• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,940 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...

Sleeping Pains

Author's Note:

I wasn't able to write due to an excruciating long-lasting headache. Hard to concentrate when the back of your head is screaming. Fortunately, the doctor said it wasn't serious and was probably due to lack of sleep or too much time on the computer. He might be right.

"What do you mean you're not coming to the dinner party?!" Sunset shouted, sitting up furiously in bed.

The stallion who lay naked beside her shrugged. "It's a feeding night for me, and all that rich food's bad for my digestion."

She groaned as she pushed herself up from the mattress and stomped over to the screen, collecting pieces of her clothing with her magic along the way. Trenderhoof rolled his eyes as he rose and began dressing himself.

"Every time I share something with you…"

"Don't even start!" Sunset hollered.

"I need to feed."

"So do I!"

"I'll bring some pony back for you."

"Don't bother! I'll find some pony at the party!"

"Now, Sunset! Remember we have to be careful when dealing with the rich and powerful. Draws too much attention to ourselves."

Sunset glared at him as she stepped out, magically weaving the laces of her corset.

"I hate these things," she grumbled. "Even if I don't have to breathe, it's just uncomfortable!"

She grunted as she tugged at the laces.

"You've been awfully tense lately, darling," Trenderhoof noted as he slid on his trousers. "I really thought that last round would've loosened you up a bit."

"Well, it didn't," she huffed as she scoured the floor for her stockings.

"Hmm," he pondered. "It couldn't have been my performance."

"Shut up. I still don't see why you can't wait until after the party to feed!"

"You've all seen the local vampires. It's time I got a glimpse of them myself."

"But the Count will be at the dinner."

"And that's where you come in, my dear. Observe him. Watch for any signs that he may be a vampire. See if you can catch his scent. Oh, that's right. You can't. Well, then I suppose Bulk will just have to escort you."

"Bulk?" Sunset groaned. "You're sending the dog to supervise me?"

"His sense of smell is better than any of ours."

"I don't see why you can't just come and see him yourself."

"I'm going to scout the mansion, see if I can catch any of our friends feeding or something. Perhaps I can get some real information out of them."

He sent her a mocking look, which made her growl as she levitated her dress over her head. Trenderhoof stood and approached her.

"Let me help you with that."

"Don't!" she snapped, holding up a hoof. "I can do it myself!"

He watched her back as the dress fell onto her body and she pulled her fiery mane out of its lacy collar.

"I don't suppose you'd be up for another quick round," he whispered, laying a hoof on her shoulder.

She slapped his hoof away and stormed out of the room. It was just after lunch and the Glimmer household assumed she and Trenderhoof were planning what to wear that evening. As they were allegedly brother and sister, no pony had thought anything of it. In truth, Sunset had needed to ease the tension that had been building up inside her for the past two days.

Ever since her last meeting with Lavender, strange sensations had been stirring within Sunset. It seemed she was growing more and more agitated with every passing second. For what, she had no idea, but it happened most when she was with Trenderhoof. Every little thing he did made her insides stiffen. Just the slight brush of the hoof would cause her brain to rattle and ring. While he had always gotten on her nerves, it had come to a point where she was furious at Trenderhoof for simply existing.

Bedding him was supposed to remind her that this was her mate, her true love, the stallion she had given her life to. All that did was make the tension worse. Her loins were so cramped she could barely move her back legs without wincing. Making love to Trenderhoof had just seemed…pointless, disgusting. Even now as she was stomping through the hallway, she was repulsed with herself.

Why was she feeling this way? And why was it every time she was with Trenderhoof, that lavender unicorn would pop into her head?

Her mind was so muddled. It needed to be calmed in the one place she could feel comfortable. It didn't take her long to find the mansion's library, as Lady Starlight had shown it to her on her first day. She was disappointed with how small it was, but there were enough books present to reassure her into a sense of tranquility. Spotting one of her favorite titles, she levitated it off the shelf and began skimming through.

Had Lavender read this book too? Sunset figured she had. That mare was quite intelligent, so no doubt she would indulge in heavy reading. Did that enormous castle have a library? What other books would she be reading? She had to have gotten her deductive reasoning skills from somewhere. Perhaps she owned numerous spell books. Sunset would certainly have to be on her guard next time she…


With a start, she dropped her book as she turned to the intruder. Fluttershy was staring curiously at her.

"What are you doing in here?!" Sunset exclaimed.

"Um," Fluttershy uttered. "This is sort of my house? What are you doing in here?"

"What? I can't come into an empty library for some much-needed privacy? I mean this place is perfect for privacy! It's big—ish, no pony's here, I get alone time!"

Fluttershy knelt down to pick up the large book Sunset had dropped. Her eyes widened in surprise as she read the title.

"War and Peace?"

Sunset slammed the book closed with her magic and thrust it onto the shelf. "I just like to look at the pictures! There…weren't that many. It was pretty dull and, uh…really, really, really hard to read."

Fluttershy cocked her head. "Sunset, if you like to read, there's nothing to be…"

"Read?!" she scoffed. "Don't be silly! I don't read! Certainly not for fun!"

"But it's alright if you…"

"Oh, go play with your dolls or something!"

Fluttershy jumped as Sunset pushed past her, fuming at the nostrils. She glanced at the thick book on the shelf and wondered what had set the unicorn off.

Because he had to wait until after sunset before changing into his bat form, by the time Trenderhoof had gotten to the castle, Count Discord's coach was already on its way. Since it was long past seven, he wondered why Discord was running so late. Even if he was a vampire, he didn't have to fear the sun as long as he was in pony form.

There was no point in following the carriage, for Trenderhoof already knew where it was headed. Besides, contrary to what he had told Sunset, Count Discord wasn't his main objective. It was his servants he was more interested in, or rather one in particular. The moment he had heard her name, he knew it couldn't be a coincidence. It wasn't a common name, and he had last seen her on the outskirts of Zebiu. But he had presumed her dead all this time, or had she escaped the beast? He had to be sure it was her.

Sunset had been right about the castle. There weren't many windows and they were all drawn. There were two on either side of the front door and four on the second floor. Then he came to the east side of the house and spotted one lone window smack in the center of the wall. Through the curtains he could see a light. Drawing closer, he pressed his ear to the glass and could make out two voices. One was shrill yet masculine, possibly belonging to a young colt. The other was deep, but feminine. They were talking over each other so quickly that he couldn't make out the conversation.

"…sun's hardly…"

"…need rest…"

"…not a baby…"

"…others are out…"

"…not sleepy…"

"…opportunity for you to…"

"Not sleepy!" the youth shouted over her. From the squeaks Trenderhoof supposed he was jumping on a bed. "Not sleepy, not sleepy, not sleepy, not sleep…"

"Spike, if ya don't go to bed now, I'm not givin' ya anymore after-dinner gems!"

The squeaking ceased and the youth let out a sigh. The shifting noises suggested he was obeying his nurse. At least, that's what Trenderhoof supposed the situation was. The boy couldn't be more than twelve. What was a child doing at Count Discord's residence? He had heard nothing of the Count having a son, or nephew, or ward of any sorts. Or maybe he was the son of one of the servants, and the mare was his mother.

This theory was dashed when they spoke again.

"If you're gonna baby me like this, Applejack, can you at least tell me a bedtime story?"

"I thought you were too grown-up."

"Well not for stories. Look at Twilight!"

The mare chuckled. "Only for you, Spike."

Trenderhoof's ears twitched at the mare's voice. There was no mistaking that rich country accent, that deep, throaty chuckle. And the youth, Spike, had called her Applejack.


Trenderhoof jumped and spun around to see a lavender vampire bat flapping towards him. From her horn, he supposed she was the unicorn Sunset had run into.

"What are you doing here?"

To avoid interrogation, Trenderhoof whizzed into the sky before the lavender mare could get a good look at him. He didn't need to linger any longer anyway. He'd learned what he had needed to know.

Inside, Applejack was tucking Spike into bed. Since Discord and Rarity were out, Pinkie and Rainbow had gone to the tavern and Twilight was searching again for members of the foreign vampire coven, Applejack was left to watch over Spike. She felt compelled to now that there was a new threat outside. She admitted it was kind of silly putting him to bed so early like a little foal, but he'd been working so hard lately, having to stay up at night with the rest of them while also fulfilling his daily chores. At least he didn't mind her bedtime stories. They were truly her favorite part.

"So which story do ya wanna hear?" she asked him.

"Tell the one about the Sleeping Beauty! You know, the better version!"

She grinned, knowing she had modified that story just for him. "Alright. Once upon a time, there was a brave and noble…"

"Don't forget ruggedly handsome!" Spike interjected, flexing his arms. "With big strong muscles!"

She giggled. "There was a brave, noble, ruggedly handsome dragon knight, with big strong muscles. And he was on a quest to rescue a beautiful princess who had been imprisoned in a tower by an evil prince."

"Prince Trippyheel!" Spike spat in disgust.

"The prince was handsome, but he had a heart as cold as ice…"

"And an ego bigger than his head!"

"And he'd use that ego and handsomeness to woo young mares, who all fell prey to his good looks."

"Except for the beautiful princess!"

Applejack smiled. "That's right. The prince wanted to marry her for her kingdom and riches, but she wouldn't have him."

"Because he was a jerk!"

"And a downright pig! The prince, furious, locked her away in a tower where she would stay until she accepted his proposal, but she still refused him."

"Might've had something to do with locking her in a tower."

"He decided if he couldn't have her, no one could, so he cast a spell putting her in a deep sleep, only to be awakened by a kiss from her true love."

"And that was the dragon knight!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Sugar. Meanwhile, the dragon knight, who had heard legend of the Sleeping Beauty, went searching for her. He crossed stormy seas, tracked through the driest of deserts, ventured through the darkest of forests until he came to the tower where his princess awaited him. With one swift punch, he broke the front door down and raced up the stairs."

"But the prince was waiting for him too!"

"With a sword!"

"Hyaw!" Spike cried out as he jumped up and waved about a wooden stake, which he had pulled out from under his pillow.

Applejack jumped back in alarm. "Careful with that, Spike! That could actually hurt me, remember?"

"Oh. Sorry! Here, you be the prince!"

He reached under his pillow again and tossed her another stake. Rolling her eyes, Applejack climbed onto the bed on her knees and began clashing her stake with his.

"You shall not prevail, foul beast! The princess is mine!" she cackled, taking on a posh accent.

"No, she is mine!" Spike rebuked, sounding as bold as he possibly could. "Once I wake her, I will not treat her like a slave and lock her in a tower! I will treat her like the queen she is!"

"No, she shall not! I'm gonna play dirty and use my magic on ya!"

She placed the stake on her head to resemble a horn and made a "Pew!" sound. Spike dodged the imaginary blast.

"Ha-ha!" he exclaimed. "You missed! Your magic is no match for my fire breath!"

As the dragon took a deep breath, Applejack ducked for cover. But Spike only released a small blow and laughed.

"You didn't think I was gonna really breathe fire, did you?"

Applejack narrowed her eyes with a smirk. "Alright, smarty! Take that!"

She jabbed at him, but he parried. They laughed as they continued their pretend duel.

"Then just when it seemed like all hope was lost," Spike narrated, "our hero plunged his sword into the prince's heart, turning him to dust!"

Applejack cried in mock agony as he stabbed his stake under her foreleg.

"Oh, the pain!" she wailed, gripping the weapon as she slowly crumpled onto the bed. "Curse you, mighty dragon!"

She stuck out her tongue and fell limp. After a moment, she jumped back up and threw the stake aside.

"Having vanquished his greatest enemy," she continued, "the brave dragon marched up the rest of the stone steps and at the top, lying in a gorgeous canopy bed, was the Sleeping Beauty."

"And she was," Spike yawned as he sat down, "more beautiful than he could've ever imagined."

Seeing his fatigue, she scooted beside him and allowed his head to loll onto her chest. "You wanna tell me just how beautiful she was?"

He nodded. "Her fur was as white as pearl, her hair like amethyst…so curly…"

She tried her best to hide her frown as she continued the story. "He almost didn't wanna wake her, for she looked so peaceful, but he had come all this way to free her. So he leaned down and gently placed his lips on hers. When he pulled away, her eyes opened."

"Sapphire eyes…" he sighed as his own eyelids began to droop.

"Right," she gulped. "And the moment they saw each other, they knew that they were meant to be together, and felt like they had always known. And so they were married…"

"And lived," Spike yawned and stretched before curling up against her body, "happily…ever…after."

A second later he was snoring soundly in her lap. Smiling sadly, she stroked the spines on his head. It was tempting to leave a small kiss on them, but she would never do that without permission.

She wanted to stay with him like this forever, but her heart ached knowing that it mustn't happen. It took all her willpower to slowly pull away, cradling his head until it was safe on his pillow. Gently, she pulled out the covers from under his legs and then up over his body. With one last tender caress, she stepped away from the bed and blew out the candle on the dresser. She took her time as she backed into the doorway, her gaze locked on the dragon as she whispered the rest of the story.

"But the dragon knight, as brave and noble as he was, had been tricked, for he had kissed the wrong princess, set there as a decoy by the evil prince. Little did our hero know that his real princess had been in the next room, waiting for him to wake her. But he would never come, for he had no idea she was waiting."

She sighed sadly as she placed her hoof on the doorknob. "But it was probably for the best. The princess didn't want to be awakened anyway."

Closing the door, she muttered, "She just wanted to keep on sleeping."