• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,939 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


Applejack was awoken by a stream of light. She glared up at Rarity, who had opened the lid to her coffin.

"Evening!" she chirped.

Applejack narrowed her eyes and grumbled, "Go away. I'm sleeping in tonight."

She slammed the casket lid closed, but Rarity used her magic to open it again.

"You can go back to sleep in a moment. I just have a question for you."



"I hadn't asked anything yet!"

Applejack opened the coffin an inch so Rarity could hear. "I know what you're going to ask! Ya want me to go see the Lady Fluttershy and tell her my life story! I told ya! I'm not telling!"


"But we've told all our stories! She has to know…"

"She doesn't need to know," Applejack shouted from inside, "and she never will know!"

"But if she knew how the Master helped you, she would…"

When the casket opened this time, Applejack sat up, her eyes burning red. "I. DON'T. CARE! NOW GET OUT OF MY ROOM!"

Then she shut herself in one final time. Rarity sighed, seeing this was a lost cause, and left Applejack's room for Discord's. Pinkie was standing guard.

"How is he?" Rarity asked.

"He's still asleep," Pinkie replied. "So, did AJ change her mind?"

"No. Then again, she's always hated having to relive that horrid memory."

"So what do we do now?"

Rarity walked past her and knocked on the door.

"Master?" she called softly.

There was no reply. She pressed her ear to the door and listened carefully. When she heard steady breathing, she moved away.

"Master, if you can hear me, I just want you to know we've told her our stories, and…Fluttershy said she'd think things over. Maybe if you…if you did something for her…show her that you really care…"

She trailed off as she realized she might as well be talking to a wall, whether her master was asleep or not. She sighed in defeat and went back downstairs.

Inside, Discord was having another dream. He was in the grassy meadow again, lying in the sun, Fluttershy's soft hooves caressing his head, her beautiful face smiling down at him.

"Why can't this be real?" he sighed.

"It can be real," she said in a melodic voice.

"No, it can't. If this were real, I'd be burning up right now. I can never enjoy the warmth of the sun, or of you."

"Yes, you can. You just have to have confidence in yourself."

"You're afraid of me."

"Then show me what you have to offer, find what we have in common," he tilted his head up, "impress me, and I'll be yours."

When he woke, he sat up so quickly that he bumped his head on the lid of his coffin, knocking it open. He cried out as he fell to the floor.

"You alright, Master?" Pinkie called from outside.

"Yeah," Discord muttered, standing up and massaging his head. "Just fell out of bed."

"Okie dokie lokie!"

He conjured up an arm chair for him to think in. The revelation from his dream had gotten him so excited. There was no use moping about his failed attempt to win his true love's heart. If he was ever going to get through to her, he must actually get out there and do something about it! He didn't know how, but he had to try!

He made a window appear and once he had confirmed it was nighttime, he took the form of a bat and flew out into the night. He didn't need to see where he was going. He had lived near Zebiu long enough to know where everything was. It didn't take him long to find Fluttershy's house. He flapped beside the windows and searched the rooms, until her found her lying asleep in a large, canopy bed.

He turned back into himself and perched on her windowsill as he took in the sight of her. She looked so lovely in her peaceful slumber, her eyelashes gently kissing her rosy cheeks, her chest slowly rising and falling with every delicate breath, her silky pink strands spread across her golden pillow. It was all enough to take his breath away.

He wanted to watch her forever, but then remembered why he was there. So he tapped lightly on the glass.

"Fluttershy?" he whispered. "Fluttershy?"

The mare stirred in bed, but did not wake. He tried knocking harder, but, forgetting his own strength, smashed a hole through the window. Fluttershy woke with a start, so did Angel, who had been snuggling beside her.

"What?" she gasped, looking around frantically. "Who's there?"

Angel hissed at the window. Fluttershy turned and shrieked when she saw Discord and brought the golden blankets to her chest.

"What are you doing in my bedroom?!" she screamed.

"I'm not in your bedroom!" Discord insisted. "I'm at your bedroom window."

"Go away! Don't come in here!"

"Relax, would you? I can't come in without your permission."

She stared at him. "Is that another 'mating law' or something?"

"No, it's a general vampire law. We can't enter another's home without being invited in by someone inside."

"Well, you don't have permission! Now go away!"

She hid her head under the covers, as if that would make him disappear.

"Fluttershy, please…" Discord entreated.

"Just leave me alone, please!" she called out from under the blankets. "Go away, or I'll call my aunt!"

"Look, I know all this has been overwhelming, but if you would let me explain…"

"I'll call her, I will! And she won't be happy to find you in my room!"

Discord bit his lip in worry. So far, this wasn't going very well. What had the Fluttershy in his dream said? Of course! Find what they had in common! But what?

"I'm serious!" Fluttershy hollered. "If you're not gone by the time I count to three, I'm calling my aunt! One…"

Then it occurred to him.


It was a long-shot, but it was all he had to go on.


"Why do you live with your aunt?"

She was silent.

"What?" she croaked.

"Your aunt," Discord replied gently. "Why do you live with her?"

She lowered the covers somewhat and peered at him with one eye.

"Where are your parents? Why aren't you living with them?"

She stared at him for a while before muttering something.

"What was that?" Discord said, twisting his finger in his ear. "Didn't hear you. And I'm the one with super hearing."

After a few more minutes of silence, she pulled the covers completely away from her face and said softly:

"They're gone."

Discord gave her a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright," she murmured, looking away from him. "My mother died giving birth to my baby brother, who didn't survive either, and my father died of pneumonia when I was seven."

He hung his head. "I never knew my parents."

Fluttershy turned back to him, her eyes wide in shock. "You…what?"

"I'd tell you about it, but since you don't want me here, I'll just…"

"No, wait!"

He looked at her in surprise. Fluttershy was surprised at herself too. What had possessed her to say such a thing? When she took a moment to think about it, she realized she was genuinely curious about Discord's past. After hearing every pony else's stories, his was the one that was still unknown, aside from Applejack's.

So Fluttershy pulled back the covers, slid out of bed and cautiously approached the draconequus at the window.

"Yes, please," she demanded softly. "Tell me about it. I…I want to hear."

Discord could not keep the smile off his face as he mended the window with his magic so she wouldn't cut her hooves on the glass. Unfortunately, now that the window was all closed up, it was hard for Fluttershy to hear. She moved to open it when Angel squeaked in protest.

"It's alright, Angel," she said over her shoulder as she undid the latch. "He won't hurt me."

"I can't make any promises for you, bunny," Discord growled through his teeth.

The rabbit squealed and hopped under the bed. Fluttershy sent Discord a glare, which made him shrink in guilt.

"Sorry," he said, forcing a laugh.

"Now," Fluttershy breathed, settling herself on the window seat, "you were saying?"

He smiled slightly before beginning his tale. "I told you before. I am a draconequus, meaning I was born like this. How? I don't know. No one knows. There have been many theories. Whether my mother was stared at by a vampire while pregnant or she ate some premature vegetables, either way, I was born.

"Once she saw what I was, she had me exposed so that I would burn in the sun. Fortunately, I was born at night, so the sun wouldn't come up for hours. I was also lucky that another, older vampire named Sombra had been passing by. He knew immediately I was a draconequus, and since he had never had any children, he took me in and raised me like a son."

"Your mother had you exposed?" Fluttershy asked in disbelief.

He shrugged. "What mare would want a blood-drinking monster for a son?"

She couldn't believe it. She refused to believe that a mother would do something like that to her own son, regardless of what he was.

"Master Sombra taught me everything I know," Discord continued. "He even taught me to control my powers, since he was a unicorn himself. I lived with him a few hundred years, until he met his mate.

"Her name was Radiant Hope. She was a healer. One night, my master was chased by a mob. I couldn't help him because I was at home and didn't know he was in danger, and he couldn't fly away because they had thrown garlic at him, burning his wing. He ran past Hope's cottage. Seeing this great injustice, she stepped out in front of the mob and defended him. The villagers protested that he was a vampire, and Hope said that it didn't matter what he was. They had no right to act so brutally.

"It was love at first sight. He knew, the instant she exemplified her courage and compassion, that they were destined to be together for all eternity." He sighed dreamily. "He told me how wonderful it was to meet your soulmate, that it feels like something has been missing all your life, and suddenly it's right there in front of you."

Fluttershy gulped. "And…you think…I'm your soulmate."

He looked guiltily at her. She avoided his gaze.

"Forgive me," he pleaded. "I didn't mean to put pressure on you the other night, but you must understand that I…"

"Can't stop thinking about me?" Fluttershy finished. "Yes. Twilight told me."

"But it isn't my fault! You are just so beautiful and…"

"A lot of ponies tell me I'm beautiful!" she snapped in exasperation. "Even when I don't believe them, I wish they could say something else about me! Can't you do that?!"

Her voice grew quieter. "Or is that all you see in me?"

Her eyes were wide and watery. Looking into them, Discord suddenly understood. She didn't think she was beautiful. That's why she always flinched when he called her that. From the tone of her voice, she also didn't seem to think she was worth anything, probably because no one had ever convinced her that she was.

"Oh, Fluttershy," he whispered, gazing sincerely into her eyes. "You're so much more than that. Of course, your beauty was what initially drew me to you, but you're also kind, gentle, brave…"

"Brave?" Fluttershy uttered in disbelief.

He gestured to himself. "You're currently inches away from a vampire with the ability to kill you in one swift motion. And yet you trust me to be this close to you? I consider that pretty brave."

She glanced downward to hide the redness in her cheeks.

"You also stopped me from killing the stallions who had attacked you," he continued. "I've never met anyone merciful enough to do a thing like that, not even the girls!" She looked up as he said, "You have the kindest heart I've ever encountered."

"T-Thank you," she stammered, averting his eyes again. "Still, you hardly know me."

"Why do you think I came to see you tonight? I wish to know you better, and for you to know me better. That's why I'm telling you my history."

She glanced back up at him. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything, my dear."

Her lip quivered. "I know you've bitten a few ponies, but…have you ever…killed any…?"

He frowned and hung his head shamefully as he whispered, "Yes."

She put her hoof to her mouth in horror.

"But it was a long time ago!" Discord insisted. "Master Sombra…wasn't the most merciful of vampires. He taught me to hunt animals and ponies. We didn't really have a preference. But when he met Radiant Hope, he developed a change of heart. After seeing how kind and nurturing she was, he couldn't bear to drain another pony."

"But he bit her, didn't he?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, he did, but with her permission. She loved him enough to stay with him forever."

She looked down at her hooves as she inquired, "W-What happens if a vampire…changes their mate…without permission?"

Discord's expression turned to one of disgust. "If the mating ceremony is performed without the other's permission, she does not become the vampire's mate, but his mistress."

She gulped. "What does that mean?"

"Well, the mating ceremony is meant to bind two vampires together for all eternity, but without consent from both parties, that bond is only half complete. He does not have any obligation for her, but she will be completely and unwillingly devoted to him. She is doomed to obey his every command and will not be free of him until he either dies or takes his official mate. Once he is with his mate, he can have no other."

Fluttershy paled at these words. "So…those mares are…?"

"No, no, no!" Discord cried in horror. "I may have done terrible things, but I would never succumb to something so vile!"

"I'm sorry! I just…"

He sighed. "It's alright. What makes my servants different is that I changed them in the normal way, meaning I simply bit them. The mating ceremony involves…"

He cringed, not sure if he should be talking about this with her so early.

"Go on," Fluttershy urged.

"You sure you want to know?" he asked, twiddling his fingers. "It's not very pretty."

She took a deep breath. "Yes."

"Okay then. In order to make some pony his mate, a vampire not only has to drink her blood if she is mortal, but she must…drink of his blood too."

Fluttershy looked like she was going to be sick.

"I warned you. Anyway, drinking each other's blood establishes the bond between them." He growled angrily. "Some scum will actually force the mares to drink! It sickens me, stallions who would use mares so…so vulgarly!"

"So…you're not going to…do that to me?"

He looked at her in surprise. "Of course not! Your blood is too precious to be spoiled in such a manner!" He paused. "Besides, if you were to…ever be mine, I rather it wasn't against your will."

Fluttershy was abashed beyond words as she gazed up at the draconequus in bewilderment. Her doubts about him were beginning to melt away upon hearing this declaration. The funniest thing was that she believed him. If he didn't want her to return his affections, why go through all this trouble? Why restrain himself when he could've bitten her at any time during the week? Why would his servants bother trying to convince her that his intentions were pure?

This realization was enough for her to give this creature a new level of respect, for, as far as she could tell, he respected her.

When she didn't respond, he sighed sadly. "But I suppose you don't believe me."

"No!" Fluttershy insisted, grabbing his paw. "I mean yes! I believe you!"

His eyes were wide in surprise as they focused on the delicate hoof atop his enormous paw. Fluttershy followed his gaze and was surprised herself. She started pulling her hoof away, when his paw turned over to grasp it. He did it oh so gently, even though his paw was twice the size of her hoof, but he refused to harm her in any way. She lifted her head and locked gaze with him.

"C-Can I…?" he stuttered. "That is…m-may I…?"

He raised his claw towards her face. Fluttershy was confused, until she remembered what Twilight had said about him being unable to touch her without her consent. Should she? She didn't know what it was he wanted to do, for he couldn't seem to put it into words.

His claw was just an inch away and panic arose in Fluttershy once again. Even if she had found some trust in him, she just wasn't ready for physical intimacy of any kind. She yanked her hoof away, causing Discord's ears to droop in disappointment. She scooted away from him slightly and coughed.

"So, um…" she stammered, trying to find an icebreaker. "Did you, um…I mean why…what happened to your master?"

Discord smiled slightly. "He and Radiant Hope still live, though I don't see them that often anymore. Shortly after they mated, our home started to feel a little crowded. Don't get me wrong. Hope was wonderful, but I felt it was time I started off on my own. After all, I wasn't a child anymore and Master Sombra had looked after me long enough.

"So I began my journey into the world. I made slow progress as I could only travel by night and it wasn't easy finding shelter before sunrise. Eventually, I wandered into the woods up there and found an old abandoned castle. Using my magic, I fixed the place up and declared it my home.

"Of course, ponies began to question who lived in the newly-renovated castle, so I started creating the persona of Count Discord…"

"How did you manage to convince ponies you were a count?" Fluttershy questioned.

He smirked. "Ponies will believe anything when given a sack of gold."

"Where did you get the gold?"

"I conjured it."

Her jaw dropped. "You can conjure gold?!"

He waved his claw and sure enough, a pile of gold coins appeared. Fluttershy wasn't so impressed by the riches, but the impossible magic he possessed.

"Naturally, the citizens of Zebiu bought my story," Discord said, waving the gold into nonexistence. "And, being nobility, I wasn't questioned for my need for privacy. Unfortunately, ponies would notice how I wouldn't age, so every few decades I would pretend to be my own son and that my father had passed away."

"Amazing," Fluttershy whispered. "But wait. If you can rebuild a whole castle and conjure up piles of gold…why do you need to hunt for your food? Couldn't you just conjure blood or…" she gulped, "…a dead animal?"

He shook his head. "Even my magic has limits. I can't conjure anything alive or anything that was alive. I can't even conjure plants."


She hung her head. She had been hoping there would be a way for vampires to drink blood without killing or changing creatures.

"The next few hundred years were dull," Discord sighed, "and a bit lonely. Then one night, as I was hunting, I caught the smell of freshly spilt blood and followed it. There, lying on the ground was an unconscious unicorn mare with blood dripping down her neck. I recognized the vampire bite and knew it was only a matter of time before the mare would transform, unless she was devoured by one of the wild beasts.

"So I brought her to my castle, just as Master Sombra had brought me home as an infant. I made sure the mare was comfortable and watched over her to make sure she didn't slip away before the venom could reach her heart."

"Rarity," Fluttershy whispered. "Yes, she told me you had saved her."

He blinked. "How much have the girls told you?"

"Well, I know Rainbow Dash was a gyp—sorry, Romane—and she had become a wandering beggar in order to escape an arranged marriage, and that she had asked you to change her. I know Twilight's been searching for three singing vampires who had killed her parents and fiancé, and I know that Pinkie was put in an asylum by her parents, though I'm not sure she knows…"

"I think she does," Discord said solemnly. "She just doesn't want to dwell on the negative things."

"And Rarity told me about her fiancé who had tricked her, but Applejack's the only one who hasn't come to see me yet. What's her story?"

"Ah, yes," he sighed, shaking his head. "Poor Applejack. Her story I believe is the most tragic."

"What happened?"

He cringed. "I'm afraid it is best if you hear it from Applejack's mouth. When Pinkie arrived, we all swore we would not speak of what happened to her unless she brought it up, and she often doesn't. It's too painful an experience for her to recount."

"Oh," Fluttershy uttered, hanging her head. "I won't ask her then. But…what I don't understand is…why did you do it? I mean I know Rainbow, Pinkie and Twilight asked you to bite them, but still…why do it?"

He shrugged. "I told you. It was lonely in that castle. But let me tell you. I was surprised when Rarity insisted on staying with me, but as I had gotten used to having her around by then, I didn't object. When I met Rainbow Dash and she begged me to change her, I was against it at first, but then thought Rarity would like a female companion, as there are only so many things a mare can say to a stallion."

He chuckled. "Of course, I hadn't taken Rainbow's lack of femininity into account. Don't get me wrong! It doesn't bother me, but Rarity wasn't too keen on it at first, especially when Rainbow insisted on dressing like a stallion. Fortunately, Rarity's had almost a hundred years to get over it.

"Then I found Applejack…" He paused, and Fluttershy could tell he was close to revealing something. "Applejack…was an unusual case. You see, when vampires first change, they are in a state of uncontrollable thirst, but we didn't even need to lock the door when Applejack transformed. For some reason, she's always been the most resistant of all of us and doesn't lose control over the smell of blood."

He sighed. "She may seem a bit grumpy, but she is very sensitive, which is why we try hard not to bring up what happened to her.

"And Pinkie," he laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, Pinkie. She's quite the enigma, always so cheerful that it's hard to believe she led a troubled life. I'm sure you've noticed?"

Fluttershy nodded with a small smile.

"Now let me tell you. It was bizarre when this random mare showed up at our doorstep asking to be changed. You know what she said her reason was?" He scoffed. "She had nothing better to do!"

Discord's face fell as he cringed slightly. "Oh, but her transformation wasn't pretty. I'm sure Twilight's told you about her…rampage?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"I can assure you, Pinkie is perfectly harmless when in her right mind…however strange that may be. Nevertheless, her midnight excursion attracted attention, and that's when Twilight and Spike came."

He frowned. "I didn't want to change her, but when she started getting sick from all the blood we had drawn from her, she insisted that I change her if she didn't pull through, that the best way for her to avenge her family was if she had the power to destroy their murderers, even if that meant becoming a monster like them. When she wouldn't heal, I had no choice."

He paused and looked sincerely at Fluttershy. "Those mares are like family to me, and I wouldn't trade their company for anything, but sometimes…I wish I wasn't responsible for their fates, at least for most of them. After all, immortality comes with many burdens, one of them being the need to drink the blood of mortals. I don't often let the girls hunt, because I don't want them to be as responsible for so many deaths."

"What about those stallions?" Fluttershy inquired.

Discord blinked in confusion. "What stallions?"

"The three stallions who were killed in the street this month. All the blood was drained from them."

His shocked expression told her this was the first time he was hearing this. "I can assure you, I had nothing to do with that, nor do I know anything about it."

He locked gaze with her as a thought occurred to him. "I understand your hesitance. The life of a vampire is not a pleasant one."

Fluttershy looked away, unsure of how to respond.

"But Fluttershy," Discord said, leaning forward slightly, "I do love you. How can I prove it to you?"

She gazed back at him. "Will you stop drinking blood from animals?"

He blinked. "I need to drink blood to survive. But if you're asking me to die for you, I would gladly…"

"No!" Fluttershy cried, standing up. "That's not what I meant!"

"Then how else can I prove my sincerity without killing myself?"

She opened her mouth as she struggled to find words. "I…I…I don't know! Please stop asking me questions I can't answer!"

"Then don't answer!" He wanted to take her hooves, but restrained himself. "I will find a way to make you see how I feel about you. I don't know how, but I won't stop trying." He paused. "But if you'd rather I stop and leave you alone forever, then say the words and I will obey." His voice lowered, and Fluttershy could've sworn he was trembling as he whispered, "I would rather be gone from your presence forever than cause you misery."

Fluttershy was frozen stiff, her mind in a haze and her tongue in a knot. His words were so passionate, so open. Somehow, his appearance wasn't so troublesome anymore. She paid no heed to his quirky looks and focused on his eyes, so big and pleading. He didn't seem like a bloodthirsty vampire anymore, but a lonely creature desperate for love.

But could she give that to him? Alas, it was too soon to tell, but just because she didn't love him now didn't mean she couldn't. Maybe, if she opened her heart a little, showed him kindness…

"Do you…" she stammered, "do you suppose you could…come to dinner, tomorrow night?"

His wings fluttered so rapidly he hit his head on the top of the window, but he was so elated he didn't care.

"You're inviting me to dinner?!" he asked with a giddy smile.

Fluttershy returned his smile kindly and nodded. It took all of Discord's willpower to stop himself from taking her in his arms and kissing her then and there! Then he calmed down as he remembered something.

"Oh, but…I'm afraid it would be difficult coming to your place. See, my pony disguise only lasts an hour and as for dinner…well, if I eat real food, I'll…um…it's best you don't find out."

"Okay then," Fluttershy said skeptically. "How about I come to see you again?"

"That would be wonderful!"

"Oh, but my aunt might want to come along this time. With all that's happened this week, she doesn't really…hold you in high esteem."

"Oh, don't worry about her. She will be easily taken care of!"

Fluttershy's eyes widened in horror. "You don't mean…?"

"Oh, no, no, no! Like I said, we don't eat ponies! I meant I'll simply modify her memory! I could do that if I came to your place, but if your servants find me out, wiping so many memories at once is much more difficult."

"Yes, I understand. Though you should go before some pony sees you."

"Yes, yes, quite right. But before I go, may I…?"

He reached out his claw towards her face again. She glanced at it nervously and shook her head. This made him frown slightly, but he was still overcome with delight that he would see her again.

"Until tomorrow, my lady."

He released his hold on the windowsill and dropped out of sight. Fluttershy gasped in alarm and rushed to look outside for him. He shot back up into the sky, laughing merrily as he vanished into the darkness. Fluttershy was breathing heavily at what she had just done. She didn't know what had possessed her to suggest such a thing, but thanks to her accursed curiosity and sympathy, she had another dinner date with a vampire.

The vampire maidens and Spike were all in the gymnasium. Rainbow Dash insisted it was important they stay in shape in case they were ever attacked by angry vampires, so they would spar in pairs. Spike was unlucky to get Pinkie—being the only mortal, he needed to learn to defend himself especially—while Rarity and Applejack wrestled each other and Rainbow taught Twilight self-defense techniques.

"I don't see why I need to learn this," Twilight said as Rainbow sat on her stomach. "Couldn't I just use my magic?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Sure, if you wanna go the easy way. And what if your opponent knows magic too? You can't always rely on your horn to get you out of a situation. Now, as you can see, if some pony is on top of you like this, they can easily punch you in the face, but you won't be able to reach theirs."

She demonstrated by stretching her hoof down to Twilight's face and brought Twilight's hoof towards hers. As Rainbow had said, she was too far away.

"First thing you gotta do when you're down like this," Rainbow continued, grabbing her forelegs, "is to tuck your elbows in like this so I can't get to your chest. That's a really hard position to get out of, and keep your hooves up. Also tuck in your chin and curve your back so you're head's not on the floor. Oh yeah, and keep your back hooves together and as close to your rear as possible."

"You can remember all this, but you can't remember what year Zebiu was founded?"

Rainbow ignored her as she continued, "Now, say I got a grip on your neck here and I'm trying to strangle you, which will only be possible if your opponent's a vampire too. What you gotta do is grip my foreleg, doesn't matter which one, just above the ankle here. For example, if you wanna go with by left leg, grab with your left, but it must go behind my other leg. Now use your other hoof to grip the upper part of my leg, but keep that inside too, and jab that elbow into my knee."

"You said this would be easy!"

"It is, if you know the technique! Now hook my back hoof."


"Move your right hoof over my back leg and hook it with my hoof to keep me in place. Okay, now look over your right shoulder, lift up your hips, and roll me over."

"Lift up my what?!"

"Oh boy," Rainbow groaned. "Here, let's switch and I'll show you how it's done."

They moved so that Twilight was sitting on Rainbow's stomach.

"Okay, pretend to strangle me."

Twilight clasped her hooves around Rainbow's neck. "I don't see how…"

Rainbow smirked as she swiftly grabbed Twilight's left foreleg with both hooves, jabbed her knee with one elbow, hooked Twilight's back hoof with hers, looked behind her and lifted her hips. Twilight shrieked as she was rolled over and they returned to their previous positions.

"See?" Rainbow said, pushing off Twilight's knees to stand. "Nothing to it."

"Where did you learn all this anyway?" Twilight asked as the pegasus helped her up.

"Fifty or something years ago, I did a little traveling out east to study the martial arts." She flexed her forelegs. "Even with super strength, a girl's gotta learn to take care of herself."

"Yeah," the lavender unicorn breathed. "I think I'll just stick with my magic for now."

"You'll see, Twilight. Magic can't solve every problem, not even super vampire strength. At the end of the day, it's how fast you respond to a situation that counts. Besides, if you ever meet those Sirens again and they have some tricks up their sleeves, you gotta be ready."

"The only special power they have is their singing, which doesn't work on mares. I doubt I'll need to…"

She was interrupted as the door burst open and Discord came twirling in, humming merrily to himself.

"Master, you okay?" Rainbow questioned.

She shrieked as he swooped down, picked her up and waltzed her around the room, singing, "I'm in love with a most beautiful mare…"

"Darkness, Master!" Rarity exclaimed. "What's come over you?"

"I saw Fluttershy tonight," he sighed dreamily, ignoring Rainbow's yelp as he dropped her. "And guess what? She's coming to dinner again tomorrow night!"

"Yippee!" Pinkie exclaimed, clapping her hooves as she relieved a gasping Spike from a chokehold. "We're so happy for you, Master!"

"Ya mean she actually said…yes?" Applejack asked, her face filled with disbelief and concern.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Discord cried happily, spinning around and hugging himself. "Oh, there's so much to do! Applejack, Pinkie, we need more food! Rarity, I'm thinking of redecorating the place, sprucing it up a little, you know? Oh, and flowers! She loves flowers! We need as many flowers as possible!"

"We'll get right on it, Master," Twilight saluted. "Come on, Spike. Let's go to my room and start a list."

"Can I catch my breath first?" Spike wheezed as he massaged his neck.

As every pony left the room, Discord grabbed Rarity by the shoulder.

"Rarity?" he said, his tone turning serious. "May I discuss something with you?"

"Oh," Rarity said, glancing nervously out the door. "Certainly, Master."

Discord closed the door and folded his arms. "Rarity, Fluttershy told me there's been a few…mysterious deaths in Zebiu lately. She seemed to think I or one of you girls had something to do with it."

Rarity gulped. "W-Why would she think that?"

He gave her an incredulous look. "Well, all the victims had been drained of their blood, and, interestingly enough, they were all stallions."

She said nothing, but she didn't need to. The guilt she had failed to hide told Discord everything.

"Rarity," he said carefully, "I thought you were past this."

She sighed and hung her head in shame. "I'm sorry, Master. It's just…every time I…I think about him…how much I want to…tear him to pieces, I…I just have to take out that anger on something!"

"But to take it out on innocent stallions…"

She scowled. "They were not innocent! They wanted to use me like Tenderheart used me! I didn't just do it for me, but for every mare who's ever suffered at the hoof of a…"

"Rarity," he said firmly, gripping her shoulders and locking gaze with her, "those stallions aren't Tenderheart."

She wrenched herself away from him, a look of pain and anger in her eyes. "Show me one decent stallion who doesn't want my virginity, and I might believe you!"

She stormed out as blood started trickling down her cheeks. She didn't see Applejack standing outside the door.

Author's Note:

I am torn between the CelestiaxSombra and Radiant HopexSombra ships in the IDW comics. I decided to go with Radiant Hope for this fic because she fit more into this universe. Besides, Celestia's more of a godly figure in this universe.

I've been taking self-defense classes, which gave me the idea for the gymnasium scene. Now I think I'll be able to write action scenes better as well as put up a fight.