• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,939 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


The vampire mares spent the next few hours training in the gymnasium. Applejack was pounding hard on a punching bag, Pinkie was running laps at a rate of five per second, Twilight was teaching Rarity some basic defense and attack spells, and all of them would rotate in sparring with Rainbow. When sunset neared, Rainbow gathered them all to a blackboard.

"Alright, troops!" she said, slapping a pointer into her hoof. "We've got about an hour until sundown! We need to map out our basic attack formation. We're looking at five of us verses six of them here, but if we all stay alert, I think we can do it.

"Okay," she pointed to a chart with six columns, labeled with their adversaries' names. "What do we know about our opponents? Let's start with Trenderhoof. Strengths and weaknesses?"

"He's got magic," said Applejack.

"But he relies too much on his charm," Rarity grunted.

"Magic," Rainbow said as she wrote these down, "big ego. What about his right-hoof mare?"

"She's very smart," Twilight said, "and knows more about magic than Trenderhoof, I think."

"Good, good. Weaknesses?"

"She's very emotional and," she sighed, "thinks Trenderhoof is her whole world."

"Got it. Now how about the Sirens?"

"That Adagio's gotta be the smartest of the three," Applejack noted. "She does most of the talkin'."

"The purple one's a meanie," Pinkie snorted. "I like the blue one the best."

"And we know she's not the brightest," Rainbow recalled.

"They're often together," Twilight said. "If we split them up somehow, they'll be easier to take on."

"That leaves us with the big guy. You saw those muscles. He's obviously the strongest."

"I'm not even so sure he's a vampire," said Rarity. "He smelled awfully strange, like…wet dog."

"So he's a big mystery," Rainbow said, drawing a giant question mark in Bulk's column. "Alright, now that we've established what we know, we gotta choose our targets. Since I'm our strongest fighter, I'll take on the big guy."

She wrote down her name under Bulk.

"The Sirens are mine," Twilight said firmly.

"But you can't take on three of them by yourself!" Rarity insisted.

"Yeah," Rainbow said with a nod. "One of us will be left without a target."

"Ooh, ooh, ooh!" Pinkie exclaimed, raising her hoof. "Can I get the purple one? I don't like her very much."


"Pinkie can help," Twilight agreed, "as long as I get Adagio." She narrowed her eyes furiously. "She's the one who killed Flash."

Rainbow scribbled Twilight's and Pinkie's names across the three columns. "All that's left is Trenderhoof and Sunset Shimmer."

They all turned to Applejack and Rarity. They both wanted Trenderhoof, but they couldn't leave Sunset open. Who was going to have the pleasure of wiping out their greatest nemesis?

"Applejack should have Trenderhoof."

The orange mare gawked at Rarity. "Are ya sure?"

She nodded. "I may not be as powerful as Twilight, but I might stand a chance against Sunset Shimmer's magic. Besides," she turned to Applejack, "I feel like you need it more than I do."

Impulsively, Applejack threw her hooves around Rarity. The unicorn hugged her in return.

"Just as long as you let me get a piece of him before you kill him," she whispered.

"Agreed," Applejack said.

"It's settled then," Rainbow said, finishing her notes. "We've got our plan, now we just have to wait."

"Hey, what about me?" Scootaloo asked, raising her hoof. "Who do I kill?"

"And me?" Spike inquired.

The mares glanced nervously at each other.

"Spike, Scootaloo, we…" Twilight started to say.

"It's too risky," Rainbow said.

Spike stared at them all. "You're…not gonna let us fight?"

"It's not that we don't think that you're capable, darlings," Rarity said. "It's just that…"

"You're too fragile," Applejack choked.

"Fragile?!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Important. Y'all are too important."

"You're mortals," Twilight explained. "And you're young. You'll be the first ones they will go for. Even if you were armed, they could kill you."

"So," Spike said, stepping forward, "you're just gonna have us wait on the sidelines?!"

"To protect ya," Applejack insisted.

"I don't need protecting! I'm a big dragon!"

"And Rainbow's been teaching me how to fence!" Scootaloo declared.

"For one day!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I'm sorry, but this is a fight for vampires. We can't risk the two of you getting hurt."

"What about Fluttershy's bunny?" Pinkie inquired. "Won't it be dangerous having him hop around the castle while all this is going on?"

"There's no doubt about it," Twilight said. "We need to get everyone who has a beating heart someplace safe where the enemy won't get to them."

"You guys do that," Rainbow said, "I'll go find the rabbit."

Moments later, they were all gathered in Spike's room. Scootaloo sat on the bed, petting Angel as she watched Applejack nail wooden boards over the window. Twilight concentrated on the door, attempting to make it thicker.

"Seriously, is all of this necessary?" Spike asked.

Applejack spat out her hammer. "Once they have invitation, they might come through the window."

Twilight panted as she finished her spell. "And if they figure out you're in here, they might try to break through."

"They're just precautions, darling," said Rarity.

"But we wanna help!" Scootaloo insisted.

"Sorry, squirt," Rainbow said, ruffling her mane. "But you're too young to be out in the field."

She sighed. "I know, but I still wish I could help somehow."

"Y'all can help by keepin' quiet," Applejack said as she packed up her tools.

"If you hear any hoofsteps," Twilight told the mortals, "keep absolutely still and quiet. Hold your breath as long as you can. Don't open the door for any pony. If some pony tries to break it down, hide."

"What if we have to go to the bathroom?" Scootaloo asked.

Pinkie came in carrying a chamber pot. "That's what this thing is for!"

Spike and Scootaloo glanced at each other and shouted, "Gross!"

"Don't get me wrong," the latter said. "I've gone in worse places, but not with a boy watching!"

"Ugh!" Rainbow groaned. "Just turn around if ya have to! Now come on. The sun's almost set!"

The mares filed out of the room, Applejack and Twilight staying behind. The latter gave Spike one last hug.

"Once the door is locked," she told the dragon, "barricade it any way you can, just in case."

Planting a kiss on his forehead, Twilight got up and left.

"I still don't see why I have to be here!" Spike called, following the mares to the doorway. "I'm not gonna sit around while you girls are in trouble! I can help, I…"

"Spike," Applejack said, turning around to grip his claw in her hooves. "Listen to me. Some of us…might not make it through the night. So please, do us this one favor." She looked into his eyes pleadingly. "Stay out of this. Stay here where it's safe. Please, I…we wouldn't be able to live with ourselves if ya got hurt."

He gazed into her eyes and was shocked by what he saw. They held so much sadness, so much awe, so much worry. Had her eyes always been this emotional, or was it because of the dire situation?

There was also something strange in the way she was holding his claw. Firmly, but carefully so she wouldn't hurt him, as if she were holding something precious, something she was afraid of letting go. He then remembered this was the way she had always held his claw whenever she took blood from him. He could tell. Neither of the mares wanted him to get hurt, but it seemed Applejack was more serious about it than the others.

Finally, he nodded in understanding and Applejack reluctantly released him. Her eyes never left him as she slowly closed the door. Her hoof was still on the knob as Twilight turned the key in the lock.

"He'll be fine," the unicorn said, putting an assuring hoof on her shoulder.

"Twilight?" Applejack murmured, facing her. "If I don't live through this, could you promise me somethin'?"

She nodded grimly. "Anything."

"Could ya watch over Spike?"

"Applejack, I've been watching over him since he was an egg."

"Then," she heaved, "could ya tell him…how I felt about him?"

Twilight blinked in surprise. "Of…of course, but…shouldn't you tell him now while there's still time?"

She glanced back at the door. "I don't want him to do anythin' stupid."

On the other side of the door, Spike was still dumbstruck, staring at the place he last saw Applejack, trying to figure out what he had just witnessed. Why had she looked at him so sincerely? Why had she gripped his claw so tenderly? Why did she seem more determined than any pony to keep him safe?

"It's because she likes ya, dummy."

Spike snapped around to face Scootaloo on the bed. "Huh?"

The filly rolled her eyes. "What is it with you boys? I may be young, but even I can tell when a mare likes some pony. Or some dragon, in this case."

He scoffed. "Yeah, right. Applejack's just a good friend."

"Uh-huh," she said, raising an eyebrow. "But she likes ya. I mean really likes ya. That's why she doesn't want ya fighting."

He crossed his arms. "None of them want me fighting."

"Yes, but she especially doesn't want ya fighting. Didn't ya see the way she was looking at you? It's like you're the most important thing in the world to her."

Spike shook his head as he joined her on the bed. "You're crazy. If Applejack had feelings for me, she would've told me."

"Maybe she's too afraid that you'll reject her. You might not understand."

"Of course I'd understand! I know how vampire mating works! Vampires only fall in love once! If I was Applejack's soulmate, she wouldn't be able to touch me without…"

He paused as he recalled his first few weeks at the castle.

"Okay, so maybe she was a little skittish around me at first, but there have been tons of times where she didn't need my permission for…"

Then he remembered calling out on her squeamishness and saying she could touch him at any time.

"She was…probably just being polite. I mean, if I was her soulmate, she would've had to like fall in love with me at first…"

His earliest memory of Applejack returned to him, how when she had greeted him and Twilight at the door, she had stared strangely at him. Spike had presumed it was because he was a dragon, but could it be that…?

He thought back to all the times Applejack had acted protectively over him. Whenever he had to give blood, whenever he so much as scraped his knee or cut his finger on paper, she had acted as if he had been fatally wounded. Just this morning, when he was almost captured by Trenderhoof's coven, Applejack had rushed out in her bat form, risking being vaporized by the sun to save him.

Then there were those other, less dramatic times they'd spent together. When he had helped her in the kitchen and ended up making a mess, she hadn't scolded or laughed at him. Instead, she had just smiled at him and cleaned up the mess herself like it was no big deal. Every night when she would put him to sleep, she would tell him fairy tales modified so that the dragon would always be the hero instead of the villain. And she would let him chime in every now and then so it would be twice as fun.

He had never questioned any of this. He had assumed it was just because she was that kind of pony. But now, looking back on all those moments, he could see her smile and the adoration in her eyes. Then he mentally kicked himself for making those eyes sad every time he had mentioned Rarity. He clutched his chest as it began beating rapidly.

All this time, it had all been right in front of him. She'd been caring for him very deeply in any way she possibly could, and he hadn't even noticed.

The more he thought about Applejack, the more every physical feature of her seemed to glow. Her green eyes, so similar to his own, were like two precious emeralds. Her straw-colored hair now looked like golden threads sweeping over her shoulder. And her face, one he hadn't really paid attention to, suddenly looked very pleasing to him. She never wore powder. She had never made an effort to look beautiful. And yet, there was a raw natural prettiness to her face.

As minutes passed, he found he could think of nothing but Applejack.

"Uh, hello?"

When Spike snapped out of his daydream, he saw Scootaloo's hoof waving in front of his eyes. "Oh. Sorry, I was…thinking."

"Well, stop. We gotta barricade the door, remember? Come on, let's see if we can move that desk."

He didn't follow her immediately. "Do…do you really think Applejack…loves me?"

Scootaloo looked at him and shrugged. "I don't know much about love, but she definitely likes you. A lot."

Once again, Spike recalled his last time seeing her. "Then why didn't she say anything?"

The sun was set, the sky was dark, and the five vampire mares were standing readily in the main foyer.

"Remember," Rainbow said, "you can only kill them by removing their heads."

"Why can't we just use stakes and swords and garlic and stuff?" Pinkie questioned.

"Because it's too risky," Twilight said. "If we bring weapons to the battlefield, who's to say they won't steal them and use them against us?"

Pinkie pouted. "Fine. But it'd be a lot easier to chop off their heads if we had an axe."

"Don't worry. If necessary, I have a special sunlight spell that can evaporate a vampire instantly, but it takes a lot of energy and I don't want to accidentally hit one of you."

"But if ya wanna kill 'em," Rainbow repeated, "break their necks and rip off their heads."

"Got it," Pinkie said, still looking bored. "Break their heads and rip off their necks."

The pegasus sighed. "Close enough."

"Okay, Rainbow," Twilight said with a firm nod. "Let them in."

Rainbow saluted and zipped to the front door. When she opened it, the six foes were waiting.

"Alright, you punks. Come in and face your doom."

Trenderhoof grinned. "All of us can come in?"

She narrowed her eyes in annoyance. "Yes, all of you can come in."

"That is," he gestured to his associates, "everyone in our coven can come in?"

"Ugh! Yes, okay?! Everyone in your coven can come in, Mr. Specific! Sheesh!"

She quickly returned to her comrades in the foyer. "They're coming."

"Woo hoo!" Pinkie cheered. "Go Team Discord!"

The five of them stood in a line in the center of the room, keeping their eyes on the hallway their enemies would emerge from. They changed into their bat forms and readily bared their fangs. A minute later, Trenderhoof appeared, followed by Sunset, the Dazzlings and Bulk Biceps. They had all transformed, except for the muscular stallion. Sunset was glaring menacingly at Twilight, but she was too focused on the Dazzlings, who were floating beside their master and cackling in delight. Trenderhoof didn't look the least bit worried, even though Rarity and Applejack were growling especially at him.

"Where is Count Discord?" Trenderhoof inquired, glancing around. "Too cowardly to come and face me himself?"

"Our master has more important business to attend to," Twilight said stiffly.

"Last chance to surrender, ladies. We outnumber you."

Rainbow huffed. "Six against five is nothing! I've been trained to take on way more than that!"

He smirked. "Then this should satisfy you."

He let out a long whistle and various shadows stretched across the walls behind him. Discord's coven gawked as fourteen more vampire mares emerged from the hallway, hovering obediently above Trenderhoof.

"Your master's not the only one who's been collecting over the years!" he said proudly.

"Oh boy," Rainbow uttered.

"Wow, that's a lot of vampire ladies!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"It's okay! We can still take 'em! We'll just have to uh…" She tried counting. "Eight, ten…"

"We'll have to take on four each," Twilight declared.

"Right! I mean they're just normal vampires, right?"

As she said this, Bulk Biceps started to increase in size. The five mares watched in awe as his white fur turned black and his red eyes started glowing. His growing muscles ripped through his clothing and his snout became longer, suddenly sprouting a large wet nose. Claws sprang out of his hooves as they expanded into giant paws. In a matter of seconds, the muscular stallion had been replaced with an enormous, anthropomorphic black wolf.

"Okay," Rainbow whimpered. "Didn't see that one coming either."

"He's a werewolf?!" Rarity gasped.

"But it's not even a full moon!" Twilight protested.

"That's no werewolf," Rainbow said. "That's a pricolici."

The lavender mare turned to her in surprise. "A what?!"

"A pricolici. It's kind of what happens when a werewolf bites a vampire, or the other way around. He's got the same powers as a werewolf, but instead of changing only when the moon is full, he can change whenever he wants! He's also stronger and faster than any regular werewolf or vampire!"

Twilight blinked. "How do you know all this?"

"I'm a freaking Romane, these are like our bedtime stories!"

"So you see what you are up against," Trenderhoof said smugly. "I'll give you one last chance to hand over the Lady Fluttershy and your master so we can avoid this conflict."

The five huddled together.

"What do we do?" Pinkie whispered.

"Keep your targets," Rainbow commanded. "Just add three more to your hit list."

"That means I'm getting all the Sirens this time," Twilight said.

"Ya sure ya can handle Dog Breath over there?" Applejack inquired.

Rainbow shrugged. "Hey, I used to wrestle whole wolf packs for fun. We can do this."

They broke apart and faced their opponents.

"We will never betray our master and mistress!" Twilight said defiantly.

"So be it," Trenderhoof said, turning to his army. "Ladies, Bulk! Attack!"

They were like a shower of enormous bats, but the five met their foes bravely. Leaping forward and up in all directions, the two armies clashed together. Twilight was about to shoot at the Sirens when Sunset tackled her.

"Finally, we get to have our battle, Lavender!"

"Out of my way!"

Twilight hauled her off with her magic and headed for the Dazzlings, but was prevented by another unicorn mare, a bespectacled light blue one with an icy blue mane tied into two sweeping ponytails and a bun on top.

"You guys are like, really dumb," she said bluntly as she countered Twilight's attack. "Like, seriously, you're just suicidal."

"Get back, Sugarcoat!" Sunset shouted, charging towards them both. "She's my kill!"

"Ugh!" Twilight grunted as she tried to shake the two unicorns off. "I don't have time for this!"

Rainbow collided instantly with Bulk. Unfortunately, she had misjudged his strength and he had her immediately pinned to the floor. He roared ferociously in her face.

"Blech!" she spat. "Get a breath mint, will ya? You've been eating too much goat!"

She kneed him in the crotch, giving her the opportunity to slip out from under him. Then she grabbed his tail and flipped him over. The pricolici let out a whine.

"Ha! How do ya like—whoa!"

Some pony else grabbed her by the tail and did the same thing to her. Rainbow glared up at a peach mare with an indigo mane streaked with turquoise thrown back in a wild style.

"Hey, no fair!" Rainbow cried as she charged for the mare.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was getting acquainted with the various vampires coming towards her.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!" she piped as she kicked one in the face. "I like parties!" She thrust out her foreleg and punched another vampire in the gut. "So nice to meet you!" With one swipe she knocked two in the jaw. "This is fun!" The first vampire came at her again, but Pinkie nonchalantly swung her back hoof under her knees, flipping her over. "We should do this again sometime!"

Rarity and Applejack were trying to make their way towards Trenderhoof, but his deadly harlots were blocking their way. Their master in the meantime was standing on the sidelines, watching the battle from a safe distance.

"And you say our master's a coward!" Rarity called as she zapped a vampire away. "You're not even trying!"

"Don't need to," Trenderhoof said. He turned to the Dazzlings who also had not yet joined the fight. "Fluttershy and the Count have got to be hiding somewhere in this castle. Spread out and search for them upstairs."

Adagio nodded and gestured to the other two. "Come, sisters."

"Aw, but I wanted to join the fight!" Sonata complained.

Aria grabbed her by the ear and dragged her upstairs. Twilight, who was still fending off Sugarcoat, Sunset and two other unicorns, saw the Dazzlings leaving the scene.

"No!" she cried, creating a large bubble to send her attackers flying backward. "I'm not letting you escape me again!"

Seeing what was going on, Rainbow called to Twilight, "Go!" She paused to buck the peach mare off her back. "We'll be okay down here!"

Twilight raced towards the staircase, but Sunset once again stepped into her path.

"Excuse me!" she said impatiently. "But we haven't finished our fight yet!"

Twilight grunted as she shoved her out of the way with her wing. "Quit wasting my time!"

Sunset gawked as she watched her adversary chase after the Dazzlings. "Hey! You're supposed to be my archenemy!"

She was about to go after her when Trenderhoof stopped her with his magic. "Let her go, darling. The Dazzlings will take care of her."

"But," Sunset whined, "you promised I could have her!"

"Well clearly, she has other targets in mind."

Sunset looked angrily up the stairs. "Ugh, why do they always have to steal my toys?!"

By the time Twilight reached the top, the Dazzlings had disappeared. She glanced down the halls but they were empty. She decided to check the right hall first, where the bedrooms were. Walking cautiously, she listened for the Sirens, but all she could hear was faint breathing from Spike's room. She hoped he and Scootaloo were holding up.

Then her ear flicked as she heard a flap, but she looked up too late. Aria and Sonata pounced on her, each grabbing a foreleg. Adagio landed in front of her.

"Somehow we knew you'd follow us," she chuckled, tapping Twilight on the snout. "You're so obsessed that you're even willing to go up against us alone. Well," she sneered, "you've got your wish."

Twilight shot a sunbeam at her, but Adagio swiftly moved to the side.

"Now that's hardly fair." She stuck out her lip in a pretend pout. "Using magic against us simple earth mares who have to rely on our raw strength and good looks. Tsk, tsk. Poor sportsponyship. That deserves a penalty, don't you think, Aria?"

Aria snickered. "Oh, definitely."

She pulled down hard on Twilight's leg, snapping it out of its socket, making her cry out in pain. Grinding her teeth together, she shot at Adagio again, but she ducked her head.

"Again? Oh, Sparkle. Why must you play so dirty?"

"Yeah!" Sonata exclaimed, twisting Twilight's other leg. "Dirty!"

The unicorn screamed, but kept her glare on Adagio.

"I see your tactic hasn't changed," the siren said, leaning closer to her. "Nothing but shoot, shoot, shoot. I really thought killing your fiancé would've made you a lot more passionate." She shook her head. "Oh, your parents would be so disappointed to see how pathetic you turned out to be."

Twilight couldn't hold it in anymore. Wailing in fury, she flashed a bubble to blast the Dazzlings away from her. While they were recovering on the floor, she used her magic to twist her right leg and push her left one back into place. With her vampire healing, the pain would subside in a few minutes.

Adagio was the first on her hooves, but Twilight didn't make that last. She engulfed her in magic and smashed her through one of the doors. Aria and Sonata pounced at the unicorn, but she fired another sunbeam at them, which struck Sonata's ear.

"Ow! Hey, I needed that!"

She shot at them once more, but they jumped out of the way. Twilight swooped into the now open room where Adagio had crashed into a mirror. She tackled the siren before she could get up again.

"You BITCH!" Twilight bellowed as she slapped her hoof across Adagio's face.

"Hey, you can't do that!" Sonata cried as she and Aria appeared in the doorway.

The unicorn's head snapped around, her eyes burning and her horn emitting dangerous sparks.


The two of them shrunk back in fear as Twilight returned to Adagio, repeatedly striking her over and over.

"YOU'RE AWFUL!" Slap! "EVIL!" Slap! "A MONSTER!" Slap! "I HATE YOU!" Adagio's face was becoming purple. "YOU RUINED MY LIFE! YOU DESTROYED ME! YOU MADE ME A…"

Her hoof paused in midair as her eyes caught one of the shards of the broken mirror. In it, she saw a horrifying creature with hellish red eyes. Then she realized where she was: her room with the enchanted mirror, and the creature in the glass was her.

Except it wasn't.

She stared down at Adagio. Blood was oozing out of her nose and her she was shivering under her grasp. She looked truly frightened. Then she glanced back at the other too. Sonata was gripping Aria's foreleg as they both cowered in the doorway. Twilight glanced at her own hoof, which was stained with the siren's blood, then back at the mirror shard.

What had she become?

She shook her head. "You…you made me a…"

But it wasn't the Dazzlings. They had just taken away her family. They hadn't made her a vampire. That had been her. She had let herself become a monster. She had ruined her own life for revenge.

Adagio had been right about one thing. Flash and her parents would be horrified if they could see her now.

The Dazzlings didn't deserve to live, but killing them like this wouldn't make her any better.

Sighing, she rose off of Adagio and looked down at her regretfully. "Get out."

The siren blinked. "What?"

She pointed to the door. "Leave this castle and never come back."

Aria and Sonata were just as confused and looked to Adagio for answers. Their leader stood.

"Very well."

"Huh?" her sisters said.

Adagio sighed as she walked casually to the door. "Come on, sisters. We are not wanted here." She pushed the two of them out. "Clearly, you are the better vampire, Sparkle. I'm quite impressed." She glanced down and spotted some tiny pieces of glass. "So we will just be going and…"

Smirking, she kicked the shards backwards into Twilight's face. The unicorn yelped and covered her face with her wings before any glass could hit her eyes. When she removed her wings, Adagio was leaping towards her, hissing venomously. There was no more room for mercy as Twilight shot a sunbeam right at her heart.

The siren was dust before she even realized she'd been hit. Aria and Sonata gasped in horror. Twilight turned to them, igniting her horn.

"Any pony else?"

The two of them squealed and scampered down the hall. Twilight extinguished her magic and gazed down disappointedly at the pile of dust that was Adagio. It was strange, she had imagined killing the Sirens many times, but now that she had vanquished the worst of them all, she didn't feel any satisfaction. She felt pity.

She had tried to be the better pony, and Adagio had taken advantage of that. She had sealed her own fate.

"You should've run when you had the chance."

Author's Note:

My old enemy. Action scenes. There's so much in this battle, it's gonna be split in two.

"Pricolici" pronunciation: pree-co-leech

I actually hadn't heard of a pricolici until after I left Romania. I tried looking up more but would you believe every site I found said the exact same thing? Like, word-for-word? Bottom line, it's a werewolf-vampire hybrid.

Since we have no confirmation of the pony race for the Crystal Prep students, I'm taking liberties here. For some reason I just saw Sugarcoat as a unicorn.