• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,939 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


"Come on, come on, you gotta see this!" Pinkie piped as she bounced down the hall.

"Pinkie, why are you leading me to the fancy bathroom?" Rainbow groaned as they reached a pair of blue double doors.

"Shush!" Pinkie whispered as she pressed her ear against the doors. "Keep quiet and look!"

She pushed them open a crack and Rainbow rolled her eyes as she went along with Pinkie's craziness and peeked in with her.

Rarity had asked Discord to make a larger, more elaborate bathroom once the castle started getting crowded. The room contained a shining, circular pool bordered with glimmering white tiles. Two tiny waterfalls trickled into the pool, keeping it fresh and clean. But the peaceful bathing area wasn't what made Rainbow's jaw drop.

In the center of the pool stood Twilight. Not quite in the pool, but on the water's surface. Her eyes were closed and her horn was illuminated as three small orbs of water circled her. Her brow was furrowed, as if she were in a state of deep concentration.

"What is she doing?" Rainbow whispered.

"I don't know," Pinkie replied. "I just came in here to play pirate, but she was in here, acting like those monks in the east you're always talking about."

"Hey! For your information, eastern monks do not levitate themselves like that while meditating!" She paused. "Okay, so maybe some of the unicorns do that for fun, but they don't stand on water or anything creepy like that!"

"Well, I'm gonna ask her. It's hard to play pirate when there's a vampire meditating in the middle of the pool." Pinkie burst open the doors. "Hey, Twilight!"

"Gah!" Twilight gasped, opening her eyes.

Her concentration broke and the spheres became one with the pool as Twilight fell in after them. Pinkie and Rainbow stepped to the edge and looked down curiously at the wet unicorn.

"What was that all about?" Rainbow inquired.

"Yeah, you were standing on water!" Pinkie exclaimed. "That's not natural! Even for a unicorn!"

Twilight sighed as she crawled out of the pool. "I was practicing zebra magic."

"Zebra magic?" Rainbow and Pinkie questioned.

"Yes. While you and Discord were away, Rainbow, I decided to pay Zecora a visit. See, now that I'm a vampire, I can take revenge on the Sirens who killed my family, but I don't know who they are or what they look like. It was very dark when I last saw them. So I thought Zecora could tell me. She came up with a blank, but she said if I call upon my own memories, I can find their location myself. So she's been teaching me a few techniques."

"I didn't know zebras could…hover like that," Rainbow said.

"Yeah, doesn't Zecora usually look in that glowing crystal ball of hers?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight giggled. "Apparently, that's just for show. The real magic comes from in here," she said, pointing to her chest, "and here," then to her temple. "In fact, some of the magic she uses isn't what we consider witchcraft, but tricks she learned from a shaman in her village before she came to Tramplevania."

"So…what exactly were you doing just now?" asked Rainbow.

"I was trying to find the Sirens by concentrating on my memories of them."

"And did you find anything?"

She sighed. "Nope. But…I did see the image of a unicorn. It wasn't very clear but it was like looking at a pony-shaped flame."

"Do you think it's one of the Sirens?" Pinkie inquired.

"I don't think so. As far as I could tell, none of them were unicorns and I'm pretty sure I saw a horn on this mare, but if I was concentrating on the Sirens, she must be connected with them somehow."

"If you ever do find those Sirens," Rainbow smiled, pounding her front hooves together, "I'll pound 'em with ya!"

"Me too!" Pinkie piped, standing proudly on her hind legs. "An enemy of my friends' is an enemy of mine!"

Twilight grinned. "Thanks, you guys."

Pinkie narrowed her eyes at her. "Now walk the plank, ya scurvy dog!"

She strapped a black patch over the unicorn's eye, confusing her. "Huh?"

"Just go with it," Rainbow murmured as Pinkie tied a red bandana on her head.

Fluttershy wasn't sure how much more she could take of Count Trenderhoof. All afternoon, he did nothing but drone on and on about himself. Apparently he had traveled a lot and that discussion would've been more interesting had Lady Starlight not cut her niece off every time she had a question.

His sister wasn't much better. Lady Sunset hardly said a word, but when she did she was extremely unpleasant. At breakfast she had regurgitated her food onto Starlight's good carpet and scolded the cook for serving her improperly cooked eggs! Trenderhoof had excused himself a minute later, looking quite green. They must have been allergic or something, because Fluttershy didn't find anything wrong with the eggs. Then as Sunset was passing Double Diamond and Party Favor in the hall, she had snapped at them, demanding that they not stare at her. And now as they were having tea, Night Glider had accidentally dropped the tray onto Sunset's lap and the noblemare was throwing a fit.

"You clumsy oaf! You've gotten tea all over my new dress!"

"I-I'm sorry, domnişoară, I-I'll bring you another…" Night Glider stammered.

"Don't even bother! Get out of here!"

The maid shrieked as Sunset used her magic to throw a cup at her. She didn't hesitate to dash out of the room.

"I deeply apologize for my servants' behavior!" Starlight insisted. "Good help is so hard to find these days!"

"Look at this!" Sunset exclaimed, gesturing to the large brown stain on her yellow skirt. "This is disgraceful! Now I will have to go change! Aria! I'll need you to wash this!"

Aria, who had been standing in attendance with the other maids, rolled her eyes and gruffly followed her mistress out.

"Oh dear," Starlight said, turning to Trenderhoof. "I hope my servants haven't caused too much distress."

"She'll be fine," he assured her. "My sister can be a bit…dramatic."

"And I am so sorry the past two meals weren't satisfactory for your taste. Perhaps you could suggest the main course for dinner?"

Fluttershy cringed at the thought of having another meal with their two awful guests. She couldn't bear to sit through another one of Trenderhoof's anecdotes or Sunset's temper tantrums. Her meals with Discord had always been much more pleasant.

Then she had an idea.


"What?" Starlight said abruptly, as if just remembering she was there.

Fluttershy bit her lip. "I, um…forgot to tell you that…Count Discord's back in town and…he invited me to dinner tonight."

"Count Discord?" Trenderhoof asked.

"A friend of ours," Starlight explained. "A rich but reclusive noblestallion who owns a castle in the wood."

"A castle!" he exclaimed, rubbing his chin. "You don't say. Perhaps he wouldn't mind if my sister and I joined you?"

"Oh, uh," Fluttershy stammered, "actually, he…only wanted…me to come."

Even with Discord's hypnotic powers, she needed some time away from all of them.

"When did you even receive this invitation?" Starlight demanded.

"Uh…this morning?"

"I don't remember any pony coming to our door."

"It was in a letter! Addressed to me! So, naturally, I…was the only one who read it."

Starlight sighed. "Well, this is on short notice, but…"

"I told you, Auntie, he just wants me to join him."

"Don't tell me you're going there alone?! Not again!"

"Again?" Trenderhoof questioned, cocking his head.

"I could have Double Diamond or Party Favor escort me!" Fluttershy suggested.

At least those two weren't unpleasant company.

Starlight still looked disapproving, but she sighed in surrender. "Alright, Double Diamond can take you, but Night Glider will accompany you too!"

Fluttershy could tell she didn't want her alone in the forest with two stallions. She didn't want to cause a scandal.

"I hope you don't mind my niece not joining us this evening, Count Trenderhoof," Starlight said apologetically.

"That's quite alright," Trenderhoof smiled, though there was a hint of apprehension in his voice. "I was going to meet my business partner tonight anyway. I could dine at his place, but my sister can keep you company, doamnă."

Starlight put on a grin that looked just as forced as his. "Oh, splendid! I just…adore your sister!"

Trenderhoof set down his cup, which was still full. "Would you excuse me for a moment? I'm just going to inform my sister about this."

He kept up his smile until he was down the hall. His eyes darkened as he trotted up the stairs and to Sunset's room. He opened the door and Sunset shrieked in horror as she pressed a purple dress against her chest in an attempt to cover up as much of her undergarments as possible.

"Ever heard of knocking?!"

"Oh please," Trenderhoof chuckled as she shut the door. "As if there's any part of you I haven't seen."

Nevertheless, Sunset ducked behind a dressing screen while Aria smiled to herself.

"Anyway, darling," he said, walking to the window, "we have a slight problem."

"What's the matter?" Sunset snickered. "Can't keep your latest catch ensnared?"

Trenderhoof gritted his teeth together in annoyance. "Apparently, the Lady Fluttershy is having dinner with a Count Discord this evening…alone."

"Count Discord?" Aria said. "I've heard of him. The servants here won't stop gossiping about him. Apparently, Lady Fluttershy's gone to his castle for dinner five times." She lowered her voice. "The first time without an escort."

"Ooh," Sunset taunted as she emerged from behind the screen. "Looks like you've got competition…brother!"

"Shut up!" Trenderhoof shouted before turning back to Aria. "What else did you hear?"

Aria shrugged. "The stallion's rarely seen, that's why he's such a big deal here, but those two idiot male servants said he was quite the looker."

He winced. "And…exactly where does he stand with…Lady Fluttershy?"

She gestured for him to come closer and whispered, "I heard the skittish maid say that the Count had asked Lady Fluttershy to marry him."


"But she said no, yet she still sees him."

Trenderhoof growled in fury. There was no mistaking that blush in her cheeks when she had mentioned Count Discord. This was more than just a mere friendship.

Sunset Shimmer was laughing her head off.

"Oh, this is just too wonderful! The almighty Don Juan's latest conquest is seeing another stallion! Another count, for that matter! How rich is he, Aria? Do you know?"

"Well," Aria said, "that pegasus maid said that some ponies say he can make gold appear out of thin air."

This made the noblemare laugh even harder. "And he's loaded! Oh, suppose word gets out that you're flat out broke! She'll have to marry this Count Discord then!"

"Silence!" Trenderhoof commanded.

Even though she didn't will it, her mouth closed shut. Trenderhoof took a deep, calming breath.

"This is only a minor setback. They're not engaged yet. However, it seems I will have to romance Lady Fluttershy, after all."

Sunset scowled. "What?!"

"She's in love with this count! Even if her aunt disapproves of the match, young lovers are very stubborn. You of all mares should know that."

Sunset folded her hooves. "What about this Count Discord? Even if you do manage to win the pathetic little pegasus' heart, he might get in the way."

"Simple. We just distract him with a…prettier face."

He cupped Sunset's chin. She backed away.

"Oh no! No, no, no, no! I am not seducing another stallion for you again!"

"Why not? I seduced all those mares for you."

She huffed. "Yeah, right, for me."

"Look, you don't have to lay with him or anything, just…entertain him enough for him to divert his attention from the Lady Fluttershy. And hey, you can drink him when you're done."

"That's not going to be easy," said Aria. "According to the servants, Count Discord's supposed to be a recluse. He never leaves his castle or invites any pony up there. Lady Fluttershy was an exception, it would seem."

"My, my, my," Sunset smirked as she admired her hooficure. "She must be pretty special to him then."

"This changes nothing!" Trenderhoof barked. "We will get Lady Fluttershy's inheritance!" He smiled and placed his hooves on Sunset's shoulders. "Perhaps we could get Count Discord's too…"

"Don't even think about it!" Sunset hissed, flashing her fangs at him.

"Alright, alright!" He grinned at Aria. "I suppose one of the Dazzlings would be up for the task…"

"What?! Are you saying I can't handle it?!"

Trenderhoof shrugged. "Well, if you can't do it, the Dazzlings might actually be more successful…"

"I'll do it, alright?! I'll do it!"

"But how are you even going to get near the Count Discord?" Aria asked. "He never sees any pony, remember?"

"Except for the Lady Fluttershy," Trenderhoof sneered. "I'm sure he wouldn't refuse an invitation from her. All she has to do is invite him to have dinner here with us."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Sunset demanded. "Just walk right up to her and ask her to invite him?"

"Sunset, Sunset, Sunset. You forget my powers of persuasion."

"Then why don't you use them more often? Have her fall in love with you and have it done and over with?"

Trenderhoof winced and ground his teeth together. "I told you that would spoil the fun!"

"Aw, poor baby!" Sunset said with a mocking pout. "Or are your 'powers of persuasion' just not what they used to be?"

He darted his red eyes at her. "One more snarky comment out of you and I'll have the Dazzlings rip you apart!"

A grin sprouted on Aria's face, which on her looked horrifying. "Ooh, I like that idea!"

Sunset's jaw dropped in appalment. Then she huffed and stormed out of the room towards the nearest lavatory. Using her magic, she simultaneously slammed the door and switched on the faucet. She scooped up the running water in her hooves and splashed it on her face. Then she took deep breaths, anything to calm herself down.

She looked up into the mirror and saw nothing but the wall behind her. It had been ten years since she had seen herself. Was she even still beautiful? How pathetic did she look now as her face dripped with water?

One thing she knew for sure: her eyes were turning red. She could feel the fire rising to her face as she gazed at the empty glass before her.

She cried out in fury and her horn exploded with green, shattering the mirror into pieces.

Coco Pommel came rushing in. She gasped when she saw the bits of glass scattered across the floor.

"Domnişoară, what happened?"

Sunset bit her lip anxiously as she glanced between the maid and the mess. Thinking quickly, she scowled at the former.

"Look what you've done, you ninny!" she bellowed. "Clean this up at once!"

Coco blinked. "But I didn't…"

"Now! Or I'll tell your mistress you broke the mirror!"

The maid gulped and set to work. Sunset snorted at her but as she left the lavatory, she sniffed and wiped away a trickle of blood from her cheek.

Fluttershy insisted on getting herself ready for her dinner with Discord. She was still thinking about how shocked her aunt had been when she had shut her bedroom door on her. Fluttershy was in such excitement, running to and fro between her closet and vanity. She wanted to look her best for Discord, having not seen him in so long. She had felt embarrassed about being in her nightdress when he returned to her. Her hair must have been a mess!

She finally decided on a simple blue gown that brought out her eyes and put on the butterfly necklace he had given her. As she started on her hair, she began to realize how silly she was being.

"Oh, look at me, Angel!" she laughed, glancing at her bunny in the mirror. "Here I am, worrying about how I look, all over some male!"

She blushed at the very idea. "I suppose I should've told him in advance I was coming, but won't he be delighted when I surprise him?"

Angel crossed his arms.

"He won't hurt me, Angel. I'll be fine on my own. Do you think I should tie my mane up or leave it down? I'd look more mature if I put it up, but he so likes it when I let it loose. Oh, but I don't want him to think I'm being too forward…"

Angel rolled his eyes and hopped under the bed, grunting, I don't know you anymore, mare!

By the time she was done, it was nearly seven o'clock, which meant it had taken her almost two hours to prepare!

"Goodness, I'm becoming my aunt!" she exclaimed as she raced downstairs.

Starlight and Night Glider were waiting, the maid dressed in her evening gown and shawl. Trenderhoof and Sunset were there too, for no reason presumably other than to see her off.

"Oh, you look beautiful, domnişoară!" Night Glider exclaimed.

"Indeed," Trenderhoof observed.

He ignored the pressure Sunset was exerting on his hoof.

"You certain this is wise?" Starlight asked skeptically.

"I will be fine, Auntie," Fluttershy assured her. "Double Diamond and Night Glider will make sure of that."

"She's in good hooves, doamnă," Night Glider said as she hooked her foreleg with Fluttershy's. "Now come on! Diamond's waiting outside."

"Just a moment!" Trenderhoof called before they could make it out the door. "I'd like a word with Lady Fluttershy, if you please."

Fluttershy nodded to the maid, allowing her to go on without her. "Yes, domnule?"

He smiled kindly. "Are you sure my sister and I can't join you this evening? We wouldn't be a bother."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but…Count Discord doesn't like strangers and…"

"But I'm no stranger," he said, cupping her chin so she would look directly into his eyes. "He can trust me." His eyes slowly changed into spirals. "You can trust me."

Fluttershy blinked as the count appeared to be staring blankly at her. It was making her feel awkward.

"Sorry, domnule," she said, stepping away, "but I must respect the Count's wishes."

Trenderhoof was abashed beyond comprehension as the mare went out to join her servants. Sunset was in a fit of hysterical laughter.

"Oh, brilliantly done, brother! Getting her to fall for you will be easy!"

"Shut up!" Trenderhoof commanded. "I don't understand. She should've fallen immediately under my power…"

His partner smirked. "Maybe you've lost your touch, dear."

He scowled at her. "Fine! We'll learn about Count Discord some other way. Follow her. See where he lives, and how close he is with Lady Fluttershy."

She crossed her forelegs. "What do you take me for? Some lackey?! Have one of your concubines or your guard dog spy on her!"

Trenderhoof wasn't in the mood to argue, so he growled firmly, "Go. Now!"

Sunset flinched as she felt a sudden pain in her head. "Ugh! Alright, alright!"

She glanced down the streets to see if any pony was around. Once it was safe, she sprouted her wings and took to the skies.

"Honestly! The things I do for this stallion!"

Author's Note:

I would've gotten this done sooner had it not been for original content I've had to write for two different classes. Expect much slower updates in the future. This was going to be a longer chapter, but there was so much in the second half it works better as its own chapter.