• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,939 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...

High Society

As was often the case at these high society dinner parties, Fluttershy was bored out of her mind, but did her best not to show it. There were at least a dozen ponies aside from herself, her aunt, Fancy Pants, Sunset and her enormous lackey, who was standing dutifully behind his mistress. Three seats were empty, two across from Fluttershy for Trenderhoof and a "special guest," whom she assumed to be Rarity. The third stood in between Fluttershy and Fancy Pants at the head of the table, reserved for Discord.

Starlight was chattering away with the other noble ponies and business stallions. With a glance at Sunset, Fluttershy could tell she wasn't the only one there uninterested in their talk of fashion and politics. At least Trenderhoof was at a business dinner and not there to court her.

When the second course was taken away, Fluttershy glanced anxiously at the empty seat beside her. She'd told Fancy Pants to start the dinner without Discord, knowing he wouldn't want the food anyway and that he had to wait until the sun was completely set. She just wished he'd hurry up already. She needed some pony to talk to through all this tiresome chatter.

"Lord Jet Set," Starlight addressed the gray unicorn with a black mane beside her, "I hear you and Lady Upper Crust were recently in Moscow!"

"Indeed we were," replied Lady Upper Crust, the yellow unicorn who sat with Jet Set. "And we even had the pleasure of dining with the Tsar and his family."

"Nice fellow," Jet Set said nonchalantly. "Charming children too."

"Glad to hear that," Starlight grinned as she sipped her wine. "I've heard dreadful rumors that Moscow isn't doing so well financially."

"Oh, just talk from those politically fanatic peasants."

Upper Crust grunted in annoyance. "Unfortunately we were unable to avoid the riffraff. They kept coming at us, waving flyers and talking about how every pony should be equal no matter what their status or upbringing or species!"

"Really?" Starlight lowered her glass and leaned forward in interest. "And how do they hope to accomplish that?"

"By abolishing the class system!" Jet Set scoffed. "Can you imagine?"

A few guests let out droll laughter, including Starlight. But Fluttershy could've sworn her aunt's laugh sounded hesitant and forced.

Just then, Fancy Pants' butler entered the room and cleared his throat. "The Count Discord and Domnişoară Rarity, sir."

All heads turned, anxious to get a look at the mysterious count. Fluttershy and Fancy Pants simultaneously stood, which Sunset noticed out of the corner of her eye as she straightened up to see the incoming guests. Truly, she was curious to see what this count was like, to lock himself in his mansion all day and rarely emerge. Was he hideous, or just socially awkward?

She and every pony else, with the exception of Starlight and Fluttershy, gaped in surprise as a handsome gray unicorn with a short but well-coiffed black mane entered with a fair white unicorn at his side. He smiled as his red eyes looked to the shocked ponies.

"Bună seara, every pony!" he greeted cheerfully. "So good to see you all on this glorious evening!" He locked gaze with Fluttershy and muttered, "Some more than others."

Fluttershy blushed and gave him a small smile.

"Count Discord!" Fancy Pants exclaimed. "I didn't think you were coming!"

"Previous engagement," Discord said, waving his hoof as he came up to the empty seat next to Fluttershy. "Too important, couldn't cancel, yada, yada, you know how it is."

"Yes, I understand." The host grinned at Rarity. "And I am so glad you were able to make it too, domnişoară. Come, take the seat next to mine."

Rarity put her hoof over her heart as he used his magic to pull out the chair for her. Her giddiness increased as he pushed it back in once she was seated. Sunset cocked her head curiously at her.

"And who are you?"

"Oh, I'm…" Rarity started to say.

"My cousin," Discord said quickly. "My cousin, Rarity."

"I was not aware you had a cousin," Starlight said suspiciously, squinting at the white unicorn mare. "Though you do look familiar."

Rarity bit her lip nervously. It seemed Starlight's shallowness had caused her to forget her for now, but should she remember Rarity and call her out on her true status, she would be humiliated in front of all these ponies.

"You, uh," Rarity stammered, "might've seen me around town."

"She's been staying with me," Discord explained.

"Yes," Fancy said, sitting down. "And I invited them both." He turned to Discord. "We just started the second course, but if you would like…"

"Oh, no thank you. We ate at our previous engagement."

"We don't wish to be rude, but…" Rarity said rapidly.

"That's quite alright," Fancy said with a grin particularly aimed at her. "At least we have the honor of being graced with your presence."

Sunset watched the two newcomers steadily. The fact that they refused to eat further confirmed her suspicions that they were vampires too. They weren't clever enough to eat a little and then excuse themselves before their stomachs complained. Sunset took a whiff of the air, but with so many different smells in the room from the ponies to the food, it was hard to pinpoint the ones belonging to the Count and his cousin. The best she could pick up was an unflattering amount of perfume on the mare two seats away from her. Glancing back at Bulk Biceps, she wondered if he was having better luck.

"I see we aren't the only ones tardy," Rarity said, glancing at the empty chair beside her.

"That was reserved for Count Trenderhoof," Fancy Pants explained.

"Oh, yes!" Discord exclaimed, turning to Fluttershy. "Isn't that the fellow staying at your home?"

"Yes, while he's here on business," Starlight said before her niece could open her mouth. She pointed across the table. "This here is his sister, the Lady Sunset Shimmer."

"Oh, pleasure to meet you!" Rarity chimed, extending her hoof across the empty seat.

"Charmed," Sunset grunted, turning away from her.

Rarity felt insulted but she kept up a smile to be polite. However, when she retracted her hoof, something caught her nostrils. The scent made her stiffen and her blood drop to an even colder temperature. It was a pleasant smell, like a stallion's cologne mixed with perspiration, but the familiarity of it made it most unpleasant. She glanced frantically around the room, searching for its source.

"Are you alright, domnişoară?" Fancy asked in concern.

Rarity flashed a grin at him. "Oh, yes! I was just…admiring the décor! That tessellated flower pattern on the wall is Prench, is it not?"

"Indeed it is!" Fancy replied, glancing at the blue wallpaper in question. "I see you were not exaggerating on your knowledge of décor as well as in fashion."

"You are into fashion, Domnişoară Rarity?" Lady Upper Crust asked. "You simply must tell me where you got that gorgeous gown of yours then! I should like one myself."

"Oh," Rarity said, glancing down at her mauve dress with a lacey trim. "Actually I…made it myself."

Every pony turned to her in appalment.

"You make your own clothes?" Upper Crust inquired, scrunching her muzzle.

Rarity bit her lip nervously. Fortunately, Fancy Pants was there to save her.

"And very well, I must say. I think every young mare should have a productive hobby, don't you?"

Many of the guests were shocked, but having no intention to displease their host they nodded and murmured in agreement. Rarity whispered her gratitude to the lord who sent her a wink.

Had Discord not been preoccupied with his ladylove, he might've done something similar in his friend's defense. Fluttershy knew he was eager to be alone with her again, as she could feel his gaze on her, not to mention his back hoof was brushing with hers beneath the table. It was her fault for touching him first.

It's not that she wasn't pleased to see Discord, but now that he was here, looking like some pony else entirely, she felt extremely uncomfortable. She kept telling herself that this was her secret lover, but every time she looked at him it was like seeing a stranger. Eventually she had to pull her hoof away so he could not reach it, which made him frown in disappointment.

"So are the rumors true, Count Discord?" an earth stallion named Hoity Toity questioned. "Are you and Lady Fluttershy betrothed?"

"What?!" Discord, Fluttershy and Starlight uttered all at once.

"Of course not!" Starlight laughed.

Hoity Toity raised an eyebrow. "But you had just told me the other day that…"

"Never mind what I said!"

"Ahem!" Discord coughed. "It is true that Lady Fluttershy and I have been spending a great deal of time together, but I assure you no arrangements have been made for a wedding as of yet."

"But I heard from Lady Starlight that you had proposed to her niece," Hoity Toity explained.

Discord glanced sideways at Fluttershy, who was staring at her hooves, trying to hide the redness in her cheeks. He didn't want to embarrass her in front of all these ponies, but he didn't want to lie either. Of course, honesty wasn't his best quality, but his love for Fluttershy was something he could not lie about. He was aware that as a young, rich, beautiful noblemare she was a desirable bride and he wanted to make it clear that she was his and his alone.

Did that make him sound possessive? Perhaps, but it was true. She was his and he was hers, exclusive only to each other. No matter what their position now, that wasn't going to change, but was that something to say in public?

"I, uh…" he stammered. "We…"

"Yes, it's true."

All eyes turned to Fluttershy, including Discord's. Many were surprised at hearing her voice, as she hardly ever spoke at these occasions. All were shocked at what she had said.

"Discord and I did discuss marriage at one point," Fluttershy said, choosing her words carefully, "but we decided that it is not the time for us to make such a commitment, and felt it best to wait when the right moment comes."

There was silence, until Discord smiled and slid his hoof near hers. She reluctantly took it. Starlight's eyes widened, as if they had just made love right in front of her.

"I think you made a wise choice," Fancy Pants said in a chipper voice. "I always thought that even in our station, a mare and stallion should have some familiarity with each other before taking on the challenges of marriage. Don't you all agree?"

The guests silently concurred, though some of them clearly had reservations. When dessert arrived, Sunset watched Fluttershy and Discord with scrutiny. The latter's eyes would not leave the former, and even when their hooves pulled away, they remained close to each other. Every now and then their forelegs would brush, or he would inch his chair further towards her.

What Fancy Pants called "familiarity" was an understatement. These two had been alone together. After all, last time Fluttershy had gone to Discord's home her escorts had abandoned her. Sunset wouldn't be surprised if they had made love already.

What she couldn't figure out was if Discord was a vampire, why hadn't Fluttershy been turned yet? Her heart was still pumping, that much Sunset knew. It was unlikely Fluttershy was just a casual snack. She was nobility, and her death would draw too much attention. Still, when Sunset was first being courted by Trenderhoof, he had waited until the moment they were alone together before changing her.

Perhaps Discord truly intended to marry the mare, but was it for money, as was Trenderhoof's plan, or was it like when Trenderhoof had sired Sunset? From the way Discord was looking at Fluttershy, it was a great possibility.

Sunset could not help but feel a twinge of envy while watching them. She could not remember the last time Trenderhoof had looked at her that way.

After dessert, Fancy Pants led his party into the drawing room for some music and dancing. Fluttershy and Discord settled on a divan to chat.

"Is something the matter?" he asked in concern. "You seem a bit…on edge tonight."

"Sorry," she muttered, glancing down at her lap. "It's not that I'm not pleased to see you, Discord, but…I'm just not used to…well, this you."

Discord smirked in understanding. "Do you miss my handsome face?"

She blushed with a small smile. "I know it's silly, but…you just…"

"Tell you what," he said, leaning forward to whisper in her ear. "You'll see my devilish handsomeness later tonight."

"Discord!" she giggled, lightly pushing him away. "Not here!"

"Oh, what's a small scandal compared to the secrets we keep?"

Sunset and Bulk Biceps were standing on the other side of the room, watching and listening to the couple closely.

"What do you think?" the lady whispered to her servant. "Does he smell like a vampire?"

Bulk seemed hesitant to answer.


He leaned closer to her. "His 'cousin' is one, for sure, but him…"


He bit his lip. "He smells…different. Like he's neither vampire nor mortal."

Sunset looked at him in surprise. "You saying he's something else entirely?"

He shrugged. "I've never smelled anything like him."

She turned back to the couple as they stood up to dance. "But you say the unicorn mare's one, yes?"

"She has a lot of perfume on, but I have no doubt she's a vampire."

Sunset scanned the room. "I don't see her."

"She left the room a few minutes ago."

"Follow her, but stay inconspicuous. I'll keep an eye on the lovebirds."

Bulk nodded and parted from his mistress. He slid out the doorway leading into a narrow hall of portraits. Rarity was staring up at a large one of a slender white unicorn mare with light violet eyes and a luscious pink mane streaked with white. She wore a maroon gown with a matching bonnet and was seated on a white wooden swing suspended by flower garlands from a tree branch.

"Lovely, isn't she?"

Rarity turned with a start and Bulk ducked around the corner as Fancy Pants approached her.

"Oh, Lord Fancy Pants!" she exclaimed. "I didn't see you there."

He smirked. "Was the party too much excitement for you?"

"Err, yes, I…I'm not one for…crowds."

Truthfully, she'd wanted to get away from all the stallions leering at her. It didn't matter if she was mingling with high society. Stallions were stallions.

"Should I leave you alone with my wife then?" Fancy asked.

It was as if her heart had twisted out of place. "Your…your wife?"

He gestured to the portrait. "Meet Lady Fleur de Lis."

"Oh," Rarity grunted, glaring jealously at the portrait. "Well, as you said, she's…lovely." She cleared her throat to conceal her contempt. "I wasn't aware that you were married."

He frowned. "Actually, I'm a widower."

She turned to him apologetically. "Oh. I'm so sorry, I…"

"It's alright," he said, gazing up wistfully at the painted image of his late wife.

Biting her lip guiltily, she followed his gaze. "How did she pass away, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Childbirth," he murmured.

"And…the child?"

He hung his head solemnly.

"I see."

"It wasn't planned, you know? Us meeting. I was in a Marisian café and as I was getting up we just happened to bump into each other." He chuckled to himself. "I've never been a firm believer in love at first sight, but there was certainly something between us."

"So she was Prench?" Rarity inquired, glancing around. "That would explain why you're so particularly fond of the stylings of the Prench."

"Hmm? Oh, the décor."

"That and your suit."

He grinned at her. "As it so happens, Fleur chose the designs for this mansion and most of my wardrobe. She always refused to let me go out in public without her inspection."

"Well, she had good taste."

"And a splendid heart, always caring for the less fortunate. In her will she asked that half her dowry be donated to the local orphanage."

Rarity looked at him in surprise. "And you allowed that to happen?"

He shrugged. "What's a few million to me?"

It was an extraordinary confession. Most stallions did not allow their wives to make such wills. Often there was nothing for the mare to bequeath, as her husband would take ownership of all her possessions upon marriage. So not only did this lord surrender half his fortune to poor, starving orphans, but he had carried out his wife's dying wish. From the sorrowful way he spoke of her, their marriage had certainly been more than a run-of-the-mill business transaction. He must have been a loving and devoted husband.

Rarity shook these thoughts out of her head. Soulmate or not, she could not let her guard down. She could not be sure how much of his words were true. But then again, they were alone together, and while they appeared to be having a moment, he was not advancing. He was a true gentlecolt, a rare find.

Fancy Pants studied Rarity in thought. "You know. You remind me of her."

She looked away in embarrassment. "I, um…thank you, I…"

"I suppose you're wondering why I invited you here tonight."

She nodded. "It has crossed my mind. I mean you know that I'm not rich or of noble birth."

"Yet for some pony who's never been to one of these high society events, you seem to handle yourself well."

"Who said this is my first societal event?" she demanded, snapping her head towards him.

"It isn't?" he said, raising an eyebrow.

Her mouth opened but she stopped herself before words could come out. How could she say she and Discord had done this sort of thing before? Last time had been nearly fifteen years ago. Surely he would question never having seen either of them already.

Fancy shook his head. "Never mind, I won't pry. What I mean to say is that even though your master was originally my intended guest, when I met you, he simply became an excuse for me to see you again. I hope you don't think me…forward, but you were extremely good company the other night, and…well, I…"

Sweat was dripping down his forehead, and nervous stammers were overcoming him. As Rarity watched all the confidence drain from his face, she could feel the iciness surrounding her heart melting away.

When he realized he was staring, Fancy Pants cleared his throat. "Yes, well, we should probably get back to the party. If any pony notices that we're both missing, they might assume…well…"

"Oh," Rarity said, choking out a giggle. "Yes, yes. We wouldn't want to create a scandal."

Neither of them saw Bulk slip back into the room to seek out his mistress. He spotted her being chatted up by an earth stallion.

"You sure you won't join me in a dance, my lady?" he asked again.

Sunset narrowed her eyes at him and gruffly pushed him so that he fell backward to the floor. Before he could cry out distraughtly, Bulk stood defensively beside his mistress and glared his red eyes menacingly at the bloke. Smiling nervously, he hastily crawled away.

"Your timing couldn't be any more perfect," Sunset murmured to her lackey.

"You seemed to be handling yourself fine," Bulk remarked.

"Yeah, well, I was this close to eating him. I hope you found something interesting about the little marshmallow. Lady Fluttershy and the Count have done nothing but make a lovey-dovey spectacle of themselves on the dancefloor."

She gestured to said couple, who were currently twirling in each other's hooves, their gazes locked together. Meanwhile, Fancy Pants and Rarity were cautiously reentering the drawing room, keeping a safe distance from each other. Watching them, Bulk leaned sideways towards his mistress and whispered.

"Turns out she was having a private rendezvous with Lord Fancy Pants."

Sunset's eyebrows shot up. "Don't tell me they…"

"No, they did nothing intimate. Just talked. But listen to this. Apparently Lord Fancy Pants invited her personally, knowing full well that she wasn't nobility, but Count Discord's servant!"

Her jaw dropped. "No!"


Sunset laughed hysterically. "Oh, this is beautiful! We might as well use this to our advantage! If Trenderhoof won't let us have any real fun tonight, we can at least get a laugh out of this!"

"You sure you want to do this, Mistress?" Bulk asked shakily. "I mean…you're not exactly nobility either and she's also in hiding. There's no need to…"

"Oh, Bulk, don't be such a puppy! Don't you know the only way you can get ahead in this world is to be a hypocrite? Trust me. This will be a hoot!"

Smirking maliciously, she sauntered over to the nearest noblemare.

"Lady Upper Crust!" Sunset exclaimed, dramatically putting her hoof over her heart. "You will not believe what I just heard!"

"What?" Upper Crust asked in interest.

She whispered in her ear, making the lady gasp.

"Now remember," Sunset murmured. "You cannot repeat this to any pony."

"But of course! I'm not some tawdry gossip!"

The first pony she told was her husband, who told another pony and then another pony, until the news reached the ear of Starlight Glimmer, who let out a shriek that turned all heads and stopped those who were dancing.

"I knew I had seen her somewhere before!"

Every pony watched in anticipation as Starlight stomped over to Rarity, who had been conversing with Fancy Pants near the fireplace. One unicorn mare angrily stuck her hoof in the other's chest.

"You, domnişoară, are no lady!"

"Lady Starlight!" Fancy Pants exclaimed in appalment. "Do you know to whom you are speaking?!"

"I know very well!" Starlight huffed, narrowing her eyes at Rarity. "And to think I didn't recognize you earlier!" She faced the crowd. "This mare is not Count Discord's cousin, but his servant!"

Every pony gasped.

"It's true! She came to my home with a message and was at Count Discord's home dressed as a maid!"

Cries of outrage began flying.

"This is absurd!"

"A scandal!"

"A maid dressing up like a lady!"

"We should call the police!"

"I bet she was trying to seduce one of us wealthy bachelors!"

"What a little whore!"

"I can explain everything!" Discord tried to shout over the masses.

But as her master struggled to be heard, Rarity unwillingly listened to their insults. They made her sick to her stomach, and it took all her willpower to hold back the blood tears forming in her eyes.

Then a strong, defiant voice spoke out, "Silence! All of you!"

All fell silent upon hearing their host. Rarity turned to Fancy Pants in surprise. He was standing tall, a disappointed scowl etching his strong face.

"This is not becoming behavior!"

"I'll say!" Starlight huffed. "That little tramp trying to fool us all…"

"Because I asked her to!"

That brought out another gasp from the crowd. Starlight was shocked, Sunset was furious, Fluttershy and Discord were bewildered and Rarity was awed.

"You heard me!" Fancy declared, lifting his chin firmly. "I met Domnişoară Rarity the other night when she and her friend were walking home. I offered to give them a ride and found her to be delightful company. Well, I invited her this evening and insisted she come incognito, knowing none of you would approve. But you know something? This mare, this maid, has more decorum, sophistication and personality than any of you! You've all made that perfectly clear to me just now!"

Every pony was struck dumb. Many mouths were open, including Starlight's and Sunset's. Rarity, meanwhile, was staring at the stallion in amazement, her heart swelling with happiness and gratitude.

It was too much for her to bear.

Fancy took a deep breath and put on a chipper smile. "Now, what say we forget this incident and get on with this lovely evening, shall we?"

Not wanting to get into an argument, the ponies did as he said. Fancy grinned down at Rarity, who was just about to let the bloody floodgates loose.

"Sorry about that. Now, you were just telling me about your family…"

She fled from the room without a word, leaving Fancy Pants in confusion.

"Domnişoară Rarity?" he called as he chased after her.

"Think we should follow them?" Fluttershy asked Discord as they watched Fancy disappear.

"Best to let them alone," Discord replied. "Rarity can handle herself, and you know as well as I do that matters of the heart are a private matter."

"What he said about her…it was really beautiful."

"It was. I was about to defend her but it turned out I didn't have to. I'm starting to see why he's the one for her. Rarity needs some pony like him to see her as a mare rather than an object." He shook his head with worry. "I just hope she doesn't let this one slip away."

Rarity found sanctuary out on the terrace, but she wasn't alone for long.

"Domnişoară?" Fancy called, trotting up to her. "What's the matter? Did I do something to offend you?"

She did not turn around, for she did not want him to see the blood staining her white cheeks. "No, you…you did nothing to offend me."

"Then was it what those ponies in there said? I told you, I have no interest in their…"

"Don't!" she screamed suddenly.

He blinked in confusion. "Don't what?"


She began wiping her tears with a sniff. A handkerchief appeared floating in front of her. Muttering in thanks, she used it to blow her muzzle.

"What they said to you in there," Fancy said slowly, "was cruel and uncalled for. The worst part is I knew they would react that way. I shouldn't have invited you in the first place. I would've spared you the torment."

"It's not your fault," Rarity sobbed. "You've done nothing wrong. In fact, I can't imagine you doing anything wrong."

"Whatever do you mean?"

Once she was certain her face was clean, she turned to face him. "You, you're just…just…too wonderful!"

He chuckled throatily. "You are too kind."

"I am serious! You are a big and important pony with strong connections and millions…I don't know how much actually, but clearly a lot of money! I mean look at this mansion! And yet…you invited me here! And I'm supposed to be beneath you, yet you treat me as your equal! As if that weren't enough, you gave up half your wife's bequeathal to charity! To orphans! Not to mention this is the second time we've been alone together and not once have you taken advantage of it!"

"Dear lady!" he scoffed. "That is the second time you have insinuated that I would…"

"I'm not saying you would! I don't believe you ever would, but you could! You…you're a real gentlecolt. You're kind, you're courteous, you're everything I could've ever asked for in a stallion! And I'm…"

She turned her back to him again. "I am unworthy."

Her words must have stunned him, for his voice sounded hoarse. "Rarity…"

"Oh, just listen to me! Here I am pouring my heart out to a stallion I met only yesterday! You must think me silly…"

She gasped as she felt his hoof on her shoulder and she faced him again. His blue eyes were filled with sincerity.

"You are not silly," he said softly. "And you are not unworthy. What I said in there, I meant every word. Although we have not known each other for very long, I've never met a mare like you, and I care not about your background…"

"Oh, will you just stop being so wonderful?" Rarity whimpered.

His confusion returned. "I do not understand. I am fond of you and you just confessed that you…"

"You don't know me, Fancy! You don't know what I've been through! You don't know what I've…"

She choked up as the images of all the stallions she had slaughtered flashed through her mind. Never once had she felt any guilt or remorse for those horrid acts. Until now.

During her silence, Fancy remembered something she had said yesterday and again a few minutes ago. Seeing her distress and doubt, he began to understand, at least a part of it.

"Some pony hurt you a long time ago, didn't he?"

Amazement overwhelmed her heart and she broke into tears, covering her face to hide their redness.

"There, there," Fancy whispered, tenderly taking her into his hooves. "It's alright."

He was holding her, and once again he wasn't taking advantage of their position. One hoof cradled her head while the other was placed on her back, neither of them exploring. But she could feel their gentle squeezes, assuring her that he cared. Returning his embrace, she cried into his shoulder, not caring if he noticed the blood.

"I, err," he stammered. "I am sorry if this is too…"

"Just be quiet and hold me a while," she croaked. "Please."

He complied with her, and they remained still. Any minute now some pony could come out and spot them, but what did it matter? This moment was theirs.

Discord and Fluttershy were dancing again, but every now and then Discord would lean in for a kiss, only for Fluttershy's hoof to stop him.

"Discord, not here," she reminded him.

"What, I can't even kiss my ladylove?" he whined, pouting his lip.

"You've really never courted a mare before me, have you?"

"Of course not! Didn't I say you were my soulmate? As in, solely my mate? And as I recall, you haven't had much experience either."

"Yes, but Auntie Starlight taught me the rules. A mare and stallion cannot show any…physical affection in public, especially if they are not married."

"Then perhaps I should propose again in front of all these witnesses."


"Well, they're expecting it."

She laughed. "You're impossible."

He smirked. "And you're so irresistible that it's killing me not being able to touch you."

"You're touching me right now."

"You know what I mean."

"Later," she hissed through her teeth.

"Ah!" Discord cried out, stopping the dance to clutch his cranium.

Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "Alright, there's no need to be dramatic."

"No!" he whispered, leaning in closer. "That's my brain telling me my hour's almost up!"

She put her hoof to her mouth. "Oh dear. How long do you have?"

"About five minutes. Maybe less. I have to go now."

"I'll still see you later, won't I?"

He smiled. "Nothing can keep me away from you, my dar—OW!"

Ponies turned to him in alarm, including Sunset Shimmer, as he staggered across the room, still holding his head.

"It's alright, folks, just a small migraine!"

"Perhaps you should lie down, Count Discord," Starlight said, offering her hoof.

"I'm fine! I just need to go home and rest. Rarity? Rarity! Has any pony seen Rarity?"

Fortunately she and Fancy Pants were just returning from the terrace and once she saw the state her master was in, she rushed to his side.

"Excuse me, Fancy Pants!" she apologized as she swung Discord's foreleg around her neck for support. "I must get the Count home at once! He's having one of his terrible headaches!"

"Yes, yes, of course," Fancy replied.

"Thank you for the lovely evening!" she called as she dragged her master down the hall.

Sunset was befuddled by this spectacle. This behavior was strange, even for vampires. She had never heard of them having headaches. Sure, Trenderhoof sometimes made her so furious to the point where her skull exploded, but never did she experience sudden unexplained migraines. Determined to get to the bottom of this, she pushed past the posh ponies and chased after them.

"We have to hurry!" Discord exclaimed as he felt his unicorn horn grow and twist. "I don't know if I can hold this much longer!"

"We're almost at the door, Master!" Rarity assured him. "Just a little…"

"Excuse me!"

"Ugh, what now?" he growled.

"Count Discord!"

Rarity glanced over her shoulder. "It's the Lady…Sunshine Simmer or something like that."

"If I could just have a moment of your time!"

"Distract her!" Discord hissed, releasing his servant and lowering his head. "I can make it out the door myself!"

Rarity nodded and stood in front of him so Sunset wouldn't see his tail solidifying into that of a snake's.

"May I help you?" Rarity chirped, putting on a strained smile.

"I'd like to speak with the Count," Sunset said.

She tried to look over the white mare's shoulder, but Rarity moved to block her view.

"He is unwell and is not in the mood to socialize."

"But I merely want to…"

Sunset stepped to the side but Rarity followed her.

"If you will just let me…"

No matter what steps she took to get around her, Rarity would not let her pass. Getting frustrated, Sunset gritted her teeth together.

"Get out of my way, you tramp!"

She pushed Rarity hard, sending her back several meters to the floor. By this time, the front door had shut. Looking up, Sunset took the opportunity and made a break for it, only for Rarity to grab her hoof as she passed. Sunset cried out as she fell. She twisted towards Rarity and growled.

"You dare trip me, you…you…?"

Rarity didn't let her finish as she swiftly stood up and grabbed her by the front of her dress.

"And what am I?!" she hissed. "Go on! Say it!" Without her intent, her eyes started turning red. "Say it!"

The yellow unicorn smirked unafraid. "You really think that's going to scare me? You have no idea what you…"

"I don't care what your station is!" Rarity spat, giving her a strong shake. "You think you can push me and expect me to…"

She paused as the strange scent she had caught earlier returned. Leaning closer to the mare, she inhaled sharply and gasped. Horrified, she let the lady go and backed away slowly.

"You…you were…"

Sunset scrunched her muzzle. "What are you going on a—?"

"No," Rarity murmured, shaking her head as her eyes became redder and redder. "No, no, NO! Not again! Not now!"

Before Sunset could question her hysteria, the white mare whizzed past her and out the door.

"Strange," Sunset huffed. "If they're vampires, they're the strangest ones I've ever seen."

As she returned to the party, all she could think about was how this evening was a complete waste of time. All she had done was find out that another one of Count Discord's servants was a vampire and attempt to ruin her reputation only to end up helping her win Lord Fancy Pants' favor. Meanwhile, Trenderhoof was out hunting somewhere, possibly shagging his meals before eating them, while she was here doing the dirty work.

Not to mention all this frustration was making her thirsty.

She spotted the earth stallion that had flirted with her earlier and grabbed him by the shirt. After flashing a look at Bulk, he followed them out.

"W-What are you doing?" he stammered as she dragged him into the hallway.

"You and I, domnule," Sunset smiled wickedly to herself, "are about to have some fun."

It wasn't until Discord was safely in the black carriage that he stopped fighting his body from reverting to its original form. He sighed in relief as he slid in his seat and flexed his paw and claw.

"I am so glad to have these things again!"

A short moment later, Rarity joined him. As she slammed the carriage door, she fell into her seat panting.

"Rarity, what's wrong?" Discord asked in concern.

"That…that mare," she heaved, pointing outside. "The…the one who tried to stop us, she…her smell!"

"Smell?" After a thought, Discord smacked his face. "Oh, Rarity! Don't tell me you're developing a taste for mares too!"

"No, no, no! It wasn't her smell! It was…all around her, like…she'd been in contact recently with…with…"

"Rarity, calm down!" he exclaimed, grabbing her by the shoulders. "Deep breaths!" He waited until her breathing slowed. "Now. What's this about her smell?"

She took another breath for extra measure and then looked up at her master in fright. "She had this smell, like a stallion's cologne, but it was mixed with her perfume. And it was sticky, and fresh and…I've smelled it before. It was a long time ago, but I'm certain of it."

Discord leaned forward. "What?"

She shook her head. "Oh, Master. The last time I smelled that smell…it was on Tenderheart the night he raped and sired me."

Author's Note:

I wasn't kidding about the headaches. They made it hard to concentrate. Not to mention with my grandma moving in this summer the house has been in a frenzy. It's a relief to be able to sit down and write again.

Don't worry, there will be more FlutterCord next chapter!