• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,940 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...

Is It Enough?

When Applejack entered Discord's chamber, the draconequus was looking in the mirror Twilight had enchanted, examining his reflection.

"Master, I need to talk to ya about somethin'."

"Better make it quick, Applejack," he said as he wetted his finger to slick back his mane. "I'm meeting with Fluttershy soon."

She winced. "That's…what I need to talk to ya about."

"What is it?" he asked as he picked at his teeth with his talon.

Applejack took a deep breath. "This…thing ya have with Fluttershy…it has to stop."

Discord rolled his eyes. "If this is about the night you saw us kissing out on the patio, she kissed me, alright?"

"I'm not talkin' about that kiss. I know what you've been doin' with her. I saw ya in her bedroom a couple nights ago."

He snapped around and narrowed his gaze at her. "Have you been spying on us?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were bein' responsible! But when I saw ya embracin' her near her bed…"

"Sweet Darkness, Applejack!" Discord exclaimed, throwing up his paw and claw in exasperation. "If you're insinuating that Fluttershy and I have been making love, you're greatly mistaken! That kissing you saw, that's all we've been doing!"

He snapped the mirror away and conjured up a window. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lady waiting for me."

His cape swished around his body as he turned and headed for the window. Applejack stared at him, hating herself but what she was about to say.

"How long do ya think it'll last?"

Pausing, he craned his neck towards her. "What?"

She chose her words carefully. "This relationship, with Fluttershy, how long do ya think it'll last?"

He scoffed. "Forever, until the end of time. We're destined for each other."

"But does she even love ya?"

"Of course she does!" He smiled proudly. "She told me so herself!"

"But will that love still last," she winced, "after she's been turned?"

Discord was silent for a moment. "Of…of course! By the time she asks me to change her, her love would be a hundred times stronger than it is now!"

Applejack shook her head. "I don't like this, Master. You've known this from the start. Ya promised me she wouldn't suffer the same fate as me, that ya wouldn't take advantage…"

He groaned. "For crying out loud, Applejack! I am not Tenderheart! I would never take advantage of Fluttershy! Everything we've done, it was all with her permission!"

"But ya are! Even if she's willin', you're using her feelings for ya against her!"

"You're wrong," he said, pointing his finger firmly at her. "She wants to be with me!"

"Only because she's so in love she isn't thinkin' straight! Don't ya remember how Rarity felt about Tenderheart before he…?"

"This is different! When I drink Fluttershy's blood, I won't leave her to die in the woods! And I certainly won't take her virginity while she is vulnerable!"

"So you're just gonna take her life away? Have her sacrifice everything she's ever known just to be with you?"

"I won't be taking her life! I'll be renewing it! She'll get to live forever, with me giving her all the love she deserves and more!"

Her eyes began filling with blood. "But will that be enough for her?"

"Of course it will! It will be enough because it is what she will want!"

Not wanting to discuss this any further, he turned away and prepared to turn into a bat, but before he could cast the spell, Applejack dealt her next card.

"What if it isn't?"

His fingers paused, mid-snap. "W-What do you mean?"

She sighed heavily. "What if she doesn't want to become a vampire? Have ya talked about it?"

Fluttershy's concerns about drinking animals' blood began echoing in his brain.

"She…she has plenty of time to change her mind! I can wait a year or…or two…"

"How about another millennium?"

He gulped. "It won't be that long. She loves me. She just needs time to…"

"Discord," Applejack said, taking a cautious step forward, "just because Fate decrees that the two of you are to be together, doesn't necessarily mean that's the path Fluttershy's gonna choose. Suppose you wait, suppose ya keep seein' her, suppose ya keep askin'. Suppose she never says yes. Will ya still go after her?"

A lump caught in his throat as he struggled to put his thoughts into words, but deep down, he knew Applejack had a point. These had been concerns of his for quite a while now. He loved Fluttershy, and she loved him. He told himself that that was all that mattered. Creatures in love were supposed to be together forever, and though it would take time, that would happen for him and Fluttershy.

He tried ignoring his servant and was about to make another attempt to leave when she spoke again.

"I can't tell ya what to do, Master. I don't believe ya could ever hurt Fluttershy intentionally. But answer me this. Can ya stand to make a monster out o' her?"

Fluttershy as a vampire was an image he could not help but think of: her eyes reddening, her teeth becoming fangs. He imagined those fangs sinking into a corpse, perhaps into the rabbit she so dearly loved, and then coming up dripping with the rodent's blood. But Fluttershy was an innocent, so pure.

He really couldn't stand to see her become a monster.

"No," he said firmly. "You're wrong. It won't be like that. Just because you hate being a vampire doesn't mean she will! We need each other! When you find your mate, you'll understand!"

Applejack shut her eyes and breathed. "Do ya love her, Master?"

He glared at her in determination. "More than life itself!"

Opening her eyes, she gazed up at him. "If ya really loved her, you wouldn't condemn her to this fate."

He could not look at her anymore, so he transformed into a bat and flew off. Applejack hung her head sadly with a sigh.

"Please say you'll prove me wrong."

By the time Discord arrived at Fluttershy's, he had erased his recent argument with Applejack from his mind. The future was not important, only the present, and in this present moment he was to meet with the love his life. The window was open for him and Fluttershy was waiting.

"Bună seara, my angelic beauty," he said suavely. "Oh, it is torture to be away from you for so long!"

Fluttershy flinched at his puckered lips. "Discord, we need to…"

"Aren't you going to invite me in, darling?" he asked, opening his eyes slightly.

"Oh, yes, come in."

Giddily, he thrust himself into the room and towards her. She stopped him by putting her hoof to his lips.

"Discord," she said slowly. "Please. There's something I need to discuss with you."

Opening his eyes, he finally saw her apprehensive expression.

"Oh," he said, straightening up. "Certainly, dear. What's on your mind?"

"Well," she said with a gulp. "M-Maybe we should sit down."

Her tone gave him the impression that whatever she had to say wasn't going to be pleasant. As they sat down side-by-side, Fluttershy calmed herself with several deep breaths.

"Remind me again. How…exactly were you born?"

Not expecting that question, he blinked and said, "I told you. I don't know. I wasn't exactly paying attention when I was conceived."

"But you were born somehow. You know you had a mother…how did you know?"

He shrugged. "Sombra was passing by a house and saw me being thrown out."

She repositioned herself so that she was facing him. "But you had a mother. Are you certain she was mortal? She could've been a vampire, right?"

Gritting his teeth, he replied, "If she were mortal I could at least understand why she abandoned me."

"What about your father?"

He stiffened. "My father?"

"Could he have been a vampire?" she asked hopefully. "Maybe…he was a draconequus like you and…"

"What's with all these questions about how I came to be? You know I cannot answer them."

Fluttershy lowered her head and took another deep breath before looking back up at him.

"I want children."

He froze. "W-What?"

"Well," she said, twiddling her hooves. "You see, this afternoon I found this Romane filly and…"

Discord did not hear her story. His mind was dwindling on those three words: I want children.

He loved Fluttershy. He would've done anything for her. But of course, she had to name the one thing he couldn't give her.

It wasn't just the fact that it was impossible. He himself had been brought up by a vampire, who had later adopted a mortal filly. But Discord knew nothing of foals. He used to devour them for breakfast! Would he even be able to feed it? What did foals eat? Should he spoil the child or discipline it?

While he had always considered the girls his family, and they had sometimes referred to him as their paternal figure, Discord couldn't see himself raising a foal. What child would want him as a father? Not only was he a vampire, but a monster! Even if the child didn't mind his looks, how would it react to his past? Not all ponies were as tolerant as Fluttershy.

The sound of his name brought him back to the present.

"So you see, Discord," Fluttershy continued, "I must know." She took his paw. "Whether I'm a mortal or a vampire, is it possible for us to have a child together?"

As he gazed into her large, pleading eyes, he did not know how to answer. He hated to disappoint her, but he also couldn't give her any false hope.

"N-No, Fluttershy," he stammered. "I highly doubt it's possible."

Her face fell as her cheeks lost their usual rosiness.

"Oh my darling," he whispered, stroking her mane. "I'm so sorry…"

"Don't be," she murmured as she stared blankly at the wall. "It's not your fault. It's just that…when I had that filly in my hooves, I felt…responsible for her. I wanted to…to keep holding her, to care for her, and to get nothing but love in return."

He could understand that feeling perfectly well, as that was how he felt towards her. "Still, I am sorry. I'm sorry I cannot give you children." This statement seemed to make her sadder. Seeing Angel's empty bed, he had an idea. "Hey! You'll still have your rabbit! That's sort of the same thing, right?"

He immediately knew he had said the wrong thing when Fluttershy's eyes widened and her face paled with dread.

"Oh no, Angel! I…I hadn't thought of what would happen to him if I… Would he even still like me?"

Discord hesitated to answer, for all animals instinctively feared vampires. "Of…of course he would! Who wouldn't like you?"

But she was still hyperventilating. "Good god! What if I end up killing him?!"

Panicking, he wrapped his arms around her in a tight squeeze. "No, no, no, no, no! No, you won't kill him! He's your buddy! And you couldn't hurt anyone!"

"But Discord," she said, looking up at him in terror, "what about Pinkie Pie? She wouldn't hurt any pony! Yet when she was changed…"

"T-That won't happen! She wasn't herself!"

"So…I won't be myself?"


"Am I going to become a killer?!"

"No! I'll do all the hunting for you! You won't have to…"

"But what if I lose control like Pinkie Pie?"

"You won't! I'll help you! I…"

She gasped suddenly. "What if we do have children?! What if we adopt them and I lose control around them?! I could kill our children!"

"Fluttershy!" he exclaimed, grabbing her shoulders and giving her a firm shake. "Look at me!"

Her breathing slowed and she looked at him, though her eyes still held fear.

"None of that will matter," he said assuredly as his claw moved to her face. "The only thing that will matter is that we'll be together. Forever." He gently stroked her cheek. "We won't need children or pets, just each other. And our love."

He glanced at her parted lips. "Now, why don't we put this whole argument behind us and go to bed?"

He leaned forward, but she flinched away from his claw and his lips. This action made him frown in concern.

"What's wrong?"

She said nothing.


He could feel her slipping from his hold. He gently tried to pull her back but she shook him off. Hanging her head, she said the words he had dreaded to hear.

"I don't think I can do this anymore, Discord."

It was as if he were truly dead, for every function in his body seemed to stop, freezing him in place. Her words rang in his ears so loudly, he couldn't even think.

"I-I'm so sorry," she stuttered. "I just…can't be with you."

Moving his lips took a lot of effort. "B-B-But…I love you."

She looked up at him with teary eyes. "And I love you, Discord, but…I also love life."

"But you'd still be alive!" he said quickly.

"But not really, right? I won't be breathing, I won't be able to have children, I won't be able to die…"

"Exactly! That's the best part! You won't be able to die! You'd be immortal!"

Fluttershy lowered her gaze. "Do I have to be a vampire to be with you?"

He blinked. "But of course! Do you think I could stand to watch you wither and die and then live on the rest of eternity without you?"

"But Discord, I want to grow old! I want to have a family! I don't want to stay young forever. I…I want to live. I didn't realize I wanted that until today."

Scowling, he crossed his arms. "And I suppose Trenderhoof can give you that?"

She raised her head. "Discord, he has nothing to do with…"

"Doesn't he?!" he snapped angrily. "After all, he's handsome! On top of that, he has a pulse! He can give you lots of children! But can he give you love?!" He pressed his paw and claw to his chest. "My heart may not beat, Fluttershy, but no one, I repeat no one, can give you the love I have given you! Isn't that better than…than foals?"

"What about adoption? Sombra raised you, didn't he? Perhaps we could find some orphan and…"

"Oh, yes!" he exclaimed, pushing himself from the bed. "Raising a young mortal foal in a house full of bloodthirsty vampires! He or she will turn out great!"

She frowned further. "Do…do you not want children?"

He turned around and pointed to himself. "Can you see me as a father, Fluttershy?"

Narrowing her eyes, she said, "So…it's not the matter of not having the ability, but not wanting to even try?"

Putting his paw to his head, he said, "Fluttershy, I…I just don't see how raising a child, a mortal one for that matter, would end well for us or the child."

Tears streamed down her cheek, but she firmly raised her chin and said, "Well, if you do not think we can thrive as parents," she turned away, "then perhaps we will not thrive as husband and wife."

Fearing that he would lose her, Discord dropped to his knees. "Please, Fluttershy! Don't leave me!"

"I'm not the only fish in the sea, Discord," she said through a cracked voice. "Y-You're immortal. You could…find some pony else."

"Some pony else? Fluttershy, there is no pony else! Didn't you know? Vampires mate for life! Meaning they only fall in love once!"

She faced him in shock. "What?"

"It's true," he said, looking at her pleadingly. "Vampires are paired with only one being in their afterlife. Why do you think in the thousand years I've lived that there's been no pony before you? It's because I am destined for one pony and that is you!"

She began breathing heavily. "S-So…I have no…choice in the matter?"

"No, no! Have I ever touched you without your saying so?"

"Which means I don't have to be a vampire."

He choked. "You would do that to me? Torture me by aging? It's been torturous enough watching you grow older with every passing second!"

She stood. "So I am to make all the sacrifices?"

"No, that's not what I…"

"You're asking me," she said as she began pacing, "to give up my mortality, my chance to have a family, to make myself into a creature who feeds off blood, to force myself to eat…animals! And why? Just so you don't have to watch me die?!"

"Yes!" he barked desperately. "You're my everything, Fluttershy! I need you in my life!"

She blinked. "What did you say?"

"I need you! I need you to be with me!"

That word. That horrible, horrible word that had ruled her life. She needed to be a lady. She needed to marry a noble. She needed to obey the laws of society. She could hear her aunt and tutors saying that word over and over. And she had done everything, not because she had wanted to, but because it was her duty.

And that's what her relationship with Discord had been all along. A duty.

She could no longer back her tears. "You can't make me into something I'm not, Discord."

He opened his mouth, but then he remembered his conversation with Applejack.

Can ya stand to make a monster out o' her?

"Discord," she said softly. "I do love you, but…"

"It's not enough."

He gazed at her. She was so beautiful, so pure. He could not taint that. Even if she changed her mind and chose to be with him, the decision would eat away at her soul until she was nothing but an empty shell. She would do ghastly deeds for the rest of eternity, and she would rightfully blame him.

Applejack was right. Fluttershy was right. It was not his place or any pony else's to choose her fate. That right was solely Fluttershy's.

And now, she wanted to be away from him.

He sighed in relent. "You're right." He choked on his words. "How…how foolish I was to believe that you…" He shook his head. "I know better than anyone how agonizing the life of a vampire can be. I never had the chance to truly live, but I thought with you…"

Discord stopped himself. There was no use in trying to coax her back into his arms.

"I shall leave you then," he murmured, going to the window. "Nevermore will I trouble you with my presence."

Watching him go made her heart ache. She didn't want him to leave, but the cost of keeping him was too great.

"I-I…" she said through her quivering lip. "I wish…"

He sighed at the window. "I know." He turned to her. "I will never forget you, Fluttershy."

She smiled sadly. "It would be impossible to forget you."

He nodded as he took one last long look at her. "Goodbye…my dearest love."

He shoved off into the night. For a long while Fluttershy stared at the open window, watching the wind blow the curtains surrounding the empty space. Covering her face, she rushed to her bed and sobbed. In the distance, she could hear Discord roaring like a wounded animal.

Author's Note:

This is always the hardest part for me to write. But it's always the most necessary.