"Bună seara!" she waved as Double Diamond started them off.

Once they were out of sight, Fluttershy excitedly rushed to the castle front door. She knocked and waited. How would he react once he saw her? What should they do together? Should they have dinner like always? She blushed as she recalled her maid's insinuations.

"No, no, much too soon."

Then she thought back to last night, lightly running her hoof over her lips at the memory. She had never kissed anyone before and though it had been brief, just the fleeting touch of physical contact had been enough to make her heart skip a beat. Her lips tingled as she replayed it over and over in her head and longed for the memory to be real again.

The opening of the door snapped her out of her thoughts. Fluttershy hastily smoothed out her skirts and put on a bright smile. But it wasn't Discord at the door, but Twilight, who seemed to be in a great deal of distress.

"Fluttershy?" she croaked. "W-What are you doing here?"

"I know I came uninvited," Fluttershy said as she stepped forth, "but I wanted to surprise…"

Twilight obstructed her path. "You can't be here!"

The pegasus blinked at her strange behavior. The vampires had always welcomed her before.

"Why not?"

"Now is just not a good time," Twilight said.

Her eyes were lowered, aimed at Fluttershy's neck. The unicorn shook her dark thoughts away.

"You'll have to come back tomorrow. Where's your carriage?"

"I, um, sent it away," Fluttershy explained. "See, I…wanted Discord and I to be…"

"He's not here."


"He's…hunting. It's a feeding night for us. We're all very thirsty and…it's not safe for you here."

She tried to close the door on her, but Fluttershy held out her hoof.

"But my carriage won't be back until a quarter to eleven! I can't just trot back home!"

Twilight considered this. It was dangerous for her master's beloved to be in a castle of thirsty vampires. None of them would intentionally harm her, of course, but the tempting smell of her could arouse the bloodthirsty beasts within them. Just being in her presence was already making Twilight's mouth water. However, she couldn't send Fluttershy home on her own. The predators of the forest would not show as much restraint.

"Alright," Twilight murmured as she let her in, using the door as a safeguard between them.

"I don't wish to be of any inconvenience," Fluttershy assured her.

"You're forgiven," Twilight said, hastily shutting the door. "Follow me."

She galloped at such a speed that Fluttershy could hardly keep up. As she raced ahead of the pegasus, Twilight was trying so hard not to give into the intoxicating smell, not understanding how the Master could stand to be so near her all the time. Without her charm, she wasn't sure how long she could contain herself.

She led her guest to the drawing room and checked first to see if any pony was within.

"Wait here, domnişoară," Twilight squeaked. "I will send Spike to keep you company."

She fled before Fluttershy could even enter the room. It was lavishly decorated, and Fluttershy could guess Rarity had had something to do with it. The furniture was burgundy and adorned with lace. A cabinet filled with exquisite china stood in the corner. Fluttershy couldn't imagine what vampires would need with china, but then figured it was just as ornamental as the rest of the room.

A grand piano sat by the door, the lid open. Fluttershy brushed her hooves along the white wooden keys, thinking back to when Discord had first played for her. She smiled to think of how frightened she had been, and how far she and Discord had come along since then.

The door opened and Fluttershy greeted the little dragon with a grin. He was rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Don't get me wrong," he grumbled. "It's very nice to see you, Fluttershy, but feeding time for the vampires usually means naptime for me."

"Terribly sorry," Fluttershy said.

"Eh, don't worry about it," Spike said as he plopped onto a divan. "It's just with them staying up all night and sending me on errands in the daytime too, a dragon's gotta sleep at some point!"

"How often do they feed?" Fluttershy asked as she sat beside him.

He shrugged. "The way Twilight explains it is that vampires don't digest their food as quickly as ponies or dragons. They can go longer without food and don't usually get thirsty for about three days. The most they can go is about a week."

Fluttershy frowned as a distressing thought occurred to her. "Aren't you endangered too? I mean Twilight said they were all thirsty and…don't you have blood too?"

"Aw, I don't worry about them." He glanced around and whispered, "Actually, between you and me, there's a reason I stay in my room when every pony gets…antsy."

He reached into his shirt and pulled out an amulet of a golden sun.

"I've seen something like that before," Fluttershy said. "A gyp—Romane mare was wearing it."

"It's a symbol of Celestia, the sun goddess," Spike explained. "She used to be the prominent goddess of the Romane, though some still remain loyal to her. Her symbol is said to ward off demons, because they fear the sun. Not that I think any of the girls are demons or anything! This is just…precaution. I also keep garlic and stakes stuffed in my bed, just in case. After what happened with Pinkie, you can never be too careful."

He slipped the amulet back in and murmured, "But don't tell the Master or the girls about this. I don't want them thinking I don't trust them."

Fluttershy nodded. "I understand. I don't think any of them would really want to hurt you."

"Of course not. I mean Twilight's like my big sister, but…well, with her being so new to all this, it's hard for her to keep her…new personality in check sometimes. Even Rarity and Rainbow, who have been at this for almost a hundred years, can lose their cool sometimes.

"Honestly," he smiled, "the only one I really trust around me under these circumstances is Applejack."

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Applejack?"

"Oh, yeah. She's tougher than all of them put together. She's the one who draws blood from my arm when needed and the one who divides up the carca—"

He paused when he saw Fluttershy's pale expression. "Anyway, I know she may seem moody, but if you knew what she went through, you'd understand."

"Why won't any pony tell me what happened to her? And why does she hate me so much?"

"She doesn't hate you. Applejack doesn't hate anybody. Well, except for…"

He bit his lip, suggesting to Fluttershy that he had already revealed too much.

"You know?" he piped, hopping off the couch. "In all the times you've come here, you've never heard me play the piano! The Master's been teaching me, you know."

"I'd love to hear you play," Fluttershy said warmly as she watched the dragon skitter to the piano bench.

He sat down and was ready to play when he got an idea "Um…if you don't mind me asking, domnişoară, I heard rumors that you…sing?"

Fluttershy blushed out of embarrassment. "Oh, uh…a little, but…I'm not very good."

"I doubt that. You have a sweet voice even when you speak!"

She smiled sheepishly. "Oh but I…I don't really sing in front of ponies."

He gestured to himself. "I'm not a pony. Besides, it's just me. And I'm just learning the piano myself. What do I know about musical talent?"

His grin was assuring, and childishly adorable. She doubted this sweet little dragon could ever ridicule her, no matter how horrible she was.

"Well…alright. What songs do you know?"

"She's what?!" Applejack exclaimed when all the vampire maidens were gathered in the dining room.

"I couldn't just leave her out in the woods!" Twilight insisted.

"But…if she's here, then…" Rainbow stammered.

"I'M THIRSTY!" Pinkie hollered. "I don't wanna kill Fluttershy!"

"It will be alright," Rarity breathed, though she was clearly panicking too. "We just…have to be strong and…avoid her at all costs. Where is she now?"

"I left her in the drawing room with Spike," Twilight replied.

"Spike's out of his room?!" Applejack shrieked. "Now?! Are you out of your mind?! He could get hurt! He could…"

"Look! The Master will be back soon! Like Rarity said. We'll just avoid the drawing room until he comes back with dinner."

Applejack let out a huff of air. "Has the lady dined yet?"

"I don't think so."

"She'll be getting hungry too. Well, we should still have some fruit in the cupboard. I'll see what I can whip up."

Every pony stared at her in surprise.

"I thought you didn't like Fluttershy," Pinkie said, cocking her head.

"I never said I didn't like her," Applejack replied steadily. "However I feel about this whole business, I'm not letting the filly go hungry."

As she disappeared into the kitchen, the other mares were left to wait in silent agony. Rainbow bit down so hard on her lip that blood trickled her chin. Pinkie started chewing on her own leg and found it surprisingly tasty. Rarity had to knock the sense back into her before she could devour herself entirely. After a long while, Twilight stood up from the table.

"And where are you going?" Rarity asked.

"To get some air," Twilight replied harshly. "I need to clear my head."

Sunset was perched on a tall oak tree, watching the dark castle impatiently. Nothing had happened since the Lady Fluttershy had entered it and she was getting bored. She was almost tempted to follow the servants, who had gone off to do who knows what, but knew it would anger Trenderhoof if she attacked them. They had agreed feeding on some pony so close to their hosts would throw suspicion on them. He would also be furious if she failed at her task.

Unfortunately, she could not infiltrate the fortress, thanks to the stupid law that prevented vampires from entering one's home without invitation. The castle's few windows were drawn, so she couldn't see inside, and the stone walls were too thick for even her exceptional ears to listen through.

So she was stuck here, on this sorry branch, left with nothing to do but wait and ponder on this peculiar scene. Why would the Lady Fluttershy send her servants away? Why did she seem unafraid to be without an escort? It was easy to conclude that her relationship with Count Discord was an intimate one.

Who was this Count Discord? What did he look like? And why did he live in such a reclusive location? And why did he have so few windows?

She nearly fell out of the tree as the front door finally made a sound. She looked down and saw a lavender unicorn mare exiting the castle. She recognized her as the mare who had let the lady in. She had to be a servant to be answering the door like that, but she wasn't dressed for the part. Her gown was elegant and slightly revealing as it had curious cuts on the sides.

The unicorn walked past the gate, not seeming to pay heed to the potential danger of the deep woods. Sunset decided to tail her. Whoever she was, she was part of Count Discord's household and might have some information.

Also, Trenderhoof hadn't said anything about snacking on other ponies' servants.

Meanwhile, Twilight was breathing in the sweet scents of birch and oak, using Zecora's meditative tricks to clear her mind of bloody thoughts. As she released the air from her lungs, she could feel the effect already.

But when she inhaled again, she froze. Something about the air had changed. Among the birch and oak, there was something else. The smell was familiar, and yet strange.

She perked up her ears and used her vampire hearing to assess her surroundings. She heard a sway from a nearby tree and then the flapping of heavy wings.

Before Twilight could react, the intruder caught her from behind, hooking one foreleg over her neck and the other around her middle, pressing her firmly to another pony's body. She could smell the stolen pony blood in her attacker's cold breath and could feel the fangs just inches away from her neck. She heard a zap and her horn went numb.

"If you scream," a low, female voice hissed, "you die. And don't bother casting any spells. You're a bit…handicapped at the moment."

Twilight remained still. It was obviously another vampire that was holding her. Not a very clever one, for she couldn't tell she had apprehended one of her kind. Twilight decided to use that ignorance against her and pretended to be petrified with fear.

She had to be a unicorn too, but what Twilight couldn't figure out was how she had numbed her horn. She silently tried magic but it didn't work. She had never heard of a spell that could block magic like this. Had it not been for her sticky situation, she would've been impressed.

Her assailant chuckled. "You're a pretty one, I'll give you that. I'll bet you taste good."

She breathed teasingly on her neck, making Twilight shiver regardless of her lack of dread.

"But I need some information from you. You work for the Count Discord, yes?"

Twilight stiffened at the mention of her master. "W-Why do you want to know? Who are you?"

She choked as the attacker put more pressure on her throat. Usually this wouldn't harm her, if the foreleg didn't have godlike strength.

"You his servant? Sister? Daughter? Niece? Mistress?"

That thought put a disgusting taste in her mouth.

"Here's the deal, sweetie. You tell me everything you know about the Count Discord, and I won't suck you dry. That's a fair trade, don't you think? Your life for a teensy bit of information?"

Twilight responded with silence. The assailant shook her furiously.

"Answer me! Look, you don't have to tell me much! Just tell me about his relationship with the Lady Fluttershy!"

So not only did this vampire know of her master, but she knew of Fluttershy. Twilight was beginning to see the danger of her position. For some reason, another vampire, possibly a non-local one, was interested in Fluttershy. Whatever the reason, in loyalty to her master it was her duty to protect the mare.

But she couldn't use her magic. Twilight mentally cursed Rainbow for being right. Then she remembered the self-defense techniques she had taught her. What had she said about being grabbed from behind?

Use whatever you can for leverage.

"Come on, I don't have all night!" the attacker hissed between her teeth.

Twilight turned her head slightly so she could see her smirk. "You need to work on your sense of smell, cousin."


Sunset shrieked as a pair of purple bat wings popped out of the unicorn's back, sending her backward. Twilight, now in her full form, spun around and crouched down low, growling at the stranger.

She was an attractive young mare, even in her batty state, dressed fashionably too, at least in a way that was inappropriate for hunting. And there was something familiar about her flaming red and yellow hair.

Sunset was caught off-guard by her victim's surprising move and gaped at the lavender bat-pony snarling at her. Her horn started glowing pink as the spell cast on her wore off. Despite her shock, Sunset quickly recovered and mirrored her opponent.

They slowly, methodically circled each other like two wolves from different packs. Twilight now understood the territorial instinct of vampires, as anger towards this trespasser seethed within her.

Sunset was the first to speak.

"Well," she smirked. "I must say you got one on me. That rarely happens."

Twilight narrowed her blood red eyes. "This is our hunting ground, and you're intruding."

"Our?" Sunset said, raising a knowing eyebrow. "You mean there are more of you?" She chuckled throatily. "Fancy that. Another cozy coven in Tramplevania. Now, is it just you at that dreary old castle or is every pony there a vampire?"

Twilight didn't answer. Vampires only revealed the identities of others when the receiver was trustworthy. So far, this one hadn't exhibited that trait.

"Is Count Discord your master? Every coven has a master. Tell me. Are you one of his concubines?"

Steam escaped Twilight's nostrils as she stamped her hoof. "I belong to no one! Especially not a male!"

Sunset blinked back in astonishment, almost impressed with her defiance. She didn't let her vulnerability linger, however, and resumed her prowling position.

"But he is, isn't he? Someone created you. Does he plan to do the same to Lady Fluttershy?"

"Lady Fluttershy is none of your concern!" Twilight spat. "And unless you want to start a clan war, I suggest you leave this forest immediately!"

Sunset sneered. "You still haven't answered my question, so you're obviously hiding something."

Twilight grunted as dangerous sparks emitted from her horn. "Want to see what I'm like with magic?"

But her opponent only leered further. "I like you. You've got spunk."

The lavender vampire threateningly stepped forward.

"Okay, okay!" Sunset said, holding up her hooves in surrender. "Didn't mean to get your mane in a tangle! I'll leave! But mark my words, girlie. This won't be the last time we'll meet."

She shot up into the air and Twilight watched her dark silhouette disappear above the treetops. Transforming back into her pony self, she began analyzing what had just happened. A foreign vampire had inquired about Discord and Fluttershy. Twilight doubted the stranger had been doing this out of her own interests. Nomadic vampires were as rare as lone wolves, for there was always strength in numbers. She had to be working for some pony, a master or mistress. She had been right. Every coven had a leader.

But what would another clan want with Fluttershy?

The sound of hoofsteps put Twilight back into animal mode. She spun around and snarled in the direction of the sound. Discord recoiled in surprise.

"Whoa, whoa there, Twilie!" he chuckled, holding up his paw. "It's just me!"

Twilight sighed in relief and retracted her wings. "Apologies, Master, I thought you were some pony else."

He was carrying a heavy sack. From what Twilight could smell it was lynx, and her mouth began moistening again. He raised his eyebrow at her curiously.

"What are you doing out here anyway?"

"I needed some air," Twilight replied quickly. "Listen, I'm starving, so why don't we head back to the castle?"

They walked back together and Twilight glanced around and up at the sky cautiously.

"What are you so shaken up about?" Discord asked.

Twilight moved closer so she could whisper. "Not a minute before you showed up, I was…attacked."

"Attacked? You? Twilight, I know you're new at this, but I thought you had spells to…"

"No, no, it wasn't just some random creature of the forest. She got me from behind with…"


"A vampire. She put this spell on my horn to temporarily block my magic. It was quite remarkable, actually. I'd never seen anything like it."

Discord cocked his head at Twilight's odd expression of admiration. She shook herself out of it.

"Anyway, she was asking about you…and Fluttershy."

That stopped him in his tracks. "She knows about Fluttershy?"

"I didn't tell her anything! Not even after I showed myself to her. I didn't say you were my master, but I did tell her to stay away from Fluttershy and that she was trespassing on our territory."

She bit her lip anxiously. "Master, I think there might be another vampire coven in Zebiu."

Discord stroked his beard in thought. "You might be right."

"What should we do?"

He shrugged. "Nothing for the moment. If this stranger is part of another coven, so far they pose no threat to us. Thanks to you, they probably know now to avoid our territory. The last thing any vampire wants is a clan war."

"But what about Fluttershy? The stranger didn't just mention her by name, but asked what your relationship was with her. Fluttershy doesn't have to worry about us, but she's powerless against other vampires."

"If you come across her again, tell her that she has already been claimed. She'll understand."

"Oh, yes. That reminds me. Fluttershy's at the castle."

He froze. "What?! Why didn't you tell me that first?!"

He flapped his wings and flew the rest of the way, bursting through the door and zooming into the dining room where the other girls were waiting.

"Is it true?" he demanded, dropping the sack. "Is Fluttershy here?!"

"Apparently she surprised us with a visit," Rarity explained. "Spike's keeping her company in the drawing room and Applejack's fixing her something to eat."

He paced back and forth. "Oh, what do I do?! I'm unprepared! And of all nights it had to be tonight when I just…"

Rarity slapped him out of it. "Get a grip on yourself!" She got out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth. "All you got to do is get a clean shirt and get rid of all this blood."

As Rarity cleansed his face, Discord used his magic to replace his ripped up shirt and cape with a neatly pressed suit. The unicorn smiled and took a step back to examine him.

"There we go. She'd never guess you were out marauding in the woods."

"Can we eat now?" Pinkie whined as she sniffed the bag.

"Dig in," Discord said, backing out of the room, "just stay in here and don't let Fluttershy see you feeding!"

As he smoothed out his mane, Discord had never wished for a reflection more. If Fluttershy knew just what he had been up to, she would…

He paused when he heard a peculiar sound. It was soft, but clear, strange, but soothing. He had never heard anything sweeter. It grew louder as he approached the drawing room and cautiously creaked the door open.

Spike was at the piano, playing one of the simple tunes Discord had taught him, but it was the second source of music that had captured the draconequus' interest. The most beautiful melody was coming from Fluttershy's open mouth as she sang along with the piano.

He was transfixed, frozen as if every part of his body had shut down. The only sign that he was alive was a thump in his chest. Her voice was enough to awaken a heart that had been undead for a millennium.

Fluttershy's shriek snapped him out of his trance, making him fall through the doorway.

"Sorry!" he exclaimed, jumping to his feet. "I didn't mean to startle you!"

"No, it's not that!" Fluttershy gasped. "You're…you're bleeding!"

Discord was suddenly aware of the cool beads of blood dripping down his face. He chuckled as he wiped them away.

"Oh, that's nothing to worry about, my dear. Those are just tears."

She frowned. "Tears?"

"I suppose we forgot to mention that vampires cry blood. See, we lack the bodily fluids of mortal creatures, even water, so our tears are made of blood."

Fluttershy's shock was now becoming concern. "Why were you crying then? Is something wrong?"

He smiled warmly at her. "Nothing's wrong, darling. In fact, it was your beautiful voice that was the cause of these tears."

"Oh," she blushed, glancing down at the floor. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" he scoffed. "Why would you be sorry? Fluttershy, I've…I've never heard something so…so…"

He could not find the words. "Would you sing again?"

"W-What?" Fluttershy squeaked.

"Only this time," Discord said as he lightly shoved Spike off the bench and took his place, "I'll accompany you."

"Oh no, I couldn't…not while you're…

"Come now, Fluttershy. Don't you trust me?"

Their eyes met and Fluttershy could not deny the sincerity and hopefulness in his gaze.

"I, um…I haven't prepared anything…"

"Do you know this song?"

Discord played a few cords and Fluttershy's shyness melted away as she recognized them and nodded excitedly. He started again and she belted out in that heavenly instrument of hers:

"There's music in the treetops,

And there's music in the vale…"

He didn't pay attention to the words she was singing, just the sound of them exiting her sweet mouth. For a moment, his gaze lingered on her small lips, thinking about the tasteful sample he had received last night. He had lain awake all day thinking of it, yearning to taste her sweetness again, but make it last longer this time.

He had been so lost in thought that he had forgotten to continue playing.

"Something wrong?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"Oh, no!" he quickly exclaimed. "No, I…I just…that was…you're so…so…"

He finished with a whisper, "Angelic."

They gazed at each other in silence. Spike took it as his cue to leave and resume his sleep.

It was so strange that after a week of not seeing Discord, Fluttershy had nothing to say to him. Her eyes kept flitting to his mouth, as did his to hers. Neither of them had forgotten.

They were leaning towards each other when Applejack opened the door.

"Oh, good," she sighed. "You're still here."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Discord asked.

"Nothing, Master!" she replied quickly. "Anyway, I wasn't sure whether or not you were hungry, milady, so I fixed ya a little something."

"Thank you, Applejack," Fluttershy said, mildly surprised. "As a matter of fact, I haven't had dinner."

"Want me to bring it in here?" she whispered to her master. "You know, since the dining room's unavailable at the moment?"

"Right," Discord said, tapping his chin. "Well…it's a beautiful night! Why don't you set it out on the terrace?"

"As you wish, Master."

She bowed and gave Fluttershy a steady look before setting out. Discord offered his paw to the maiden and she giggled as she allowed him to escort her.

Applejack brought out a small circular table and two chairs for the couple, setting out a cheese platter and a bowl of fruit for Fluttershy.

"This was the best I could do on short notice," the orange mare explained.

"It's lovely, thank you," Fluttershy said as Discord held a chair out for her.

"Would the lady like something to drink?"

"If you could just get me a glass of water, that would be fine."

Applejack bowed and left them alone again, but not without glancing cautiously over her shoulder. Discord eagerly sat across from his beloved.

"I must say, you coming here surprised me. Mind me asking why you decided to pop in? Not that I'm disappointed to see you!"

"Actually," Fluttershy blushed, "I wanted to see you."

Discord blinked. "You…wanted to see…me?"

"Well," she said, glancing down guiltily, "that, and…" She looked up at him. "Don't be angry with me."

He shook his head. "Never."

"To be honest, I…you see…there's this…count staying at my house…"

The draconequus stiffened. "Count? As in," he gulped, "a stallion?"

"Yes. Count Trenderhoof of Bullarest."

He gripped the edge of the table as a pang of jealousy shot through him. He had heard of this count. He was rumored to be the handsomest and one of the wealthiest bachelors in the land, and had quite a reputation with the ladies.

"Is he, um," he choked, pretending to be interested in the stars, "good-looking?"

Fluttershy shrugged. "I suppose."

"Brilliant!" he grunted through his teeth.

His envy was obvious. Even Fluttershy could sense it. She couldn't blame him, for she already knew how protective he was over her. The mischievous mare deep inside her wanted to see how far his emotions would go.

"He's also very poetic," she said casually. "He came up with a poem just for me."

Discord huffed. "Poet, schmoet! Anyone can make up lines that rhyme!"

She smirked teasingly at him. "Can you?"

"Of course!"

She reached over and took his paw and claw. "Prove it."

He glanced down at her hooves and then at her, suddenly feeling very nervous.


Fluttershy nodded, and he could tell this was payback for putting her on the spot with the singing earlier. He gulped as he tried to think of something.

"Okay, um…you are…you're…"

He stumbled over his words and was sure she would ridicule him until he locked gaze with her and fell into her blue-green depths. They inspired him.

"Your eyes, are like…two gorgeous oceans, err, seas! Yes, and…gazing into them is like…gazing into…dreams?"

He winced at his poor rhyming skills, but opened his eyes when he felt her hoof raking up his lion arm.

"That was prettier than anything Trenderhoof could come up with."

He blinked in confusion. "Huh?"

She shook her head with a laugh. "Oh, Discord, did you really think I would fall for some pony like Count Trenderhoof?"

He bit his lip. "Well…you did say he was handsome."

"Well, sure. By pony standards, anyway. He's nice too, but he's so…so…dull. I know it's an unkind thing to say, but I just can't stand him!" She smiled at him. "That's why I came here tonight. The truth is, Discord…" She turned away to hide her blush. "I'd prefer your company any day."

His ears fluttered in excitement. "Then…do you think I'm…handsome?"

She leaned forward and whispered. "The handsomest."

Overcome with emotion, he grabbed her by the shoulders and brought her lips towards his, but quickly remembered himself and stopped before they could touch. He looked down at her, seeing the shock in her face. Slowly, he began setting her down.

"I'm so sorry, Fluttershy, I wasn't…"

Snatching up his face, Fluttershy finished the job for him. If his heart had been functioning, it would've stopped at that moment. Once again, her action had frozen him stiff, but Fluttershy didn't pull away. She knew how much they both wanted this.

Eventually, Discord closed his eyes as he relaxed into her kiss and brought up his paw and claw so he could keep her in place. Fluttershy moaned as she felt his fingers comb through her mane. It was strange for him to think that a moment ago, these lips had tasted the blood of a dying animal, and now they were caressing the lips of the mare he loved.

A loud clang caused them to pull apart and turn to the mare in the doorway. Applejack's face had gone paler than usual as she stared at them in horror, not seeming to notice the tray and goblet she had dropped.

"Applejack!" Discord piped, rubbing the back of his neck. "Um, we were uh…we…"

"How could you?"

Her voice was low and cracked, like a volcano preparing for eruption.

"AJ, I…" Discord tried to say.

"How could you?!" she exploded. "How could you, after what he did to me?!"

"Applejack, I thought you understood that…"

"You promised! You promised you wouldn't take advantage of her! That you wouldn't…"

"He didn't take advantage of me, Applejack!" Fluttershy protested.

She blinked at her in alarm. "W-What?"

The pegasus blushed. "I…I kissed him."

This didn't make things better for the orange mare. She glanced between the two in disbelief.

"No," she uttered. "No, no, no! You can't, Fluttershy!"

"W-Why not?" Fluttershy muttered nervously.

"It's just…just not right! You have so much to live for! It's just not right!"

"Applejack," Discord said, calmly holding out his claw to her.

But she turned away from him and ran inside sobbing.

"What was that all about?" Fluttershy asked. "What did she mean when she said: 'after what he did to me'?"

Discord sighed solemnly. "Applejack…has a complicated history."

"Was it the vampire that bit her?"

He paused. "Let's just say that…she doesn't want you to suffer like she did."

Fluttershy wasn't sure how to respond to that, so she started taking interest in her food and the rest of the evening was spent in awkward silence.

With winter just around the corner, the nights were getting chillier and soon there would be snow, which was why Scootaloo had to find some permanent shelter soon, or at least some warm clothing. The one dress she'd been wearing for months since her mother's passing was so tattered and soiled through that she'd had to turn it inside out to look even remotely approachable. Ponies were less likely to spit at her when she had less dirt on her.

As usual, the streets were empty that evening, but the local tavern was alive with light and laughter. Most foals would be afraid to enter such a roughhouse, but Scootaloo was used to the noise of drunken, disgusting stallions and wasn't even fazed by the chair that had crashed over her head upon entering. She casually wove her way through the sea of alcoholics and to where the innkeeper was tending the counter.

"Hey, Pony Joe!"

The cream-colored unicorn stallion looked down at the filly standing on her hind legs and peering over the counter. He gave her a friendly smile.

"Bună seara, my little domnişoară. I'd offer you a drink, but you're not even supposed to be in here. Another crust of bread?"

"Actually, Joe," Scootaloo said, "I was hoping you could let me sleep here tonight."

He smirked as he polished an empty tankard. "You asking for a room?"

"Doesn't have to be a whole room. It's just a little cold out."

"I see. Well, you know the deal. If you help me clear the tables, I'll let you sleep in the corner." He winked as he tossed her a rag. "Do a good job and I might give you some bread."

"You've got it, domnule!"

Scootaloo spotted an empty table and began wiping it clean. She held her nose as she came across some remnants of indigested ale.

"I'm sorry, your lordship!" a voice with a thick foreign accent cried out. "But my business is caput! I was robbed by a band of gypsies! I'm bankrupt!"

"We had a deal, Caballeron!"

For some reason, the second voice made the fur on Scootaloo's neck stand on end. She turned to her right and saw a finely dressed unicorn stallion arguing with a raggedy, gruff earth pony at a table in the corner. The latter was surrounded by three other homely stallions, all of whom were shivering in fear. It was odd, for the fine stallion didn't look very menacing. He was tall, but skinny. However, when Scootaloo caught sight of him, an alarm in her brain went off.

The unicorn pounded his hoof on the table furiously. "I need that money!"

"We don't have it!" the earth stallion, Caballeron, insisted. "Look at us! We've been forced to become beggars! Now we're no better than those gypsy scum!"

"You are gypsy scum!" the unicorn spat. "Just because you lot got lucky for a while, doesn't mean your blood has changed!"

Scootaloo's hooves tingled, urging her to run as far away from this stallion as possible.

"I got you that deal with the trading company! Now is the time to pay your end of the bargain!"

"What can we do?" Caballeron whined. "We have nothing!"

The unicorn gripped the earth stallion's cloak and Scootaloo felt it was time to follow her instincts. However, the noble colt relaxed and set his business associate down.

"Very well, old friend," he said calmly. "It's not your fault you were robbed. You are forgiven."

Caballeron sighed in relief as he and his friends stood up to go. "Oh, thank you, domnule! Thank you! You are truly a merciful stallion!"

Scootaloo's spine shivered as a mischievous smirk crawled up the unicorn's face and he looked to the door. She followed his gaze in time to see three beautiful mares enter gracefully. Her mind went haywire as these seductive creatures glided across the room. She wasn't sure how she knew this, but something about them just wasn't…natural.

They obstructed the path of the four beggars. The mare with poofy orange hair caressed Caballeron's chin while the other two petted the others. They started singing, softly and sweetly, which confirmed Scootaloo's suspicions that they weren't ordinary mares.

"Any of your stallions looking for a good time?" the poofy-haired one whispered.

The beggars, of course, were no match for their spell.

"Well, uh…" Caballeron stammered, his face heating up. "We don't have any money…"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," said the purple mare with two ponytails.

"Yeah," the blue one sniggered. "You don't have to worry about anything."

"Consider this a free sample."

All four stallions nodded excitedly. The three mares grinned in triumph as they led them out of the tavern. Before the poofy-haired one disappeared, she winked at the fine unicorn and he chuckled throatily.

Scootaloo had a feeling she was never going to see those four hooligans again. She knew what those three mares were. Somehow, she just knew. But what could she do? Even with her garlic necklace, she was too small to fight them. She couldn't even fly. Besides, if they knew that she knew their secret, they would target her next.

That was why when the unicorn stallion looked her way she hastily resumed her task of cleaning the table.

Author's Note:

Bună seara="Good evening"

So I couldn't use the crucifix as vampire repellent in this story for obvious reasons and replaced it with Celestia's symbol of the sun. Since vampires fear the sun, kinda made sense.

Do not own lyrics to "Music in the Treetops."