• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,939 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


Author's Note:

End of the semester stuff is crazy. Fortunately it's almost over for me. This chapter was going to be longer, but once again, I split it, but the next chapter's already been started.

Listening to the Dracula the Musical soundtrack and watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer really gets you in the mood for these things (oddly enough that show has an Angel and Spike too).

Fluttershy paced back and forth in the darkness of her bedroom. The Infinite Iris sat on her windowsill, awaiting the creature that had given it to her. Angel was fast asleep in his bed, cuddling a half-eaten carrot. She hoped he would stay that way once Discord arrived, if he ever did.

She heard his wings before she turned around.

"You're late," she said bluntly.

Discord's initial joy drained from his face as her glare penetrated his heart.

"I-I'm sorry," he stammered. "I wasn't aware we had set a time for…"

She cut him off by holding up the morning paper.

"Explain this," she firmly demanded.

His ears drooped. "So you've heard."

She stepped towards him, far enough so he couldn't reach her but close enough so he could see the disappointment in her eyes.

"You said you didn't feed on ponies!"

"I don't!" Discord insisted.

"Unless when necessary. What does that mean, Discord? This?" She jerked the paper for emphasis. "These are the same stallions that attacked me! They had puncture wounds on their necks, with all the blood drained from them! And you were hunting last night."

"You don't trust me?" he asked sadly.

She shook her head. "I don't know, Discord. Look me in the eye and tell me honestly. Did you kill those stallions?"

He looked at her with all the sincerity he could muster and whispered, "No."

She believed him. He had looked at her the same way when he had told her that he loved her, and he had given her little reason to doubt that.

"Then who did?" she demanded, her voice cracking.

"I don't know," he replied softly. "Well, I don't know exactly. The girls swear they didn't do it, but…"

Her eyebrow rose. "But?"

He hung his head. "There have been instances…"

She took a step closer. "Discord, what aren't you telling me?"

He raised his eyes again. "Fluttershy, you have to understand, the girls care for you almost as much as I do and know that if anything happened to you, it would destroy me, and that would upset them too."

"Even Applejack?"

"Her more than anyone else."

She blinked in confusion. "I don't…"

"A long time ago," he interrupted quickly, "not long after Rarity was changed, she felt…anger. Incredible anger towards the vampire that had bitten her. When she couldn't find him, she started taking that anger out on…other stallions. She blamed their kind for what had happened to her, that they were all monsters seeking to…defile young mares. So…she punished them."

Fluttershy didn't need details on how she had done that, but she couldn't believe it. Rarity had always treated her so warmly. Then again, she had always recoiled from Party Favor and Double Diamond whenever they were around. The revelation that she would hate all stallions made sense.

"But I don't think she did it," Discord softly declared. "It's not like her to take on so many stallions at once. She usually does it one at a time. Pinkie would have the appetite, but even if she had lost control of herself again, she'd have left more of a mess behind."

"So who could've done this?"

"That's the other thing I wanted to discuss with you. Last night, just as I was coming back from my hunt, Twilight ran into another vampire."

"Another vampire?"

"From Twilight's description, one neither of us has seen before. She implied she wasn't alone, so we have reason to believe there's another coven in Zebiu."

Fluttershy's face paled in alarm. "More vampires?"

"Yes and…there's something else, I'm afraid."

"None of this is really comforting, Discord."

He winced as he said, "The vampire…mentioned you by name."

She stared at him in silence, then slowly made her way to the window seat and leaned into his chest. Discord put his arms around her, stroking her gently.

"What does this mean, Discord?" she whispered, though she was afraid of the answer.

"I means," he murmured, drinking in her scent as he nuzzled her mane, "that whatever these new vampires have planned for you, I…we won't let it happen."


He moved away so she could look into his eyes. "I swear upon my damned soul that I will protect you, for all eternity."

He released her so he could reach into his pocket. Fluttershy frowned in bewilderment as he withdrew a small bundle wrapped in cloth.

"However, I cannot be there for you in the daylight, so I got one of these from Spike. Yes, I know about his stash. This should be a lot more stylish than the garlic."

Fluttershy unwrapped the gift to find a sun-shaped pendant similar to the one Spike had shown her yesterday.

"You know what this is?" Discord asked.

"The symbol of the sun goddess," she replied. "Spike told me. Does it really repel vampires?"

"Uh-huh," he nodded, recoiling from the necklace. "The sun hurts us, no matter what form it takes. Since we don't know where these other vampires might be lurking, it's best you wear this pendant at all times."

But instead of putting it on, Fluttershy set it on her dressing table.

"Didn't you hear me?" Discord questioned.

"Yes, but I can't wear it around you."

He smiled. "Thank you for your concern, but I don't blame you for wanting to repel me."

"I don't," she whispered as she settled on the window seat. "I'm sorry I thought you had…well, you know. I should've known you weren't capable of such a horrid thing, and if you were, I don't think you'd lie to me about it."

Her words were meant to be reassuring, but it drained all hope from Discord's heart.

"What's wrong?" she asked when she saw his frown.

He looked away in shame. "Fluttershy, I…we haven't known each other for too long and…there are still things you don't know about me."

Concerned, she slid her hoof over his paw. "Then tell me."

He caught her eye, pleading for her compassion. "It's not something you'd like. Not even my girls know about it."

"You can tell me anything."

"Even if you might not see me in the same way afterwards?"

"Discord, whatever it is, I won't care as long as you are honest with me."

Staring into her eyes was like looking at all the goodness and beauty in the world. Among those things was truth. That was all she was asking for. He had been wondering why she was always so hesitant to open up to him, but realized that she couldn't do that unless he trusted her too.

So after gathering his composure in a single breath, he began his tale.

"You remember what I said about my old master, Sombra? How before he met his mate he wasn't the most moral of vampires?"

Fluttershy nodded. "And you fed on ponies. I know. But you don't do that anymore and I believe you."

"There's more to it, Fluttershy. See, Sombra and I didn't just feed on ponies, we…we…"

Blood dripped from his eyes at the fear of what she would say if she knew.

"It's okay, Discord," she said as her hoof moved to dry his tears. "I won't judge you. Whatever you did, it was a long time ago."

"You don't understand," he croaked weakly. "Sombra…hated ponies. He was abandoned as a foal and raised in a village of crystal ponies in Norwhinny. They ostracized him because he was so different, cast out of the village when he started dealing in dark magic. Then he got bitten and sought revenge on the crystal ponies. But he didn't have enough power. He couldn't do it on his own.

"Then he found me, a newborn draconequus whom he knew would one day grow to be a powerful creature. That's the real reason he took me in, though we did grow attached to one another over the centuries. He trained me so that I may one day take over Norwhinny, perhaps more, but until my powers were ripe enough, I had to start small. He…he taught me to…to…"

He couldn't go on, not with her innocent gaze on him. Fluttershy caressed his face, trying to assure him that he could trust her.

"What did he make you do, Discord?" she whispered.

Shutting his eyes tight, he whimpered, "He made me…torture my prey."

Her hoof dropped from his face and Discord knew all hope of winning her was lost. Nevertheless, he continued, for if he was going to lose her forever anyway there was no point in holding back.

"He taught me to hate ponies, to think of them as weak and insignificant. He made me believe I was better than everyone else, so whenever I fed…I made them see just that."

He buried his face in his claw and paw. "Oh, Fluttershy, if you had seen me at that time…you would've never come near me. The things I did to my prey, I…"

He stopped. She didn't need to know the exact details.

"Even after Hope came, I still fed on ponies. I didn't…prolong their deaths as much, but I still fed. I didn't care who I killed."

"What made you stop?" Fluttershy asked in a dry voice.

"Rarity," Discord muttered. "When I first saw her, so limp and lifeless, she was…so young, so lovely, so innocent. She didn't deserve such a fate. I knew that even before she told me what had happened. Rarity had a life, a family, a future. One of my kind had taken it away from her. I…I couldn't bear the thought of inflicting such pain on another pony, so I never fed off one for my own pleasure ever again."

He opened his eyes to see her reaction. Her expression was blank, but her eyes were wide. Thinking he had frightened her into silence, he sighed sadly.

"I know you can never love me. It has nothing to do with how I look. Today I saw myself for the very first time, thanks to a spell of Twilight's."

He locked gaze with her. "I know I'm hideous, Fluttershy, and yet you don't mind being so close to me, touching me, kissing…"

He trailed off as his eyes wandered to her lips, but shook his head before he could lose his senses.

"But I'm still a monster. I was never a real creature. I was born like this. No, I wasn't even born. I was dead the moment I left my mother's womb. I'm…I'm an abomination, a horror that should've never existed in the first place!"

He looked out at the horizon. "Some days I think of just…walking out into the sunlight and…ending it all. I almost did a few weeks ago, but then…"

His attention returned to her. "I met you, the only creature who's ever made me feel…real, like I belong in this world. I've never seen the light, Fluttershy, and you brought it to me."

Then his ears fell limp on either side of his head. "But now that you know the truth about me, about what I've done in the past, I know there's no chance of us ever being together. You probably want me as far away from you as possible."

Biting his lip, he choked, "So…just say the word and…and I'll go and…and leave you alone forever."

She wasn't touching him anymore. Staring at her distant hooves, he was certain he would never feel their softness again. He was prepared to go, to leave her in the light, but she wasn't bidding him to.

Fluttershy's heart was overwhelmed with emotion. His story had horrified her, but the fact that he had confessed it, that he had trusted her with his deepest darkest secret, brought tears to her eyes. She was sure he wasn't making it up. No one would lie about such a thing, especially to one they were trying to court, for it would scare any other mare away.

If it hadn't been clear before, it was now. He loved her. He loved her enough to tell the truth, even if it meant risking their relationship. He loved her enough to fly across the world to bring her a tiny flower. He loved her enough to leave her if she so wished.

He honestly, truly, unconditionally loved her.

"Just say the word, Fluttershy," Discord said again, closing his eyes in preparation.

But instead of sending him off, Fluttershy boldly stood up from the window seat and said, "Come in."

Discord opened his eyes in confusion. "W-What?"

She took a step back to give him more space. "I'm inviting you in, Discord."

He was still bewildered. Why wasn't she running? Why wasn't she screaming for him to leave? He had just told her of the monstrous things he had done, and yet she was inviting him in?

Despite all these questions swimming in his head, his body moved automatically through the broken barrier and before he knew it, his feet were planted firmly on Fluttershy's carpet.

They were only a step away from each other. Fluttershy was reminded of how tall he was now that he was towering over her. His eyes were burning into hers, begging the question of what now. This was their first time alone together since their first meeting. At dinner there had always been someone listening in the next room, and during his nightly visits there had always been a barrier between them.

Now here they were, alone, in a closed space, a bedroom. They could feel the large canopy bed beside them. Fluttershy quivered from the sensations vibrating within numerous parts of her body, some in certain areas that made her blush. He could do anything he liked with her. There would be no witnesses. He could drain her, change her, or do what she so desperately wanted him to do. She was afraid, yet excited, for whatever he wanted to do to her she would gladly comply, even if it meant dying in his strong arms.

But he didn't move, and the anticipation was killing her. What was he waiting for?

"W-What now?" she finally asked.

His mouth shook as he replied, "I…I want to…to kiss you."

She inhaled sharply, delighted at the idea of tasting him again.

"What's stopping you?" she exhaled.

Discord smirked slightly. "You have to give me permission first."

"Oh!" she gasped. "Oh, right, um…yes." She took a deep breath. "Yes, please. K-Kiss me. Do…do what you wish."

The wall between them had collapsed completely now. Nothing was keeping him from her. Yet he didn't immediately jump into it. He took his time as he crouched down to her level and raised his claw to her face. Fluttershy's breathing staggered as his cold, rough talons brushed against her fur. Her eyes closed as they weaved into her mane.

Every part of her was soft and fragile. If he moved too quickly, he feared he might break her. But he was in no rush. He wanted to savor this moment, for if at any time she came to her senses and stopped him, he would make it last as long as possible.

Fluttershy opened her eyes again to look at him. His eyes were so sad, so pleading, so old. She felt like she understood him, that there was no more reason for doubt. True, he had made mistakes in the past, but his regret showed that he wasn't the creature he was then.

He loved her, he wanted her. He had gone a millennium without wanting any pony, and she needed to be wanted. Since her parents had died, she hadn't felt wanted. Aunt Starlight didn't want her. She just needed some pony to mold into her image. None of the other suitors wanted her. They just needed her money, her title. No pony had ever wanted her.

He did. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he had wanted her. And he hadn't known who she was, or how much money she'd had. He looked at her and didn't see wealth or station. Just her.

And she wanted him to want her, to cherish her, to treasure her. She was his, and while she felt it hadn't been necessary for him to ask, it just further proved how much he cared.

He gently cupped her chin and brought her lips to his. Their eyes closed in bliss and Discord moaned in satisfaction. By the laws of nature, he had the power of her, but the truth was she was the one who had the power. She knew his secrets, his fears, and by joining his lips with hers, he was surrendering all of that to her.

His mouth opened and Fluttershy gasped inwardly as something thin and wet ran along her lips. Her instincts told her to let it in and her eyes opened in alarm as a forked tongue twisted around hers. She hadn't expected it to be like a snake's, but the cold, wet sensation of it wriggling inside her mouth made her eyes close again. She pulled his face closer with both hooves, deepening the kiss. Tearing up in happiness, Discord cupped her head in his paw, firmly placed his claw on her back and crashed her against him. She was so small compared to him that when he stood, her hooves flew from the floor. But neither of them cared. They were too wrapped up in one another to notice anything.

Not even the shocked freckled face watching them through the window.

After catching the two of them in the act last night, Applejack couldn't bear the thought of leaving them alone again, so she had followed her master to Fluttershy's home. She had overheard everything, even the secrets of Discord's past. Blood still trickled down her cheeks at that realization. But the harsh truth of her master's lack of trust in her was mild compared to the pain she felt at watching him entwine with Fluttershy.

She wanted to stop this. It wasn't right. Fluttershy was too sweet, too innocent. She didn't belong in their dark world. But Applejack didn't have permission to enter, and Discord hadn't forced himself upon Fluttershy. This was her choice. It should've made Applejack feel better, but it didn't. Fluttershy had no idea what she was getting herself into.

Nothing was worth giving up on life. Not even love.

Applejack couldn't stand to watch anymore and took off before they could hear her sobs.

Discord's and Fluttershy's movements quickened as they both grew hungrier for each other. He clutched her mane and gown while she wrapped her hooves around his neck and pulled harder. Before they knew it, they were falling and the spell was broken when they hit the mattress.

"Discord!" Fluttershy gasped, pushing him off her.

"Oops," Discord chuckled nervously. "Guess I got a little carried away."

She sat up and glanced frantically at the covers around her. "You…we…no! It's much too soon for us to…"

"I wasn't going to!" he insisted, holding up his paw and claw. "I mean…it's not that I don't want to, but…I just can't…"

"Does this have to do with your mating laws?"

"Well, yes and no. It's just that for vampires, copulating with mortals is…unencouraged. I mean I'm technically dead. It would be…unseemly."

"But didn't…Rarity…?"

He cringed in disgust. "Some vampires are just indecent. But anyway, that wasn't what I had in mind."

Fluttershy shivered as she wrapped her hooves protectively around herself. "What then?"

He bit his lip and stammered, "I…I want to sleep with you."

She squeaked in alarm.

"Not in that way! I just want to sleep beside you. See…I haven't slept much these past few days and…I think…" He gulped as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I think it's because…because you're not with me. I…I don't want you to think that I want only…" He sighed, thinking of how stupid this might sound. "I only want to fall asleep…with you in my arms. That is, if you'll let me."

"Oh, Discord," Fluttershy murmured, taking his paw and claw again. "That's so sweet."

"Really?" he asked, his wings perking up.

She nodded. "I…I care for you and…I like being with you and…yes, I'd very much like it if you held me tonight."

He smiled as she came in for another kiss. As he fiddled with her mane again, a mischievous thought occurred to him.

"Of course," he smirked, "we don't have to necessarily go to sleep right now."

Fluttershy pulled away in concern. "What do you mean by that?"

He cupped her chin so she could see the sincerity in his gaze. "Do you trust me, Fluttershy?"

"Of course," she uttered with a nod.

"Just relax," he purred as he carefully laid her back on her pillows, "and if I do anything you don't like, just say so and I'll stop."

Fluttershy gasped sharply as she felt his claw run up her leg and stop at the edge of her gown. He was teasing her, but she knew he wouldn't go further than that. Until then, she was looking forward to everything else he had planned.

"Yes, Discord," she whispered as she brought him in for another kiss. "Keep going."