• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,939 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


On the third day of Count Discord's absence, Lady Starlight had invited Lord Fancy Pants to tea. He was a refined white unicorn in his late thirties with wispy blue hair and blue eyes. Today he wore a well-pressed suit and a monocle over his eye. He and Lady Starlight were sipping their cups and conversing in the west drawing room, while Fluttershy sat across from them, gazing wistfully out the window.

"A summer home in Normanedy, you say?" Starlight said with interest.

"Oh, yes," Fancy Pants responded. "I bought the place last year. Charming little villa, not too far from the seaside."

"Oh, it sounds lovely! Fluttershy adores the seaside. Don't you, dear?"

Fluttershy felt there was no point in mentioning that she had never seen any body of water larger than a river.

"Perhaps you ladies could come and see it sometime next summer."

"Oh, we'd be delighted! Won't we, Fluttershy?"

Again, Fluttershy chose to remain silent. Now that Discord wasn't there to silence her aunt, there was no use trying to get a word in.

Since Rarity had come to inform her that Discord was currently away on "business," Fluttershy had been feeling…empty. This tea with another suitor only reminded her of how much she craved Discord's company. When she had dined with him, he wouldn't spend the entire meal conversing with her aunt. No, he would focus all his attention on Fluttershy and ask her opinion on things, not her aunt's. It had been refreshing to be included in something, to be granted a voice. She also missed hearing what Discord had to say, missed his jokes which had made her laugh more than she had ever laughed in her life. For the first time, she had had a friend who wasn't a pet.

She knew Discord wouldn't be gone forever, but after seeing him almost every day for the past few weeks, it was like everything in her life had become…dull. Or rather, it had always been dull. She had just never fully realized it before. Her time with Discord had given her a taste of excitement. Now that he was gone, even if for a short while, so was the excitement.

"So is it true that you ladies have been dining with the Count Discord as of late?"

Upon hearing his name, Fluttershy snapped out of her thoughts and turned to the stallion who had uttered it.

"Now how did you hear about that?" Starlight questioned.

"Word gets around," Fancy Pants said nonchalantly. "It's true, then?"

"Oh, yes! He's had us over for dinner at least five times these past few weeks."

"Really?" the lord exclaimed, adjusting his monocle. "So you've actually been in his castle?"

"Yes, lovely place! Quite enormous!"

"It looks as if it could touch the sky!"

Fancy Pants turned to the pegasus in surprise, as this was the first time she had spoken all afternoon. Fluttershy was surprised herself. Starlight, however, didn't seem to acknowledge that her niece had uttered a sound.

"Been in his family for seven centuries, he says," she said with an ostentatious laugh. "Very rustic, yet kept in excellent condition!"

"Fascinating," Fancy Pants murmured. "I'm surprised he even let you up there. Count Discord is known to be a…"

"Recluse, I know. I can't imagine why. Perhaps his servants embarrass him."

"What's he like?"

"He's a handsome stallion around…" She frowned and looked at her niece. "Darling, do you remember how old he said he was?"

Fluttershy bit her lip. "Um…"

"Well, he looked young. I'd say late twenties or early thirties at most."

"Did he explain to you why he seemed particularly interested in your company?" Fancy Pants inquired.

"Well…" Starlight uttered, glancing at Fluttershy. "When one has an attractive niece of marriageable age, and stallions," she winked at the lord, "being what they are…"

"Ah, I see."

Fancy Pants looked at the young pegasus in thought.

"Not that any arrangements have been made!" Starlight hastily insisted. "By that, I mean he hasn't proposed!"

"Actually, Auntie…" Fluttershy started to say.

"But who knows? My niece is quite the catch, after all."

"Well," Fancy Pants cleared his throat. "If the Count is so…taken with your niece, perhaps she can persuade him to come to a dinner party I'm hosting next week. I often invite him to my little soirees, but he always declines."

"Oh, I'm sure we can put a word in for you. Unfortunately, he's currently away on business, but he should be back…Fluttershy, when did that maid say he'd be back?"

"She didn't," Fluttershy croaked.

"He should be here for your party. Perhaps we can convince Count Trenderhoof to come too."

The lord nearly spat out his tea. "Surely you don't mean Count Trenderhoof of Bullarest?"

"The very same! He is coming into town on business and will be staying with us for a few weeks."

"I say!" He turned back to Fluttershy. "You seem to be attracting the biggest names in Tramplevania, domnişoară!"

"Of course, Count Trenderhoof has yet to meet my daughter, but he did seem interested when I mentioned her in my letter." She smirked at the lord. "I imagine soon all the stallions will be fighting for her hoof."

Fancy Pants blinked. "Careful with how you choose words, doamnă. You make your niece sound like some prize to be won."

Starlight's smile wavered. "Oh, um, I only meant…"

"Though I have no doubt she will find a suitable husband before her next birthday."

He gave Fluttershy a friendly smile, which made her tilt her head in confusion. She had never seen this side of Fancy Pants before. Starlight seemed to take this silent exchange as a spark of romance and stood up.

"Excuse me, a moment. I have to…powder my muzzle."

She whispered something to Double Diamond as she exited the room. With the exception of the servant standing in attendance, Fancy Pants and Fluttershy were alone. The latter looked down at her teacup, avoiding the stallion's gaze.

"Is your aunt telling the truth?"

Fluttershy fiddled with her cup, not looking at him as she replied, "About what?"

"That Count Discord…has a fancy towards you?"

She raised her head in panic. "I, uh…"

"So he does?"

She glanced back down as her face turned beet red. Fancy Pants leaned forward slightly so he could see her face.

"And you?" he asked gently. "What do you think of him?"

She brushed her mane forward so that it would cover her face. Fancy Pants could not help but chuckle.

"No need to hide, domnişoară. I will keep your secret."

She looked nervously at Double Diamond, who turned his back to them and pretended to admire the wallpaper. Fluttershy then gulped and took a deep breath.

"Y-Yes, he…h-has mentioned that he…w-well…"

Fancy Pants smiled. "He loves you."

She nodded slowly.

"Do you love him?"

She closed her eyes. "I don't know. I…I like him, but…we haven't known each other for long…"

"And yet he is away and you miss him."

She looked up at him in surprise.

"Don't think I haven't noticed your forlorn glances out the window." He sighed as his face grew solemn. "I wear that look every time I think of my late wife."

Fluttershy's heart sank guiltily. She had forgotten the lord was a widower.

"Fleur and I met in Maris," he said, putting on that forlorn gaze he had described. "I was on holiday, and even though I'd only known her for a few days, I was enchanted. When I returned to Zebiu, my heart ached for her. We wrote to each other, but it wasn't enough. Eventually, we decided to marry. Unfortunately, after two years of marriage, she died in childbirth. The child didn't survive either."

There was a long silence, and Fluttershy did her best to stop herself from crying.

"I'm sorry," she choked.

He gave her a warm smile. "It's alright. I miss her, but it may be time to move on."

Then he briefly glanced over his shoulder at the door, leaned forward and whispered, "Don't think I don't know what your aunt is trying to pull here. I've been through the trials of matchmaking and courtship. What puzzles me is why your aunt is looking at so many suitors when there's already a match who's not only of admirable state, but has captured her niece's heart?"

He paused at seeing Fluttershy's uneasiness. "I apologize. You are fond of him, at least."

Fluttershy thought back on all the times she had spent with Discord and grinned slightly. "Yes. I guess I am."

"So sorry to keep you waiting, Lord Fancy Pants!" Starlight bubbled as she reentered the room. "I hope you didn't find my niece's company too tiresome."

"Oh, not at all," Fancy Pants said, winking at Fluttershy.

The pegasus was feeling much more comfortable now that she had talked about her feelings with someone. It was also relieving to know that Fancy Pants had no romantic intentions towards her. That was one less suitor to worry about. Besides, however she felt about Discord, she didn't think he would take the news that he had competition lightly.

For some reason, this questionably dark thought made her smile even wider.

Her face lit up when he showed her the gift. She flung his arms around him and rained kisses all over his face. He was about to bring her lips to his when she cried out in a raspy voice:

"Master, wake up!"

Discord sat up with a start, bumping his head on the roof of the black carriage. Rainbow Dash was leaning in towards him.

"The sun has set," she informed him. "Time to get up."

"Right," Discord muttered, massaging his head. "Where are we?"

"The edge of the Coltgo jungle, I think."

"Ah, so we're nearly there!"

He leaped out of the carriage and snapped his fingers. Rainbow dashed out before the coach was reduced to the size of a kumquat.

"How many times have I told you to warn me whenever you do that?!" she shouted accusingly as he tucked the carriage into his pocket.

"Sorry, but I'm eager to get to that waterfall before sunrise."

He glanced around at the brilliant green vegetation in awe. He inhaled the sweet tropical scent and sighed.

"It's been so long since I've been to Zebrica. I seem to recall there being more trees."

"It is pretty cool," Rainbow nodded. "You always told me the Coltgo jungle was one of the most exotic places in the world, and you weren't kidding!"

"So, do you want to take the sky path or the scenic route?"

Rainbow glanced down as her stomach grumbled. "How about we get some grub first? We've been traveling a lot lately."

"Very well. You ever had panther, before?"

"Does it taste anything like tiger?"

"A bit, though it has much more protein."

"I do like my protein."

"Well, with any luck, we'll come across one. Activate stealth mode!"

She saluted. "Roger, captain!"

Discord took the form of a deer while Rainbow ducked behind a tree. She couldn't stop smiling as he walked casually through the jungle and she followed him through the underbrush.

"This is great!" she whispered excitedly. "The two of us hunting in the woods together, just like hold times! Only this time, we're in the jungle! We're like a couple of Europonyean explorers! Like Livingstallion and Stable!"

Discord smirked. "I have missed your company on these hunts."

"Then how come you never let me come with you anymore?"

He frowned and pretended to focus on the path ahead.

"Seriously, Master. You didn't really care about either of us hunting before, until Pinkie came. Is it because she went haywire during her transformation? Because you know we know not to go after ponies. So what's wrong with us hunting animals?"

He stopped and looked up at her with serious eyes. "It's not just the fact that you'd be responsible for all those deaths, but when Pinkie lost herself, she nearly exposed all of us. If it hadn't been for Twilight's discreetness, we would've had to leave Tramplevania. Don't you see? I don't want you hunting so often because I can't risk you girls being discovered. I can at least disguise myself, but even in your bat forms, you girls would be recognizable. Do you have any idea what would happen if some pony saw you standing over an animal carcass with enormous bat wings sprouting from your back?! They'd begin rallying the villages with torches, pitchforks, rifles…"

"So? That stuff can't hurt us."

"Wooden stakes, garlic…"

Rainbow gulped. "Point taken. Still, you act like we can't take care of ourselves."

"It's not that I don't trust you to take care of yourselves. I just…" He sighed. "You asked me to bite you, Rainbow. Since then, I've felt responsible for you, as I have been for Rarity and all the others. You're like my family and should anything happen to you…it would be my fault."

She said nothing. She couldn't. It wasn't in her repertoire to talk about her feelings. Discord knew this, but he didn't need to hear it from her mouth to know she was touched.

And she was. Since her own father had betrayed her, Discord had taken his place in a way. He cared for Rainbow and, unlike her real father, Discord allowed her to be herself. He had always said she and the others were like family to him, but now that he was expressing it fully, Rainbow couldn't help but be moved.

The silence was broken when thy both heard a low growl in the bushes. Discord raised his cloven hoof to his lips and continued down the path as if nothing had happened. Rainbow crouched down low as she watched him calculatingly while also keeping an eye on their surroundings. She sniffed the air and froze.

"Master, wait! It's not a panther, it's a…"

An enormous figure with large wings pounced out of the bushes, hissing loudly. But Discord saw the predator in time to change back and push it down. He growled at the creature pinned under his paw and claw. He didn't have time to see what he was dealing with, for at that moment another creature jumped out at him. Rainbow crashed into its side before it could reach her master.

"Back off, buddy!" she hissed as she opened her bat wings to make herself look bigger. "You chose your prey very poorly!"

Rainbow ate her words as she was zapped by her adversary and was sent flying backwards into a tree. Discord's opponent tried the same, but he quickly shielded himself with his magic. In the light of the blast, he got a better look at the creature under him. It was a female vampire with a gleaming purple coat and a shiny blue mane. Her horn illuminated again and both of their eyes widened in familiarity.



"Discord?" said a male voice.

The draconequus turned to see the other vampire, who was a gray unicorn stallion with hair as black as night.


"You know them?" Rainbow demanded as she struggled to rise.

"They're my old master and mistress," Discord explained, "Sombra and Radiant Hope."

"Well, well, well," Sombra chuckled as he folded his bat wings. "After all these years."

"It's splendid to see you again, Discord," Hope smiled. "But I'd appreciate it if you got off me."

"Oh," Discord laughed as he stood up. "Sorry."

"Okay, okay," Rainbow said as she stood with him. "So they're your old coven. Still," she glared at Sombra, "what's the big idea attacking us?!"

"Forgive us," Sombra said apologetically as he changed form. "We didn't realize it was you, Discord."

"Though we should've guessed since your species of deer isn't native to this jungle," Radiant Hope said as she too changed form.

Rainbow's jaw dropped when she realized just how shiny the unicorn mare's coat was.

"You never told me she was a crystal pony!"

"Didn't I?" Discord said, tapping his chin. "Huh. I suppose I didn't. Well, I didn't think it was important."

"Is there a problem?" Hope asked.

"No, no," Rainbow insisted. "I've just…never seen a crystal pony before, especially this far south."

"Yes, I was about to ask," said Discord. "What are you two doing in the Coltgo jungle?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing," said Sombra. "I thought you'd want to stay up north where there's less sunshine." He turned to Rainbow. "And who is this? Your mate?"

"No, no, no, no, no!" Discord and Rainbow uttered simultaneously.

"I'm just his friend," Rainbow insisted.

"My mate's back home," Discord explained. "Actually, she's the reason we're down here. See, we're looking for…"

"Yeah, yeah, can we do the talking later? I'm starving!"

Sombra chuckled. "Hope, why don't you take them back to the cave while I fetch us some dinner?"

"Certainly, darling," Radiant Hope replied, giving him a peck on the snout. "See you in a bit."

The stallion turned to Discord. "We can all catch up later."

He sprouted his wings and took to the skies. Hope did the same, but flew off in the opposite direction. Discord and Rainbow followed her, the former transforming into a bat.

"Did I hear him right?" Rainbow asked, taking her bat form so she could catch up. "Did he say cave?"

"Yes, he did," Hope responded.

"You live in a cave?! That's awesome!"

"It's the most inconspicuous place in the jungle. Most ponies and zebras are too afraid to even enter it, so we're never bothered. However, we do get a few animals seeking shelter, though that's not a problem for us."

"Ah, I get it. Safe hiding place, and," Rainbow licked her lips, "a food trap!"

"I see you and Master Sombra have really gone on the adventurous route since Norwhinny," said Discord.

"Well," Hope smiled, "after you had gone, things weren't the same. You were like our son, you know, and your absence made us feel a little…empty."

The disguised bat hung his head in guilt. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause either of you sorrow."

"That's alright. Not long after you'd left, we decided to set out on the world ourselves and find a way to fill the void. We only settled here ten years ago. It's a nice, isolated place, don't you think? We don't even get trouble from the zebra villagers."

"I bet you guys get all sorts of delicious morsels down here!" Rainbow exclaimed as her mouth watered.

"There's certainly a variety, yes. We have to be careful though. With all the Europonyeans tearing up the place the animals here are becoming endangered. Soon we might have to move to a more populated forest."

"Rainbow and I have a coven up in Tramplevania," said Discord. "There's plenty of wildlife there, though there's already six of us in total."


"Plus a young mortal dragon."

Hope snorted. "You've been busy, Discord. And you say you have a mate back home?"

Discord smiled. "Yes. Her name is Fluttershy."

"Then I must ask. How come you're here with this mare and not your mate?" She raised a condescending eyebrow at him. "This isn't a…oh, what do you call it? Liaison?"

Discord and Rainbow stopped and stared agape at Hope as they flapped in place.

"What?!" they exclaimed.

"Okay, first off," Rainbow gagged, "gross!"

"And you know very well once a vampire meets his mate, he can want for no other!"

"Just making sure," Hope said as they continued forward. "Sombra and I have met a few other vampires over the years and some of them aren't very…decent."

"First of all, my mate is still mortal and can't make a journey like this."


"Secondly, I'm planning a surprise for her and the thing I need is in this jungle."

He then explained what he was looking for and Radiant Hope smiled.

"Yes, I've seen it at the top of the waterfall not far from here. It's beautiful. But you must be careful not to damage it."

"I know, I know," Discord murmured. "Sheesh, I forgot how much of a mother you can be."

"Now you know how I feel every time you get all fatherly on me," Rainbow muttered.

"Oh, so you're his daughter?" Hope asked.

The pegasus rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "Well, uh…"

"We all consider each other family in our coven," Discord explained quickly. "Not so much in the way you and Sombra accepted me as your son, but we tend to act like a family, just without any specific roles. Some days we act like brother and sister, some days like father and daughter."

"Depends on the weather," Rainbow said with a laugh.

"Ah, here we are!" Hope exclaimed as they approached a black mountain. "It's that opening near the top."

The cave resembled a mouth, as did all caves, but this one had jagged rocks around the edges, forming a set of teeth. Two especially pointy rocks hung from either side, making it look remarkably similar to vampire fangs.

"Ooh," Rainbow said in awe. "Did ya make it look like a giant mouth or was it this creepy when you found it?"

"We found it this way," Hope replied as she landed inside the jaw. "Well, Sombra added the fangs. It scares off the villagers."

"Cool," Rainbow whistled as she and Discord landed.

"We have a bit of way to go. The cave runs deep within the mountain, right into its heart."

"I see. Even if some pony found the cave, they'd have a hard time finding you."

"Correct. Your friend is very insightful."

Rainbow beamed. "Well…I am the smart one!"

Discord rolled his eyes as he returned to his true form. "Sure you are, Dashie."

As they traveled deeper into the mountain, Rainbow and Discord could see just how difficult it was to get to the hideout, even by accident. The journey involved a winding path of twists and turns and ups and downs. The two felt like they were going in circles until Hope finally brought them to an illuminated cavern consisting of three easy chairs, a dining table set for four and several lanterns lit with magic. Rainbow cringed at the ribbons and lace adorning the walls and furniture.

"Welcome to our humble abode," Radiant Hope said.

"I can tell you had a hoof in decorating," Discord said, smirking at Rainbow's discomfort.

"Actually, the ribbons and lace were Sweetie Belle's idea."

Both Discord and Rainbow turned to the crystal mare with wide eyes. "Sweetie Belle?!"

"Our daughter. Well, sort of. See, after you left, Discord, Sombra and I missed having some pony to care for. We found the little filly running about the streets of Maris! Apparently, she had run away from home! All the way from Tramplevania! Can you imagine? Fortunately, Sombra and I speak Romane-ian—we've had centuries to learn all sorts of different languages—and we got the story out of her. She said she was looking for her sister, who had eloped with some stranger."

Discord and Rainbow looked knowingly at each other.

"She said her sister had always hoped to come to Maris and become a famous fashion designer, which was why she had come looking for her there. Well, we couldn't leave the dear thing running about all alone, so we took her under our wing as she refused to go back home until she found her sister.

"We tried to help, but we never found her. Eventually, we decided to adopt Sweetie Belle and raise her as our own. She didn't mind that we were vampires and when she came of age, she decided to become one too. She said that if she couldn't find her sister, she at least had us as family."

Discord bit her lip. "Err…when exactly did you find this…Sweetie Belle?"

Hope paused to think. "Why, almost a hundred years ago!"

"Uh-huh. And…what was her sister's name?"

"Rarity, I think."

Rainbow opened her mouth to speak but Discord quickly covered it.

"Could you excuse us for a moment?"

Hope nodded and went through a tunnel into another room. Rainbow lowered Discord's paw away from her mouth.

"It's definitely our Rarity, isn't it?" she whispered. "Didn't she have a sister named Sweetie Belle?"

"Of course it's our Rarity!" he hissed.

"Then shouldn't we tell her? After all, Rarity thinks her sister's been dead for decades! I'll bet Sweetie Belle's feeling the same!"

"No! It'll spoil the surprise!"


"Well, of course! The best way to arrange this reunion is for the two of them to see each other! And I have an idea! Just promise you won't say anything about this! Not even to Rarity when we get back!"

"But it would mean so much to her if we…"

"Promise, Rainbow!"

Rainbow sighed and crossed her heart. "I promise."

"Good," Discord said, turning to the tunnel the crystal pony had gone through. "Hope!"

"Yes?" she called as she returned.

"Where is this Sweetie Belle?"

"Oh, she's off on her honeymoon with her mate."


"Yes, a sweet young lad named Button Mash. He came to the jungle with a troupe of explorers and wandered into our cave. Sweetie Belle was immediately taken with him and…well, you can guess what happened then."

"I see. Well, when they get back, you should all consider visiting us up in Tramplevania sometime. Since your, err, daughter is from there, she should like a trip home."

"Oh, I'm sure she'd love to." Hope frowned slightly. "Discord, I hope you don't think we were replacing you when we took Sweetie Belle in…"

"Oh, not at all! I understand. After all, we immortals crave for company. That's the very reason I bit Rainbow and the others."

"You have yet to tell me about your little family. You said there were six of you?"

"Seven. There's me, Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Spike, our dragon; and Rar—Radiance!"

They sat down at the table as Discord went on to talk about each of his companions, twisting a few facts on Rarity to remain inconspicuous and holding back entirely on Applejack's past. He was just getting to Twilight when Sombra returned dragging a panther carcass which he levitated onto the table. Rainbow was the first to sink her teeth into it. As they dined, Discord finished describing his friends and then told his master why he had come here.

"It's so romantic, isn't it?" Hope exclaimed. "She'll certainly appreciate it, son, especially when you tell her how you'd come all this way!"

"Tell us more about this mate of yours," Sombra demanded. "Have you changed her yet?"

Discord shook his head. "No."

"Does she know what you are?"

"Yes. In fact, when we met I was about to…drain her pet bunny."

"Discord!" Hope scolded. "Surely you know better than to prey on something so small and helpless!"

"I was thirsty, okay? Anyway, she was frightened of me at first, but after we got to know each other a bit…" He sighed dreamily. "Oh, you two are going to love her. She is beautiful!"

Hope raised an eyebrow. "Hopefully that's not the only reason you love her."

"Oh, no, no, no! I mean…sure, that's what I first noticed about her, but she is also kind, gentle, caring…"

"She sounds lovely," Sombra commended. "I can't wait to meet her."

"Yeah." Discord frowned. "The problem is that she has such an angelic soul that loves every living creature, especially animals. While she's not terrified of me anymore, she just can't get around my…" he glanced down guiltily at the panther's corpse, "diet."

"Ah, yes," Hope nodded. "That was the one thing that made me reluctant to be with Sombra. Then again, it was mostly drinking ponies that bothered me and I was able to compromise on just animals."

"But Fluttershy loves animals! The other day I almost killed a deer in front of her, and she was absolutely horrified!"

"She'll come around eventually, son," Sombra assured him. "After all, when Fate decrees something," he smiled as he took his wife's hoof, "it's bound to happen."

Discord grinned slightly. "I'm hoping once I show Fluttershy her surprise, she'll think better of me."

"It'll certainly make some progress," said Hope.

"Make sure to invite us to the wedding when it happens," Sombra said, "now that you know where to find us."

"Of course," said Discord. "Oh, and you can bring Sweetie Belle and her mate too."

"And should you need a place for your honeymoon, you're always welcome here." He winked. "We'll go on a trip ourselves to give you some privacy, of course."


Discord stared off into space as he began pondering on this. He hadn't given much thought to their honeymoon before, or their wedding for that matter. But now he was imagining him and Fluttershy flying through the Coltgo jungle, soaring through the starry sky, watching the moonrise from the waterfall.

Rainbow's yawn snapped him out of his thoughts. "Well, I'm full. Do you guys have a place where I can sleep?"

"Dashie, don't you remember?" Discord said. "We're on a quest!"

"You two can finish your quest tomorrow," Hope said in a warm, motherly tone. "You know how vampires need to rest after a meal." She smiled at Rainbow. "You can sleep in Sweetie Belle's room, dear. Come, I'll show you."

Rainbow groaned. "It's not as girly as this room, is it?"

Hope chuckled as she escorted her down a tunnel.

"Since you managed to make your own castle," Sombra said to Discord, "I wager you can fix up a room for yourself, and maybe fix up a less girly one for your friend?"

"I could," Discord smirked, "but she didn't ask me, did she?"

They both laughed, but then Sombra's face quickly turned serious.

"You certain this Fluttershy," he said carefully, "is alright with what you are?"

The draconequus shrugged. "Enough to be around me, that is."

"And…your past…how much of it have you explained to her?"

He bit his lip and twiddled his fingers. "Enough."

Sombra crossed his forelegs and gave the stare that warned Discord that he was about to use his fatherly traits on him.

"So you've told her of our old," the unicorn coughed, "habits?"

Discord rubbed the back of his neck. "I've told her that I've killed a few ponies in the past…"

"Did you tell her why?"

He slammed his paw on the table. "What does it matter?"

"Discord, take this piece of advice from me. A relationship must be built on trust, especially one with your mate, because she is meant to be the most important thing in your life. You must be honest with her, let her know everything significant about you, good and bad."

"And what, exactly, are you referring to?"

Sombra inhaled deeply. "She must know not just what you have done, but what I almost made you to be."

Discord stood up so quickly the table nearly fell over. "No! She does not need to know about that! Not even my friends know about it!"

"Hope knows about it. She's always known. But why do you think she stays with me, Discord? It's because we have trust."

The draconequus grunted as he paced the room like a caged animal. "The past is the past. It doesn't matter now."

"You need to tell her…"

"We've only known each other a few weeks!"

"Fair point. Still, before she makes the decision to let you change her, she needs to know your darkest secrets, not just because she's your mate, but so she can learn to love even the worst part of you. She can't fully love you if she doesn't know you."

Discord snapped up a coffin, climbed inside and muttered gruffly, "Thank you, Master. I'll keep that in mind. Good night."

He slammed the lid closed, making Sombra shake his head with a sigh.

"Still as stubborn as ever," he murmured as he went down a tunnel. "Hopefully this Fluttershy can do something about that."

Author's Note:

Pony puns:

Normanedy=Normandy (province in France)



Zebrica=Africa (though I think that one was obvious)


Livingstallion and Stable=Dr. Livingstone and Mr. Stanley
