• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,886 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


"Are you absolutely sure it was Tenderheart?" Discord asked Rarity once they'd returned to the castle.

"For the hundredth time," Rarity said gruffly as she hung up her cloak, "I'm positive!"

"But last time you saw him was a hundred years ago, and not to mention you didn't have your superior senses yet when he…"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Master, when some pony forces himself inside of you, even when you are out for half of it, even when it is too dark for you to see, there are two things you never forget: the sound of his voice and how he smells. It was him I tell you!"

He held up his paw and claw defensively. "Very well. I believe you. Still, what was his scent doing on that mare? And how come I didn't smell him?"

"Well," Rarity muttered, "you were a little busy making eyes at Fluttershy!"

"Fair enough."

"I don't know it was just…everywhere on her! Like his very essence was embedded in her fur, her mane, her skin. It was almost as if she had…" She gasped in realization. "She's been with him!"

"I figured as much," said Discord as they entered the main foyer. "Perhaps she bumped into him in the street or…"

He caught Rarity's glare and his eyes widened. "Oh."

"And he would be chasing mares again!" Rarity growled.

"Do you suppose she's his next victim?"

"If so, I don't know why she's still alive if he has…you know, already…"

"No need to say it."

Rarity grimaced in terror. "What if he finds out I'm still alive?! What if he…?" She gasped dramatically. "Applejack! Oh, she's going to be in shock when she hears this!"

"Keep it together!" Discord commanded, grabbing her shoulders. "We don't know anything for sure yet, and until we have concrete evidence that Tenderheart is back, it's best we keep this to ourselves, especially from…"

He trailed off when he noticed Rarity looking past him. He turned around to follow her gaze. At the top of the stairs, Applejack was standing stiff, her eyes wide and her hooves gripping the banister to a point where the marble was cracking beneath them.

"He's…back?" she uttered through her quivering lips.

Discord glanced nervously back at Rarity, who was just as frozen as the earth pony.

"Applejack, I…"

"IS HE?!" she bellowed.

"We…" he said. "We're not sure, but…"

"I smelled him, Applejack!" Rarity blurted. "I didn't see him, but…I smelled him."

"No," Applejack heaved. "No, no, no! He's not back! He can't be! He's not taking him away from me!"

She raced down the hall and Discord and Rarity flew upstairs to follow her. They found her in her room, kicking over furniture.

"He's not getting me!" she shouted as she watched her dresser tumble. "Not this time!" A chair smashed against the wall. "Not now! Please, please, not now!"

Discord and Rarity grabbed her before she could bring her hooves down on her desk. She wriggled in their grasp, kicking in all directions.

"Applejack, calm down!" Rarity exclaimed.

"No!" she screamed as they attempted to lower her into her coffin. "He's not getting me! He's not getting him! I won't let him! I won't let him! I won't let him. I…won't…let…"

Her screams turned into sobs and soon she was hyperventilating. If breathing was actually necessary for their survival, she would've passed out by now.

"AJ, listen to me, alright?" Discord said in reassurance.

"No!" Applejack wheezed. "I can't see him again! Not after what he did to me! I can't do it! I can't…"

A slap across the face cut her off.

"Rarity!" Discord gawked.

"Pull yourself together, farm girl!" Rarity commanded as she snatched Applejack by the shoulders and forced her to look at her. "Look at me! Do you think I'm not upset about this too?! Yes, I was just as hysterical as you the minute I picked up his scent, but even if Tenderheart is back, so what? What did we say we'd do the moment we saw him again?"

Applejack thought a moment and muttered, "Rip off his head?"

Rarity nodded. "Then what?"

"Tear off his…legs?"

"One," she said with a smirk, tapping her on the muzzle, "by," then her forehead, "one. And then what?"

The earth mare narrowed her eyes in determination. "We dismember his member!"

"And then?!"

She stood up. "We set the pieces on fire and watch 'em burn!"

"That's the spirit!" Rarity cheered, standing with her. "He may have wronged us, but he made one fatal mistake! He made us stronger! Let him come! We'll make him sorry for it!"

Applejack smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Rarity." She frowned. "But still, ya sure ya smelled him?"

"Well, not exactly. I mean his scent was all over this mare who was at Fancy Pants' dinner party."

"Up to his old tricks, then?" Applejack huffed.


"Who was this mare?"

"I don't remember her name, but she was sitting two seats away from me. Discord, do you remember her name?"

He bit his lip guiltily. "Um…I, uh…"

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Of course. You were otherwise occupied."

"Hold it!" Applejack exclaimed. "Twilight! She's been working on a spell to find the Sirens. Maybe she can do the same to find Tenderheart!"

"Or at least the mare I smelled!"

"Come on, let's go find her!"

Twilight was in a grand ballroom, surrounded by waltzing ponies. She stood alone by the buffet table. Some ponies were chatting and laughing not too far away, but they paid no heed to her. Some couples were making displays of themselves against the walls as they scraped at each other. Twilight shook her head in disgust.

"Well, aren't you a pretty little wallflower?"

She did not need to turn her head to know who was there.

"Not you again," she groaned.

"No need to be rude," Phoenix said, pretending to sound hurt. "I was only complimenting you."

"Would you please leave me alone? I've got better things to do."

Twilight drifted into the dancing crowd. She scanned them all, searching for the three faces she wanted to maul. She could hear them singing, calling to her, mocking her. If only she could pinpoint their location.

She found herself in the middle of the dancefloor. With her eyes glancing around and the ponies twirling around, it was as if the room was spinning. She couldn't make out any of the dancers' faces.

"You won't find them this way."

Suddenly the spinning stopped and Phoenix appeared in front of her, smirking spitefully.

"And what would you suggest?" Twilight demanded, crossing her hooves.

"I already told you," Phoenix said as she began circling her slowly. "You have to follow your instincts."

When she was behind her, she whispered lowly into her lavender ear. "I can help you with that."

A chill ran up Twilight's spine as Phoenix's hoof lightly touched her mane.

"Stop that!" she shouted, slipping away to face her. "That…that's disgusting!"

"Funny," Phoenix said, curling her lip into a puppy pout. "I was under the impression that you liked it."

"I…" Twilight stammered anxiously. "I…I did not!"


Twilight shrieked as Phoenix appeared behind her again and threw her hooves around her middle before she could escape.

"Then I suppose you wouldn't like it if I did this."

Twilight stiffened as she felt the seductress' cold tongue run up her neck. It made her skin tingle and her blood race. Snapping out of her trance, Twilight used her hooves to break out of Phoenix's hold.

"No! You…you're toying with me! You…" She gasped. "You're causing all this! You don't want me to find the Sirens, so you're creating these…visions to distract me!" She gasped again. "Or, or! You really don't know where the Sirens are, and your being in Zebiu at the same time is just a coincidence! But you…you just wanna mess with me! This is another battle of wits, isn't it?! You're trying to break me by making me feel these…things! Well, it won't work! I'm not…"

But Phoenix was laughing. "Oh, little Lavender. You think too much. Why don't you take a break?"

Twilight squeaked as Phoenix pounced on her, pinning her shoulders to the floor, which had suddenly become a bed.

"Just clear your mind," her captor whispered, running her yellow hooves down her forelegs, "and I'll help you to relax."

Twilight was paralyzed as Phoenix's face lunged towards hers.


"Get off me!" Twilight shouted, snapping up her head.

"Sorry!" Applejack apologized. "But we needed ya to wake up!"

The lavender unicorn wiped the sleep out of her eyes and blinked at the trio before her. Applejack, Rarity and Discord were staring at her strangely.

"I must say," said Rarity, "you were sleeping rather soundly."

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "I, um…uh…" She shook her head. "What was it that you needed?"

"Oh, right," Applejack said, clearing her throat. "Ya see, when Rarity and Discord were at the dinner party…"

"I smelled Tenderheart!" Rarity finished quickly.

Twilight's eyes widened. "You saw him?!"

"No, but I smelled him on some mare. A very rude mare if you ask me! We were just minding our own business when she…"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Twilight interjected, holding up a hoof. "What did this mare look like?"

Rarity tapped her chin as she tried to recall. "She was a unicorn with a yellow coat. No, maybe it was more like a shade of goldenrod. Her mane was curly, streaked with brick-red and…"

"Also goldenrod?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

Twilight put her hooves to either side of her head. "Oh my Darkness! It makes perfect sense!"

"What makes sense?"

"While you and Discord were away, I saw some pony lurking outside Spike's bedroom window."

Applejack gasped. "Why didn't ya tell me?!"

Twilight bit her lip guiltily. "I didn't want you to worry. I didn't get a good look at him, but I'm pretty sure it was a unicorn stallion."

The orange mare's hooves flew up to her mouth. "H-He…he was…"

Rarity caught her before she could crumple to the floor.

"The mare you described," Twilight said, "matches the description of the vampire mare I met a couple nights ago." She turned to Applejack. "You said the Sirens claimed there were five in their coven, including themselves and Phoenix."

"Phoenix?" Discord and Rarity questioned.

"My mystery mare. Anyway, she said she had a mate, and if Rarity smelled Tenderheart on her and the master of the coven is still unaccounted for…"

"…Tenderheart must be their master!" Discord finished.


"So he really is back," Applejack whimpered as Rarity cradled her. "And he was here, at Spike's window…"

"He's not going to get Spike, Applejack!" Twilight declared.

"He's not going to have any of you," Discord said with a firm nod, "you can be certain of that! No pony messes with my family!"

"Rarity, do you remember this mare's name?"

"No," Rarity replied, shaking her head. "I remember it had something to do with the sun, and something shiny."

"Are there any other details you remember that can help us?"

"All I know is that she is nobility, or at least claims to be. With split ends like hers I wouldn't be surprised if she was pretending!"

Once Applejack was able to stand on her hooves again, she looked at Twilight pleadingly. "Do ya think you could use that spell you've been workin' on to find Tenderheart, before he finds us?"

If vampires could blush, Twilight's face would've been beat red at that moment. "The, um…the spell's not working at the moment. I think, uh…I need to see Zecora again before making another attempt."

Truthfully, she didn't want another subconscious meeting with Phoenix. Whatever was causing her to have these dreams was making it difficult for her to focus on her magic. Even now, the seductive mare was laughing in her head, taunting her.

Now Twilight knew for sure she was connected to the Sirens, even Tenderheart. Phoenix was trying to prevent her from finding them. She was the true siren, distracting her from her goal.

Well, Phoenix, she mentally told the spiteful cackle, you're going to have to do better than that.

In the middle of the forest, Bulk Biceps waited patiently outside a carriage, which was rocking wildly back and forth. The screams and growls from inside did not move him.

"Why," came a snarl, followed by a thump, "can't," another thump, accompanied by a shriek, "I," harder this time, "buck," the second voice squealed, "YOU?!"

"Please, please!" a stallion's voice whined. "Have mercy!"

"Ugh! Worthless!" Bulk could hear the stallion being tossed around like a ragdoll. "Completely worthless!"

Soon the rumbling stopped and a few minutes later, Sunset emerged. Her mane was in a tangle and her clothes were soiled with blood. Wiping her mouth on her sleeve, she slammed the carriage door shut with a groan.

"Did you take care of the coach pony?"

Bulk glanced down at the marred corpse still attached to the vehicle's shaft.

"Nice," Sunset said, nodding approvingly. "With our luck, they'll think a pack of wolves did it. But we should get going." She smirked at her servant as she reopened the door. "Unless you wanted to pick off the bones of the Duke of Death here."

Bulk turned his head away.

"Suit yourself," she said, shutting the door again. "Let's get out of here."

Her servant cleared his throat and pointed to her tattered gown.

"Whoops," she chuckled. "Guess I got a little carried away there. Oh well, easy fix."

She powered up her horn and in a split second, her dress was cleaned and mended. She did the same for Bulk's suit.

"Remind me to dress more casually next time we go out," Sunset said. "Now let's go before Lady Starlight starts wondering where we are."

As they walked side-by-side, Sunset began glancing nervously at Bulk. He was silent, stoically looking ahead. It made her antsy.

"I suppose you," she said with a gulp, "heard what went on in there."

He said nothing.

"Then again, you probably didn't need super hearing for that."

He glanced down at her.

"Yes! Okay?! Yes I was trying to have sex with him! I was trying to get back at Trenderhoof, okay?! Don't think I don't know what he does with his food before he eats it! Don't think I don't know what those 'private meetings' with the Dazzlings are all about! I'm not stupid!"

Her rage turned to sadness as blood highlighted her eyes. "What's wrong with me, Bulk? Am I not…pretty enough?"

"Nothing's wrong with you, Mistress!" Bulk replied hastily. "Trenderhoof adores you! He sets you above every pony else!"

"Then why isn't he faithful to me?"

He opened his mouth but hesitated to answer. She looked up at him with teary eyes.

"It's true, isn't it?" she croaked. "You don't have to tell me. I know he would've made you swear to secrecy." She wiped her cheeks clean. "I just don't get it. I'm supposed to be his mate. So how come I'm not…happy?"

Sympathetic for her, Bulk gently laid a hoof on her shoulder. "I won't tell him what happened tonight, Mistress."

She looked up at him with a thankful smile. "I knew I always liked you, Bulk."

He returned her smile and when her face was dry, they continued on their way.

What Sunset didn't tell him was the second reason she had done what she had done tonight. She wanted to prove that she hadn't lost her ability to perform and that perhaps Trenderhoof was the problem. However, even with the helpless stallion in her grasp, she couldn't go through with it. Every time she lunged at the stallion, the face of the lavender unicorn would appear. Physically torturing the fool was easy, but every time she got close to his member, her brain would rattle and her thighs would pinch. And still that accursed mare would glare accusingly at her.

"I swear, next time I see that dumb Lavender, I'm going to maim her!"

Bulk looked at her questioningly, but she paid no heed.

"I'll toss her around like a salad, then press her against a wall and pound her so hard until she is all rubbery and limp! Then I'll bang her to a pulp, again, and again, and again, and a—"

"What are you talking about?"

Remembering that Bulk was there, Sunset stumbled over her reply.

"I was, uh…I…err…" She narrowed her eyes. "Shut up!"

Discord had barely opened the window when Fluttershy attacked him with a kiss, her hooves hooking around his neck. He was so caught off-guard that he nearly fell backward. But after a few seconds, his eyes closed blissfully as he returned her embrace. It was easy for him to forget to warn her about Tenderheart and his coven.

"Well," Discord breathed as she pulled away. "Not that I'm complaining, but what did I do to receive such a welcome?"

His beloved smiled sweetly up at him as she caressed his jawline. "That was just for being you."

"Ah! So you really did miss my handsome face then, eh?"

She nodded eagerly. "It just wasn't the same. I know it's not the first time you've looked that way around me, but we've just seen each other so much like this that…"

"Shhh," he whispered, putting a paw to her lips. "Say no more, my love." He wriggled his eyebrows playfully at her. "We have more interesting things to do than talk."

She giggled as he leaned in for another kiss. Her mouth opened automatically and their tongues immediately entwined. Wanting to feel his body against hers, she tugged down on his neck, bringing him further into the room. Discord's eyes popped open when he felt the veins in his face pounding, ready to burst.

"Fluttershy!" he said, yanking himself away from her. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"What?" Fluttershy asked, genuinely confused.

"You haven't invited me in yet!"

"Oh! You can come in."


He sprang into the room, scooped her up into his arms and pressed his lips hungrily against hers. Fluttershy moaned in satisfaction. Discord drew himself away again as something occurred to him.

"Where's that rabbit of yours?" he inquired, glancing around the room. "Shouldn't he be trying to break us apart by now?"

"I put him to sleep in the parlor," Fluttershy explained. "He might leave presents on the carpet, which won't please my aunt at all, but I'll worry about that later." She blushed as she gazed up at him. "After today, I wanted us to have a little…privacy tonight."

"Are those candles?" Discord asked when he noticed the glimmering wax sticks on the dressers and side tables.

"Yes. Oh, does fire really bother you?"

He shrugged. "Only when I'm in direct contact."

"Well, don't worry. I made sure they're a safe distance from the bed."

Glancing at said bed, he noted various violet sprinkles adorning the covers. "Flower petals?"

"F-From the Infinite Iris," she stammered. "The p-petals grow b-back, you know?"

The implication of the scenery made Discord set the pegasus down and take a step back, much to both their displeasure.

"Fluttershy, I thought we agreed we weren't going to take our relationship any further until we were married."

"Oh no, I wasn't…" Fluttershy said with a blush. "I just…tonight made me realize…how l-lucky we are. Not many couples get to spend much time together like we do. Alone, that is. And I just thought…well, you're always making the romantic gestures and I figured…it was…m-my turn?"

She looked away from him, feeling silly for the idea. He was probably going to laugh at her. Instead, he smiled and knelt down to her.

"So we agree that what we share is a romance?"

Facing him again and seeing his grin, she smiled too and nodded.

"Well then, my little Gwhinnyvere," he said, smirking seductively as he inched closer to her, "are you ready for your Prancelot to take you?"

Fluttershy chuckled and held out her hooves. "Yes. Take me."

He swept her up and carried her to the bed. As they landed on the mattress, the violet petals flew up into the air and rained down on them in a sweet-smelling shower. It was like his dreams, where they would lie together in the flowerbeds. All that was missing was the brilliant light from the sun, but the candles would have to do.

He kissed her passionately, his paw and claw running along her frame while Fluttershy's hooves did some exploring of their own. He didn't realize how far she was reaching down until he felt a squeeze on his backside.

"Fluttershy!" he gasped, wrenching himself away in shock.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Fluttershy said. "Should I have asked your permission first?"

Her tone was innocent, but her eyes were playful. Discord smirked at her behavior.

"When we first met you wouldn't let me get anywhere near you. Now you're fondling with me? I think I'm a bad influence on you, darling."

She pouted her lip. "You make that sound like a bad thing."

He chuckled throatily. "Oh, you little tease!"

He went for her mouth again and while Fluttershy didn't go for his bottom again, her hooves were certainly getting touchy. Was it the candles? Was it the flowery scent adorning them? Whatever it was, Discord could feel his desire for her growing.

His claw absentmindedly traced the edge of her skirt, begging for entrance. Opening his eyes slightly, he caught sight of her neck. It would be so easy for him to sink his teeth into her succulent flesh. He had gotten a small taste of it through his kisses. All it would take was one swift motion and her life essence would be his.

With the way she was stroking his spine, she had no idea how difficult she was making it for him to resist the temptation. He wanted her so much, but he kept his self-control. He had to remind himself that unless she said the word, he had no real claim over her.

But the waiting was agony.

"Fluttershy," he murmured.

"Yes?" Fluttershy replied, holding him close as she caught her breath.

He took a strand of her mane and twirled it around his finger. "What would you say if…I were to ask you to marry me?" He lightly kissed the strings of silk. "Right now?"

He could feel her body stiffen at his question. She leaned back so that she was lying on the pillows and looking up at him. Her eyes held a mixture of shock and nervousness.

"Are you asking?"

He shrugged. "Depends on your answer."

But he could already read it in her expression.

"Discord," she breathed, her voice dropping to its usual level of quietness. "I-I do love you, but…this…us…it's…it's all happened so quickly and I…"

He sighed sadly, his ears drooping. "I understand."

"Don't get me wrong! It's just…marrying you wouldn't be…just marrying you, I mean I'd have to…"

Discord could feel her hooves slipping away from him. The heat between them had died for the moment, so he shifted away from her embrace and settled down beside her.

"You don't have to explain it to me, Fluttershy. After all, any other marriage vow lasts until death. But with vampires…"

"…it's for eternity."

He nodded. "I know it's a lot to ask from you, but it wouldn't be all bad, I promise! You love animals, yes, but we can arrange it so you won't have to do any killing. I'll make sure none of the animals I bring you suffer! You don't even have to see their bodies if you don't want…"

"Can we not talk about this right now?" she asked in a choked voice.

"Right, right."

There was a long period of silence as they lay next to each other, not crossing the invisible barrier of awkwardness that had come between them. Discord felt awful for bringing the subject up in the first place and possibly ruining the rest of their night.



She gulped. "S-Suppose I…did say yes. W-What…what about my aunt?"

"What about her?"

"Discord!" she said, propping herself up so she could glare at him. "As…difficult as my aunt can be, she is still my family and will be concerned if I'm suddenly a vampire."

"No pony said you had to tell her," he said with a shrug.

"All the same, she's sure to notice when years pass and I still look twenty years old."

"With any luck, she'll pass away before it becomes apparent."

"Discord, that's not a very nice…" She paused when she realized the truth in that statement. "Oh. I…I hadn't given much thought to…"

She fell back on her pillow and Discord could sense her distress. He wanted to shield her in his embrace, but he didn't have permission. Fortunately, he didn't have to ask, for she was already curling up next to him for support.

"Forgive me," he said as he wrapped his arms around her. "That was inconsiderate of me to say."

"It's alright," Fluttershy murmured. "I mean…I always knew that she wouldn't always be… She'll want to come to the wedding, you know?"

"Yes, I expected as much. We could still have a traditional ceremony, so your aunt can attend and our union can be legalized in the eyes of society."

"Would that be before or," she said, swallowing the lump in her throat, "after we…?"

She didn't need to finish. "We'll want to be somewhere secluded. After you wake up, you'll be incredibly thirsty, and you wouldn't want to be around ponies when that happens. Since questions will be asked if you suddenly disappear for a while, the best time for us to do it would be on our honeymoon. We'll be expected to be away and alone together then."

"Where will we even go?"

"As I recall, I promised to take you to Zebrica, but we could really go anywhere: Prance, Germaneigh, Amareica, Japony, anywhere you want!"

Fluttershy closed her eyes blissfully at the thought. "I've always wanted to see the world."

"And so you shall. This I promise you."

Frowning suddenly, she clutched his shirt. "Will I be…different? I mean of course I'll be different, but will I still be…me?"

"I imagine so," he said, smiling as he brushed some petals out of her mane. "Of course I didn't know most of the girls before they changed, but I knew Twilight. She may be stronger in more ways than one, but she is still as bookish and independent as ever. Though like she said, some of your characteristics will be improved, so really you'll be becoming a better version of yourself."

"What sort of characteristics?" she asked, twisting her head so she could look up at him.

"Well, for one thing, though I highly doubt it's possible," he said, kissing the top of her head, "you'll be even more beautiful and angelic than you are now."

She smiled at his compliment, but her face was still etched with worry.

"Hey," he whispered, combing her mane with his claw. "Whatever the future holds for us, whatever changes either of us go through, one thing will remain the same."


Grinning, he caressed her face. "I will always love you."

He waited for her reply, but she was silent, staring up at him unsurely. As his smile wavered, she reached out to his face and brought his lips to hers in a gentle peck.

"I love you too," she said softly. "But it's just too soon."

He sighed. "Don't worry. I'm immortal, remember? I have all the time in the world to wait."

But as they lay soundly in each other's embrace, concern dwindled in their thoughts, for they both knew that while Discord had an eternity, Fluttershy did not.