• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,939 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


The wedding dress was ivory white, the skirt puffed up like a pastry. The crinoline and corset were so tight, Fluttershy wished Discord were there to poof them away. The sleeves covered every inch of her forelegs and the bodice was buttoned up to her neck. Coco Pommel was putting on the veil which fell on her head like gossamer.

It all looked lovely in the mirror, but Fluttershy could only stare ominously.

Her aunt was back to her usual spirits, barking orders at Coco and Night Glider, yet there was still something aloof in her voice.

"Night Glider, there's a tear in that skirt."

The maid rolled her eyes as she got her needle and thread.

Starlight appeared in the mirror. "You look lovely, dear. Count Trenderhoof will be left speechless."

"I'm not marrying him, Auntie," Fluttershy muttered tiredly.

"None of that nonsense," her aunt said as she levitated a clipboard in front of her. "Alright, we will head to City Hall at nine-thirty and then begin the ceremony at ten. Afterwards, we will have a short reception here. The Count insisted we keep the guest list to a minimum. At noon the two of you will be taken to the dock where a boat will take you to…"

Fluttershy spoke again, louder and firmer. "I'm not marrying him, Auntie! I don't love him!"

Starlight shook her head. "Things don't always turn out the way we plan, darling. You should get those silly thoughts of love out of your head, just as I had."

She turned to her aunt in surprise. "Just as you had?"

The unicorn paused and lowered her clipboard. "Coco, Night Glider, leave us for a moment."

The maids stopped what they were doing and left the room. Starlight's expression was unreadable.

"Long before you were born, dear, I knew this colt named Sunburst. He was the son of the local librarian. As a foal I…used to spend my days in the library studying, and that's how I came to know Sunburst. He was always so helpful."

A small smile tugged at her lips. "Every now and then we would sneak out to play together. As we grew older, our friendship turned into…something more."

She frowned. "We had planned to run away together to get married, but then…your mother did the same with your father. She was disowned by the family and I was made the chief heiress."

Wincing, she stammered, "I-It was never about the money or the estate. I…just couldn't stand to disappoint my family the way my sister had. I didn't want to lose their approval."

She inhaled deeply and straightened up. "So, I broke my engagement with Sunburst and married your uncle as my parents wished."

Fluttershy stared at her aunt, as if she were seeing a different pony. "W-What happened to Sunburst?"

The unicorn shook her head. "He went abroad and I never saw him again."

"But…you loved him."

"Yes, well, we don't live in a world where every pony is equal and can make their own choices regardless of their social class. We have to accept that."

"Then why can't I marry Count Discord? He's of the same class as Trenderhoof. What difference would it make if I married him instead?"

Starlight blinked and her eyes reverted to their emotionless gaze. "That's just the way it has to be."

"But Auntie…"

"He can make you happy. In time, you might grow to like each other. If not, you at least won't be alone and someday, you'll have children to occupy your time."

Fluttershy shook her head. "What would be the point of having children with him if I don't even love him enough to…?"

She blushed before she could finish her sentence.

"I am sorry, darling," Starlight said bluntly. "But you must marry Count Trenderhoof."


"Get some rest for tomorrow."

Starlight went out and shut the door, locking it again. Fluttershy stood aghast, not understanding what was happening. What was wrong with her aunt? A few days ago she had been fawning over Count Discord's eligibility and now she was suddenly having her marry Count Trenderhoof? While Fluttershy felt sorry for Starlight having to give up her love, this arrangement still didn't make sense.

Fluttershy knew for sure now that Discord was the right choice. Her aunt had been through a loveless marriage because it had been expected of her, regardless of her own feelings. Well, Fluttershy was not her aunt. She was her own pony and she wasn't going to let others make her decisions for her.

Glaring at her reflection, she tore off her veil and began tugging angrily at her skirt. She lifted it up and banged on the crinoline, leaving small dents in it. Then she reached under and ripped the strings of her corset. Angel watched in awe as she absentmindedly peeled and tore at her ensemble.

"Now what did that gown ever do to you?"

Fluttershy gasped and turned to the window. The face she saw made her heart leap with joy.


She raced up to him, flung her hooves around his neck and pressed her lips firmly against his. Discord had to grip the window ledge to keep himself from falling. When she pulled away, his eyes were still wide in shock.

"Oh, Discord!" she exclaimed as tears began welling up in her eyes. "I am so sorry for what I said to you last night! I was wrong! I don't need children to be happy! All I need is you! You're the one I love! You're the one I want to marry! I don't care if I have to spend the rest of my life as a vampire as long as I am with you I'll have everything I'll ever…"

Discord cut her off with another kiss, this one softer but even more passionate. Joyful bloody tears were trickling down his cheeks. As he drew away, he smiled gratefully at her.

"Just 'I love you' would've sufficed, but thank you for the clarification."

Fluttershy giggled happily as she embraced him. "Oh, Discord, I was so worried I had chased you away!"

"Oh my darling," he cooed, caressing her face. "You could never keep me away." His expression became serious. "But we can talk about this later. Right now, we need to get you out of here. Trenderhoof's a vampire!"

Fluttershy sighed. "Discord, I don't like him much either, but there's no need to call him names."

"No, no, no! Applejack saw him earlier today! He, the Dazzlings, his sister, they're all vampires! And what's worse, Trenderhoof's the same vampire who sired Rarity and Applejack!"

Her eyes widened. "A-Are you sure?"

He nodded. "He even threatened Applejack and she told us about it immediately!"

Everything started to make sense now. "So that's why he was in such a rush to marry me! And why they didn't eat much, and…" She gasped. "Discord, I think he's hypnotized my aunt!"

"She'll be okay. It's not her he's after. But we have to get you out of here now!"

"Okay," she heaved, setting her hooves on the floor. "Just let me grab a few things."

She picked up the sun pendant and her butterfly one, putting the latter on and tucking the former in her bodice. Then she grabbed a small portrait of her mother and lastly, the pot containing the Infinite Iris.

"Alright, let's go!" she said, returning to the window.

Discord cocked his head. "Is that all?"

She shrugged. "There's not much I need here."

She heard a squeak and looked down to see Angel tugging at her skirt.

"Oh, Angel! I almost forgot! Discord, I can't leave him here!"

"Well, uh…" He cringed. "Oh, fine! You carry him and I'll carry you."

Angel hopped into Fluttershy's hooves. Then she stood on the window seat and hooked her foreleg around Discord's neck as he scooped her into his arms bridal style. As they flew off, Fluttershy kept her gaze on the mansion where she had spent most of her life until the light in her bedroom window was nothing but a golden speck in the darkness.

"Discord," she said, closing her eyes so she wouldn't have to look down. "How much do you know about Trenderhoof and the others?"

"Not much, but apparently the Dazzlings are the Sirens Twilight's been after."


"Applejack, Rainbow and Pinkie saw them in the tavern one night, singing for their supper so to speak."

"So is Sunset Shimmer a vampire too?"

He nodded. "The one Twilight met the other night that alerted us that there was a visiting coven in the first place. Though if Twilight's correct, she might not be Trenderhoof's sister but his, um…"


Not wanting to hurt her innocence, he quickly said, "Oh, never mind."

"What about Bulk?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Bulk?"

"Bulk Biceps, their bodyguard. He was with Sunset Shimmer at Fancy Pants' dinner party. Is he a vampire too?"

He paused. "That's strange. The girls were pretty sure there were only five members in the coven. Then again, the Sirens could've been lying."

"Discord, are we almost there?" Fluttershy asked, tightening her eyelids.

"Almost. Though you know once you have your bat wings, you'll have to learn to fly on your own." He bit his lip. "That is, if you actually want to, uh…"

"Why don't we talk about this when we're on the ground?" she shouted over the wind.

At last they came to the castle. Discord gently glided to the front door. Once she could no longer feel the wind stinging her face, Fluttershy hesitantly opened her eyes. The door opened immediately to reveal all the mares, Spike and Scootaloo huddled in the entrance.

"Oh, thank Darkness!" Rarity heaved in relief.

"Trenderhoof didn't follow ya, did he?" Applejack inquired.

"Whoa, whoa!" Spike exclaimed, pushing the mares aside. "Give them some room!"

Every pony backed up, allowing their master in. He shut the door and set his beloved down.

"Yay, Fluttershy's back!" Pinkie piped, giving her a hard squeeze. "Ooh, and you brought your cute little bunny friend!"

Angel flinched at the pink mare's wide smile and hid his face in his owner's foreleg.

"Darling!" Rarity gasped as she examined Fluttershy's torn rags. "What in the world are you wearing?!"

"Oh," Fluttershy said with a blush. "This was my wedding dress…"

"Your aunt was going to let you get married in that?!"

"No, you see…"

"I knew she had horrible fashion sense, but this is ridiculous!" She patted Fluttershy on the back. "Fortunately, dearest, I always have a spare gown on hoof."

"Aw, I've had worse," said Scootaloo.

"Oh, Scootaloo," Fluttershy said, kneeling down. "I didn't think you'd still be here."

"Yeah, well, I knew that Trenderhoof guy was bad news and thought he'd send his singing Sirens after me. By the way, Flutters, what's with you and attracting so many vampires?"

She chuckled nervously. "I hope you understand that these vampires aren't like Trenderhoof."

"Aw, I already figured that out. Discord here's been showing me some cool magic tricks! Wish I was able to make gold out of nothing!"

"As cozy as this warm fuzzy stuff is," Rainbow said, "aren't we forgetting there's this whole other coven out there after Fluttershy?"

"Rainbow's right," Twilight said with a nod. "They're sure to notice Fluttershy's gone. Once they do, it won't take long for them to figure out she's with us. A war's inevitable now. We have to be ready."

Fluttershy looked up at Discord fearfully. "Can they really come after me?"

He was just as concerned, but tried to put on a brave face. "They can try, but we won't let them."

"But Discord, you don't know what they're capable of. Applejack and Rarity only knew Trenderhoof a short time. They don't know how strong or smart he is in battle."

"She has a point," Twilight agreed. "Even with all our powers combined, we don't know if that'll be enough. The Sirens' singing won't work on us because we're vampires, but they are crafty and strong when fighting together. And Sunset Shimmer has exhibited great intelligence and magical talent."

"And we don't even know if Bulk Biceps is one of them or just a hypnotized slave, but he looks strong. What if…?" Fluttershy paused. "W-What if you can't fight them off?"

Every pony looked worried.

"If we fail," Twilight said carefully, "chances are he will…try to force you to be his bride. Maybe hypnotize you."

"Why hasn't he already?" Fluttershy wondered.

Twilight tapped her chin in thought. "Good question. That would've been much easier."

"And…if he turns me into…a vampire?"

"No!" Discord cried, kneeling down to her. "I won't let that happen!"

"Then what if," she looked up at him decidedly, "I'm already a vampire?"

He blinked. "W-What?"

"Think about it, Discord." She set Angel down and took Discord's paw. "If I'm a vampire, he can't hypnotize me. He also won't be able to change me or…make me his mistress if I am already bound to you!"

He gulped. "B-B-But…"

"Discord, the best way to protect me is for us to marry. Tonight."

His eyes widened. "T-Tonight?!"

She nodded. "Yes, Discord! Tonight!"

"But…are you sure…now?!"

Grinning, she kissed his paw. "I am sure."

"Yippee!" Pinkie cheered, jumping into the air. "Time to get started on the wedding cake!"

"Wedding cake?" every pony said.

"Mmm-hmm! You didn't think I was gonna pass up an opportunity like this, did you? What did you think I was doing in town today?"

Applejack put her hoof to her head. "Pinkie, we don't have time to…"

"Hold on, Applejack!" Rarity interjected. "Just because we're making this speedy doesn't mean we can't still abide by tradition." She took Fluttershy's hoof. "Come on, dear. I can fix that gown up in a jiffy and in the meantime get you into something more…suitable."

"But Trenderhoof…"

"Won't even start looking for her until morning!"

Applejack groaned. "Twilight, back me up here!"

The lavender unicorn glanced between Rarity and Pinkie. "I suppose we can spare a few hours to prepare a small ceremony."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Rainbow said, holding up her hooves. "How traditional are making this? Mating ceremonies don't really take that long."

"What do you think, Master?"

Discord was still aghast at how fast this was all happening. He couldn't believe Fluttershy wanted this now. He was a nervous wreck, but seeing the hopeful look in her eyes, he began relaxing.

"Well, um…" He cleared his throat. "Perhaps some pony should…officiate." He smiled down at the lavender unicorn. "What do you say, Twilight?"

She put her hoof to her chest. "You…want me to preside over the ceremony?"

He nodded. "I cannot think of any pony more thorough and professional."

She looked as if she couldn't contain her excitement. "Oh, Master, I'm so…so honored! I won't let you down!"

"How about rings?" He turned to Fluttershy. "Would you like a ring, Fluttershy?"

She blushed. "Oh, I…I suppose a ring would be…nice."

"Then it's settled. I'll make some rings and Spike can carry them."

"Sweet!" Spike exclaimed. "I'll go find my suit! Oh, and a pillow!"

The dragon scampered down the hall.

"And I'll whip up the oven and, ooh!" Pinkie squealed. "We should have the ceremony in the ballroom!" She whipped her hooves out. "No pony go in there until I say so!"

As she whizzed off, Twilight turned to the others. "Looks like we're having a wedding after all. Rarity, how soon can you have the gown ready?"

"Well, seeing how the fabric is already fitted," Rarity said, scrutinizing the ripped ensemble, "I'd say about three hours."

"Then we'll meet in the ballroom in four hours. That should give us plenty of time to prepare and we'll be finished before sunrise. Applejack, Rainbow, you go see if Pinkie needs help with the cake."

"On it!" Rainbow saluted as she and Applejack headed for the kitchen.

"Come, dear," Rarity said as she led Fluttershy down the hall, Angel bouncing along after them.

Fluttershy flashed Discord a smile before disappearing.

"Right," Twilight said. "I better start figuring out what I'm going to say."

She left Discord with Scootaloo, who was yawning.

"Tired?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said, rubbing her eyes. "Think I can take a nap before this wedding thing?"

"Certainly. We have plenty of spare bedrooms. Follow me."

He took her to a small room with twin beds. Laughing excitedly, Scootaloo galloped to one of them and began bounding on the mattress.

"Easy there!" Discord said, catching the filly in his paw and claw. "You might hit your head!"

"Sorry," she said with a blush. "I've just never had a bed before."

He blinked. "Never?"

"Well, Mom and I did share a hammock at one point, but never a whole mattress with pillows and blankets and feathers and…"

She trailed off as she let out another yawn. Discord chuckled at her adorable behavior.

"You forget what a bed is for," he said as he set her down. "Sleeping."

She moaned in annoyance as he pulled the covers over her. "But now I'm too excited to sleep!"

"Okay, well…what can I do to help you sleep?"

She yawned again. "Mom used to sing this lullaby. It was corny but it helped."

He bit his lip. "Well, how's it go?"

She took a deep breath and began singing a sleepy tune:

"Little filly in a tree,

Little filly, you're so sweet.

Little filly, don't be scared.

Little filly, lots of…hair…"

Her eyelids were drooping. "Doesn't make much sense, I know."

"Okay," Discord said nervously. "I'm not much for singing, but…"

He snapped his fingers as an idea occurred to him. A piano appeared and he sat on the bench. After cracking his knuckles, he began to play Scootaloo's lullaby. With one final yawn, the filly descended into the realm of sleep. Discord gazed at the foal's peaceful face. Smiling, he gently removed her kerchief, releasing her short choppy mane, and set it on the side table.

"Thanks," Scootaloo muttered, still half conscious.

It was strange. Discord didn't think he'd be good with foals, and yet he had spent half the day entertaining this filly, making sure she was well fed and had now just helped her to sleep. What's more, she wasn't scared of him.

And she had no place to go.

Once he had shut the door, Discord started down the hall, but then stopped when he noticed one of the guest bedroom doors was open. He peeked in and saw Fluttershy, now dressed in a violet gown she had obviously borrowed from Rarity, curled up on the bed, her back to him. He knocked softly on the door. Fluttershy turned her head slightly.

"Hi," he said.

She rolled her head away with a sigh. "Come in and close the door."

He did so and cautiously approached the bed. Now he could see that she was clutching Angel to her chest.

"What are you doing in here?" he inquired. "I thought you'd be with Rarity."

"She said I could take this moment to rest," Fluttershy murmured. "I should be sleeping, but I don't feel like sleeping. It only just occurred to me. This is my last night as a mortal."

Twiddling his fingers, Discord sat on the edge of the bed. "Before we go through with this, I think…there are a few things we need to talk about."

Fluttershy sat up and turned to him. "Like what?"

He sighed. "Ever since I first met you, I've dreamed of the day that we would be together forever. Now that it's happening, I…I can't help thinking of…what I'll be taking away from you."

"Oh, Discord," she said, setting Angel down as she crawled to his side. "I told you. I want this."

He looked down at her uncertainly. "You sure you're not just doing this to escape Trenderhoof? After all, you didn't know he was a vampire before."

"No, no." She laid her hoof over his claw. "I'm doing this because I love you. Though, I will admit, I didn't quite realize how much I loved you until I was told that I would be marrying Trenderhoof. He said he'd take me to Zebrica for our honeymoon. Zebrica, Discord. The place we talked about going to together. I just couldn't see myself going there without you. I couldn't see myself going anywhere without you."

She smiled sweetly. "You're a part of me now, Discord. I'm braver, stronger, happier when I am with you."

"But I can't give you children."

"Children would be nice, but what would be the point in having a baby if it isn't yours?" She lowered her head. "And I know how you would feel about it, and it's alright. At least with you I won't be alone."

Stroking his beard, Discord grinned at a thought. "You know, that little filly friend of yours isn't so bad."

"I didn't mean to trouble you with her. I didn't think she'd be staying."

"Oh no, don't apologize. She's been delightful company today, and she seems quite comfortable here." He frowned slightly. "Of course, once this business is taken care of she'll have no home to return to." He glanced slyly at her. "But perhaps, if she wants to stay here on a more permanent basis…"

"Wait." Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Are you saying that…?"

He winked. "She doesn't have parents, we can't reproduce…"

She gasped. "Oh, Discord! That's a wonderful idea!" She threw her hooves around his middle. "Oh, Scootaloo will be so happy when I tell her!"

Discord chuckled as he returned her hug. "I may not know much about foals, but I think I'll get along fine with her."

Drawing away, Fluttershy said, "Should we go tell her now?"

"Best wait until later. Right now she's sleeping." He whispered in her ear. "I put her to bed myself."

She giggled. "I think you'll make a great father."

"Oh! We should plan our honeymoon! Alright, so Sombra and Hope said we could borrow their cave for…" He suddenly slapped himself. "Darn it! I said I'd invite them to the wedding!" He sighed. "Too late now. But, if Trenderhoof and his crew become a hassle, we could use some help."

He took a tiny silver whistle out of his shirt and blew into it. No sound was made.

"What is that?" Fluttershy questioned.

"I made this whistle during my visit with Sombra," Discord explained as he tucked the whistle away. "It's enchanted so that only he and Hope can hear the sound. Should I need anything, I just blow this whistle. They won't be here in time for the wedding, but they might be able to provide some backup."

"I look forward to meeting them."

"Oh, you'll like Hope. She's a lot like you. Kind, caring, but of course, I prefer you."

She sighed dreamily as she dropped onto her back. "Oh, I can't wait to see all the plants and animals and the beautiful sun…"

Discord chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah. The sun."

Remembering his condition, Fluttershy sat back up. "Oh, Discord, I didn't mean to make you…"

"No, it's fine. But you know? I've dreamt of us many times, lying in the sun together." He sighed. "It would be nice to know the sun's warmth, to know its light, to know why some ponies feel compelled to worship it."

She leaned her head into his side. "I wish I could show you."

"Aw, that's alright," he said with a smile. "You're all the sunshine and warmth I need." He frowned slightly as he patted her. "Even if you won't be as warm after tonight."

"What do you mean?"

"Surely you've noticed that even with all this fur, I'm not as warm as I should be." He demonstrated by brushing his cold claw along her cheek. "I will also miss the rosiness in your cheeks." His claw trailed down to her chest. "And the feel of your heartbeat."

Cringing, he said, "Maybe we shouldn't do this tonight."

"We have to do this tonight, Discord," Fluttershy insisted, laying her hooves over his claw. "If Trenderhoof succeeds, this might be our only chance."

He sighed. "You're right." Wrapping his arms around her, he cooed, "No matter what, you'll still be my beautiful angel."

She moaned in satisfaction. "How will we get to Zebrica?"

"Well, we'd fly by night and by day we'll rest in the carriage."

"Can we go by boat?"

He pulled away to look at her curiously. "Boat?"

She nodded. "I've never been on a ship before, nor have I ever seen the ocean."

He bit his lip. "Well, out at sea, there aren't many places for me to hide from the sunlight."

"Not if you stay below deck during the day. And you can come up at night and we can watch the moonlight on the waves."

He grinned at the thought. "I do like the sound of that. And we could have seafood every night. Oh, if you don't mind having…"

"I don't. As long as…you're the one to…"

"I get it." He glanced around the room. "You know? Once you start living here, we can do some remodeling. Didn't you say you always wanted a garden?"

She gasped. "You…you mean it?!"

"Of course! Or, even better! I can build you a greenhouse! That way the forest animals won't come and eat your plants! And Angel can have a place to run without having to worry about being eaten!"

Fluttershy frowned and looked back at Angel who was snoozing in a ball.

"I'm not so sure I should have him here."

He glanced at the rabbit. "You shouldn't have to worry about him. We don't eat a lot of rodents."

"But you'll be bringing freshly killed animals home every other night. That might terrify him. And," she paused, "what if…what if some pony gets really thirsty and…"

"Hey. We were able to have Spike in the house for this long. Besides, if it becomes too much trouble, he or Scootaloo could look after your bunny."

She shook her head. "I just don't know if he'll be happy here. Maybe…maybe I should release him into the woods."

"He wouldn't last two minutes out there. He's too domesticated." He gave her an assuring squeeze. "Relax. He'll be safe here."

Fluttershy smiled and eased into his embrace. "I can't believe I tried to cut you out of my life. You're the only one who listens to me, who cheers me up when I'm down."

Lowering his head onto hers, he whispered, "Then it's a good thing I'm not going anywhere again, eh?"

She gazed up at him. "We're really doing this, aren't we?"

He gulped. "I guess we are." Then he grinned. "We should make it official."

Snapping his fingers, a red velvet box appeared. Fluttershy put her hoof to her mouth as he opened it to reveal a gorgeous gold bracelet embedded with a pink diamond in the shape of a butterfly.

"I know you already agreed to this," he said slowly, "but I want to ask you properly. Fluttershy," he took her hoof in his claw, "my love, my life, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, from here on to eternity?"

Tears were spilling from her eyes from so much emotion. With a happy sniff, she nodded.

"Yes, Discord," she said as she removed the bracelet from the box. "I will be your wife." She slid it onto her hoof. "From here on to eternity."

Author's Note:

I HAVE GLASSES! I CAN SEE! Sorry, I'm just excited to be able to type on the computer without my head splitting open!
That lullaby was actually a song I made up years ago for my cat, only it was "kitty" instead of "filly."