• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,886 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...



The minute he was dust, Trenderhoof's enchantments fell away. The cavalry burst into the room, ready to fight but stopped when they saw Spike bleeding on the floor. The tempting smell urged them to stay behind the threshold.

"What happened?" Twilight demanded, putting her hoof to her snout.

"Where's Trenderhoof?" Rarity asked, glancing around.

Applejack ignored their questions as she rushed to the dragon.

"Spike! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He smiled weakly up at her. "He can't hurt you anymore, AJ."

"He's dead?" Sunset said, seeing the spectacles atop a pile of dust.

"Spike killed him," Applejack said, tearing off a piece of her skirt.

"Spike?!" Rarity gasped. "Spike killed Trenderhoof?!"

"Yeah," the dragon heaved as Applejack bandaged his arm.

"Why, Spike?" she said, shaking her head. "Why would ya go and do a crazy thing like that?"

"I'm the dragon knight, aren't I? When my true love is in trouble, I've got to save her, right?"

She looked up at him. "W-What?"

He laid his claw over her hoof, which was still on his wounded arm. "I know."

Many ponies scratched their heads as the two of them stared at each other.

"What's up with them?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight grinned. "They've finally found each other."

Rarity looked at her. "Wait. You don't mean…?"

"Where is he?!" Sonata pushed through the crowd. "Where's my Trendy?! What have you done with him?!"

"Pinkie, you were supposed to hold her!" Rainbow hollered.

"But she bit me!" Pinkie whined as she caught up, cradling her foreleg.

Sonata searched the room. "Where is he?! Which one of you killed him?!"

"It doesn't matter, Sonata," Sunset said bluntly. "He's gone now. We're free."

The siren stared at her in shock. "How…how can you say that?! You loved him!"

"I thought I did, but it was a lie. He never loved anyone."

Without any pony noticing, Twilight took her hoof.

"He loved me!" Sonata cried, tears forming in her eyes. "He loved all of us! He was our everything!"

Three of the other mistresses appeared in the wall's hole.

"Is it true?" Indigo Zap asked. "Is he dead?"

"We felt his presence leave us!" said Lemon Zest.

"Yup," Sugarcoat said, seeing the dust and glasses. "He's dead."

"They killed him!" Sonata shouted, coming up to her comrades. "We must punish them!"

"You kidding?" Indigo Zap huffed. "We're relieved!"

"He never cared for us," said Sugarcoat. "He was a pig."

She gazed at them all in disbelief. "You…you'll pay for your ingratitude! Aria! Aria?" She glanced around. "Where's my sister?!"

"Was she the purple one?" Scootaloo whispered to Rainbow.

Sonata growled and pounced on the foal. "What did you do to my sister?!"

"I…" Scootaloo whimpered. "I, uh…stabbed her?"

The siren wailed. "YOU KILLED ARIA TOO?!"

Rainbow kicked Sonata's back legs, forcing her to release Scootaloo.

"Sonata, calm down," Sunset said, approaching her slowly. "Your sisters were killed in self-defense, as was Trenderhoof and the others. But we don't have to hold on to the past. We can all start anew. We can do better than…"

"Get away from me!" Sonata cried, drawing back. "And you!" She snapped her attention towards Twilight. "Why did you have to take everything I ever cared about?! I'll never forgive you for this!" She looked to the rest. "That goes for the rest of you! I hate you! I HATE YOU ALL!"

She flew out of the room and down the hall.

"Leave her," Twilight said before any pony could chase her. "It's the least we can do after all she's been through."

"Oh," Pinkie said, turning to the former mistresses. "I just realized. We kind of vanquished all your friends. Sorry."

"Eh, don't worry about it," Lemon Zest said, waving her hoof.

"It's not like we were one big happy family," Sugarcoat snorted.

"Though spraying us with all that garlic and fire wasn't very fun," Indigo Zap said, massaging the burns on her legs.

"Come," Radiant Hope said, stepping forth. "I know a few healing spells. I can help you."

"Yes," Discord said, rubbing his dragon foot. "It seems all of us suffered some injuries."

"I can put you all in some guest rooms," Twilight volunteered, "if none of you mind staying awhile."

Sugarcoat shrugged. "As long as none of you stake us."

"Don't count on it," Rainbow said warningly.

As they filed down the hall, Discord looked at Sunset.

"So what exactly made you change your mind?"

She glanced nervously at Twilight. "Let's just say…I finally saw the light."

"Oh!" Lemon Zest said, facing Discord. "I almost forgot! Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet are still in the tower. Your mare's still mourning over that rabbit."

He stiffened. "Oh no. Hope, come with me!"

She and Discord raced down the hall and up the spiral staircase. Fluttershy was crouched down, crying over the tiny body in her hooves.

"How is he?" Discord said, cautiously approaching.

She sniffed. "His…his bones are broken and…he's lost a lot of…" Her mouth watered. "Blood."

He turned to his old friend. "Hope! Can you heal this rabbit?"

The unicorn frowned as she stared down at Angel. "I'm sorry but…my healing spells are for ponies, not animals. There's nothing I can do."

"No!" Fluttershy wailed, burying her face in his fur. "I can't lose him! Not now!" She gasped as an idea occurred to her. "Discord! What if I change him?!"

Discord hesitated. "Fluttershy, a vampire bite might have a different effect on rabbits."

"I have to try! I can save…"

"No, Flutters."

Fluttershy searched for the strange new voice. "Who said that?"

"I did."

Looking down, she saw Angel smiling up at her. She gasped.

"Angel? You…you can talk?"

"No," he said weakly. "I guess…because you're a vampire now it's one of your…special powers."

Fluttershy looked up at her husband. "Discord! I…I can understand him!"

His eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes! He's talking to me!"

"What's he saying?"

"Flutters," Angel coughed. "Don't…don't try to save me."

"What?" Fluttershy said. "Why?"

"I'm a rabbit. It's not like I was expecting to outlive you." He sputtered. "B-But…I had a good run. At least…I'll die knowing…you're happy."

"Angel," she choked. "Please. Stay with me!"

He grinned as he lifted his paw and touched her hoof. "It's okay, Flutters. I've taken care of you long enough. That's…Discord's job…now." He winced. "It…it hurts."

"I can help you! Just tell me what I have to do to make you stop hurting!"

He looked at her solemnly. "You know…what you have…to do."

Her eyes widened as she understood. "Angel, I can't…"

Coughing, he said, "You need… blood."

She shook her head. "No. No, I won't. Maybe Discord or someone else can…"

"No. You're my best friend, Flutters. I know…you'll make it…quick."

"Angel, I…"

"Hey," he said, giving her a soft smile. "You have to…at some point. At least…you'll know…I wanted this."

Fluttershy stared at him, unsure of what to do.

"What did he say?" Discord asked.

"He," she stammered, "he wants me to…end his misery."

He looked at her in worry. "I can do it if you…"

"No. It…it has to be me."

"It'll be alright, Flutters," Angel squeaked. "I'll die…a hero."

Closing his eyes, he tilted his head, exposing his neck. Fluttershy could see there was no changing his mind. She didn't want to do this, but there was no other way to help him, and it would only be more painful if she delayed.

Kissing his forehead, she whispered. "I love you, Angel."

"I love," he coughed, "you too…Flutters."

She closed her eyes, leaned forward and brought his neck to her mouth. Her fangs sank slowly into his skin. He squeaked slightly, but did not move. The warm blood spilled into her mouth, and at the same rate it spilled from her eyes.

Beneath her hooves, she could feel his heartbeat slow until it stopped completely. Pulling away, she gazed at his clouded, lifeless eyes and the satisfied smile on his tiny face.

Sobbing, she brought him to chest. Discord put his arms around her and stroked her hair. It truly pained him to see her like this. He hadn't wanted her to deal with this so soon after her transformation, especially with a rabbit she had loved so much.

"We…we can bury him out back," he whispered.

She sniffed. "Just…let me hold him a little longer."

He nodded and continued to hold her as she cried.

Everyone agreed that after the long night it was best to turn in early. Trenderhoof's former mistresses didn't mind staying for their recovery and were each given their own guest rooms. Radiant Hope took it upon herself to tend to every pony's injuries, though Applejack insisted on taking care of Spike.

She was sitting on the edge of his bed, carefully wrapping fresh gauze around his wound.

"Funny how every time we're together, you end up bandaging my arm."

She did not laugh. "Did ya have to go and cut yourself?"

"I had to get his attention somehow," said Spike. He looked at her solemnly. "I knew he had sired you, but you didn't tell me he…I saw the scars on your chest."

She paused before finishing the bandage. "Ya didn't need to know the details."

"But to think he actually…I mean he…did he do that to Rarity too?"

She cut the gauze roll with her teeth. "She hadn't been conscious."

"And you were awake that whole time." He shook his head. "Boy, I'm really glad I killed him now."

Applejack sighed as she secured the bandage. "It was still a stupid thing to do."

"He was gonna hurt you again. I couldn't just sit around and let that happen."

"But I thought…" She paused as she looked up at him. "I thought I was gonna lose ya."

Spike locked gaze with her. "I thought I was going to lose you. That I wouldn't get a chance to find out if you really…"

Feeling his claw on her hoof, she glanced down.

"Is it true, Applejack? Am I…your soulmate?"

Closing her eyes, she nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"For one thing," she said, lifting her head. "You were in love with Rarity."

"Rarity's great and all, but…she's not the one for me." He set his other claw over her hoof. "But you've known that all along, haven't you?"

She sighed. "The day we met, when ya saved me and told me it was the noble thing to do, that's when I first knew. I…I didn't know what to make of it. I mean we had just met and ya wouldn't have understood then."

"What about later when all that mating stuff was explained to me?" Spike asked. "I mean, it's not like I'm a child. Why didn't you tell me then?"

"As time went on, I…I grew fond of ya. Not just because of Fate or anything. You're noble, brave, good-hearted, and…"

He cocked a coy eyebrow. "Handsome?"

She chuckled. "Cute, at most." Frowning, she continued, "The more I got to know ya, the more I fell for ya, the less I wanted to tell ya. If by some miracle ya ever felt for me too, and we became something more, the day would come when you'd ask me to change ya, and…well, you're a dragon and I don't know what that would do to ya. Even if ya weren't that different from a vampire pony, I couldn't…"

She looked up at him sincerely. "I didn't wanna be the one to turn ya into a monster."

Spike shook his head. "All this time, I had no idea."

"How did ya find out?"

"Well…Scootaloo helped a little. See, when you told me to stay put earlier tonight, I…I got a strange feeling and Scootaloo suggested that you…well, you know. Then I started thinking. About how you're always taking care of me, how when Sunset Shimmer grabbed me you rushed to my rescue, even used your bat form in the sunlight!"

"I'm surprised Trenderhoof's hypnosis didn't work on ya."

"I think I've figured it out. Haven't you wondered why Trenderhoof hypnotized Starlight instead of Fluttershy? Maybe he couldn't. I think it's because Fate wouldn't let it happen. I mean there are all these things preventing vampires from accidentally killing their soulmates. Maybe Fate also makes sure other vampires don't kill them either, so Fluttershy and I are immune to such powers."

Applejack nodded. "That actually makes sense."

"See? I'm smart too!" He sighed. "I have to know though. Those stories you were always telling me, about the dragon knight rescuing the beautiful princess? You weren't talking about Rarity, were you?"

She bit her lip. "Guilty."

He nodded. "Well, I think it's time I saved you for once, don't you think?"

Applejack stared at him a while and then pulled her hoof away. "Spike, I don't want ya to feel like you're obliged to…"

"Don't!" he said, putting his claw to her mouth. "Don't go telling me that you're trying to protect me, or that you want what's best for me. I know why you kept this secret, but you still should've told me. You have no right to say that this relationship will go nowhere, or that I wouldn't like being a vampire if it comes to that. A decision like this should be made by the both of us, not just you."

Her eyes widened as she gently lowered his claw. "Ya mean ya…?"

He smiled sweetly. "You mean something to me, Applejack. I can't exactly say it's love yet, but when I saw you lying helpless beneath that…that bastard! I realized that if something happened to you…gosh, I don't know what I'd do!

"I don't know where this will lead, or if we'll be happy in the end," he took her hoof again, "but I'm willing to give it a shot if you are."

Her jaw dropped as she stared at him. Before she knew it, he was leaning in. She stopped his lips with her hoof.

"Not yet," she said. "If…if we're really gonna do this and…you're sure, I…I want us to wait a while before we try anything like that. After all," she smirked, "you're still only fifteen."

He sighed. "Fair enough. Can you at least," he patted the spot next to him, "stay with me tonight?"

Grinning, she crawled onto the bed and snuggled beside him. He immediately flung his tiny arms around her, surprising her. Relaxing, she moved her hooves to return his hug.

For the first time in decades, happiness filled Applejack's unbeating heart. The dragon of her dreams was in her hooves at last. She had been wrong to keep him in the dark, to decide whether or not they should follow Fate. She was afraid of what would happen in the future, but his warm embrace assured her that whatever lay in store for them, they would face it together.

Rarity was in her room, laughing with Sweetie Belle in her coffin as they made up for lost time.

"His head was stuck where?!" Rarity bawled.

"In the porthole!" said Sweetie Belle. "We were exploring the ships in the Baltimare harbor, Button got curious and looked inside one, but he got stuck and it took ages to pull him out! We almost got caught by the coastguard!"

Her sister laughed harder. "That mate of yours definitely is a strange one!"

"Maybe, but he's still a sweetheart."

Rarity sighed happily. "Oh, Sweetie Belle. I just can't believe all this time you've been living a life of your own. Just look at you! Last time I saw you, you were but a filly and now you're a young lady!"

Sweetie Belle scoffed. "You look exactly the same."

"I just wish we hadn't spent all that time away from each other."

"Well, we won't have to spend any more time apart ever again."

The older mare cocked her head. "What do you mean by that?"

Her sister smiled as she took her hoof. "Come back to Zebrica with us!"

She blinked. "What?"

"There's plenty of room in the cave! Sombra and Hope would love to have you! We can stay up late during the day, gossip, do each other's manes, you know, like we used to! And you can get to know Button more and we can all hunt together, it'll be great!"

Rarity said nothing, only stared at her sister. Sweetie Belle frowned in concern.

"What's wrong?"

Sighing, the older mare pulled her hoof away. "I'm thrilled to see you again, Sweetie Belle, and it would be wonderful to live with you, but…" She glanced around her room. "This is my home. It has been for the last century. You may be my family, but so are Discord and the girls. Beside," she grinned slightly, "you're not the only one with a special some pony in your life."

Sweetie Belle gasped. "Who is he? Tell me, please!"

"Well," Rarity giggled in embarrassment, "his name's Lord Fancy Pants…"

"A lord! Wow, sis! You always did dream about being royalty or nobility!"

"Don't get too excited. We only met recently, but…"

"He's you're soulmate though, isn't he?" the younger mare said, scooching closer. "Ultimate destiny aside, he's gotta fall in love with you at some point! I mean you're the most beautiful mare in the world!"

Rarity looked away to hide her smile. "Nevertheless, darling, he doesn't even know I'm a…" She frowned. "Well…"

"Oh," Sweetie Belle said quietly.

"So you see why I have to stay? I need to get to know him better, until there comes a time when we trust each other enough that I can tell him. I…I just can't go with you, Sweetie Belle. Not now, anyway."

She turned round as her sister lay a sympathetic hoof on her shoulder.

"Hey," Sweetie Belle said, smiling. "I understand. You have your life and I have mine. Though," she looked at her hopefully, "you'll still come visit me once in a while, right?"

Rarity pulled her into a hug. "Of course, I will! But you have to promise to visit me too!"

"Duh! Besides," she said, drawing back, "we vampires have an eternity."

A small service was held out back for Angel Bunny. Few of the vampires wanted to attend because the rabbit's blood was relatively fresh and they didn't want to be tempted. So it was just Fluttershy, Discord and Scootaloo, all dressed in black for mourning. The filly hadn't known Angel for long, but he had been a good soldier. Fluttershy was so upset that Discord felt it was best not to bring up the adoption question with Scootaloo until she had recovered.

Fluttershy couldn't watch as Discord lowered the tiny coffin into the ground and she buried her face in his cape as she sobbed. Once the hole was covered, she laid a carnation and some carrots over it. Discord then conjured a small but elegant tombstone engraved with Angel's name.

Scootaloo was weary, so Discord took her inside to put her to bed, but Fluttershy wanted to stay awhile. She kneeled at the grave, running her hoof over the five beautifully carved letters.

A few minutes later, Discord returned and crouched beside her, laying his paw on her back. Now that they were both vampires, they were equals, and permission for such harmless touches was no longer necessary.

"He was happy, you know," he said softly. "In the end. He wanted it to be this way."

Sniffing, she wiped at her nose. "I know. I just…I just wish I didn't have to…"

Discord hung his head. "I didn't…I didn't want you to experience that sort of thing until you were ready. I'm sorry this had to happen to you so soon."

"He was seven," she said wistfully. "That's longer than most rabbits live. Auntie gave him to me for my thirteenth birthday. It was one of the few times she actually paid attention to my interests. Since then, Angel had been my only friend since I met you."

"And he was a good rabbit. I didn't like him very much, but I could tell he cared about you almost as much as I do." He smirked slightly. "He was right to dislike me. He was just looking out for you." He gazed down at her as he pulled her closer. "And if you think about it, if it hadn't been for that rabbit, we might not have met."

That made Fluttershy smile a bit. "And he died a hero, like he wanted." Her momentary happiness faded. "But to think I actually…I mean I actually…"

"Shhh, shhh," Discord whispered, stroking her head. "There was no helping him. If you had let him alone, it would've been longer and more painful, and he knew you needed the blood. It was best you have his blood knowing he wanted to die than to…do it by accident.

"And hey," he lifted her chin so she could look into his eyes, "now that you know you can communicate with animals, you can determine which ones are willing to die, and you can make it peaceful for them. We vampires exist to keep the balance between predators and prey in the world. Now you know there are animals that accept that. Don't you see? You can survive as a vampire and still help the creatures you care about."

He brushed some strands of hair out of her face. "It doesn't matter where you are on the food chain. You'll always be the kind-hearted angel I fell in love with."

Fluttershy was speechless, awed by his words. Closing her eyes, she puckered her lips. Discord sealed the gap between them. Her mouth opened for him and their tongues entwined. Passionately, he dug his claws into her mane and deepened the kiss by bringing her closer. Then his eyes opened when he felt her fiddling with his shirt buttons.

"What are you doing?" he asked, pulling away.

"Well," she said, biting her lip. "I thought since…we're married now we should…"

"Here? Now?"

"Oh no! We can just…go up to our room and…"

"No, no, Fluttershy," Discord said, placing his paw and claw on her shoulders. "We can't. Not tonight."

She blinked. "W-Why not? Didn't you…want this?"

"I do. Believe me I really do, but…not like this. You're grieving. If we were to do this while you're emotionally vulnerable, it would be taking advantage."

"But what if I want it too?"

He shook his head. "I don't want our first time to be because you are sad. I want it to be because you are happy, because you love me, not because you need cheering up." He caressed her cheek. "You just lost your bunny. You need time."

Fluttershy gazed up at him for a long while and then scoffed.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just," she said, shaking her head, "when I woke up, I was afraid I'd become a monster, that I'd…made a mistake. But now," she smiled up at him, "you've reminded me why I chose this in the first place, why I made these sacrifices."

Blinking, he asked, "Because you love me?"

"That and…you're the only one who respects me, who comforts me at times like this, who would never take advantage of me even when I want you to." She raised her hoof to his face. "If I had stayed with my aunt, Angel still would've passed away at some point, but then I wouldn't have had someone like you to help me through it."

His eyes gleaming with hope, he clutched her hoof in his claw. "So, you don't regret marrying me?"

She glanced down sadly at the grave. "I regret what I had to do to Angel," she looked back up, "but I'll never regret what I did to be with you."

As his wings fluttered joyfully, they kissed again, this time a gentle peck.

"Let's go to bed," he murmured. "To sleep."

In one swift movement, he scooped her up into his arms, producing a laugh from her as he carried her into the castle.

Gasping as if she had been underwater, Sunset sat up in bed. She glanced around frantically and found herself in an unfamiliar room. Then she remembered she was a guest at Count Discord's. Clutching her head, she tried to stop it from spinning.

She hadn't known what to make of her last encounter with Twilight, but this recent vision had given her something to think about, but she couldn't ponder in this strange room. Getting out of bed, she went to explore the castle for someplace more tranquil.

After trying several doors and annoying a few sleepy vampires, she found two cedar wood doors on the ground floor which opened into a library. Marveling at its size and grandeur, she slowly turned round. She had never seen so many books, not even at her library at home. It was enormous, yet also in disarray, for there were mountainous piles of books and papers everywhere.

A shriek brought Sunset back to reality and she also shrieked when she spotted Twilight at a table with an open book in front of her.

"Oh!" Sunset said, looking to the side. "Sorry, I didn't know any pony was in here."

"No!" Twilight said a little too loudly. She cleared her throat. "I mean…this isn't a public library but…it's not exactly private either."

"Right." She rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, I just wanted to find a quiet place to think but if you're busy here…"

"Oh you don't have to leave!" Patting the chair next to her, she said, "Grab a book and make yourself comfortable."

Gulping, Sunset sat down and glanced at the open book. "So, um…what's that you're reading?"

"Oh," Twilight said, biting her lip. "It's just some light reading. You probably have never heard of it."

The thickness of the book suggested it was over a thousand pages. Looking at the page it was open to, Sunset recognized some of the text.

"Is that…War and Peace by Leo Tolsteed?"

Twilight looked up at her in surprise. "You know Tolsteed?"

She turned her head away. "I, um…may have glanced at that book once…twice…"

"This is my fourth time reading it!"

Sunset gawked at her. "It's…it's one of my favorites!"

Excited, Twilight levitated another book from one of the piles. "I have a first-edition copy in its original Moscowvian language!"

"You speak Moscowvian?"

"Ne ochen' khorosho, no ya mogu chitat," she giggled.

Sunset's jaw dropped as she gently ran her hoof over the Moscowvian words. "Where did you get this?"

"My father gave it to me for my twelfth birthday. He wanted to translate it for me, but I wanted to figure it out for myself."

"At twelve?! I was learning Prench but Moscowvian?! That's a completely different alphabet!"

"Parlez-vous français?"

"Oui, très bien!"

They both laughed. Then Sunset's smile dropped.

"Every pony in my village said a mare shouldn't know much more than to read, write and, in the case of a unicorn, pick up items with magic. Starswirl was the only pony who believed I had the potential to do more."

Twilight frowned. "Why did you kill him then?"

She wrapped her hooves around herself. "Trenderhoof promised me power. He talked about taking over the world one day, showing those naysayers what I can do, making them suffer for belittling me." She hung her head. "I guess it blinded me from seeing that Trenderhoof was no better than the rest.

"He told me…I shouldn't show off my intelligence to others, that ladies weren't expected to be smarter than stallions, to save it for 'The Day.'" Gritting her teeth together, she said, "But he never really intended to help me with my plans, did he?"

Twilight looked down at her book. "Well, he did give you power."

"Magically, yes." She sighed. "You know what's ridiculous? I knew he was a pig. As if it wasn't obvious what he was doing with the Dazzlings while giving them their 'special assignments.' And I knew what he did with his victims before killing them. I suspected, anyway."

Hoping the younger mare couldn't see the stray tear, she wiped it away. "I guess…I just didn't want to believe that I had been duped, that I had thrown away everything for…for nothing."

Feeling sympathy, Twilight cautiously placed a hoof on Sunset's back, making her look up.

"Do you miss him?"

"I'm glad he's gone, and yet…" She grunted. "I hated him, but I loved him at the same time. You must think me pathetic."

"No! No, Sunset! You mustn't hate yourself for what he did to you!"

"But I let him have all the power! I should've been smarter!"

"That doesn't make you pathetic! Remember, you weren't the only one he hurt. You're not alone in this."

She turned away. "I thought I was stronger than every other mare, but I'm just as weak."

"No!" Twilight said, grabbing her face so she could look at her. "You are strong! When you knew the truth, you stood up to Trenderhoof! Now that he's gone, you have the freedom to move on, and fall in love for r—"

She paused as they locked gaze. Sunset gently lowered Twilight's hooves and they both turned away in embarrassment.

"So, um," Sunset said, biting her lip. "How does it feel knowing Adagio and Aria are gone?"

Twilight lowered her gaze. "Cold. I've…I've never killed anyone before."

The yellow mare cocked her head. "Never?"

"I've only been a vampire for a month and a half."


"Even though I'd been looking to kill the Sirens ever since they killed Flash, I…I don't feel any satisfaction from their deaths."

"Well, Sonata's still out there. You gonna go look for her?"

She shook her head. "She knows what I suffered. That is enough."

"Is that why you're in here? You couldn't sleep because you feel guilty?"

"No. I couldn't sleep because…" Pausing, Twilight glanced briefly at the mare beside her. "Never mind."

There was a long period of silence. Twilight pretended to return to her reading while Sunset's eyes wandered to the tall shelves. The only sound was the tapping of Sunset's hoof on the table and the occasional turning of a page.


"Yes?" Twilight said abruptly, her head shooting up.

Twiddling her hooves, Sunset stammered, "Y-You s-said when a vampire meets her…m-mate…"

The lavender mare leaned closer. "Yes?"

Sunset was becoming more nervous by the second. "T-They s-start…dreaming?"

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she replied, "Y-Yes."

"W-Well, that's…why I'm down here."

Twilight's eyes widened. "You had a dream?"

She nodded.

"What about?"

Looking away, she said, "I'd…rather not say."


After a brief silence, Sunset asked, "W-What were…your dreams about?"

"I'd rather not say," Twilight replied quickly.

"So…neither of us would rather say."

"Looks like it."

Quiet reconvened as the two mares avoided eye contact.

"Look," Sunset said, rubbing the back of her neck. "I think we should talk about…what happened earlier."

"I think so too," Twilight said, facing her.

The yellow unicorn looked at her hesitantly. "Are you certain that…whatever is going on between us is…Fate giving us a sign?"

"Well," Twilight said, glancing down at her hooves, "it's also…animal instinct."

"But is this," she pointed back and forth between them, "even natural?"

"I didn't think so at first, but then I did some research and," she levitated several books off a pile and flipped through them, "while these sort of feelings are strongly…discouraged, it's not as uncommon as you might think."

A book of poetry was shoved in Sunset's face. "Some of the earliest evidence of desire between ponies of the same sex dates back to Ancient Grace with the poet Sapphony whose erotic poems were addressed to other mares."

"Wait a minute," Sunset said, holding up a hoof. "Sapphony was a mare?" She paused as her eyes widened. "Suddenly her poems make a lot more sense."

"Since Sapphony hailed from the island of Lesbolt, the term 'lesbian' was used to refer to any mare who was attracted to other mares, or one who did not adhere to her gender role. There are also characters in Shakespony's plays and Darles Chickens' novels who exhibit homoerotic tendencies…"

"Okay, okay." Sunset lowered the books hovering near her. "So it's not entirely uncommon. But still, if vampire soulmates are determined by Fate as you theorize, why would Fate put two mares together? I mean…how would we even…?"

Without meaning to, she glanced down at the space between Twilight's legs. Noticing, the lavender mare smoothed out her skirt and set her hoof on her lap.

"Well," she said, clearing her throat. "First we need to look at why vampires mate in the first place. If you want to look at an evolutionary point of view, vampires drink blood to balance the mortal population, but if they indulge too much, there will be no mortals left to drink. If they were to fall in love, they'd be compelled to change mortals rather than devour them, but if they were to fall in love more than once, there would be too many vampires."

"Fair point," Sunset admitted. "It's not like we could reproduce either way."

A smile tugged at Twilight's lips. "So you see? What we're feeling is completely natural."

"Even if all this is right and Fate, Celestia or some higher power is planning everything for us, how can we be sure we're even…compatible?"

"Well," Twilight looked at the open books as she lowered them, "we like to read and…we're both interested in magic…"

Sunset smirked. "To think, a few hours ago we were at each other's throats, and now we're talking about our romantic compatibility."

"I never really wanted to kill you," the lavender mare murmured.

"Neither did I," Sunset said sincerely. "I just wanted to duel with you. I've never seen magic like yours! The way you anticipated my every move and even imitated some…it was all brilliant! And to think you're younger than me by at least ten years!"

Chuckling, Twilight replied, "I just studied you carefully. You had put a lot of effort into those spells."

"But they took me years to master! It only took a few minutes for you to…"

She paused and then turned away again.

"Sounds like we're pretty," Twilight mumbled, "compatible."

Sunset sighed. "Yeah, well, there's more to a relationship than just…having stuff in common."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, there are," she looked down at her lap, "physical…attributes."

It was a good thing vampires couldn't blush, because both their cheeks would've been redder than their eyes in bat form. Regardless, their bodies were growing warmer, even if still below normal temperature.

"Y-Yes," Twilight stuttered. "I s-suppose that sort of thing is…important."

Turning her head slowly to her, Sunset asked, "H-Have you ever…?"

"No," she replied hastily. "Y-You?"

The yellow mare hesitated. "Not with a mare."

Twilight nodded. "Flash was a gentlecolt."

"Ah. Trenderhoof wasn't."

"I see."

Once again, silence ensued as the mares slowly moved to face each other again. Their eyes locked, but they averted each other's instantly.

"You know," Twilight said, magically closing her books. "According to the scientific method, if one has a question they cannot answer through simple research, the best way to answer it is through…experimentation."

Sunset gawked at her. "A-Are you saying we should…?"

"Not all the way!" she said, holding up her hoof insistently. "Just…you know, little by little. If we…enjoy it then…we'll know."

Their eyes locked together again and this time, they did not look away.

"S-So," Sunset stammered, leaning in. "W-We should just…"

"Try," Twilight said, also moving forward.

"And see if…"


They did not finish the sentence, for their lips had brushed together. It was barely for a second when they pulled away, staring at each other in wonderment.

"Um," Twilight murmured. "Analysis?"

Sunset ran her tongue over her lips. "That was…interesting." She paused. "W-What is…y-your analysis?"

The lavender unicorn bit her own lip to see if the taste was still fresh. It was.

"Have you had chipmunk recently?"

She shrugged. "I had to get a quick refreshment before the battle."

Twilight nodded. "I can…taste the nuts."

They were quiet.

"So," Twilight said with a gulp. "Was that enough to…?"

"I think," Sunset said, shifting in her seat, "w-we should make sure."

The other mare also shifted uncomfortably. "H-How?"

"Perhaps…another trial is in order?"

"Uh-huh!" She winced at how eager she sounded. "I mean…if you think it necessary."

"Right," the yellow mare said, brushing a strand of red hair behind her ear. "So, um…"

"Let's try it."


They kissed again, this time closing their eyes and letting it last longer. In those three seconds, Twilight saw a splash of color beneath her eyelids and the taste of nuts reminded her of the chestnuts she and Spike would roast on the Hearth's Warming fire. Inhaling sharply, she could smell that fire, along with fresh parchment and ink. At first she thought those last two smells were from the books, but they were really pheromones.

When they pulled away this time, they were heaving.

"Well?" Twilight gasped.

"Better," Sunset said, licking her lips curiously. "But…maybe we should try one more trial, but this time, we should add more…variables."

The lavender mare blinked. "S-Such as…?"

"Well," she glanced to the side anxiously, "kissing doesn't always just include the," her tongue flicked, "lips."

Twilight gulped. "Oh."

Sunset remade eye contact. "If you're not up to it right now, we don't have to…"

"No! I mean…if we want this experiment to be a success, we shouldn't be afraid to…explore."

They leaned in again, much more hesitantly. Their eyes did not close until their lips touched. Twilight stiffened as she felt Sunset's tongue on her lips. She wasn't sure what to do. Her kisses with Flash had never been this intense. Then, realizing Sunset's mouth was open, she opened hers too.

It was like holding hooves, only moister. As their tongues hooked together, Sunset tentatively raised her hoof and found Twilight's neck, tugging her closer. Twilight's eyes sprang open as the kiss deepened and she saw Sunset's other hoof moving to her back leg. She squeaked inwardly at the sudden pressure on her thigh.

Closing her eyes, Twilight tried to relax into the kiss, even lifted her hoof so she could caress her partner's foreleg. It was obvious Sunset was experienced, for she knew which areas would get the most response out of her. Twilight was scared, but also curious to see where this was going. The feel of Sunset's lips on hers ignited a fire inside, insisting that this wasn't wrong, that she was right to trust what Fate had decreed.

Clasping one hoof onto her back and clutching her dark blue mane with the other, Sunset pulled her in closer. Twilight had to scooch her chair in to prevent herself from falling off. Seeing her dilemma, Sunset kicked her own chair out from beneath her as she stood and turned Twilight so that she was pressed to the back of her seat. Without removing her lips, Sunset moved on top of her, swinging her back legs to either side.

Twilight gasped as she pulled away, but Sunset quickly brought her mouth back. Her body moved like a snake as her hooves explored Twilight's chest and moved down to her thighs. Something was thumping wildly between them, and Twilight could feel the same thing happening to the other mare.

When her hoof wandered to the edge of her skirt, the lavender mare pulled away in alarm. Sunset looked just as shocked, as if she hadn't planned for it to go this far. Yet neither of them complained or attempted to move out of their position. Their back legs were intertwined and were throbbing in perfect synchronization.

"N-Now?" Twilight squeaked.

Sunset glanced down and cautiously ran her hoof across her partner's chest. "Do you…?"

Her breath staggered as she felt the yellow hoof go to her throat. Those brilliant green eyes rose to meet hers and the throbbing between them accelerated.


Heaving an exasperated sigh, Sunset placed her hooves on either side of Twilight's head. "Damn it all."

The chair fell over as her lips came crashing down on hers.

Author's Note:

The song "At Last" from "Dracula" the musical was a huge inspiration for this chapter.

I am SO sorry if you wanted Angel to live! But the more I went over the possibility of him becoming a vampire bunny, the more I realized that Angel had to die in order for Fluttershy to come to terms with her new vampire self. Besides, this isn't as mega-happy a fic as my others. But I couldn't find it in my heart to kill Sonata.

Would you believe I wasn't originally going to have Applejack and Spike get together in this fic? I was just going to have subtle hints, but turns out you long-time fans wanted it to happen! I'm glad it did.

I think this is the first time I've really delved into a lesbian relationship in writing. Sheesh, it's hard to specify which "she" you're talking about.

"Ne ochen' khorosho, no ya mogu chitat" is the phonetic spelling of "Не очень хорошо , но я могу читать," which is a rough Russian translation of "not very good, but I can read." (my only source is google translate, correct me if I'm wrong, but then again I said Twilight's not fluent)


Leo Tolsteed = Leo Tolstoy

Grace = Greece (I tried to combine the word with "grade" which is a horse that has only a small amount of recognizable breeding)

Sapphony = Sappho (the original lesbian poet)

Lesbolt = Lesbos (the island she lived on)

Shakespony = Shakespeare

Darles Chickens = Charles Dickens (thank "Matilda" for this one)