• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,940 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...

Parting Ways

It was barely dawn when a knock came at the castle door. Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie were the first ones out of bed as they groggily came to the top of the steps.

"Who could that be at this hour?" Rainbow said with a yawn.

"I don't know," Pinkie Pie groaned, "but if it's another vampire coven coming to kill us, tell 'em we'll see 'em tomorrow."

"This is the police!" a bellow came from outside. "Open up!"

The three of them stiffened.

"They must be here about Fluttershy!" said Rainbow.

"What do we do?" Pinkie squeaked, her legs shaking. "I can't go to the big house! I'm not gonna get locked up again!"

"Calm down," Rarity said. "Pinkie, go wake the Master and…"

"Uh, Rarity?" Rainbow whispered. "Aren't you forgetting last night was their wedding night? They might not be…decent."

The unicorn bit her lip awkwardly. "Right. Pinkie, knock first."

"Got it!" Pinkie chimed before zipping off.

The knocking grew louder.

"Coming!" Rarity called, lifting her skirts as she rushed down the stairs, Rainbow flying behind her.

When they opened the door, they were met with two constables. They were a tall pair of stallions with white fur and dark blue uniforms. One was a unicorn, the other a pegasus. Rarity smiled sweetly up at them.

"May we help you, officers?"

"Where is she?!" Starlight demanded as she pushed through the police stallions.

"Where is who, doamnă?"

"My niece!" The lady shoved Rarity aside as she stomped into the entryway. "I know you have her here!"

"Come in, why don't ya?" Rainbow huffed as she waited for the officers to enter before closing the door.

"Forgive the intrusion, domnişoare," said the unicorn officer as they followed Starlight down the hall, "but two nights ago the Lady Starlight's niece, the Lady Fluttershy, disappeared from her bedroom and hasn't been heard from since."

"The Lady Starlight here believes that she might be here," said the pegasus officer.

Rarity and Rainbow glanced at each other nervously.

"W-What makes you think she's here?" the latter asked.

"Because even though I was to have her marry Count Trenderhoof yesterday," Starlight said gruffly as they came into the foyer, "she insisted that she was going to marry Count Discord! Where else would she be but here?!"

"No accusations are being made," the pegasus officer explained. "We are just making an inquiry. May we speak with your master?"

The two mares hesitated.

"Um," Rarity stammered, "the Master has not yet awoken and…"

"Then awake him this instant and demand that he produce my niece!" Starlight barked.

"Okay, okay!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Hold your horses!"

The unicorn officer scrutinized her. "Are you a mare in male attire?"

She glanced down at herself and then at the police. "Um…I'll just go get the Master!"

As she flew upstairs, Rarity smiled innocently at the stallions. "She, um, doesn't usually dress like that. That's just her, um…sleep ensemble! Yes!"

"Yes, right," the pegasus officer grumbled. "You wouldn't happen to know the whereabouts of Count Trenderhoof, would you?"

Rarity blinked. "Count…Trenderhoof?"

"It appears he is missing too. Neither he, nor his sister, nor his four servants for that matter have been heard from since yesterday."

"He was searching for my niece," Starlight said, scowling accusingly at Rarity. "Perhaps you've snatched him up too! After all, you tried to seduce Lord Fancy Pants! Who's to say you haven't done the same with Count Trenderhoof?!"

The white unicorn mare gawked. "I beg your pardon, but Count Trenderhoof wasn't even at that party! And no, I haven't seen him."

"Lady Starlight claims his coach is out front," said the pegasus officer.

She stiffened. "Is it now? Well, perhaps he came by, but I didn't answer the door so I wouldn't know, and perhaps he decided to search the forest and…"

"What's all this then?"

Rarity sighed in relief as her master came down the stairs in pony form.

"There you are!" Starlight bellowed, coming up to him. "What have you done with my niece, you fiend?!"

"Rest assured, doamnă," Discord said, holding up a hoof. "The Lady Fluttershy is indeed here, but she came here on her own accord."

"Balderdash! You've kidnapped her! I demand you return her at…"

"He's telling the truth, Auntie."

Every pony looked up as Fluttershy appeared on the landing. She was still wearing her black gown from Angel's funeral, now with a matching hat. Thanks to the veil hanging down from the brim, her red eyes could not be seen. Starlight gawked as her niece gracefully descended the staircase, her back straight and her head held high. She could hardly recognize her.

"Fluttershy?" Starlight said. "Why…why are you dressed like that?"

"I am in mourning, Auntie," Fluttershy replied softly. "Angel Bunny passed away last night."

She blinked. "Oh. How unfortunate." Clearing her throat, she said firmly, "Well, dear, I must say your little excursion is over." She grabbed her hoof. "Let us go home now."

"I am home, Auntie," Fluttershy said, pulling her hoof back.

Starlight's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"

"Count Discord is my husband. This is my home now."


The police turned to Discord.

"Is this true?" asked the pegasus one.

He nodded. "We eloped two nights ago."

Starlight gasped. "You…you scoundrel! You have defiled my niece! You will pay for this!"

"This was my doing, Auntie," Fluttershy said.

She turned to her in alarm. "You?!"

"I told you. I had no intention of marrying Count Trenderhoof. I love Count Discord. He cares for me, he respects me. And you need not worry about my provisions, because he is much wealthier than Count Trenderhoof."

"But you disobeyed me?! You would make a disgrace of our family?!"

"Auntie," Fluttershy said, looking her in the eye. "I am not a filly anymore. I am a married mare. You have no authority over me. That right belongs to my husband." She beamed at Discord. "That is not to say he rules over me."

"She is right, doamnă," the unicorn officer said. "If the Lady Fluttershy is married, she is now in the charge of her husband."

"I…" Starlight stammered. "I want proof! I want proof that this marriage did indeed take place!"

The policed looked to the count. "Do you have proof?"

Fluttershy and Discord exchanged a nervous glance. While a blood marriage was sacred for vampires, it wasn't legal in the eyes of mortals.

"Actually," Discord said, reaching into his coat pocket, "I have the certificate right here."

He produced an official looking document which he levitated over to the police. As they scrutinized it, they nodded and mumbled agreements.

"Looks legitimate," the unicorn officer said, turning to Fluttershy. "And you say this union happened with your consent, domnişoară?"

"Yes," she replied.

"Then," he said, returning the document to Discord, "there is nothing more we can do here."

"But officers!" Starlight protested.

"No crime has been committed."

"What about Count Trenderhoof?! He has yet to explain what his carriage is doing outside!"

The pegasus officer sighed. "You wouldn't mind if we searched your castle, would you?"

The three vampires glanced at each other anxiously.

What do we do? Fluttershy thought. We can't tell them what really happened.

But we can't just lie either. We'll look suspicious.

She turned to her husband in surprise. Discord? You can understand my thoughts?

Oh, yes, didn't I tell you? Vampire mates can communicate with each other telepathically. One of the perks of us being one entity.

This is amazing!

Yes, it is, but we still have a problem to deal with. I'm afraid I'm going to have to use my hypnotic powers, otherwise they're never going to leave.

She took a moment to think about it. Yes, I suppose you're right.

Discord's horn illuminated as he made eye contact with the police and Starlight.

"Now, listen to me," he said as his eyes swirled. "When you awaken from this trance, you will think you have searched the entire castle but have found nothing of interest to you. You will assume Count Trenderhoof abandoned his carriage out front and got lost in the woods. Then you will leave this place without further question of his whereabouts. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," the three of them said in unison.

"Good. When I tap my hoof three times, you will come out of this trance." He tapped his hoof with each number. "One…two…three."

The ponies blinked.

"Well, there's nothing here," the unicorn stallion said casually.

"So sorry to disturb you, Count Discord," said the pegasus officer with a bow. "And congratulations on your new marriage."

"It's no trouble at all," Discord said, holding up a hoof. "You stallions are merely doing your job."

"We will just get out of your mane then. Bună dimineaţa, domnule."

With another bow, the officers exited the foyer. Starlight stayed behind as she stared at her niece.

"So," she said, clearing her throat. "You are…content with this match?"

"I am," Fluttershy said, taking Discord's hoof. "And I have no regrets."

Starlight sighed in defeat. "Congratulations, Fluttershy. You did the one thing I could never do."

"Marry for love?"

She shook her head. "You thought for yourself."

Hesitantly, she held out her hoof, but Fluttershy didn't take it. Instead, she wrapped her aunt in a tight embrace. Starlight was caught off-guard, as they had never done this before. It felt…pleasant. And so, slowly, she returned the hug.

"I suppose," Starlight said, drawing back, "since you don't need me anymore, there's nothing left for me here."

Fluttershy watched her aunt sadly as she walked away. "What will do then, Auntie?"

The unicorn paused and then looked back with a shrug. "I hear Moscow's lovely this time of year."

"Twilight!" Rainbow called as she pounded on her friend's door. "Are you awake?"

A muffled voice replied, "Yes?"

"You need to get up! The Master wants us all in the dining room, including our guests! It's important!"

"Okay! I'll be right there!"

"By the way, have you seen Sunset Shimmer?"

"Sunset?" Twilight's voice became a squeak. "I haven't seen Sunset!" A nervous laugh was heard. "What makes you think I've seen Sunset?!"

Rainbow scrunched her muzzle. "Uh, I'm just asking because she wasn't in the room we gave her. You don't think she's bailed on us, do you?"

"Uh…I wouldn't worry about it, Rainbow. She's probably just, um…stretching her legs somewhere. Have you checked the, um…the library?"

Rainbow blinked. "No."

"Maybe she's there!"

"Hmm. Okay, I'll check the library. But let me know if you see her, okay?"


Inside, the lid to Twilight's coffin was open a crack. She listened to the flap of her friend's wings and waited until it was silent.

"You should probably get to the library."

Throwing the lid open with her magic, Sunset sat up and groaned. "If you're gonna sleep in coffins," she said, stretching her hooves, "could you at least make them less cramped?"

"Sorry, I don't usually have a," Twilight grunted as she attempted to untangle her back legs from Sunset's, "bedmate."

As she sat up too, Twilight glanced at the mare beside her and then down at her own naked body. Feeling self-conscious, she spread the sheets over her chest in an effort to conceal herself. Then she realized how silly it was considering their bare thighs were already pressed together in this tight space. Both mares were looking to the side, afraid of what might happen if they made eye contact.

"So," Twilight said.

"So," Sunset said, twiddling her hooves.

They paused.


The older mare glanced briefly at her. "You say that was your first time?"

"Mmm-hmm," she replied with a small nod.

Sunset shrugged. "Could've fooled me."

"So," Twilight said with a gulp, "does that mean I was…?"

"Good?" She smirked. "Considering I've never done it with a mare," she paused, "or in a casket," another pause, "or on the remnants of a broken chair," she rubbed her foreleg in embarrassment, "or atop a table full of books."

The lavender mare bit her lip. "So…would you say the experiment was a…success?"

"I guess." She turned to her. "What was the research question again?"

Their eyes locked. "It was whether or not we are…compatible."

"Ah." Sunset looked down at her naked body. "In that case, I'd say it was a…success."

Twilight could not hide her smile. "So…what happens now?"

Her lavender hoof slithered over to touch her yellow one. Sunset stared down at them for a while, and then pulled her own hoof away.

"We get dressed."

Frowning, Twilight watched as Sunset rose from the coffin and started picking her clothes off the floor.

"So…is that it?"

"Hmm?" Sunset mumbled as she slid on her undergarments.

"I mean," Twilight said, clearing her throat. "What just happened, that…that's not going to be the only time, is it?"

She paused and looked back at the mare wrapped in the sheets. She smiled softly at the memory of being in there with her.

"I suppose we could get one last round in before I leave."

Twilight blinked in confusion as the other mare continued dressing herself. "L-Leave?"

"For Bullarest, of course. Trenderhoof's dead. I'm his so-called next of kin. So legally, his mansion and all his possessions are mine. I suppose I will have to come up with some excuse for his sudden disappearance." She tapped her chin. "Does 'devoured by wolves' sound too far-fetched?"

"Oh." The lavender unicorn heaved a sigh of relief. "Of course you would have to go back to Bullarest and take care of your late 'brother's' finances. I completely forgot! When do you think you will be back?"

Sunset stopped her stocking midway up her leg as she looked at her in bewilderment. "Back?"

"You are coming back, aren't you?"

Her expression was unreadable. After a moment's silence, Sunset heaved a sigh.

"Twilight," she said slowly, "last night was…fun, but…you can't expect this to work out, can you?"

Twilight's eyes widened. "Y-Yes. That's exactly what I expect."

"Sorry, but…" Sunset shook her head. "There's just no way this can."

The younger mare's heart sank. "H-How can you say that after…what we just did?"

"And suppose some pony else finds out about this? What are they going to think?"

Putting her hoof on her hip, she replied, "In fairness, your 'incestuous' relationship with Trenderhoof wasn't exactly public either."

Sunset sighed again. "That's a fair point, but even if we managed to keep it a secret, or if by some miracle the world changes its mind, that doesn't guarantee that this will work out."

Twilight blinked. "Then…why did we just…?"

"I was curious about what it would feel like."

As she turned around to slip on her dress, the mare in the coffin scowled at her.

"So…all this was just an…experiment to you?"

"Isn't that what you called it?" Sunset said as she brushed her mane out of her collar.

"Yes, but it wasn't just for the sake of science!" she exclaimed, rising with the sheet still wrapped around her. "I actually wanted to see if we were compatible like Fate decreed! Wasn't all this enough to prove it?"

As the yellow mare faced her, she looked her sincerely in the eyes. "Just because we made love doesn't mean we're in love."

"You can't know that for sure!"

"I don't! I don't even know what love is!" Sunset tried to hold back her tears. "For ten years, I let a stallion I thought I was in love with take control over me! How do I know this won't be the same?"

"Because I'm not Trenderhoof! Sunset, I would never want to hurt you the way he did!" Twilight swallowed the lump in her throat. "But if you pass this off as some…tawdry roll in the hay, then you'll be stooping to his level!"

"What do you want me to say? That last night was the best I ever had? Because damn it, it was!"

Silence fell upon them as they stared at each other with wide eyes. Sunset broke it with a grunt as she shook her head.

"I just…this all happened so fast and…" She clasped Twilight's hoof in hers. "I need to think about this. You can understand that, can't you?"

When Twilight saw the confusion in her eyes, she let out a defeated sigh. "You're right. We jumped into this too quickly. But I have to know," she looked at her hopefully, "do you…care for me, at all?"

After a few seconds of staring blankly, Sunset dropped her hoof. "Ask me again later."

On that note, she turned on her hoof and departed the room, leaving Twilight alone with her sheets and her oncoming tears.

Twilight was the last one to arrive in the dining room. She ignored everyone's questions as she took the only available chair. Sunset was three seats away across the table, and judging by the fact that members of her coven surrounded her, it was obvious that she had made sure she was sitting as far away from Twilight as possible. This made the lavender unicorn glare furiously at her.

Discord sat at the head of the table with Fluttershy on his right and Rainbow on his left. Next to Fluttershy was Applejack, who was holding Spike's claw under the table, then came Twilight, Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Sombra and Radiant Hope. On Rainbow's right side was Scootaloo, followed by Pinkie, Rarity who sat with her sister, Sour Sweet, Sunset Shimmer, Sunny Flare, Bulk Biceps and Button Mash.

Discord addressed them all. "I'm sure you're wondering why I gathered you all here so early in the morning."

Sunny Flare yawned. "You woke me from my beauty sleep."

"Yes, well I'm sorry, but this is an emergency. We just received a visit from the police, and they were inquiring the whereabouts of Trenderhoof."

All who hadn't been aware of this stiffened.

"What did ya tell 'em?" Applejack asked.

"We told them we hadn't seen him," replied Discord, "but apparently his carriage is still parked out front. So we told them that he might have left it there and decided to search the forest on hoof."

Sugarcoat huffed. "That's a terrible excuse. Who taught you to lie?"

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Anyway, in the end, I used my hypnosis to throw off their suspicion, but I can't guarantee that they won't come back. They're not going to stop looking for Trenderhoof until they find a body, which we can't give them."

"I think I know how to handle this," said Sunset. "When Trenderhoof attempted to marry Fluttershy, he said the reason for his haste was because he had business in Zebrica. I can go to the police today and tell them that he merely gave up his search for Fluttershy and left on a boat this morning."

"But how do we explain his carriage outside?" asked Lemon Zest.

"We'll say that we were using it but got lost and decided to stay at Count Discord's for the night. In fact, we can say Trenderhoof left because he knew about Fluttershy's marriage. We'll say that we didn't mean to cause any confusion and that we intend to return to Bullarest at once."

"So you are not staying," Fluttershy said.

"Trenderhoof's estate is legally mine, as long as every pony thinks I'm his sister. After a while, we can make up some story like Trenderhoof was eaten by some panther in the jungle or that he drowned in the river." She turned to Discord. "No pony will suspect any of you or any of us had something to do with his disappearance."

"All the same," Discord said, "I do not think it will be long before ponies start spreading rumors. We cannot keep the police away forever. They're bound to make inquiries at City Hall and discover that my marriage to Fluttershy isn't legal."

"So what are you saying?" Rainbow asked.

He heaved a heavy sigh. "I'm saying it may not be safe for us in Zebiu anymore."

"You mean…we'll have to move?" Pinkie inquired, pouting her lip. "But I like it here!"

"It won't be forever. Just for a few decades until all who have seen us are gone and we can come back pretending to be the next generation."

"We used to do this every now and then before you, Applejack and Twilight arrived, Pinkie," Rarity explained. "We once spent a few years in Prance."

"You could always come to Zebrica for a while," Sombra offered. "It's secluded enough."

"Can we go to Japony again?" Rainbow asked eagerly.

"Now, now, before we decide on anything," Discord said, taking Fluttershy's hoof, "I think my wife and I should go on our honeymoon first."

Fluttershy smiled. "And on the way, we could find a new place for us to live?"

"Wherever you like, my darling."

"What about me?" Scootaloo asked. "If you guys are leaving, what am I to do?"

Discord and Fluttershy glanced at each other and nodded.

"We have been talking," the latter said, "and we've been waiting for the right time to tell you."

"You have no parents," said Discord, "and vampires can't have children. So we were wondering…"

Fluttershy grinned brightly. "Would you like to be a part of our family?"

Scootaloo's eyes widened as she glanced between them. "You mean…you guys want to…adopt me?"

"We may not be the sort of parents you imagined," Discord said, "but we can ensure that you are well taken care of and…"

"Yes!" She leaped out of her chair and rushed over to hug them. "Yes, I'd love to stay with you, Mom and Dad!"

Fluttershy laughed as she and Discord embraced the filly.

"Guess this means I'm your big sister, huh?" Rainbow said with a wink.

"Me too!" Pinkie squealed. "I have sisters again!"

"Of course," Discord said, pulling away, "you understand that now that we're married, Fluttershy and I need some…alone time before we can be a family."

"Oh, I understand," said Scootaloo. "In the meantime, I can hang out with Rainbow and the others."

"Not me," Applejack said.

"What do you mean by that?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm goin' back to the farm. My family's still out there, and they're not gonna last too long, especially my granny. Even if they'll wonder why I'm not gettin' any older, I wanna be there for 'em as long as I can."

"And I'm coming with you!" Spike declared.

"Spike?" Twilight said.

He turned to her. "You may be the closest thing I have to a sister, Twilight, but you didn't expect me to stick around all the time, did you? We always knew I was going to grow up at some point. And now that I've found Applejack," he lifted up his beloved's hoof for all to see, "I want to be there for her."

Twilight smiled as she hugged him. "I'm going to miss you, Spike, but I'm also happy for you." She frowned as she glanced at Sunset. "Not all of us can have what you have."

"While all of you might be thinking of leaving," Rarity said, "I for one intend to stay. Fancy Pants is here, and if there's a chance that we're going to be together, I have to be here when that happens. Meanwhile, I can keep house while you are all away."

"I think I'll stay awhile too," Sweetie Belle said. "I mean if Fluttershy and Discord are going to be using our cave for the next few weeks or so, they're going to want their privacy."

"Good thinking, Sweetie Belle," Radiant Hope giggled.

"So," Pinkie sniffed, "does that mean we all have to…say goodbye?"

"It won't be forever, Pinkie," Rarity reminded her. "We'll just be…parting ways for a short while."

"Yeah," Applejack said. "We'll all see each other again, once we get our lives in order."

"And we won't be all alone," Rainbow said, patting Pinkie's back. "Once Fluttershy and Discord get back from their honeymoon and find us a place to live, it'll be you, me, them, Scootaloo and Twilight."

Twilight bit her lip as she glanced between Sunset and her friends. The yellow unicorn was avoiding eye contact, but every now and then Twilight would see her look briefly in her direction. Whether Sunset wanted her around or not, she couldn't stop thinking about what they had shared. She had never been happier, she had never felt more wonderful. She had already lost Flash. She was not going to lose another love.

Standing up decidedly, Twilight said, "If Sunset's going to Bullarest," she made her way around the table, "then I'm going too!"

"What?" Sunset said.

Every pony made similar surprised exclamations as they turned to Twilight, who was taking the yellow unicorn's hoof.

"You can push me away all you want," she said in determination, "but I'm not going anywhere. You might not be ready, and I will wait for centuries if that's what it takes, but what we have can't be ignored. I'm just as scared and confused as you are, but nothing has ever felt so real and so right to me, and I know you feel the same. So please," she got down on her knees, "don't let this chance we have slip away."

As Sunset stared at her in awe, every pony watched with their mouths agape.

"Uh…did I miss something?" Rainbow inquired.

When Applejack saw how intensely the two mares were looking at each other, she stood up, knocking her seat over. "Naw!"

Rarity put her hoof to her mouth. "Oh my!"

Fluttershy turned to her husband. "Discord, are they…?"

"Incredible," Discord murmured.

"What?" Spike asked. "What's so incredible?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Pinkie snorted.

"What's so obvious?" Rainbow asked.

Sunset looked at the others and then at Twilight, who nodded. The former let out a sigh.

"You're even more stubborn than I am. Every pony," she said, standing up while still holding the lavender mare's hoof. "We, um…have something to tell you."

"It seems," Twilight said, "that while I still loved Flash, he…wasn't as meant for me as I thought."

"That's why you didn't have dreams after you were bitten, right?" Pinkie questioned.

"That's right. Well…that changed a few days ago when…" She grinned slightly. "Well, Sunset and I…"

"We're soulmates," Sunset said, putting her hoof around Twilight to bring her closer.

There was a collective gasp of shock.

"A mare and a mare?" Sunny Flare said, pointing between the two of them.

Sour Sweet fainted out of her chair.

"You guys aren't mad, are you?" Twilight asked her friends.

Rarity bit her lip. "We're surprised, but…"

"Who are we to object with Fate?" Discord said, pulling his wife to his side.

"But why didn't ya tell us?" Applejack demanded.

"We didn't know then," Twilight explained.

"But you two have met more than once," said Rarity. "How come you didn't realize this earlier?"

"We've been wondering that too. I think part of it might've been that I was still hung up on Flash and Sunset was bound to Trenderhoof, so naturally it took a while for it to sink in. I thought the dreams I was having were a curse cast by Sunset, but last night when we were dueling, I realized it had been Fate giving me a sign."

"So you fell in love while fighting?" Pinkie squealed. "How romantic!"

"Man," Rainbow heaved, clutching her head. "Our coven has the weirdest couples."

"And…all of you?" Sunset said, turning to her compatriots.

"Eh," Sugarcoat said with a shrug. "We've done worse."

"Though it'll take some getting used to," said Lemon Zest, cringing slightly.

"Hey, at least she's better than your last mate," Bulk Biceps said with a wink.

"If none of you approve," Sunset said, "you don't have to stay with us in Bullarest. After all, you're all free to do what you want. I know I was cruel to you in the past, but I will do what I can to help you all get back on your hooves."

The five former mistresses exchanged glances.

"It's not like we have anything better to do," said Sugarcoat bluntly.

"And who knows?" said Indigo Zap. "Maybe in the future, you two will be able to make yourselves public."

"The world is changing every day," Pinkie giggled.

"And we have an eternity," Twilight said. "Plenty of time for us to get to know each other better."

Sunset smiled. "Yes." She squeezed her partner's hoof. "We do."

Hours later, after the sun had set, the vampires gathered outside the castle. Earlier, Bulk and Sunset had told the police their story and gone to Starlight's to pick up their things. Whatever had been Trenderhoof's was sitting in a large pile. Rarity, Applejack, Sunset and the other former mistresses surrounded it.

One by one, they took items from the pile and destroyed them in any way they could. Rarity especially enjoyed ripping up his clothing with her magic. Sunset vaporized his shoes with a single zap. Applejack had the honor of smashing his spectacles with her hoof.

When they were done, they put the remnants back into a pile and backed away. The unicorns lit up their horns and incinerated the horrid reminders of the stallion who had wrong them and watched as they slowly burned into nothing.

"It's over now," Spike said, taking Applejack's hoof.

She smiled down at him. "Thank ya."

The others also said their thanks and shook the dragon's claw. Once the bonfire had done its work, Discord extinguished it with a waterfall.

Then it came time for the vampires to part ways.

"Goodbye, Twilight," Spike said, embracing his childhood friend. "Say hello to Shining Armor for me."

"You will all come visit me in Bullarest, won't you?" Twilight asked as her other friends hugged her.

"Of course, Sugar Cube," said Applejack.

"We can't stay away from you!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"And don't forget to write!" said Rarity.

"Or we'll think you've abandoned us!" Pinkie whined.

"You're all welcome at our mansion whenever you like," Sunset said, turning to the draconequus. "I can't thank you enough for the gold you lent us."

"Well, now that you're with Twilight, you're practically family now," Discord said. "The gold should be enough to pay off Trenderhoof's debts, but you girls need to think of some other way to get money."

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll think of something." She looked to her partner. "Ready to go, Twilight?"

"One moment. I have two more goodbyes to make." She embraced Fluttershy. "Good luck with your marriage."

"And good luck with yours," Fluttershy said. "You know, when it happens."

Twilight pulled away and looked up at the draconequus. "I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't met you."

Discord sighed sadly. "You'd still be mortal."

"But if you hadn't made me a vampire, I wouldn't have defeated the Dazzlings, and I wouldn't have found what I was missing. I…I wouldn't be happy now."

She wrapped her hooves around his middle and he grinned as he patted her back. As she drew away, she whispered to Fluttershy.

"Keep him out of trouble, okay?"

She giggled. "I will."

Sunset took Twilight's hoof and led her to the carriage to which Bulk was hitched.

"I don't think we'll all fit in there," Sunny Flare said.

"Why don't you all fly ahead?" Sunset suggested. "Twilight and I will," she sent her partner a coy glance, "take the carriage."

Twilight chuckled. "As long as the others don't mind."

"Oh, of course not!" Sour Sweet chimed before grunting. "Just keep the curtains drawn."

"Yeah, we don't need to see you two going at it," Sugarcoat agreed.

Wings sprouted from five mares' backs, except for Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest who were pegasi, as they launched into the sky. Twilight was clenching her jaw in embarrassment. Sunset, however, didn't look the least bit fazed by their comments as she opened the coach door.

"Ladies first," she said with a bow.

Twilight laughed as she entered the carriage and her partner followed. As Bulk carried the coach down the road, a lavender hoof waved out the window and the others waved back, shouting their last goodbyes.

"Hey, look at that," Pinkie piped, squinting in the distance. "They really are drawing the curtains."

"Are you two taking a carriage too?" Scootaloo asked her new parents.

"No," Discord said with a toothy grin. "Fluttershy and I have something more…special planned. Besides, you girls are going to need the black carriage."

Fluttershy knelt down to hug her adopted daughter. "You be good to Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie now, okay?"

"You won't be gone long, will you?" Scootaloo begged. "I mean I just got you guys."

"We'll be back before the end of the month," Discord said, scooping them both up into his arms. "We promise."

Discord and Fluttershy then moved on to embrace their friends.

"We'll keep an eye on her," Rainbow assured them.

"You can count on us!" Pinkie said with a salute.

"And we'll make sure they don't destroy your castle," Hope said with a chuckle.

"Thanks for bringing my sister back to me," Sweetie Belle said, shaking Discord's paw.

Discord paused when he came to Applejack. "I know you didn't want this, and I'm sorry I couldn't help you, but…"

She cut him off with a hug. "Thank ya, Discord. Thank ya for savin' my life all those years ago."

Smiling, he laid his paw and claw over her back. "It was no problem." He glanced at Spike. "I'm glad you found happiness at last."

When Applejack pulled away, Fluttershy hugged her too. "I don't think I would've changed my mind if you hadn't talked to me."

"It was no problem, Sugar Cube," she said with a grin. "I was wrong to get in the way of you and Discord. It doesn't matter what yerr problems, as long as you're with the one ya love."

"When are we going to the farm, anyway?" Spike inquired.

"We'll leave in the mornin'. They'll all be up for the chores, and it's not far from here."

"It is a shame you two won't be here when we come back," Fluttershy said, pulling away from Applejack.

"If y'all begin to miss us, Discord knows where the farm is. When y'all find a new place, let us know where."

"Ooh!" Pinkie piped. "Maybe we can have a big reunion party!"

Discord laughed. "If you wish, Pinkie." He turned to his wife. "Are you ready, darling?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, but…how are we getting there?"

"First," he spread out his wings, "you're going to need a flying lesson."

She paled. "What?!"

"You mean she doesn't know how to fly?!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"I…never learned."

"It shouldn't be hard," Rarity said assuredly. "Once you're turned, flying comes naturally."

"And you were flying beautifully when you awoke," Discord said.

"But," Fluttershy stammered. "I don't even remember how I…"

"That's okay," Rainbow said. "We'll teach you."

"The first thing you have to do," Discord said, kneeling down behind her, "is go into bat mode."

"H-How do I do that?" Fluttershy inquired.

"You gotta dig real deep!" Pinkie said. "And let out your inner animal!"

"Sometimes what you're feelin' can trigger it," said Applejack. "Like anger or hunger."

"Or," Discord said, laying his paw and claw on his wife's shoulders, "whatever makes you feel…wild and carefree. Like," he whispered in her ear, "what we do when we're alone?"

Understanding, Fluttershy looked down to hide her shy smile. As she thought of what their honeymoon would be like, her wings started changing.

"That's it, you're doing it!" Rainbow said. "Keep thinking whatever it is you're thinking!"

Fluttershy closed her eyes and before she knew it, she was a bat pony again.

"Yay!" Pinkie applauded. "Flutterbat is back!"

"Now," Discord said, backing away. "Flap your wings."

Gulping, Fluttershy spread out her wings and gave them a gentle flap. She screamed as the force from them raised her a meter off the ground.

"Keep flapping!" Rainbow said. "If you stop, you'll fall!"

Fluttershy squealed as she rose higher and higher. "It…it won't stop!"

"It's alright!" Discord said, flying up to her. "I'm here with you."

"Why do I keep getting higher?"

"Vampire wings are strong," Rainbow shouted. "Don't worry, you're doing great!"

Fluttershy looked down at herself. "I…I am." She laughed as she looped in the air. "I'm doing it! I'm flying!"

The ponies and dragon below clapped.

"I'm flying!"

"Shall we go then, my darling?" Discord asked, throwing his arms around her and pressing her to his chest.

Fluttershy smiled up at him. "Yes, I'm ready."

They waved at their friends as they flew off into the night.

"Goodbye, every pony!" Discord shouted.

"Be careful!" Rarity called.

"Watch out for the sunlight!" said Hope.

"We'll never forget you!" Pinkie wailed.

Their farewells faded away as the newlyweds soared over the forest.

"I can't believe it," Fluttershy marveled as they passed over Zebiu. "It's so…beautiful up here!"

"What I tell you?" Discord said, swooping underneath into her view. "There's nothing to be frightened of."

"So where are we headed?"

"To the docks!"

"So we are going by boat?"

"Only the best for my eternal bride." He reached up to caress her face. "Have I mentioned you look absolutely stunning as a bat?"

Fluttershy giggled as she turned her head away. "You're just saying that."

"No, I'm serious." He flew up to her eyelevel as he flapped backwards. "You've never looked more beautiful. Well, except for maybe when you were in that wedding gown."

As they flew towards the shore, Fluttershy looked back and watched the town she had grown up in become smaller and smaller. Discord noticed her wistful gaze.

"Are you going to miss it?"

"A little," she admitted, looking ahead. "Then again, it was about time I left."

"And you're going to love it, my sweet," he said, putting his arm around her. "The world is an amazing place."

She grinned as she folded her wings so he could hold her. "I'm sure it is," she nuzzled her face into his chest, "as long as I'm with you."

Author's Note:

Don't go away! There's still an epilogue!