• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,940 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...

From Here On To Eternity

It is strange to watch yourself be dressed by invisible hooves. At least that's what it looked like to Fluttershy as she gazed into the three mirrors before her. She watched the needle thread itself and stitch her sleeve while her skirt smoothed out automatically. She had to turn around to check that Rarity and Twilight were really there.

"Am I ever going to see myself again?"

"Oh, don't worry dear," Rarity said as she cut the thread. "Twilight accidentally enchanted a mirror that allows us to see ourselves. Master's using it right now. We figured he'd need it more."

"Oh yeah," Fluttershy said, looking back in the middle mirror. "I'd forgotten he'd mentioned that."

"Just remember if you ever forget what you look like, just look in that mirror. Oh, you wouldn't believe how much torture it is not being able to see yourself for a hundred years!"

"Okay," Twilight said, walking in front so Fluttershy could see her. "So here's how we're going to do this. Once Pinkie starts playing the wedding march, first Scootaloo's going to come out and toss some flower petals, then Spike will come with the rings and then it'll be you. I will say a few words and then you and Discord will say your vows and exchange rings. Then you will begin with the mating ritual."

Fluttershy gulped. "Is it going to…hurt?"

Rarity momentarily stopped what she was doing. She glanced at Twilight before answering.

"Well, um…I was barely conscious when I was uh…"

"Don't worry," Twilight said quickly. "The Master's done this before. When I was sick, and I asked him to change me, he was very careful. It might…pinch a little at first, but it'll be over before you know it.

"Now," she leaned in closer. "This is very important. Discord cannot fully change you unless you give him precise verbal permission. Once you do, he will bite into your neck and drain a small amount of blood from you. When he's done, he will open one of his veins for you to drink, and you must drink without any help from us. It doesn't have to be a lot, just enough to contract your souls together."

"Wait," Fluttershy interjected. "Souls?"

Rarity huffed. "Contrary to popular belief, we vampires aren't soulless. You think we'd have feelings if we were soulless?"

"It's not that we don't have souls," Twilight explained, "but that we can lose them. Has Discord explained to you what happens when the mating ceremony is conducted without the consent of both parties?"

Fluttershy cringed and nodded.

"Well, when that happens, it does more than just bind one soul to another. The unwilling party is obliged by the faulty mating contract to do whatever their master or mistress demands. They can never be unfaithful, in more ways than one. If one ever disobeys their master, for instance if their master is killed by the slave's own hoof, then that slave's soul will evaporate. They will lose any sense of morality they'd ever had. Whatever feelings they had before will never return.

"Some say such an action also affects the mind, for the forced mating ritual gives the master full access to the slave's thoughts. Any disobedient act can give the slave a migraine, even destroy some brain cells. But doing something so extreme as to murder one's own master, that is the ultimate act of insubordination and can make a vampire go insane."

Fluttershy looked like she was going to be sick.

"So it's a good thing you are doing this out of your own free will!" Rarity chirped. "The Master of course would never do something so vile."

"Would Trenderhoof have done that to me?" Fluttershy murmured.

The two vampires glanced at each other.

"We…can't be sure, darling," said Rarity.

The door to Rarity's workshop burst open and Pinkie and Applejack wheeled in a white five-layer wedding cake frosted with roses and bearing a topper resembling Fluttershy and Discord in a tight embrace.

"Who wants CAAAAAAAKE?!" Pinkie screamed.

"Shouldn't that be for after the wedding?" Fluttershy inquired.

She shook her head. "Not when the only chance you'll ever have to eat it is before!"

"Vampires can't eat real food," Applejack reminded her.

Pinkie sighed. "Too bad. This cake looks really good." She grinned at Fluttershy. "That's why I brought it up here! This would be perfect for your last meal!"

"Last meal?" Fluttershy uttered.

"Sorry, Pinkie," Rarity huffed. "We're not getting frosting on this gorgeous gown!"

Pinkie rolled her eyes. "Why do you think I brought napkins?"

"Regardless, I'm not finished here!"

"Don't worry, got it covered!"

She tied a napkin around Fluttershy's neck and before the pegasus knew it, cake was being shoved into her mouth.

"How does it taste, how does it taste?" Pinkie asked eagerly.

Fluttershy took a moment to chew on the cakey concoction and swallow it. "Is that…vanilla cake with buttercream frosting?"

"Yup! Somehow I figured you were the light buttery type! Here, have some more!"

More forkfuls came before Fluttershy could agree.

"Smaller bites, Pinkie Pie!" Rarity exclaimed as she worked on the gown's sleeves. "We don't want to choke her!"

Pinkie grumbled as she scooped a smaller piece onto the fork. "Fine!"

Fluttershy ate the cake contently, savoring each sweet bite and solemnly thinking about how this would be the last real food she would ever eat.

"Girls?" she said after swallowing. "Do you think…I'm doing the right thing?"

Pinkie scoffed. "Of course you're doing the right thing! The Master loves you and you love him and you're gonna live happily ever after! Nothing could be righter than that!"

"I mean," Fluttershy gulped, "am I making the right choice in…doing this for him?"

"Fluttershy," Applejack said, lightly touching her shoulder. "I know I haven't been the most…supportive about this, but I know that if ya don't do this, you could end up in the hooves of a stallion who doesn't care about yerr feelings. Discord does. You won't just be his mate. You'll be his equal, his partner for life. Of course, it's not too late to back out if you're not ready. This will only happen if ya really want it. But frankly, the love you and Discord have is something rare and beautiful, even if it means there will be hardships." She sighed. "I wish we could be so lucky."

"I might!" Rarity said. "Do not forget about Fancy Pants."

"I wonder what my true love will be like," Pinkie said, tapping her fork on her chin. "Maybe he'll be a jester, or a musician, or," she gasped, "A PARTY ANIMAL LIKE ME!"

Rarity chuckled. "If I could live to see the day that you find a stallion who can handle your…personality."

Pinkie looked between Twilight and Applejack. "What do you think your true loves will be like?"

The two of them rubbed their necks awkwardly.

"I…don't think there's any pony out there for me," Twilight replied. "Flash was the only stallion I'd loved. I doubt any pony could replace him."

"Aw, don't be silly, Twilight!" Pinkie said. "Every vampire is destined to have their spectacularly perfect soulmate!"

"I don't…"

"I'll bet yours is a real bookworm! That way you can read books together, shop for books together, talk about books together! Ooh! I bet he's a totally amazing magic user too!"

Rarity snickered. "And Applejack's mate will probably be some pony who really loves apples."

"Okay, okay, y'all have had yerr fun," Applejack said with a grunt.

Rarity ignored her as she continued sewing with prudence. "One more stitch and…done! Now all that's left is the veil!"

She removed the napkin so Fluttershy could get a better look at her gown. Rarity had expanded the waist so she wouldn't have to wear the corset, lowered the neckline and cut off the shoulder puffs. The dress was now snug but comfortable and light on Fluttershy's body. The bodice now bore an intricate sparkling pattern resembling spider webs, as did the lace on her forelegs. Once Rarity lowered the veil onto Fluttershy's head, the look was complete. The tulle was delicate and much lighter than that on the other veil. Flinging it over her face, she had no trouble seeing her elegant reflection.

This was it. Her entire mortal life had been built up to this moment. When she looked in the mirror, she was not ashamed of what she saw. No longer was she a meek little filly, but a strong, confident mare who was ready to make the most important decision one could ever make.

And she was certain she was ready now, ready to dedicate her life to another.

"Oh, darling!" Rarity fawned. "You look absolutely beautiful!"

"Like a princess!" Pinkie piped.

"Does this mean we're almost ready?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded firmly. "Yes."

"One second!" Pinkie said, whizzing off. "I gotta put the finishing touches on the ballroom!"

The ballroom was glowing. The floor was sparkling clean, the chandelier shone brightly from above, and the walls' pillars were strung with morning glories, which seemed to also give off light.

"How did you get those flowers to glow like that?" Twilight inquired.

"Oh," Pinkie shrugged, "a little florescent dye and ultraviolet light from the candelabras and boom, Bob's your uncle! My uncle's name is Chester!"

Rainbow scratched her head. "Florissa ultrapurple…what?"

"Pinkie," Discord said in awe. "It's…perfect."

"You're welcome!" Pinkie chimed. "No need to give me a pat on the back, I'll do it myself!"

She reached over her shoulder and patted herself.

"Come on, let's get into our places," Twilight said.

She and Discord made their way to the middle of the room. He was dressed in the finest suit he could conjure, complete with a neat pressed black jacket, a smooth white shirt and a crooked black bowtie. Twilight adjusted it with her magic. Pinkie took a seat at an enormous pipe organ, which apparently had been acquired during her shopping trip.

"How did she get that in through the door?" Spike whispered to Applejack as he helped her roll in what was left of the wedding cake. It would be finished by Spike and Scootaloo later.

Scootaloo stayed behind the doors, carrying a basket of flower petals and scratching at the fancy pink dress Rarity had thrown together for her.

"What do I have to do again?" she asked Rainbow Dash.

"Just wait for the music to begin and throw the petals around."


"I don't know, Rarity insisted on a flower filly."

Said unicorn came up to them, holding Fluttershy's train. "Are we nearly ready?"

Spike hustled out, careful not to drop the pillow bearing the rings. "We're ready."

They all turned to Fluttershy, who gave a determined nod.

"Okay, I'll tell them to start," Rainbow said, flying back into the ballroom. "All systems are a go!"

"Then we'll begin," Twilight said, tilting her head towards Pinkie.

Pinkie smiled cheerfully as she stretched out her hooves and brought them down hard on the keys, creating a very loud chord that shook the room. Every pony covered their ears.

"PINKIE!" they all cried.

"Sorry," Pinkie snickered, retracting her hooves. "Couldn't resist. Okay, for real this time!"

As she began playing the wedding march, the double doors opened. Scootaloo trotted towards Discord and Twilight, swinging the basket around and flinging about its flower petals. Next came Spike, who held out the rings on a cushion as he proudly followed Scootaloo. Then the music became more powerful and all eyes were on Fluttershy. Discord stiffened at the sight of her.

Through the veil, he could see her incredible teal eyes, which were shining brighter than anything else in the room. She sent him a smile, and Discord nearly toppled over at how beautiful she looked.

"Whoa!" Twilight said as she caught her master. "Are you alright?"

"Uh-huh," he said, nodding dumbly.

Before he knew it, Fluttershy was standing in front of him, everyone else moving into a line to watch. She held out her hoof and he gently took it.

"Friends, vampires, mortals," Twilight began, "we are gathered here today to witness the eternal union between this draconequus and this mortal mare. As it has been foretold, each vampire is destined for one true mate whom he will love unconditionally, and she will show her loyalty by sacrificing her mortal life, for no bond is more sacred than that of two beings sharing their life essence so that they may become one entity.

"Of course, love is never easy." She glanced briefly at Applejack. "It takes work, it requires sacrifice. But it is all worth it in the end if it means being with the one you treasure above all else."

Applejack looked down at Spike who was standing ecstatically beside her. Twilight turned back to Fluttershy and Discord.

"Do either of you have anything to say before we begin?"

Discord swallowed the lump in his throat and took a deep breath.

"Fluttershy," he paused, "before I met you…I was suffering from eternal torment. I've never experienced the joys of a mortal, normal life. Sometimes I didn't even feel like I was alive, like I didn't mean anything to anyone." He glanced at the mares. "Despite what my friends told me.

"But then you came along and…I finally had a reason to live. I…I don't feel like a monster when I'm with you, but like…a real person." He frowned slightly. "And before we go through with this, you should know that it's not too late. Your life is precious and you don't have to waste it with me.

"But, if it is what you wish," he lifted her hoof to his chest, "I will spend every moment of my existence making sure that you are happy and provided for. If we are to live our lives like this together, then let us make the most of it. I love you, and I will never stop loving you, even after I'm nothing but a pile of dust."

Pinkie had to pull a handkerchief out of her bodice.

"And you?" Twilight said, turning to Fluttershy.

The bride breathed. "Discord, I know you've done horrible things and I know you've suffered a lot. But I am here to assure you that your past doesn't matter anymore, because I am here and I am never leaving you again. Don't think you are taking my life away. Even though my heart was beating, I wasn't living either before I met you.

"All I did was go through the motions, do what others told me to do. Never once did I think for myself. Then you showed up and opened a door of opportunity. You love me, you respect me, you make me laugh, you actually care about what I want. Well, I want one thing, and that is to spend the rest of my life taking care of you and letting you take care of me."

She threw back her veil so he could properly see her smile. "Fate may have brought us together, Discord, but I brought myself here, to this moment. I love you, and I can't wait to be your wife, no matter what the future holds for us."

Tears were welling up in Discord's eyes.

"Very well then," Twilight said with a grin. "Discord, do you take Fluttershy to be your vampire mate for all eternity and promise to treat her as your equal in every way possible?"

Discord sniffed. "I do."

"And do you, Fluttershy, agree to let Discord drink of your blood, and for you to drink of his, to become his vampire mate for all eternity and promise to treat him as your equal in every way possible?"

Fluttershy boldly locked her eyes onto Discord's. "I do. From here on to eternity."

Twilight looked to Spike. "May I have the rings, please?"

He held up the cushion and Twilight levitated the rings. The smaller ring, a gold one embedded with onyx stones, fitted onto Discord's claw finger. The larger ring, which was a plain gold, was placed on Fluttershy's hoof with her engagement bracelet.

"And now," Twilight said, taking a step back, "you may begin with the mating ritual."

Discord grew very nervous as Fluttershy leaned her head to one side, exposing her neck. Reluctantly, he took her into his arms and lifted her very slowly until their chests met.

"Not too late," he whispered.

Fluttershy raised her hoof to caress his face and as she smiled at him assuredly. "It's alright, Discord. Do it. I want you to."

He took her face in his claw and gazed at her sadly, tracing his talon along her rosy cheeks and taking in their warmth. For a long moment he focused on her eyes and how innocent they were. He couldn't do it. Not to this perfect angel.


He winced. "I can't."

"Yes, you can. Don't feel bad for me. Just do it."

It was no use. She had already chosen. Sighing, he kissed the top of her head.

"I love you."

As he slowly dipped her, Fluttershy allowed her head to loll back. He pulled down the shoulder of her dress and leaned towards her throat. Her eyes fluttered closed as she felt his cold lips on her skin. Discord shut his eyes too as he made his fangs come out.

Fluttershy gasped at the sudden pain in her neck, her eyes flying open. As he sucked on the puncture wounds, she could feel her blood rushing out of her and into him. She gripped Discord's arms as her muscles weakened. The experience was frightening and exhilarating. She almost screamed at Discord to stop but knew she could trust him.

She tasted so sweet. Discord was close to draining her completely. Then he heard her short, terrified breaths and remembered who he was drinking. Tearing himself away, he stared in horror at the blood dripping from the tiny twin holes in her neck. His claw flew to his lips and found the same blood.

What had he done?

"Master!" Twilight said urgently. "She has to drink your blood too!"

"Oh, right!"

Discord ripped open his shirt and slashed his claw across his chest.

"Aw, and that was such a good suit!" Rarity said with a pout.


He lifted her head and saw that her eyes were half-closed.

"Mmm-hmm?" she said absentmindedly.

He urged her towards the gash in his chest. "You have to drink, but you're the one who has to do it. I can't make you."

She moaned inwardly. "So…tired…"

"Yes, I know. But you have to stay awake long enough to drink or it's not going to work. Just a little. You can do it."

Fluttershy struggled to open her eyes and directed them towards his chest. Gripping his arm, she lunged forward and pressed her mouth over the gash. Discord inhaled sharply as she sucked. Closing his eyes blissfully, he clutched her head in his claw to keep her in place.

The blood was warm in her mouth, and tasted surprisingly…good. She didn't know if it was due to her pre-transformative state or her dizziness, but she just couldn't seem to stop. Meanwhile Discord was groaning in pleasure. Scootaloo's and Spike's eyes had been covered the whole time by Rainbow and Applejack, respectively.

Finally, Fluttershy pulled away and fell limp. Twilight used magic to bandage up Fluttershy's neck and Discord's chest while Rarity summoned a handkerchief to wipe their mouths.

"How do you feel?" Twilight asked.

"Dizzy," Fluttershy heaved exhaustingly.

"It feels that way at first," said Rarity. "You just need some rest."

"I'll take her up to our room," Discord said.

He swung his bride's legs into the crook of his eagle arm while keeping his paw beneath her back and clutching her close so that her head was rested on his chest. He carried her out of the ballroom, into the foyer, up the marble stairs, down the hall of bedrooms, up the spiral staircase and to his chamber door. Twilight and Applejack had followed him to make sure Fluttershy was alright.

As he opened the door, Fluttershy's eyes were hit with light and she squinted into the room. The walls were adorned with garlands of white roses, candles were floating all around and in the middle of the floor was a large, open white coffin. Inside, two lacey pillows lay side by side.

"You've redecorated," she muttered.

"Well, I knew you would've preferred sleeping on the floor," Discord said, carrying her towards the casket. "And until you're fit to go to Zebrica, you need a proper place to sleep."

She moaned softly as he lowered her into the box, gently laying her on the far side.

"Rest, my sweet bride," he whispered as he brushed a stray hair out of her face. "When you wake, you'll be a new pony."

After planting a light kiss on her forehead, he stood up.

"You're," she breathed, "not staying?"

He turned back to her in surprise. "You're exhausted, my love."

"But…aren't we married?"

His eyes widened. "Fluttershy, you're hardly in a condition for us to be…"

"Just stay with me, please?" She gazed up at him. "Please, Discord? Stay with me? I'm…I'm scared."

Discord turned to Twilight and Applejack, who were waiting in the doorway.

"Don't disturb us unless it's an emergency."

The two nodded and slowly shut the door. Discord knelt down and crawled into the coffin with his beloved, coiling his body around her. She smiled sleepily as she curled up against him.

"Don't leave me," she whispered.

Discord grinned as he held her close. "Never."

He shut his eyes as he willed the coffin lid to slowly fall over them.

Author's Note:

We have about five or six chapters to go!