• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,939 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


Sunset paced around her room, thinking of what she was going to tell Trenderhoof. He would be furious knowing she had abandoned her post. Perhaps he wouldn't discover that detail if he returned after Lady Fluttershy. That was another horrifying thought. What if Fluttershy didn't return at all? She was alone, without an escort, in a castle occupied by at least one vampire.

She had so many questions about her encounter with the lavender vampire maiden. Where there was one vampire, there was usually many, and Sunset was sure she belonged to a coven since she had said "our hunting ground." She obviously lived in the Count Discord's castle. Did that mean the Count was a vampire too? Was he her master? Was everyone in that castle a vampire?

Sunset knew better than to jump to conclusions. Her old mentor had told her to look at every possible answer before deciding on one. Just because Lavender, which Sunset had chosen to mentally call her for the time being, lived with Count Discord didn't mean he was a vampire too, or if he even knew about her. Trenderhoof had been nomadic for a while and had had to take disgraceful jobs to earn a living.

That still didn't explain who else was included in this "our." Did the rest of the clan live in the same dwelling as her? Did they have separate homes?

Was Lavender even a servant? Her gown had suggested otherwise. No master would ever let his servants dress in something so fine, so elegant, so revealing—unless he had other things on his mind. Even Trenderhoof insisted the Dazzlings dress modestly while on duty. She didn't look lowly enough to be a servant. Sunset recalled her demonstration of magic and strength. Though brief, it had been enough to show that Lavender was capable of holding her own.

I belong to no one! Especially not a male!

She didn't seem like the sort of mare who would have a master. Could it be possible that she was the leader of her coven?

Either way, Sunset was fully aware of how this discovery would interfere with Trenderhoof's plans. Lavender had acted so territorial, especially at the mention of Lady Fluttershy.

Lady Fluttershy is none of your concern! And unless you want to start a clan war, I suggest you leave this forest immediately!

Even though Sunset had only been a vampire for a decade, she understood this territoriality that her kind tended to possess. She had never felt this way towards a land, but she had towards her mate, every time the Dazzlings or any other mare so much as looked at him. Crossing a vampire's path is never a good idea, even if you are a vampire yourself.

Whether Count Discord was a vampire or not, Lavender's clan was interested in Lady Fluttershy, as if they had a claim on her. Was she their next intended victim? With her servants gone, they had the perfect opportunity now. But if Sunset had heard correctly, Fluttershy had been seeing the Count for close to a month now. Why would they wait so long? Of course. He had expressed intentions of marrying her. He must be after her fortune too.

Trenderhoof would punish her for sure if another vampire had gotten to his conquest first.

A clan war wouldn't bode well for them. Sunset didn't know how many others were in this coven, or how strong they were. She certainly didn't want to test Lavender. She had actually gotten the upper hoof on Sunset, which, as she had said, rarely happened. Even as a mortal, she had bested all the colts who had dared challenged her. Adagio had challenged her on several occasions, once with her sisters at her side. None of them had been a match for Sunset.

And yet, this stranger, this mare who was scarcely her size, had outsmarted her. In the span of a few seconds, she had figured out her weakness. Sunset cursed her terrible sense of smell, which had carried over during her transformation. She should've figured out that mare was a vampire earlier!

But what truly amazed Sunset was how Lavender hadn't revealed herself right away. She had waited, perhaps to learn her intentions. Clever, since Sunset would've been more tactful had she known it wasn't a mortal she was dealing with.

"But not clever enough," she muttered to herself.

Lavender had revealed enough to let her know Lady Fluttershy was a mutual concern to both covens and that a conflict was likely to arise if either of them brought their fangs down upon her. If Trenderhoof didn't relinquish his claim now, the entire clan could be…

"What are you doing here?"

Sunset spun around in alarm as Trenderhoof suddenly stood before her. Eyes glaring dangerously at her, he used his magic to seal the door.

"Why aren't you watching the Lady Fluttershy like I told you?" he demanded.

"She…" Sunset squeaked. "She hasn't…returned yet?"

She gasped as Trenderhoof's magic took her by the throat and rammed her against the wall.

"If she had returned yet, would I be asking you these questions?!"

"Trend…" she choked. "I can explain…"

"You disobeyed me! No explanation can remedy that!"

"I did follow her, but…"

"What happened?!"

She tried to repel him with her magic, but the pressure on her throat made it difficult for her to concentrate.

"She came…" she wheezed, "to the castle…her servants…left…in the carriage…"

His eyes widened. "You don't mean…she went to the Count Discord…alone?!"

Sunset nodded. He reacted by swiping his hoof across her face.

"And you just let her?!"

"It wasn't…my fault."

"Whose, then? What could have possibly pulled you away from your post?"


He raised an eyebrow as he released his hold on her. Sunset dropped to the floor and rubbed her neck as she gasped for breath.

"Another vampire?" he repeated curiously.

Sunset raised her reddened gaze to him as her horn glowed, seething, "Don't you ever strike me like that again!"

"Calm down, darling, you know you deserved it."

Despite her better judgment, she dowsed her magic. She needed to tell him the news.

"A mare, a unicorn, she came out of the castle. I couldn't see inside, since it had only a few windows and they were drawn, and the stone walls were too thick to listen through. So I followed this mare and tried to get information out of her. She didn't reveal herself to me for a while…"

"So wait," Trenderhoof said, holding up a hoof. "So this mare was a vampire, and you didn't know it from the start?"

Sunset gulped. "Well, I…"

"Oh, Sunset, Sunset. What you make up for in magic, you lack in common sense."

She scowled. "Don't criticize my nostrils! Anyway, I asked if Count Discord was a vampire too. She didn't answer, but she did tell me that this was their territory…"


"Yes, as in plural. Trend, I'm certain there's another coven in this area."

"Oh, goodie. Perhaps we can have a hunting party."

"Trend, she, the vampire, mentioned Lady Fluttershy. She told me to stay away from her."

He rubbed his chin in thought. "Do you suppose Count Discord is a vampire too? And that this unicorn you met works for him?"

"It's possible. She could be the leader herself…"

He laughed. "I highly doubt that."

Sunset narrowed her eyes. "Mares are just as capable of raising an army as you are!"

"Sure they are."

"Trend, I think they have a claim on the Lady Fluttershy, so if we so much as nibble on her neck…"

"…it could start a clan war."

As he said this, he did not appear concerned, but amused. Sunset could not believe he was taking this news so lightly.

"Perhaps we should find another rich heiress…"

"No!" Trenderhoof exclaimed. "We've already come too far in this plan to stop now! I'm not giving up everything I've worked for just because a few disgruntled vampires refuse to share!"

Her jaw dropped in disbelief. "Trend, don't you understand the consequences of going through this? These are dangerous waters we tread! Not only would a clan war create some casualties, but it'll attract attention from the mortals. We might have to go into hiding for a while! All the riches and glory we've worked for would be wasted!"

"If a clan war is necessary, what makes you think we'll lose? After all, with your magic, the Dazzlings' charms and Bulk, our secret weapon, what coven would stand a chance against us?"

Sunset shook her head. "We don't know what we're up against. That lavender one seemed powerful. It would be unwise to…"

Trenderhoof chuckled as he slid his hooves onto her shoulders. "My naïve little nymph, you worry too much. If this other coven poses as a problem, we'll take care of it. After all, wouldn't you like to get back at that unicorn mare for outsmarting you?"

She wanted to argue, but he knew her all too well. Indeed, Sunset was afraid of what that Lavender might be capable of. Then again, she was also intrigued. Exactly how much power did she have? She had shown strategy without magic.

Want to see what I'm like with magic?

As it turned out, Sunset wanted to see that very much. Winning every fight was too easy. What would it be like to have a real challenge? Would Lavender be the proper candidate?

Sunset smiled wickedly as she returned Trenderhoof's embrace. "I imagine it would be an…interesting match."

"You see?" he smirked as he dipped her backward. "You'll finally get to have some fun, my pet."

She closed her eyes and awaited his lips.


Sunset shrieked as he dropped her. Trenderhoof glared at Sonata for rudely interrupting him.


She tilted her head as if it were silly for him to be this angry. "You told me to tell you when the Lady Fluttershy would return and…well, she's back."

"She's back?" Sunset repeated as she stood up. "So she survived…"

"Huh?" Sonata asked, scrunching her nose.

"Has her scent…changed, Sonata?" Trenderhoof inquired.

The earth mare scratched her head. "Um, no? At least I think so. I wasn't paying attention."

"Has she gone paler?"

"No. Actually, she was kind of glowing. I mean her cheeks were all red."

He sighed in relief. "So she has not changed."

"No, but her maids are preparing her for bed right now."

Sunset and Trenderhoof smacked their foreheads.

"Just go to bed, Sonata," the latter grumbled.

"Okay!" she piped. "Mine or yours?"

"Sonata," Trenderhoof growled through his teeth, jerking his head at Sunset.

"What'd I say?"

Sunset crossed her hooves and pointed her horn at the maid's throat.

"Oh, right!" Sonata exclaimed in realization. "Right, not in front of the mistress!"

"Get out!" Trenderhoof bellowed.

"Sheesh, I'm going! Don't keep me waiting!"

He slammed the door in her face, leaving him with a jealous Sunset.

"Care to explain?"

"You know how she is," he said dismissively. "Not quite right in the head. Too bad her transformation did nothing to improve her intelligence, much like your sense of smell."

She grunted. "You're really not helping your case here."

He put on a smile. "You know I feel nothing for her, or the others. They just make these quips to get under your skin."


"They're jealous," he said as he replaced his hooves around her, "that you're my mate, and not them. Their loss. Now, where were we?"

She almost gave into him, as it was often hard to resist his violet gaze, but soon she was thinking of how much it resembled Lavender's. It led to the recollection of watching those eyes change into a deep red, their gaze so fiery, so bloodthirsty. She began wondering what her first move would've been had Sunset chosen to fight.

As the violet eyes closed and Trenderhoof started leaning in, Sunset was brought back to the present. Swiftly her desire for him withered, at least enough to make her feel uncomfortable. She gently removed his hooves, surprising him.

"You know? I'm suddenly quite tired. Why don't we skip tonight?"

He frowned slightly, but shrugged. "As you wish, dearest."

As he started to leave, Sunset decided to taunt him further and murmured, "After all, you don't want to keep Sonata waiting."

He paused and growled before slamming the door once again. Sunset let out an exasperated groan and sank onto the bed.

"Ugh, that arrogant fool! Doesn't he realize he might have just signed our death warrants?!"

Trenderhoof was a wily stallion, but he had no prudence! If they got mixed up with the other coven, they could risk getting exposed! Vampire covens were hard enough to hide. Vampire wars were almost impossible to conceal. Count Discord was nobility, and if he was a vampire, questions would be raised if he suddenly disappeared. True, he rarely left his castle anyway, but ponies like the Ladies Starlight and Fluttershy knew him. Whatever the case, their feud wouldn't go unnoticed.

But Trenderhoof had been right about one thing. Sunset wanted a rematch with this Lavender. Their encounter had been too short. She had not had the chance to really test her wit and strength. Would it be an easy battle like all the others? Or would Lavender resist? Even when Sunset had insulted her with her grotesque insinuations, she had not backed down. Even if Sunset won, she did not believe this mare would surrender so easily. The Dazzlings had practically groveled at her hooves, even if begrudgingly.

It would also help if she knew her adversary's name. Lavender, though becoming of her physical appearance, just didn't sound intimidating enough. It was too pretty. While she indeed was pretty, why would she fight some pony named Lavender? But she didn't know enough about this pony to give her a real name.

The one thing she knew for sure: she was purple.

"Purple Pain?" she wondered aloud. "Nah, sounds too much like a bruise. Power Purple? Too lame. Just "Purple?" Too plain. It'd be something fancy. Lady Lavender?"

She could come up with effective spells, but coming up with names was another story.

Oh well. It didn't matter what her name was. Next time Sunset saw her, she was going to show that she wasn't a vampire to mess with either.

Trenderhoof wasn't too worried about Sunset's moment of defiance. She had always been a feisty one, but he didn't need her to satisfy his needs all the time. Fortunately, that's what all the others were for. As he opened the door to his room, Sonata didn't waste any time and threw her hooves about him.

"You meant this bed, didn't ya? Huh? Huh?"

"What took you so long?" Aria moaned as she rose from an easy chair.

"Had to keep Sunset in check," he sighed, closing the door. "And Sonata, how many times have I told you to avoid public displays of affection?"

"Sorry," Sonata giggled. "I just got excited."

"Why do you waste your time with that tramp, Master?" asked Adagio, who was sprawled on the bed. "Why do you go through such great lengths to make her believe she's your mate?"

He groaned as he sat on the bed, allowing Adagio to remove his jacket while Sonata worked on his shoes and socks.

"You know how she is: extremely envious and stubborn. She's also very powerful, and we could use that to our advantage. It's not enough to make her my mistress! She has to believe I'm hers and hers alone." He glared down at Sonata. "Though she won't for long if you keep running your mouth like that!"

"Did you let it slip again?" Aria snorted as she undid his trousers. "Why are you such an idiot, Sonata?"

The blue mare scowled. "You're an idiot!"

"Ugh!" Adagio grunted. "You both are! This isn't the time for fighting."

"Speaking of fighting," Trenderhoof said as his pants slipped off, "Sunset's under the suspicion that there might be another vampire coven in town, and that at least one of them lives in Count Discord's castle. She ran into her and it appears they might have a claim on the Lady Fluttershy."

Adagio smirked. "So we might be risking a clan war then?"

"Ooh, that'll be fun!" Sonata squealed.

"It will at least give us something to do," Aria grumbled.

"But let's not think about that right now," Adagio cooed. "Just relax, Master. We'll make sure you get a good night sleep."

Probably the only sisterly quality the Dazzlings possessed was that they didn't mind sharing. As long as they all got a piece of the fun, what did it matter? They were the only ones Trenderhoof hadn't had much trouble changing. He had first encountered them in a tavern where they were giving an enchanting performance. He knew with their already seductive looks and incredible voices, they would be valuable assets. He hadn't asked them when he had done it of course, but once they realized their newfound powers they didn't complain.

They were all in this for their own reasons. Adagio enjoyed having the power, Aria got pleasure out of torturing ponies, and Sonata…she was just in it for the fun.

The only thing they didn't like was being forced to submit to another mare, just because she was more powerful than all of them put together.

"Ugh, these eggs are too…soggy!" Sunset cried as she pushed her plate away. "I won't eat a bite!"

"You said you wanted them scrambled," Sugar Bell murmured, shaking like a leaf.

"That doesn't mean I want them wet!" She used her magic to fling her plate at the cook, who ducked just in time. "Come back when you've become a competent cook!"

As Sugar Bell ran out crying, Fluttershy came in hurriedly.

"What happened?"

Starlight ignored her question. "Why are you so late, Fluttershy? You were supposed to be up an hour ago!"

"Sorry," Fluttershy apologized as she took her seat. "I didn't sleep well and…"

"The morning paper, like you ordered, sir," Double Diamond said as he dropped a newspaper beside Trenderhoof.

"Mulţumesc," the unicorn said as he used his magic to levitate it in front of his face.

Fluttershy couldn't help but notice Double Diamond's blush as he passed Night Glider. She waved at him with a giggle. Whatever they did last night, it must have been memorable, as well as scandalous.

Then Fluttershy caught sight of the headline on Trenderhoof's paper. She leaned across the table to get a better look. It read: Serial Killer On the Loose.

"Serial killer?"

Trenderhoof pulled the paper out of her view. "You should not trouble yourself with these gruesome affairs, domnişoară."

The pegasus surprised everyone by boldly reaching across and snatching up the paper.

"Fluttershy!" Starlight gasped. "Where are your manners?!"

She skimmed through the article quickly. Four stallions had been found dead in an alley by the local tavern last night, all with strange puncture wounds on their throats, so similar to those found on several other murder victims earlier this month. Like them, they had been completely drained of their blood. The police suspected a serial killer.

It wasn't the fact that a few stallions had died last night that distressed her, but the picture of the victims. They were the four thugs Discord had rescued her from all those weeks ago. And the way they had been killed…

"How awful," she muttered.

"Yes, yes, awful," Trenderhoof said, nonchalantly snatching the paper away from her. "But these things happen, domnişoară, and you need not worry about any killers coming after you as long as you don't go out alone at night."

Fluttershy nodded slowly. She was confused beyond comprehension. There was no doubt that these stallions had been killed by a vampire. Why else would all their blood be gone and all their necks have puncture wounds? Could it be that Discord…?

No, he had sworn neither he nor the girls feasted on ponies…except when necessary. And he had gone hunting last night. Was it possible that he had decided to…change his diet? But why?

Her face filled with horror at the possibility that these stallions had died…because of her. Discord might have killed them out of revenge for attacking her. There was no other explanation.

But he couldn't have! He had promised he wouldn't harm them! He wouldn't lie to her! Would he?

Suddenly she wasn't very hungry.

Twilight stood before a mirror. She had never realized how…distressing it could be, staring into an empty glass. She wasn't vain, but not being able to see herself was like having no proof that she existed, like being a ghost in physical form.

She shook these feelings off, as she had not conjured this mirror to fret about her non-reflection. She had been trying so hard using Zecora's techniques to find answers. All she could see were shapes and colors, but no concrete clues as to the location of the Sirens. The zebra had suggested projecting her visions on a mirror, so that they might be clearer.

The unicorn closed her eyes and illuminated her horn. She shot a beam at the mirror, careful to do so at an angle that wouldn't reflect back on her. She concentrated hard on her memories of the Sirens: their wild manes, their haunting voices, their horrifying but seductive appearances. Opening her eyes, she saw three silhouettes materializing in the glass. Twilight smiled hopefully, until the image faltered.

Grunting, she tried again to think of nothing but the Sirens. She had to find them. They had to pay for what they did to her parents and fiancé. This was the very reason she had become a vampire.

It was their fault she was an orphan. It was their fault she had been forced to become a bloodsucking demon. It was their fault she was now doomed to spend eternity alone, for they had killed the only stallion she had ever loved.

Her thoughts wandered to Flash and red tears fell at the memory of holding his corpse: dry, pale, lifeless. The others might find their soulmates one day, but Twilight knew no pony could replace Flash. He had been the only stallion who had supported her endeavors, treated her like an equal, and had fought to protect her to the very end. The love of her life was dead because of those monsters. There would be no other soulmate for her.

Then something else occurred to her, something she hadn't pondered on. Since she had become a vampire, she had not dreamed once. Was it because she had met Flash before and hence the dreams had not been triggered? Or…was there really some pony else out there?

She tried to bring her thoughts back to the Sirens, but other questions plagued her mind, many of them concerning the vampire she had encountered last night. Who was she? Why did she want the Lady Fluttershy?

When Twilight opened her eyes again, the mirror held the image of the fiery-maned vampire. She stomped her hoof furiously.

"No, no, no! That's the not the vampire I want to see! Show me the other ones!"

She shot at the glass in fury and the image dispersed. What Twilight saw next made her gasp. She stared at it in silent astonishment.

"Hey, Twilight!" Rainbow called as she and Pinkie came in. "We were wondering if you had a book on…"

Pinkie shrieked and Rainbow crouched onto her hooves and growled.


"What?" Applejack shouted as she joined them. "Where are the…?"

She froze when she too beheld the amazing sight. Pinkie and Rainbow slowly relaxed when they realized what they were looking at.

"What's all the noise?" Rarity demanded.

When she entered, all her friends were focused on the mirror. She turned to see what the fuss was about and found herself equally stunned. She moved closer to the mirror and held her hoof up to it. An equal white hoof met hers.

She looked up and uttered, "I…I haven't seen myself in…"

She touched her face and mane, taking in all she had missed in the past century.


"Gorgeous!" Pinkie squealed, her reflection popping up alongside Rarity's. "Look at me! Has my pinkishness really gone that pale?"

"Hey, I don't look half bad either!" Rainbow said as she ran her hoof through her mane. "And boy, do I make these trousers work or what?"

"How did this happen?" Applejack marveled as she watched her reflection lightly brush her straw-colored mane.

"I…I'm not sure," Twilight uttered. "I was working on a spell to help me see the Sirens and…I guess I accidentally made it so this mirror can show…all vampires."

"Oh, Twilight!" Rarity squealed, throwing her hooves around the lavender unicorn. "This is truly the best spell you've ever cast! Now I don't have to rely on Spike to tell me how I look in the morning!"

When she glanced back, she noticed Applejack was frowning slightly.

"What's wrong, Applejack?"

"Yeah, why so glum?" Pinkie asked. "Aren't you excited to finally be able to see yourself again after all this time?"

"It's nothing," Applejack mumbled. "It's just…I never really thought I looked so…"

"Wait! Now I can see what I look like in bat form!"

Pinkie quickly transformed and snarled.

"Ooh, I'm a fright!" she chirped. "Cool!"

Rainbow and Rarity tried it too.

"Awesome!" Rainbow cheered. "Oh, if those misogynistic stallions could see me now!"

"Even as a beastly bat-pony, I still look fabulous," Rarity chimed.

"Rarity!" Discord's voice bellowed.

They all turned to the door in alarm. Their master was rarely ever angry, and whenever he was it was for a good reason. He stormed in, holding up a newspaper.

"Would you care to explain what…? Gah!"

He screamed and dropped the paper as he hid behind his arms.

"What is that horrifying creature over there?! How did it get in here?!"

Every pony shifted uncomfortably. Rainbow pushed Twilight forward. The unicorn glared back at her before speaking.

"Um…it's…your reflection, Master."

"My…" he stammered, lowering his arms, "what?"

"See, I was testing a spell and accidentally…well, this is probably the only mirror in the world that can hold our reflections now."

"Are you alright, Master?" Rarity asked in concern.

He stepped cautiously towards the glass, raising his paw to his face. The creature in the mirror did the same. Discord had always known his body was unusual, being made up of so many animal parts, but he had never seen his face. He had been told he had the head of a pony, but he hadn't expected this. It was so thin, so wrinkly. Unlike the mares, he actually looked his age. When he bared his teeth, he saw how pointy and menacing they appeared. And his eyes…he didn't think he needed hypnosis to stop a creature dead in their tracks.

"I'm…I'm…" he murmured. "I'm…hideous."

"Oh, no, Master!" Rarity insisted. "I mean…by pony standards…"

He couldn't believe it. How was it possible that Fluttershy could stand to look at such a face? Into such devilish eyes? How could she return such a frightening smile? How could she bear to kiss these rough, wrinkled lips?

Then his eyes widened in delightful realization. "I'm…hideous."

The mares looked at him in confusion as he started laughing hysterically.

"I'm hideous!" he cheered, snatching Pinkie and waltzing her around. "I'm hideous! I am disgustingly, monstrously hideous!"

"Yippee!" Pinkie exclaimed. "I guess?"

"I fail to see why this makes you happy," Rainbow confessed.

"Don't you realize what this means?" Discord said. "Fluttershy loves me!"


"Look at this face! It's horrifying! No mare would dare be around me, touch me, kiss me even, unless…she loved me!"

"Now hold on there, Master," Applejack said carefully. "She may…like you, but it might be too soon for…"

She trailed off when she spotted the newspaper. She picked it up and read it over. Gasping, she turned to Rarity.

"You…you said you wouldn't do this anymore!"

"What?" Rarity asked in bewilderment. "What are you…?"

Applejack lifted the paper up to her face. Seeing the picture of the four dead stallions was enough to make her understand what the farm pony was insinuating.

"You…you think I…?"

"Oh, right!" Discord exclaimed, dropping Pinkie so he could glare at the white unicorn. "That's what I came here for!" He crossed his arms. "One stallion every few weeks is one thing, but four in the same night?!"

"You did what?!" Twilight demanded, snatching the paper. After quickly reading it through, she gazed up at Rarity in disbelief. "You…you didn't!"

"I didn't!" Rarity insisted. "I didn't feed off any stallions!"

Discord and Applejack narrowed their eyes at her.

"Last night, anyway," she murmured guiltily.

"Seriously, Rarity?" Rainbow exclaimed. "Again? Do you want to attract attention?"

"Feeding off ponies is wrong!" Pinkie whimpered. "How could you?"

"I was too full last night on lynx to go after any stallions!" Rarity declared. "I am not responsible for these deaths!"

"Then who is?" Applejack demanded.

"I…I don't know."

"Wait," Twilight said, thinking. "It…could've been that other vampire I met last night."

"Other vampire?" the mares asked.

"I hadn't had the chance to tell you girls, but I ran into a vampire mare last night, just before the Master came home. She was asking about Fluttershy."

"Why?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know, but I don't think she came to Zebiu alone."

"Cool, more vampires!" Pinkie applauded. "We should invite them over for a party!"

"Pinkie, they might've killed those stallions!" Rainbow reminded her. "We don't know how friendly they are!"

"Oh, right."

Discord put his claw to his mouth. "Oh no, Fluttershy! What if she saw the paper? Those stallions were the same thugs who had attacked her some time ago! I almost throttled them! What if Fluttershy thinks I did it?"

"Not to mention she might be in danger from these other vampires," Twilight said.

"Of course! I have to go explain things to her!"

"Wait, Master!" Rarity cried out, grabbing his cape. "You can't go out now! The sun is still up!"

Discord paused and sighed. "You're right. But as soon as the sun sets, I'm going to see her. I must warn you though," he said, darting his eyes at Rarity, "if it turns out that you, any of you are responsible for this crime, you will no longer find refuge at this castle!"