• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,940 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


While Twilight was facing the Dazzlings, the others were struggling to keep the army at bay. Rainbow was still wrestling with Bulk and the peach mare, but now two more vampires were leaping at her.

"How many have you gotten?" Rainbow called as she smashed her wings into the oncoming attackers.

"Does it look like we've had any success?!" Applejack bellowed.

She and Rarity were surrounded by a ring of six vampires, including Sunset. With every one that came at them, Applejack and Rarity would take turns bucking them off and putting up shields respectively.

"I'd rip their heads off," Pinkie shouted as she punched two vampires in the face, "but they just," she swiped both hooves but her adversary ducked, "won't," Pinkie dodged a kick, "stand," and missed another target, "STILL!"

Trenderhoof laughed. "You mares are in over your head!" He jumped to the side as one of Rarity's beams almost hit him. "Sunset! Cover me!"

Sunset groaned as she withdrew from the fight and went to her mate's side. "You can put up a shield yourself, you know?"

"I know," he said, examining his hoof. "I'm saving my energy for Count Discord."

Sighing, Sunset put up a green shield around them both.

"You would still hide behind your harlots?!" Rarity snapped.

"At least he bothered to show up to the battle!" Sunset retorted, turning to Trenderhoof. "Want me to summon a storm of fireballs? I could wipe them out completely!"

"Easy, Sunset," he said, patting her on the back. "You might accidentally destroy our troops. We need them for our plan, you…"

He grunted suddenly and put his hoof to his head with a wince.

"What is it?" asked Sunset.

Opening his eyes, he said, "Adagio. She's…gone."

She looked at him stunned. "Gone?"

"Dead. Gone. I can't feel her anymore."

Screams cut through the air as Aria and Sonata appeared at the top of the stairs and began racing down frantically. Trenderhoof signaled Sunset to put down the shield and went to meet them.

"What happened?"

"Oh, Master!" Sonata cried, throwing her hooves around him and burying her face in his shoulder. "Adagio! That awful lavender unicorn killed Adagio!"

"She did?" Sunset said, an impressed grin forming on her face. "How?"

"She just," Aria said, hyperventilating, "evaporated her! Into dust! We barely escaped with our lives!"

"That bitch!" Sonata sobbed. "She killed our sister! You have to punish her, Master!"

"Shhh," Trenderhoof whispered, tenderly stroking her head. "There, there, sweet Sonata. You'll get your revenge." He pulled away from her and turned to Sunset. "Seems we have a little problem upstairs, darling." He raised her chin. "Can you take care of it for me?"

Sunset's grin widened. "Oh, it'll be my pleasure, dear."

Twilight continued to stare at the pile of dust as she recuperated. Her front legs needed time to heal before she could get back into the battle.

It was strange to think that her greatest enemy had been here one minute and gone the next. Why didn't she feel anything? No relief, no remorse. Just wonder if things could've turned out differently.

This had been her first kill. Had she really changed so much from the vampire bite that she felt nothing from it? Had she transformed herself for this?

At first she concluded that she wasn't satisfied because the other two were still alive. But she felt like her revenge had already been taken out on them. Twisted as they were, Aria and Sonata loved their sister. They had killed her family, it was only right that Twilight take a part of theirs.

So if that's all that revenge was, what was she doing here? Why was she this immortal blood-drinking monster? What was there left for her to do for the rest of eternity?

Her pain had numbed enough so she could stand. It was best to return to the fight and help her friends. Slowly, she exited her room and came out into the dark hallway. Then she paused when she heard the faint sound of a horn igniting.

She put up a shield a millisecond before the beam could hit her.

"Nice deflection."

Twilight spun around to see Sunset at the far end of the hall by the spiral staircase. Her hooves were clapping slowly and her face was wearing a mischievous grin.

"That wasn't meant to kill you," she said, stepping towards her. "I just wanted to see what I was up against. Now I know." She chuckled throatily. "This is going to be fun."

Still drained from her fight with the Dazzlings, Twilight shot a small laser beam. Sunset pirouetted out of the way.

"Oh come on, Lavender," she said, crouching into a mocking plié. "You can do better than that."

Twilight flapped her wings and charged for her, but Sunset back-flipped into the air. Twilight narrowly avoided a crash into the wall.

"I've been looking forward to this," Sunset taunted, powering up her horn. "Don't disappoint me, Sparkle!"

As Twilight dodged her blast, she swooped beneath her foe and magically struck one of her hooves.

"Ouch!" Sunset cried out, spinning around. "Crafty! But let's not play such childish games, shall we?"

Bounding upwards, Twilight pounced on her and pinned her to the wall. Sunset smirked and swiftly bit her muzzle.

"Gah!" Twilight exclaimed, pushing herself away. "What happened to not being childish?"

Sunset shrugged. "What can I say? I'm playful."

She sprang at Twilight, who flapped around her and shot at her wing, but Sunset deflected the spell. Their horns clashed together.

"Not bad," Sunset mused. "But I'm just getting warmed up."

Aria had rejoined the fight, but Sonata was in such a sorry state. She was on the floor, clutching her master's hoof as he shielded them both when necessary.

Sunset, he said telepathically, what's going on up there?

I've got the lavender one busy, Sunset's voice replied in his head. Wow, she's a tough one.

Get rid of her as soon as you can. If not, keep her distracted while we search up there.

Yeah, whatever. Sheesh, she's good!

"Alright," Trenderhoof said to the mare on the floor. "While Sunset's preoccupying the little twinkle guard, we'll search upstairs for the Count and his mate."

"I'm not going back up there!" Sonata whined. "That lavender one's scary! She called us bitches!"

"Master!" a pink mare with long green and yellow hair shouted, coming up to him. "We lost track of the pink one!"

"What?!" Trenderhoof exclaimed. "There's a dozen of you tackling four of them! Lemon Zest, how can you lose one of them?!"

Lemon Zest looked down sheepishly. "Well, we had her cornered but then she sort of…exploded."

He raised an eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"

"Lemon Zest is poorly mistaken," a pale yellow mare with freckles and a pink mane streaked with blue tied in a ponytail said sweetly. "She didn't just explode instantly. She threw down a bunch of confetti bombs and took advantage of our momentary distraction." Her tone became gruff as she glared at her comrade. "You should've grabbed her when you had the chance!"

"Don't blame me for this, Sour Sweet!"

"Well don't just stand there!" Trenderhoof bellowed. "Find her! Three of you search upstairs and three of you search the adjoining rooms!" He shook off Sonata. "And would some pony please take her?!"

Two vampires dragged a weeping Sonata towards the ballroom while Lemon Zest, Sour Sweet and a unicorn raced upstairs. On the right they could hear Twilight and Sunset firing at each other.

"Not going down there," Lemon Zest said, moving to the left. "Check all the doors."

"Oh, certainly!" Sour Sweet cooed, before scowling. "Who put you in charge?"

But they didn't have to look for long as the door at the end of the hall popped open. When they turned, they saw Pinkie Pie aiming a small blue cannon at them.

"Come to join the party?" she piped, giving the weapon a click. "Sorry, but you weren't invited!" She paused. "Okay, technically you were invited but we didn't know Trenderhoof had you girls as deus ex machina backup…"

"Ha!" the unicorn laughed. "You think you can beat us with a cannon?! Cannonballs can't hurt us!"

Pinkie smiled as she fired her weapon, spewing out a strange powder. The three vampires laughed until the tiny specks hit them and singed their skin. They wailed in surprise agony.

"That's right!" Pinkie cheered. "I loaded this baby up with garlic powder! Oh, but that's not all!" She snapped up her foreleg to reveal a crossbow nocked with a small wooden stake. "Say bye-bye!"

She let the stake fly and it hit the unicorn in the chest. She dissolved instantly into dust. Lemon Zest and Sour Sweet looked at Pinkie Pie in horror as she showed them a double-bladed axe with her other hoof.

"Retreat?" Lemon Zest squeaked.

"Nah, we can take her on," Sour Sweet said. "Not!"

They rushed down the hall screaming.

"You can run!" Pinkie called. "But you can't hide!"

Several heads turned as the two mares appeared on the staircase.

"Run for you lives!" Lemon Zest cried, waving her hooves frantically. "There's a lunatic on our trail!"

Applejack glanced at Rarity. "Where's Pinkie?"

As if on cue, Pinkie hopped onto the top of the stairs, laughing maniacally. She now wore a pink Japonyese karategi and a matching headband. Around her waist was a belt loaded with garlic bulbs, stakes and several other tiny weapons which were indeterminable at a distance. She sported the crossbow on her right foreleg and the axe in her left hoof. A rope attached to her tail dragged her cannon behind her.

"You're crazy!" Sour Sweet exclaimed.

"Correction!" Pinkie said, pointing her cannon towards the chandelier. "I'm batty!"

Her friends looked extremely worried.

"Rainbow!" Rarity cried. "I thought you confiscated all of her weapons!"

"Well how was I to know she'd find them?!" Rainbow said as she swished her wings around to ward off her attackers.

Applejack's eyes widened as a click was heard. "She's firin' her cannon! Rainbow, Rarity! Take cover!"

Cackling, Pinkie shot several puffs of garlic powder into the air, watching in excitement as it rained down on the battle. Vampires cried out as they were stung by the wretched dust. Trenderhoof and the other unicorns hastily shielded themselves. Rainbow used Bulk as her shield and flinched as he roared in pain. Applejack and Rarity managed to zip out of range, though a few flakes singed Applejack's tail.

"Pinkie, careful with that!" she called.

"You can't stop me, cronies!" Pinkie screamed as she swooped down, flailing her weapons. "I'm from the freaking ASYLUM!" A vampire cried out as her head was sliced off with the axe and she crumbled to dust. "That's right!" The crossbow struck another heart. "I'm an escaped," she tossed a mysterious ball in the middle of the room and whooshed out of the way, "INMATE!"

A few vampires watched the ball curiously. Once it hit the ground, more garlic powder exploded in their faces.

"AND I'M PROUD OF IT!" Pinkie shouted, swinging her axe around.

"Pinkie!" Rarity cried as she ducked, the blade narrowly missing her. "Put those things away!"

"No, wait!" Rainbow said, kicking Bulk in the crotch. "Let her at it!" She dodged the peach mare as she charged at her. "That's the most we've killed," she bucked another vampire away, "so far!"

Rarity shrieked and ducked as the axe came at her again. "At least watch where you're swinging that thing!"

"Oopsies!" Pinkie giggled, before launching into the air. "Any pony else want some?!"

The enemy vampires yelped and tried to get as far away from the crazy mare as possible. Trenderhoof remained crouched behind the stairwell until Pinkie's back was facing him. He leaped out of his hiding place and dashed up the stairs. Applejack tried going after him, but Sonata returned and wrestled her to the ground.

Trenderhoof went down the right hall and found Sunset and Twilight still going at it.

"Sunset, hurry up and help me look for Fluttershy!"

"I will," Sunset grunted as she avoided a beam, "as soon as," Twilight deflected her shot, "I'm done," Sunset pounced at her, "here!"

The two mares entangled and twirled in the air. Trenderhoof slid under them and headed for the spiral staircase. Twilight spotted him and attempted to get away from Sunset.


"Oh no you don't!" Sunset exclaimed, pulling her back into her hold. "We're not finished here!"

Trenderhoof smiled up the staircase. "Thanks for showing me the way, Sparkle!"

He flew up and could hear Twilight struggling against Sunset. There was no doubt Fluttershy was up here if Twilight was so keen on guarding it. Reaching the door, he slowly opened it and peered inside. The room was lit by floating candles surrounding a large white coffin. Chuckling, Trenderhoof shut the door and cautiously approached the casket. His magic enveloped the lid.

Suddenly, a body came crashing down on him, stopping him from opening the coffin. Trenderhoof cast the stranger off with his magic and backed away. He gasped at what he saw.


Discord smirked as he rose to his full height. "Nice to see you again, Travelhay."

He stepped back in fear. "You…you're Count Discord?!"

A bell appeared in the air and rang. "Give the stallion a prize! I'm surprised you didn't figure it out sooner."

"I…I thought you had devoured Applejack in the woods! I thought you were just another animal fighting for a meal! But no. You had taken her, kept her to be your slave instead of mine!"

Discord shook his head. "That's the problem with you, Travelhay. You assume every stallion, every male, to be just like you. But unlike you, I treat my mares with respect!" He whipped out his paw. "It's bad enough raping two of my friends, but trying to do the same to my wife?" An electrifying ball of golden light formed in his paw. "That really ticks me off!"

He threw the ball at Trenderhoof, who yelped as he zipped out of the way. The ball struck the stone wall, leaving a spherical dent in it.

"Admit it," Discord said, advancing upon him. "You couldn't face me last time. Who's to say you won't run away again?"

He created another electric ball, but Trenderhoof summoned a protective bubble. "Because this time, I have backup!"

Sunset, I need your help!

Still busy!

Come on! How long does it take to vanquish one measly little unicorn?!

I told you! She's good! Wow, what an impressive ice beam!

Trenderhoof grunted in frustration as he dodged another electric sphere. Then he sent out a message to all his mares.

Girls! I am in a severe pickle! It seems I have underestimated Count Discord's magical abilities! I need some of you to come up to the tower in the West Hall.

Several cries of protest echoed in his head.

Come up here if you want to get away from the crazy pink one.

As he heard some confirmations, Trenderhoof summoned another bubble for Discord's next attack. He needed to distract him until his backup came.

"You really think she's going to love you?" he cackled as he shot a beam at him. "A hideous monster like you?"

Discord split his face in two, allowing the beam to go through. "At least," he said, putting his head back together, "I wasn't in it for the money!"

Trenderhoof flew up as Discord fired again. "Oh, you could fool her with your pony disguise, but she's bound to find out what you really are sooner or later!"

The draconequus threw his head back in laughter, confusing the stallion. "That's where you're wrong, Tenderheart! Fluttershy's known what I am, what I look like, since the moment we met!"

Trenderhoof stiffened. "Then…then she…no! There is no way that impressionable young mare chose you over me!"

"Perhaps she saw what you really were," Discord said as two electric orbs formed in his paw and claw.

The stallion flew up to the ceiling before he could be hit. "But how?! How could she know exactly what you are and still run away with you?! Did you hypnotize her?! Is that why I couldn't do it?! Yes! There's no other explanation!"

"When you have a soulmate of your own," the draconequus said as he summoned a sword, "you'll understand!"

He bounced up and swung at Trenderhoof, who formed a long, solid magical beam from his horn to parry his blow. The two engaged in an aerial swordfight.

"Soulmate," Trenderhoof grunted as he thrust his magical weapon, "implies," Discord moved to the side, "that I," Trenderhoof swung, "have," Discord blocked, "a soul!"

That made the draconequus pause, allowing Trenderhoof to graze his lion arm. Discord cried out but managed to deflect the next blow.

"Did you really think," Trenderhoof said as they continued their duel, "I would really let some mare make me her little lapdog? It was humiliating! For years I was forced to do that seductress' bidding, all because she had made me drink her blood! What else could I do but wait until she was asleep and stab her in the heart with a wooden stake?!"

Discord stared at the stallion while summoning a metal shield to block his attacks. "You killed your vampire mistress?"

"Mmm-hmm," Trenderhoof said as he magically made an equally strong shield. "And the minute I put that stake in her heart, every feeling I ever had, every chance I had for love, was evaporated instantly!"

He charged at him, but Discord's serpentine body twisted past every blow.

"All because I let some mare rule over me!" Trenderhoof shouted as he cut through Discord's shield. "But never again!"

The draconequus scowled as he replaced his broken shield with a stronger one. "That's what this is all about? Gaining control over mares?"

The stallion smirked. "What better way to control them than to make them think that they are loved?"

Discord grunted as he struck from above, only to be blocked by Trenderhoof's shield. "What happens when they figure out your game?"

"I annihilate them, of course!" Trenderhoof said as he pushed his opponent's sword away. "Until then, they come in handy!"

The door was burst open by five mares, including Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, Sour Sweet, the peach mare that had been dueling with Rainbow and another unicorn. Sugarcoat shot at Discord before he could turn around, scorching his bat wing.

"Gah!" he cried out.

Trenderhoof swung his beam and managed to slash him across the snout. The five mares pounced on the draconequus, grabbing his four appendages and his head, forcing him to drop his sword and shield.

"What did I tell you?" Trenderhoof smirked as he watched his foe descend. "Having so many mares at your beck and call comes in handy."

A few minutes earlier, the five mares rushing to their master's aid were prevented by the ongoing duel between Sunset and Twilight.

"Ya need some help there, Shimmer?" the peach mare called.

"No!" Sunset said as she deflected Twilight's spell.

Sugarcoat stared at her blankly. "It looks like you need help."

"I don't! Just go!"

The five mares ducked beneath the fight, but a blue unicorn with short purple hair paused a moment.

"I can just zap her quickly and…"


The two foes fired at once, their beams hitting and knocking each other backwards. Twilight hurdled into the East Hall while Sunset crashed into the pillar that the staircase curled around.

"You sure you don't need…?"

Sunset growled at the peach mare.

"Come on, Indigo Zap!" Sunny Flare said, dragging her upstairs.

After brushing the stone rubble off, Sunset dashed to where her opponent had landed: inside the weapons closet. Fortunately, Twilight hadn't suffered any fatal injuries, but a wooden stake had pierced her right wing. She let out a grunt as she tugged it out.

"Weapons?" Sunset said, levitating a mace. "How deliciously convenient."

She brought the mace down on Twilight, who dived through Sunset's legs and spun onto her hooves. As Sunset turned around, Twilight shot at the mace, exploding its spiked head.

"You're right," Sunset said, tossing the useless metal rod away. "That would be too easy."

She flapped her wings and tried to take advantage from above, but Twilight thought quickly and cast a sunbeam, burning a hole in her foe's right wing. Sunset cried out as she fell to the floor.

"There!" Twilight said, ignoring the inexplicable ringing in her ears. "That evens the odds, don't you think?"

The yellow unicorn gawked up at her. "Was that…a sunbeam?!"

"Mmm-hmm!" Twilight answered, crouching as she watched her rise.

"But…the last pony to master that was…"

"Mage Meadowbrook? I know."

Sunset's eyes widened in awe. "How in the world did you…?"

"I read a lot."

Sunset swiftly jumped to the side as Twilight shot another sunbeam.

"Impressive," Sunset smirked as her foe powered her horn. "But the sunbeam can easily be counteracted by…"

As the spell came, a spiked blue dome appeared around Sunset, turning both itself and the ray into steam upon impact. Twilight's jaw dropped.

"An ice shield?"

"And what better way to fight fire," Sunset chuckled as a fireball formed above her head, "than with fire?!"

Twilight leaped backward as the fireball crashed into the floor. She summoned a stream of water to douse it.

Still in shock, she said, "These spells were invented by Starswirl the Bearded."

"He was my mentor."

"But if you were…" She looked at her in horror. "He was murdered ten years ago by…"

"His student?" Sunset gestured proudly to herself. "Guilty as charged. It was a real pity. He was like a father to me."

"Then why did you…?"

"He wanted to cure me of my vampirism." She scoffed as she prepared another fireball. "Like I was going to give up this much power."

Twilight was ready this time and produced an ice shield similar to Sunset's. The yellow mare gasped as their spells evaporated into steam.

"You…you copied my spell!"

Twilight blew upwards at her smoking horn. "Wasn't that hard."

Her adversary blinked. "It took me years to perfect that spell!"

"I guess," Twilight said, firing a smaller ray at her, "I'm just," Sunset stopped it with her own beam, "smarter," flashing a bubble, Twilight sent the other unicorn backward, "than you!"

Sunset panted heavily as she struggled to rise. "I suppose…you are."

She cocked her head at her. "Then why are you smiling?"

The yellow mare lifted her head. "This is the most fun I've had in," she pounced, "decades!"

Even with seven foes upstairs and four already dead, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Rainbow were still outnumbered by eight vampires plus Bulk. Pinkie had run out of ammunition and one of the unicorns had blasted her axe away.

"There's too many of 'em!" Applejack shouted. "We need help!"

A knock came at the front door.

"I'll get it!" Pinkie hollered as she dashed down the hall. She came back a few seconds later and asked, "Hey, Dash! Did you order some backup?"

"Huh?" Rainbow said as Bulk pinned her down again. "What are you talking about?"

"There are four vampires at the door saying they've come from Zebrica and that one of them's Discord's old master…"

Rainbow smiled as she rolled the pricolici onto his back. "Yes! Pinkie, let them in!"

Pinkie called to the front door, "You can all come in, guys!"

The enemy army was caught by surprise as Sombra, Hope, a white unicorn mare with a curly pink and purple mane and a brown male vampire with reddish brown hair sprang into the entrance hall. The black unicorn collided into Applejack.

"No, Sombra, wait!" Rainbow shouted as Bulk bolted back up. "She's on our side!"

"Oops," Sombra said, crawling off the mare. "Apologies. Who is on our side?"

"The pink one and the white unicorn!" Rainbow yelped as the pricolici threw his hairy arms around her. "You can kill the rest!"

"With pleasure!" the brown stallion said, punching an incoming vampire mare.

Hope and Sombra powered their horns and began firing. The young white unicorn saw that Rarity was encircled by four mares, so she landed next to her and blasted one of them away.

"Sweetie Belle?"

The young unicorn turned to her and gasped. "Rarity?"

"You're a vampire?!" they said together.

"Look out!"

Rarity ducked in time for Sweetie Belle to shoot another enemy.

"What are you doing here?" Rarity demanded as they took on the quartet together.

"After you disappeared with Tenderheart," Sweetie Belle said between blasts, "I went looking for you and—to your left! Sombra and Hope found me and—duck! When I grew up they—above you! Turned me! Had I known you were a vampire too…"

"Tenderheart's a vampire!" Rarity said as she flipped over her sister to fire at the next wave of attackers. "This is actually—take that! His army! He left me to—give me your forelegs!" They linked forelegs and Rarity lifted her sister onto her back and spun her around while Sweetie Belle stuck out her back hooves, kicking their foes' faces. "Die! But Discord found me!"

Seeing that they were safe for the moment, Rarity set her down and turned to her. "I would've told you, but how could I? I didn't want to put you in danger. And to think, I thought you dead this whole time!"

"I thought you dead this whole time! When Sombra told me his old adopted son had a coven, he didn't mention you were in it!"

Rarity darted her eyes across the room. "Rainbow! Did you know about this?!"

"We wanted to surprise you! Oomph!"

Bulk punched her hard in the stomach and sent her crashing through the door to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, the brown stallion landed between Sweetie Belle and Rarity.

"Hey, honey!" he said to the former. "Watch this!"

Letting out a battle cry, he charged towards a group of vampires, knocking them over like ninepins.

"Who's that?" Rarity asked.

"That's Button Mash. He's my," Sweetie Belle said, biting her lip, "my mate."

The older sister's eyes widened. "You have a mate?!"

"Can we talk about this later?" she asked, pointing to the vampires closing in on them.

Meanwhile, Bulk tore off what was left of the kitchen door and advanced on Rainbow Dash, who had landed in a pile of pots and pans. The pricolici was enormous. She couldn't defeat him with strength alone. Searching frantically for ideas, she began opening the cabinets and drawers until she found the one containing the silverware.


Her happiness was short-lived when Bulk's body thrust into hers, trapping her beneath him. The impact had shaken the drawer, knocking one piece of silverware onto the floor. Grinning, Rainbow snatched it up and pointed it at the pricolici. He recoiled in fear.

"That's right!" she exclaimed, rising to her hooves. "This spoon is silver, buddy!"

As she brought the spoon closer, the pricolici backed away, whimpering like a puppy.

"Not so tough now are ya, huh? All because of a little spoon?"

He crawled into a corner, shivering as the horrid spoon approached his chest.

"STOP!" he wailed as he reverted to his pony form. "Please!"

Rainbow stepped back in surprise as blood tears poured out of his eyes.

"Please, please! I never wanted to hurt any pony! I didn't even want to be a werewolf! I was bitten as a foal!" He covered his face in shame. "Trenderhoof said he could help me control myself! I didn't know that meant making me a pricolici! And he still makes me hurt ponies! And he and his mares are so mean!"

She cocked her head curiously at him. "If you don't like doing it, why do you listen to him?"

He sniffed. "I just wanted friends!"

Rainbow felt extremely awkward. In a matter of seconds, the dreaded pricolici had become a giant weeping baby. She couldn't beat him up now.

"I'll do anything, please! Just get that accursed spoon away from me!"

Cautiously, she lowered the spoon. "Okay. I won't hurt you, if you join us in this battle."

Wiping his tears, he looked up at her hopefully. "And…we can be friends?"

"Uh…yeah. Sure."

He leaped happily onto his hooves. "YEAH!"

After changing back into his wolf form, he roared as he charged back into the foyer, tackling a vampire who was on top of Pinkie. Rarity and Applejack watched the scene in confusion.

"It's okay!" Rainbow assured them. "He's with us now!"

"He's a friend?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"YEAH!" the pricolici snarled as he tore his victim's head off with his teeth.

"Well," Rarity said, blinking. "As long as he's helping."

Meanwhile, in Discord's chamber, the draconequus was fighting off Trenderhoof's five mares. The two unicorns pinned his appendages to the wall with magical cuffs.

"You should've collected more mares," Trenderhoof said smugly as he went over to the coffin. "Soon you will have none." His magic encased the lid. "Kill him."

Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest flew up and gripped their hooves onto Discord's head. But as soon as the casket was open, a hissing creature leaped out at Trenderhoof. The mares' heads turned to see their master under a yellow vampire mare in a wedding dress. Discord's jaw dropped.

"Fluttershy," he said in wonder. "You're," he broke through the cuffs and magically threw the mares off him, his eyes not leaving his bride, "gorgeous!"

Her fur was pale, her eyes were redder than blood, her ears were pointier and fluffier, her wings had grown into those of a bat and her long flowing mane was wild and tangled. She snarled down at Trenderhoof, whose eyes were wide in terror.

He tried knocking her back with his magic, but she was persistent and charged at him again. Sour Sweet and Lemon Zest jumped at her, but with a swish of her wings they went hurtling backward. Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare began firing, but she was quick and swooped down, hissing at them.

Discord watched in awe as his beloved unleashed hell upon the vampires. She had one thought on her mind: blood. Whether it was mortal blood, she didn't seem to care, for she was gnashing her fangs at her foes, biting into their skin whenever she had the opportunity. For the moment, the sweet mare was gone and the demon inside had taken over.

Master! Aria called to Trenderhoof telepathically. Bulk has turned traitor and taken out one of our own! And four more vampires have joined the fight!

Forget them! We need help up here! Count Discord's a draconequus and Lady Fluttershy has awoken!

There was a pause.

You mean to tell me the six of you can't handle one draconequus and one newborn vampire?

He scowled. Just get up here!

As Aria raced down the hall, she paused as she caught a whiff of something. She turned to Spike's bedroom door, pressed herself against it and sniffed. Her eyes rolled back blissfully as she exhaled.

"Dragon blood."

She remembered the small dragon who had answered the door earlier. Dragon blood was rumored to have magical properties, and drinking it would make the vampire even more powerful. With Adagio gone, and Sunset's loyalty withering, there was a chance Aria would be made Trenderhoof chief mistress. If this dragon's blood could make her even more powerful, she would be sure to win that position.

She stepped back and charged at the door. On the other side, Spike, Scootaloo and Angel shivered under the bed as they watched the door bang over and over.

"What are we going to do?" Scootaloo whispered.

"Quiet!" Spike hissed as he reached his claw up under the mattress. "I've got an idea."

Author's Note:

Okay. Three parts.

The hardest part of this chapter was figuring out which order the scenes should go in. So much stuff is happening at once!

The Sunset vs. Twilight bits were inspired by two movie duels: Inigo vs. Wesley in The Princess Bride and the "Straight On" scene in Strange Magic. Discord vs. Trenderhoof was a mix of Gaston vs. The Beast and "The Confrontation" in Les Miz.