The Aetherium Mage

by Writer of Fantasies

First published

Ash, a recently deceased man, wakes up in a strange realm with a strange figure claiming to be 'God' nearby. He soon finds himself offered a chance at a new life under one condition; join the game and play by the rules.

Ash, short for Ashephyles, dies from a previously unknown disease. When he passes on, he awakens in a field with a man claiming to be God some distance away. 'God' offers him a chance at a new world, a new life in Equestria, on one condition; he must join the game as a pawn and play by the rules against other beings in a similar position as him. Being the brony that he is, he immediately recognized the deal for what it truly was.

'Become a Displaced and entertain me, or die right here, right now.'

He chose the smart option. Unfortunately for him, he has very little knowledge of most franchises, all except one; Skyrim. With his decision made, he awakens once again in Equestria with the powers of Magicka, though it's different from what he imagined it would be. Now he has to answer a few questions; was that really God? Are the Displaced real, or just him? Do the Aedra and Daedra exist? If so, what will that mean for him and the ponies around him?


Give special recognition to Doctor Vux for being the one to edit this story!


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The young man coughed once, hard, the rough and vicious movement shaking free a small splatter of blood from his lungs and into his closed hand. Shakingly reaching over to a small table to his right, he pulled a tissue out of an already half-empty box. He used it to clean his hand before dropping the bloodied tissue in a trashcan to his left. His gaze drifted around the room he was in, taking in every inch of it for what must have been the fortieth time. Stark white walls met a stark white roof, mirrored by a stark white tile floor, with a single window allowing sunlight to stream into the room, though it shined on no plant, only the sick. A single, brown oak door led out of the room and into the hallway of the hospital he was in, whichever one it was now. The man was moved around so much that there was just no way he could remember which he was in at the moment, nor was he sure whether or not he would still be there within the month.

The heart monitor- EKG?- beeped steadily from farther over to his left, the screen turned just enough that he couldn’t see his own vitals. Three other machines sat silently next to it, each measuring something different in his system, though he
did not know not what. A small TV showed flickering images, though he paid it no mind. It was nearly muted, there only to drown out the incessant beeping and provide ambient noise. The man shifted slowly in his bed, a sharp spike of pain driving through his side as he did. The bed was stainless steel, like every other hospital he had been in, and was covered in stark white sheets, a stark white blanket, and he was even given three stark white pillows. No doubt the nurses pitied him.

He hated that. Pity. Even the word itself inspired the feeling within him. So what if his various bodily systems were FUBAR? People died all the time, he himself had outlived his grand-everything. His father had passed away some decade and a half ago as well, his aunts and uncles were who-knows-were and possibly dead from various drugs- though he had last heard one of his aunts had been through rehab, gotten a job, and moved on- and he didn’t know most of his cousins. His mother and step-father had grown unable to watch as he slowly withered away and couldn’t visit, a fact compounded by the fact that he kept being moved to hospitals farther and farther away from home, where they weren’t able to make it to him.

Ranting aside, the man utterly despised pity. Sympathy or empathy? Sure, but not pity. Actually trying to help rather than just offer condolences? Well, help doesn’t exist in his condition but he would appreciate the effort. There was something about that sad, resigned look that just irritated him far more than any pain he was in. There was nothing in that look that actually helped, that tried to make things better; there wasn’t even understanding.

Sighing to himself in his empty room, he weakly grabbed his phone from the table, tapping the screen twice to cut it on. It was an old thing, an LG VS425 if that meant anything, that could store about four gigabytes in a time when most phones could hold a thousand times that. He didn’t care. It could hold the few idle games he had, the sixty or so songs he regularly listened to, and the two and a half thousand downloaded My Little Pony fanfiction he had read, categorized, and then subsequently reread.

The man was many things; a gamer, a scientist, an Atheist, a nerd, but above all, he was a brony. That was one thing that had not changed since he was nine, when the show first came out. Sixteen years, from nine to twenty-five, ponies had been his constant companions. The show, and the characters, felt more like a friend than anything at this point. Through the death of his father, the loss of various friends and girlfriends, and as he got older, the struggle to fight his strange disease was accompanied by the knowledge that he could always retreat from his world via the books on his phone.

Loading the app he used to read .epub files, the app automatically launched the most recently opened book, a cheery, heartfelt, cheesy little romance entitled How to Court Alicorns: A Human’s Guide. Those cheesy romances, he found himself drawn to more often than the action-adventure stories that permeated the fanfiction world. With a small smile on his face, he lost himself to the story, loving the way the characters were portrayed from the start.

Time passed as he descended himself into the book, chapter after chapter flying by over the course of four hours. Sounds were easily heard from outside the door as people walked up and down the hall; families visiting loved ones or nurses taking certain medicine to certain patients. Sometimes, his hearing barely caught the sound of a passerby crying, but nothing registered, lost in the book as he was. It was this distraction that allowed his door to open and four people to walk in without his noticing. They took their seats at chairs around the room and patiently waited for him to look up.

Near a half-hour passed before the man felt a hand on his shoulder. Snapping his head up to look caused him to wince, his hand coming up to rub at his neck. A couple laughs greeted his reaction, the person touching him smiling softly. The man just grinned. “Hey, Ter.”

“How are you today, Ash?” She asked, a slightly worried look on her face. He didn’t sound very bad. She knew he was weak and tired, but his voice was still strong and deep like always. That was a good sign.

Ash sighed, sounding so tired even to himself. “I have news for you, and it’s not good.”

The others crowded around the bed as Ash’s gaze drifted across them. Taytum, Chandler, Jonathan, and Terra. The four people that Ash had kept close over the years. They had been the old friends that accepted everything about him without question, but with plenty of jokes. They were the ones he had kept, slowly dismissing all others. They were the ones who made sure to visit him in any hospital, even with his own parents wouldn’t.

“Things aren’t looking good. The doctors have finally outright told me that there’s no cure for my condition currently.” Ash said simply, not bothering dancing around the subject with those he knew could take the news.

“We knew that, Ash.” Chandler said. “Even if they never told us. There’s something worse than that.”

“Aye.” The man replied. “There’s no cure. There’s also no treatment. I’ve been passed around doctor-to-doctor for the last three years because they hoped that someone would stumble on an answer. I was told that some of the things tried only made it worse, progressing the disease further.”

The room was silent for a moment. None of them felt pity for him, something he made sure they would never do. Taytum’s bruise had healed only a few months ago from that little display. No, no pity was felt. After a moment, Terra spoke up. “What happens now?”

Ash just sighed, leaning back in his bed, Terra’s hand slipping off his shoulder as he did. “I’ve told the doctors to stop. No medicine, no morphine, no melatonin, nothing. I told them that, should I go into cardiac arrest again, don’t try to save me. I live or die under my own power, not the power of machinery.”

Terra’s eyes closed, forcing the forming tears to fade as the others nodded. Of the five, she was the most openly-emotional one. Ash had no doubt that he and the others had cried over his condition- by the God he didn’t believe in, did Ash cry and rage throughout the first year- but only Terra did it in front of others. Reaching out slowly, he grasped her hand and smiled at her, though she couldn’t see it. Slowly pulling, he wrapped an arm around her once she was close enough. As he held her, he allowed his mind to drift through possibilities. Maybe in another time, had Terra been a few years older or he a few younger, they might have been involved, but it wasn’t to be. She was twelve and he fifteen when they first met, so they developed a more familial relationship. Ash didn’t regret it whatsoever, Terra was a wonderful person he was happy to be a brother to. He had to admit that he was closer to her than his other friends, though they all knew every secret about each other. They knew it too, shown by the fact that he received a nod and gesture from Taytum before they left, closing the door behind them and giving him and Terra space and privacy.

After a short while, Terra forced herself to choke out the question on her mind. “H-how long?”

“Two days? Five? Thirty? We don’t know, really. The doctors are amazed my heart is still beating with how many times I’ve been brought back from the brink. They don’t know how much longer it’ll beat without any medicine or help, though, so they can’t say. A couple of the doctors in one of the other hospitals, Lady of the Lake, I think, believe that I won’t even die from this- that I’m too stubborn.” Ash said honestly.

Terra let out a short bark of a laugh through her tears, her eyes still tightly shut, before she asked him what he considered a frankly stupid question, not that he would tell her that. “Are you ready to die?”

Ash just scoffed. “Hell no, I’ve got too many pony books to read.”

He allowed himself to smile, hearing her soft laugh, before he continued. “In all honestly, I kinda am. I mean, if I had a way to survive this, I’d take it, but it’s not to be. Since my death is practically guaranteed at this point, I’m ready for it. I don’t believe in prolonging my suffering, but I’m certainly not eager to die.”

“I meant...after.” Terra said, making him sigh. Of the five, she was also the only believer among them. Maybe that’s why she was so nice and the rest of them were pessimistic assholes. Compared to the guys, Terra didn’t have a mean bone in her body. “After all, an ass like you doesn’t have much to look forward to.”

‘Compared to the guys’ being the keyphrase. Ash laughed loudly, even though it hurt to do so, at her words. He knew she didn’t really mean it. Maybe Ash was going to Hell, maybe Heaven, maybe the nothingness void that he believed awaited him. “You know I don’t believe in any of that.”

“I know. But I do.” Terra said. “Do me a favor, Ash? Pray. Pray and thank every good thing you’ve ever had. Thank your friends. Give thanks.”

“Terra, if God is real, I’m damned to Hell just for not believing.” Ash said tiredly.

“I don’t believe that.” Terra said firmly. “Being Atheist doesn’t matter. God doesn’t require you to believe in Him. God requires faith. Not in Him, but in humanity. In the Love. In the Kind. In the Just. In the Honorable. In all things Good. In Life.”

“You are the strangest Christian I’ve ever met.” Ash said softly, cracking a smile, which she returned.

“I know. I don’t think anyone else shares my belief, but I don’t care.” Terra stood slowly, leaning down to hug him again. “Don’t pray to God and don’t thank God. Pray to the world and thank it for what you have. Visiting hours are ending. We got here late and have to go, Ash. We’ll be back tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay.” Ash replied with a smile. “I love you, sis.”

“Love you too, bro.” Terra replied with a smile, walking out of the room slowly. It was clear to him that she didn’t want to leave, but had to. The door clicked closed, the noise sounding out with finality. Ash didn’t want to think about what that might be hinting at.

Grabbing his phone from his side, he tapped it twice again and resumed reading, the story having caught his attention long ago.

Four Hours Later

Ash set his phone down on the table, the final words of the final chapter drifting through his mind. It had been an adorable story that he loved, sparking a long-familiar feeling of longing within him. Perhaps he preferred romance stories because he himself lacked a partner? Whatever the reason, he did not doubt that it was his favorite genre. Pulling the covers up and over his shoulders, he rolled over onto his side and closed his eyes. He wasn’t going to sleep though, not just yet.

Thank you for every true friend I have. Thank you for every hour I was able to spend with them. Thank you for my mother. Thank you for my father. Thank you for allowing my mother to find my stepfather. Thank you for giving me a love of reading. Thank you for giving me a love of science. Thank you for every year I’ve had…

The list when on and on, slowly getting more detailed as he thanked the world for smaller and smaller things. Tiny things that he had taken for granted for years were thanked, things that were a guarantee in the modern world were thanked. As he thought to himself, Ash felt himself tear up slightly, small droplets of water rolling down his face and into his pillow. He paid them no mind. It wasn’t until two hours had passed that he finally expended his list. Once he had started, the act of thanking the world had felt so good that he couldn’t stop himself. Struck by a thought created by what Terra had said as she left, he added six more things to his thanks.

Thank you for the Love in my life. Thank you for the Kindness in my life. Thank you for the Justice in my life. Thank you for the Honor in my life. Thank you for the Good in my life. Thank you for my Life.

Finished and with nothing more to add, Ash allowed himself to begin to drift off to sleep. His sleep did not last long, descending into something else as flashes of images, phrases of songs, and lines of books faded in and out. Scenes of romance danced through his mind next to scenes of betrayal; kindness next to evil. Behind it all, vaguely in the distance, Ash could hear talking.

“-cardiac arrest, not to be defibr-”

This is gospel for the fallen ones, locked away in permanent slumber.

“-his final wish, we can’t go agai-

...but will you go out on a date with me? Please?

“-duty as a doctor to save this man!-”

You look exotic...and stunning. And yes, I’m frightened, but not of you, not of my Chrissy.

“-specific. Not to be revived by any means. He even signe-”

You roll your diamond dice and you send us all to die in your Pegasus Device!

“-let him go. It’s his final wish.”

She doesn’t love you. All’s she feels is fear! I can love you! I

“Time of death: 3:04 AM.”

Time to awaken, Ashephyles.

In Another Time and Place

Ash’s mouth snapped open with a gasp, a feeling of intense heat and relaxing cold overtaking him as his senses returned suddenly. The air was filled with the burning scent of sulfur and the myriad of fragrances of a flower field. The ground was hot and felt cracked, yet flowers brushed against his bare arms, back, and chest as he lied sprawled out on the ground, clad only in his pants. Wind flowed over his form, cooling the heat while keeping him at just the perfect temperature. He could hear the field rustle as the wind flowed through the grass and flowers, countless plants brushing against each other. In the distance, he could hear the crackle of fires and popping of magma. He could hear echoing songs being sung around him, the source too far to make out the words. Above all, he could hear someone humming to themselves from several feet away.

Finally opening his eyes, he was greeted by a ring of flowers around his head, above which golden light shone down on him. Moving slowly, he realized the ring of flowers were just incredibly tall flowers around his body, reaching up to the sky. With his movement came no spark of pain like he expected. Instead, he felt healthier than ever. Rising into a sitting position, he looked down to the ground and saw that it looked like baked clay, cracked in countless places, and red light filtered through the cracks, giving off the heat. Slowly standing, he found that the flowers, clad in a multitude of colors that he couldn’t even begin to name, were taller than his six foot two frame, making him wonder just where the fuck was he?

Turning to his left, he slowly started walking, his arms pushing the large flower stalks aside as he followed the sound of the humming. The songs touched at his hearing, singing of praise and of glory, yet the words could not be remembered. As he grew closer to the source of the humming, the songs grew louder. Finally, when he guessed the person was just a few feet in front of him, yet the flowers were still too thick to see through, he heard them speak. The man’s voice was clearly old and sounded wise, yet also mischievous. It was deep, yet also soft. It carried confidence, yet also a tinge of curiosity. It was the voice of someone who knew exactly who he was and what he was doing, yet wanted to see if things would go differently. “Come, Ashephyles, join my side.”

“Kudos to you, first in a long while to pronounce my name right.” Ash said, pushing aside the final barrier of flowers and found himself at a cliff edge. A little to his right was no doubt the man who had been humming. He didn’t look very old, maybe thirty. His eyes were multicolored in shades of red, purple, yellow, green, and white. The colors faded and blended around his eyes, strangely looking like they were shifting. Looking over the man, Ash saw that he was wearing a black tuxedo, complete with tie, undershirt, shoes, belt, and jacket. He even had a hat.

“Do you know who I am? Where you are?” The man asked. When he received a shake of Ash’s head, he gestured down off the cliff, then up at the sky. “Look and guess.”

Looking down at the cliff base, he could only see fire. Fire and magma, the two sounds he had heard earlier. Trees, towns, and whole cities were burning down there, yet refused to collapse fully. Small dark shapes scampered over houses and around cars, though they made no sound. Looking up, he could see a city in the clouds. It was the source of the singing. Thousands of voices joined together in a symphony of joy and love that echoed over the plains and down into the cliff base, teasing whatever was down there with a hint at joy. Slowly turning his gaze back to the now-smiling man, Ash frowned. “Fucking damnit.”

The man just laughed. “That’s not an answer.”

“You’re God, that’s Hell down there, and that’s Heaven up there.”

“A shred of each.” The man confirmed. “I can’t truly show you Heaven or Hell without you being truly sent to one place or another. I can only give you a hint.”

“‘Can’t?’” Ash asked.

“Even I have rules I must follow.” God said. “Granted, I made them myself, but I enforce them very strictly.”

“So why am I here?” Ash asked, slightly irritated. “Well, why are you here? I’m here because I’m dead.”

“I personally greet every new arrival, whether they go to Heaven, Hell, or are undecided. I’m currently greeting well over two hundred thousand people right now.” The man answered. “Though I’ll admit that I’ve taken an interest in you. Most everyone give thanks for what they have but not quite the way you have. They thank me for giving it to them. They don’t thank the world itself.”

“Thank my sister.” Ash said with a tinge of amusement, not quite sure why he was taking this so easily. Maybe it had something to do with being dead? “I wouldn’t have done it if she didn’t ask me to.”

“Either way.” God dismissed. “I wanted to ask you a few questions.”

“Can’t stop you.”

“Do you regret all the lying you’ve done?”

The unexpected question threw Ash off guard, making him raise an eyebrow to the man, who just stared back as he waited for an answer. Turning his attention inward, he thought the question over. Ash did regret a lot of the lies he’s said over the years, particularly when he was younger. But he couldn’t say he regretted all the lying. Some of it spared others, even if they never learned it or did learn and came to hate him. Having his answer, Ash replied. “No. I regret some of what I’ve lied about, especially when I was younger, but I can’t say I regret it all.”

God nodded as if he expected the answer. Thinking it over, he probably did. Omniscient and all that. “What about the stealing when you were younger?”

“Yes.” Ash said instantly. “I never stole for a good reason, like trying not to starve. I was just an asshole who wanted what he didn’t have. I most certainly regret it.”

He nodded again. “And the general sinning?”

“The what?

“Swearing, general rudeness, the like. Small stuff.”

“No. Well, maybe the rudeness, but not the swearing. Swears are just words, after all.” Ash replied.

God started humming again, clearly thinking something over as his gaze drifted from Heaven to Hell and back again. Something was on his mind- actually, a lot of somethings was probably on his mind- and he was considering his options. After a few minutes of silence, Ash started to try to memorize the layout of Hell, or at least the city he could see. He wasn’t sure how it worked and didn’t know if he would be trapped somewhere, or free to run as demons chased him down. Ash was sure he was going down, so he wanted to have the advantage of knowing the layout slightly when it came to running from things that wanted to nibble at him. After several more minutes, God spoke up. “What about the ponies? You’re a bit more interested in them than most. Some would say that alone is a sin.”

“I don’t regret that.” Ash said firmly.

“Even though you thought of them in a romantic and sometimes sexual way?”


God nodded once more and Ash had enough.

“Why are you asking me this? You already know the answer and what I will say.”

“Free will.” The man answered. “I know the answer, yes, and I know what you are most likely to say, but you have free will. You can say something I won’t expect. I don’t know if you’ll lie to me.”

“So it was a test.”


Ash just groaned, making God crack a smile. “I have a proposition.”


“I can tell you right now that Heaven and Hell don’t work the way you expect. Everyone spends some time in Hell, depending on how bad they were, before being allowed into Heaven. You’ll go to Hell for a while, won’t say how long, before being allowed into Heaven for the rest of eternity until Hell literally freezes over.”

“Propositions usually have an ‘or.’” Ash replied.

Or you go to Equestria.” God said simply.

Ash froze as shock hit him. The offer was slipped out so bluntly that he didn’t know how to react. He wasn’t even sure if this was real and not a last minute hallucination done by a dying brain. After a moment of debate, he decided to act like it was real. There was something off about the offer. Ash doubted God would just send a person to Equestria, not without a higher plan. If he did that for everyone who wanted to go, the world would soon have more humans than other species. No, there either had to be more than one Equestria or God only made this offer to him. Or both.

If God was making this offer to only him, then that meant that there was definitely a higher reasoning. He wanted something. Ash needed to know. “What’s the catch? There’s got to be a higher reasoning than just ‘because I like the idea.’”

“There is.” He replied with a nod. “There are other deities than me, and you could say that we started a game quite some time ago. They already got their players ready. Now it’s my turn. I’ve chosen you as my player.”

“What’s the game?” Ash asked, annoyed at being nothing more than a toy, even if he had always believed that if God existed, that’s exactly what he would be.

“Can’t say. It’s against the rules. The players have to figure it out themselves. I can only confirm or deny suspicions.” He replied.

Ash thought it over before groaning. “It’s a free-for-all, isn’t it?”

“It is, somewhat.” God answered with a smirk. “Gather your allies, grow your power, and make your moves against the enemy. Last one left wins.”

“Equestria won’t survive humans going to war.” Ash muttered.

“Different Equestrias. Every player starts off in their own. Entirely random.” The man replied.

The human just sighed. “So I’m supposed to grow my power? How? I have no powers!”

“Yet. General rule is that any power I give you has to be from a game or book or movie.” The deity explained.

“Goddamn Displaced!” Ash yelled aloud. “Motherfucker!”

God just laughed. “Yes, though the ‘Merchant’ isn’t the only deity putting his players in the game. Generally speaking, it’s the Merchant’s Displaced against everyone else, though that’s not entirely accurate.”

“How do I know you aren’t the Merchant and not actually God and that this,” here he waved his hand toward Heaven and Hell. “isn’t just a ruse?”

“You don’t.” God said. “Maybe God doesn’t exist and I’m the Merchant in disguise, maybe God is the Merchant. Maybe I’m telling you there are other people like you but you are actually going to be the only one. Maybe the Displaced don’t exist. You don’t know. True be told, I can’t promise you that the Displaced actually exist. I can’t promise you that I’m not lying to you. The question is, are you going to accept my second option? You get to choose what power, too, rather than just being sent suddenly, like the people who may or may not exist.”

“Of course you pick the one guy who never watched any kind of anime or show where the people had powers.” Ash groaned.

God nodded. “You did always love watching the science channel. Maybe a bit too much. Anyway, games too, remember?”

“Fuck.” Ash groaned out again. “I didn’t play many video games, either. Those I did were usually games like Battlefield and Call of Duty.”

“You don’t have very much options, then.” God replied with a smirk. “Maybe a book?”

“I don’t know the ancient language from Eragon, and I’m not a demigod like Percy.” Ash grumbled. “Lord of the Rings magic wasn’t quite as useful as I would want for something like this.”

God just hummed. “Perhaps this is why others don’t get a choice. They take too long to decide.”

“I’m thinking!” Ash insisted. “Only one franchise or several?”

“Three, max.” God replied, with a hint of a smirk. He knew damn well that Ash didn't know three franchises well. “For each you don’t use, you get a random blessing I won’t explain.”

Ash thought it over, thinking of all the books he read- most of which were, ironically enough, My Little Pony fanfiction, all the games he had read, and all the shows he had watched. He had very few options. Ash groaned. “Skyrim magic, most definitely. It’s the only thing that I’m really familiar with.”

“I’ll include alchemy.” God said. “And everything else, really. You might be able to find all the metals, plants, and other materials throughout the world. I'll give you a guide and nothing else. You’ll have to figure out the rest.”

“Please don’t tell me I’ll level up.” Ash pleaded. “That’s too much.”

“I’m not saying.” God replied with amusement. “You’ll have to figure it out as you go along. I will tell you that it’ll be very different from playing a video game.”

Ash sighed “Thank god.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I wasn’” Ash said.

“Next.” God said. “Two more.”

“Er… I don’t think I know anything else?” Ash replied sheepishly.

“You know plenty.”

“Yes, I know of Dragon Ball, Naruto, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Avatar, Prototype, Harry Potter, Eragon, Percy Jackson, and so much more! But I don’t know enough to be able to wield any of the abilities. Perhaps you would be able to give me the knowledge?”

“No.” The deity replied.

“Didn’t think so. Yeah, I don’t think I know anything else.” The man said.

“Two blessings, then. You won’t know what they are or when you get them. I’ll give them to you when I decide to. Understand?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“I’m going to send you to an Equestria. It’s entirely random, but most likely attuned to your new abilities. That's how this works, isn't it? Be careful and try not to die because not even I know what you’re going to get while you’re there.” God said.


“Good luck.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

Ashephyles’ vision faded into white as his hearing, smell, and touch faded away. Mere moments before he blacked out, a single thought went through his mind. Goddamnit all to hell and back. This is going to be strange.

Though he couldn’t hear it, God chuckled. “Most definitely, Ash.”

Strange Place to Wake Up

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Ashephyles’ senses slowly came back to him as he awoke. The first thing he became aware of was the agony lancing through his body. His back, ribs, and left arm were in rather severe pain, though he didn’t think anything was broken. He became aware of the fact that he was shirtless when the pain slowly faded, replaced by a chill from whatever he was lying on. When the pain faded from searing agony to a dull throb, he focused instead on his hearing, picking up the sounds of hushed murmuring and sharp clacks from around his position, though he wasn’t sure what they were or where he was at.

Ash then felt something warm and slightly wet press against his chest before moving up and down a little. The warm thing pulled away, then came back and touched him again. It happened twice more before Ash realized that whatever it was was poking him, looking to get some form of reaction from him. The man groaned and opened his bleary eyes, which focused moments later. The sight that greeted him made him freeze. A very familiar large white pony stood over him, gently poking his chest with her muzzle, which was surprisingly warm. When Ash groaned, her large magenta eyes flickered up to meet his as she froze as well. The two stared at each other, Ash in shock, disbelief, and amazement, while Celestia stared at him in surprise, concern, and wariness. After a moment, Celestia recoiled with a loud squeak, her hooves scraping on the floor to get away from him. “It- It’s alive!”

More clacking sounded out as he was quickly surrounded, a multitude of white coated, blue maned ponies forming a large circle around him as spears were leveled keeping him still. However, before any of them could do anything, Celestia called out to the guards. “Wait, don’t hurt it! It didn’t do anything!”

“Your Majesty, it appeared in the throne room via a large burst of white light. Evidence is pointing to this being an assassination attempt.” One of the guards, who he didn’t recognize, said in reply.

“My head was right next to it for several moments, yet it made no aggressive moves against me! It looks injured, or at least disoriented! It is entirely unarmed, even from natural weapons such as claws! All evidence points to this creature being sent here on accident!” Celestia retorted. “I am ordering you to lower your weapons and back away from it.”

While the guards complied, Ash was busy with staring in shock at Celestia. For well over a decade, Ash had read descriptions of what Celestia looked like. The simplest said she was white with a multicolored mane and magenta eyes. The most elaborate went on about her majesty, a regal and motherly aura, and divine presence that surrounded her very existence. It all paled in comparison to what stood before Ash. Her coat was the purest of whites, so natural and radiant that he would know she was the Lady of the Sun even if he had never seen or heard of her before. Her mane, shining with pastel colors, several of which he couldn’t even begin to identify, flowed through the air as it cascaded down her shoulders and to her left. Her tail, colored identically to her mane, drifted out behind her and swayed softly. There was no wind for it to wave on, she simply didn’t need it. Her mane swayed through sheer magical power alone.

Her magenta eyes shone with such open emotion that Ash doubted she could ever lie to anyone. Just one look into those bright eyes told him exactly what she was feeling. She was curious, and nervous, and excited, and even a little scared, but she still managed to walk over to him and give him a nervous smile, hoping the last of hostility would prevent him from being hostile. When she neared, a feeling of such warmth and comfort flowed over him, dulling every last vestige of pain he felt and washing away the worries of what was going to happen. When she spoke up, her voice was angelic, radiating with such kindness that it made his muscles shake in weakness. “Can you understand me?”

Ash opened his mouth to speak as he sat up only to croak out the barest shred of sound before descending into a powerful coughing fit, the dry and nasty sound making even the stoic royal guards flinch in concern. Celestia herself immediately overcame her worry and darted over to his side, gently nudging him with her muzzle while one of her incredibly soft wings thudded across his back, trying in vain to clear his coughing. “Quick, get it some water! It tried to speak!”

Hooves scrambled across marble floors as several ponies rushed to carry out the Princess’ order. However, a short pop of energy beat them all to the punch, a large pitcher of crystal clear water floating over to him, wrapped in a dark blue aura. He gratefully took it and began to drink the cold liquid, being careful not to spill any on the marble floors. After several long moments of tense silence, Ash set the pitcher- now half empty- down and turned his attention back to the curious Celestia. “Can you understand me?”

“Y-yeah.” Ash croaked out, his voice still dry. Celestia jerked her head back as if she didn’t expect him to answer, then came back to him.

“What’s your name?” Celestia asked. “I’m Princess Celestia of Equestria.”

“Ashe-” Ash started, then stopped as he coughed again, unable to pronounce his own name with his dry throat. “Ash. Call me Ash.”

“Very well, Mr. Ash.” Celestia replied with a nervous flap of her wings, hoping that she got his gender right.

“Just Ash, Your Majesty. No need for formalities.” The human replied.

Celestia’s muzzle broke out into a wide smile as she gazed at him. “In that case, just call me Celestia. No need for formalities, after all. We have more pressing matters than tedious niceties.”

When he nodded, she raised her voice and looked around the room. “Guards! Dismissed! Leave the room and ensure word of Ash does not spread outside of the castle.”

Several guards moved to voice their dissent, only to be halted as Celestia continued. “That’s an order.”

With much grumbling, the guards left the throne room, the massive stone doors shutting with a resounding boom. Before Ash could say anything, a powerful voice spoke from his side. “So you are intelligent. That is most fortuitous.”

Turning his gaze toward who he just knew was Princess Luna, he paused as his eyes widened. The Luna standing before him was very familiar in almost every sense of the word. Her soft blue eyes reached into his soul and failed to find fault within him, sparking a small smile to form on her muzzle, revealing clean, white, and flat teeth that almost seemed to reflect the light of the room. Her wings twitched on her back, curiosity permeating her facial features even as her presence cooled his body of the warmth Celestia inspired. Her mane, structured as an ever-changing night sky, called out to his stargazing passion, making him want to get lost within the flickering lights. Her coat was such an honest blue and looked so very soft that Ash just wanted to lean against her and fall asleep, though he knew that would be a very stupid and rude thing to do. Ash could almost say that the blue of her coat was unbroken by anything else. Almost.

“Freckles?” Ash asked himself softly, almost as an afterthought, for indeed did this Luna have freckles. Scattered around her entire coat were black spots that seemed the equine version of freckles, though significantly more obvious than any human’s freckles would ever be. Below her eyes and across her muzzle, small dots of various sizes were splattered across her coat, trailing from behind her eyes and up to ears which were perked at hearing him speak. A soft blush overcame her muzzle as she heard him speak, clearly embarrassed about her spots. Frankly, Ash thought she looked entirely adorable with her dots and red tinted muzzle.

His eyes drifting over her body, the human could see that her freckles trailed down her neck and chest before streaking across her barrel and flank, then cascading down each of her legs to meet her hooves. The black spots held no true pattern, only a grouping that made sure she looked attractive, rather than like a polka-dotted pony. In fact, the only part of her body without freckles were her wings, which were made of feathers rather than fur.

From his side, he could hear Celestia giggling to herself. “This is my sister, Princess Luna. Luna, this is Ash. Ash, those spots are called ‘dapples.’ Aren’t they adorable?”

Ash nodded slowly, then reached his hand out as an offer to Princess Luna, who took it gingerly as her blush remained burning with intensity. “It’s good to meet you, Princess Luna.”

“Nay, if my sister allows you to call her by her name, then you may do the same to us.” Luna said firmly.

“Then it’s good to meet you, Luna.” Ash corrected himself.

“It’s good to meet you, Ash.” Luna replied, a shy smile gracing her muzzle.

“Ash, I’m going to teleport all of us now, okay?” Celestia said from his side, her horn already alighting in a golden glow of energy.

“Okay. Thanks for the warning.” Ash replied.

With a flash of golden light, the trio vanished. Moments later, in another part of the castle, they reappeared. Ash took the chance to examine the room, something he failed to do in the throne room. It seemed to be a study. Dark oak walls contrasted nicely with the marble floor and ceiling, while various large red cushions were scattered around the room next to low-lying tables. A fireplace crackled against one wall, the oak walls giving away to marble to prevent a fire. The man felt a nudge on his back, looking over his shoulder to see Celestia gently pushing him toward one table. Taking the hint, he walked over and sat down, quickly joined by both Princesses. With a flash of dark blue energy, another pitcher of water appeared, followed soon by three large cups that were quickly filled.

Celestia gazed at him curiously, interest shining clear in her eyes. Luna looked at him intently as well, though her blush had now faded. These versions of Celestia and Luna were, as God had warned him, drastically different than what he expected. From first glance, they seemed rather innocent, always cheerful, and entirely trusting of even strangers. In truth, it was in complete contradiction to the temporary imprisonment he was expecting. For God’s sake, they didn’t even make sure he wasn’t a threat before dismissing their guards! Obvious flaws aside, if his assessment turned out to be true, he would be rather happy with this world, even if only because the ponies were incredibly friendly.

Of course, it could also be a ploy for him to lower his guard. If an enemy thought Equestria was weak, defenseless, and all around soft, the hypothetical enemy wouldn’t plan for a powerful country with godlike rulers. If that was the case, he had to admit that the two Alicorns were playing their parts perfectly.

Pulled out of his thoughts by Celestia speaking, he turned his attention to her in time to catch her question. “When I asked you your name, you almost said something else before saying ‘Ash.’ What’s your real name?”

“Ashephyles.” Ash said, saying it correctly. “My throat was too dry to say it right, so I just said my nickname.”

“Asefyleses?” Luna twisted her muzzle to say the word, her tongue flicking out one time in an entertaining fashion as she struggled to pronounce the name that Ash swore his parents made up on the spot.

“A-chef-ill-ease.” Ash corrected, amused. He made sure to pronounce his name slowly to try to help her say it. Praise the God-that-he-now-knows-is-real above that his parents couldn’t give him a simple, normal name.

Luna just huffed. “Ash.”

“That works too.” He said with a smile, which she returned. When Ash turned his attention to Celestia, she just grinned.

“I’ll stick to Ash, thank you very much. I doubt anypony here will have the ability to say your name.”

“It doesn’t bother me. I know most won’t be able to say it easily, not without getting used to it, so I just shortened it to ‘Ash.’” The human replied.

Celestia nodded in reply. “Where do you come from?”

Ash was struck by a sudden confliction. Tell Celestia and Luna the whole truth, a partial truth, or no truth? If he told her that he was from another world, had died, and made a deal with a deity, there was simple no telling how she would react. Even as soft and kind as she seemed, Ash did not doubt she had the capacity for violence. While he severely doubted such a reaction, it was a possibility. Option number one had the most immediate risk, yet long-term safety should the worst not come to pass.

Option number two was a bit of a balanced solution. If he told them that he was from another world, they would be naturally curious. Should they ask how he arrived in Equestria, he could lie and say he wasn’t quite sure. He could also omit the fact that he died. If his lie was discovered, it could create a small bit of distrust later down the line due to him keeping secrets. Other than that, there would be no major repercussions.

Option number three was the riskiest long-term but safest at the moment. He could say that he was from a reclusive village, making up a name and culture for it. While it would allow him to make open use of some of his knowledge of Equestria and some of the ponies, if it were discovered, he would be in severe trouble for hiding such an important secret from the Princesses, and it would cause a major rift between him and any he might befriend before then.

He decided to go with a mixture of option one and two. He would tell them about him being from another world and that he died, but would phrase his death in such as way as to make it sound like he believed that was what brought him to Equestria. All in all, Ash had laid out three possible plans, mixed two, and decided his response in less time than it took him to raise his cup and take a sip, feigning preparation for a long conversation. “Truth be told, Celestia, I’m convinced this is not even my own world.”

The shock was immediate and obvious, both mares recoiling slightly as they stared at him in disbelief. Silence reigned for several long moments as they battled their thoughts, the very idea of an otherworldly entity being almost inconceivable for them. In fact, it might have been unimaginable. Ash had no idea if they even had science fiction and the idea of other worlds or aliens. After several long, yet not quite tense moments, Luna was the first to speak, forced to refold her wings after they had twitched themselves out of place. Celestia, on the other hand, was still busy staring at him in fascination, her wings slightly flared out and pressing against Luna’s side. “How do you know?”

“Frankly, it’s because of you two. You are both talking ponies. Where I’m from, ponies aren’t your size, they have neither wings or horn, and they most certainly do not talk. I can’t even say that we are in a part of the world my kind simply haven’t discovered because we’ve discovered everywhere except the bottom of the ocean and we don’t seem underwater.” Ash explained.

“Perhaps we are just in a location your kind overlooked?” Luna asked nervously.

“Tell me, how big is your country? In square miles, please.”

“Around eleven million, why?”

Ash grunted softly as he looked down, quickly doing some math. “Damn near three times the size of the United States. There’s no fucking way we could have overlooked that. That’s a continent in its own right. No, I’m not from this world.”

Looking back up, Ash’s look became one of confusion at the aghast looks he was receiving from both ponies. Both of their ears were folded, with Celestia’s jaw having dropped. Both of them were staring wide-eyed, a fact that made him a little uncomfortable with their massive eyes. The two Alicorns were, quite honestly, staring at him with such horror it seemed as if he had committed an unspeakable crime that would condemn him to the depths of Hell itself. Naturally, Ash had no idea what he did. “What?”

Celestia spluttered for a moment, trying to form a coherent sentence, before she managed to force out a single sentence. “D-Did you just… swear?”

Sweet mother fucking God damn it all to Hell and back again so I can fuck it with a spike.

“You don’t?” Ash asked in disbelief. “Seriously, none at all? Close to everyone swears where I’m from.”

Nopony swears in Equestria!” Luna cried out, flapping her great blue wings twice. “Seriously! Don’t do that! Ever!”

Swear to fucking God, that asshole planned this as revenge for all of my swearing. Should I have waited until I was eighteen to start swearing? I still think ten is a good age. First year in the double digits.

“Asking me to forget twenty-five years of hearing it and fifteen of doing it, Luna. I can’t promise you jack sh- anything, but I can certainly try.” Ash replied.

“You were going to swear again, weren’t you?” Celestia asked in disappointment, ruffling her wings as she stared at him.

“Da- Yeah, I was.” Ash said, cutting himself off at first.

The two Alicorns sighed. Ash just grinned. “So about me being from another world, what does that mean for me?”

Their enthusiasm returned with a vengeance as they shared a quick glance. WIth a loud pop, the wood table between them vanished in a flash of light. With another flash, the two mares had teleported where the table used to be, putting them less than two feet in front of him. Quite frankly, the wide grins they sported was a little unsettling. The situation only went from strange to bad when Celestia eagerly asked the first question on her mind. “How’d you get here?”

“Not a good story, Celestia. Let’s save that question for later, right?” Ash replied.

But it was not meant to be. Luna frowned slightly as him. “But it is the most important question. Did you arrive here under your own power, or was it a magical accident? Did another being send you here, or perhaps a rift in space? Will there be more of your kind to follow or not? All of these can be answered by how you arrived here.”

“Trust me, Luna, it’s not a good story. You both are rather excited to learn about my world. How I got here will ruin that mood. Let’s start with something else, okay?” By now, the pair of them were clearly becoming concerned and Ash frankly didn’t want to deal with whatever they would do when they learned of his death. Idly, the thought of lying came to his mind again before he dismissed it; he had already decided to tell the truth about his death if it came up in topic. Damned be him if he wouldn’t try to avoid that topic anyway.

“Trust us, Ash. We can take it. Just tell us.” Celestia countered. “The knowledge of how you arrived in our world is of utmost importance.”

The man just sighed and let his head fall back on his neck, gazing up at the ceiling as his eyes closed. Damned be these ponies that don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

“Very well. I died. I died in a hospital bed and woke up in your throne room. For the past three years, I’ve been slowly dying of a disease that made my immune system, my circulatory system, my respiratory system, my nervous system, my reproductive system, and even my skeletal system FUBAR. I was hooked up to more machines than I have hairs on my body on a daily basis. Finally, I told the doctors to fuck off and let me die, so they did. They didn’t have a choice since it was my desire and all and they couldn’t stop me. I went to sleep one night and I guess I just didn’t have the strength left in my body to wake up, so I didn’t. I thought that’d be the end. Instead, I woke up to Celestia shoving her nose in my chest.”

The room was dead- heh- silent for a time, though Ash refused to look down and meet eyes with either Alicorn. He wasn’t quite sure what he would see, sadness, disbelief, concern, understanding, or something else, but he was dreading the sight of the barest shred of pity. For that reason alone, he stared at the ceiling as they tried to formulate a response, or even decide whether he was lying or not. As he stared, a thought began to overcome him. I never asked God if he cured my condition of cellular-whatever-the-fuck. Do I still have it? Did he cure it? Or is it just outright gone? Unless God wanted to raise the question of where my body went, this is an entirely new body, which means it should be free from the disorder. Just in case, I might want to work on the Restoration school. If I fuck myself over with a Destruction spell, that should be good practice for both.

That brings another thing up. Do I still need to practice on living targets to get better? In Skyrim, you had to hit an animal or person with Flames to level up your Destruction skill. Do I need to hit someone, or does just casting it count? Can I cast Healing on myself to get better, or do I actually need to be wounded? How much of this runs on ‘game logic’ and how much on ‘real-ish logic?’ I’ll have to wait and see once I have some free time. I can feel a couple things in my pocket but I don’t want to pull them out yet, just incase they are confiscated or revealing of my unique situation.

Ash was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt two large and soft wings, one warm and one cool, drape over his shoulders gently. He looked down reluctantly to see both Celestia and Luna sitting even closer to him, practically on the same cushion, with one wing wrapped around him. They stared at him not with pity- thank God- but sadness and concern, with tears brimming in their eyes. With a human, the sight of tears he would be able to easily ignore, but it was impossible with the ponies. Ash wasn’t sure if it was their large, expressive eyes or the pure innocence the two radiated with practically everything they did, but it started to really get to him, to make him feel bad for upsetting these two child-like Alicorns.

“A-art thou lying to us?” Luna asked, her speech reverting to an archaic form from sheer sadness alone, all the more heart-wrenching and adorable.

“P-please tell me you're lying.” Celestia added, her muzzle coming to rest on his knee as her watery eyes stared at his own, beginning to inspire an almost-physical pain in his chest.

After a slow moment of concerned contemplation, Ash finally answered. “I wish I was but I’m not.”

Their eyes snapped shut, a few tears rolling down both of their cheeks and leaving trails of matted fur. Celestia turned her head and began to gently rub her cheek against his knee in what she likely thought was a comforting gesture, though he could barely feel it through his thick jeans. That changed with Luna leaned in and softly nuzzled his chest, which was bare and felt every inch of Luna’s soft fur rub against him. The idea of being nuzzled was always a strange one- Ash having no reason to let a person rub their face against him, but it wasn’t an unwelcome sensation from the Alicorn. After a moment, Ash’s hands came down on both of their shoulders, gently gripping them to reassure them he was fine.

Celestia opened her eyes, a few more tears escaping as she gazed at him, such an intense sadness that it pained him. “How are you taking this so well? Most would be so very sad or so very angry at what you went through, yet you are sitting here comforting us!”

“I’ve had the disease for three years, Celestia.” Ash replied. “I screamed and swore and threatened and cried and begged for a year. I hoped and prayed and bartered and pleaded for another year. Then I resigned myself to an early death, making peace with everyone and everything I could for the final year. I had such a long warning beforehand that I’m not bothered by it, particularly since I guess I didn’t really die, just moved.

Ash’s hand had started to rub back and forth gently on both of them. A small part of his mind made idle note of how ironic the situation was but he shoved it aside. These ponies were made of softer stuff than humans, it seemed. Less and less it seemed like an act and more just how they were. He couldn’t deny it though, if this had happened two years ago, he would be in a state similar to them. He was fortunate to have the time to think it through, though some would consider it the opposite of fortune. “I’m fine now, you two. Don’t cry for me. Plenty of tears have been shed, both by myself and others. I don’t need anymore of that.”

Luna’s muzzled brushed against his shoulder as she raised her head, her pained gaze meeting his own comforting one. Just by looking in her eyes, he could see she was determined to try to help him. “What dost thou need, then?”

Ash did his best to grin brightly, though he wasn’t sure how they would react to him showing off the teeth of a carnivore. “How about we start with two friends who can help me adjust to this world?”

It certainly seemed to work, at least. They both laughed lightly, though still with tears in their eyes, and moved back a little to give him his space. Ash wiped a few of Luna’s tears off of his chest while she gave him a sheepish smile, which he returned with a reassuring one. Both of them dried their eyes with their wings, making him realize they had practically had massive towels attached to their backs. After a moment, Ash continued. “What’s next?”

After a short moment of silence, Celestia shook her head. “After that bit of information, I think my sister and I need time to think. What do you say about resting in a guest room before meeting us for lunch? You arrived here at about nine in the morning, so it would only be for an hour or so.”

“I think that sounds wonderful. Thank you, Celestia.” Ash replied honestly. The Alicorn mare smiled at him as she and Luna stood up, Ash joining them a moment later.

“I’ll have a maid lead you to your room as well as retrieve you when lunch comes along. In the meantime, take the chance to organize your thoughts and even think up a few questions to ask us. I want us both to learn about each other and our cultures, not just me and Luna asking you question after question.” Celestia finished with a small chuckle. Her horn lit up slightly but no spell was cast, or at least none that he could see, but nevertheless, there was a polite knock on the door before it opened, revealing a light blue Pegasus in a simple black and white maid outfit. Princess, for her voice carried the unmistakable authority of a diarch, Celestia spoke, giving the mare her task. “Feather Down, take Ash here to one of the guestrooms. He will be staying with us for the next few days, perhaps more if he is so inclined.”

The maid gave a low bow before standing back up. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Princess Celestia began to walk out of the room as the maid stepped in, clearing the doorway. As she passed Ash, she gave him a little hidden nudge with one of her wings, a soft smile on her muzzle. Luna, however, favored him with a more direct smile and spoke.“See you soon, Ash.”

“See you soon, Luna.” Ash replied softly, not sure how Feather would take hearing him not call the Princesses by their titles. The dappled Alicorn walked out as well, leaving him with Feather who walked over with a large smile on her face.

“If you would follow me, Sir, I can take you to your room.” She said as she stopped in front of him.

“Lead on, ma’am.” Ash replied, beginning to follow her as they left the room.

The maid giggled lightly. “Aren’t you a polite one?”

“I suppose so.” Ash said. “But don’t let that fool you. Deep down, I can be a real a- rude, too.”

The maid nodded, but had nothing to really say to that. After all, she didn’t really know him. Nopony in this world did, yet, though Ash didn’t plan on keeping it that way. Thoughts of future possible friendships aside, he planned to take full advantage of this opportunity to try to figure out what he could of his magic as well as whatever the hell was digging into his thigh in his pocket. He also needed a shirt, but wasn’t quite sure where he would get one other than from Rarity and he couldn’t exactly bring her up without them getting suspicious. Severely suspicious.

After a moment of walking in silence, with Ash’s already lost since he had focused on his internal thoughts rather than mapping the castle, the maid spoke up, her voice soft and worried as if she was worried about something. “Are you the new creature that appeared in the throne room?”

That explained it. He remembered hearing Celestia give the order that information on him wasn’t meant to leave the castle. That probably meant that staff and guard alike weren’t supposed to talk about him in case they were overheard. She likely didn’t want to get in trouble, but also couldn’t keep her curiosity to herself. Ash nodded, though she was in front of him and couldn’t see it, before speaking. “Are there are other strange new creatures walking around here that you haven’t met before? If not, I think I am him.”

Ash couldn’t help but be a little surprised that his sarcastic joke put a small smile on her muzzle. Truth be told, Ash expected to be scoffed at. From how innocent the Alicorns were, he doubted anyone would appreciate his sarcasm. Maybe sarcasm was something that was understood, even if ponies were just naturally innocent? Or were only the Princesses as innocent as they were, with the rest of ponykind aware of all the darker things in the world. Or was it still a ploy from the Alicorns to test him? The last he severely doubted, simply due to the sheer skill needed to successfully act and react as they have.

“Why did you appear in the throne room? Were you after one of the Princesses?” Feather asked softly, almost worried about how you would react. A patrol of three guards from up ahead must have heard her, though, because their ears perked as they paid attention too, most definitely interested.

“It wasn’t by my choice, mind you. I had no control over where I would appear. It was quite a shock to find myself being poked by a Princess and surrounded by guards.” Ash answered. “The Princesses took me aside to learn more about me and decide whether or not I’m hostile.”

“And are you?”

The guards were now almost even with them, though they had noticeably slowed their pace so the wouldn’t miss anything. Ash internally smirked, knowing whatever said here would be common knowledge amongst both the guards and the servants by noon. “I’m being invited for lunch with the Princesses, aren’t I?”

Feather looked over her shoulder with a smile, though he could easily see the relief in her eyes. “That’s true, isn’t it?”

The two kept walking, fully passing the guards up as they resumed their normal speed, having heard what they wanted to here. The man and maid continued to walk for another five or so minutes, turning down various hallways and branches before coming across a particularly long hallway. The right side, from his view, featured a large window every ten feet. It was not the ‘Hall of Stories’ styled stained glass windows that depicted major events in Equestrian history, but just large glass windows that allowed natural light to filter into the castle. The left side, however, held a large oak door spaced every forty or so feet. Each door had the emblem of both a sun and a moon on it, indicating the guest bedrooms of the diarchy of Equestria. Feather led him to the fourth one and gestured toward the door with a hoof. “This is your room until you decide to leave the castle or the Princesses move you. Either I or another maid will be by a little before noon to bring you to the dining room to eat with the Princesses.”

“Thank you, Ms. Feather.” Ash replied.

“You’re most welcome!” The maid chirped. “I have to continue my duty for now, though.”

The man nodded to her and she left, continuing down the hall the way they had came. Ash turned back to the door and opened it, walking inside easily. While Ash had an idea of what the room would look like, the reality of it still blew him away. The entire room was in a color scheme blending white, gold, black, and dark blue, something that made sense considering who owned the castle. The guest room was in fact several rooms as he saw a door leading to what he assumed would be the bathroom. The entry room, however, was most certainly a bedroom. The bed itself was massive with enough room for three Alicorns easily, or considering the nature of the room, a curled up dragon of considerable size. It was a canopy bed as well, with thin black sheets giving a semblance of privacy from the rest of the room. Two desks made of the same dark oak wood as the study from before were situated against the walls, joined by a wardrobe near the bed and a nightstand even closer. The marble floors were covered in a soft black carpet that, had he not been wearing shoes, he would be most thankful for.

A large set of double doors framed in etched gold, whether it was real or not being debatable, led to a large marble balcony that likely hung over the side of the mountain. A glass window on each side of the doors allowed light to fill the room, though he couldn’t help but notice the thick, white blackout curtains that could be closed to block all sunlight from entering the room. All in all, it was a wonderful room that Ash hoped he didn’t destroy with his magic.


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With quick steps, entirely eager to get started in learning what he could of his new magic, Ashephyles strode over to the dark-stained desk and sat down with his legs crossed, the large cushion being as soft as he expected. Unlike on Earth, the desks, tables, and nearly everything else was very low to the ground, a result of the ponies not having the capacity to comfortably sit like a human, nor having the height of a human. As a result, almost every single chair was replaced by large cushions that could be comfortably sat on by almost every species, though Ash was sure there had to be at least one it didn’t work too well for.

Leaning slightly to his left, he reached into his pocket and grasped the object he had noticed some time ago. Pulling it out and holding it up, he quickly realized that it was a phone. The man wasn’t quite sure what kind of phone it was as it had no discernable markings from any carrier or manufacturer. The entire thing was sleek all around, entirely black, and around six inches tall and two wide. Out of sheer habit alone, Ash tapped the screen twice then realized it wouldn’t switch on like his own did. To his surprise, the phone did light up, the screen quickly showing a familiar lockscreen of a pattern passcode and water dragon background. With a hint of doubt, Ash ran his finger through his pattern, an inverted ‘L,’ which worked and unlocked the phone to show a familiar homescreen of several folders and a poison dragon background.

Well fuck, this has to be my phone, but it’s not the right model. Did God, if he really is God, do some shit to transfer my stuff over to this phone? Did he add anything to it?

Looking over his first page, he saw there was nothing new. The same shortcuts to various playlists, the same folders that held the majority of his often-used apps, and the same apps in each folder. Swiping the screen to the side, he saw exactly what he expected. There were two folders on the second page, the first labeled ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ and the second labeled ‘D&D Extras.’

Fuck, if I knew he was going to give me my phone, I would have asked for Dungeons and Dragons magic, too. That shit’s powerful! Hell, depending on which set of rules the magic would be run by, I’d be able to essentially become more powerful than Discord if I learned the Wish spell.

Just to be sure, Ash swiped to the third page, one he knew should be empty, only to stop in mild surprise. There was a new application on his phone, one he had never seen before. The symbol was the very familiar emblem of the Imperial Legion, originally referred to as the ‘Seal of Akatosh,’ and the first thing one would see when loading Skyrim. It was a solid gray stylized dragon with the wings forming a diamond shape that didn’t quite connect. Underneath the app was the letters ‘MGTAM.’

Tapping the symbol, it opened onto a title screen that held the symbol for Destruction, a stylized flame icon. Beneath the symbol were the words ‘Mage’s Guide to Aetherium Magic,’ which he figured was what the acronym stood for. A moment later, the screen changed as the app seemed to load, showing what seemed to be an index. The very first entry on the list was ‘Introduction to Aetherium Magic.’ Tapping it once, it opened into a scrolling page that Ash began to read.

“What is Aetherium magic, why is it called such, what can it do, and how do I use it are just few of the no doubt countless questions you have for me, Archmagus Shalidor!”

Ash thought that was a nice touch, using the name of an actual Elder Scrolls character in what seemed to be a compendium designed by the deity who sent him there.

“Aetherium magic, at its core, is energy drawn from the plane of Aetherius and harnessed into a variety of deadly and/or useful effects. The most common effects can be categorized into five schools of magic, though there are spells that fall within none of them. The schools of magic are as such; Alteration, dealing with manipulating the physical world for the benefit of the caster, Conjuration, dealing with summoning and/or making deals with Daedric beings as well as creating undead, Destruction, dealing with raw elements with the sole purpose of harming and/or maiming, Restoration, dealing with life energy to heal horrifying wounds, strike blows against the undead, and negate enemy magic, and Illusion, dealing with manipulating the senses and mind to the advantage of the caster.”

“The specific spells that lie under each school will be detailed later in this well of knowledge, under the entry corresponding to the specific school of magic you might be looking for.”

Swiping from the left side out, a sliding drawer extended and revealed the index list again. Sure enough, later down the line were five entries, each named after a specific School. Swiping again, he closed the drawer and continued reading. “One of the most important things for you, an aspiring mage, to do is to understand the ranking of spells. The weakest, and subsequently easiest to cast, are classified as ‘Novice’ spells, which include spells such as Flames, Oakflesh, Fury, and so many more. These spells require only visualization and a little thought to cast. Above Novice are ‘Apprentice’ level spells, which require visualization, an understanding of the spell’s effect, and raw will. Next come ‘Adept’ level spells, the location in which most mages cease furthering themselves. This rank requires visualization, an understanding of the effect, willpower, and directed magic, which we will get to later. Second to highest are ‘Expert’ level spells. These will require significant amounts of directed magic, willpower, and true understanding of each spell. Finally come ‘Master’ rank spells. These require sheer Magicka reserves, willpower, directed magic, and full body gestures. It is important not to attempt to cast spells that are too advanced for you! You could engulf yourself in debilitating pain by spending all of your reserves, destroy that which is around you via a failed spell, or even destroy yourself! Follow this guide, for it will tell you when you ready for the next rank.”

“As is, however, you should be more than ready for Novice level spells. Let’s start with Flames. Go ahead, imagine a jet of flames bursting forth from your fingertips, but keep in mind just what fire is! Don’t be upset if it doesn’t work right away, just try it a few different ways until it works.”

Ash looked up from his new phone and glanced at the ceiling, seeing that it was easily ten or so feet above him. From what he remembered, Flames only launched for about six feet before fading out so it should be plenty of room. Pointing his hand at the ceiling, he closed his eyes and imagined a stream of fire erupting from his hand. He thought of the heat and how things blacken and ignite under the force of destruction. For several moments, Ash felt nothing out of the ordinary, so he opened his eyes. Nothing actually had happened.

Let’s try that again, I guess? Ash tried again. He pointed his hand at the ceiling once more, but kept his eyes open this time. In his mind’s eye, he saw flames flicker to life and leap toward the ceiling, only to fade halfway up. He imagined feeling the heat against his skin, though it did not burn him. He imagined the light dancing across the room and dispelling the shadows. He imagined hearing the roar of the flames soaring upward, ravenously consuming the air in its path. For a moment, Ash thought nothing had happened once more. Then he realized that he was no longer imagining anything, but actually sensing it. With that sudden realization, he killed the thought and the fire from his hand stopped, the heat and light and sound fading away in mere moments. Examining his hand quickly, he was relieved to find that he had not burned himself. However, he was slightly confused. He always assumed that a magic user can feel the energy in their body flow into the spell, but Ash had felt nothing. Perhaps that only happens with the spells that require directed magic?

Shrugging it off and turning his attention to the ceiling, he saw that he was right. The Flames spell didn’t have enough range to reach the marble roof. No scorch mark stained the ceiling, nor did the white stone seemed warped or cracked from the fire, though he doubted it was hot enough to do so, even if he was sure it was very hot in its own right. With a final glance toward his hand, and a rising feeling of amazement and elation, Ash quickly forced his attention to return to the guide lest he lose himself to the excitement of having magic.

“You might have found it easier to get the spell to work with your eyes open rather than closed. How did I know that? I’m a mage, of course! I know these things. But in all honesty, I knew because almost all mages find it easier to cast a spell with open eyes. That’s rather fortunate because it’s hard to aim with closed eyes! Now, you may or may not be feeling a sort of, well, strain deep within yourself depending on how long you held the spell. If you don’t feel anything, try casting Flames for about ten seconds and then continue reading.”

With a thoughtful frown, Ash looked up and reached toward the ceiling for the third time. The spell was far easier to call forth this time, now knowing how to channel the magic and how to properly visualize it. However, he did an experiment. Ash imagined the heat and the light, but he didn’t imagine the roaring crackle of the fire, hoping the spell would be silent. To his disappointment, though not his surprise, the spell failed entirely. Trying again but imagining the sound, the spell was still just as loud as it had been before. If it had not been for the marble walls and thick wooden door, he did not doubt the fire would be heard from down the hall. It was good to know that he couldn’t silence a spell just by imagining it was silent. If he had attempted that when his life was on the line, he might have lost it. Once he began to feel a strange tightness located around his chest, he ended the spell and returned to the guide.

“Now that you understand what I mean, that feeling lets you know that you have expended a portion of your Magicka reserves. The feeling is nonexistent as long as you have about 80% or more of your magic left. Between 50% and 80%, it transfers into a tightness that’s merely discomforting. Once you begin to near 30% of your full reserves, you will begin to feel slightly sick, which transfers into incredibly sick at around 20%. Once you drop below 10% of your Magicka reserves, you will experience extreme pain centered around your chest and head, so I recommend always leaving some to spare unless in the most dire of circumstances. If your reserves ever empty, you will either fall unconscious or, failing that, be too exhausted and in too much pain to move.”

“Recovering Magicka varies between everyone, sometimes drastically, sometimes barely. I myself need only sit down for a few minutes before I am ready to continue. Others may need to meditate for several hours or even get a full night’s sleep, depending on the strength of your connection to Aetherius. Those with the weakest connection must sleep. Many believe that the realm of dreams lies close to the realm of the Aedra, which allows the connection to strengthen. Some can strengthen this connection while awake, which are those who need to meditate. If you just need to rest for a while, it means your connection is strong and able to draw Magicka from the realm no matter what. Keep in mind that meditating and sleeping will speed your recovery up even further!”

“Now that you feel that tightness, you should try some of the things I’ve mentioned and see if the feeling disipates. That will signify that your magic has recovered past 80%. Sleeping will refill your reserves entirely, unless you have such a deep container that eight hours isn’t enough. Not even I have that much Magicka, and I’m an Archmagus! Now, sit back and relax and try to refill your Magicka. If that doesn’t work, clear your mind and meditate. If that doesn’t work, take a quick nap! Of course, if you are pressed for time, go ahead and try meditating immediately.”

Ash set his phone on his lap after checking the time and laid back, his bare skin feeling the soft carpet of the room. An idea struck him and he worked to blank out his mind, leaving no thoughts to roam freely. For several minutes he rested, staring at the ceiling as nothing flickered through his mind. Over time, he started to feel warm, and light began to filter through his eyelid, though he did not open them. Slowly, he could feel the tightness in his chest fading away. He relaxed and waited until it was gone, then waited longer for his reserves to refill completely. Sitting up again once he felt that his reserves were recharged, he checked the time again to find that it had actually taken around twenty-five minutes to regain what he had lost. It wasn’t the five minutes he was hoping for, but it was far better than sleeping for a full night. Thinking it over, he realized it actually made some sense. If he took into account Skyrim’s faster time, it did take about twenty minutes for the Dragonborn to regain magic.

Tapping the phone twice, he scrolled down a little more to see that there was two more paragraphs before the entry ended. “However fast or slow your Magicka recharges, keep this in mind as it is incredibly important! During situations of extreme stress, or even if you are just stressed in general, your Magicka will refill at only about a quarter of the usual rate! Since combat is, for most, an extremely stressful situation, do not waste your magic! Having that extra 20% may be the difference between you leaving with your life, or your enemy leaving with theirs.”

“Now, you may or may not have noticed that while the index shows all of the entries in this guide, you can not access any of them as of yet. That is because they are locked. As you read and finish an entry, you will be required to prove that you have read and understood the material before you can progress. Successfully proving you paid attention will unlock various other entries, depending on which entry you just finished. Go ahead, select the box beneath this paragraph and answer the questions.” Tapping a small box at the bottom that reminded him of reCaptcha verifications, he saw a loading circle appear inside the box. A moment later, the screen changed as a box popped up, replacing the text of the entry so he couldn’t cheat.

“What is the final spell rank?”

A.) Novice
B.) Enchanting
C.) Legendary
D.) Master

Tapping ‘Master,’ he received a quick check before the screen changed again.

“What do Master rank spells require that others do not?”

A.) Willpower
B.) Strength
C.) Gestures
D.) Rituals

Tapping ‘Gestures,’ he received a green checkmark again before the screen changed to show a new question.

“Who wrote this guide?”

A.) Archmage Savos Aren
B.) Molag Bal
C.) Archmagus Shalidor
D.) Akatosh

Tapping ‘Archmagus Shalidor,’ the screen changed once again to show a list. Quickly reading it over, he smiled lightly to himself. Things were going to get fun in the next few days.

Novice Spell Casting unlocked!
Novice Spell List unlocked!
Enchanting Introduction unlocked!
Enchantment Catalogue unlocked!
Alchemy Introduction unlocked!
Alchemical Reagents unlocked!

Before he could go into Novice Spell Casting, he heard soft knocking coming from his door. He glanced over his shoulder, then stood up and slipped the phone back into his pocket. Striding over to the large oak door that was surprisingly light for its weight, he pulled it inwards for it to open. Standing outside the door with a hoof poised to knock again was a guard. When he saw the human standing at the door, he lowered his hoof and spoke. “Their Majesties requested that I escort you to the dining room to join them for lunch.”

“Lead on, then.” Ash said, stepping out into the hallway and closing the door behind him. The guard nodded once and turned, heading down the hall with Ash right behind him. Now that he got a good look at the guard, he saw that he came up to around his stomach, though the maid came up to around his waist. Celestia was about the same height, with Luna being up to his neck or so. However, with their horns, both were taller than him. He figured that a filly like the Crusaders would come up to about his shin, with foals like Pumpkin or Pound being just above his ankle.

“Is something on your mind?” The guard asked, no doubt noticing that he was being stared at.

“Apologies.” Ash said. “I was thinking about the heights of the ponies I have seen so far. The Princesses are about the same as me, but it just hit me how I’m so much taller than most ponies. Do you mind if I ask you a couple questions?”

“I don’t mind, just know that there are things I can’t answer.”

“As expected of any guard talking to a foreign creature.” Ash replied. “You come up to my chest or so, with a maid from earlier coming up to my waist. Are stallions naturally taller than mares or is it something else?”

“Something else.” The guard replied. “In this case, it was just pure chance. The maid you saw must have been either shorter than most ponies, or just young. I’m about average height for a pony, with the Princesses being taller than almost everypony else. Princess Cadence, the niece of Princesses Celestia and Luna, would come up to your chest, I believe. Below your neck is your chest, right?”


“Most would come up to your stomach, with the shorter ones being around your waist.” The guard said. “There’s no real difference in the height of mares and stallions.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

The rest of the trip was done in silence with nothing else tugging at Ash’s curiosity. Of course, there were plenty of questions he could ask, but he figured he would either learn the answers to them in due time, or he would just ask Celestia or Luna. While the pair walked through the halls, Ash began to think. Let’s see, we’re obviously in Canterlot, and Luna is here, so that puts me after the start of the show. Luna seems to have gotten modern English, or would it be Equish, down relatively well, so I’d make a guess and say we are a year or so past season one, though I’m not quite sure where that would put the timeline. Of course, this is only assuming the timeline will be similar or even identical. For all I know, this will play out entirely differently than the show.

The walk wasn’t quite as long as Ash thought it was going to be because the guard stopped in front of large double doors that were made of the same stuff as all the other doors, that being oak, with the emblems of the Diarchy emblazoned on the doors themselves. Surrounding the doors, as such on the doorframe, were intricately styled vines carved into the marble walls, with flowers placed seemingly sporadically on them. Personally, he would have imagined something food-related would be there to mark the dining room, but for all he knew, vines were considered food considering the ponies were herbivores first and foremost. Two guards, looking like all the other guards in the castle, flanked the doorway and nodded to him. The guard that had been escorting him turned and spoke. “Go on ahead and enter the dining room. Their Majesties are waiting for you.”

Ash nodded as he strode up to the door. The two guards reacted quickly, their hooves grasping the handles somehow and swinging the doors open inward. He gave them both a nod of thanks before entering, seeing that the dining room was designed just as the hallways were; large marble columns from which hung banners depicting Celestia, Luna, their marks, or some combination thereof, white walls, stained glass windows, and an arched ceiling. In the center of the room was a large oak table large enough, and with enough seats, to accommodate around thirty diners. At the other end of the table, seated side by side, were the Princesses of Equestria. Seeing him enter, they both gave him slight smiles before Celestia gestured to her side. Ash walked across the room and sat down on the large cushion, the table itself coming up to his stomach while he was sitting.

The man gazed around the room for several moments before turning his attention back to the diarchs. Neither had spoken yet and he wasn’t quite sure why, though he had a theory. Perhaps, as a member of a species that will often rely on body language, they see no need to speak as often as humans do? He needed to fix that. “You know, I don’t think I could stand eating in such a large and empty room every day.”

The random comment got a smile out of Celestia again and a restrained giggle from Luna, who replied. “Verily. Were it not for the chance to sit down, relax, and speak with my sister, I would likely have a kitchen installed in my room simply so I don’t have to eat here.”

“I happen to like the open space.” Celestia said simply.

“Everypony sees so much of it in just about every room and hallway of this castle.” Luna teased lightly. “An adult dragon could walk through some of the main halls if they so felt like it.”

“I won’t deny that it is very impressive, though.” Ash said. “A castle such as this is a work of art in and of itself. The guest bedroom alone is absolutely amazing. I can’t thank you enough for you hospitality.”

“It’s nothing.” Celestia said with a wave of her hoof. “It would be remiss of me to send you away when you know nothing of our world or ways.”

“It’s everything.” Ash insisted. “I can guarantee that you wouldn’t receive anywhere near a warm welcome should you have arrived on my world instead.”

“What would it have been like?” Luna asked in mild concern.

“I’m not fully positive myself since it has never happened.” Ash admitted. “But I would guess imprisonment at the least.”

“Why?” Celestia asked loudly, shock clear in her features. “Why would they imprison somepony who hasn’t done anything yet?”

“To ensure they aren’t a threat.” Came the simple reply. “Frankly, I’m surprised I wasn’t imprisoned while you two made sure I have no hostile intentions.”

“We know you don’t.” Luna said in reply. “We can see that just by looking at you.”


“Yes.” Celestia continued. “All ponies have the ability to judge another's basic temperance with a look into their eyes, though my sister and I have refined that trait over countless years. It doesn't tell us much about you, but it does tell us that you aren't going to attack us right now. Can humans not do the same?”

Maybe that’s why they seem so innocent? They can tell who’s an enemy and who’s friendly just by looking at them? With that skill, they can afford to be nice and trusting even to absolute strangers because they already know they won’t be hurt. “Not even close, Celestia. Humans are left to guess in the dark at whether a stranger is friend, foe, or just doesn’t care.”

Both Alicorns were clearly visibly disturbed by the thought of not being able to judge a person’s intentions. Ash took note of Celestia’s wings twitching lightly, though he wasn’t sure if it signified just plain old nervousness or something more. Luna shifted her weight to one side, though he doubted that meant anything at all. However, her dappled ears being folded flat against her head showed that she, too, was nervous or worried. After a moment of silence, Celestia spoke up. “W-what do you think about us?”

Ash hummed in thought for a small moment. “Do you want me to be really detailed?”

They both nodded, so Ash started. “The first impression I had of you two is that you are, by your nature, innocent. One of your first actions was to dismiss your guards and isolate yourselves alone with me, a risky move. With the knowledge that you can judge a person’s intent with a look, however, is making me believe that you can afford to be innocent without fear of being hurt, unlike humans. Beyond that, you two show an incredibly amount of kindness, understanding, and friendliness that I would be able to see in a portion of humanity. There are no doubt many humans just as kind as you both, but they are outnumbered by both the bad and those who live neutrally." Ash explained.

Luna was nodding along with him as he spoke, agreeing with most, if not all, of what he had said while Celestia was smiling lightly, thankful for his honesty in the situation. After a moment, Ash continued. “Will you return the favor?”

They nodded and it was Luna who started. “I find you strange, to be blunt, Ash. You have been through an experience that would most likely emotionally cripple a pony, yet you fully intend to play it off as something you had time to adjust to and expect. I doubt it has not left its mark on you, but I do not doubt that you are strong and truly mean what you say.”

When Luna paused for a moment, Celestia continued. “When you appeared in our throne room in a flash of light earlier today, I was immediately curious, if you remember me nudging you with my muzzle. I’m not particularly proud of the squeak I let out when you opened your eyes, but in that gaze I saw a portion of who you are. I saw your capacity for violence and willingness to hurt somepony should the need arise, a trait rare amongst ponies, but I also saw your desire to live a simple, fulfilling life.”

Luna took back over. “I will admit that you brought out an embarrassing moment in us both with how I reacted when you mentioned my dapples, but the look of intrigue and amazement in your eyes proved to me then and there that you had no ill intent to us. One who seeks the death of another would not admire their looks, simply put. Further proven in our earlier talk, you didn’t hesitate to tell us that you were not from this world. That alone showed that you were willing to extend your trust to us, which we decided to extend in return.”

Celestia grinned at him, her clean white teeth nearly shining in the light filtering in through the windows. “Satisfied?”

“Very.” Ash said, having not expected such a detailed answer. Before he could say anything else, a side door that Ash had not seen swung open, allowing several servants to swarm out and set various covered trays on the table in front of the three. Utensils were placed alongside plates and napkins, while cups were filled with some type of juice and pitchers meant for refills were set down on the large oak table. Moments later, the frenzy of moment faded as they returned to their hidden door, which Ash realized it really was hidden once they shut it. He hadn’t simply not seen it before, the entire door was made out of white marble and blended almost seamlessly with the wall. Now that he knew it was there, he could just barely make out the thin crack where the door met the wall itself, but no other hints were there as to the door’s existence, not even a handle.

Turning his attention back to the table, he saw that the Alicorns had already uncovered their plates. Celestia had a small salad of both fruits and greens in front of her, including more than a few flowers. Another covered tray sat to the side, and if stories were to be believed, Ash suspected it was a slice of cake. Luna, on the other hand, had gotten some form of soup. Soup that was going entirely ignored as she was busy tearing into a moon pie, the sight of which made Ash’s mouth water. He wanted one but far be it from him to take one from a mare who had shown him nothing but kindness.

Ash lifted the silver cover off of his plate and set it aside only to pause in surprise at his meal. A large, well done steak sat on the platter. Just by looking at it, he could see that it was tender and juicy. Some sauce had been poured over the top and Ash swore that it smelled like steak sauce, but the man had no idea where the ponies would have gotten such a thing.

“We saw your teeth earlier today, so we had one of our chefs prepare a Gryphon meal for you. Is it to your liking?” Celestia asked, a small tinge of worry in her soft voice.

Looking up, he saw them both staring at him, though Luna had a few crumbs on her muzzle from her treat. Giving them both another grin, he nodded. “Most definitely. When I saw that you were ponies, and therefore herbivores, I was worried I would have to give up meat. As an omnivore, I can go without eating meat, but I have to eat a lot of alternatives to keep healthy.”

“Provided that you never eat a pony or any other sentient creature, we won’t have a problem with you continuing to eat meat.” Celestia explained. “There’s a stream that runs through one of the gardens that you are more than welcome to fish in, and the Everfree Forest and Whitetail Woods are popular hunting spots whenever we have carnivorous visitors, though the former is rather dangerous.”

Then she gestured toward his plate with a wing. “Go ahead, eat and enjoy. No Gryphon, nor Diamond Dog, nor Dragon has ever left this room unsatisfied. I’m sure Sharp Platter will be happy to add ‘human’ to that list. We’ll continue our questions after we have eaten.”

Ash didn’t need to be told twice. Picking up his fork and knife, he cut into the steak, surprised at how easily it was separated. Lifting it to his mouth and taking a bite, he felt his eyes close. It was amazing. The steak, as he assumed, was tender and juicy and practically fell apart without him needing to chew. He couldn’t identify any of the spices on it, most likely none of them existed on Earth, but it blended together into a perfect, or as close as a chef could get, mixture that went amazingly well with the meat. Seeing that he was more than satisfied with what he was provided, the two Princesses turned their attention back to their own meals.

Explaining the Dawn Era

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Ash watched as the hidden door swung closed again, a soft boom sounding out as the no doubt heavy slab of rock stopped. The servants had swarmed in again just moments after they had finished their meals, taking away the dirty plates and replacing them with sweets and deserts of all kinds. Apparently, Celestia always had a slice of cake as her lunch, then even more as a dessert, with the same going for Luna and her moon pies.

To be fair, if it wasn’t incredibly unhealthy, he would probably do the same.

Ash turned his attention back to the table and gazed at everything that had been placed on it. Three full-sized cakes had been left behind, one made of at least four types of chocolate, another vanilla and strawberry, and the final being a cookie cake. Platters of brownies, cookies, and donuts were scattered around their end of the table, some of which were already beginning to run low. Finally, there seemed to be an entire cart dedicated to different types of fudge. With that many sweets of that many varieties in front of him, the scents were beginning to blend together to the point that the air itself tasted sweeter.

In truth, it kind of made sense. Celestia and Luna had only gotten a small salad and a small bowl of soup, respectively, which wouldn’t have been enough to fill the stomach of a human, much less two oversized Alicorns who had to keep themselves energized for ruling a country that spanned thrice the size of the United States, maintaining their powerful magic, and moving the sun and moon themselves. He knew they would most likely eat a lot for every meal they had, and even more if they missed one.

He just didn’t expect it to be a diet of almost exclusively sugar. Ash wasn’t quite sure how they even managed to survive with so much sugar in their systems. By the time he had managed to snag two slices of cookie cake and a small square of fudge for himself, the cake that he swore was a Death by Chocolate cake was already gone, a portion of it ending up on Luna’s and Celestia’s muzzles. Neither Alicorn was a Princess at the moment, just two starving mares that had been let loose on an unsuspecting buffet of concentrated diabetes.

The man just watched, not quite sure if he should remind them that he was there, ignore the sight of two goddesses devouring deserts like rabid wolves tearing into a deer, or accept the sight that very few beings alive had seen. After a moment, he just resigned himself to eating his cookie cake, which he had to admit was absolutely delicious, and waiting for the two to burn themselves out, if it was indeed possible.

After what must have been ten minutes, and a joined effort by the two to commit complete genocide of the cookie race, Celestia finally glanced his way before freezing, chocolate staining her white muzzle with the final cookie suspended in her magical grip. Hearing the sounds of death-by-teeth ceasing, Luna glanced at her sister, then at him before freezing as well with what seemed like a whole brownie pushing out one of her cheeks. Before Ash had a chance to speak, both of the mare’s cheeks began to slowly turn red, embarrassment filling their features.

Ash just smiled lightly and took another bite of his slice of cookie cake. “Don’t mind me, I’m just watching the provided entertainment. I didn’t think you ponies had such ferocity in you.”

Celestia coughed into her hoof and summoned two large cloths, passing one to Luna, before they began to immediately clean their faces. Ash did notice, however, that the solar Alicorn refused to let the final cookie go. The genocide would be completed in due time, if she had her way. The moon pie had all but disappeared from Luna, several swallowing sounds emitting from her throat as she seemed to be too shocked to remember that she had teeth that would make swallowing it easier.

“I’m sorry you had to see that.” Celestia apologized. “I understand if it you feel a little revolted at seeing us eat like that. My sister and I need a lot of energy to replace the magic we use whenever we move our charges.”

“I’m not so much disgusted as fascinated. That amount of sugar could probably kill me, yet it sounds like you do this every day. Or perhaps three times a day.” Looking around at the table near the two, it was definitely messier than it had been before, but it wasn’t too bad. There were plenty of new crumbs all over the area, though neither of them had made such a mess as to smear cake into the wood or drop any on the floor. “Besides, you didn’t make that much of a mess. Plenty of crumbs, but I don’t see cake smeared into the walls or on your coats.”

Luna coughed, finally clearing her throat. From the looks of it, the moon pie hadn’t gotten stuck in her throat so much as refused to be swallowed entirely, which she had fixed with determination alone. “Nay, we only do this at lunch. By this time, we have expended a portion of our magic in the morning exchange of the sun and moon, and need to regain our energy to do so again at night. The process by which our bodies gather magic from the world around us requires energy, which the sugar easily provides. If we ate this thrice a day, I don’t think we would be able to survive.”

“At the very least, we would be incredibly unhealthy, overweight, and with more medical complications than I have feathers.” Celestia added. “Though I’m glad you aren’t disgusted by our habits. Do you mind if we continue? I should have asked that, or at least warned you, beforehoof.”

Ash shrugged. “Feel free. Far be it for me to expect you to hurt yourself by not having enough energy just because I’m here.”

They both nodded their thanks before resuming their devourment of the candy kingdom. The first one to go was the cookie, which Celestia had not forgotten about. Glancing to the center of the table, Ash saw that the cookie cake itself had managed to avoid the sisters’ attention. Reaching over, he quickly snatched another slice and pulled back. Unfortunately for the inanimate cake, his action had attracted the gaze of two predators. In an aura of gold and blue, the cake was separated in two chunks and devoured, though Ash agreed with their fervor on that one. He always had had a weakness for cookie cake.

Thirty-Five Minutes Later

Celestia set her cloth down, the originally white material now stained with varying shades of brown or black from the sheer amount of chocolate and fudge that had ended up on her muzzle. Next to her, Luna was doing the same, also having to clean off the cream filling inside the moon pies. Ash had to divert his gaze from the sight of the Alicorn with white cream on her muzzle lest his thoughts go to a place they shouldn’t, so he directed his attention back to Celestia.

The alabaster Alicorn flashed him a thankful smile. “Thank you for sitting through that. We needed it.”

“Verily.” Luna added from her side. “We can continue our earlier session, if you so wish.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” Ash replied. “I thought of a few questions I wanted to know, but why don’t you two start?”

“You are from another world, as you told us. If we were able to find a way, would you like to go home?” Celestia asked, the mood in the room becoming serious and somber. “I can't promise we will find a way, and I can not promise we will even be able to cast the spell even if one exists, but we will search and try if you want us to.”

The idea of going back to home was a good one, Ash had to admit. But he already saw a number of problems with it. First and foremost was that he was dead, likely already moved to the morgue. If God had actually taken his body, brought him back to life, and sent him here, he would have to explain how he, a man in critical condition, had just upped and vanished from a hospital- assuming he didn’t die again as soon as he returned. If God had left his body, made a new one, and sent him here, he would have to explain why there are suddenly two people named ‘Ash,’ one dead from a disease and one healthy.

Of course, all of that only mattered if God wasn’t going to directly prevent him from returning home, or even let him return before sending him to another, possibly far worse, version of Equestria. The deity, whether he was God or not, had sent him there purposely and for a reason. Ash doubted he would take to kindly to him leaving Equestria and returning home. All in all, Ash considered his choice clear. While he would very much like to see his family and friends again, there were just too many risks and obstacles. He had lived with them, loved them, and when he learned he was going to die, he knew he wasn’t going to see them again. He was prepared to lose them already and they him.

“No, I don’t think I would, partly because I died there and partly because of a whole slew of other reasons.” Ash replied after several moments of silence. Celestia nodded like she expected the answer, which she likely did, but Luna didn’t let it lie as it was.

“What about your friends and family? Would they not want to see you return alive and healthy?”

“Yes, they would, and I would like that too. However, understand that I died there. I don’t know if this is ‘my’ body or another one that is identical to mine. If this is mine, I might just die again as soon as I return. If not, then there’s the question of why there are two copies of me, one living and one dead. Finally, my family and friends knew I was going to die. I knew it too. We accepted it, grieved, and moved on already.” Ash explained to Luna, who listened with her large eyes shining with sadness. “Sure, they’ll miss me and I’ll miss them, but we said our goodbyes already.”

“But-” Luna started only to be cut off.

“Sister, let him be. His reasons are several and thought out. This obviously isn’t a spur of the moment decision. If he wishes to stay, let him stay.” Celestia told Luna softly.

After a moment, Luna conceded with a short nod. Celestia looked back at Ash. “Why don’t you ask the next question?”

“How does the Diarchy work?” Ash asked, his question already planned. “Do you take turns ruling, rule together, or what?”

“A mixture of taking turns and together.” Celestia answered. “I rule for three days, then my sister rules for four. The next week I’ll rule for four and she’ll rule for three. That way, we each have time off.”

“We aren’t entirely free, though.” Luna continued for her. “When my sister is ruling, I’ll take some of the paperwork to help, and she does the same for me. Certain situations often call for both of us to be there, such as meetings or important hearings, and certain bills that need to be passed with both of our signatures or vocal approval.”

Ash nodded, accepting the answer. He figured that Celestia didn’t rule during the day and Luna during the night considering she was awake when he arrived, which was in the morning, and didn’t seem the slightest bit tired. For a short moment, Ash pondered what that would change. The most obvious is that ponies wouldn’t be quite as fearful of Luna as in the show, since she was awake during the day like everypony else. That would allow her to meet her subjects more often. She also wouldn’t seem like a fairytale boogeyman that came for children in the night since she slept at night.

He pulled himself out of his thoughts when he heard Celestia speak. “What kind of magic does your kind have?”

Ash hummed in thought. He had already decided to tell them of his magic, but would leave out how he got it. He just had to make sure he didn’t let it slip that he knew about their magic.“Honestly, most of my kind doesn’t have magic. It’s a rare trait, but I’m one of the lucky ones. Considering you’ve been using Telekinesis with ease to do something as simple as eating, I’m going to assume your magic works completly differently from mine. Telekinesis is a moderately difficult spell that’s Magicka intensive, so most only use it for important things."

“Almost every species on Terra gathers their magic from the air and land around them. Our bodies store it in metaphysical ‘containers’ for use at a later date. While every species and subspecies uses magic in a different way and for different purposes, the gathering process is identical. Alicorns gather our magic in the same way, we just do it several hundred times faster and because of that, we need far more energy. How does it vary from humans?”

“I do have a ‘container’ that allows me to store Magicka from later use, though how I regain it, and where I gather it from differs from what your kind does. My Magicka doesn’t come from the air, nor the ground, nor from water.” Ash said.

“Then where does it come from?” Luna asked.

“Your bodies?” Celestia continued.

“Aetherius, the Immortal Plane of the Aedra.” Ash answered. “It is a godly plane from which all Magicka originates, and from which Aetherium mages draw our strength.”

It was true, in a way. Ash could feel some time of ‘connection’ to the realm where his magic came from. He couldn’t sense it while casting Flames and while he did notice it while resting afterwards, he couldn't identify it. The mage was sure it was Aetherius that he felt, which would make sense considering he had Magicka, which came from Aetherius. Taking into account the Multiverse theory and the feedback theory, it was entirely possible that Mundus was real, even if it wasn't part of Earth.

Honestly, it confused him. God had told him he would arrive in a random version of Equestria, yet he it seemed like this Equestria was tailored to him specifically, unless Aetherius spanned over all versions of Equestria and all other worlds. Perhaps the Aedra and Daedra were just a few of the other deities God had mentioned? In any case, he didn’t have the time, opportunity, or ability to further explore the possibility that this world had elements of Mundus in it.

Celestia and Luna were looking at him in slight confusion, obviously having never heard of Aetherius, but it was Luna who voiced her doubts. “Are you sure such a realm exists?”

“I am sure.” Ash said with confidence. “I can sense my connection to the realm from which I draw power.”

“Forgive us for our doubts, but we have never heard of this ‘Aetherius.’” Celestia said.

“Nothing to forgive.” Ash said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “This is another world. I do not expect anyone here to know the ins and outs of Mundus. Continuing on, Aetherium mages draw our strength from Aetherius in a variety of ways. Those with particularly weak connections to Aetherius must sleep to regain their Magicka, as the realm of dreams in closer to the realm of Aetherius than the realm of Mundus is.”

“Dreams are close to Aetherius?” Luna questioned, her own dreamwalking abilities making her more interested in that fact.

“‘Mundus?’” Celestia asked, curious as to what Mundus was.

“I can't promise that the dreamrealm is close to the realm of Aetherius, but many do believe as such. I can promise that sleeping is guaranteed to refill a mage’s Magicka reserves. As for your question, Celestia, Mundus is the term given to the the worlds created by the Aedra. The way Mundus was created may not even apply to this world, as I do not know if this world is a portion of Mundus.”

“Why don’t you explain it anyway?” Celestia asked, with a look of interest on the faces of her and her sister. “It would be nice to hear the origin story of another world.”

Shit! Ash thought. He didn't expect them to be interested in the creation of Mundus, and it rose a problem. Earth was not created by Aedra, even if Mundus was, which meant Mundus wasn't his world, but his phrasing- that he just now noticed- made it sound like he was from Mundus! Truth be told, Ash wasn’t sure if he was entirely correct on the way he thought Mundus was created.

Fuck it, I’ll play along. I’ll just go with the fact that I’m from Mundus. Ash decided. It was a long-term risk because they would not be happy with him lying to them, but he had accidently dug himself into a whole too deep to climb out. His only hope was to keep digging and come out on the other side.

“First, you must understand that my world started as a Void, a primordial nothingness. We refer to this, and the creation of Mundus, as the Dawn Era. Time was nonexistent in this Era, and when it was created, it was nonlinear. However, most scholars agree on the events that led up to the creation of Mundus. A lot of what you are going to hear won’t make sense, or it will be hard to believe, but this is what is commonly believed by my world, Nirn.”

“From the Chaos of the beginning, the twin forces of order and chaos were created. They were called Anu and Padomay. Anu was the embodiment of order and stasis and Padomay was the embodiment of chaos and change. Some Not-Time passed before Anu birthed his own soul, created Anui-El, who is believed to be the soul of all living things. Padomay, seeing this, birthed his own soul, Sithis, who represents emptiness and the void. Keep in mind that, while I refer to most of these deities as ‘he,’ some of them have no gender, nor physical form.”

“Now, the constant cycle between these two forces created the Aurbis, the universe, which consisted of Aetherius and the Void at the time. The outermost ‘shell’ of the Universe is the Void, the absolute nothingness of the beginning. Inside that shell is another, which is Aetherius, the source of all Magicka in existence. Further inside of that are the Planes of Oblivion, which we’ll get to later.”

“After the creation of the the universe, other beings began to form in the Void. The first among these were Auri-El, birthed by the soul of Anui-El, and Lorkhan, birthed by the soul of Sithis. With the creation of Auri-El, time began. With the beginning of time, the turbulent Aurbis stabilized and many other deities, which we refer to as the et’Ada, or the Original Spirits, were able to form their own identities.”

“The continuing struggle between Anu and Padomay created many planes for the et’Ada to inhabit, but not all were content. Lorkhan, birthed from Sithis, who was birthed from Padomay, approached the other et’Ada, with a plan to create a plane for them alone to live in. He proposed the idea of Mundus, the mortal plane, and its population of the et’Ada’s creation. Lorkhan, after a long period of Partial-Time, convinced a number of et’Ada, who we refer to as the Aedra, including Auri-El, to form Mundus in the center of the Aurbis, past Oblivion. All other et’Ada are referred to as Daedra. Though they did not call themselves such, those are the terms we gave them.”

“These Aedra began to form Mundus but soon realized they had been tricked. Although Anu and Padomay were infinite and therefore able to create entire planes on accident, the et’Ada were not. They realized they were giving up entire parts of themselves for the creation of Mundus, a fact that Lorkhan was entirely aware of.”

“While Mundus was being created, the Daedra began to create their own realms in mockery of Mundus and the Aedra. They surrounded Mundus with their planes, forever separating Mundus and Aetherius by the Planes of Oblivion. The Daedra, being closer to Mundus than Aetherius, are more easily able to influence the living worlds as they desire, often to the harm of mortals.”

“A number of Aedra abandoned the realm before it was completed. The leader of these Aedra was Magus, the Architect, He Who Planned Mundus. He fled Mundus to return to Aetherius, and his departure tore a hole through the realms of Mundus, Oblivion, and Aetherius. From this hole formed the sun, and it is through the sun that all Magicka leaks into the mortal plane. Many other Aedra followed him, creating smaller holes that became the stars, through which more Magicka leaked.”

“Are you sure this is true?” Luna asked. “While I was not present for the stars’ creation, I doubt they were holes torn by another being.”

“Remember what I said, Luna. I do not know if this world is a part of Mundus. If it is not, then this story does not explain the creation of Terra.” Ash replied before continuing.

“Not all Aedra chose to abandon Mundus. Some, which we now call the Eight Divines, bound themselves to Mundus. These became the gods of the inhabitants of the world, and were seen from Nirn, the center planet of Mundus, as other planets in the night sky. After this, one group of Aedra fully surrendered their divinity and formed the Ehlnofey. They began to procreate in the physical sense and eventually diverged into the mortal races of the Mythic Era.”

“However, before leaving Mundus to the mortals entirely, the remaining Aedra in Mundus created the Adamantine Tower, the oldest building on Nirn, to decide Lorkhan’s fate. The Aedra tore out Lorkhan’s heart and attempted to destroy it, only to find that the fate of Mundus was bound to the fate of the heart. Instead, they cast it down to Nirn, into the sea. Where it landed, the Red Mountain volcano formed, and around it formed the island of Vvardenfell, followed by the Aedra leaving, which stabilized time. This marked the start of recorded history, specifically that of the elves as other races had not yet formed, and the beginning of the Merethic Era, translated as the the Era of Elves, which can also be called the Mythic Era. That concludes the events of the Dawn Era, and the creation of the planes of existence.”

“So, if Terra is not within Mundus, where would it lie within your world’s idea of the universe?” Luna asked.

“Sequestered away within another set of planes somewhere else in the Void. With the Void being infinite, and deities having arisen from nothingness, there is no doubt that there may be other gods and other worlds and other planes in the universe, this one being one such world.” Ash explained. “However, a part of me believes that Terra does exist somewhere in Mundus. Aetherius surrounds the mortal plane, and since I can feel the Immortal Plane, I can only assume that we are still within Mundus.”

“And there’s no other possibilities?” Celestia asked, curiosity clear in her voice.

“Perhaps this realm is actually a previously-unknown realm of Oblivion.” Ash laughed. “But I doubt that. In either case, I doubt it matters. If the Aedra have not interfered with this world, nor have the Daedra, then it does not change anything. Any other questions?”

“Who are the Eight Divines?” Celestia questioned, unable to deny her interest in the topic.

“Chief among them is Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time. He goes by a couple names, though you one you might recognize is Auri-El.”

“Descendant of Anui-El and Anu, right?”

“Right. There’s also Arkay, the God of Life and Death. Most funerals are carried out by priests of Arkay and the dead are entombed in catacombs maintained by priests of Arkay. Then there’s Dibella, the Goddess of Beauty. Some of her followers are teachers of the erotic arts, while others believe in feminine superiority.” Ash started to explain, with the mention of Dibella bringing a small blush to both mare’s muzzles. “Those two are, in some circles, considered the most important two.”

“Following them are Julianos, God of Wisdom and Logic; Kynareth, Goddess of Air; Mara, Goddess of Love; Stendarr, God of Mercy; and Zenithar, God of Work and Commerce. Stendarr’s followers hunt down abominations such as vampires and Daedra, as well as Daedric worshippers, and is considered the most ‘active’ of the Divines, though once again, it depends on who you ask.”

“You make it sound like they are secluded from Mundus.” Luna commented.

“They are. When the Aedra chose to leave Mundus to the mortals, they severed a good portion of their influence over it. They are able to interact with Mundus, but no one knows if they are bound by rules or just choose to act only when needed. On the other hand, the Daedric Princes are more than able to interact with Mundus however they desire, either to help or harm those who draw their interest.”

“And the Princes? Who are they? And what can you tell us about them?” Luna asked. From the way Celestia leaned forward again, he saw that she was interested as well.

“The Daedra, who I already mentioned, are the et’Ada who chose not to partake in the creation of Mundus and instead formed their own realms in Oblivion. While they are referred to as ‘Princes,’ they are entirely genderless. Azura is one who is considered not wholly evil, due to her concern for the wellbeing of her followers. Her sphere of influence is dusk and dawn, the balance between light and dark. Her realm is known as the Moonshadow, a plane said to be too beautiful for mortals to comprehend.”

“Next is Boethiah, the Prince of Plots, who rules over deceit, conspiracy, and secrets plots of murder, assassination, treason, and usurpers. Her plane is called Attribution’s Share and she frequently holds an event referred to as the ‘Tournament of Ten Bloods’ there, though I know not what it is.”

“Clavicus Vile is the Daedric Prince whose sphere involves granted power and wishes through pacts and invocations. He is the only one, that is known, to have a companion, a creature named Barbas. No one is sure if Barbas is another Daedra or a part of Vile’s soul, though the latter is mostly believed. His realm is the Fields of Regret, where the air smells of perfume and rotten flesh.”

Ash was really surprised that neither of them interrupted him to ask questions, though they were likely waiting to he finished before asking questions. “Hermaeus Mora is considered the most evil and is the Prince of Knowledge and Memory. His realm is Apocrypha, an endless library of all knowledge, most of it forbidden, where he traps the souls of those who desire to know more.”

“Hircine is the Daedric Prince of the Hunt. He created the various lycanthropic diseases, such as werewolves and werebears, and is known as the father of were-beasts. His realm is the Hunting Grounds, where his infected may hunt prey forever.”

“Jyggalag, the Prince of Order, is considered the most powerful, and also the most obscure. The other Daedric Princes battled him and cast a curse upon him, forcing him into becoming Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness. Once at the end of every era, he would be allowed to return to his true form where he would wipe out his realm and start the cycle over again.”

“That’s horrible…” Celestia breathed out, with Luna nodding in agreement. “Forced to become the very thing you hate most.”

Ash nodded. “At the end of the Third Era, it is believed that a person known as the Hero of Kvatch freed him from his curse, allowing him to remain as Jyggalag permanently. The Hero then became Sheogorath, allowing both to exist permanently. With the creation of both Sheogorath, he no longer has a plane of existence.”

“Moving on, we have Malacath, Daedric Prince of the Spurned. He is not recognized as a Daedra by the other Princes, which fits his sphere perfectly. His realm is that of the Ashpit, consisting of only dust and palaces of smoke.”

“There’s Mehrunes Dagon, another evil Prince, whose sphere is Destruction, Change, and Revolution. Due to his nature of destruction, and the Daedra being unable to be completely destroyed, he holds a special hatred for mortal species as they are the only ones he can practice his destruction on. He is also the only Daedra to fully invade the Mortal Plane before being defeated and cast back into Oblivion. His realm is the Deadlands, a series of islands surrounded by lava.”

“Mephala the Webspinner is the Daedric Prince of lies, sex, murder, and secret plots. Her realm is the Spiral Skein. It is believed to be a weaved like a web around the Pillar Palace of Mephala, of which the true name is too horrible to be spoken.”

“Meridia is associated with the energy of living things and is especially hateful of the undead-”

“Undead!” Both of the Alicorns shouted.

Ash nodded. “Necromancies are a portion of the Conjuration school of magic. Originally outlawed by the Mage’s Guild, it became legal to practice again with its dissolution, although frowned upon. The College of Winterhold in Skyrim, a country of humans, holds no such reservations and freely practices necromancy within its walls. Moving on, her realm is referred to as the Colored Rooms, though I don’t know what’s it's like, having never heard it described.”

“Molag Bal, yet another evil Daedra, is the King of Rape and Prince of Enslavement. He is the father of all vampires, creating the original by ravaging a priestess of Arkay. His realm, Coldharbour, is a twisted and dark mockery of Tamriel, one of the continents of Nirn.”

Understandably, both Alicorns had disgusted looks on their muzzles and hatred in their eyes as he explained Molag’s sphere, which made sense. The idea of rape alone is horrific and the fact that he called himself the ‘King of Rape’ only meant he takes pride in it.

“Namira is the Daedric Prince of the Ancient Darkness. She is associated with all things repulsive, such as spiders and slugs. Her followers are known to be cannibals, regularly taking part in the flesh of the slain. Her realm is the Scuttling Void, the name alone inspiring a feeling of disgust.”

“Nocturnal is the Daedric Prince of the Night and sometimes called Lady Luck.” Ash said, instantly catching Luna’s attention, even though it had never waned. “She does not treat worshippers with the same care as the other Daedra, but the Nightingales are her sworn servants, who are usually thieves that form a ‘business contract’ with her. In return for assisting them in their endeavors, they will serve as guardians in the Evergloam, her sphere, after their deaths.”

“Peryite, the Daedric Prince of Disease, is charged with ordering the lower levels of Oblivion. He is known to ‘gift’ Mundus with disease, though not much else is known about him. Peryite’s pits are entirely impossible to enter, though no one knows why.”

“Sanguine’s spheres include hedonistic revelry, debauchery, and passionate indulges of darker natures. He rules over the Myriad Realms of Revelry and is the only Prince who allows visitors to alter his realm to their whims. As a Daedra who indulges in base desires, he is surprisingly not entirely evil, more concerned with amusement and pleasures than ruining the lives of mortals.”

“Then comes Sheogorath, who I mentioned earlier, and is the infamous Prince of Madness, whose motives are entirely unknown and unknowable. His realm in Oblivion is the Shivering Isles and is often playing tricks on both mortals and other Daedra.”

“Last comes Vaermina, the Daedric Prince of Nightmares and Evil Omens. Her realm is known as the Quagmire, a nightmare land where reality shifts every few minutes to become every more horrifying. She, too, is considered an evil Daedra.” Ash finished.

After he explained Vaermina, Luna glanced over to Celestia with a worried look. “Sister, do you think this ‘Vaermina’ is responsible for Nightmare?”

Celestia frowned, a troubled look on her face and in her eyes. “I’m not sure, Luna. It’s entirely possible, but we don’t even know if they are real.”

Then she glanced up to Ash. “No offense to you, of course.”

He shrugged. “None taken. What’s the Nightmare?”

Ash knew damn well who Nightmare Moon is. He just couldn’t reveal that information. He also didn’t know if events played out the same way they had in the show. The two Alicorns shared a glance before Luna spoke. “The Nightmare is an entity that thrives on sowing chaos and feeds off nightmares. It is skilled in corrupting even the most pure-hearted individuals, no matter how long it takes.”

“That does sound like it could be one of Vaermina’s plots, but it might not be.” Ash said. Celestia, for some reason, chose that moment to summon a watch and glance at the time. Ash suspected it was so they could avoid the topic of Nightmare Moon.

“Luna, it’s almost one. We need to return to the meeting.” Celestia said.

Ash sat up straighter, an idea striking him. “Celestia, do you have a large empty courtyard somewhere in the castle?”

“Yes, why?”

“I want to be able to practice my magic, but don’t want to risk ruining the room you kindly offered to me. Is that okay?”

Celestia nodded with a slight smile. “Of course it’s fine. If you need any materials to practice with, feel free to request them, as long as they are within reason.”

Her horn lit up, but once again no spell was cast. “A guard will be waiting for you outside to escort you to Star’s Yard. She’s also been notified that you have access to Yellow-rank supplies from the armory, archives, and storages.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Ash said, standing up and performing a slight bow. The two Alicorns smiled at him, which he returned. “And thank you for showing interest in this man’s belief.”

“You are very welcome, Ash.” Luna said before Celestia continued. “If time permits, allow us to tell you the story of Terra’s creation, or at least what we believe.”

“I will remember, Celestia. Shall I see you again today?”

“Perhaps tonight at dinner. Sometimes our lunch fills us up even to night, or we are too busy to eat, so we might not dine with you. Even if we don’t, you are permitted to order from the kitchens should you find yourself hungry tonight.”

The two Alicorns stood up and started to walk towards the entrance of the dining hall, with Ash following them. Before Celestia opened the door and parted from him, she leaned over and gave him an odd pony-hug, her neck resting on his shoulder as her muzzle pressed against the back of his neck. When she stepped back, Luna came up and did the same. “Fare thee well, Ash.”

“Fare thee well, Luna.” Ash said with a small smile, receiving a large one in return. Celestia opened the door with her magic and left, Luna and Ash following her. Outside, waiting for him most likely, was another guard. Unlike the previous ones he had seen, she didn’t seem to be under the effect of the armor’s enchantment, if it was indeed an enchantment, so her coat was a soft blue and her mane a deep red.

“You’re my escort?”

“I am, sir. If you will follow me to Star’s Yard, you can begin your practice.”

“Thank you.”

The guard nodded once, turned about, and began leading the way through the castle. Ash could barely quell his excitement. He was ready to read more of his guide and of his magic. He also had to think on Vaermina and if it was indeed possible that she created the Nightmare, or if the Princes existed. The easiest way to prove that would be to contact one, but he didn’t really want to do as such.

Magic, Part II

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Ashephyles allowed his gaze to drift around the large courtyard, ‘Star’s Yard,’ the ponies called it. The entire area was inside a section of the castle that was open to the sky, located some three hundred or so meters behind to throne room, according to his escort. Four towering marble walls surrounded the open area, with two large double doors being the only entrances to the courtyard. Here, the hard marble floors of the castle faded away, replaced by soft grass and dirt, with the exception of a few paths here and there.

Oh, yeah, the courtyard was easily a thousand feet in either direction. This castle was massive. He managed to get some information out of his guard; it consisted of four sections, the first and smallest of which was the main bulk of the castle, which consisted of the guest rooms, dining halls, studies, and public areas. The second dug into the mountain from behind, creating a labyrinth of storage rooms, vaults, and other things the public didn’t see on a daily basis. The third section, and the section visible from the farthest away, was the myriad of towers. The third section included the room of both Princesses, the Archives, the Magical Research tower, the Archmage’s Quarters, and housing for a whole slew of other important castle staff, though the Alicorns’ towers were the highest, of course.

The fourth section, and the one that surprised Ash the most, was the section dug into the mountain from underneath, rather than behind. It was around 70% of the guard’s buildings and supplies. The barracks were underground, the forge was underground, the armory was underground, there were even training areas underground. Hell, Canterlot even had fourteen emergency bunkers scattered underneath the castle and the city itself!

Of course, there were a variety of ledges and other flat areas where the guard would train outside, including a few small yards and one large one in the castle itself. All in all, Ash was surprised at how well prepared this version of Equestria’s guard was. That didn’t mean they were good fighters; they could still be just as useless as he figured, but at least they had a fortified area to stage a defense of Canterlot from.

Though Ash took interest in the fourth section, known as the Defense Quarter, the mage knew it would be the various towers he would visit the most. Between the Magical Research tower, the Archmage, and the Archives, he felt as if he would visit the Sky Quarter the most. On that note, the other two areas were referred to, though not officially named, as the Storage Quarter and Public Quarter.

Turning his attention back to the courtyard, he saw that there were a myriad of trees dotted around the area. Some of them were oak, some were pine, and most were of types he had never seen before. An artificial stream ran through one half of the courtyard, flowing right past a large white gazebo with several red cushions situated on it. Ignoring them, Ash walked over to a large rock that sat in just the right place that it stopped the stream from flowing onto one of the paths and took a seat on it. With full intent to continue reading the guide, he slipped his phone out of his pocket and powered it up, quickly opening the Mage’s Guide to Aetherium Magic.

The app loaded the title screen quickly, then switched to the index. The entry Introduction to Aetherium Magic had turned green, whereas before it all the entries were written in white against a simple black background adorned with stars. The next five entries were still white, with all the others were red. He could only assume that green meant ‘completed,’ white meant ‘unlocked,’ and red meant ‘locked.’ One thing that confused him was the fact that the five schools were closer to the bottom of the list. Perhaps, rather than being about the schools of magic in general, they detailed how to achieve mastery over a specific school?

Dismissing the curiosity, Ash tapped the next unlocked entry, which happened to be Novice Spell List. It loaded immediately, showing several paragraphs of text before entering the list itself, which looked to be separated by school.

“As you may have noticed, when you finished the previous entry, you unlocked something called ‘Novice Spell Casting,’ yet it isn’t on the list. That’s because it isn’t an entry. You see, this guide is bound by powerful spells weaved by masters of Alteration, Illusion, and Conjuration schools. I told you previously that you shouldn’t attempt to cast a spell you aren’t ready for, but the truth is that you can’t. Your magic, for the time being, is locked to certain levels. Only after fulfilling the requirements will you unlock access to the next tier of spells, both in the guide and in the world.”

“With that over, this section is a list of all Novice-level spells, separated by their school of magic. You must be able to freely, effectively, and quickly cast the Novice-rank spell in a school to unlock the corresponding Apprentice-rank spell in the same school. To clarify, you must be able to cast Flames with only a moment's thought to gain access to Firebolt. However, knowing Firebolt will not give you access to Ice Spike, for example.”

“Last but certainly most importantly, you must understand the spell to become more skilled at casting it. The easiest way to do so is to cast it repeatedly. Flames against a wall, Calm at a raging wolf, or Muffle on yourself, familiarity breeds understanding, which breeds power. For those of you who have particularly strong connections to Aetherius, this is an effective way of becoming stronger.”

“On the other hand, you can simply skip familiarity and go straight to understanding. Knowing the hows and whys of the magic will give you the understanding you need, allowing your spells to be stronger and easier to cast. Keep in mind that you need to do this for every spell you learn, including higher ranks of the same class, such as Flames and Firebolt. While similar in effect, the process by which both spells are created and function are different. Go ahead and pick a school to focus on, select your starting spell, and begin learning. If you so choose, you can even pick up a few spells from other schools while focusing on your chosen one.”

So he needed to learn a spell in a specific rank of a specific school to progress to the next rank of the same school? That made sense, in a way. Even a scientist would have to start from scratch if he wanted to learn art. Looking over the list of spells, he saw that it included a good few, but it rose a problem. What school should he start with? Unlike in the game, he would actually have to focus on one or the other, he couldn’t mix and match until he started to really get the hang of the magic. As for the understanding… Ash felt like it wasn’t quite as simple as burning oxygen makes fire.

Destruction was the basic school of almost all Aetherium mages, Ash would guess. Being directly combat-oriented, it would allow him to fight and defend as he needed. With control over fire, ice, and lightning, he would be an effective combat mage. He also needed to keep in mind that he would need a job soon to avoid relying on royalty for his life and if he wanted his job to involve his magic, with Destruction as his primary school, he would most likely have to go into some kind of combat field, such as the guards or even as a mercenary. While it would give him practical experience, there were plenty of obvious risks to go along with it. Either way, he would make it a point to learn at least some spells from this school.

Illusion focused primarily around altering the emotions of enemies, such as Fury to force them to fight each other or Calm which would stop a fight. Unlike Destruction, creatures with a certain amount of will would be able to entirely ignore the effects of the Illusion school, though it did also offer Muffle and Invisibility as an Apprentice and Expert ranked spell, respectively, which would be useful if he wanted to be a thief, but he didn’t. Fury and Calm were about the only two he really wanted. Maybe Clairvoyance, which was Novice.

Alteration was one that was also somewhat combat-focused, with the most-used spells from it being armor spells such as Oakflesh and it’s variations. However, it also offered two useful spells early on and one great one later. Candlelight, which would create a ball of light floating over his head, and Equilibrium, which transfers life force into Magicka were both Novice-ranks, and he could even see them on the list. There was also the Adept spell Transmute, which turns iron to silver and silver to gold. If he mastered that spell, he wouldn’t need to work ever. Ash would likely make Alteration his secondary school.

Conjuration was an incredibly powerful school, sometimes even more so than Destruction. With Destruction, even the best of mages put themselves in harms way every so often, usually to get a good shot with a spell. However, those who master Conjuration were rarely at risk. He still remembered when he went down that tree in Skyrim; he would sit back, relax, and let his two summoned Dremora Lords slaughter everything like the demons they were. Not to mention the ability to summon Atronachs, reanimate the dead, fill soul gems, and even create weapons. However, the Conjuration school also had the most risk; a botched spell would result in a loose, uncontrolled Daedra.

Finally came Restoration. Always the spell he would put the least amount of points in, but always the one that kept him alive, Restoration dealt with, primarily, healing wounds. However, it also gave access to Wards, which would block hostile spells and other magic-based assault, and the ability to Turn Undead, which would make any undead affected by the spell flee from the caster. Most importantly, he could really help others by specializing in Restoration; the school was known for being able to heal fatal wounds and cure incurable diseases.

Thinking it over for several long moments, Ash eventually decided. He would focus on the Restoration school of magic, with spells from both Destruction and Alteration being added to his repertoire over time. With his decision made, he turned his attention back to the list.

Alteration, Novice:

Conjuration, Novice:
Bound Sword
Conjure Familiar
Raise Zombie

Destruction, Novice:

Illusion, Novice:

Restoration, Novice:
Lesser Ward

Each spell was written in white, no doubt showing that they were unlocked. However, he figured each one was a link that led to a new page that would detail the spell in question. Tapping on Healing, he was met with a screen change. The new page had another black, star-ridden background with paragraphs of text. However, there was something new. Centered above the text was a shifting aura of light, which Ash quickly realized was the visual representation of the Healing spell. With that in mind, he began reading.

“The Healing spell, the most well known Restoration spell in Tamriel. Did you know that the only reason it’s well known is because Healing Hands is often mistaken as Healing? That’s right, ridiculous! For those of you not aware, Healing is a self-cast spell designed to heal the caster and the caster alone. Healing Hands, an Apprentice-rank spell, is designed to heal others.”

“With that in mind, realize that the Healing spell will fail to cast entirely should the caster not be injured. Yes, that means you must be hurt to practice this spell! No, I’m not asking you to cut a limb off- mostly because Healing won’t regrow it. Healing can be used to fix broken bones, lacerations, gashes, blood loss, yes, but that’s not what you want to practice on. It can also be used to heal soreness, paper cuts, finger pricks, and other tiny wounds that are nearly unnoticeable, which is what you’ll be practicing on.”

“To properly cast Healing, you must first know the nature of the wound. It doesn’t have to be specific, just known. You know that you have a broken rib? Doesn’t matter if its a hairline fracture, complete shatter, or even four broken ribs! Now that you know the injury, you can heal it all with the spell. Of course, the worse the injury is, the longer it will take to heal and the more Magicka it requires. Depending on both the injury you’ve received and the skill of yourself, it might even take several sessions to heal. You also need to envision a golden light coming from the hand you use to cast with and slowly wrapping around the injury, among other things that I’ll leave you to figure out.”

“Now that you understand how to cast the spell, you just need to do it! Go ahead, get a small knife, and cut your finger or anywhere else you so choose. No pain, no gain, eh?”

Reading that, Ash lowered his phone and turned to the guard who had been tasked with escorting him and gathering materials for him. She had moved over to the gazebo at some point and lied down, watching him and most likely using this assignment as a chance to rest and relax on the job, not that he blamed her. Seeing his attention turned to her, she quickly gained a curious look. “Do you need something, sir?”

“Will you find me a small knife? It doesn’t need to be big, but it does need to be sharp.” Ash requested.

She nodded and stood up from the cushion and quickly walked over to him. “You can use mine, if that suffices.”

“It will, thank you.”

The mare nodded once, using a hoof to reach underneath her left side, where her foreleg connected to her body, and he heard the sound of sliding metal as a knife seemed to appear out of thin air. Seeing his intrigued look, she smiled lightly. “Invisibility enchantment. It’s so nopony can disarm a guard and use their weapon against them.”

Flipping the knife around so she was holding it by the blade, she held the handle out to him, which he took. Looking it over, he saw that it was a plain thing, with a steel blade and a wooden handle. There were grooves in it that provided better grip, but they weren’t aligned to a human’s fingers so it felt a little uncomfortable. Idly, Ash wondered if the smoothed grooves aligned to a pony’s grip, however they gripped it aside. “Thank you, miss?”

“Private Star.” The mare replied, holding out her hoof to him.

Switching the knife to his left hand, he gripped her hoof with his right and shook it. “Ashephelyes, though you can call me Ash. Though, Star as in Star’s Yard?”

She smiled lightly and shook her head. “No, sir. This courtyard is called Star’s Yard because off-duty guards and staff will sometimes come here to stargaze. Every so often, Princess Luna will make an appearance to get to know the guards and staff a little better, which only makes this place more popular. May I ask what you are doing, if it’s not too bold?”

It seemed that the request had broken the ice and caught her interest, though Ash didn’t mind the questions at all. “It’s not too bold at all. I’m practicing and learning my form of magic which is different than that of a Unicorn’s or Alicorn’s. I’m currently learning a spell from the Restoration school of magic, specifically Healing.”

“So you want to be a doctor, or do you want to know the spell just in case?” Star asked.

“A little bit of both, honestly. If I’m right, and so far it seems like I am, some of the higher rank Restoration spells can heal fatal wounds and cure previously incurable diseases. If that’s the case, I want to be able to help, though I’m sure ponies will need to test my spells thoroughly before allowing me to cast them on patients.” Ash explained. “Healing, the lowest rank spell, only works under two conditions; it only works on the caster, and the caster has to have some type of wound to be healed. Otherwise, the spell just doesn’t cast.”

“That’s...actually a noble goal, Ash. If the spells really work that well, my advice would be to bring it to Princess Celestia herself. You’ll likely be able to avoid all the hoops a certifier will have you jump through and get certified much quicker.”

“Certifier?” Ash asked.

“A group of accomplished mages whose jobs include examining new spells, discovering what they are most effectively used for, and so on. If this healing spell works, you’ll have to get certified to use it on patients, or else you’re doing it illegally, and that involves a lot of tests and other things.” Star explained.

“Thanks for the warning. I’m going to start casting the spell now, and if you want to watch, feel free.” Ash said, receiving a nod in reply.

Gripping her knife in his right hand again, he quickly ran it across the palm of his left hand, leaving behind a trail of red that was growing. While the cut did hurt, it wasn’t incredibly painful, and it was lessened even more by the fact that he was expecting it entirely. Holding his right hand palm-down above his left, he imagined beams and ribbons of golden light trailing down from his hand onto his left, gently wrapping around it. He imagined the red blood slowly fading away, his hand itching as the wound slowly knitted itself closed. He imagined the pain fading away, replaced by a sense of warmth that relaxed the muscles and washed away any left over discomfort.

“Woah…” He heard Star breathe out. At some point, the line between imagination and reality blurred, the golden light seeming to fade out of his mind and into the real world. The itching he had imagined was now real, Ash having to force down the urge to cancel his spell and scratch the hell out of his hand. The blood that he imagined fading away was evaporating, a soft red mist rising from his hand and fading out. With the blood gone, he could watch as the wound began to close, the two sides coming together seamlessly, leaving behind not even a scar. Throughout the entire process, the two could hear a high-pitched humming sound that was the familiar sound of Healing.

Ash ended the spell and set his hand down, surprised to feel nothing, not even the tightness in his chest that he had expected. Then again, healing that tiny would had most likely taken almost no Magicka at all, just time. All in all, it had taken Ash about ten seconds for the spell to begin and about two for the spell to heal the cut. Examining his palm, he saw that the wound had entirely healed, no remaining discomfort, pain, or even tightness of flesh. Just a palm that was perfectly normal. From his side, he heard Star speak in amazement. “I’ve never seen magic look like that!

“What do you mean, Miss Star?” Ash asked, tearing his gaze from his hand to the mare. Her pink eyes were wide, amazement and wonder clear in them.

“Most spells just have a glow around the caster’s horn, and another glow around the target.” She explained softly. “That magic… it seemed almost alive!”

Aetherius is the Immortal Plane of the Aedra, after all. Maybe it is alive, in a sense. Maybe that’s part of understanding spells and becoming better at them?

“Can you heal others with it?” Star asked curiously.

“Not yet, Miss Star.” Ash said, but before he could continue, the mare spoke.

“Just Star since we’re the only ones out here.” Ash nodded and continued.

“This spell is called Healing and it only works on the caster. Healing Hands, however, only works on another target. In order for me to learn Healing Hands, I need to be able to cast both Healing easily and quickly, and I'd like to be able to cast Lesser Ward.” Ash explained.

“What’s Lesser Ward?”

“A simple magical barrier than can block other magic. It does have a limit, though. Should the opponent spell be too powerful, it’ll shatter my Ward and stun me. I want to practice Healing a bit more before moving on to Lesser Ward.” Ash told her, which she nodded and proceeded to plant her rump on the ground, obviously enthralled by his magic. In all honestly, Ash found it surprising that an Earth pony was as interested as she was, but he didn’t mind. She provided the opportunity to talk and even bounce ideas off of if needed, which he would be thankful if it came to it.

Grabbing the knife from the top of the rock beside, he quickly ran it across his palm again, the sharpened cleanly slicing deeper into his hand than before, thankfully a clean cut rather than tearing or ripping his skin apart- a much more painful injury. Before he set the knife down, he cut his hand again perpendicular to the first cut, putting a large ‘X’ across his palm, wincing as the knife ran over the first cut again. He set the blade down and focused again, the same feelings and thoughts running through his mind as he imagined the wound healing.

This time, he was able to separate reality and his mind easier, actually noticing when the spell went from nothing more than his imagination to actual magic being casted. The light, once again, wrapped around his hand. This time, between the noticeable pain, the warmth, and the powerful sensation of his skin crawling and shifting, his concentration wavered. With a sound like a snapping thread, the ribbons of light split and the spell faded away. To his side, Star recoiled from the sudden sound, the loud noise entirely unexpected.

Ash grunted, breathing out a swear as the pain returned in full-force, seemingly even greater than before. Reaching down to the stream, he washed his hand of the blood and examined it. To his surprise, the wound was worse. What was once two clean lines was now two jagged slashes, with the air they met looking red and smooth like it had been burned slightly. Before anything else could happen, his phone let out a soft beep, catching his and Star’s attention. Sticking his left hand back in the water to wash the blood off and cool the burn, he grabbed his phone and tapped twice, lighting the screen up to the same app. However, the Healing page was gone, replaced by a pop-up message from the app.

“Congratulations, you experienced your first backlash! This means your concentration wavered or vanished while casting a spell! All spells can do as such, though higher-tier spells have a much worse consequence. As you may have noticed, a failed Healing spell actually makes the wound worse! Why? Because the pure Magicka snaps, crackles, and pops, leaving behind mana burns and damaging the flesh. I have good news and bad news for you, though.”

“Good news, the damaged flesh can be healed by casting the spell again and not losing your focus. Bad news, mana burns can’t be healed by Magicka, as the burns themselves are created by Magicka and therefore immune to magic. I know what you’re thinking. Don’t. While covering yourself in mana burns to make yourself immune to magic does work, it’s not worth it. I’ve lost two students to such a foolish idea!”

The information was useful, since Ash had never heard of mana burn nor backlashes, though that made sense. The Dragonborn wouldn’t have been nearly as successful if his spells exploded in his face while fighting Alduin. Once he set the phone back down on the rock, Star quickly walked over, nervousness clear in every step. “Are you alright?”

“Ish.” Ash replied. “I lost my focus because of the pain and the distraction of the spell itself, which made it backlash. The cuts are worse now and there’s a bit of a mana burn, there, which I’ll have to deal with.”

“Why can’t you just heal it?”

“Mana burn can’t be healed by Magicka because it’s caused by Magicka. I guess it’s like trying to heal a fire burn with fire. Well, not exactly like that, since a mana burn is outright immune to magic.” Ash explained.

“I get the idea. What was that thing that beeped?”

“My guide on magic. It’s attuned to my own magic...somehow. Because of that, it knows when I fuck a spell up and can even restrict my access to higher level magics to prevent me from killing myself by casting a spell that’s too high or too hard for me.” Ash explained, though Star winced when he swore.

“Don’t...don’t do that. Don’t swear. It’s wrong.” Star pleaded, her large eyes staring at him.

I don’t give a fuck.

“Like I told the Princesses, I’ll try, but my kind swears all the time, so I’m trying to undo two decades of conditioning and I’ve been here less than a day. Give me a moment for me to try to heal the cuts, okay?”

“Okay.” Star replied softly.

Ash pulled his hand out of the water, watching as cuts began to leak blood, which ran down the side of his hand and dripped into the stream, where it was washed away by the miniscule current. Keeping his hand flat and still, he held his right hand over it and imagined the tendrils of light again, the simple yet effective Healing spell that would close the cuts. He imagined the humming of the spell, the ribbons of light, the itching of his flesh, and closing wounds. Soon enough, the spell began to cast, his jagged cuts on his hand slowly inching closer and closer to each other. Several seconds later, Ash allowed the spell to end, running his thumb over his palm. While the cuts were healed and gone, the burn still remained. It stung to the touch, but wasn’t too bad. It felt less like being burned by hot grease and more like holding his hand over not-quite boiling water for a couple seconds.

“I think that’s enough cutting and healing myself.” Ash said, mostly to himself. “I don’t want to cut my left hand again with the burn there, and I’m not sure how it will affect my casting if I try to cast with my left hand.”

“Why don’t you start to learn the Ward?” Star asked. “I can get a Unicorn to cast spells at you for you to block.”

“I’d appreciate that, but not yet.” The mage said. “I’d like to be able to hold it up, first.”

From what Ash figured, he still had most of his reserves left. With his connection to Aetherius, he was always regaining his Magicka, except when he was casting, and Healing wasn’t a hard to cast spell, so he should have plenty left. He figured he would practice until he could hold a Ward, then ask Star to find a Unicorn and ask them to help. Lighting up his phone screen and hit ‘back’ brought him back to the Novice spell list from before. Tapping Lesser Ward brought him to a new page, which showed a blue shield of energy instead of golden light.

“Wards are, amongst the Restoration school, some of the hardest spells to cast. The Lesser Ward, fortunately for you, is just as easy to cast as any other Novice spell! Now that you’ve experienced a backlash, I will begin warning you what the backlash of each spell does. A Lesser Ward, when failed, will temporarily sever your connection to Aetherius, which will be reformed after a few minutes. It will also physically throw you backwards, up to ten feet or so, so make sure you aren’t on a ledge!”

“All Wards will allow spells to pass through them one-way, so make sure you don’t hold them backwards! With an active Ward, you will be able to block incoming spells while still casting your own, though Wards should be used only when necessary as they are rather Magicka intensive. My recommendation is to dodge most spells and block the ones you can’t dodge.”

“To cast a Lesser Ward, you must first hold your hand flat, palm out, in front of you. The direction of your palm is the direction the Ward is facing, so never face your palm toward you. Spells will pass straight through the Ward and hit you! To cast, you must imagine a stream, a blue stream specifically. This stream is your Magicka. Imagine it flowing through your body, out your casting hand, and into a shield around your hand. This will cast the Ward. Should the ‘stream’ be interrupted, the spell will backlash. Should this stream begin to ‘dry out,’ end the spell immediately. It means you are running low on Magicka, and if you run out with an active Ward, it will backlash. Try casting it. Practice maintaining the spell under normal conditions before having another mage shoot a spell at you. You don’t want it to fail mid-combat!”

Looking up from his phone that he held in his left hand, he pointed his right hand outward, the palm and fingers as flat as he could make them. He imagined the stream Shalidor had said, imagined the flow of pure Magicka as the energy exited his reserves, flowed into his hand, and into the air in front of him. As he watched, the air began to turn blue with a flickering ‘rim’ around the shield as the Ward took hold. He held it for several seconds, feeling a tightness in his chest form and held it for several more. Ash ended the spell up abruptly as the tightness faded, replaced by an urge to throw up. He doubled over, holding onto his throat with his right hand as he let out a loud groan.

Ash heard Star quickly trot around the edge of the rock and stop next to him, speaking softly. “Are you okay? Do you need me to get a doctor?”

“No,” Ash forced out. “Just a little sick from spending too much Magicka. Give me a few minutes. I’ll be fine.”

She nodded and sat down, patiently waiting for him to recover. After about fifteen minutes, Ash sat up again and gave her a small smile. “Thanks for waiting for me. How long did I hold it up for?”

“About twenty seconds.”

“That’s why.” The man grunted. “I’m going to have to cancel on testing the Ward against a Unicorn today.”


“I’m at about 40% of my reserve. I won’t be back to full for another hour or so.” Ash explained.

“Why don’t you go take a short nap on the gazebo, then? I can bring you something to snack on and then go search for a Unicorn to practice with.” Star offered. At this point, she was interested in his magic just as much as he was, and she didn’t know if she would be assigned to him again so this might be her only chance to see him cast his strange magic. The way the Ward had flickered and shifted made it seem even more alive than the Healing spell had. It amazed her.

Ash considered her offer for a moment. He didn’t like the idea of taking a nap in the middle of the day. Actually, with a glance to his phone, he saw that it was now three in the afternoon. Still, he didn’t want to sleep. Instead, he wanted to read up on the Enchanting entry. That was something that he could really use, and he wanted to know how Soul Gems worked or even if they still existed in the real world.

“Yeah, I think I’ll take you up on that.” Ash said, slowly rising to his feet. “Though I don’t think I’ll sleep. I’ll probably just read some more of the guide. Thank you.”

“No problem, sir. A maid will be by with a snack in twenty minutes or so, and I’ll be back once I find a Unicorn.” The guard reassured him before walking toward the door they had used to enter. Ash watched her leave for a moment, then turned and walked over to the gazebo and lied down on it, using the soft cushions to keep him off of the hardwood. While the sun outside wasn’t particularly hot, it was warm in the sunlight, and the shade provided a nice cool area for him to rest in.

“How hard can enchanting be, anyway?” Ash murmured to himself, opening his phone once again.

Magic, Part III

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“Enchanting is the process through which Aetherium mages imbue raw Magicka into various clothing, armor, and jewelry. However, there are certain requirements needed to be taken in order to properly enchant an item. The first requirement is an Arcane Enchanter, which is the device that will focus the Magicka into specific enhancements. The material an Enchanter may be made out of is entirely up to you, however there must be several specific additions that allow an Enchanter to work properly.”

“An Enchanter must have a skull as the centerpiece. It can be anything- a horse, a wolf, a troll, or any other manner of creature. However, the more attuned to magic the creature was, the more effective its skull will be in powering an Enchanter. Above the skull must be a focusing crystal, which I will detail how to make later. There must also be several wax candles, five on each side of the skull, that are lit only when the Enchanter is active. Simply blow out the candles when you aren’t using the Enchanter and relight them when you are.”

“On the table itself must be the five symbols of the five schools inscribed into the table and imbued with Magicka, which I will teach you later. Set between those five symbols must be another symbol, the symbol of equipment. Together, these symbols represent the imbuement of Magicka into the piece of equipment.”

“One of the most effective materials to make an Enchanter out of is wrought iron, though any metal or wood will work as well. However, be warned that a failed Fire enchantment could set a wooden Enchanter on fire, forcing you to remake the entire table. After you create an Enchanter, you will be able to augment it with various additions and upgrades, which will make it more effective. However, doing as such requires knowledge of enchanting, which requires a basic enchanter.”

“Once an Enchanter is fully built, you can begin enchanting. The first question you must ask is ‘How do I power my enchantments?”

“Simple. Soul gems! Soul gems are rare gems found all over the world, both deep underground and on the surface. A filled soul gem can power the initial enchantment of an item, or refill the enchantment on a weapon. To fill a soul gem, you’ll need to either have a weapon enchanted with Soul Trap already and kill a being, or know the spell Soul Trap, cast it on the target, and kill the target.”

“Another question you may ask is ‘How do I learn new enchantments?’ By disenchanting existing items, first! Keep in mind that the process of ripping out an enchantment will invariably destroy the item in question, so make sure it’s worth it. Once you discover an enchantment, the corresponding entry will be unlocked in the ‘Enchantment Catalogue’ where you’ll be able to keep your memory fresh.”

“The final question you might ask is ‘I have a soul gem, I know an enchantment, now how do I enchant?’ With an Enchanter! Sarcasm aside, you start by placing the to-be-enchanted equipment in the center of the table, no matter the size. Then, you focus your energies (to be explained later) to the correct enchantment, and tap a filled soul gem to the focusing crystal, which will shatter and fill the crystal with energy, which will then be weaved into the proper enchantment by your Magicka, and imbued into the equipment via the table itself.”

Ash reached the bottom of the page and saw another verification, which he selected. The first question appeared instantly, which he quickly read over.

“What must the centerpiece of an Arcane Enchanter be?”

A.) Focusing crystal
B.) Live rabbit
C.) A Skull
D.) Daedra Heart

Tapping ‘Skull,’ he received a check mark before another question appeared.

“What is the ideal material for an Arcane Enchanter to be made of?”

A.) Wrought Iron
B.) Pure Gold
C.) Dragonbone
D.) Ebony

Wrought iron.

“What must a soul gem be touched to in order to power an Arcane Enchanter?”

A.) Equipment symbol
B.) Candle
C.) Focusing crystal
D.) Skull

Focusing crystal.

“How does one fill a soul gem?”

A.) Soul Trap
B.) Flame
C.) Fortify Magic
D.) Fortify Stamina

Soul Trap.

The pop-ups vanished, replaced by another series of messages.

Everything You Need to Know About Soul Gems Unlocked!
Building an Arcane Enchanter Unlocked!

Ash smiled lightly, closed the app and set his phone down, and closed his eyes. Star had been gone for a little over half an hour now, giving the mage time to practice Healing a few more times even with his mana burn. With his extra practice, he felt confident that he would be able to cast it without failing even if he was slightly injured. Going farther than small cuts and tiny lashes, Ash wasn’t sure if his concentration would hold out. If he ended up breaking a bone, the man had no doubt that he wouldn’t be able to cast a spell as it was.

True to Star’s word, a maid had come some twenty minutes ago with a small cart, giving him a bowl of fruit and a large cup of tea, both of which were gone now. As it was, Ash didn’t want to cast any more spells so he would have enough Magicka to practice his Ward with the Unicorn.

He had noticed that, while resting and meditating, not only did his recharging speed increase drastically, but he could see a ‘light’ filter through his eyelids. The first time it had happened, he opened his eyes but nothing had changed. Every future time, with the light and warmth appearing, he could not pinpoint the source, but then a thought struck him. Ash could only notice the light when he was meditating, which was used to strengthen his connection to Aetherius. Perhaps the light that he saw was the light of Aetherius? And the warmth was pure Magicka? He wasn’t sure, but he was willing to bet on it.

“So you’re the one practicing magic?” Ash heard a voice ask him, making him jump in shock. He had not heard anyone walk up, nor had he heard the large oak doors open or shut, likely too deep in his own thoughts to notice it. Ash looked up at the pony, who was giggling lightly as she watched him, to see a familiar face, even if this was the first time he saw it in person.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you heard the doors.” Twilight said with a reserved smile on her muzzle, with Star standing behind her and smiling as well. Ash quickly stood up and held his hand out to her, which she placed her hoof in and they shook.

“I was lost in thought, ma’am. I’m Ash.” He said. Truth be told, he was also amazed that of all the Unicorns Star could have found, she found Twilight.

“Twilight Sparkle.” She replied, though he already knew her name. “I already know about you, at least somewhat. Princess Celestia told me. Are you really the only one to arrive from your world?”

“Only one of my kind here.” Ash said, though he was surprised she didn’t seem quite as excited as he expected. She seemed much calmer, almost relaxed, considering she was speaking to a being from another world. He had expected to be bombarded by questions already. “If you want to know more about it, feel free to ask one of the Princesses. I assume Star informed you of my intentions before you came here?”

“She said that you wanted to practice some kind of magic shield, right? And you needed a Unicorn to practice with.” Twilight said.

Ash nodded in reply, leaving the gazebo and walking toward the rock again, the two mares following him. “That’s right. My Wards can block my kind of magic, but I need to test it to see if it can block Unicorn magic.”

“So you want me to fire a bolt at you?” Twilight asked. “I’m not too sure how strong it’ll be. I’m not very well-learned in combat magic.”

“No, I’d like to start with something that doesn’t hurt but it’s still a bolt or ray. My magic requires focus, and I don’t want to lose my focus with a firebolt flying at me.” Ash replied.

“So you mostly want focus training?”

“That’s right, for now at least. I’m just beginning to learn my magic, so I need to practice keeping focus. If I lose it, my spells ‘snap,’ which has rather unfortunate consequences. The strongest of my spells could outright kill me if I let them backlash.” Ash explained to her, making her frown thoughtfully.

“While most Unicorn spells can backlash, it’s not as dangerous as your magic is. I can help you practice your magic today, and whenever I’m at the castle or you’re in Ponyville, on one condition.”

“Which is?”

Twilight flashed him a wide smile. “You’ll explain to me how your magic works, and demonstrate to me spells that you know. Deal?”

“Deal.” Ash replied, a smile likewise on his face. Twilight nodded firmly, a satisfied smile on her muzzle. “Let’s work on my focus for a bit, and once I get tired, I’ll explain my magic.”

“Alright!” Twilight exclaimed. Slowly, Ash could see Twilight’s near-fanatical amazement with magic and anything new coming out. While she wasn’t quite as exuberant as he expected, it likely had something to do with him being someone and something she didn’t recognize.

“Just stand across from me, about five feet, and when you see the barrier start to form, fire a non-lethal magic blast at me. If it just pases through my Ward, we’ll have to quit.” Ash told her. She nodded and walked a few feet away, then turned back to him with her lighting up. Star walked several feet to the side, out of the way of any blasts, and stopped to watch. “Ready?”

Ash received a nod from Twilight, so he held out his hand with the palm facing toward her. He imagined a stream of pure Magicka flowing from his body, through his arm, into his hand, and into the air around his hand. A blue barrier began to form, bright and flickering. Seeing that, Twilight immediately launched a bolt of white light that flew towards him. Knowing that the bolt wouldn’t harm him anyway, Ash didn’t flinch at all Right before it reached halfway, the Ward seemed to ‘solidify,’ turning a darker blue and less transparent, signifying that it was charged. Moments later, the light impacted the Ward and dissipated instantly, splashing against the magic like water.

“Now we know that your Ward can block my magic. Do you want to keep practicing with the Light Ray spell?” She asked him.

“No.” Ash sighed, letting the Ward drop. “Because I’m not in a stressful situation, I can ignore the spell easily enough. My fears of losing my focus with a Ward are unfounded.”

“Why is that?” Twilight asked walking over to him.

“I have confidence in the spell.” Ash explained. “Because of that, I know nothing will hit me.”

“So there’s no fear or worry to distract you.” The Unicorn guessed.

“Right.” He agreed. “Unless I’m in an actual battle for my life, I’m at no risk of losing my focus.”

“Remember,” Star added from the side. “You only lost your focus with the other spell because you were in pain. Maybe only pain can cause you to lose focus?”

“It would seem so.” Ash said. “Either pain or an actual distraction. I’m prepared for this so there’s no surprise or worry. Any way you know how to fix that, Twilight?”

“Other than randomly slinging a spell at you every now and then, no.” Twilight said with an amused look. “However entertaining the idea might be, it’s not possible. It looked like that ‘Ward’ needs time to charge, which means you can’t put it up with a spell already in flight at you.”


“Unicorns are trained to keep their focus by casting the spell again and again, or by channeling a continuous spell for an extended amount of time.” Twilight explained.

“That’s pretty much what my guide recommended. Keep casting it until I get used to casting. With that being a bust, I suppose I owe you a discussion, don’t I?”

Twilight’s mood shifted instantly into pure eagerness. However, before she could start jumping around, she forced herself to calm down. She seemed to take a couple deep breaths before speaking. “Actually, why don’t we continue practicing with your Ward? It’ll give you time to familiarize yourself with the process and give me time to prepare some questions. Okay?”

“Okay.” Ash agreed. With a flash of light, Twilight was once again several feet away with her horn alight and ready to cast spells. Star immediately scrambled away, tales of Twilight’s magical prowess making her realize she did not want to be nearby for this.

“Fair warning, Ash, I’m going to be using energy blasts. It’s not a spell, per se, but it is active magic. It’ll help get you accustomed to the feedback of something impacting your Ward, and if your Ward should break, it’ll feel like a hard shove rather than a massive jet of fire.” Twilight warned him, making him give her a thankful nod.

Ash held out his hand and called forth his Magicka, flowing it into the Ward he had formed thrice now. The now-familiar blue shield faded into existence, then hardened in time to block a purple bolt of magic from Twilight. Ash felt his arm jerk as a shockwave of energy seemed to reverberate up the ‘stream’ of Magicka. Moments later, Ash felt two more hit the Ward, almost knocking his arm to the side. With every blast, it felt like something was physically grasping the stream of energy and yanking it, threatening to jerk his arm to the side entirely.

Fortunately, it didn’t seem like blocking magic took extra energy. Even with Twilight blasting away at his shield, he felt the stream was flowing at a constant speed, neither increasing nor decreasing in response to Twilight’s magic. After about four hits, he felt a tightness in his chest begin to form. When nine more hit his shield, which still had yet to waver or fail, he felt the tightness vanish and be replaced by a light nausea. “Twilight, that’s enough.”

Her aura vanished and he let his Ward drop. Seeing the vaguely sick look on his face, she quickly trotted over. “Are you okay? You’re not looking well. We can… can have the discussion later.”

While it seemed to physically pain her to say she would wait until another time to talk about his magic, she was concerned enough for his health to be willing to bear with it. That made Ash smile. “I’m fine, or I will be. If I run low on my reserves, I start to feel bad. It starts with a strain in my chest, then nausea, and ends with pain once I’m almost entirely out. I’m feeling just a little sick, which will go away once I recover some Magicka. Thank you for helping me.”

“You’re welcome.” Twilight said with a small smile surfacing, happy to know he wasn’t hurt. “Here, place your paw on my withers and we’ll walk over to the gazebo.”

“Hand.” Ash corrected. “I’m not that sick, though. I’m more than fine to walk.”

Ash proved his words by walking his way over to the gazebo, Twilight keeping up as Star joined them. From the looks of it, Star seemed interested in learning how his magic worked just as much as Twilight was. He sat down on one of the cushions with Twilight taking a spot across from him. Star chose to sit down next to him, but sat in such a way that she was able to keep an eye on the doors, still doing her duty of guarding and escorting him. “How do you want to start, Twilight?”

With a flash of purple light and soft pop, a journal, inkwell, and quill appeared in her magical grip. She smiled at him sheepishly when he gave her an amused look, then spoke. “Why don’t you start with how you regain your magic?”

“Well, first thing to clarify is that my magic is referred to as ‘Magicka,’ which should help you differentiate between the two types. As I explained to the Princesses, I gain my Magicka from Aetherius, another plane of existence. Everyone is born with a connection to Aetherius, though some people’s connection to it is so weak they can’t harness it. Others can only regain Magicka by sleeping, as it is commonly believed the dream realm is close to Aetherius. I have a relatively strong connection to Aetherius, which means I can regain my Magicka just by resting for a little while.”

“You said this ‘Aetherius’ is another plane, right? How does it come into this plane?”

“The sun and stars.” Ash explained. “During the creation of Mundus, the Mortal Plane, the God of Magic, Magnus, abandoned this plane and tore open a hole into Aetherius, which is said to be the sun. The stars are said to be smaller holes torn open by those who followed Magnus, and they too emit Magicka. My connection to Aetherius is like a… a thread, that runs from me and into Aetherius through the holes.”

“No offense to your kind’s culture, but I don’t think that’s true. The sun is moved every day by Princess Celestia, and it’s three-dimensional, so it can’t be a hole in this world.” Twilight replied.

“Not all holes are two-dimensional, Twilight.” Ash replied.

“Fair point.” Twilight admitted. “Though that still leaves the problem of how you’re getting Magicka here. Your sun isn’t the same as this one.”

“Twilight, what’s a far off sun?”

“A star, wh- Oh, nevermind.” Twilight answered, flashing him a sheepish smile. “So instead of getting your Magicka from your sun, you’re getting it from ours because, as a star, it’s still a hole into Aetherius.”

“That’s what I figure, at least.”

“How come Princess Celestia can move it, though?” Twilight asked.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I’m going to have to guess sheer magical power, though it doesn’t really change anything. Whether it’s a hole into Aetherius or not doesn’t change the fact that she moves it twice a day.”

Twilight conceded his point, then asked another question. “What about Magicka itself? Is it combat-focused, or what?”

“Well, there’s more than just spells that it’s used for. Enchanting is one such use, as it runs off of Magicka, even if an enchanter doesn’t power it himself.”

“So the magic for your enchanting comes from somewhere else? Where?”

“Soul gems.” Ash answered. “A special gem that can store a large amount of energy. It provides the Magicka required for enchanting, instead of the enchanter having to use his Magicka. Depending on who you speak to, Alchemy is a process that requires Magicka as well. If it’s true, the plants and ingredients themselves provide the raw Magicka needed to make various potions.”

“Of course, there are also the classic spells that fall under five schools of magic, those being Alteration, Illusion, Restoration, Destruction, and Conjuration.”

“Can you give me a basic rundown of each school?” Twilight asked, jotting down what he said as quickly as he was saying it.

“Of course. The Alteration school deals with manipulating the physical world to the benefit of the caster with spells that harden the flesh and create magical lights. The school of Illusion deals with manipulating the minds of enemies, such as forcing them to attack anyone in sight, forcing them to calm down, or even inspiring a sense of pure fear in them. The Restoration school deals with healing life-threatening wounds, striking blows against the undead, and creating barriers that block enemy magic.”

Ash paused to take a breath, easily spotting the worried looks the two mares shared when he mentioned the undead. Obviously, necromancy wasn’t a respected school, as he suspected. “Destruction deals with using fire, ice, and lightning in a myriad of ways to directly harm an opponent. Last but not least is Conjuration, which involves summoning Daedra from Oblivion and reanimating the dead.”

“Necromancy!” Twilight shouted while Star physically recoiled. While Star looked disgusted, Twilight looked more concerned that disgusted. “Have you raised the dead?”

“No, I haven’t. The only spells I know right now are Healing, Lesser Ward, and Flames.” Ash explained.

Star sighed. “Good. Necromancy is illegal in Equestria.”

“Actually, you just need a dark magic license to practice it.” Twilight corrected. “I don’t have one, but there somewhat easy to get. Summoning creatures also counts as dark magic, so you can’t do that either, Ash.”

While Star was busy staring in shock, Ash took note of the fact that dark magic was legal, if restricted. “Twilight, where would one go to get a dark magic license. I do plan to learn some Conjuration spells, so I’ll need one in the future.”

“Princess Celestia or Princess Luna.” Twilight replied. “They’re the only ones legally authorized to give them out.”

“Right, thanks. That’s something to discuss at a later date.”

Twilight nodded. “So how do you cast your spells? Unicorns have to consciously weave our magic into an effect with our horns, then release it into the world through our horns.”

“Well, it depends on the rank of the spell, which goes from Novice, to Apprentice, Adept, Expert, and Master. The higher the spell, the harder it is to cast and the more it requires. I think some later spells will require something similar to that, but Novice rank spells just require a basic understanding of the spell and imagination.”

“Imagination?” Star, surprisingly, was the one to asked. Twilight and Ash shared a look, both of them agreeing that Star was looking for a distraction from necromancy.

“I have to imagine how the spell looks, feels, sounds, etc. If I do it properly, my imagination becomes real and the spell casts. For Flames, I have to imagine the roar and crackling of the fire, the heat it gives off, the light it emits, and so on. If I do it right, the spell casts.” Ash explained.

“Then wouldn’t it be incredibly simple to create new spells?” Twilight asked. “I mean, all you would have to do is imagine a new effect and let it happen.”

“I’m...not sure. I don’t think it’s that easy, but you might be onto something, honestly. I’ll have to see if my guide says anything on it later.” If that was the case, this magic might be quite a bit more useful than even he expected. Ash really did doubt it was that simple, but if it was, it would be amazing.

“Can a pony learn your magic?” Twilight asked curiously, though the hint of desire in her eyes made it clear that she mostly wanted to know if she could learn his magic.

“Once again, I don’t know. Learning my magic requires a connection to Aetherius, which I think is only possible if your species was created by an Aedra. Ponies might be created by one, but I’m not sure.” Ash told her, making her practically deflate. “However, once I know more about my magic, I would be willing to give it a try, at least.”

That cheered her up. “Thank you. If it works, I’m sure it’ll be easy to learn it!”

Ash chuckled. “Not at all. From what I understand, Unicorn magic comes from an entirely different place than Aetherius Magicka, and it’s also stored in a different place. Which means that if you can learn Magicka, you’ll be starting from a Novice rank and having to learn everything all over again.”

Her eyes folded back as she became a little disheartened, but that passed quickly as she seemed to take it as a challenge, looking up at him with fire in her eyes. “That’ll make it more interested, then. At least I’ll have my own magic to fall back on.”

If it’s possible.”

If it is, I’ll be sure to surpass you.” Twilight said with a smug little grin on her muzzle.

“Try it, Sparks. I’m already ahead of you.” Ash replied with his own. Their moment was broken when he heard Star groan from the side.

“Oh, Celestia help me now. There’s two of them! The castle is doomed!”

“I’m not that bad!” Twilight defended herself.

“Miss Sparkle, I was here when you were first accepted as Princess Celestia’s protege. I know exactly how enamored you can get when it comes to practicing new magic. They had to abandon the old laboratory!”

“What’s this about abandoning a laboratory?”

Star moved to speak only to be silenced utterly when Twilight’s magic gripped her muzzle, forcing it shut. The Unicorn let out a nervous laugh toward the two while Star gaved her a mildly irritated yet amused glare, even as Ash watched on. After a moment, Twilight let go of the guard, who quickly spoke. “Ask Princess Celestia what happened on Miss Sparkle’s fourth magical surge!”

Ash grinned as Twilight’s ears folded flat, trying to intimidate Ash from bringing it up to the Princess. Unfortunately for the magenta mare, she looked nowhere near scary or intimidating. Instead, she just looked adorable. “I’ll have the chance to ask her later tonight. I’ve been invited to dinner with her and her sister.”

Star nodded like she knew the information, which she probably did. In fact, it wouldn’t have been surprising if she was ordered to escort him to the dinner once the time came around, though it would still be a while until then. By Ash’s reckoning, it was closing in on six and the dinner likely wouldn’t be until closer to seven or eight. Twilight didn’t seem surprised, either, but she did seem excited. Chances are, Celestia had told Twilight about him being invited when she told her student about him being from another world.

Actually… that posed a question. “Twilight, how long have you been in Canterlot? I’m just curious that I didn’t see you when I arrived. Star said that you were her student, so I’d assume you would have been nearby.”

At that, she blushed lightly, “I live in Ponyville and usually send my lessons here via dragon fire because she has me studying friendship, but every so often she’ll want to teach me something new like she did when I was younger, so I’ll plan a trip up here. We had actually stayed up really late last night and I was still sleeping when you appeared in the throne room.”

“Another thing, why aren’t you shocked by me being from another world? The Princesses accepted it pretty fast and you barely even mentioned it earlier.”

“It’s not that strange of a concept to Equestria. With Starswirl’s experimentation into portals, the knowledge of the multiverse theory, and legends of visitors, the idea of an otherworldly visitor isn’t that shocking. Of course, most ponies would look twice if they saw you, but they won’t gasp in shock or run in fear.”

“And for those who don’t know you’re from another world, they might mistake you for a new species recently discovered. With the ongoing expeditions south of the equator, well over a hundred new species and closer to six hundred subspecies have been discovered, though none of them have been intelligent so far.” Star added.


Twilight answered his questions, no shocker there. “For close to three thousand years, nopony’s known what is south of the equator. Between the oceans, the heat, and the distance, nopony has been able to fund or successfully travel there. Only with the recent invention of airships have we been able to begin sending teams there to research and explore.”

It made sense that they had yet to explore their entire world. Humanity did the same so quickly and so early due to an innate curiosity and desire to know and have more. Ponies don’t seem to have that instinct and so they settle for what they have. Not to mention, ‘Terra’ seemed to be much larger than Earth, which would explain why it is harder to explore the surface.

Ash opened his mouth to speak but closed it when one of the sets of doors opened. Moving quickly, Star grabbed her knife from where he had set it and spun around, ready to face whoever it was that entered. She relaxed immediately when another guard entered, his gaze settling on the two. He trotted over, his metallic armor clanking together as he moved, until he stopped at the stairs that led up to the gazebo. “Their majesties Princess Celestia and Princess Luna invite you both to dinner with them. Private Star, you are to lead them there.”

“Yes sir!” She said, snapping to a salute.

Or they have dinner at six. Just means I can ask them about the surge sooner.

The newcomer nodded once, turned around, and walked out the way he came without a second glance. Seeing the iconic attitude of a royal guard made Ash wonder why Star didn’t behave the same way. He tried pushed the thought aside when the mare turned to them both and gestured toward the door with her head. “Come on, I’ll lead you to the dining room.”

Twilight and Ash both followed as she led the way, though the question kept bouncing around his head. “Hey, Star?”


“How come you aren’t as formal as he was?” Ash asked, hoping it wasn’t an inappropriate or offensive question.

Fortunately, it wasn’t. Star smiled and let out a light laugh. “As my duty to escort and guard you, and since you are neither nobility nor royalty, I’m allowed to act as I am. Should I have been assigned to Princess Celestia, I would be acting much as he was. Not all guard assignments require absolute discipline. In fact, they had to change their guidelines because too many guards were quitting out of boredom or they couldn’t put up with the stress standing in one position for twelve hours can put on the body. For the most part, actual ‘guard’ duty is dealt as a punishment, with the exception of when there’s not enough guards in trouble to fill all the positions.”

“Thanks, that was bugging me.” Ash said.

“No problem, sir.”


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The loud noise made Twilight jump, a softer-yet-still-loud squeak emanating from her muzzle. Her four hooves hit the floor with a clack before she spun around, glaring at the door. Ash, for his part, just grinned at the two Alicorns on the other end of the dining room. “Why are the doors in here so loud?”

“How is somepony going to rob us when every door sounds like a bomb going off?” Luna retorted with a joking smirk.

“Fair point.” Ash said, then patted Twilight on her withers. “Stop glaring at the door and go sit by your mentor.”

Twilight nodded rapidly, then trotted around the table and sat on a large red cushion next to Celestia. Ash walked around the other way, taking a seat next to Luna on yet another large red cushion. Food had already been delivered, with all four of them receiving some type of soup that Ash didn’t recognize along with some type of deep green juice that smelled sour and tasted just as it smelled, though he liked it. After trying to soup, he realized it was a vegetable stew with a few additions.

Seated at the table were two Alicorns, a Unicorn, and a human; otherwise, the room was empty of both guard and servant. Idly, Ash wondered if the dining room had ever been full before, not counting parties, but he doubted it.

“How did your magic practicing go, Ash?” Luna asked him, a curious glint clear in her eyes.

“It went rather well. I’ve decided to go down the Restoration school, which focuses on healing for the most part. I’ve got a decent grasp on Healing, which heals the caster, and Twilight helped me practice with Lesser Ward, which blocks magic up to a certain power.” Ash explained.

“Restoration, you say?” Luna asked. “Just how effective is it?”

Idly, Ash noticed Celestia and Twilight discussing something as well, though he wasn’t listening to whatever it was. “Well, right now, I only know Healing, which heals the caster at a slow but constant rate. Once I get better at Healing, I’ll be able to cast Healing Hands, which heals a target at a slow but constant rate. As I progress through Restoration, I’ll be able to learn Fast Healing, Heal Other, Close Wounds, and Grand Healing.”

Luna hummed in thought, an idea obviously coming to her. “I have a proposition for you, if you are seeking employment.”

“I’m listening.” The man replied.

“Once you learn Healing Hands, and once my sister or I certify the spell, perhaps you can work for the castle infirmary. With the training the guards go through, minor and moderate injuries are common enough to require healers to be on call.”

Ash took a moment to think, surprised at the offer. He had expected to have to attend some type of school or training course for several months or even a couple years before being allowed to provide medical assistance. Thinking it over for a moment, Ash realized it made sense, in a way. With healing magic replacing medication and treatments, a mage only needed to know enough to identify an injury rather than being able to go through proper procedure to fix it or wait for one who could. As a result, becoming a healer required almost nothing but medical magic.

“I’d appreciate it.” Ash replied after a moment. “Though I’d need to practice with the spell beforehand to become more efficient at it. As it is, it would take me hours to heal something like a broken bone, if not longer. It takes me too much Magicka and too much time to channel the Magicka to heal wounds as it is.”

Luna nodded in understanding. “I would be willing to assist you when the time comes. Should your spell be unable to heal a wound of mine, I will heal it myself.”

“I couldn’t ask you to injure yourself, Luna.”

“Then it’s a good thing that you aren’t asking me anyway.” The Alicorn replied with a small smirk. “Don’t expect me to break my leg for you to practice on. It’ll be small cuts for you to familiarize yourself with the spell. I don’t particularly enjoy pain.”

What that…? Could that have really been a sexual joke? However, before he could confirm or deny his concern, he heard Celestia speak.

“Ash, my student informs me that you seek to learn the Conjuration school, which involves necromancy and summoning.” Celestia said with an even tone.

“I hope to, yes. Twilight’s informed me that I would require a dark magic license, so I’m hoping to get one once I’m ready to undertake the Conjuration school.” Ash told her.

“You understand that, during the application process, I’ll ask you questions about your reasons for wanting a license, your mental ability to resist the corruption, and your intentions once you have the license, correct?” Celestia told him.

“I understand, however the Conjuration school doesn’t corrupt the mind like Unicorn dark magic does. For Aetherium mages, Conjuration is just another school.” Ash replied.

After a moment of thought, Celestia nodded. “I’d still like to test you on your ability to resist corruption, though.”

“I’m fine with that, but it’ll be awhile before I actually try to get one. I want to at least become an Adept so, if I do get the license, there’s less chance of me messing up a spell and having a summoned creature roam free.” Ash said.

With that, her stoic demeanor dropped and she gave him a small smile. “That’s rather good to hear. Out of curiosity, how long do you think it will take you advance?”

“As it is, I’m a Novice under the Restoration school. I know Healing and Lesser Ward, I just need to master them, and I’m hoping to learn Healing Hands within the next two weeks or so, depending on how easy it is to master Healing.”

“How does Healing Hands work?” Celestia questioned curiously.

“I’m going to assume it works like Healing, so as long as I know the injury and correctly envision the spell, I can heal any physical wound, like gashes, broken bones, and even just plain soreness.”

Her head tilted to the side, an action that looked adorable, even on a massive pony like it was. “Will it work on ponies?”

“I can only assume. The spell I know now, Healing, only works on the caster.”

Celestia hummed lightly for a moment. “If it works on ponies, would you like me to certify the spell and get you on track to becoming a healer? The guard could always use more, and it’ll be up to you if you stay in Canterlot or to another city.”

Luna just laughed before he could respond. “I’ve already made the same offer, sister.”

Ash nodded. “And I’m interested in it. If I make a job based on my magic, I’d rather it be for Restoration than any other school. Once I know Healing Hands and can cast it with ease, I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”

Celestia had a soft smile on her muzzle as she replied. “It’s always nice to hear somepony seeking to be a healer. I have great respect for those who practice medical skills.”

Celestia returned to her soup and when Luna and Twilight followed suit, Ash decided to eat as well rather than continue talking. As he had noticed earlier, it was some type of vegetable stew with several vegetables he didn’t recognize in it. Silence reigned for several minutes, the only noise being quiet eating and the clinking of spoons on bowls, before a thought struck Ash.

“Celestia?” Ash asked, catching the attention of all three ponies.

“Yes, Ash?” The solar diarch asked.

“What happened on Twilight’s fourth magical surge?” Ash asked. Immediately, Luna gained a curious look while turning to face Twilight, whose face had instantly shifted into a deep red as her ears folded flat. She took a keen interest in her stew, embarrassment clear on her features. Celestia, for her part, simply held a hoof in front of her muzzle and giggled.

“Where ever did you hear that?”

“My guard mentioned it and told me to ask you.” Ash answered.

Celestia said, a smile on her muzzle as her gaze drifted toward the end of the room, clearly remembering the event. “Well, in those days, summoning creatures didn’t yet require a license. Twilight was still learning some of the more basic principles I could teach her, but she had a powerful hunger for more powerful magics. See, she snuck into the Archives and took a book that detailed the summoning process for an ice golem.”

“Then she snuck into the labs by hiding in a server’s cart and waited until everypony was gone. My student moved around the room and grabbed all the materials she needed, then successfully summoned the creature… with one problem.”

“Which was?”

“Well, Twilight, what was the problem?” Celestia teased.

After a moment of silence, Twilight spoke from across the table, her cheeks burning red as she stared at the table. “My spell malfunctioned because I had grabbed a damaged crystal. When I summoned the golem, one of its limbs was almost three times the size it should have been.”

“And Twilight, being an excited young filly who was more focused on successfully summoning a golem than on examining the golem for defects, didn’t notice a thing and proceeded to order it to be an lab assistant.” Celestia explained, making Luna start giggling as she realized the point Celestia was making.

“With the golem’s extra large limb, it started to knock over equipment all over the lab, shatter glass instruments, damage and crush machines, even freeze biological samples near it. All the while, Twilight happily tried to further the experiments and didn’t notice a thing happening. My guards had heard the ruckus and gone to investigate, but the golem had froze the door shut on accident some time earlier. So they ran across the castle to wake me.”

Mirth began to tint Celestia’s voice, just a hint at how funny she thought the whole event was. “So I melt open the doors a few minutes later thinking somepony is stealing the castle’s research, and do you know what I see?”

“What?” Ash asked, a smile firm on his face.

“I see my student in the center of the lab, surrounded by thousands of bits of broken machinery and shattered equipment, humming to herself as she waved a leyline locator around. The poor golem had froze itself to one of the counters and was walking in circles around her, dragging a two ton steel countertop around with it as it banged its large arm in time to Twilight’s humming.” Celestia said, barely restraining herself from laughing loudly. "Of course, with a few quick spells, I fixed all the damage with the exception of the biological materials, so I wasn't particularly mad at her."

Luna, however, had no such restraint and began to truly laugh. The sound itself was one of pure amusement, interspersed by a rare snort. Luna’s laughter was what broke Celestia, forcing her to laugh as well. Ash chuckled along, seeing Twilight glaring lightly at the three, her face still bright red from embarrassment. After several moments, the three eventually calmed down enough for Twilight to stop pouting and for him to speak.

“What does an ice golem look like, Celestia?”

“While I don’t have a picture of the incident, I can show you from one of the spellbooks for summoners.” Celestia, her horn alighting with magic, said right before a book teleported onto the table, already open to a specific page as it slid over to him.

The moment Ash saw the creature, he coughed twice in sheer surprise. The two Alicorns gave him a worried look like Twilight just looked confused. When he started hitting his chest with a closed fist, Celestia questioned him worriedly. “Are you okay, Ash?”

After a moment, Ash was able to quell his coughing enough to speak. “Yeah… I’m fine. Celestia, that’s a Frost Atronach.”

“A what?” Three voices chorused in unison.

“One of the creatures able to be summoned by Conjuration. It’s from Oblivion. It’s a lesser Daedra.” Ash said slowly. “I easily recognize those creatures.”

“What’s Oblivion? And Daedra?” Twilight asked, making Ash realize that she wasn’t there for that discussion. Quickly, Ash gave her a rundown of Oblivion, Mundus, Aetherius, and the Void while simplifying it to save time. As he spoke, she listened with such rapt attention it made him wonder if she was mentally taking notes rather than physically. Once finished, Ash regained his breath before speaking again.

“This ‘ice golem’ is a Frost Atronach, which is a lesser Daedra that mages often conjure as defenders. There’s another two types, those being Fire and Storm, that will also protect the caster to an extent.”

“‘To an extent?’” Luna asked.

“If you attack an Atronach, if will attack back, even if you are the one to summon it. Normally, it takes quite a few hits, but if you hit a Frost with fire or a Fire with ice, they’ll attack instantly, I believe. The Storm Atronach, having no opposite element in the Destruction school, doesn’t have a weakness. For that reason, I believe, is why summoning a Storm Atronach is harder than summoning the others.” Ash explained to them, going off onto a small tangent before stopping himself.

“So…” Celestia started, trailing off as she seemed to lose the words she was going to say.

After a moment, Luna picked it up. “We’ve been summoning things from this ‘Oblivion for millennia now?”

“I believe so.” Ash said with a nod.

“How come we have no evidence of these ‘Aedra’ and ‘Daedra,’ then?” Twilight asked.

“Well, the Aedra have mostly retreated from Mundus and lost most of their power when they did so. They only really act when in opposition of the Daedra. Otherwise, their actions are almost unnoticeable, with the exception of the blessings they can give through their shrines.” Ash explained to her. “The Daedra likely haven’t interacted with the Mortal Plane because they aren’t worshipped, and therefore they have no interest in this world. If someone were to build a shrine to one, it would likely catch their attention.”

“Is it worth it?” Twilight questioned.

“For the most part, not really.” Ash told her. “Some of the Daedra are just plain evil in their entirety. Others are less evil, just not nice. Clavicus Vile, one such Daedra, will happily make a deal that benefits you as long as it benefits him, too. He’ll just as happily make a deal that ruins your entire life as long as it benefits him in some way.”

“It doesn’t seem worth it.” Twilight decided, making the two Alicorns give her an agreeing nod. Ash, after a moment, nodded as well. While the idea of becoming a Champion of a Daedra was nice, and so would the artifact be, he had quite a few things to worry about. The first major problem was that he was not the Dragonborn. If the Dragonborn made a deal with a Daedra, his soul was going to Akatosh’s realm no matter what, for he had the greatest claim on his soul. That wasn’t true for Ash. If he, say, became a Nightingale, he would have to guard Nocturnal’s realm after his death. He would belong to whatever Daedra he chose to serve.

The second was that some of the Daedra were just pure evil and would require evil things to gain their favor. While that was all well and good in a video game, it boded quite a large problem in real life. With no priests of Boethiah, he could only imagine what it was that Molag Bal would require, being the King of Rape and all. Similar problems rose for almost all of the Daedra.

Finally was the problem of drawing attention. If he made a deal with, say, Azura, things would be fine. If, however, that deal caught the attention of Molag Bal, Hermaeus Mora, or even Mehrunes Dagon, things started to get dangerous quickly. Overall, it just wasn’t worth the risk for some nice trinkets and bragging rights.

Though Mehrunes’ Razor was a great weapon when it finally decided to work.

“It’s still amazing that you managed to summon and bind a Frost Atronach, Twilight.” Ash told her, making her ears perk and a shy smile come to her muzzle. “I know you can’t use Magicka, which meant you had to do the ritual, which requires much more complex magic weaving. I know there’s an entire forge where you can summon unbound Atronachs, but the forge is what does the work.”

“It’s a simple ritual.” Twilight said sheepishly. “Just requires a charged arcane gem, frost salts, an uncut sapphire, and two specific spells.”

“That sounds like the forge recipe for summoning one, too. Just replace the arcane gem with a soul gem, the first spell with a forge, and remove the second spell. I’m going to assume the second one binds it?” Ash asked, receiving a nod. The fact that these ponies had frost salts did not go unnoticed. “That’s pretty much the same, then. What’s an arcane gem?”

“It’s a rare crystal found in places all over the world, usually a few feet underground. However, they can also be found in entire veins deep underground in caverns. While arcane gems are rather common on their own, it’s the charged ones that are very rare. As of right now, nopony knows how to charge arcane gems. They refuse to accept magic into them, so we have to hope we get lucky and find one already charged.” Twilight explained. “They actually come in different sizes, with the largest giving off the most power.”

Celestia nodded in agreement. “The demand for charged arcane gems is rising each year, but our supply isn’t increasing. I’ve taken to having mines opened for the sole purpose of finding charged gems, and a chunk of the Research department’s budget goes to discovering how to charge arcane gems.”

Ash hummed lightly for a moment. Something sounded very familiar about these arcane gems. They almost sounded like soul gems, but that couldn’t be true. The ponies didn’t know the spell to charge them, and soul gems can’t be found charged, they have to be charged by a person. “These arcane gems almost sound like soul gems.”

“Soul gems?” Twilight asked. “You mentioned them before but I didn’t get a chance to ask what they were.”

“Soul gems are just that- gems designed to house a soul.” Ash explained. The three just gave him curious looks and he realized they didn’t know he meant steal a soul by killing. “By casting Soul Trap on an animal or person, and then killing that creature, you can trap their soul inside a soul gem. Certain creatures require larger soul gems, with all sentient lifeforms requiring a black soul gem.”

There were the disgusted and horrified looks he expected. Considering necromancy was outlawed except in certain circumstances, it didn’t surprise him that stealing souls was also looked down upon, since it was technically a form of necromancy. “Soul gems are used to initially charge an enchantment on armor or weapons, or refill an enchantment on a weapon.”

“What,” Twilight forced herself to swallow. “What happens to the soul?”

“Depends.” Ash said. “All souls have a rank depending on their size and the power they give off, with each rank of souls having a soul gem able to hold the same size. Both souls and soul gems are ranked from petty, to lesser, common, greater, and grand with black soul gems at the top. A petty soul can fit inside any gem, with a lesser soul requiring a lesser or higher soul gem. If a soul is stored in a gem that’s petty through grand, when the soul gem is used, the gem shatters, the soul is drained of its energy, and then released to whatever afterlife it belongs in.”

“Black soul gems is where it changes. If any soul is stored in a black gem, then used, the soul goes to the Soul Cairn, a realm for the undead and lost souls. There they are fed upon by the rulers and possible creators of the realm, the Ideal Masters. While harvesting animals and the like for their souls is considered fine and mundane, using black soul gems for anything is looked down upon due to where the souls go.” Ash explained to them, noticing that they seemed a little less disgusted, likely because the souls aren’t destroyed.

“So the souls don’t suffer?” Luna asked.

“Only with a black soul gem. With any other type, I’d assume it’s like a sleep before being sent to their afterlife. At most, they feel tired when they get there, considering some of their energy was used.”

“What do soul gems look like?” Celestia questioned.

“Well, petty, lesser, and common soul gems are a purplish color and are somewhat similar in shape to a pillar. The color starts to change to a bluish hue with greater and grand and they begin to look like a cluster rather than a singular gem.” Ash explained, making both Alicorns and the Unicorn gain a shocked look. “Black soul gems look like common in shape but are pure black in color.

A moment later and in a flash of light, a large crystal appeared on the table in front of Ash. His eyes widened, the shape and color being very familiar to him. A blue crystal with shades of white and purple laced throughout it, shaped like several crystals fused into one larger cluster, which Ash recognized instantly. That was a grand soul gem. One that was glowing softly, a light blue light emanating from it.

“Celestia, that’s a grand soul gem.”

“It’s charged, too.” The Alicorn said, confirming his suspicions.

“With a soul, most likely. Where was this found?”

“Didn’t I say?” Twilight asked, to which Ash shook his head. “The Badlands.”

“The Badlands?”

“Mmhmm. It’s a region south of Equestria where there’s no life growing whatsoever. All of the arcane gems are found there.” Twilight told him.

That’s interesting. Very interesting. Charged soul gems were found in a region with no life? Did something happen that caused them to absorb nearby life? Or is it just chance? Were these arcane gems really soul gems or were they something else entirely? Ash honestly couldn’t say.

“Celestia, can I pick it up?”

“Of course. There’s no harm in it. Charged arcane gems, or soul gems, I guess, are very stable.” The Alicorn replied. Ash reached out and grasped the gem, lifting it up and examining it. From the moment he touched, he had some sort of feeling, like something was off.

Looking closer at the softly glowing gem, he realized something. It wasn’t ‘off,’ per se, but wrong. Something about the soul gem was just wrong, yet familiar. It brought to mind what paranormal encounters supposedly felt like, that something wasn’t right, that something was there that shouldn’t be. That’s how the gem felt.

There was something about the gem that shouldn’t be there. Something unnatural, something that made it different than an actual soul gem. The more he thought of the feeling, the more it seemed to intensify. Ash felt the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck stand up and he felt goosebumps develop. The man actually had to set the crystal down before he threw it across the room. Of course, the three noticed immediately when Ash set it down with a look of intense loathing on his face.

“What’s wrong, Ash?” Luna asked him, tilting her head just as Celestia had done earlier.

“Something doesn’t feel right about that gem. I’m not sure what, but something isn’t right.” Ash answered.

“What do you mean?”

“I just said I wasn’t sure what!” Ash snapped, making Luna visibly flinch. Ash, seeing this, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. Something about that gem just...isn’t right. Not to me.”

After a moment, he heard Luna speak again. “It… it’s alright. I think I understand.”

He heard a small pop as he assumed one of them teleported the soul- no, arcane gem away, back to where ever they had taken it from. After a few more moments, he opened his eyes and gave Luna an apologetic look, which she returned with a small smile that just said ‘no hard feelings.’

Silence reigned for several more seconds before, quite suddenly, he heard an amused snort come from Celestia. Looking up, he gave her a questioning look even as Luna and Twilight did the same. When she noticed them looking at her, the barest shred of a grin surfaced before she spoke. “I’m just thinking of how eventful this day has been. Ash, you’ve been here, what, nine hours? Already, you’ve proven the existence of other worlds, provided an alternate theory for the creation of the world and supported evidence by revealing that we have ‘soul gems’ and are able to access Oblivion by summoning ‘Frost Atronachs.’ More than that, you’ve shown the capability to harness a form of magic that we don’t have, which is able to charge soul gems.”

“It has been eventful.” Ash admitted quietly. “I’m not too keen on eventful days, but this one wasn’t too bad.”

“What’s wrong with eventful days?” Twilight asked curiously. “Those are the days that I usually have the most fun with my friends.”

Ash opened his mouth to speak, then closed it as he thought better of it. “Nevermind. It’s not really important anymore. If there are days like this again, I wouldn’t mind it. It hasn’t been bad, much less horrible.”

Celestia and Luna nodded in agreement, though Twilight still had a confused look. After a moment, Luna spoke. “Your arrival certainly has made today much more bearable. If not for you, today would have been nothing more than a long meeting with several nobles. While that happened anyway, at least you were a welcome distraction once we were out.”

“Do you think you could charge an arcane gem for me once you learn the spell?” Twilight asked, entirely out of the blue. Apparently, her mind had somehow drifted from eventful days to a charged arcane gem. While Ash was confused, even if understanding, and Luna was surprised, Celestia just had a small smile on her muzzle. From being Twilight’s teacher, she likely had a good deal of experience in her sudden changes in topic.

Realizing what she had done, Twilight’s muzzle shifted into a light shade of red, though the hopeful gaze she gave him did not abate. “You remember what I have to do to fill a soul gem, right?”

Her eyes instantly flattened out as she remembered. “Oh, right. I think I can hold off on that. Even if the animal doesn’t suffer from it, I don’t like the idea of killing a creature for magic.”

Ash shrugged lightly, then suggested a solution. “I eat meat so I’ll likely need to go hunting or fishing one day anyway. I can use whatever it is I catch to fill soul gems so I won’t be killing unnecessarily.”

“That’ll work.” Twilight replied, though she still looked slightly uncomfortable. To be fair, she was a peaceful herbivore that had likely never killed anything bigger than a bug, and even then it was likely on accident rather than purpose.

Celestia’s eyes seemed to light up suddenly, a wry smirk surfacing. “Twilight, why don’t you come with me to my chambers? I recently decoded one of Starswirl’s journals and I thought we could read it together, just like we used to.”

Before Ash could even fully comprehend what Celestia had said, Twilight had fully risen and moved over to her mentor’s side, a wide smile on her muzzle that clearly flashed teeth. “Of course, Princess! I’d love that.”

Celestia stood after giving her a small nuzzle, making her flush again, before turning to face Luna and Ash. “Ash, the same room you were in earlier will be available for you until further notice, in case I haven’t already said as such. Since I can’t promise that you’ll see myself or my student until tomorrow, I’d like to wish you both goodnight.”

“Goodnight, sister.” Luna replied with a soft smile.

“Goodnight, Celestia. Thank you once again for allowing me to stay in the castle.” Ash said, giving her a polite nod, one which she readily returned. Turning again, she walked out of the dining room with Twilight firmly at her side. Once the doors closed again with a massive thud, Luna turned to him with a slightly nervous smile.

“I doubt you have learned this already, but I am the Princess of the Night. As such, I have the power to enter the dreams of another being. If you are willing, perhaps you could show me some of your world tonight?” Luna asked quietly.

“Of course I will.” Ash replied. “You don’t have to ask so nervously.”

“I normally only enter a pony’s dream to help with a nightmare.” Luna told him. “And considering the nature of nightmares, I rarely have the opportunity to ask permission to enter a dream. I just do so and try to help the dreamer.”

“I think you’ll find Nirn fascinating.” Ash said, having already decided to show her Nirn rather than Earth. “If you are the Princess of the Night, I think I know at least one, or rather two, things you’ll be interested in.”

Luna gave a quick nod. “I’ll look forward to it. I’d like to return to my room and patrol the dreamscape for some time before joining you in your dreams. Is that fine?”

“You don’t have to ask permission, Luna.” Ash said. “Far be it from me to be so rude as to keep you here. In any case, it’ll likely be a few hours before I go to sleep. With my Magicka recharged, I’d like to practice Healing some more. Wait, do you happen to have a knife I could use? I think I’ve explained how Healing worked.”

“You have.” Luna said, her horn glowing for a moment. With another pop, a general kitchen knife appeared in front of him, the handle being held out to him. Taking the knife from her aura, he could tell that, while simple, it was still sharp. That was good as it would help lessen the pain from cutting his hand. To avoid the mana burn, he would likely prick his fingers.

“Goodnight, Luna.” Ash said, standing up even as Luna did the same.

“Goodnight, Ash. I’ll see you again in a few hours.” Luna said, giving him a small smile that he easily returned.


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Steam filled the room in a haze that made everything just a little harder to see. After stepping out of the shower and drying off, he donned his boxers and pants and walked over to the mirror, using his towel to quickly dry the mirror off so he could see. With the mirror clear enough to see, Ash gazed at himself. His hair, a brown so dark is seemed black, was shiny from still being slightly wet. Having not had access to razors for several months due to hospital regulations, Ash also had a slight beard, which he ran his hand through. He considered shaving it but, after a moment, decided to keep it. Once he got a razor, he would certainly be sure to trim it, at least. His eyes, a deep green color, seemed to shine for some reason. Looking closer and leaning toward the mirror, he noticed that his eyes were just brighter, not actually shining, which he was thankful for.

Leaning back from the mirror, he took note of his chest and stomach. He was far from the most fit of people, what with three years of being tossed around hospitals and growing weaker making it impossible for him to work out in any way. On the other hand, neither was he fat or even pudgy, since the hospital food was rather lacking on sugar and stopped him from gaining weight, even with the little exercise he was able to get. For a moment, he considered keeping a simple workout routine to keep himself from gaining weight, but he wasn’t sure if he would keep it. Knowing himself, he figured he would get distracted by his magic and forget it entirely. Maybe the castle had a track he could run a few laps around every morning.

Ash turned and left the bathroom after tossing the towel in a basket near the door. He made his way over to the large bed and proceeded to fall into it, instantly realizing that it was incredibly soft to the point of him nearly sinking into it. The blanket was cool to the touch, something that felt great against his bare chest. Ash allowed his eyes to drift closed as, moments later, he fell asleep.

In the Dreamrealm

Ash wasn’t sure when he became aware that he was in a dream. It was sometime during the spell battle with a dremora, yet after he summoned two Storm Atronachs to help him. One moment, he was lost in the haze that was a dream, and the next he became aware of the world entirely right before his final Thunderbolt slammed into the dremora’s chest, launching him back and turning him to ash.

“An impressive feat.” Ash heard from behind him. Once he had become lucid, he had instantly realized he was in a dream and that there was only one person who could have entered his dreams and made him lucid.

Ash turned around, seeing the sight of a dappled Luna standing behind him, a soft smile on her muzzle. His own face split into a smile at the sight of her, her dapples just absolutely adorable. “Just a taste of the kind of power the Destruction school can give.”

“And these creatures?” Luna asked, gazing at the construct. It looked like a collection of floating rocks held together by lightning, given only the vaguest of human shape.

“Storm Atronachs, summoning which is an Expert-level Conjuration spell.” Ash answered.

“So this is a dream that shows you what you want to be? A master of the different schools of magic?” Luna mused. “Where are we, anyway?”

Around the pair, ancient stones formed a large circle, hundreds of feet across. The two stood on one side of the large circle with the outer rim of a massive maze obscuring the other side of the arena-like structure. The ancient wall was adorned by markings of runic symbols, writings in a language neither could read, and imagery that depicted the assumed shapes of various Aedra and Daedra.

They seemed to be standing in the entryway of the maze, with a large runic circle glowing with four floating staves, a small garden of various flowers growing past that in front of them. To their left and right, two large staircases led to raised areas where the participants of the maze could be watched. Ash gestured his head toward one of the raised platforms and the pain walked over to it, climbing up to the higher platform. From their new vantage point, both Ash and Luna could see a literal labyrinth running inside the maze, waving back and forth repeatedly.

“Welcome, Luna, to Shalidor’s Maze.” Ash said with a wave of his hand. “I will admit that this place is different than the last time I had seen it, but it’s a close enough replica of the maze.”

“Who was Shalidor?” Luna asked curiously, gazing around the maze. “And why did he build this?”

“Shalidor was an incredibly talented and powerful Nord mage back in the First Era. In fact, he was an Archmagus, which is the old term for Archmage. He invented a number of spells, furthered the knowledge of the different schools, and, toward the end of his life, retreated into the ancient city of Labyrinthian and built Shalidor’s Maze. Here, he continued to research anything and everything that his mind came across until he eventually passed.” Ash explained, gesturing toward the information recorded on the walls. “Of course, that’s an incredibly simplified version of who he was and what he had done, but it’s enough to understand.”

Luna nodded. “He sounds almost like Starswirl the Bearded, the first Archmage of Equestria, which is the title given to those who advise the crown on matters of magic. It is because of him that my sister and I created the position as we valued his word highly in those days, more than a thousand and two hundred years ago. We still do, as seen by my sister being eager to read one of his recently-translated journals. He was one of the leading minds in almost every field of study and some of his discoveries and technologies are still considered cutting-edge.”

“Such as?” Ash asked curiously.

“It was Starswirl who first learned to harness charged arcane gems for the purpose of powering spells. While the field has advanced beyond simple spellcraft and now includes machinery and other equipment, nopony has yet discovered a more effective way of draining them. The only one who comes close is you, provided the arcane gems are soul gems and you can charge them.” Luna explained with a reminiscent look in her eyes. It was clear that she remembered Starswirl well and likely looked back on those days with a fondness that was unmatched.

“I think they would have gotten along.” Ash said, receiving a nod from the Alicorn.

“I think so.” She replied, a soft melancholy in her voice. Ash, not wanting to see her upset, wracked his brain for something to distract her. After a moment, an idea struck him. In fact, it was his original idea, the very reason he was eager to show her Nirn.

With a thought, the world around Ash and Luna shifted. Gone were the ancient ruins of Labyrinthian, replaced by the fields south of Whiterun. To their left, the massive center of commerce sprawled across several tiers, with the palace of Dragonsreach at the very top. Around them were green fields, flowers dotted everywhere. In the distance, Ash could see two deer bounding across a stream. Behind them, three mammoths were being herded, led by two peaceful giants.

Far off in the distance, mountains rose and breached the sky, their snow-capped peaks in contrast to the starred void of the night sky. Ash turned to Luna, seeing her gaze around the landscape in wonder as several soft green, glowing butterflies floated through the sky, the mesmerizing Luna Moths catching Luna’s attention, a fact that Ash found mildly amusing. Reaching over and lightly grasping her muzzle caught her attention, even as the softness of her fur surprised him, he pushed her muzzle up, tilting her head toward the sky in the distance, above a mountain.

The rising question died in her throat as a gasp tore out of her mouth, her eyes widening in pure shock. Above the two, a few scarce clouds did nothing to block the sight that greeted her eyes. Hundreds of stars both bright and dim made constellations she had never seen nor heard of before, but that was not what had her shocked. Nirn had two moons.

One of them was massive, easily thrice the size of her own. It was a dark grey, similar to her own in color, yet also had a tinge of red to it. Even from the planet, hundreds of thousands of miles from the moon, she could see some parts of the moon were smooth, where ancient magma had cooled into plains of rock. Other parts were cratered, ages old marks where meteors had once hit the surface of the satellite, sending plumes of rock and dust miles into the sky of the moon.

Allowing her gaze to drift to the other, much smaller moon, she saw that it was almost the same size as her own, though it seemed a little smaller. It was even the same color, a solid gray that seemed almost white. Several smooth plains of rock and massive craters were visible, though they were harder to see from her view due to the size of the second satellite. Luna, gazing upon the two moons, felt like she couldn’t breathe. Never in her dreams had she seen a world with two moons, and yet the being next to him was showing her his world, sharing his moons with her.

“You know,” Ash started, speaking softly. It seemed fitting to nearly whisper, the awe of the moment and the silence of the night making it seem like a crime to be loud. “They said that Masser, the larger, and Secunda, the smaller, are the physical remains of Lorkhan, split in half after he was punished by the Aedra.”

“Two moons…” Luna whispered. “You have two moons.”

She fell onto her rump, sitting there beneath the sky and staring at the moons. Ash sat down next to her, crossing his legs and he watched the sky, too. With this being his dream, he had no worry of wild wolves or feral vampires attacking them. They were perfectly safe to just sit in the middle of the flower fields for the entire night.

“It’s beautiful.” She breathed out. Luna wasn’t sure why she was so affected by the sight of two moons. Maybe it was the novelty, the majesty of it all? Two massive orbs of rock orbiting the world below when she had always seen one for her thousands of years of life.

Or maybe the fact that, attuned to the moon as she was, she felt different, more special with two in the sky? The sight of the night sky, even if it wasn’t her night sky, with strange and foreign constellations, adorned by two massive and awe-inspiring moons made her feel alive. No matter the reason, something about the sight moved her to tears, small trails of water running down her cheeks and dripping to the ground below. They were not tears of sorrow nor loss, nor of joy and happiness, but of awe and beauty.

The Alicorn was vaguely aware of Ash’s hand on her shoulder, the man who felt the need to share such an amazing sight with her. Even more, he did so to help her, to distract her from her thoughts of Starswirl and her longing. Ash had seen that she was upset and so shared such a sight with her to cheer her up. She couldn’t thank him enough for that.

Turning suddenly threw Ash’s hand off of her shoulder and made him lean back in surprise, yet it didn’t slow her down or make her hesitate. Darting forward, she set her head on his shoulder even as her wings came and wrapped around him, holding her close to him. From her position, she heard his heart beat faster, so she spoke in a whisper, one so soft it was hard to hear even in the dead of night. “Thank you. Thank you for showing me this.”

“Whatever do you mean?” Ash asked with a playful grin, his arms wrapped around Luna’s barrel, just under her wings. “I just figured you’d be interested in Masser and Secunda.”

“No jokes.” Luna said firmly, her wings tightening around him. “I know what you did. Why?”

“I didn’t like seeing you upset.” Ash answered simply, patting her side with one of his hands. “So I thought I’d show you something you might like.”

Luna’s muzzle softly nuzzled his neck, lighting his nerves on fire, though he doubted she knew it. Her wings slowly came apart as she leaned back, a warm smile on her muzzle as she stared at him, her teal eyes meeting his own green ones. The Alicorn scooted over slightly and leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder as she looked to the sky again. “Tell me of some of the constellations, Ash.”

The stars above them winked out of existence as the sky shifted. Slowly, thirteen different groups faded into sight again as the constellations formed, Ash speaking all the while. “There are thirteen constellations in total, but not all of them are visible from the same location at the same time, so I’ve shifted the sky so we can see them. I’m leaving the moons as they are, though.”

As he had said, the two moons stayed in the sky, where they were framed by the constellations. Luna noticed quickly that there were three groups of four and a single outlier, which she assumed there was a story for. A moment later, when the sky had stilled again, he continued talking. “There are three Guardian constellations, each of which protects three charges, with the exception of the Serpent, who wanders the sky alone and is in a different location each night. It is said that those born under certain constellations often have either certain temperaments or abilities that depend on the constellation.”

“The first Guardian is the Warrior, who protects the Steed, the Lady, and the Lord. He protects his charges during their season. Those born in his season, the Last Seed, are skilled with weapons of all kinds, though they are also prone to short tempers.” Ash said as he gestured toward a collection of stars that made out a warrior holding a shield and axe.

“The Steed is one of the charges of the Warrior, and its season is Mid Year. Those born under the Steed can be rather impatient and tend to hurry from one place to another throughout their lives.” Ash said, pointing to a constellation that resembled a rearing horse.

“The Lady is one of the Warrior’s charges and her season is Hearthfire. Those that are born under the sign of the Lady are said to be kind and tolerant.” This time, he pointed toward a constellation that that resembled a kneeling woman.

“The Lord is the last of the Warrior’s charges, and his season is the month of First Seed, and as such, he oversees all planting. Those born under the sign of the Lord are said to be both stronger and healthier than others.” Ash said, directing Luna’s attention to a constellation that resembled a man. Luna was listening intently, paying close attention to what he was saying. She was very interested in hearing the story behind another world’s constellations, a fact that did not surprise him.

“The next Guardian is the Mage whose season is Rain’s Hand, the month that is believed to be when man first used Magicka. His charges are the Apprentice, the Golem, and the Ritual. Those born in Rain’s Hand are said to have more Magicka and are talented spellcasters, yet tend to be more arrogant and absent-minded.” He gestured toward a man holding a staff in one hand, with his other waving forward as if he was casting a spell.

“The Apprentice is the first of the Mage’s charges, and his season is Sun’s Height. Those born under the Apprentice have an affinity for all magic, yet are more vulnerable to magic in turn.” Ash said, pointing toward a constellation that depicted a man holding a staff with both hands.

“The Golem, most often called the Atronach, is the second of the Mage’s charges, and its season is Sun’s Dusk. Those born under this sign are natural sorcerers with deep reserves of Magicka, yet cannot generate it on their own and must absorb it from other spells.” Ash explained, turning Luna’s attention to a star constellation that showed what seemed to be a mix between a Storm Atronach and a Frost Atronach.

“The Ritual, the last of the Mage’s charges, has the season of Morning Star. Those born under this sign are said to have a variety of abilities depending on the mood of the Divines.” He pointed toward a constellation that looked like an eye, an eyebrow, and a curled symbol below the eye.

“The last Guardian is the Thief, who protects the Lover, the Shadow, and the Tower. His season is the Evening Star, the darkest month of the year. Those born under the Thief are not always thieves, though they do have unnatural luck. However, it is said that their luck will run out and that they will not live as long as those under other signs.” He gestured toward a constellation that showed a man running through the sky.

“The Lover is the first charge of the Thief and her season is Sun’s Dawn. Those born under the sign of the Lover are said to be graceful and passionate.” Ash pointed toward a collection of stars that showed a woman.

“The Shadow’s season is the Second Seed. Those born under the sign of the Shadow have the ability to hide in darkness and avoid detection.” Ash said, pointing at a constellation that showed just the hand and head of a man.

“The Tower is the final charge of the Thief, and its season is the season of Frostfall. Those born under the sign of the Tower are skilled at opening locks of all kinds and can find gold in all kinds of places.” Ash explained, pointing to the final constellation under the Thief, one that showed a large tower.

“And the Serpent?” Luna asked curiously. “Why is it alone?”

“The Serpent has no season and no Guardian. It wanders across the sky and is not always in the same place at the same time of the year, though it can be predicted to a vague degree. While the Serpent has no season, it is possible to be born under the sign, provided it shares the sky with the sign of your birth.”

“So, if a pony is born in the month of the Ritual, ‘Morning Star,’ and the Serpent sign is in the sky that night?” Luna asked to clarify.

“That’s right. Those born under the Serpent are said to have their natural abilities amplified, yet are also doomed to meet the most cursed of fates.” Ash said. “It is said to wander the sky for the sole purpose of attacking the other signs.”

“What sign are you born under?” Luna asked curiously.

Let’s see, I was born on July 15th, and July corresponds to Sun’s Height, which is the season of the Apprentice. Huh. You know, that’s kind of funny. I’m learning Magicka and I was born under the sign of the Apprentice. “Sun’s Height, the sign of the Apprentice.”

“So, more gifted in Magicka, yet more vulnerable to it as well?” Luna asked, making sure she remembered right.

“That’s correct.” Ash said, gaining a bright smile from her, happy that she had remembered what she told him. “Does Equestria have twelve months?”

“Yes, we do.” Luna said. “Why?”

“What month were you born under? Or Celestia?” Ash asked.

Luna hummed lightly, realizing what he meant. She thought for a moment, making Ash think she had to remember when she was born. After a few moments, she spoke. “I was born in the second month. My sister was born in the ninth month.”

Second month is February, which is Sun’s Dawn. Luna was born under the sign of the Lover. Why am I not surprised? Celestia was born in September, which is Hearthfire. She was born under the sign of the Lady. That’s not surprising, either.

“You were born under the sign of the Lover,” Ash said, which made Luna’s dappled muzzle flush lightly. “So, if the signs have an effect on this world, too, you are graceful and passionate. Your sister was born under the sign of the Lady, so she is kind and tolerant.”

“I suppose both of those are fitting.” Luna said. “Moreso my sister, though.”

“I don’t know.” Ash said in a teasing tone. He couldn’t pass the chance up. “I don’t know you well enough to say for sure, but I think you can be rather graceful and passionate.”

Her muzzle darkened even more, though a sheepish smile came across her muzzle. “I don’t think so.”

“Do you dance? Waltz, perhaps, or another type of dance I don’t know of?” Ash asked, draping a hand over her shoulders. Internally, he was tensed, hoping that he wasn’t going to be thrown a few hundred feet away by being so bold.

Fortunately, he was safe. Her muzzle dipped as it shifted from a light pink to solid red, embarrassment clear on her face all around even as she spoke shyly, her ears folding down flat against her head. “Waltz.”

“On rare occasion, such as a party, or perhaps even just for enjoyment?” Ash asked, bringing his head closer to hers, which was still partly on his shoulder.

Her head moved away quickly, darting under her wing to try to hide for him, a tactic that was both utterly useless and absolutely adorable. Ash followed her as best he could, leaning over slightly as his voice dropped, softly whispering. “You know, I can box step waltz and forward progressive step.”

That seemed to be the tipping point. Luna’s wing shot to the side, smacking him hard enough to push him away, yet the soft feathers prevented it from hurting. She surged to her hooves and resolutely stared at the sky, specifically the Serpent constellation. Her muzzle was flushed a red so dark that he couldn’t see her dapples anymore, a fact that made him feel surprisingly disappointed. “So you said something about the Serpent chasing the other signs across the sky to try to harm them? What’s the story behind that?”

Ash rose to his feet and walked up beside Luna, placing a hand on her withers again. That caught her attention again, making her look over her shoulder with a nervous look in her eyes. Ash flashed her a soft smile as he spoke. “I’m sorry. I’m shouldn’t have teased you like that.”

The nervous looked faded, replaced by a smile, though her eyes drifted down. “It’s okay. I’m not mad at you. I didn’t hurt you with my wing, did I?”

“No, you didn’t. The feathers were soft enough that prevented it from hurting.” Ash said, making Luna give a nod of relief. After a moment, he continued. “You looked adorable with the flush, though.”

Dropping his hand and taking a step forward before Luna could think he was going to start again, he pointed back up to the sky again. “The signs aren’t just stars in the sky, Luna. All thirteen constellations are known as Celestials, living beings that have ascended to the skies and gained godlike power, though they are still mortal.”

“They...they are alive?” Luna asked in shock.

“Yes, they are.” Ash said simply. “The only time they have walked Nirn is in the Second Era, the year 582. The Warrior, the Thief, and the Mage fell from the sky and took on mortal forms, reappearing in the sky some years later.”

“What year is it now?”

“Fourth Era, 202.” Ash said in reply. “It was two Eras ago. Nirn measures an Era based on important events, rather than a number of years. The Fourth Era will end when something sufficiently important happens, beginning the Fifth Era.”

“So, it’s been a long time.” Luna said. Even though she hadn’t said it, Ash knew what he was thinking.

“It was a long time ago, yes, but it was something that was never forgotten because of how important it was.” Ash explained to her.

Luna hummed for a moment, then replied. “You were right about Oblivion and the Daedra, so I’ll take your word for it about the Celestials.”

“In any case, it is said that the Serpent was a Celestial who was an enemy of the others, choosing to follow them into the sky to destroy them. That is how it has gone for ages, but nothing has changed. I do not know if the Serpent is capable of destroying the others, or even if it is repelled each time.”

Luna nodded and allowed her gaze drifted around the world, taking in the sight of the mammoths, giants, and deer, eventually settling on the city in the distance. “Where are we, Ash?”

“Skyrim.” Ash explained. “On the continent of Tamriel, which is a part of Nirn.”

“Your homeland?” Luna asked.

“No, but I’ve been here.” Ash answered. “The city in the distance is Whiterun, which lies in the center of the country, and as such is the trade center of Skyrim. Almost everything passes through the city at some point.”

“Tell me about Skyrim, Ash.”

“A frozen land, ringed by mountains on three sides and the Sea of Ghosts on the fourth. It is always cold here, though not all places are coated in snow, as you can see. Northwest holds a swamp, with the southeast holding a hot springs. Otherwise, the country is full of mountains, hills, and snow plains.” Ash said.

“What kind of beasts dwell here?”

“As you can see,” Ash began, pointing to the giants. “There are mammoths and giants that wander the plain. You can find bears, big cats, trolls, wolves, deer, foxes, rabbits, and so much more. However, the most recent addition is the return of dragons.”

“Return?” Luna asked.

“A story for another time, I think. The story of the dragons is a long one that requires me to go back hundreds of years to explain, explain artifacts that predate Mundus, and further explain the Aedra and Daedra.” Ash explained.

“Fair enough. Perhaps another time.” Luna said, understanding his point.

“Whether in dreams or in life.” Ash replied.

Luna’s gaze snapped to him, a surprised look on her muzzle. “You will allow me to enter your dreams again?”

“Yes, I will.” Ash said with a smile. “After all, you seem rather interested in Nirn, so why not?”

The two fell silent for some time, Luna seeming to think something over, though Ash knew not what. Ash, however, was gazing at Whiterun, remembering all the times he had gone into the city to sell his collected gear, walking out with a broke city behind him only to repeat the process two days later.

After what might have been ten minutes had time actually passed in the dream realm, Luna firmly nodded, though it seemed to be to herself. She turned rather quickly and approached him, a deep blush on her face in addition to a very nervous smile and folded ears. The black spots on her muzzle stood out even more, making her seem even more adorable to him.

“Luna?” Ash asked curiously.

Luna circled around him, her nervous smile growing wider as she did so, with her left wing extended out toward him. “It’s been many years since I’ve last danced with a friend, and nopony nowadays knows how to waltz. So I ask you one thing, Ash, my friend.”

“Will you dance with me?”

Ash grinned to her, then held out his left hand, the fingertips barely brushing against her wingtip as he copied her movements, circling with her. “I will dance with you.”

Luna brought her right forehoof forward and around as Ash did the same, both pivoting to face each other directly. Ash’s moved his left hand to rest on her shoulder while his right lightly grasped her wingtip and held it out from them, with Luna’s right wing wrapping around his back gently. Her smile had grown from nervous to hopeful, though her blush had darkened again several times over. After all, she had only known him for a day, so she must have been nervous to dance with him.

Ash took a step forward with his right foot, then stepped again to the right while Luna did the same, but mirrored. A second later, he slid his left foot forward and right to meet his right foot in one smooth motion, the bottom of his foot an inch off of the ground. Stepping back and left with his right foot, then sliding his left foot to match, he completed a box step, with Luna mirroring him perfectly.

Her movements were, as he expected, perfectly graceful and coordinated. Considering she had four legs to move to his two, she was doing an amazing job keeping in time with him, both rhythm and actual movements. Her shoulders did not bob at all, keeping entirely smooth and steady as she swayed side to side, back and forth, in time with him. The entire time, her smile was wide and bright, her blush dark and large, with her eyes shining with happiness at being able to indulge in one of her passions once again.

On the contrary, Ash’s movements were slightly hesitant, having to take the time to remember the correct motion rather than moving by instinct as Luna did. His shoulders actually moved up and down as he walked rather than stepped, the smooth feel Luna gave off fading away at him. While he had no blush, he did have a content grin on his face, the idea of dancing with Luna a very attractive one that he did not hesitate to do and would not hesitate to do again in the future.

Truth be told, the only ones he could have been romantically interested in were immortals, mostly Alicorns. He had always felt an attraction to Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and certain depictions of Nightmare Moon. Although the idea of ‘herding’ was one he did not enjoy, and the characters had not been real to his knowledge, so he never put any thought into why he felt a slight attraction to them. Truth be told again, he had never expected to ever use his knowledge of the waltz, but he was content to know it was being put to use.

Ash wasn’t sure how long the two had danced under the twin moons of Tamriel. Ash wasn’t sure if the constellations had truly gathered around to watch, or if that was just his imagination. Neither was Ash sure when the dream began to collapse, the distance fading out as he slowly awoke. The only thing he remembered for sure of that time was that, right before the dream ended entirely, Luna had leaned forward and gently nuzzled his neck once more.

He also knew that, when he awoke, his legs were sore as if he had danced under the stars for hours on end.

The Second Morning

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Ash awoke early the next morning, though not by his own choice. The very first thing he became aware of was the sound of loud banging against his door, though it was neither particularly aggressive or violent, which revealed the fact that it was most likely a pony just knocking on the door with solid hooves. He rolled out of bed with a groan and, forgetting for the moment that he was shirtless, walked over to the door and opened it, rubbing his eyes. “Can I help you?”

“I was wondering if you would join my sister and I for breakfast, but you look tired.” He heard Celestia say with an amused tone of voice. He let his hand drop and opened his blurry eyes, seeing the Alicorn standing in front of him.

“Of course I’ll join you two, just let me put my socks and shoes on.” Ash said, walking back towards the bed and leaving the door open. Celestia took a couple steps in, content to wait for him before heading to breakfast. Ash sat down on the bed after grabbing his clothes from the nightstand beside the bed, stooping over to put his socks and shoes on.

“Socks? I thought you were male.” Celestia asked curiously.

“I don’t know what ponies use socks for, but humans use them to protect our feet while wearing shoes, which will chaff otherwise. Everyone, provided they can get them, wears socks, unless they choose to go barefoot or wear shoes that don’t require them.” Ash explained. “What do ponies use them for?”

“Well, for the most part, only mares wear them, with few exceptions. Usually, a mare will wear them to make themselves seem more attractive, but there are also socks that are sold for, ahem, use in the bedroom, if you get my meaning.” Celestia told him, her cheeks turning a very light pink toward the end.

“I understand.” Ash said. “What about winter clothing?”

“Winter clothing is very rare, though it does exist for ponies with thin coats. Winter clothes usually consists of a scarf, socks, and a saddle, though they are very visibly designed for functionality rather than appearance. As for saddles, they often have the same use as socks, though they tend to be more focused on lingerie.” Celestia explained, making him nod again.

“Winter clothing for humans consists of pants, like my jeans, and a jacket, which is a thicker shirt with longer sleeves.” Ash explained, not quite knowing if they used the same terminology for their clothing.

“The same terms apply for the same things here.” Celestia told him.

Ash pulled his shoes on quickly enough and stood, gesturing with his head toward the door. “I’m ready.”

“Let’s go. My sister and student are already there, though I think my student would rather be sleeping.” Celestia explained, causing the two to start walking.

“So, Celestia, what’s on the agenda for today?” Ash asked curiously.

“Well, I have royal duties today, though that doesn’t start until after my morning canter. Luna, on the other hoof, has nothing to do. The meeting is over, so she’s free for the next two days before she takes over for me. You’ll have to ask her what she plans to do.” Celestia told him, the pair walking toward the dining room once again.

“What’s your morning canter? I mean, I know what a canter is, it's a run, but you understand my point.” Ash questioned as the two turned a corner, passing by a trio of guards who were patrolling. Celestia nodded to the three, who all returned the greeting with a salute.

“Every morning, I canter a few laps around a track I had installed a few centuries back to keep in shape. It’s a half-mile straight path that is between the castle and the exterior wall, placed there before the Storage Quarter was built. Back then, I didn’t have days off like I do now, so a scheduled exercise was the only chance I had to make sure I wouldn’t gain weight from an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.” Celestia explained.

Ash knew damn well why she didn’t have any days off in the past. While asking would give him the chance to be able to say ‘Nightmare Moon’ without them wondering where he had learned the name, he didn’t want to bring up painful memories. Instead, he just continued with his original plan. “Do you mind if I join you for your run? My diet is a bit more substantial than it used to be, so I’m worried I’ll start gaining weight if I don’t start exercising in some way.”

“I don’t mind at all, as it’ll be nice to have a cantering partner, but why was your diet not ‘substantial,’ as you put it?”

“I was in a hospital for three years. The food there was specifically tailored to give the nutrients needed, but also be lacking enough to not make the patients gain weight unless they needed it.” Ash explained, making Celestia’s ears fold back.

“I’m sorry for bringing it up.” Celestia said softly.

“Don’t be, it was just a question.” Ash said, idly thinking how the situation could have been reversed had he asked the question he considered earlier. “In any case, how far do you run and how fast?”

“Five miles at a trot.” Celestia said simply, making Ash visibly wince. “Is something wrong?”

“Five miles is a lot for a human who doesn’t run often. I won’t be able to keep up for all of it. I probably won’t be able to run five miles a day for a good while.” Ash told her.

“I’ll lessen my distance, if that helps?” Celestia offered kindly, making Ash remember that she was born under the Lady stone.

“No need, Celestia. I’ll keep up with you for as long as I can, but I’ll stop once I’m really tired.” A thought hit him and he continued. “I’ll even be able to do it every day. I’ll be able to use Healing to stop myself from getting sore.”

Celestia nodded in understanding as they rounded another corner, the door to the dining hall coming up. “That is very useful, then. The only reason I canter five miles instead of ten or more is because I don’t want to be sore while ruling, just in case. If I could move further than that and not worry about the pain from my muscles, I would be able to lose the extra weight in my flanks.”

“First, you don’t have extra weight.” Ash began. In truth, she really didn’t. Her flanks were bigger than an average pony’s, but that was only because she was bigger overall. For her height, nothing about it seemed large or fat. “Second, I’d be happy to help you once I learn Healing Hands.”

“First, I do have extra weight on my flanks. Two hundred years ago, I weighed almost thirty pounds less, though I appreciate the compliment!” Celestia said with a slight grin, smacking him with her wing playfully. “Second, I’d appreiciate that very much, Ash.”

“Two hundred years ago? Wouldn’t you have been shorter and less muscled back then, hence smaller?” The man asked simply, making her blink twice before humming thoughtfully.

“Perhaps. I don’t quite know what my height was back then, so maybe I did just grow taller.” Celestia said as the two guards beside the dining room swung the door open, giving them entrance. The pair walked in, seeing that Luna and Twilight were both there already. Luna was wide awake and even gave him a large smile when she saw him, which he returned. Twilight, on the other hand, looked dead to the world with a fully zombified face, which was hovering over a cup and nurturing it like it was the Holy Grail...that apparently actually existed. Celestia walked toward the end of the table and took a seat by Luna and Ash sat across from Twilight, also next to Luna.

Breakfast had already been served, a large helping of pancakes, eggs, and orange juice. However, Ash also had several large strips of bacon, which he was very thankful for. In fact, Ash was thankful for meat in general. Not having to go vegetarian was amazing. However, before they began to eat, Luna smiled widely at the man and spoke. “Thank you for showing me such a wonderful time last night, Ash.”

Instantly, Twilight started coughing as a sip of her coffee went down the wrong pipe, with Celestia’s fork dropping to the table with a loud clink. Ash, doing nothing more than setting his head into his hand, sighed loudly. After a moment, Celestia apparently overcame her shock well enough to speak. “What? Luna!”

“What?” Ash could practically hear the honest innocence dripping off of her words, confusion in her voice. “All he did was show me something wonderful under the stars last night.”

All thoughts of Luna actually realizing what she said went out the window with that statement, so he looked up and cleared his throat loudly. Celestia and Twilight, who had calmed her coughing, looked up to him, bright blushes on their muzzles. “I invited Luna into my dreams last night. I showed her that Nirn has, in fact, two moons. I also told her the story of our constellations and showed them to her. We did not, in any way, have relations, despite what it sounds like Luna is saying.”

Now Luna’s muzzle was bright red, finally realizing what it sounded like she meant. “Y-yes, what he said! We didn’t do anything intimate except dancing!”

Seeing the look she received from Twilight, though Celestia had nothing more than an understanding smile, she spoke defensively. “It’s a hobby of mine and he could help! Nopony knows how to waltz anymore, so I asked him once I learned he could.”

With a sigh, Ash went back to eating once he saw Twilight calm down as she started to understand what had happened. Celestia, apparently piecing it together once he had spoken, had already started eating. After a moment, she spoke, though she made sure to swallow before she did. “I was somewhat worried you had managed to seduce my sister in one night. It’s good to know that you two simply spent some time together.”

I mean, I wouldn’t mind seducing her. If I thought I could, I’d probably try. Ash thought to himself, then spoke. “No worries there. I don’t think your sister is the type of mare to sleep with someone she met earlier that day.”

The two Alicorns nodded, agreeing with him, before they all turned back to their meals. Unlike the previous lunch and dinner, none of the four spoke until they were finished eating. Embarrassment and misunderstanding had seemingly killed the conversation for the time. The only thing to be heard was the soft clink of forks on plates, the sounds of cups being raised and lowered, and a single soft groan of delight when Ash tasted the first bacon strip. Ten minutes later, the four had finished.

“So, Ash, what do you plan to do today?” Twilight asked curiously.

“I’m going to run with Celestia for a bit, though I’m not going to be able to run as far as she will. After that, I plan on testing my Healing more and try to get closer to learning Healing Hands.” Ash explained. “So I’ll probably head back to Star’s Yard and continue to train there.”

“I’ll help you with that.” Luna said, nodding to him. “I’ll head to the Yard a half hour or so after this.”

“Thank you. What about you, Twilight?”

“I’ll be heading up to the Archives and possibly check out a few books to read before it’s time for me to head to the station. I won’t be here at lunch since I’m heading back to Ponyville.” The Unicorn said, receiving a nod from him. With plans shared, the four slowly stood up and made their way out. Twilight and Luna walked down a hallway together, the Alicorn likely accompanying her to the Archives. On the contrary, Ash followed Celestia down a similar route that had led him to Star’s Yard, which made sense. Star’s Yard was set close to the back of the Public Quarter while the track was built after it, from what he understood.

The ancient Alicorn- not that he would ever refer to her as that vocally- led him through the halls of the castle for what must have been easily twenty minutes, eventually coming across a door that was different than all the others. While it was still made of oak wood, the normal markings, a sun and moon, were missing from it. It was also much smaller than the other doors of the castle. Whereas Ash could kneel down on Celestia’s back and pass through most of the doors in the castle, this one required both Ash and Celestia to duck to walk through, which caused her to speak. “This is a back entrance into the castle, really only accessible from the Storage and Defense Quarters of the castle. It wasn’t built for somepony of our heights, so I usually teleport here. However, I wanted to show you the route so you can walk here if you decide to 'run' without me, or have to find me here on your own.”

Ash nodded, appreciating the sentiment. The more places he could successfully walk to alone, the better chance he had of eventually making a mental map of the Public Quarter of the castle. Now that they were outside, Ash took a look around and saw that the track really was small and nearly unnoticeable from the outside of the castle. About fifteen feet in front of him, a sheer rock wall of the mountain greeted his vision, while the track ran for a little over two thousand feet to his right before the mountain blocked the exit. Up above, the area gradually narrowed until a half-mile long and foot wide strip allowed light to fill the area.

Looking back toward the track, he saw that the path itself was marble, just like the rest of the castle, but the floor of the area was simple gray rock. In fact, it looked like this area had been carved out of the mountain and started to be turned into a full room before the builders gave up on it, broke a hole in the roof to make a light, and then abandoned the place to be used once a day by Celestia. “So why doesn’t Luna join us?”

“Luna never really developed this habit because we implemented our system a few months after… Anyway, rather than running every day with me, she goes camping sometimes. I don’t mind it when she goes to Whitetail Woods, but whenever she’s feeling particularly brave, she camps in the Everfree. I know she can’t really be hurt by anything in there, but I still worry nonetheless.” Celestia said, trailing off at first to avoid mentioning Luna’s banishment.

“Hmm. I might go with her one day, if she’ll allow me to, though probably not to the Everfree. You’ve mentioned that it was dangerous twice now, so I think I’d rather avoid it until I’m stronger, physically and magically.” Ash said, purposely changing the subject, as the pair started to walk the final ten or so feet to the start of the track.

Celestia flashed him a thankful smile. By this point, she no doubt knew that he figured something had happened involving Luna. She also likely knew he was avoiding bringing it up to respect their privacy, which she was grateful for. While the truth was that he already knew about Nightmare Moon, he still wasn’t going to bring it up until one of them directly offered the information. Ash had absolutely no doubt that it was a sore subject, so he felt no need to upset them to satisfy his curiosity.

The pair stopped at the beginning of the track, looking down the marble path that was clearly two thousand feet long and eight or so feet wide. Celestia turned her head and gazed at Ash with a grin, which he returned with a slightly nervous one as she spoke. “Try to keep up for at least two and a half miles. Remember, that’s five times across the track. When we get to the other side, we’ll stop and turn around and run back. If you are wondering why the track doesn’t loop around, I didn’t want to have a full oval track built in the mountain, so I chose to have a stop-and-go track.”

“Understood.” Ash said.

“Ready?” Celestia asked, receiving a nod in reply. “Go.”

The two started forward with Celestia leading, moving at a trot. Quickly matching her pace, he came up beside her, which was rather easy. A trot for a pony was a jog for a human, which made sense. If he remembered correctly, a horse had four speeds, those being a walk, a trot, a canter, and a gallop, which were walking, jogging, running, and sprinting, respectively. If Celestia moved at a trot the entire time, he might be able to keep up for three or so miles before getting tired.

Thirty Minutes Later

“Too much?” Celestia asked, trying and failing to keep an amused grin off of her muzzle. Ash had done rather well for a bipedal species who had not kept an active lifestyle. He kept up with her jogging easily for two miles. He knew how to breathe properly and kept it steady rather than panting or gasping, he kept his stride long but not long enough to strain himself, and he gradually slowed to a stop at the end of the track rather than stopping as quickly as he could. Nothing had happened for those four laps, not even talking, as Ash was too focused on measuring his paces and breathing to speak to her, not that she minded. Running was a chance to clear her mind and relax just as much as her days off were.

The change came from the fifth lap. Celestia had proposed the idea of speeding up to a canter for the final lap and Ash, not realizing that he was actually much more tired than he felt, agreed to it. When they stopped and turned for the fifth lap, both of them took off at a run and kept pace, though Ash started to slow down around halfway through. By the time they got to the end of the run, Ash had slowed to a trot again and promptly collapsed onto the hard rock, not even Celestia’s reaction speed allowing her to try to catch him.

While initially worried he was actually injured, his waving and weak but reassuring grin told her otherwise. Her own frown had faded, replaced by a grin as she watched him regain his breath. “Next time, we won’t run. We’ll just keep to a solid trot the entire time.”

“That’s good.” Ash breathed out, allowing his eyes to close for a moment. A few seconds later, he opened his eyes again and rose to his feet with a groan, having to transition to his knees before he could fully rise. “I think I’m done running for the day. I’m going to head to Star’s Yard.”

“How will you get there?” Celestia asked, a smug tone to her voice.

“I’ll ask a guard for directions.” Ash said, his tone still tired but resolute.

“Or you can just ask me to teleport you there.” Celestia said.

“It won’t be a problem?” Ash asked.

“Not at all.” Celestia said, her horn alighting in magic.

“This won’t make me throw up, will it?” The man questioned warily. He had read too many stories where first-time teleporters threw everything up and did not seek that fate for himself.

“Not even the slightest. That effect was fixed three decades ago.” Celestia said, flashing him a smile. With a pop that was much louder for him now that he was the one teleporting, Ash’s vision was replaced by a white field, likely the flash he could always see. A split second before he reappeared at Star’s Yard, his vision seemed to flicker with color for a split moment before the courtyard appeared with another pop.

Looking around, he took in the various plants and trees that filled the courtyard, flower bushes of bright colors dotted here and there. The white wood gazebo still sat in the same place it had before, the stream running right in front of it. Following the stream with his eyes, he noticed that Luna was already there waiting for him. She was on the flat-topped rock he had sat on last time, reclining on her back with her wings splayed out, likely sunbathing with her head hanging off the rock in his direction, her eyes closed. Ash slowly walked over, her upside-down ears perking as his shoes crunched old leaves and brushed aside grass.

Luna’s teal eyes opened as he neared, looking up, or down in her case, to meet his own. With a quick motion, she rolled and righted herself, now looking at him as mild amusement played through her eyes. She took in his sweaty hair, his disheveled clothing and heavy breathing. “Have fun?”

“I did, in fact, enjoy myself.” Ash replied. “Though I decided to accept her challenge to run the last half mile rather than jog it. I shouldn’t have.”



Luna made a noise of acknowledgement before continuing. “So, are you ready to continue practicing your magic or do you wish to rest some more?”

“Rest, most definitely rest. My mind’s muddled right now and my spells require focus. If I mess up Healing, it will worsen the wound I’m trying to fix and will even cause mana burn.” Ash explained, showing her his left hand. “It’s pretty much just a burn that magic can’t heal. My guide said it was entirely immune to magic, which is why it can’t be healed by anything other than time.”

His palm had been a bright red a few minutes after the burn had first formed, but it looked to have healed some in the sixteen or so hours it had been since it happened. The shiny red flesh had faded to a dull red, through it wasn’t quite the same color as the rest of his hand yet. While closing his hand into a fist did sting some, it didn’t hurt enough that he tried to avoid it.

“Very good idea, then. I’d rather not lose any of my fur and have to wait for a burn to heal before it regrows.” Luna said, hopping off of the rock and gesturing toward the gazebo with one wing. “Join me in the shade, then.”

The pair walked over toward the gazebo and walked up the two steps that kept it off of the wet ground. Luna took a seat on one of red cushions and grabbed the rest in her magic, setting one beside her and laying the rest out in a row. Luna moved, lying down on the two cushions she had while gesturing for him to take the other three, which he did with a nod of thanks. Ash lied down on them on his stomach, the position he was most comfortable in, and rested his head down on the side, toward Luna, before speaking. “Did you go with Twilight to the Archives?”

“I did.” Luna confirmed. “I took the chance to spend a little more time with her before she had to leave. She is a good friend of mine, and I usually visit her when I’m off, but it’s not quite as often as I would like. Do you plan to join Celestia’s runs more often?”

“Yeah, I do.” Ash said. “I want to get and stay in shape and running is a good way to do it.”

The Alicorn made a face. “I don’t like running, mostly because I hate being sweaty. It makes my fur mat, messes up my feathers, and stinks, though your smell isn’t nearly as strong as a pony’s. I think it’s because you don’t have heavy fur. Anyway, I’d rather camp in a forest, which is something I do quite often.”

“I heard from Celestia when I asked why you don’t join her. I’ve also heard twice now that the Everfree is unsafe. What makes it more dangerous that any other forest?”

“There’s wild, untamed magic that fills those woods. Outside of the Forest, ponies control almost everything. Plants are grown by Earth ponies, animals are taken care of by farmers and veterinarians, and the weather is controlled by Pegasi. In the Forest, everything runs on its own. The weather is wild, plants grow quickly and uncontrolled, and the beasts there follow primal instinct rather than pony discretion.” Luna explained, a fond look coming over her face as she spoke. “Of course, that’s not to mention the animals themselves. Sure, there are normal wolves and deer, but there are also timberwolves, manticores, cockatrices, hydras, cragodiles, quarray eels, chimeras, and so many more dangerous predators that would love to snack on an Alicorn.”

“And yet you camp there for the challenge, don’t you?” Ash asked, beginning to understand why the Alicorn liked the Everfree.

“Yes, I do. There’s something about knowing that a single mistake can end me that really gets me excited and my adrenaline pumping.” She said with a smile. “Of course, I’m always careful enough that I’m never really at risk, but the possibility of it is enough. What about you? Do you enjoy the thrill of danger?”

“I don’t rightly know.” Ash said. “I’ve never really been in that situation. For the most part, the area of my world I lived in had no ‘natural’ dangers. However, the Everfree does remind me of home, mostly.”

“What do you mean?” Luna questioned curiously, an interested look clear in her eyes.

“The weather, plants, and animals. In my world, the weather is entirely random and we try to predict it, but we don’t always get it right. The plants will grow wild and utterly take back any building, town, or city if they are left alone long enough, though it’s only really happened with buildings in the woods and old ghost towns. The animals are completely wild with the exception of certain domesticated species such as dogs and cats, and going into the true wild can be a death sentence if something decides you're on the menu.” Ash explained to the Alicorn, who seemed equally interested and worried about an entire world that ran on Everfree logic.

“You should join me for my camping the next time I go into the Everfree, then.” Luna suggested. “It might remind you of your world, and it’ll give you the chance to find out if you like the thrill of being in danger or not, and with my magic, I can teleport us out should we actually be in danger.”

“I likely will, though I think it’ll be a long while before I actually do.” Ash said, then continued when Luna looked at him curiously. “I’d like to know a few more spells before I do such a thing, simply so I can be of assistance should we be attacked by an animal.”

“That’s a fair point, I suppose.” Luna said, nodding slowly in agreement. “Very well, then. It will be some time before you join me, then, but I will not forget.”

Then she grinned at him, continuing on. “You’ll go camping with me eventually, whether I have to trick you or not.”

Ash just chuckled. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary. As long as you actually give me time to learn a few new spells, I’ll happily come with you. I think I’m ready to practice my Healing now, in any case.”

“Eager to get started, hmm?” Luna asked, sitting up again as Ash followed suit.

He flashed her a smile as he replied. “The faster I learn, the faster I get to be in the Forest with you, alone.

Her muzzle flushed lightly, understanding his joke, before she slapped him with a wing. “Cease your teasing or you’ll be testing your Healing on yourself.”

Ash chuckled, but then gave her a confused look as what she said registered. “I am testing it on myself, remember? I don’t know Healing Hands yet and Healing only works on the caster.”

She froze for a moment, her ears splaying back, making Ash laugh louder. “You forgot, didn’t you?”

“Perhaps.” She admitted. “I’ll still stay and try to help, though.”

“It’s appreciated.” Ash said. “Do you have a knife for me to use? I think a maid came in while I was sleeping and took the other one back to the kitchens.”

With a pop of magic, another simple kitchen knife appeared in her magical aura, which she held out to him. “What do you need to do to learn Healing Hands?”

“Honestly, Luna, I’m not quite sure.” Ash said. “My guide is magically connected to me through some very complex spells, and I unlock new information after certain events. I had never heard of mana burn before until I burned myself and unlocked the entry on my guide. It said that I need to get used to the casting Healing to gain access to Healing Hands, though I’m not sure what exactly counts as ‘used to casting Healing.’ It said something along the lines of ‘familiarity breeds understanding, which breeds power.’”

“What is your guide, anyway? I’ve never seen it.” Luna asked curiously. Ash reached into his pocket and pulled out the phone, tapped the screen to switch it on, and loaded the guide. Once the index popped up, he held it out to her, which she took in her magic. He let go of it, and to his surprise, the phone fell straight to the floor of the gazebo. It hit the ground and bounced once before Ash picked it up, checking it over.

There weren’t any cracks on it, so he looked up to the confused Luna. “Sorry, I thought you had a hold on it.”

“I thought I did, too.” Luna said, confusion present in her voice. “Set it on the floor.”

He did so and, a moment later, her aura wrapped around it, yet the phone refused to move. Twice, the aura faded off of it before she tried again, eventually giving up. “I can’t lift it, Ash. The guide simply slips out of my grip every time I try to lift it. Do you know why?”

“No, I don’t.” Ash said, humming afterwards as he thought it over. “Perhaps it’s a spell wrapped around it to prevent it from being tampered with by magic?”

“Perhaps.” Luna mused for several moments before ultimately pushing it aside. “In any case, I suppose you should start practicing your magic, or do you wish to try to understand it instead?”

“How about both? I can practice my magic, and while waiting for it to recharge, we can try to learn more about the spell itself.” Ash suggested, receiving an affirmative nod from Luna.

Ash took the knife in his hand and, deciding not to test the spell on his right hand lest he burn himself on both hands and be unable to cast a spell, rolled up his pants leg enough to expose his lower leg. Setting the blade of the knife against the back of his leg, he prepared to quickly pull it across, though he would be careful not to cut deep. Just a light nick would work for Healing. No need to hurt himself worse, after all. However, before he could actually bring the blade across his leg, Luna spoke up, concern for him lacing her voice. “Ash, does this hurt you? I don’t know many ponies who would be willing to injure themselves just to learn a spell.”

Looking up at her, he replied. “Luna, I just nick myself. It’s not like I’m giving myself a gash or anything. Think of a papercut, just bigger, but not deeper. That’s about it. I have no desire to lacerate my flesh to practice Healing.”

Then, with a smirk, he continued. “That’ll be your job once I know Healing Hands.”

“Oh ha, ha, ha.” She said sarcastically, though she was smiling now. “Very well, continue. If you fail to heal yourself, I’ll take matters into my own hooves. Fair?”

“Fair.” Ash said, then brought the sharp blade across the back of his leg, opposite of his shin so he didn’t hit bone. True to his word, the cut barely bled, closer to a scratch than a cut. If Luna had to guess from the amount of blood, it really was practically a paper cut. It was no wonder he wasn’t learning anything about his spell with tiny cuts like those. Private Star had made it sound so much worse when she described the way he cut his hand to her.

Ash stared at the shallow but long scratch on his leg and focused, bringing his right hand near it. Imagining the golden ribbons of light once more and the tinkling sound of Healing, his imagination transitioned into reality much faster than it had before, likely because he had a chance to sleep, and talking with Luna had only given him a chance to rest again from his running. The cut quickly mended, the two sides coming together to leave sealed flesh, not a scar or scab left behind.

Looking over at Luna when he realized that was the first time she had seen a non-combat spell, he saw her gazing on with a curious look. A curious look that shifted into one of understanding as a smug grin came over her face as she sang out. “I understand it~”

“Understand what?”

Luna pointed at his hand with one of her hooves. “Healing. I understand how it works and why it works.”

“You were able to figure that out just by looking at it once?” Ash asked. If he was being truthful, it made him a little jealous. That was the kind of mastery of Magicka he wanted and Luna now had the first step. After a moment, he spoke again. “As much as I want to know, don’t tell me. I need to figure it out myself. How did you figure it out, though? You don’t even have Magicka!”

“Alicorn.” Luna said innocently, pointing toward herself with one of her blue hooves. “I’m very old and have a lot of experience with magic. Perhaps if you were four and a half thousand years old you would understand it just as I do.”

Ash’s eyes widened, surprised at her age. Truth be told, he expected her to be around sixteen hundred, not forty-five hundred. Then he saw the chance and took it. “You know, you don’t look half bad for your age.”

“Thank you, Ash.” She said with a slight flush and grin before continuing. “I may not be able to tell you how the magic works, but I can help you get there. You’re not healing enough. A Unicorn will never become better at levitation if she only lifts a pencil. If she, however, starts trying to lift a desk, she will become better.”

“So you want me to slice open my leg?” Ash asked to clarify. That’s what it sounded like she was hinting at. However, Luna just rolled her eyes and took the knife in her aura.

“Trust me.” Was all she said before she nicked the back of his leg again, his left hand above the burn, and his right arm. “Now try to heal all three at once. A full-body heal, if you will.”

Ash’s eyes widened as he understood her point, then nodded. It made sense, truthfully. The Healing spell had always covered the entire body in the game, which made sense. A soldier wouldn’t have the time to focus on his wounds one at a time, so he would heal them all at once. It also made sense why Healing wasn’t really draining his reserves at all- he wasn’t casting it in a large enough radius.

Making sure he kept his eyes wide open even though he wanted to close them as he tried to cast the spell, he focused as best he could with the feeling of blood dripping down his leg, arm, and hand. Luna had cut him deeper than he had, though the pain wasn’t very great, but the flowing warmth was a little distracting. Following Luna’s words to heal all three at once, he imagined golden light wrapping around all three cuts, the wounds mending as the blood faded, and the soft humming of the spell and the warmth that came with it.

He heard the spell cast, though he was looking at his left hand with his right behind held in front of him, out of his sight. Ribbons of light snaked around his left hand and he could see more on his leg out of the corner of his eye. He could feel warmth making its way down his right arm, to the aching cut, before the pain in all three areas began to fade away. The cut on his hand, which he was watching, was steadily closing, though he noticed that the ribbons of light avoided touching the mana burn in the slightest. A few moments later, he allowed the spell to drop, panting lightly. The strain in his chest had returned, showing that he was now doing it right. Now he was actually straining his reserves, which would allow it to expand.

“Good.” Luna praised from the side. Ash quickly looked over his arm and leg, having seen his hand heal, and saw that both cuts were gone. “But not quite what I asked for.”

“What? You said to heal all three at once.”

“As a full-body spell. The creature you fought in your dreams had used a spell that made a single line of golden light wrap around its entire body and I saw its wounds begin to close before your lightning bolt hit it. Isn’t that what a healing spell is supposed to look like?” Luna asked, making Ash blink twice. He hadn’t even noticed that the Dremora mage had casted a healing spell on himself, which made Ash respect Luna all the more for seeing something that must have only been a second or two.

“Yes, it is.” Ash said, looking back at her. “I hadn’t even noticed the Dremora had tried to heal itself. What did I look like?”

The Alicorn giggled lightly. “It looked like your hand was trying to turn you into a mummy.”

Then she got a gleam in her eyes, levitating the knife in the air again as it flickered through the air four times, four small aches appearing on his body. “Now, try again, and do it like the ‘Dremora’ did.”


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“I’m not any closer to understanding it, Luna.” Ash said, tossing the blood-stained knife aside. For the past two hours, it had seen constant use by Ash and Luna. He felt sick once more, his Magicka reserves well below half, yet just enough to stop him from feeling pain. Once Luna had learned how much Magicka he had, she had quickly calculated exactly how much he could spend before being in pain, and kept pushing him to that limit again and again. While the fact that she was helping him learn as much as she could, the fact didn’t change that he was sick to his stomach, tired of pain, and the scent of copper was filling the air around the gazebo. “I think I’m done for today.”

Luna nodded her understanding, sympathy in her eyes as she cleaned the knife with her magic and then teleported it away. With another spell, the few drops that had managed to get on his clothing or fall onto the gazebo vanished and the smell of blood began to fade away. “Do you wish to take a nap in your room? I can teleport you directly there if you wish.”

“I’m not sleepy, just a little sick until my reserves refill.” Ash couldn’t help the irritation that was in his voice, knowing that the only reason he felt sick was because Luna had pushed him to that point. Otherwise, Ash would have stopped at the strain and let his magic refill before repeating the process.

Her ears folded flat against her head and let her gaze drop to the floor, understanding his irritation, and tried to defend herself. “I’m sorry, but to truly master magic, any form of it, you have to push yourself well past your comfort zone.”

“I know.” Ash said simply. “But it doesn’t mean I like it. Let’s talk about something else.”

“Like what?” Luna asked. Ash thought for a moment before a thought came to mind and he figured he needed to discuss it.

“Luna, I need a way to earn money, whatever it may be called here. I need clothes, materials, and the like. I can’t just wait and bum off of you and Celestia until I learn Healing Hands and get it certified. I think I have a few ways to do so with magic, but I wanted to discuss them with you.” Ash said, gesturing to his only set of clothes once he mentioned them.

“We don’t mind, Ash.” Luna said honestly, gazing at him with those large eyes that all ponies had. “At this point, you’re already closer to a friend than anything, and we always help our friends.”

Ash just sighed. “Letting me stay in the castle is one thing, Luna, but I’m not letting either of you provide me with clothes or anything else. I need to find a way to get an income, but I’m not sure what positions are open or even if I’m allowed outside the castle.”

“What do you mean ‘if you’re allowed outside the castle?’” Luna asked, a confused and slightly worried look in her eyes. “You aren’t a prisoner here!”

“I’m aware, but Celestia’s first order once I arrived was to prevent news of me from escaping the castle, so I’m assuming I’m a secret right now.” Ash said. Luna made a noise of understanding before shaking her head quickly.

“She rescinded that order last night, after dinner, once we knew you weren’t hostile. She would have done so earlier, but the meeting made us both forget. News has been trickling out of the castle about you since last night, though we also haven’t done anything to spread the news more. You’re free to leave the castle at any point, Ash.” Luna explained before continuing. “But what ideas do you have for making money with your magic?”

“Well, first of all, is turning iron to gold illegal?” Ash asked curiously.

“Yes, Ash, scamming ponies by painting iron to look like gold is illegal.” Luna said, looking at him with slight worry. “You weren’t planning to counterfeit, were you?”

“No, I meant literally turning iron to gold. One of the Alteration spells, Transmute, can turn iron to silver and silver to gold.” Ash explained, making Luna’s eyes widen and splutter.

“S-s-silver!” Luna stuttered out. “Truly?”

“Yes.” Ash said, giving Luna a strange look. “Luna, are you alright?”

“Ash, silver is one of the most sought-after metals on Terra!” Luna exclaimed. “Not only is it incredibly rare, but it’s in very high demand in Equestria due to it being an ingredient in magicite, a metal that conducts magical energy with almost no waste. Magicite is the primary metal used inside our machinery because it can easily draw power from a battery gem and into the device. How soon can you learn that spell?”

“As soon as I learn the prerequ…” Ash trailed off. “There’s no lower tiered Transmute.”


“I learn spells by learning their lower-level counterpart. To learn Firebolt, I need to know Flames. To know Healing Hands, I need to know Healing. There’s no ‘lesser Transmute.’ I don’t know how to learn it.”

“Is there any spell before that in the same school that involves turning one thing into another?” Luna questioned, her wings twitching repeatedly on her back.

“Equilibrium, I think. You think it might be required for Transmute?” Ash asked.

“Yes.” Luna said simply. “Ash, if you learn how to turn iron into silver, I will personally pay for everything you desire and just accept several pounds of silver as payment.”

“I’ll get started, then.” Ash said slowly. The situation had developed incredibly fast, which threw him off guard. Between suddenly learning that silver was essentially a magical superconductor to Luna’s excitement, he was rather startled.

Luna closed her eyes and forced herself to calm, a long exhale leaving her nose. After a few moments, she opened her teal eyes again and looked at him softly. “I’m sorry, Ash, but Equestrian magitech has always been limited by our supply of silver, and you just provided the opportunity to rectify that problem.”

“Luna, even if I learn the spell, I don’t think I’d like to spend my entire life transmuting iron to silver for Equestria.” Ash told her slowly, making her blink in surprise before she starting chuckling.

“We wouldn’t need you to produce that much. Maybe two hundred pounds of it a year? The recipe for magicite is low on silver, but it does require it.” Luna told him.

“Two hundred a year.” Ash mused. “Once I learn the spell, I can do that. I believe Transmute converts a pound at a time. I’ll get started on learning Equilibrium, then.”

Reaching to the side, he grabbed his phone and navigated his way through the app to the Equilibrium page. Before he could begin reading, he found a dark blue muzzle suddenly appear beside his face as Luna moved to behind him and started looking over his shoulder to read with him. “You don’t mind me reading with you, do you?”

“No, I don’t.” Ash said, then began reading.

“To learn Equilibrium, you must understand that there are three energies within the body of an Aetherium mage. Those energies are Magicka, Vitality, and Stamina. Magicka is the magical energy from Aetherius that provides the ability to cast spells, as you should know well enough by now. Stamina is the mundane energy gained by eating and sleeping that allows a warrior to swing his sword or brace his shield. It is the energy that is expended by walking through your home, exercising, or any other physical activity. Vitality is an energy that is not well understood as of yet, but it is best described as life energy.”

“Vitality, when lost, will begin to make a person feel tired and sluggish, though they will be physically rested and active as ever. At a later point, their mind will begin to slow and dull. As such, it is sometimes confused as Stamina, though pains should be taken to avoid such a confusion. Should you lose too much Stamina, you will simply pass out and awaken some time later, having regained your Stamina. Should you lose all of your Vitality, you will die, plain and simple. Do avoid this fate.”

“Now, Equilibrium is an incredibly useful, if dangerous, spell for mages of all types and calibers. Equilibrium, a Novice-rank Alteration spell, allows the caster, you, to convert your Vitality directly into Magicka at an equal rate. No energy is lost or expended during this process, something that continues to astound mages the world over. Be careful when casting this spell as it can drain you of your Vitality entirely, which will result in your death.” Apparently, Luna had read that section at the same time as he did because one of her wings wrapped partly around his shoulder, squeezing gently.

“Perhaps I was too hasty in convincing you to learn such a dangerous spell.” The Alicorn said softly.

“I’m learning it, Luna. The guide is right; Equilibrium is an incredibly useful spell that I want to know, doubly so if it is the precursor to Transmute.” Ash said, placing his left hand- the one not holding the phone- on her wing gently. “Thank you for your concern, though.”

A light nuzzle to the side of his face was all he received in reply before he continued on.

“Keep in mind two things. The first is that Equilibrium is one of the only spells known that has no backlash. Perhaps it is because the spell itself muddles the mind and distracts the caster that it is inherently safer? The second thing is that healing spells from the school of Restoration restore Vitality just as easily as they heal wounds. As such, you are able to cast Equilibrium until you are low on Vitality, then cast Healing or a higher-rank spell until you are low on Magicka, and repeat the process continuously. Keep in mind that both transfers are equal rate, or 1:1 ratios, so energy is not lost in either case. However, the risk with this is attempting to cast Healing while drowsy and sluggish from low Vitality, which can cause massive injury.”

“I know several healing spells. We can test if Unicorn magic can restore Vitality as well.” Luna whispered into his ear. “If that’s the case, you can cast Equilibrium continuously until you ‘understand’ the spell and gain access to the next spell.”

“Good idea.” Ash replied, then kept reading. They still hadn’t read how to actually cast the spell.

“As previously stated several times, Equilibrium is an incredibly dangerous spell to cast. As a result, or perhaps just coincidentally, it is also incredibly easy to cast. Simply imagine two pools of water, one red and one blue. Imagine the red liquid dripping into the blue liquid, turning blue as it does so. Take note that this is also the only known way to ‘measure’ your Magicka reserves, as the size of the bowl, well, pool, etc directly corresponds to the depth of your reserves. Should you try to imagine either pool larger or smaller than it is, it will fail. Also take note of the fact that the speed of the ‘dripping’ directly transfers to the speed of the exchange of Vitality and Magicka.”

“Rather fortuitous that the spell will show me how much Vitality I have left, isn’t it?”

“Very much so.” Luna replied. “Go ahead and channel the spell, Ash. As soon as I notice the spell working, I will begin casting one of the healing spells I know on you. If you notice your Vitality is still draining, cease casting it.”

Ash nodded once, nervously, before imagining two pools of liquid, one red and one blue. It was difficult to do with open eyes as he kept wanting to close them, to give himself a ‘blank slate,’ as it were, to imagine them on rather than having to do so with his eyes open. Eventually, however, he succeeded. In his mind, two large cooking pots, one black and one silver, appeared, the silver one filled with a deep red, viscous liquid that looked like blood and the black one filled with a dark blue liquid that reminded Ash of colored water. His Magicka pool was low, still drained from his Healing spells. Slowly, he imagined the silver pot was lifted and tilted, slowly pouring the Vitality out. The red liquid turned blue as it fell, just as slowly refilling the Magicka pot.

Unbeknownst to Ash, whose entire focus was directed into his mind, a small ball of red light formed in his right hand. The ball glowed red, though rather than the glow seeming to flow out of the ball, it seemed to flow into the ball as blue energy filtered into his body from his arm. It was the physical sight of Vitality transfering into Magicka. Reacting quickly, Luna began casting a basic Rejuvenation spell on Ash, the dark blue aura around her horn channeling into his body and seeking out any wounds to heal. She just hoped the spell considered low Vitality to be a wound.

Inside his mind again, Ash leveled out the silver pot once it had been drained half way. With the pot now leveled and smooth, he quickly discovered that it was refilling. There was no liquid dripping into it or anything, just the level of ‘water’ was rising. Refocusing on the outside world, Ash turned to Luna who was easily channeling the spell. “It’s working. It’s refilling my Vitality, just not as quickly as I was draining it.”

Suddenly, the energy around her horn intensified, turning a deeper, more opaque blue as she seemingly switched spells. Maintaining it effortlessly, she grinned at him. “Look again.”

Reimagining the two pots, he saw that the Vitality pool was filled entirely. In fact, it was overflowing, though the red liquid vanished as soon as it fell a few inches away from the silver pot. As far as he could tell, there were no consequences to it, so he ‘lifted’ the pot again and quickly poured some of the red liquid into the other pot. However, he failed to take into account that his Vitality was still filling, so a veritable flood of Vitality fell into his Magicka all at once, overflowing the black pot suddenly. The next thing Ash was aware of was a flash of light, roaring warmth, freezing cold, motion, and darkness.

Ash wasn’t quite sure when he came to whether it had been an hour, a day, or just a few minutes. All he knew was that he snapped awake instantly, feeling perfectly refreshed and rested and ready to continue his day, or start it if that was the case. He opened his eyes and rolled to his feet with nary an ache and looked around, his eyes widening and heart dropping as he did so.

He was still in Star’s Yard, that much was clear, except for quite a few differences. The first thing he noticed was that he was on the other side of the Yard, easily a hundred feet away from the gazebo that he was last sitting on. However, the gazebo was now gone. All that remained of the pristine white wood and comfortable red cushions was ash and blackened ground, the signs of an intense fire. The few scattered trees around the gazebo were buckled, bent, and split as if lightning had struck them. A twenty-foot section of the stream was frozen as solid ice, ice that refused to thaw from the temperature outside.

Then he noticed something beside one of the doors. A dark blue lump that wasn’t moving. Luna.

Ash surged into motion, running over to the Alicorn without hesitation. It only took him seconds to cross the seventy or so feet that had separated them and he came to a stop next to her, kneeling down on the ground. Idly, Ash noticed that his clothes were dirty and damaged, but it mattered not with Luna seemingly injured.

Whatever had destroyed the gazebo and torn up his clothes had struck Luna fully as well. Entire chunks of her fur was missing, the flesh beneath blackened and charred, sometimes with zagging lines of scarred tissue from where fire and lightning had struck her. One of her wings was frozen to her side with another leg frozen to her barrel. She was unconscious, both thankfully and scarily, and silver blood trickled from her mouth, nose, and ears. Ash couldn’t do anything. He didn’t know Healing Hands. He didn’t know where Celestia was. He didn’t know where the infirmary was.

Right before he decided to run and find the nearest guard, something just clicked and a series of thoughts shot through his mind almost faster than he could comprehend.

Magicka = Aetherius. Restoration: -Magicka, +Vitality. Transfer, Aetherius connection. Heal. Transfer, physical connection.

Before Ash even knew what he was doing, he placed both of his hands on Luna’s charred side. A second later, both of his hands ignited into golden light, the light around his left hand flickering as the mana burn interrupted the Magicka flow, before the familiar ribbons shot out and wrapped around Luna suddenly. Within moments, the charred flesh fell off, replaced by unmarred skin which quickly regrew fur as a strain in his chest appeared. The ice thawed and evaporated as the frostbitten limbs healed quickly, silver blood flowing through the veins once more. Lightning scars faded as sickness grew and intensified and shifted to agonizing pain. Right before his vision blackened, he saw a hint of teal as Luna’s eyes flickered open.

A moment later, Ash fell to his side, entirely unconscious.

Ten Minutes Earlier

Celestia was in a panic. There was no other word to describe it. Her heart was beating furiously, her eyes were wide and wild, her wings kept twitching and refused to lie flat, and she was moving through the halls at a near gallop, forcing servants and guards alike to dive out of the way of the crashing airship that is a panicking Alicorn.

Just moments ago, a guard had burst into the throne room, interrupted two arguing nobles, and informed her that Star’s Yard had exploded. She had tried to get more information out of the guard but there was no more information. One set of doors had been melted shut and another was frozen shut. Wild lightning had apparently agitated clouds above the Yard and now Pegasi couldn’t go near without being struck, particularly due to their metal armor.

The only thing she knew for certain was that Ash and Luna were both in the Yard when it detonated. That neither of them had been seen since the incident. That the explosion was magical in nature.

Had she been wrong? Could ponies not judge a human by looking at them? Had Ash actually turned against them and hurt Luna? The idea of Ash betraying them hurt her. He was already turning out to be a good friend and she couldn’t imagine why he would throw that away.

The idea of Ash hurting Luna, however, infuriated her. If he had hurt her, and truly meant to do so, there was going to be nothing that stopped her from hurting him back. Forget banishing him to the sun, she was going to throw him to the sun. Things would not turn out well for him if he betrayed them.

Several moments later, Celestia rounded a corner to see one of the doors to Star’s Yard, the one that was frozen shut, with several guards attempting to break it open. None of them were Unicorns so there were no fire spells being used. Right before Celestia ordered the guards to move and fix the issue themselves, the doors were ripped off of their hinges by a familiar blue aura and thrown inward. Celestia wanted to cry, she was so relieved.

Luna, entirely unharmed, trotted out of the Yard, which neither Celestia or the guards got a chance to see, before the younger sister began yelling in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Guards! Take Ash and bring him to the infirmary immediately. I do not know what injuries he has, if any!” Luna yelled, making Celestia notice for the first time that Luna was levitating Ash in her aura. He was in a much worse condition than she was. While he didn’t seem physically injured, his clothing was torn and stained all over.

Two guards immediately approached Luna and she laid him on their backs before they made their way through the castle toward the infirmary, moving in time to prevent him from falling. Three other guards attempted to enter the Yard only to be blocked by Luna’s wing as she spoke, having dropping the Voice. “All is fine here. Return to your posts.”

Two of them looked like they wanted to protest, but they knew better than that. The final three quickly turned and left, leaving the two Alicorns alone. Celestia quickly strode forward and immediately wrapped a wing around Luna, quickly nuzzling the side of her neck. “I’m so happy you’re okay. When I heard there was a magical explosion, I thought…”

“You thought Ash betrayed us.” Luna said.

“I didn’t know what to think, but I thought it was a possibility. What actually happened?”

“I pushed Ash into learning a new spell and it backfired.” Luna simplified. “I think most of his Magicka escaped him as raw energy, which is what caused the explosion.”

“And you weren’t hurt?”

“I think I was.” Luna answered. “I remembered being in pain as soon as it happened, but I’m not hurt now. I think Ash healed me somehow.”

“I thought he didn’t know Healing Hands?” Celestia questioned, her wing still wrapped tight around Luna’s barrel.

“He didn’t. I don’t know what happened because I was still unconscious.” Luna explained. The pair silent, thinking over the events of the last few minutes. Luna thought of the fact that she had clearly been hurt yet now wasn’t. She was firmly convinced that Ash had healed her somehow, she just didn’t know how. On that note, she didn’t know how the Yard exploded or anything else. She just knew it did.

Celestia, on the other hoof, was thinking about how she immediately assumed Ash betrayed them. She didn’t know how to feel about that. She felt justified that she assumed it because he was a new creature with mostly unknown abilities that had only been here for a day and a half. She also felt guilty because he had shown nothing but kindness and friendship to those he had met so far, even going so far as to invite Luna into his dreams and show her some of his world.

With a long sigh, Celestia decided to wait for him to awaken and explain what happened. Only then would she decide which to feel. If he hadn’t hurt her on purpose, she would owe him an apology and would most certainly give him one. If he had hurt her on purpose… well, to the sun with him.

“I hope he’ll be okay.” Luna said softly. “I didn’t see any injuries on him, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t hurt.”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Celestia replied. “He’s in the infirmary where the best doctors and healers are.”

Maybe Luna had detected the hint of concern in her voice, or some threat of doubt in her eyes, but the younger Alicorn leveled a sharp gaze on the elder Alicorn. “He didn’t betray us, Celestia.”

The confidence in her voice was absolute. Luna had absolutely zero doubt that Ash had not turned against them, that he had not purposely hurt her. To Luna, what had happened was a product of misfortune and ignorance in the hows and whys of Ash’s magic, nothing more or less. To be honest, Celestia wished she felt that kind of conviction, but she didn’t. She was too worried about possibilities than anything else.

“I believe you, Luna.” Celestia said slowly. “And I hope you are right. Ash has done nothing to insinuate he was our enemy.”

“Exactly.” Luna said, nodding once.


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The first thing Ash became aware of was a steady beeping, a sound that was all too familiar to him. He had heard it every day for three years, an ever present companion though the development of his sickness and eventual death. It was the familiar sound of an EKG monitor, measuring his heartbeat and other vitals. For a moment, a feeling of intense confusion struck him, and it struck hard. He couldn’t have been back on Earth, could he? Sure, it would be nice to be with his friends and family again, but he was dead, right? Was meeting ‘God,’ gaining access to Aetherius, and arriving in Equestria all a dream?

Ash slowly opened his eyes, not sure if he was hoping or fearing to see a familiar Earth hospital. As soon as his eyes had adjusted to the light, he gave a soft sigh of relief. He was definitely in Equestria. Sure, the white walls, floor, and ceiling of the room was something that was in common with Earth hospitals, and maybe the blue, softly glowing crystal set in the side of the EKG that measured his heart rate was actually just an LED, but there was one thing that proved it was Equestria. Luna.

The midnight Alicorn was sitting on a cushion next to the bed, but that wasn’t what made it an adorable sight. No, it was the fact that she was fully asleep, with soft, slow breathing allowing her chest to rise and fall. Even better, she had fallen asleep sitting up, leaning against the bed with her muzzle resting on his left leg. She didn’t look particularly tired, what with her not having bags under her eyes or anything, so Ash didn’t think she had been there too long, fortunately.

Gazing at her like she was, it was clear that she had been waiting in the room for him to awaken, though he knew not how long. If she was asleep, it meant that it was at least night time, so twelve hours at least. He was torn. His guide would most likely have new information pertaining to what had happened, but he didn’t know where it was. It hadn’t been in his pocket during the explosion and it wasn’t now, so only Luna knew where it was if anyone did. On the other hand, Ash didn’t know how long she had been awake, so she might need her sleep and he didn’t want to wake her if she did.

Deciding to let her sleep, Ash let his head drop back down on the pillow as he stared at the ceiling. There was no window in the room, so he couldn’t even try to guess what time it was nor could he see a clock to find out. His head rolled to the side to gaze at Luna, looking at her face again. He really couldn’t see any exhaustion marks on her, which he was very grateful for. He would have hated knowing that she drove herself to exhaustion just to wait for him to wake up. The man couldn’t help but notice that she really was attractive, what with the soft fur, the sleek body, and her peaceful face.

Ash forced himself to look away lest he become a creep who watches others while they sleep. However, he felt no reason to stop his hand that rested on her head, between her ears, and started to softly rub. The Alicorn mumbled softly and Ash froze, thinking he woke her, before a smile smile came across her muzzle as she continued sleeping, after which Ash started to rub again.

He couldn’t help but remember the burned and scarred flesh he saw on her last time he saw her. He couldn’t help but remember seeing her wing, frozen to her side, and her leg frozen to her barrel. He couldn’t help but remember the silver blood that had stained her muzzle and face. Ash couldn’t help but remember that he was the one who hurt her.

Some Time Later

Ash wasn’t sure how long he had lied there, gently running his hand through Luna’s mane and rubbing her head- he didn’t want to refer to it as ‘petting’ out of respect for her. All he knew was that she eventually started to awaken. Luna shifted around some, mumbling softly. “Who doth...caress us?”

Her teal eyes flickered open to see Ash smiling at her. All trace of sleepiness was gone in an instant, replaced by relief and happiness. “Ash, you’re awake!”

“Yes, and it was I who doth caress you.” Ash replied with mirth lacing his voice, unable to help himself.

Luna’s cheeks flushed ever so slightly, looking at him with just the barest tint of irritation at his teasing, though a smile was still firmly on her muzzle. “Are you okay, Ash?”

“I’m fine. What about you? Are you hurt?” Ash asked in concern.

“I’m not hurt, why?” Luna asked, making him realize that she didn’t remember being injured well, if at all.

“Nevermind.” Ash said, making Luna squint at him.

“Ash, I remember a surge of raw magic, flashes of pain and heat and cold, and then I woke up to see you unconscious next to me with Star’s Yard damaged. Tell me what happened and don’t lie to me.” Luna said firmly, making the man sigh.

“I overfilled my Magicka when using Equilibrium. I didn’t think it would be dangerous because my Vitality was overflowing as well, due to your healing spell replenishing it while it was already full, but I guess extra Magicka finds a way out. From what I saw, it looked like the extra energy made its way out via the Destruction school.” Ash explained, looking over at the wall.

He felt a gentle touch on his chest, seeing out of the corner of his eye as Luna’s hoof rested on him. “What do you mean, Ash?”

“The stream was frozen over, the trees had been struck by lightning, and the gazebo had been turned to ash.” Ash said, turning back to look at Luna. Her eyes were shining with concern and care, not a trace of anger or disappointment in them. “You were next to me when the energy escaped.”

“So I got hit by all three.” Luna murmured, still looking him in the eye. “And you blame yourself.”

Ash barked out a laugh, though it was mirthless. “I’m not ‘blaming’ myself. I’m taking responsibility. It was my mistake that caused my Magicka to overflow. It was my Magicka that hurt you so bad and knocked you out.”

“And it was your Magicka that healed me and your healing that made you pass out.” Luna reminded gently. “How did you even heal me?”

“I cast Healing Han…” Ash trailed off, remembering something. “Luna, get me a paper and a pen. Quickly!”

Surprisingly enough, Luna didn’t question it at all. She immediately teleported a sheet of paper, a quill, and an inkwell, which she gave him. He sat up and set the inkwell next to him and held the paper in his hand, dipping the quill in the ink and began writing.

Magicka = Aetherius. Restoration: -Magicka, +Vitality. Transfer, Aetherius connection. Heal. Transfer, physical connection.

He set the ink and quill on a small table next to the bed without looking, both him and Luna focused on the sheet. “What is this, Ash?”

“It’s what I thought right before I healed you. Right before I cast Healing Hands.” Ash explained. “I don’t really know what it means.”

“Well, it’s obvious that it’s not a single part.” Luna said, levitating the quill over and drawing quick lines.

Magicka = Aetherius. / Restoration: -Magicka, +Vitality. Transfer, Aetherius connection. / Heal. Transfer, physical connection.

“Three parts.” Ash said softly, musing to himself. “One with something to do with Magicka itself, one to do with Restoration in general, and one to do with healing.”

“We’ll try to figure it out later.” Luna said. “Celestia wants to talk to you.”

“Of course.” Ash replied. “But you still want to help me with my Magicka?”

“Of course.” Luna echoed with a smile. “A mistake is all that happened. Now that we know, we can avoid doing it again in the future.”

“But what if something worse happens?”

“Then we’ll recover from it and push on.” Luna said simply. “After all, you’re learning an entirely new branch of magic that neither of us fully understand. There’s going to be mishaps and mistakes.”

Ash sighed, though he was smiling. “What does Celestia want with me?”

Luna’s smile faded away, replaced by a worried frown. “She’s worried you hurt me on purpose. I know you didn’t, but she wasn’t there. She just wants to get the full story from you and find out.”

“That’s understandable.” Ash agreed. “Let’s go speak to her.”

“She’s on her way. You haven’t yet been cleared to leave.” Luna told him, resting her head on the bed again. Ash’s hand found his way back to Luna’s head and starting rubbing again only to stop when he realized what he was doing. Before he could pull his hand away, Luna gently pushed against it, silently asking him to continue. He mentally shrugged and continued, waiting for the solar Alicorn to arrive.

Luna wasn’t kidding when she said that Celestia was on her way. Not five minutes after, there was a knock on the door. Without waiting for a reply, Celestia pushed it open and walked in. The white Alicorn had a very clearly conflicted look on her muzzle, what with her walking in to see him running his hand through Luna’s mane and her soft smile. She seemed torn between throwing him away from her and smiling at the sight.

“Ash.” She said simply.

“Celestia.” He nodded, gesturing to a small stack of cushions against the wall. “Take a seat and listen to the tale.”

“Yes.” The Alicorn said, though Ash was happy to see her crack a small smile. Celestia levitated a pillow next to the bed, opposite of Luna, and took a seat. “Start from the beginning, when I teleported you to the Yard. What happened?”

“Well, when I arrived, Luna was already there. I walked up to her and we started talking about her camping while I rested. I didn’t want to try casting a spell while exhausted because my magic requires focus, so we chatted for some time before beginning to practice my Healing.” Ash started. The man was grateful that Luna was staying silent and letting him explain because she didn’t need to attract any of Celestia’s possible ire. If the elder sister believed that he hurt her on purpose, she believed it.

“And how did that go?”

“Rather well. Luna noticed that I wasn’t doing it right because she saw a mage in my dreams do it properly, so she helped me. I was casting Healing on a single area but it’s supposed to be on the entire body. I figured that part out but I hadn’t yet manage to understand the spell, which is required to move to the next level.”

“And next?”

“Well, we stopped practicing Healing because I was tired of being cut and was feeling sick from having low Magicka, so I brought up a topic I’ve been wanting to ask about, which is on how I could pay for supplies. I didn’t know how long it would take to learn the Healing Hands spell, the later spells, or how long it would take to get the spell certified, and I wanted to have my own income so I didn’t have to rely on you two to provide for me.” Ash explained. “I know it’s only been two days-”

“Three. You were out for a day. It’s now two the next afternoon.” Celestia corrected.

Three days but I wanted to get started immediately rather than putting it off. I discussed alternate means of income should my Healing Hands spell not work out.” Ash explained to her, making her nod in understanding.

“Alternate means such as?”

“Well, enchanting for one, if I am able to get a dark magic license. I could hunt animals or dangerous creatures, fill soul gems, enchant armor and weapons, and sell it. Of course, almost all enchantments are focused around combat so it would be mostly for guards or the like, but my point stands.” Ash said. “But then I learned about silver.”

“What about it?” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

“The Adept-Level Alteration spell called Transmute can turn iron into silver. No tricks, illusions, or anything else, but actually turn it into silver. Luna explained that silver is used for magicite and that Equestria uses about two hundred pounds of silver a year to produce the magitech.”

“Correct. Your point?” Celestia asked. While her words seemed rude, she was neither irritated nor impatient. She was just curious and didn’t know how to feel, something that Ash understood.

“Well, I figured that if I could learn Transmute, I could buy iron and sell silver. I reckon I can cast the spell once every hour or so as it is and I believe the spell turns one pound of iron into one pound of silver.” Ash explained.

“So you figured that you could supply Equestria with the silver we require. Why?” Celestia asked curiously.

“Two reasons. The first is to supply myself with the funds I might need to order materials. Once I learn Healing Hands, I most certainly don’t plan to stop there. I plan to keep going until I’ve mastered Magicka. That’s going to require materials, compounds and reagents, which all require money. The second reason is as thanks. Thanks for providing me with a place to stay when you were well within your right to kick me out of your country.” Ash explained honestly.

Celestia sighed, relaxing. “That’s very kind of you, Ash.”

He nodded. “Thank you. Anyway, we realized a problem. Transmute is an Adept level spell and I didn’t know what became Transmute, like how Healing Hands is the higher-tier version of Healing. Eventually, we settled on a spell called Equilibrium, which turns Vitality into Magicka. Vitality is like my life force with Magicka being my, well, magic. We also discovered that healing spells can restore Vitality, so we came up with a plan.”

“Luna would cast a healing spell on me that would refill my Vitality, which we had tested and found that Unicorn healing spells do it too, I would use Equilibrium to turn my extra Vitality into Magicka, and then we would use my Magicka to further learn Healing. I made a mistake, though.”

“Which was?” Celestia asked, knowing that this was where the event happened.

“I transferred too much of my Vitality into Magicka, overflowing it. That Magicka must have escaped as raw destruction, which caused what you saw and it injured Luna.”

“But I’m fine no-” Luna started to say before Ash closed her muzzle with his hand.

Ash looked Luna in the eyes and spoke. “My mistake, my problem. Okay? Don’t try to make it seem less that it is.”

He continued once she nodded, letting go over her muzzle. “The Yard was severely damaged by the elements, those being fire, ice, and lightning, and so was Luna. When I found her, she was burned, charred, and frozen in several places with silver blood trickling from her nose, ears, and mouth. When I was trying to decide how to find you, something just clicked and a few phrases ran through my mind as I understood something.”

Ash gestured toward the paper, which Celestia looked over quickly before shaking her head and setting it back down. She didn’t understand it. “Somehow, I cast Healing Hands and used up my remaining Magicka to heal her before passing out. The next thing I know, I woke up in here.”

The Alicorn fell silent, thinking things over as she tried to come to a decision. Luna was nervous, even moreso than Ash was, so he placed a hand on her shoulder, which made her give off a soft smile. She rested her head on his leg again, waiting for Celestia to give her verdict. After some time, she did. Celestia looked up and gazed at Ash, magenta meeting green. “Ash, I’ve decided.”

“What’s the verdict?” He figured a joke here wouldn’t be appreciated, so he didn’t add one.

“Since you seek to be a healer, you will become one. However, you will not work for the castle infirmary but rather the guards themselves. When missions are sent out and a healer is required, you will accompany them. Am I understood?” Celestia said. Thinking it over, Ash realized it really wasn’t bad. He would be able to help others, which was the entire point of him learning Restoration, he would gain the experience with spells that he wanted, he would be able to travel and explore, and he would even be able to gather rare ingredients.

Seeing the barest hint of a smile on Celestia’s muzzle, he realized that the white Alicorn had planned this specifically. “I understand, Celestia.”

She nodded once, then leaned in and gently nuzzled him. “Thank you for healing my sister. I know now that you didn’t mean to hurt Luna and I’m impressed that you took responsibility for your mistake rather than trying to avoid it.”

“Thank you.”

“I have to return to court now. I’ll see you at dinner, yes?” Celestia asked curiously.

“Yeah, you most likely will if I get released.”

“Good.” With that, Celestia was gone. She turned around and left the room right after giving Luna a sisterly nuzzle, softly closing the door behind her. With that, Ash turned back to Luna.

“Luna, do you know where my guide is? I feel like it might have information on this.”

She gestured with her wing toward the table he had set the ink on. Surprisingly, it was there. Ash hadn’t noticed there earlier, but he knew Luna hadn’t teleported it, what with it being immune to magic. He didn’t really know how she got it here, either. “I brought it here after finding it in the Yard, where the gazebo used to be. If you want, I can go find a doctor to get you cleared to leave.”

“You don’t need to do that, I can just wait until a doctor comes by. Besides, I’m sure you’re interested in reading this just as much as I am. Feel free to join me.” Ash said. The next thing he knew, there was an Alicorn lying next to him in the hospital bed. With the shifting covers, he was thankful to find that he was wearing his pants, even if they were clearly damaged, though his shirt was gone once again. “Eager, aren’t we?”

“I’ve always been interested in learning about magic. Maybe not as much as Twilight is, but enough.” Luna said, leaning against his side. The feeling of her soft fur against his bare skin was incredibly comfortable and he was glad he suggested she stay. There were no words to describe how soft and comfortable she was, and she seemed to agree with the general idea when she rested her head on his chest, ready to read along with him. It was strange, but Ash just figured it was just pony nature to be willing to be in physical contact much more often than humans.

Ash navigated his way to the app and as soon as he opened it, there was a popup displayed four messages.

Magicka Surge Unlocked!
Moment of Clarity Unlocked!
Healing Hands Unlocked!
Transmute Unlocked!

“Looks like you can learn Transmute and Healing Hands.” Luna said softly. “I guess there’s no Apprentice-level spell between Equilibrium and Transmute?”

“I didn’t think there was but I wasn’t sure. Let’s check out Magicka Surge.” Ash replied, receiving a nod from Luna before he tapped it.

“So you’ve experienced your first Surge and you want to know what in Oblivion happened? Well, Surges are only caused by overloading your Magicka reserves through various means, though you did it by using Equilibrium.”

“How does it know that?” Luna asked, her voice low.

“I think I mentioned before that it’s connected to my Magicka by spells, so that’s probably how. It wouldn’t surprise me if it is.” Ash explained, making Luna nod. With her head on his chest, she had essentially nuzzled him and rubbed her soft fur against his skin.

“What a Surge is, though, is your extra Magicka forcing its way out. Of course, raw Magicka is incredibly dangerous and unpredictable, capable of doing everything from openimg a portal to Oblivion to unmaking the world.” Here, Ash felt Luna tense in worry. “But we don’t have to worry about that. Our minds, by unconscious instinct, shape the Surge into spells, sometimes even spells we do not have current access to. An Expert-level Destruction mage might summon a Flame Thrall or cast Mass Paralyze.”

“By their nature, Surges are somewhat easy to prevent. Generally speaking, every mage will, at least once in their life, have a Magicka Surge, but they can be prevented after the first. By carefully monitoring Equilibrium, a second Surge can be prevented. There are other ways to Surge, but you have not discovered them and they will not yet be revealed. Trial and error, after all.”

The entry ended there, bringing the app back to the first popup, which now showed three messages. Tapping on Moment of Clarity, the screen changed once more.

“Moments of Clarity are, in my experienced opinion, absolutely wonderful. The best way to describe a Moment is a sudden, albeit temporary, understanding of a spell that will help the caster immediately. This spell can be any spell, not limited by school or rank, which often allows it to save the life of the caster. As such, Moments are general experienced during times of extreme emotion, such as concern or anger, though they can also happen after a Surge. My general advice is to write down whatever you learn or think during the Moment to contemplate it later.”

The entry was even shorter, though it did explain how he suddenly knew how to cast Healing Hands and why he didn’t know how now. Exiting out of the app, he set his phone back down. He didn’t want to read either Transmute or Healing Hands because he would be tempted to start casting the spell and he wasn’t even cleared to get out of bed yet. However, Ash became aware that Luna was grinning at him with a glint in her eyes. “What?”

“‘Times of extreme emotion, such as concern.’” Luna quoted roughly, still grinning at him. “Were you worried for me, Ash?”

He tapped the end of her muzzle, making her nose wrinkle. He knew she was just teasing him rather than being serious, so he would play along. “It also happens after a Surge. I think you were just a bonus.”

The Alicorn pouted at him, puffing out her cheeks as she stared at him. Ash stared back, completely unaffected to her look- externally. Internally, he was laughing at just how childish she looked. After a moment, the fake pout faded away to be replaced by a soft smile. “At least you consider me a bonus.”

“How could I not? Powerful, smart, funny, and attractive, what more could there need be?” Ash asked, taking a shot in the dark, and making Luna tense up momentarily. A second later, she relaxed and leaned against him again. After a few moments of silent relaxing, Luna spoke.

“What spell do you plan to learn first? Healing Hands or Transmute?”

“Healing Hands.” Ash answered, then explained his reasoning. “I didn’t think I would be able to learn an Adept-level Alteration spell just yet, and I don’t have the reserves to cast that spell without completely draining myself. Besides, Healing Hands will let me get started on that ‘punishment’ Celestia gave me.”

“Are you upset about that?” Luna asked curiously.

“Not at all. To be honest, if I hadn’t chosen the Restoration school, I would have picked Destruction and likely ended up joining the guard or something along those lines.” Ash told her. “I’ll just have to be careful and make sure I come back. Plus, it’ll give me the chance to further my Restoration school with practical application on more than just tiny cuts.”

“You better come back to me.” Luna demanded, then her eyes widened as she continued. “This castle will get boring again without you, that is.”

Could…? No, she couldn’t be. We’ve only known each other for two days. Ash thought to himself, looking at her intently. She was fidgeting slightly, unwilling to meet his gaze. I’m just imagining gold where there’s pyrite.

He forced a smile. He was sure he was imagining things but he hoped to God he wasn’t. “It would, wouldn’t it? You’d have no one blowing up courtyards and learning brand new magic.”

She huffed, though grinned. “I think I could do without the explosions, but I would miss the magic.”

Then she made an exaggerated show of looking him over. “I’m not too sure I would miss you, though.”

Ash faked a gasp, placing a hand on his chest. “Luna, that hurts! How could you say something so mean?”

She stared at him for a second. “You’re a horrible actor, you know that?”

Ash let his hand drop and agreed. “Oh yeah. At least I tried.”

“I suppose.” Luna said, a wry grin surfacing. Then she leaned forward up and gently nuzzled his neck again, sending fire through his veins. A part of him wanted to tell him not to do that again. Some of him enjoyed it. The rest of him wanted to get even and then tell her. Of course, the rest of him won out.

Reaching his hand up, he lightly pinched the tip of one of her ears, making her gasp and jerk away as her ears folded flat against her head. “Don’t do that! My ears are sensitive… apparently!”

“So is a human’s neck.” Ash said, staring at her with a grin. “I’m pretty sure it’s the same kind of sensitive, too. But, uh, ‘apparently?’”

Her muzzle flushed lightly. “I didn’t know they were until just now. Why didn’t you tell me the first time I nuzzled your neck?”

“I kind of figured it would be a one-off thing. I was wrong, so I told you the second time.” Ash explained. “Just keep that in mind if you decide to nuzzle me again. My neck is the same as your ears, but everywhere else is just comfortable.”


“Luna, how could you not know? You’re fluffy as fuck!” Ash said, making the Alicorn both wince and smile. “Sorry for the swear, but you get my point. I wish I had a jacket as fluffy as you, I’d never take it off!”

The blue Alicorn proceeded to just flop over on him, sprawling out with her wings, hooves, and body on his chest, stomach, and with her mane waving in his face. After a moment, he heard her voice from somewhere near his right arm. “Is this better?”

If she’s going to act childish, I will too! Ash thought resolutely. He then wrapped his arms around her barrel and tightened his grip, trapping her in place. When she started to try to wiggle out of his grip, he spoke. “Nope! The big predator caught you and now you’re his!”

Continuing the joke, he leaned down and bit down on her spine, above her wings but below her neck. He figured that a spot that was the equivalent of the upper back of a human wouldn’t be sensitive in the same way he assumed her wings and neck would be.

He was wrong.

Luna’s entire body tensed instantly, muscles going taunt as soon as his teeth put pressure on her skin. Her wings fluttered against his chest as a quiet, shivering cry echoed out of her muzzle. Feeling and hearing that, Ash let go and she instantly shot to the floor, her cheeks flushed a deep red with her ears folded flat as she glared at him, though there was no real anger in her eyes. “Twice! Twice in five minutes! What’s with you and finding every single spot I’m sensitive in!”

“Hey, I thought that spot would not be sensitive! It’s above your wings but below your neck, and the upper back isn’t sensitive for most humans!” Ash defended, a little embarrassed himself. He certainly didn’t want to come off like he was trying to seduce her.

Luna groaned. “I don’t think it’s the spot, considering I’ve had my ears touched before but never pinched. I’ve had my back touched before, even massaged, but never bitten.

“So it’s just me, huh?” Ash asked, grinning at her.

“It seems so.” She said slowly. After a moment, she looked up and saw the grin on his face. She knew it was mostly to mess with her, but she didn’t want to risk him suddenly nipping her in public, so she immediately started hitting him in the face with a wing. “No! No getting ideas! Bad Ash! Get your mind out of the gutter!”

Ash just started laughing, Luna joining him a few moments later. Neither of them knew what was really funny about the moment, but it just was. Eventually, the two settled down before Luna rolled over and lied on him normally again.

“So, Ash, tell me about some of your hobbies from your world.”

“Only if you return the favor.” Ash replied, grinning at her. She smiled back, nodding her head once as she stretched out her wings on the bed, one of them lying across his leg.

“I think that’s fair. Now, tell me, what was something you liked to do? Perhaps we have it here, too.”

Ash nodded and began to talk.

Just Outside The Door

Celestia stepped back from the door, a soft smile on her muzzle. Ash and Luna were getting along just as well as they had before and she was glad that the incident hadn’t changed anything between them. She should have known better than to doubt Ash’s intentions but she had anyway. She really did need to do something nice for him for doubting him.

The alabaster Alicorn turned and started making her way down the hall, heading back to the throne room. She had only been outside the hospital room for five or so minutes, having dropped by to check on the human. She hadn’t expected Luna to still be there, nor did she expect to hear them discussing her hot spots, but it only further cemented her theory in her mind.

Very few ponies ever treated Celestia and Luna as mares. Ash hadn’t seen it yet, but the two Alicorns were officially worshipped throughout Equestria, with at least one church in each town and five in each major city. The last being who had treated them as an equal was currently their niece, though the two events were not related.

Actually, thinking about Cadence, Celestia figured she should bring the Alicorn of Love in to discuss her theory. If she was right, and Luna was well on her way to developing feelings for Ash, then she needed to know if it was going to become a love that would last or a love that would fade.

If it was going to fade, she would just let the fire burn itself out and the feelings between the two cease to be. But if the love was going to be real love, the kind that would last through even the most intense of arguments, she needed to find a way to extend Ash’s life or even make him immortal. A mere seventy years wasn’t going to be enough to counter the thousands of years of heartache Luna would be forced to deal with. One thing was for sure, though. She wasn’t going to stop them from dating, if they ever even got to that point.

Celestia had made that mistake once.

Never again.

The Race

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Ash slowly drifted awake, awareness coming back slowly. Gradually, he became aware of the familiar sounds of Celestia and Luna discussing something, though he couldn’t make out exactly what. Whatever was being said, it involved his name being said thrice and a lot of whispering. When he started to move, one of them quickly shushed the other before the room fell silent.

The man opened his eyes, then squinted them at the light, which he still didn’t know the source of. There was no lamp, no lightbulb, no window, and orb, or anything else. Just light. A few moments later, he had adjusted enough to actually see and was greeted by the egg white ceiling. He was still in the hospital, he remembered. The doctor had refused to let him go. Understandably, the Unicorn had never heard of Magicka and had no idea what the effects were when someone ran out of Magicka. He only knew that running out of magic usually put a Unicorn in a short-term coma, so he couldn’t let Ash go without staying at least overnight.

Truth revealed, the doctor that Ash never got the name of had wanted to keep him for a week, but Ash, Luna, and even Celestia had fought and argued about it. In fact, they had tried to get him out immediately, but when it came to patients, a doctor’s authority overrode a Princess’, resulting in Ash being stuck there overnight. At least Luna had been kind enough to keep him company until he fell asleep. He was pretty sure she had left after that.

Turning his head to look at the two Alicorns sitting on the side of the bed, he let out his usual early-morning groan, which seemed to amuse them both if the smiles were any indication. Then Ash spoke. “I heard my name. Care to share?”

Their eyes widened, clearly not expecting him to have heard that. Luna, with a very nervous look, replied. “H-how much did you hear?”

“Just my name. Like I said, care to share?” Luna shook her head. “Whatever. Can we leave? This bed isn’t comfortable. It’s barely big enough for me.”

“The doctor said you could check yourself out in the morning, so yes.” Celestia said, then gave a light smile. “Be happy you are in Canterlot where the doctors have Alicorn-sized rooms in case they ever need to treat us. Should you have found yourself almost anywhere else, the bed would have ended at your knees.”

He grunted, standing up out of the bed. Grabbing his guide from the table, he slipped it in his left pocket- the right one being missing, and turned to the two mares. “Right, I hate to ask this of you, but I need some clothes.”

“Already solved.” Celestia said. “There’s four sets of clothing in your room right now. They each consist of a shirt, pants, and socks, and undergarments.”

“What?” Ash asked, clearly confused. “And how did you know I wear boxers? You haven’t met any other humans, right?”

“I ordered the clothes made as the beginning of an apology for assuming you had purposely hurt Luna.” Celestia replied, sorrow clear in her eyes. “And I only knew you wore ‘boxers’ because I can see them through the holes in your ‘jeans.’”

Looking down, he sat that she was right. Luckily, he didn’t have a hole in the crotch of his jeans, but near his thighs there were a couple of small holes, revealing his black boxers. Other than the holes on his thighs, there were two more on his knees and one near his left shin. Elsewise, there were several mud and grass stains on his jeans. Naturally, his shirt in a worse condition- that being that it didn’t exist. For some damn reason, ‘God’ had transported him there without a shirt. He knew for a fact he was wearing one when he died, but he ‘awoke’ in that field without one and awoke in the throne room without one, either. Looking back up, he followed the two Alicorns out of the room. “Thank you, Celestia. I appreciate it, but you don’t need to apologize. I’m not mad at you and I completely understand your reasoning.”

The alabaster Alicorn stared at him for a moment before a soft smile overtook her muzzle. “I’m so happy that you don’t act like a Gryphon. They would have tried to make me beg for their forgiveness.”

Ash just laughed and patted her on her shoulder. “I wouldn’t do that to you. Not when I can tell that you really do regret it. Fret not, Celestia. No hard feelings here.”

“No hard feelings.” Celestia repeated, still smiling. Then she continued. “We’ll stop by your room for you to change, then head to breakfast. I know you missed dinner last night and only ate what the hospital gave you… and what Luna jacked from the dinner table for you.”

The mare in question blushed, remembering how she had teleported into the dining room, grabbed the nearest plate, and teleported back to Ash. The man couldn’t lie- that cake had been wonderful. However, the night mare felt the need to defend herself. “I couldn’t see what I grabbed! Ash and I were discussing electricity and I took the closest thing to me!”

“I waited nine hours for that cake!” Celestia pouted at Luna, even going so far as to call fake tears to her eyes. To the solar mare’s credit, even with Luna knowing it was fake, she started to look uncomfortable. Fortunately for the younger sister, Celestia abandoned the effort before she broke. The white Alicorn leaned in and gently nuzzled her sister, whispering just loud enough for Ash to hear. “I forgive you...this time. Next time, I tell Ash.”

Luna gasped. “You wouldn’t dare!”

“I completely would.” Celestia replied, a smug grin on her muzzle. “Ash, go ahead and check out. I have something I need to discuss with my sister.”

Ash figured it would be safer to just nod and go along with it so he did, entering the lobby of the hospital soon after. Fortunately, there were only three ponies within the area, all of which looked up at him in shock when he entered. He supposed he didn’t exactly look in the best of shape, what with torn and stained pants on his legs and no shirt whatsoever. Ignoring them for the moment, he walked up to the counter and greeted the receptionist.

“Hello, I would like to check out.”

“Can you tell me your name?” The mare asked with a small smile, not at all surprised by his appearance. Considering she worked at the hospital, she probably saw him be brought in.

“Ashephyles Geauxtro.” He replied, pronouncing it ‘Go-Tro.’ “Checked in two days ago, if that helps.”

“Archer, Arrow, Ash- there we go! Yes, you’re cleared to check yourself out. You just need to sign here and you’ll be done here.” The mare said, gesturing to a clipboard on the counter. Unlike some doctors’ offices, where the pen was chained to the table, that was practically impossible to do with a quill, so he just signed his name and set it back down. With that done, he turned around to see the two Princesses walk into the lobby from the hallway he had come from.

Celestia spotted him and waved her wing, speaking with a smile on her muzzle. “Come on, Ash, let’s get you back to the castle and into some better clothes.”

“I would like that very much.” Ash replied, striding over. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the ponies in the lobby staring in shock, seeing their ruler acting so calmly and informally with a creature as strange as him.

“I’ll teleport us there so we don’t have to walk through the city with all the nobles glaring at you.” Celestia explained, lighting her horn up before the three vanished in a flash of light. The trip took just as long as the last one, only a split second, and Ash thought he saw another flash of color before they arrived in his room, but he wasn’t sure. For all he knew, that was just his imagination. Moving at the speed of light- or faster, as the case might be- would certainly have side-effects and glimpses of strange colors might be one.

In any case, he noticed that Celestia had not been lying- not that he thought she was- because there were four piles of clothing sitting on his bed. He noticed that there were four pairs of jeans, but each shirt was a different plain color, those being red, gray, white, and deep blue. “If you two would give me some privacy, I can get changed.”

“Why? It’s not like we aren’t unclothed at all times, anyway.” Luna said innocently. Looking at her, he couldn’t tell if she really didn’t understand why, or was just messing with him. In either case, he wasn’t going to change in front of them.

Fortunately for him, Celestia saved him an awkward explanation because she nudged Luna with her wing. “Luna, it’s clear that he needs clothing. Look at him, he has no fur. How would he keep warm? With that kind of need, it’s likely important to his society.”

She directed her attention back to Ash. “Am I right?”

“More than you know.” Ash replied, making Celestia nod. She nudged Luna again and the two turned, walking out of the door and into the hallway, a deep thud signaling the door having closed. Turning back to the bed, Ash quickly slipped his shoes, socks, and torn jeans off, noticing that his boxers were damaged, too. In fact, the only parts of his clothing not damaged were his shoes, which he was very thankful for. Seeing that, he slipped his boxers off and changed quickly, putting on a new pair of blue boxers, another set of jeans, clean socks, and the deep blue shirt. Lastly, he transferred his guide to his new jeans and left the room, seeing the two Alicorns waiting in the hall.

They both smiled lightly when they saw him, though he wasn’t sure why. Mentally shrugging it off, he smiled back as he approached, speaking. “I know I already thanked you, Celestia, but I’m doing it again. Thank you. It’s nice to have more than one set of clothes.”

“I’m sure it’s nice to have a shirt, too.” Celestia teased as they started walking down the hall with Celestia in the middle, Luna on the left, and Ash on the right. “How dare you indecently expose yourself to us!”

“Oh please, you were more content to stare at my bare chest.” Ash retorted, grinning in reply. “I’m surprised you didn’t peak in through the door!”

Celestia laughed with him for a few moments, the sound of their shared amusement filling the halls as a passing patrol of guards smiled lightly. However, Ash then noticed that Luna had the barest tinge of a blush on her muzzle, so he nudged Celestia and slowed down, walking around her to come up beside Luna. He leaned over to her ear, her having not yet noticed him, and whispered. “You considered it, didn’t you?”

She jerked to the side, almost stumbling into Celestia as her blush deepened lightly. “I did not!”

He could tell she wasn’t lying with a glance into her eyes. “Oh? Maybe not, but I bet you wondered what I looked like under all this cloth, didn’t you?”

She stuttered, failing to form words in even the barest sense, so he just patted her on the shoulder and kept walking. “I can’t say I blame you. After all, I know you must be curious. You can always see what a pony looks like, yet I cover myself up.”

Luna huffed, though it was clear she wasn’t all too irritated with the teasing as she kept walking forward, a hint of a smile on her muzzle. Celestia, on the other side of Luna, took the opportunity to join in on teasing her, just as any elder sister should. “You know, I had to stop her from opening the door so she could get a glimpse of you.”

“You did not!” Luna exclaimed, smacking Celestia with a wing twice and causing her to delve into a flurry of laughter. “Stop messing with me!”

“Let’s give her a break, Celestia.” Ash said. “We’re here, anyway.”

True to his word, the emblazoned doors of the dining hall was directly in front of them. The two guards swung the doors open and allowed the three entrance before closing them again, the echoing sound just as loud as always. The three walked across the hall and took their seats, with Celestia and Luna at the end of the table as always. Ash sat next to Luna, as usual, and the hidden door swung open immediately, servers coming in with plates of food that were set in front of them before vanishing once more. Ash lifted the lid off of his plate to see two large cinnamon rolls, pancakes, and a few strips of bacon, making Ash realize that meat was going to be a consistent part of his diet while in the castle.

“So, Celestia, do you mind if I join you for your run again today?” Ash asked curiously.

“I don’t mind at all. What about you, Luna?” The white Alicorn asked. The midnight mare made a face that looked like disgust and rapidly shook her head.

“No thank you. I hate being sweaty.”

“Just trot, Luna. I don’t sweat when I trot and you’re in as good a shape as I am.” Celestia replied.

“‘As good a shape?’” Luna said, then barked out a laugh. From the tone of her voice, it was clear she was getting her revenge from the earlier teasing. “You weigh at least thrice what you used to!”

“I’ll have you know that I’ve grown taller and longer and have put on muscle since then! In fact, I daresay that I’m in better shape than you are!” Celestia challenged, a matter-of-fact tone to her voice.

“No you aren’t!”

“Care to put that to the test with a wager?” Celestia asked.

“What’s the wager and challenge?” Luna questioned, puffing out her chest in pride. From Ash’s point of view, it made him want to laugh.

“The challenge is simple. We race. An endurance race. Fifty laps across the track, which is twenty-five miles. Obviously, such a long race is going to take some time, and effort, to track who wins, and as such, Ash will record each mile we finish. The first pony to finish all twenty-five miles wins.” Celestia explained.

“And the wager?” Luna asked again.

“If you win, I’ll take your next four days of ruling, which start tomorrow, and then take my own, which means you’ll have the next full week off.” Celestia said, unable to help the grin that overcame her muzzle. “And if I win, you’ll still have today off, but take my next four days ruling, which means you’ll work for a week and I’ll have a full week off.”

“You seem confident that you will win.” Luna said, returning the grin. “I’ll be looking forward to my week off.”

Celestia just continued to smile. “Of course, there will be no magic or flight allowed during the race. Just straight running.”

“Fair. Ash, do you agree to keep track of the miles we run?” Luna asked.

“I do.” The man replied. He was interested in seeing who would win. A twenty-five mile run was literally a marathon. “But what about ruling? The race is going to take a long time to do- likely a couple hours- so who will rule?”

Celestia just shook her head. “There’s no day court today since it’s Saturday. Today is just a day for paperwork. The same goes for Sunday, so that Luna has a day without court as well.”

“What? Wait, how does the changing rule system work?” Ash asked, having never actually thought about it. He understood that they changed who ruled every few days, but he wasn’t sure who ruled what days.

“I rule every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, with Saturday never having day court. Every other week, I also rule Wednesday. My sister rules Sunday, which never has day court, Monday, and Tuesday, taking Wednesday every other week opposite of me. We both have a day where there’s no day court but still rule. We both also have three days off, with every other week giving us a fourth.” Celestia explained.

“A balanced, if strange, system.” Ash replied, making the two Alicorns nod.

“It works, and it lets us have days to ourselves.” Luna replied. “Finish your breakfast, Ash. I have a race to win.”

Twenty Minutes Later

“Remember, Ash, that every time we make it to this side of the track, you have to mark down a tally by our name.” Celestia reminded. “Once we get to twenty-five tally marks, you’ll stop us and announce the winner, okay?”

“It’s not complicated, Celestia.” Ash replied. “I can remember it easily enough. Just don’t get distracted and trip, alright?”

“Alright.” Celestia said, a smile coming to her muzzle. “Of course, if I trip now, I’m hitting you with my wing.”

“Out of curiosity, who do you want to win?” Luna questioned, an interested look on her muzzle.

“I don’t rightly know.” Ash replied honestly. “I can call you both my friends- I hope- so I’m not sure.”

“Of course we’re your friends.” Celestia replied with Luna nodding her agreement. “We’ll just have to wait and see who actually wins.”

“Good luck to the both of you, then, and try not to trip!” Ash replied with a grin, receiving two in reply.

“Three. Two. One. Go!” Ash counted down, the final word sparking the two into a flurry of movement as they ran down the path. To his surprise, neither of them were trotting; they were cantering. If they were able to keep that pace for the entire run, Ash would be amazed. Ash had never heard of a human running for an entire marathon. Jogging it, yes, but not running.

The first sixteen laps- eight miles- was simple. Both of them kept a steady pace with steady breaths, keeping side-by-side the entire time. Neither of them showed any real strain and neither of them were sweating when they neared his edge of the track. He did notice, however, that neither of them were stopping and turning around at the end of the track like Celestia does during her morning runs; they were using the width of the track to make a shallow turn so they didn’t have to break pace, which would only tire them out faster.

By the fifteenth mile, they were still running together, though their paces had slowed marginally. Ash was coming to realize that they were saving their energy for the final lap, which would be when they really discovered who was faster. Unless, of course, one of them was too tired to even make it to the final lap. That being said, or thought, he could see the beginnings of fatigue hitting the two of them. Celestia, when she passed him, could be heard lightly panting, though Luna was sweating a lot more than her sister.

At the twenty-third mile, or the forty-sixth lap, exhaustion had set in. Ash knew that he would have been out of the race by the fifth mile, so he respected them both for being able to run more than twenty miles without slowing. He couldn’t lie, though; he had been bored for some time. Watching two ponies run isn’t entertaining, particularly when one does it for several hours on end, but they had asked him to keep track and so he would. In any case, the two had sagged from cantering to trotting again, likely trying to regain some energy for the final gallop that would decide the winner. When they passed him to begin their twenty-fourth mile, both of them were breathing heavily and leaving behind a small trail of sweat that was dripping off of their fur and feathers.

Finally, the final mile came around. At the end of the twenty-fourth mile, he called out to them and told them, making them share a glance at each other. The real competition had started. On the first half of the mile, neither of them moved faster than a trot still, making him realize it would all be decided in the final half mile. He noticed that Celestia was slightly in front Luna, though he didn’t know if Luna was more tired or just saving her strength. When they made the final turn to begin the last stretch of the race, Celestia took off like a bullet, accelerating to much faster than his running speed in moments. Luna, moments behind, sprinted at a slightly slower pace, and it looked like she was purposely staying a few feet behind Celestia.

The reason was revealed when they were both about two hundred feet from finishing. Celestia had started to slow, her hooves falling out of a steady one-two beat as they became rather staggered, the mare swaying slightly as she ran. She was obviously at the end of her strength and couldn’t run much further, though she didn’t have much further to run. Luna, seeing the moment of weakness, sped up to match Celestia’s earlier pace, quickly catching up and surpassing the elder sister. From his view, Ash could see that Luna had flicked Celestia’s nose with her wing as she passed, making the white Alicorn struggle to keep up.

It was all for naught. Luna finished the race a little over twenty seconds before Celestia did, a rather large lead. Both mares curved again like they were starting another lap while slowing before Ash realized they had done so to stop themselves from running into the stone wall that was only five or so feet from the edge of his track. Ash rose to his feet and strode over to the two panting mares, the strong scent of sweat hitting him as he neared. He actually felt bad for the two, seeing the state they were in.

Ash had never seen a man sweat so much and he figured it would be impossible for a human to sweat as much as the two Alicorns were. Neither of them were standing, sprawled out belly-down on the floor as the coolness of the stone seemed to relax them both. Both of them had let their wings droop on the floor and spread them out, ‘airing out’ their wings to help cool them off. Thinking it over for a moment, he figured that the area where the wing met the barrel was likely the same as an armpit was for a human, the ‘wingpit’ trapping heat as they ran and keeping their bodies warm even after they had stopped.

“Looks like Luna won.” Ash commented as he sat down in front of them. They were panting too hard to reply, or even try to, so Luna just made a strange shake of her head in reply with Celestia groaning.

“This kind of exhaustion is what you’d expect from running twenty-five miles.” Ash said. “Though, I’m rather amazed you were able to run it. You’re both in great shape.”

Ash received a grunt from them both, likely some sort of acknowledgement. The man just stayed quiet, waiting for them to recover enough to physically speak. As the situation would be, that took about ten minutes, though they were both clearly exhausted.

Celestia forced herself to her hooves with Luna not far behind, both mares shaking steadily as they started walking without a word. Ash rose his eyebrow as Luna passed. “What are you going to do?”

“Come.” Luna said simply, her voice weak from fatigue. “Eat.”

Ash stood, making a half-interested and half-disgusted face as he followed them. Not only was it lunchtime, but the two mares were probably ravenous from the race. Ash doubted that the castle’s stock of food was going to last the day.

One Hour Later

Okay, so the castle had a lot more food in store than Ash had expected. The two Alicorns had at least twenty bowls and plates each stacked next to them. Fortunately, the two mares themselves and the table were rather clean. There were a few crumbs here and there, with a smear of frosting on Celestia’s cheek, but the servers had brought out food that was hard to make a mess out of first, likely used to the appetites of the two.

Most of the plates did have actual food on them, sandwiches, salads, soups, and the like, but the vast majority of it had been things that were high in sugar content. Idly, Ash had wondered how neither of them seemed to have a sugar crash. Then he thought that maybe they ate so much sugar at lunch specifically because they knew each sugar high carried over to the next one. Either way, cookies, cakes, brownies, fudge squares, candies, chocolates, and entire gallon containers of ice cream had vanished down the mouths of the two Alicorns, though he saw that their stomachs barely increased in size from all that they had ate. Ash knew for a fact that he would be dead if he had eaten a tenth of what they had eaten.

The man had just eaten two sandwiches, surprising Ash with the fact that one of the chefs would make something as simple as a ham sandwich. Like last time, he had tried to snag a couple of slices of cookie cake only to have his hand batted away magically when he tried. It seemed the two Alicorns were too hungry to even consider sharing, unlike last time. Fortunately for him, a server had, somehow, known what happened and brought him a slice, to which he made sure to thank the pony.

Finally, the two Alicorns finished their genocide of every edible thing on the table and had recovered enough strength to speak, which they then proceeded to do. “It seems like I have the next week off, sister.”

“You do.” Celestia grunted. She didn’t seem all too happy about it, but neither did she seem all too upset, either. The alabaster Alicorn leaned over slightly and whispered, though the room was silent enough for him to hear it anyway. “You better make sure that you spend it with Ash.”

“I will.” Luna replied.

Ash was a little confused at the exchange but figured it wasn’t bad- it clearly hadn’t sounded bad- so he brushed it off. “So, Celestia, did you honestly expect to win?”

“I knew I was in better shape than I used to be because of how often I run now, but I underestimated the exercise Luna got from camping in the woods.” Celestia admitted. “I figured she wouldn’t be quite as fit as I was, but I was wrong. Ruling for the next week won’t be too bad, particularly since I don’t have day court tomorrow either, but I would have enjoyed it more if I had won.”

“Naturally.” Ash replied. “You two were pretty even for most of it, though.”

Luna nodded. “I believe the only reason my sister lost is because she took off too early and too fast at the end. Had she waited just a little longer or ran just a little slower, I do believe it would have been a tie, or very well close to it.”

“What would you have done had it been a tie?” Ash asked curiously.

“We most likely would have came here, ate, and then gone back to gallop a single lap and let that settle the matter.” Celestia answered, an agreeing nod from Luna settling the question.

“Can humans run that far?” Luna asked curiously after a moment of silence. “Twenty five miles, I mean?”

“There’s a type of race called a ‘marathon’ that’s about twenty six.” Ash replied. “But humans don’t run it, they jog most of it. Jogging is trotting, if I haven’t already said.”

“You have. So humans can’t run that far?”

“Not at any great speed. Generally speaking, the faster a human goes, the faster they tire, though that’s true for most species. Humans really excel at long distance running, likely because most believe we used to be endurance hunters before we became truly intelligent.” Ash explained.

“Endurance hunters?” Luna questioned for clarification.

“Well, you have hunters like cheetahs who run really fast and catch up to their prey. They’re sprinters. Humans were distancers, if the theory is right, which we can’t tell because we don’t have even the shred of recorded history dating that far back. Anyway, pre-evolved humans would pick a prey and chase it, moving at a sedate jog. The animal would pull ahead for quite some distance, then slow down when it got tired. The human would track it, eating berries and the like that he found to keep up his energy, before he got to the animal.”

“The animal would take off again, running a smaller distance before stopping. Before long, the human would catch up, making the animal run an even smaller distance once more. The cycle would continue before the animal just fell over, too tired to even stand up. That’s when the human would fully catch up to the prey and make the kill.” Ash explained, making both mares shiver slightly.

“Can you imagine that? Being chased by an unrelentless hunter than never tired or slowed, just chased us until we couldn’t run anymore.” Luna asked her sister, clearly unnerved by the idea.

“I don’t want to.” Celestia said. From their tones, he could easily tell they weren’t imagining being chased by a human, but likely an enemy or species that they once feared.

“Yes, well, fortunately, that doesn’t happen anymore.” Ash said. “Now, we just chase down a store or bar and buy a meal.”

“Your buildings move?” Luna questioned loudly, recoiling a little.

“It was a joke, Luna.” Ash deadpanned, making a small blush come to her muzzle as Celestia laughed from her side. “A sarcastic joke, specifically. I assure you, our buildings do not get up and run away.”

“Oh, well, yes, that’s good.” Luna said, her ears folded back. “That would be most strange. Who would think such a thing?”

That was the straw that broke Celestia’s composure, loud giggling coming from the white Alicorn. A moment later, Ash joined in with Luna doing the same a few seconds after.

Cadence Arrives

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“So you’ve learned Healing Hands, have you? Well, the first thing you’ll need is a willing test subject. Just like how the Healing spell works only on the caster, Healing Hands works only on a recipient. Go ahead and go find one!”

Ash looked down at the mare who was lying with her head on his chest. Luna looked up to see him looking down at her, teal eyes meeting green eyes. Then she smiled. “I think you have one.”

“I think so too.” Ash joked, the two of them turning back to the entry.

“You found one? Good! The first thing you need to know is that Healing Hands diminishes as distance increases. As such, Healing Hands works best when you are in physical contact with the one you are healing, and the effectiveness of the spell is reduced to nothing once you are about five feet away. As such, to avoid wasting Magicka, it is recommended to always be in contact with the injury, as the distance then is zero.”

“Check.” Luna said, lightly tapping him with her head.

“On that note, the recipient must also have an injury. Self-inflicted injuries tend to work best because they can be controlled; you decide where you are cut, how bad it is, and how long it takes to be healed should the spell not work. However, injuries dealt in the heat of battle tend to help familiarize the caster with the spell due to the Magicka cost and focus required to heal the wound.”

“I’m not breaking my leg.” Luna said firmly, though in a joking tone.

“I’m not even asking you to cut yourself.” Ash reminded. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I know. I want to help anyway.” Luna reminded in turn.

Ash nodded with a small smile, accepting her answer and simultaneously thanking her for her help. “So, now that you know that, you might be wondering; How do I actually cast the spell?”

“Well, like Healing, the spell requires imagination! You have to imagine the spell happening for it to actually happen, just like Novice-rank spells. However, you also have to know what the spell does. Healing Hands, at its core, will direct your Magicka to heal your target. I will leave it to you to figure out how.”

The entry ended there and Ash sighed. “Looks like I have to figure out another thing.”

“You have my help, Ash. Remember that.” Luna said with a gentle smile. “Perhaps the sheet of paper you wrote on has the answer?”

“I think so.” Ash mused in thought. “After all, if I had to understand the spell to cast it, it means I understood the spell during that Surge.”

Luna’s horn lit up with magic as a sharp pop sounded out, signaling the arrival of the sheet of paper that Ash had written on. Taking it in his hand, Ash set it down on the newly-rebuilt gazebo, something that the castle staff was able to do in just a few hours thanks to magic. The stream had thawed out, too, but the trees were still damaged from his lightning. Ash had not wanted to return to Star’s Yard in fear of blowing it up again, but Luna had convinced him otherwise.

Magicka = Aetherius. / Restoration: -Magicka, +Vitality. Transfer, Aetherius connection. / Heal. Transfer, physical connection.

“I think it might have something to do with these two parts.” Luna said as she rose onto her rump, pointing with her hoof at the ‘Restoration’ and ‘Heal’ sections.

“I understand the third part. It’s how Healing Hands works. Remember, it works best by physically touching the injured.” Ash told her, scooting back a little to have more room to work with. “So I think I knew that during my Surge.”

“The first part has to do with Magicka in general and how it comes from Aetherius.” Luna guessed. “Which is just the general information about your Magicka.”

“So the ‘understanding’ of Healing Hands has to be the second part.” Ash said, receiving a nod from Luna.

“Restoration is the school of magic that Healing Hands belongs to.” Luna pointed out. “And you use Magicka to heal.”

“But Vitality isn’t physical health.” Ash countered. “It’s life force.”

“The guide doesn’t always give complete information as we’ve seen. Sometimes, it keeps it until you discover it on your own.” Luna replied. “Perhaps Vitality can heal in the right situation?”

“But what situation would that be?” Ash asked. The two thought on it for some time, ideas and theories running through their heads.

“Maybe Vitality can be ‘directed’ straight into the wounds?” Ash asked.

Luna shook her head. “No, that’s too complex. Remember, to cast Healing, you needed to know what you were doing, not how it happened. You didn’t have to direct any Vitality to heal yourself, did you?”

“No, but maybe the golden light is Vitality.”

Luna shook her head again. “No, Equilibrium showed us that Vitality is red and Magicka is blue. You saw it in your ‘containers’ and I saw it by the spell itself.”

“So the ‘-Magicka, +Vitality’ doesn’t mean turning my Magicka into Vitality, then.” Ash said, receiving a nod from Luna. Then his eyes widened. “I think I have it!”

“Do share.” Luna replied.

“I use my Magicka to bolster the natural production of Vitality, just like all Healing spells. That’s not a side effect like the guide told us, that’s how it works! I noticed that when my Vitality was overflowing, it was just fading out. What if overflowing Vitality is what heals wounds?” Ash asked.

“There’s only one way to find out.” Luna said, levitating a kitchen knife over to her left foreleg and quickly sliding it across. Silver blood began to slowly trickle down her leg as she held it out to him. “Hurry up and try. My wounds heal rather fast.”

Ash knew what Healing Hands looked like. He had seen it, and used it, many times before- just not in person. It wasn’t too hard for him to imagine the ribbons of light that, like Healing, flowed out of his hand. Unlike Healing, the ribbons went to Luna instead and wrapped around her leg in his mind. He also kept in mind how he believed Healing Hands worked, imagining her Vitality overflowing and healing her wound. After a moment, a bright glow emitted from his hand as streams of light wove through the air like snakes toward Luna, wrapping around her leg before fading away, revealing a healed limb.

Ash fell back, the strain in his chest sudden and surprising. He knew that Healing Hands took more than Healing but he had assumed that he had enough Magicka to work the spell a decent amount of time. He was wrong. From what Ash knew, his Magicka was low, but not too low.

“What’s wrong, Ash?” Luna questioned.

“I’m tired already. I didn’t think I had so little in the way of reserves.”

Luna facehoofed and then smacked him with a wing thrice in rapid succession. “Distance, Ash. You’re about two feet from me. That means it cost more Magicka than it would have otherwise. Remember that the maximum distance is five feet. Let your Magicka recover and try again.”

Ash nodded, remembering that tidbit of information only after she had reminded him, and waited for his reserves to fill once more. It took about fifteen minutes, making Ash notice that his reserves refilled a little faster than they used to, before he turned to Luna and nodded. Levitating the knife in her aura, she sliced herself on the same part of her leg, a small wince being the only indication of the pain she felt. Once more, silver blood flowed from the breach in her flesh.

Once more, he focused on his spell. Unlike the previous time, he reached out and placed his hand on her leg, over her cut, and imagined the look, feel, and sound of the spell even as he kept how it worked in mind. The light appeared again, ribbons of gold running over and around her leg as the wound closed, though Ash couldn’t see it. When he pulled his hand away, all trace of injury was gone. Luna had a soft smile on her muzzle, her eyes closed, as she spoke. “You didn’t tell me that it was so warm. I didn’t notice it the first time but I did now. It’s...relaxing, to say the least.”

“I didn’t think to mention it.” Ash admitted. “Though you were right about the distance-”

“No surprise there.” Luna interrupted with a more smug smile, then let him continue.

“My Magicka isn’t nearly as drained as it was last time.” Ash finished.

“Good. Let’s keep practicing and we aren’t stopping until you can heal at least a dozen wounds at the same time.” Luna replied, a wide grin on her muzzle. She was clearly determined to help him, something he was grateful for, even if she pushed him as hard as she could.

Five Hours Later

Luna smiled at the man who slept quietly next to her. He had pushed himself, and done so hard. Five hours of practicing Healing Hands, often to the point of sickness, so that he could begin helping others. It was inevitable that he couldn’t continue and just fell asleep. At first, he had passed out sitting up, leaning against the wall of the gazebo, but Luna had moved him since then.

She had lied down on her side next to him and maneuvered him, resting his head on the side of her barrel as she draped a soft, feathered wing over him. Her magic had folded the sheet of paper and slipped it into his pocket while her hoof had set the guide near the wall as he rested. She was perfectly content to let him sleep as long as he needed- Ash had performed better than she expected. By the end of it, he was able to heal several wounds spread out over her entire body, he only needed to know what and where they were.

Of course, he had never had a chance to practice on anything more than cuts ranging from short to long, shallow to deep, and small to large. Even then, Luna truly believed that he was ready to have his spell certified and begin healing the various minor injuries recruits received during their training. Ash would be working on the recruits for a few days before eventually being sent on a mission with some guards, though Luna knew not whether he would be sent to deal with a Manticore, settle a brawl, arrest some ponies, or find lost ponies. The list of missions guards were sent on was rather short, and sporadic even then. There was very little that required the guards, which was part of the reason the force was so small.

A thousand years ago, the Royal Guard had numbered well over forty thousand- an army in and of itself. Now, though, it numbered about five thousand, scattered throughout Equestria with a higher concentration in larger cities. Small towns had, maybe, ten guards in them. She knew Ponyville only had four guards, only two of which were ever on duty at a time. The training for the guard had dropped in quality as well, something that Luna found undesirable.

At the same time, she couldn’t really blame her sister for it, either. With her banishment, all of Equestria’s major problems had vanished. Gryphons no longer threatened to invade every other year, with relations with Zebras, Saddle Arabians, and Minotaurs drastically improving. Changelings hadn’t been seen en masse in eight hundred years and Diamond Dogs were only a nuisance, capturing ponies to work for a few days before releasing them before the guards found them.

Part of Luna was convinced that she had been the source of all of Equestria’s problems, though it wasn’t out of any sense of self-hatred or loathing. It was the only logical conclusion. What other belief could she form when presented with the fact that everything had gotten better when she was banished? Of course, her sister was doing everything she could to remove that belief, and her friends helped as well.

The Elements of Harmony, her Night Guard, even Pipsqueak. They all did what they could to help her, all in their own ways. Of course, most ponies never noticed how she felt. She wasn’t lonely, she wasn’t constantly sad, and she didn’t feel any self-loathing or hatred. It was just a fact that it was her fault, a fact that she was trying her best to make up for.

The two, though, who did the absolute most to help her were her sister and the man sleeping on her. Celestia had forgiven her for turning against Equestria and asked for forgiveness in turn, which Luna had readily given. No anger, nor hate, nor dislike really remained between the two. Luna understood why Celestia did what she had done, though didn’t agree with it. Celestia understood why Luna had gotten furious at what she had done and had promised not to do it again, no matter what. Turning her gaze once more to Ash, she hoped that her sister would keep that promise.

Ash… He was most certainly strange. From a strange world, boasting strange powers, with a strange name and strange personality, he had changed the daily lives of the two mares since his arrival scant four days ago. Already, he had left a greater mark on their lives than most ponies did in decades. He treated them like ponies, not goddesses, something that still amazed and delighted the two sisters. He treated them like friends, not just ponies he knew, which made them happy.

The only downside to him was the fact that she didn’t know what he would think of her if she told him the truth about her, about what she had done in the past, and where she had been for the last thousand years. Would he brush it, and her, aside for her past mistake? Would he hate her for what she did? Would he believe she would do it again?

Or would he accept her past, her mistake, and remain her friend? Would he still trust her and care for her like he did now?

Luna wanted to find out. She was scared, though.

Luna hoped, oh did she hope, that he would understand- not to accept what she had done, but to forgive it- and keep being her friend. It would make her so happy, overjoyed even, if she had found another friend who would accept her, even knowing her past.

But she feared, oh did she fear, that he wouldn’t understand- not accept what she had done and not forgive her- and come to hate her for her past. It would hurt, tear her apart even, if she came to be hated by yet another being who learned of her past.

What Celestia had told her was of absolutely no help whatsoever, either. Her teasing had done nothing but open Luna’s mind to the possibility. Celestia was trying to make up for the past, Luna knew, but it wasn’t helping. True, it wasn’t hurting either, and it had gotten the midnight Alicorn to consider it, but she wasn’t quite sure. Would she do it? Would she take that step? For what? A few decades of happiness followed by an eternity of loss? Ash had made her happy in the few days they had known each other, and he had shared his world and her passion, but was it worth the pain?

She had tried before. It hadn’t turned out well at all. If not for Celestia, she would ha- No. There was nothing but sorrow down that path, a path she had walked once before. A path that had nearly killed her, if not physically then spiritually. She wouldn’t make the same mistake twice, and neither would her sister. Another problem was that it had only been four days since she had met Ash. She didn’t know what to think or feel. Was she imagining things? Or were those feelings real? Was pursuing them worth the millennia of heartache she would feel after he passed? Or would it be best to just ignore them? Was she only interested in Ash because he treated her like she was normal, or did she actually care for him?

Too many questions, too many doubts.

That was what Luna’s problems always boiled down to. She doubted herself, questioned her motives, and second-guessed her actions. She had been doing exactly that ever since her descent into darkness. She couldn’t trust herself, not anymore. Was she helping Ash because he was a friend, or was she trying to get something out of it? Was she using it to get closer to him, a mostly-innocent goal, or was she making him more powerful so he would be a powerful weapon?

How could she trust herself to love him if she couldn’t trust herself to stay out of the darkness?

In Princess Celestia’s Private Quarters

“Do you need my help with something, Auntie?” Celestia heard a very familiar voice ask from her doorway. The white Alicorn looked up from the papers on her desk to see her niece, Cadence, standing in the doorway with a soft smile on her muzzle. Celestia quickly rose to her hooves and trotted over, wrapping her neck and wings around the younger Alicorn.

“It’s good to see you, Cadence.” Celestia said with a smile, nuzzling her. “Though I didn’t expect you to arrive here so quickly.”

“I was visiting Shining’s parents.” Cadence explained, happily returning the embrace. “I was going to surprise you with a visit when I received your letter. Who needs my help?”

Celestia pulled back, grinning at the Alicorn of Love. Paperwork could wait. “Luna.”

Her eyes lit up quickly, joy shining in them as she clopped her front hooves against the floor. “Has Aunt Luna finally found somepony?”

Celestia giggled lightly. “Not somepony, but someone. Sit with me, Cadence, for I have a lot to explain.”

The two trotted over to the large bed, Celestia’s magic closing the door behind Cadence. The bed was a massive thing, easily large enough for her to sprawl out on and still have room to move around. Unlike several other beds in the castle, it wasn’t a canopy bed, as she didn’t like them. Her bed, instead, was adorned in simple golden sheets, four crimson pillows, and a dark blue blanket that Luna had sewn for her over a millennium ago. In fact, within Luna’s room was a white blanket that she had given to the younger sister, both of them being gifts to each other that they had kept through the long years.

The two hopped up on the bed and lied down, folding their hooves underneath them as they did so. After a moment of getting comfortable, Celestia began to explain. “Four days ago, my throne room was enveloped in white light as a strange creature from another world was deposited. He awoke some moments later, and after I looked into his eyes, I called off the guards and we spoke. I learned his name was Ashephyles, though he goes by Ash for simplicity’s sake. He is a human, which looks like an advanced primate, and wields a strange magic not native to our world, known as ‘Magicka.’”

Cadence nodded, following along. It was clear already that this ‘Ash’ was the one who Luna held, or could hold, an interest in and why she had been called to the castle. Celestia continued. “The first thing that caught our attention was that he treats us as normal mares, not goddesses. We almost immediately became friends. We learned that he seeks to be a healer and has been working on mastering his magic’s ‘Restoration’ school, which deals mostly on healing wounds. He seeks to get his spell certified so that he can work in the infirmary, though that plan has changed recently- I’ll get to that later.”

“With me ruling the last few days, I was unable to meet with him other than during our meals, but Luna has taken an interest in him. On the first day here, he spent the day learning his magic with Private Star Gaze and Twilight, though the important bit came that night. Luna came into his dreams, at his invitation, and they spent the entire night discussing his world’s night sky and constellations. From what Luna has told me, it’s quite amazing.”

“How so, Auntie?” Cadence asked. What made his night sky so special?

“Most noticeably is that his world, Nirn, had two moons, Masser and Secunda. Another important bit is that the constellations of his world are living beings, having ascended into Celestials. However, what’s important is that he spent the entire night chatting with Luna, even going so far as to allow her to indulge in one of her passions, though she’s been too embarrassed to ask to do so again.” Celestia said, continuing on when Cadence rose an eyebrow. “He danced with her, specifically a waltz.”

“That’s adorable!” Cadence squealed, clearly happy for her aunt. “What else happened?”

“She’s been helping him with his magic quite often. Two days ago, he made a mistake with one of his spells and it resulted in an explosion that severely hurt Luna, though it was something that she would have recovered from on her own within a few hours. Ash didn’t know that, though, and knocked himself out by using all of his Magicka reserves to heal her. He was unconscious for a little over a day, though he wasn’t hurt- just exhausted.”

“What did Luna do?”

“She didn’t leave his side, for one. Twice I walked into the room to see her asleep sitting beside the bed, her head resting on his leg. The third time I entered, Ash was awake and I was going to speak to him about what had happened. I’m ashamed to admit that, when I had learned of the explosion, I had assumed he turned on us. I was happy to have been proven wrong, and while he forgave me as soon as I told him, I still want to make it up to him.”

“Admirable.” Cadence nodded, smiling.

“Anyway, I discussed some things with him, part of that being that he would accompany guards on missions as a designated healer as a ‘punishment,’ which wasn’t one at all because it was something he had wanted to do once he learned his spells. I left after that, having to return to my work, only to visit them again some time later to find something interesting.”


“Luna was lying in the hospital bed with him, reading a ‘guide’ he has that helps him learn his Magicka. I won’t lie- I stayed for a time and listened in on them. They discussed a variety of topics, ranging from his Magicka, her hot spots-”

“How did that come up?” Cadence asked, her cheeks flushing a little.

“Apparently, his fingers make it much easier to trigger a pony in ways another pony can’t.” Celestia explained, then continued. “They even discussed their hobbies, though I noticed that Luna failed to mention her love of dancing. That was yesterday.”

“And today?”

“It started with me discussing with Luna how she felt about him. She admitted that she saw him as a good friend and someone she could trust, but she was convinced that nothing more would come of their friendship. He awoke and was checked out, with friendly and teasing banter bouncing between the three of us, though Ash took an interest in teasing Luna, which I hope means something.” Celestia said. “Earlier this morning, after breakfast, my sister and I had a race and a wager. I lost, so now I have to take Luna’s four days, which gives her a full week off.”

“A full week that she can spend with Ash…” Cadence said slowly, thinking it over.

“Exactly. I whispered to her that she should spend it with Ash, and I think he overheard, but he didn’t react at all. I don’t think he knows of her confusion and internal conflict. I fear that my teasing and light pushing hasn’t been helping her whatsoever.”

Cadence sighed, though she shook her head. “Luna is an indecisive, doubtful pony. She doubts herself above all. She’ll never make a move if she isn’t pushed into it. You haven’t pushed her very hard, which is good, but you’ve made sure that she hasn’t forgotten, which is also good.”

“I also wanted to know if she really is starting to develop feelings for him.” Celestia said. “He’s only been here for four days. Isn’t that extremely quick?”

“Celestia, there’s no limit on love.” Cadence said simply. “Shining and I loved each other since the first day. Maybe Luna is developing feelings for Ash, and maybe four days seems quick to you, but that doesn’t make it any less real.”

Celestia nodded. “I thought so, but…”


“I’m worried for Luna. She’s immortal. Ash is not.” Celestia said in explanation.

“I’m immortal, too, and Shining isn’t.” Cadence pointed out. “And I’m hoping he’ll propose to me soon. Life with loss of love is a happier life than a life without love or loss. The decades of love are entirely worth the centuries of loss, Celestia.”

“I know.” Celestia sighed. “But it still worries me. Luna, she…”

“Last time.” Cadence said with a nod. “But that’s not this time. You won’t make the same mistake again, and neither will she. Losing Ash will hurt her, but having him taken away will destroy her.”

“If we’re even right.”

“I’m sure we are. We’re working under the assumption that she already likes him, but she might not. If she doesn’t, all we have to do is wait.” Cadence said with a smile. “I’ll go talk to her and try to get some more information. Where is she?”

“In Star’s Yard with Ash, training his Magicka. He recently gained the ability to learn ‘Healing Hands,’ a spell that allows the caster to heal the target. That’s the first spell he wants certified so he can start helping others.” Celestia explained, receiving a nod from her niece.

“I’ll see you at dinner, okay?” Cadence asked.

Celestia nodded. “Of course, and your room is still yours, as it always is when you aren’t on a diplomatic mission.”

In Star’s Yard, Ten Minutes Later

“Auntie Luna!” Cadence called softly, entering the Yard. The first thing she noticed was the damaged trees, knowing that it was part of the damage done by the explosion. She looked around the courtyard, then paused as she saw the gazebo. She could see what looked like Luna and another being lying together.

With a grin on her muzzle, she trotted over to the gazebo, coming close enough to see that she was right. Luna was lying on her side, gazing at the creature that used her as a pillow. The creature was, as Celestia had said, strange. She couldn’t see his face from her angle, but she saw that he was structured vaguely similar to a Minotaur, with two legs and two arms. He was bipedal, that she would have known even if Celestia hadn’t said he had evolved from primates.

“Luna?” Cadence asked again as she walked up the two steps to the gazebo. The night mare jumped lightly and turned her head, her face lighting up as she realized Cadence had seen her staring at Ash, and had seen him sleeping on her.

“It’s not what it looks like!” Luna whispered insistently.

“Oh, so he didn’t get tired from training and fall asleep on the hard wood, making you move him onto you so he could be more comfortable because that’s what friends do?” Cadence asked innocently. “Darn. If that’s not what this is, does this mean you two are lovers?”

Her face darkened. “It’s exactly what it looks like, then!”

Cadence grinned. “It looks to me that you care for him. A lot. Especially with that conflicted gaze of longing and worry.”

There was a soft pop of magic, the gazebo fading and replaced by the corner of the Yard, Luna next to her. Looking over to the gazebo once she recovered from the sudden teleportation, she could see several cushions where Luna had been- she hadn’t let Ash’s head hit the ground.

“Why are you here?” Luna questioned.

“I live here.” Cadence replied. “You know, Princess-in-training and all that?”

She huffed. “You are here for more than just that. You spend most of your nights in the Sparkle household and rarely drop by unannounced.”

“Perhaps I’m here because you need my help.”

“I don’t need your help!” She insisted.

“Then I guess you find it incredibly easy to go to Ash and ask him out.” When Luna hesitated on her reply, Cadence faked a gasp. “You don’t plan to see where your friendship with him goes? So you’re content to just stay as you are and never be anything more?”

She nodded, though the gesture was shaky at best and painful at worse. “Y-yes.”

“Hmm.” Cadence hummed lightly. “Okay then. You know Private Star Gaze, right? She’s always been fascinated by the new and the unknown, right?”

“Yes, I know her. What’s your point?” Luna asked.

“Do you think they’ll be good together? I think so, and I might arrange for them to go on a date.” Cadence said, looking back to Ash. “If things do well, I can see them being married in a year.”

“NO!” Luna shouted. Cadence jumped in shock, which wasn’t fake. She hadn’t expected such a forceful answer.

“What?” Cadence asked innocently. “Fine. Perhaps Twilight? With his Magicka, his knowledge of another world, and his unique way of thinking, I think they would get along very well.”

Luna just rapidly shook her head, sending a glance Ash’s way. He didn’t seem to have woken up.

“What’s wrong, Luna? It’s almost like you don’t want to see him happy!”

“I want him to be happy with me.” Luna replied softly, her voice dropping down to less than a whisper. “But I can’t trust myself.”

Cadence Goes Around and Feelings Abound

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Cadence nodded. She had expected such an answer, even if she didn’t want it. With a flash of soft blue magic, a scroll, inkwell, and quill appeared in her aura. She quickly scrawled a message across the scroll, rolled it up, and levitated it over to the gazebo where she placed it in front of Ash. Then she turned her attention to Luna, quickly lit her horn, and teleported them once more. Star’s Yard faded around the two, replaced immediately afterward by Cadence’s personal room. Her bed was nearly identical to Celestia’s with two main differences. Her bed was a canopy bed, with soft pink drapes blotting out light. Instead of a dark blue blanket, hers was a light teal with rose red pillows shaped like hearts, her own personal theme. Beside her bed sat two wooden nightstands, once on each side. The left one, from her point of view, held a simple framed photo of Twilight and Shining on what looked to be Twilight’s birthday.

Two pink couches took up one corner of her room, with a desk taking up another. While she rarely had paperwork, and never to the extent that the two elder Alicorns did, there were times that she had to file reports and documents. Directly opposite of the bed was a large wardrobe, beside which were two doors of a walk-in closet. Cadence kept her simpler clothes, those that could be folded and unfolded without too many creases, inside the wardrobe, while her numerous dresses and gowns were stored inside the closet. On the same wall as the front door was her dressing table, a large thing with several drawers, covered with containers of various types.

Around her entire room, where the walls met the ceiling and floor, were waving lines of pink and teal, her own two colors. Unlike Celestia, gold was not prevalent in her room, nor onyx like it was in Luna’s. Instead, aquamarine made its presence known, set into the frame of the mirror of her dressing table, the handles of drawers, and the posts that supported both her bed and her canopy.

With a pink wing, Cadence ushered Luna over to the couches, then tried to force her to take a seat. The older mare reluctantly complied, with a resigned look in her eyes. She knew exactly what was coming and was incredibly nervous, something that Cadence took delight in. Nervous meant that this was a matter that was important and meaningful to her, not something that she didn’t care about and could discard at a moment’s notice and with no regret.

Cadence took her seat across from her on the other couch, summoning a pot of tea, two cups, and a small plate of cookies, which she placed on a glass table lined with the ever-present aquamarine. Without a word, she took her time pouring the tea into the cups, placed them on saucers, and levitated one over to Luna. The pink Alicorn couldn’t deny her entertainment at seeing Luna squirm from nervousness and embarrassment, even if her ultimate goal was to help her aunt find happiness.

“Elaborate on your previous statement.” Cadence requested politely, gazing calmly at Luna, though . The emotions she showed were important in these matters. Too much eagerness would make the pony she was trying to help think that Cadence saw it all as a game. Too little interest and she would come off as not caring how things ultimately played out. She had to be careful, especially with Luna, a pony who had severe doubts about herself.

“Do I really love him? Is-” Luna said after a moment of silence.

“No.” Cadence interrupted, her voice firm but honest.

“W-what?” Luna asked, thrown off by the sudden reply.

“You don’t love him.” Cadence said, then elaborated when Luna’s eyes widened. “Not yet. I can tell you right now that it’s not love yet. It’s interest. It can grow to love, or it can fade away. It all depends on how you treat it.”

With her planned answer brushed aside like it didn’t matter, Luna didn’t quite know what to say. She could say the truth, that she knew. She also knew that Cadence already knew the truth- Luna had told her quite some time ago. The truth was painful, though, reopening old wounds that were starting to heal. Why pick at a scab instead of letting it heal completely?

“I’m waiting for an answer, Luna.” Cadenge urged gently, and took a sip of her tea. She then levitated a cookie over to Luna, which she took and began to nibble on as she thought. Projecting an aura of casualness was required. Formality removed emotion, which removed passion, which was detrimental to her goal. She wanted Luna to embrace that passion, not hide it away like this was a professional business interview.

“I...I don’t know.” Luna said after a moment.

“That’s not true. You know exactly why you think you can’t trust yourself. What I want to know is why you feel you can’t trust yourself with him.” Cadence reprimanded lightly. She wouldn’t be able to remove Luna’s self-doubt, certainly not in one discussion. One step at a time is what it took. If she removed Luna’s fear of...whatever it was that she feared doing to Ash, the night Alicorn would be well on her way to recovery. Truth is, she already was, it was just an incredibly slow process. Everypony but herself had forgiven her for becoming Nightmare Moon.

“Am I using him?” Luna asked at last. “Do I really...have an interest in him, or is he just a tool, a possible weapon to obey me?”

“When you were helping him, what did you feel?” Cadence asked in way of an answer. If it had been anypony else, Luna would have been annoyed by having her concern seemingly brushed aside. However, Cadence wasn’t going to give her an answer that was generic or run-of-the-mill. She was searching for an answer that held true to only Luna, nopony else, and that involved asking questions.

Luna turned her gaze to the mirror on Cadence's dressing table, her reflection staring back at her as she did so. “I felt... as if my opinion mattered. When I saw how hard he was pushing himself, just because I asked him to, it made me happy. He holds no loyalty to me. I’m not his teacher or his ruler. I’m his friend, and he took my advice because my opinion meant something to him.”

“Your opinion means a lot to quite a number of ponies.” Cadence pointed out.

“Yes, but only because I’m a Princess!” Luna’s head quickly turned back to look at Cadence again as she nearly shouted her answer. “Because I rule Equestria! Because I’m Celestia’s sister! Not because I’m me! Only Ash does that!”

Cadence nodded again. She had expected that answer, too. “What do you feel when he succeeds at a spell? When he does something right because you helped him?”

“Pride.” Luna answered, much more readily than she had last time. “Pride and contentment.”

“Explain.” Cadence requested again.

“Pride at my advice being useful. Pride that I was able to make a difference in his learnings.” Luna elaborated. “Contentment at having helped. At having been important, even for a little while.”

“And how do you feel around Ash in general?”

“Normal.” Luna said, then explained without having to be prompted. “I feel like a normal mare, with a normal life and normal friends. We laugh, we joke, and we tease each other just like all friends. We hug, we touch, and we lie together just like all friends. With him, I’m not a Princess of Equestria, former Nightmare Moon, and Maiden of the Night. I’m Luna, Ash’s friend and helper.”

“And what would you do if you were to hurt him, physically or emotionally?” Cadence asked.

Luna’s eyes darkened, the thought alone very obviously caused her some distress. That was good. A pony who cared about another would be upset at the thought of causing them pain. Unfortunately, it was also one of Luna’s fears, a fact Cadence took note of. “I would lay myself at his feet and beg for his forgiveness, no matter what it took. A pony who betrays her friends is worthless, evil, and deserves nothing less than terrible punishment.”

“And what if he asked to hurt you in return, physically?”

“I would give him an orichalcum knife and stretch out my wing.” Luna replied, making Cadence wince. Orichalcum blades blocked an Alicorn’s natural regeneration, making wounds from them heal at a normal rate. A cut that would take minutes to heal on an Alicorn would otherwise take hours. Even worse, a wing was incredibly sensitive in most circumstances. Luna was serious about the punishment she would receive if she hurt Ash.

“Tell me, Luna.” Cadence began, hiding her slight nausea at the pain she was willing to go through to redeem herself should she betray her friend. In any case, it was time to go on the offensive. “Would an evil pony who was using another go to such lengths to prove their sincerity?”

“If they were trying to hid-”

“Would an evil pony be willing to permanently lose a wing, or worse, to prove that they were sorry?”

“If they were particularly deviou-”

“Would an evil pony feel proud and content, not ambition or desire, at helping a friend become better at something?”

“In the right circ-”

“Would an evil pony have the beginnings of feelings for their ‘tool?’”

Luna was silent. Cadence knew she had struck home. There was no real way Luna could describe the hypothetical pony as being wholly evil yet still willing to feel- and suffer- for love. After a time, the night Alicorn spoke. “No.”

“If you hurt him, you would bow and beg for him to forgive you. Would Nightmare Moon willingly damage her pride?” Cadence asked, the other mare wincing lightly at the horrid name.

“No…” Luna said softly

“If he asked to hurt her in revenge, would Nightmare Moon willingly give one of the only tools capable of killing her away and allow it to be used against her?” Cadence asked.

“No.” The mare replied, louder.

“Would Nightmare Moon have such a high opinion of, and show care for, a man who was nothing more than a tool, a means of furthering her station and power?”

“No!” Luna retorted, her eyes bright.

“Do you care for Ash, not for what he can do, but for who he is?” Cadence asked, her voice dropping to a whisper.

“Yes!” Luna said firmly.

“Would you ask him out on a date?” Cadence questioned, the moment revealed.

“Ye-” Luna began, then started to sputter as the question and her near-answer registered. “W-what?”

“Would you ask him out?” Cadence repeated.

“I-I can’t answer that!”

“And why not? It’s not like I’m asking you to go do it. I’m just asking you if you would, given the chance. Is it worth it in the end?”

“I...I need to think.” Luna said softly, her tone full of confusion. Cadence nodded. That was the third answer she had predicted from the Night Maiden.

“Feel free to take all the time you need. I’m here to push you, but not push you too far.” Cadence reminded. With a nod, Luna was gone in a flash of blue light.

Cadence nodded once more to the empty room. Things were going well. Luna’s largest concern had been abated. The seeds of thought had been planted. With her fear of using Ash proven unfounded by her own emotions, she was now giving greater thought to the idea of being with him, and she was beginning to acknowledge her own feelings on the matter. Luna would be less focused on asking herself if she deserved it, but whether it would make her happy.

Cadence stood. Now she just needed to plant the same seeds in Ash. Once that was done, the first step would be completed. She grinned to herself. Then there would be three more initial steps before her primary work was completed. Once those four steps were completed, they would be together. After that, things would progress on their own and Cadence would only need to watch. She just hoped they would allow those steps to happen.

Coating her horn in a teal aura, she vanished in a flash of light and a soft pop.

In Star’s Yard

A flash of light was the only evidence of Cadence’s arrival in the courtyard. She had teleported back into the corner from before to avoid startling Ash in case he was still asleep or just waking up. When she trotted over to the gazebo, she was glad she had taken her precaution. He was standing next to it, pointing his hand at the wall on the other side of the courtyard, thirty feet away. As she watched, an angry roar and harsh light assaulted her as a jet of fire nearly ten feet long and a foot wide. Cadence felt her eyes widen, seeing him control fire. She had known that his magic would be powerful, but she didn’t think it would allow a ‘Novice’ Magicka-user to control the elements. That was very advanced Unicorn magic.

The pink Alicorn trotted up to Ash’s side, being sure to keep some distance from the fire, and waited for him to stop. He didn’t notice her at all, most likely from the fact that she hadn’t walked into his line of sight to avoid distracting him. He held the spell for what seemed to be fifteen seconds before he stopped, looking a little sick. He lowered his hand slowly, clearly thinking of something, before turning to his side to head back to the gazebo. That turn made him see her and he paused, then spoke. “I didn’t know there was another Alicorn in the castle.”

“There’s only three of us, and I’m not always in the castle. As a Princess-in-training, I’m often sent on diplomatic or cultural exchange missions. I’m Mi Amore Cadenza, though I go by Cadence more often than not.” Cadence answered the unasked question.

“Mi Amore Cadenza?” Ash asked, receiving a nod. “In a language I know a little off, that translates to My Love, Cadence.”

“Fitting, considering I’m the Princess of Love.” Cadence replied with a smile. “I thought Luna was supposed to be here with you.”

Ash shrugged. “She had to go take care of something for Celestia and left me a scroll.”

Good. He didn’t suspect a thing. “That works out for me, then.”

“Oh?” Ash asked. Cadence gestured for him to follow and he did, the pair walking around and into the gazebo. The pair sat down on cushions before Cadence smiled lightly and spoke.

“I wanted to talk to you about Luna.”

She noticed immediately that Ash gained a slightly guarded look on him. Darn. He had already put together her reason for being there. Then again, she hadn’t been subtle at all. In any case, Ash’s reply cemented the fact. “I can guess why.”

She could work with this. She hoped. Cadence had no clue if he had the same kind of doubts that Luna had, or the same mistrust in himself. Hopefully, getting him on board would be a much simpler task. She wasn’t going to beat around the bush with him. From first impressions, he seemed the kind to prefer bluntness. “Well? Are you interested in her?”

“Don’t rightly know.” Ash replied, dashing her hopes of this being a simple situation. She hadn’t expected it to be but a mare was allowed to hope, wasn’t she?

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not so simple as ‘do I like her?’” Ash said. “I have to consider her reputation and my mortality.”

“Let’s start with the first matter, then.” Cadence suggested. “Why do you think, in the event you two were to date, you would affect her reputation?”

“I’m not exactly ‘royal material.’” Ash answered. “It’s be great if the world only cared about love rather than image, but that’s not true, and it’s even less true for royalty. I don’t have the manners, the station, nor the power or wealth of your average royal suitor.”

“But wouldn’t it say more for Luna’s image if she was entirely willing to ignore all of that for love and love alone?” Cadence asked honestly. “It would seem shallow if she picked a partner just because they were wealthy.”

“Point.” Ash admitted after a moment. “But that’s for the common person. What about nobles? The Thanes back home had an annoying habit of being corrupt and I don’t know if it’s any different here.”

“It’s not, unfortunately.” Cadence replied with a sigh. “The nobility in Canterlot tend to worry more about political image than morality and kindness. However, the nobles don’t even have the power to make Luna’s life difficult. One word from her can strip them of everything they have. All they could do is say mean things.”

“Words can cause far more pain than any weapon could.” Ash pointed out. “A well-placed word can destroy a person’s spirit but a well-placed slash just takes them down.”

“A well-placed word can completely restore a pony’s heart and soul, and a well-placed word is only stronger when coming from one they love.” Cadence retorted. Ash understood her point.

“Fine. Maybe I wouldn’t hurt her reputation and maybe I wouldn’t negatively affect her image.” Ash grunted. “But that’s all minor things anyway. Luna could just outlive anyone who didn’t like her dating me, which is the second problem I have.”

“She’ll outlive you.” Cadence said, not bothering to sugarcoat it. Bluntness was the key to Ash.

“Aye. I’m twenty-five. If I’m lucky and keep healthy, I have seventy years left. Seventy years of being with the same person is a long time, assuming we even develop feelings for each other and assuming we work out.” Ash said. From his wording, Cadence figured out that he either didn’t have feelings for Luna yet or wasn’t going to admit to them. If he was in complete denial, he will be harder than Luna, who was simply afraid. “But twenty thousand years is longer still. I already know Luna and Celestia are immortal- offhand mentioning of events hundreds of years ago that they witnessed prove that. I don’t know how long they will live or if they are truly immortal, but either answer means Luna will miss me for a long time, assuming your hypothetical situation even gets to that point.”

“Twenty thousand years without any form of love other than that of family is even worse.” Cadence replied once he aired out his feelings on the matter. “Eternal life without romantic love isn’t a life at all, it’s just existence. Those moments of happiness, joy, love, and contentment are made all the more special and important by the fact that they aren’t permanent nor guaranteed. I should know. My coltfriend is a Unicorn and, as such, is mortal. I still love him and knowing that he won’t be by my side forever only makes me love him more and cherish every moment with him.”

Then she allowed her voice to soften. “Don’t take Luna’s immortality as a barrier separating you or a challenge to overcome. Take it as an opportunity. Take it as a chance to give her memories to look fondly back on fifteen thousand years down the line. Take it as a chance to give her true happiness for the century or so she can have you.”

Looking into his eyes, she saw that she was winning him over. He just needed one final push. “Ash.”

When his attention refocused on her, she continued. “Luna has only had the chance to be happy once before, a thousand years ago. It didn’t work out and she hasn’t had the chance to do so again. Please give her this chance. I understand your reservations, I completely do. I had to help Shining overcome them, too, but the joy and happiness is worth the pain and loss so many times over.”

Dropping her voice even lower, she allowed a tear to trail down the corner of her eye. “I can’t ask you to love her. That’s not something anypony can make themselves do. I’m asking you to give yourselves the chance to love each other.”

His firm expression faltered. After a moment of staring at the pink Alicorn, her eyes wide and brimming with unshed tears, he gave in. Ash sighed. “Okay. Like you said, I can’t promise to love her, but I can promise to give it a chance. It’ll be her decision in the end, though, no matter what any of you say.”

Cadence stood up and walked over to Ash, giving him a gentle nuzzle and spoke in a voice full of honestly. “Thank you. I have to go now, okay? I’ll be around the castle if you need to talk to me, though I’m not sure how long I will be here.”

“That’s fair.” Ash replied, patting her on her shoulder. When Cadence leaned back and turned to walk away, he called out to her. “Cadence?”

“Yes, Ash?” Cadence asked, turning around and wiping away a tear with her wing.

“Does Luna like me? Is that why you’re asking me this?”

Cadence gave a light shrug. “I don’t know. I believe Luna can like you if she gives herself the chance, just as I believe you can like her if you give yourself the chance. I don’t know if she already does, though. I plan to ask her within the next few days.”

Ash nodded once, understanding, and Cadence turned around again, leaving the courtyard. Once the doors thudded shut behind her, she wiped the tears out of her eyes. They had been easy to bring up, she had just needed to think of Luna never finding any kind of happiness in her life. As for what she told him at the end… discretion was needed. Luna was the one with doubts and fears. It was going to be her choice ultimately whether she was going to open her heart or not.

Now it was time to report back to Celestia. With another flash of light, she was gone.

In Princess Celestia’s Private Quarters

A flash of light heralded Cadence’s arrival. Celestia looked up from her desk once again, setting aside the last sheet of paperwork she had to do. Cadence walked over, a soft smile on her muzzle. Celestia returned the smile. “How did things go, Cadence?”

“Well, I learned that Luna does have the beginnings of feelings for Ash.” Cadence said. “It’s not love yet, far from it, but it can grow to that.”

“That’s good.” Celestia said brightly, a smile on her muzzle.

“Unfortunately,” Cadence began, making Celestia’s smile slip. “She has a lot of doubts about her intentions. She still fears slipping back into Nightmare Moon.”

Celestia sighed. “I know. I’ve tried so hard to prove to her that she’s not just going to ‘flip back’ into Nightmare, but she doesn’t believe me. She’s always second-guessing herself and what her actions mean.”

“Except when she’s around Ash.” Cadence pointed out.

“What? She does it even then.”

Cadence shook her head. “Not when she’s actually around Ash. Once she parts from him, all those doubts and concerns come back, but when she’s sitting next to him, talking and laughing the day away, those fears are gone.”

Celestia gained a curious look, realizing that what she spoke was truth. When she was physically beside Ash, she never seemed worried or concerned or afraid. Once they separated, that’s when she seemed a little more nervous and cautious. “You’re right.”

Cadence nodded. “Of course I am. In any case, I’ve had a harder time getting a read on Ash.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know if he is in denial about how he currently feels about Luna, or if he has no feelings for her currently.” Cadence explained. “However, I shot down his concerns about her immortality and reputation, so he’s willing to give it a thought. He promised to give it a chance, most importantly. However, I think he’s going to wait for Luna to make a move and I agree with that.”

“Wouldn’t it be best for him to do it?” Celestia questioned. “Instead of waiting, possibly for years, for Luna to decide?”

Cadence shook her head. “Not in Luna’s case. Ash is smart, smart enough to put together some of the things we’ve said to form a coherent image of the past. He knows that something happened to Luna in the past, and that her first love interest had something to do with it.”

“How could he possibly know that?” Celestia asked, slightly shocked.

“Like I said, he put it together.”

“But we haven’t told him about her banishment, not that I know of.”

“I didn’t say that he knew of her banishment.” Cadence reminded. “Just that something happened. Besides, he might have read a book from the Archives or heard a guard talking.”

Celestia shook her head in disagreement. “No. You know everypony going into the Archives is recorded entering in case the Archives are stolen from and he hasn’t been recorded going in. The guards don’t talk about Nightmare Moon, either. They know better than that.”

“Fair point.” Cadence said, nodding in return. “The point is, he’s going to wait for Luna to make a move and I agree with it. I believe that if Luna shows her interest, Ash will show his own and that’ll spur her on, knowing she won’t be spurned and rebuffed.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you for your help, Cadence.”

“No need to thank me, Auntie. I’m happy to help! I’ve been invested in Auntie Luna’s love life since her return, as you well know. She needs the happiness.”

“I hope Ash can provide it to her.”

“I hope he can too.”

On A Mountain Ledge

Thoughts and fears flashed through Luna’s mind. Memories of her time as Nightmare Moon led the charge against her psyche, painful memory after painful memory striking hard like an artillery bombardment. Behind them all drifted her fondest memories of Starswirl. It was a kaleidoscope of fear and love, loss and longing. She had once been happy and she wanted to be happy again. But could she trust Ash to truly care for her?

She snorted. That had been a stupid thought. Of course she could trust him. If he didn’t care for her like that, he would tell her. He wouldn’t lead her on like so many nobles had tried. She could trust Ash to be honest with her. But could she trust Celestia to not make the mistake?

That was another stupid thought. Of course she could trust Celestia. Once Luna had been freed from the Nightmare and they had returned to the castle, the older Alicorn had cried and begged for forgiveness for two days. The night Alicorn could not hold any ill will toward Celestia after that, knowing how much the older mare had hated herself for what she had done. The real question was could she trust herself?

Luna already knew the answer to that. No. She couldn’t. But she could trust Ash to trust her. She could trust Celestia to trust her. She could trust Cadence to trust her. That would be enough.

Luna wasn’t a fool, though. She knew Ash wouldn’t love her. Not yet. She didn’t even love Ash yet. That would come with time. The first thing she had to do was simple. She had to tell Ash about her past. About Nightmare Moon. It wouldn’t be simple or easy, but it had to be done. She would tell him tonight.

In Star’s Yard

Ash sat on the railing of the gazebo, watching the stream trickle through the courtyard. He wasn’t in the mood to practice his magic right now. Instead, his mind was focused on a lot of things, those being matters of life and love. Naturally, it revolved around Luna. He wasn’t so concerned about her image anymore. Cadence had brushed those concerns away and Ash would do what he could to help Luna should she become the target of a noble. His largest concern was her immortality.

What Cadence had told him made sense, and the saying ‘It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never of loved at all’ existed for a reason. It was still something that made him hesitant, though. There was no doubt about it, though. Whatever way this situation went, it would go according to Luna’s decision. Nightmare Moon had been something far worse than just an argument between sisters. This wasn’t a cartoon for kids. This was real and a thousand years of banishment was a very real punishment. Ash had no doubt that she feared turning back into Nightmare Moon.

He wasn’t going to push and pressure Luna whatsoever. It was entirely up to Luna. If she showed any interest in him, he would reciprocate. If she didn’t, he wouldn’t. That was what it boiled down to. She feared not having control, so Ash would give her control over where their relationship went.

With a decision made, he hopped off the railing and took a few steps forward. He raised both of his hands up and pointed them forward.

The guards outside could hear the crackling and hissing of fire and frost for hours after that, separated by ten minute breaks. Both of them knew Ash was training and both of them knew he was going at it with vigor.

Nightmare Revealed

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Ash stumbled his way back to his room. It was past sundown and he knew he had missed dinner. He was hungry, tired, covered in sweat, and sick to his stomach from hours of filling and emptying his reserves. He just wanted to go to his room and sleep. That was exactly what he was going to do.

Ash came across the door of his room and pushed it open, walking in with tired steps. As soon as he closed the door behind him and looked into his room, he froze. Luna, with her legs folded beneath her body, was lying on his bed and staring at him intensely. After a moment, Ash’s brain caught up to him. “Luna?”

“Ash, I need to tell you something.” The Night Maiden said, standing up and walking over. As she neared, she took in his state, making a concerned frown show its way across her muzzle. Once she was close enough to see him easily in the moonlit room, her nose crinkled and she sneezed, her head jerking violently as she did. “On second thought, you should shower first.”

His stomach grumbled at him, causing a soft smile to show on her muzzle as the nervousness in her eyes began to fade. “It seems we both missed dinner. Go shower and rest and I’ll have the kitchens prepare us both something.”

“Are you sure?” Ash asked slowly, still trying to figure out why she was in his room.

“I’m sure.” Luna said, mild amusement lacing her voice. “Go on. You’re tired and dirty and a hot shower will do you wonders.”

“You’re right.” Ash said, starting to walk toward the bed where his clothing last was.

“Your clothing is in the wardrobe on your right.” Luna called out to him. “I moved them so I wouldn’t by lying on them.”

Ash nodded and turned, heading for the wardrobe.

Twenty Five Minutes Later

Luna hummed lightly as she waited. The Alicorn had recently returned from the kitchen, pushing a cart with two large bowls of stew, one with meat, as well as a few deserts on the side. The sound of the shower had ended only a couple minutes prior, signaling that Ash had finished washing. The only thing left was to wait for him to get dried off, dressed, and exit. Luna felt her cheeks redden lightly at the thought of seeing him naked before she pushed it aside. She wasn’t like that.

She only had to wait a few more moments before the bathroom door opened, letting out a burst of steam followed by Ash walking out, his hair still wet from the water. He looked much more relaxed, having gotten a chance to wash himself and rest for a while. Ash paused once he exited the room, seeing Luna sitting on a cushion with a cart to her side and another cushion three feet or so in front of her. He strode over, taking a seat, and smiled thankfully as the Alicorn levitated them both a bowl from the cart, which Ash saw was some type of meat stew. “Thank you, Luna.”

She nodded, a smile surfacing. “Eat first, then we’ll discuss why I’m here.”

“That’s fair.” Ash replied. The pair ate in silence, Ash enjoying the stew that was made with some type of meat that reminded Ash of venison. After the two bowls had been emptied, Luna levitated a plate of brownies between them. After a moment, she spoke.

“What do you know about Nightmare Moon?”

“I know that the Nightmare is some type of entity, as you’ve told me before. I know that it seems like one of Vaermina’s schemes to further her power. I don’t know anything of Nightmare Moon.” Ash said. It was a lie, of course, but Luna didn’t catch that, fortunately for him.

“I’ve told you that the Nightmare takes pleasure in corrupting others, yes?” Luna asked. When Ash nodded, she took a deep breath and continued. “I know this because, a thousand years ago, I was corrupted by it.”

Ash frowned deeply. He already knew the gist of it, if not the detail, but he had to be careful to not give this away. “How?”

“What?” Luna asked, confused. She had expected a much different answer.

“Whether the Nightmare was created by Vaermina or not, it’s evil. On the other hand, you’re, well, you.” Ash said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Luna questioned, a surprising feeling of indignity rising up within her.

“Luna, you aren’t evil. You’re kind as all hell and have done nothing but help me. How could there be anything in there to corrupt?” Ash asked, honesty clear in his voice. Luna had to choke back a sob at that, the unexpected kindness and care in his voice hitting her hard.

“An unfortunate series of events that led up to my descent into darkness.” Luna said, her voice dropping as her tone took a sorrowful turn.

“You know that you don’t have to tell me anything.” Ash said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I won’t think any less of you for not wanting to reopen old wounds.”

Luna shook her head rapidly. “You’re my friend and you trust me. Why shouldn’t I trust you in return?”

“Because trust doesn’t work that way. It’s not bartered or given. It’s earned. Maybe it takes longer than four days for someone to earn your trust but that doesn’t make you any less kind, honest, or friendly.” Ash said gently. Luna fell silent for a time, clearly thinking something over. Ash waited patiently, knowing she would come to a decision on her own. After a few minutes of silence, Luna nodded once, firmly. Ash assumed she had decided not to tell him, something he had no problem with.

“A thousand years ago, I loved a pony.” Luna began. “He was a very famous pony. He was close to my sister and I in temperament, opinion, station, and even physically, as he worked with us. He was so important to Equestria that we created a new position just for him. The Archmage of Equestria.”

“Starswirl.” Ash guessed, remembering what she had told him on the first night of his arrival, in his dreams.

Luna nodded. “We bonded over magics of all kind, you know. He was a master of everything from the blackest of magics, healing arts, and blessings and hexes to elemental spells, divination, and leylines. It was by the many hours we spent together, studying magic and furthering Equestria’s fields that we began to fall for each other.”

Luna paused, her voice beginning to choke up. She took a moment to collect her thoughts, aware and grateful of the comforting hand Ash kept on her shoulder. “We traveled Equestria together. Every time there was a report of trouble, whether it be animals, demons, invasions, or something worse, we would be the first two to go.”

A fond, if longing, smile came to her muzzle as she seemed to stare into the past itself. “We would rarely teleport or take a chariot, you know. We’d pack saddlebags full of food, sling tents over our backs, and set out across the country at a gallop. He’d use magic to bolster his stamina, allowing us to run for hours if we so needed. We’d get there after a day or two of travel and solve the problem in ten minutes. Then we’d turn around and run all the way back to the old castle.”

“The journey was more important than the goal.” Ash said.

“For the most part. There were times when ponies lives were on the line immediately. Those were the few times we teleported because to dally meant lives were lost.” Luna said, agreeing with him indirectly. “Those journeys were the few times we weren’t busy with our duties. We would have time to spend literal days together, doing nothing more than chat, laugh, learn, experience, and relax. Those were the days where we fell in love with each other.”

Luna let out a long sigh, full of sorrow and misery as she sparked old pains and awakened buried memories of a time long since gone. Her eyes shimmered slightly, unshed tears beginning to gather in the teal orbs. “Things were not meant to last. My sister was very different in those days than she is now. She was arrogant, prideful, and stubborn, all to a fault. Worst of all, she was a stickler for tradition.”

Ash could see how that last one would cause trouble, but he didn’t interrupt again, letting her continue speaking. “In current times, nobility is the result of a title, not of a bloodline. Some nobles still believe in superior bloodlines but not to the extent that they used to. In those days, it boiled down to something simple. I was royalty and he was a commoner. That alone was all it took for Celestia to forbid him from courting me. We were still permitted to work together but we were ‘secretly’ monitored by the Solarium, Celestia’s elite guard in those days.”

Luna frowned deeply, her gaze drifting to look out the balcony windows and at her own moon, hanging above the world. “The fact that she gave me an order, as if I was lesser than her even though we were a diarchy… that was what sparked the anger, indignation, and pain that eventually attracted the Nightmare to me, though it remained silent, biding its time.”

She turned her gaze back to Ash. “With rage at Celestia’s blatant attempt at controlling me filling me, I did not stop courting Starswirl. With the Lunarius, my most trusted friends and elite soldiers, keeping me informed of patrols of Solarium, we would meet each other late in the dying hours of the night. Countless times we came close to being caught by the Solarium, or even Celestia herself, but we did raise suspicions. Celestia took to sending Starswirl on missions of ever-increasing danger and ever-increasing distance. I still do not know if it was simply to separate us by physical distance, in a vain hope that he would meet and fall in love with another mare, or in a dark desire for him to perish against a foe. I do not ask her in fear of what the answer once was.”

“One night, after his return from a dangerous mission to Gryphos that kept him from my side for two years, we met in a hidden grove deep within the forest that is now the Everfree. There we were caught by Celestia herself. Her anger at her order having been ignored was great, and so was her retribution. She banished Starswirl from the Castle of the Two Sisters and from the Everfree Forest on pain of death. He was still welcome within the rest of Equestria, but not the seat of power and where he worked and lived. Where I lived and worked.” Luna explained.

The tears that had filled her eyes yet remained unshed finally began to trickle down her face, prompting Ash to come closer and wrap an arm fully around her. Both of them knew it was not in any attempt to be romantic but just to provide comfort to a good friend in need. After a moment, she continued with a strained voice that bespoke of her sorrow and still fresh pain better than any words ever could. “I think it was that event that allowed Nightmare a firm grasp in my mind. It began to speak to me, telling me of the injustice of being ruled by my sister, my equal. We shared the throne, Celestia did not have it alone.”

“It began to speak of things I had never noticed or cared about before. It spoke of how ponies slept through my night and laughed and lived during the day. Before the Nightmare, I was not bothered by the fact. The day had always been a time for activity, for running and laughing and working. The night had always been a time for rest, for sleeping and cuddling and loving. That was how it had always been and I was content with it until it came, whispering lies and poison in my ears.” Luna told Ash, leaning into his embrace. “One day, a year after having lost Starswirl, its influence came to a head. I had gotten sick from a new dish invented in a border town on the edge of Equestria, one that no longer exists. The Nightmare took advantage of this and convinced me that my sister had tried to poison me, to kill me and take absolute power for herself.”

She turned, her head pulling back so that she was looking Ash in the eyes. “I will not lie and deny what I did. I flew into a rage, grievously maimed any Solarium I found, and fled the old castle. I used the Nightmare’s power to change my very shape into a young Earth pony mare with a love of stars. I spent a year and a half searching Equestria, attempting to find my beloved Starswirl, ignorant to the hateful monster I was becoming.”

A humorless smile surfaced on her muzzle even as the tears increased their flow. “I found him. He was in Bridledale, the village where the dish had been invented. Starswirl lived in it. In fact, he had lived in it for some time. Incidentally, he was responsible for the dish being created. He had worked for half a year with a mare named Rising Lily to breed a new flower, the Moon Lily. He created a salad with them, a simple meal I much adored through our travels, and sent the recipe and ingredients to the castle chef. It was his way of telling me he had not forgotten me. He never knew that I just happened to be allergic to them. He never knew what effect that sickness had on me.”

“I snuck into his house on my first night there and revealed myself to him. By then, even my ‘base’ form had been altered, turning into a monster of darkness and death. He looked at me, not with love or fear, but with regret. He did not embrace me that night. He cried, he cried for what I had become and that Luna was no more. But he still loved me. He always loved me.” Her voice trailed off, growing softer as the pain momentarily forced her silence. After a minute, she continued.

“I lived with him in that village for three years as Celestia searched for her sister, not knowing that I had changed so much from her actions. Three years that I lived in absolute happiness, believing foolishly that everything was right in the world. The Nightmare blinded me to Starswirl’s pain at seeing what I had become, at seeing the little actions that spoke of my newfound cruelty and hatred. Every year, a little more of my beloved died, replaced by an empty shell that continued to love me no matter how sick I became. His love for me was killing his spirit.”

“As all things did, my twisted happiness came to an end when Celestia and her remaining Solarium found me. With naught but a single spell, she brushed aside the powerful illusions woven into my very flesh that made me into a simple Earth mare who lived a simple life. My sister was all the more furious at my abandonment of my duties, but the Nightmare blinded me to the sorrow, pain, and regret in her eyes. My last clear memory of that night was Celestia saying that ‘she would fix everything, starting with Starswirl.’ If I had not been infected with the Nightmare, I would have known that Celestia had finally seen her mistakes and that she was going to fix everything by removing Starswirl’s banishment. Instead, the Nightmare twisted her meaning, perverted it until I heard Celestia say she was going to kill my beloved, the light in my night. So I acted.”

A sob forced its way out as her composure shattered. With a flurry of motion, her wings were suddenly wrapped around him as she buried her muzzle into his chest, crying openly now rather than the silent tears of before. Ash just held her for there was nothing else for him to do. He considered asking her not to say any more, that he didn’t need to know the details if it caused her so much pain to remember, but he knew that Luna wouldn’t stop. Now that she had started, she wasn’t going to stop, not until she was finished.

She cried for what must have been twenty minutes, her tears turning his gray shirt black as the mare’s sorrows soaked into the cloth. Eventually, she regained enough of her composure to continue, though she only moved her head to the side slightly to speak without being muffled. Her voice, strong and unwavering in the beginning, had been reduced to nothing more than a strained whisper full of pain. “I came to the next morning, the broken bodies of the citizens of Bridledale around me. Solarium elites surrounded me in the dozens, their lives ended and souls departed. Beneath me, cradled in all four of my hooves, was the cold body of my beloved Starswirl. On the tip of his horn, spiraling down to his head and across his entire body was a jerking pattern of burned flesh. He had died from lightning magic, a magic that my sister never could learn. A magic that… only I knew.”

The tears were coming hard once more, the Night Maiden pressing the side of her head against his chest as if to reassure herself that he had not left her alone. That he had not abandoned her. “The Nightmare gained full control of me after that, flying straight to Canterlot and attacking my sister. She was injured, having been beaten back by me in the ruins of Bridledale. With her armor torn apart, her flesh marred, and her elite destroyed, she had no choice but to use the Elements of Harmony, six powerful artifacts from a time that predates Equestria itself. They were never meant to be wielded by a single pony and could not work at full power. Instead of purifying me, my body was dissolved, shifted into pure magic as it was locked within the very source of my power. The moon. There I remained for a thousand years until I was freed but a year and a half ago.”

Luna rose her head, her muzzle gliding across his chest as she turned to look at him. Her eyes, shining with tears that continued to flow, met his in a gaze that conveyed so much pain, sadness, regret, and loss. Four emotions that had followed Luna for over a thousand years. Four emotions that had defined who she was for a millennium, not comfort, happiness, contentment, and love like so many ponies in the modern era. “I did not suffer in the moon. It was like a hazy dream, where a decade could pass as quickly as a second, which was slower than a century. It was a blank void of unawareness that lasted a thousand years, though it felt no longer than an hour to me. The Elements did not punish me. I returned to Equestria, still corrupted, to be purified by the current Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. You met one of them. Twilight Sparkle, Bearer of the Element of Magic, and my first friend. I was unpunished for my crime."

Ash understood. Luna was wrong. The Elements had not left her unpunished. They had chosen to strike her emotionally, not physically. The Elements had punished her in a way that she had never seen, in a way that was downright cruel.

Luna had killed the only pony she had loved and been loved by, yet the Elements robbed her of her ability to grieve at his funeral or grave.

Luna had betrayed her sister and turned against Equestria, yet the Elements robbed her of her chance to beg for forgiveness and set things right.

Luna had gone through so much pain and misery, yet the Elements robbed her of her trusted Lunarius, leaving no one for her to confide in.

Luna had been banished for a thousand years, yet the Elements robbed her of her chance to heal with time.

Luna had been freed from the Nightmare, yet the Elements robbed her of the punishment she felt would begin her redemption.

Luna wanted to heal, yet the Elements robbed her of that right.

“Ash…” Luna began, her voice small and fear-stricken. “Do you hate me?”

Ash was silent for a moment, though by no plan of his. He was trying to imagine the pain she had gone through, the maelstrom of horrifying emotions she had been exposed to for years on end. Ash knew he could never truly understand what she went through, that he would never experience the pain and fear she felt on a daily basis, but he tried. He tried to understand her, to know her fears and pain so that he could be all the more effective in helping her overcome her loss. It was only when he felt Luna began to shake in his arms did he snap back into reality, hearing her rambling.

“-se you! You’re one of my greatest friends in this age, somepony I can trust and confide in and get an honest answer out of! I didn’t want to become Nightmare Moon. It took control of me, forcing me to become what it wanted no matter how it affected me or my li-” Ash shushed her, gently clamping her muzzle shut. She stared at him, fear clear in her eyes. Fear of being rejected just when she had begun to consider opening her heart again. Fear of being hated by her friends. Fear of the ever-familiar grasp of pain.

Slowly, deliberately, he tightened his grip on her, pulling her closer to his chest even as he rested his chin on her head, completing the tight embrace. “I don’t hate you.”

Those four words were all it took. Four words that would have almost no meaning in another situation meant everything to her. She broke down once again, crying into his chest as only a fraction of her stored up misery was released, a fraction of her fear abated. For she could trust Ash to care, even if most others didn’t.

That was all that mattered.

Hours passed as Ash held the Alicorn to his chest. Luna had ceased crying some time ago, having cried her eyes dry. Twice, Ash had helped her to the bathroom to splash water on her reddened eyes, the dryness almost painful for her. Once the tears had stopped flowing, she had just lied in his arms as if she were dead to the world, though she clearly was not. Ash did his part, holding her close and rubbing her head between her ears as she seemed to like. There was nothing he would ever be able to say that would abate her pain, so he had to settle for just being there for her. That seemed to be enough, in any case, as signs of life slowly came back to her.

Her awareness started to return after an hour of silence when Luna slowly nestled into his grip, the physical comfort greatly appreciated. As time continued to flow, she slowly became more animated, the mental strain from telling him of her past beginning to fade. It wasn’t until three hours after she fell silent that she slowly extricated herself from his grip, rising to her hooves. Ash stood up to join her, the two facing each other. Suddenly, Luna took a step forward and wrapped her neck around his, her wings and forehooves coming to wrap around him in a powerful hug that conveyed all of the gratitude she felt for him. Unnecessarily, she whispered softly as they shared a hug. “Thank you, Ash. Thank you for listening. Thank you for not hating me. Thank you for caring.

“I’ll always care.” Ash replied in a voice just as soft. Luna tightened her grip in response, fighting back the urge to cry once again, if it were even possible for her to cry even more. Eventually, as all embraces do, it came to an end. Luna stepped back after letting go of Ash and wiped her eyes again with her wing, an action in futility as there were no tears to wipe away.

“I must return to my chambers and sleep.” Luna said softly, her eyes still shining in the dim light of the night as she gazed at him. It was clear she was reluctant to leave. “Thank you so much.”

“Go. Get a good night’s rest.” Ash replied, returning the smile she graced him with.

With a final nod, and a far lighter heart than when she went in, she turned and walked out of the door. Luna closed it softly behind her and Ash stared for several long minutes, thinking the night over. The events of Nightmare Moon were so much different than in the show, so much more real. The ‘show’ version of her had turned entirely due to jealousy of her night being ignored by sleeping ponies. In this world, that was only an afterthought. Luna had no problems with ponies sleeping during her night. No, what really happened was far more painful to imagine.

With a sigh, Ash turned to the bed and strode over. Before he lied down on the incredibly inviting mattress, he pulled off his wet shirt and let it fall to the floor, resolving to bring it to the bathroom hamper in the morning. Lying down on the bed, he didn’t even bother moving under the sheets before he fell asleep.

Sometime During The Night

Ash awoke to a soft yet insistent prodding on his bare chest. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of Luna gently pressing her hoof against his chest. It took his sleep-addled brain a long moment to register the twin trails of tears on her face and the frightened look in her eyes. Sitting up quickly, he spoke with a voice laced with equal parts tiredness and concern. “Luna, what’s wrong?”

She seemed ashamed to tell him of whatever was bothering her as she shifted her weight from side to side. Finally, right before Ash decided to reach out and hug her, she mumbled the answer. “Nightmares… Can’t sleep alone.”

Understanding dawned on his face as he heard her. It made sense that remembering the past would spark nightmares and reawaken old fears. She likely just needed someone to comfort her while she slept, someone to keep the demons at bay. Ash was more than willing to help her. Quickly scooting over, he rose the blankets for her and gestured for her to get in. Her face lit up, both relief and embarrassment in sharp contrast to each other, as she slid into the bed. Once she seemed comfortable, Ash let the covers fall and rested his bed on the pillows again. A moment later, he felt a weight on his chest.

Opening his eyes once again, he saw that Luna had forgone the usage of a pillow. Instead, she had pushed the blankets down and rested both her head and a single hoof on his chest, the soft fur even more comfortable on his bare skin. She was looking at him with a pleading expression that just tore at his heart, so he brought his left hand up and allowed it to rest on her hoof, a physical comfort that could help her sleep easily that night. “I’m here, Luna. Don’t forget that.”

A smile came to her muzzle as she shifted her head, finding the most comfortable spot before replying. “I know now. I won’t forget. Ever.”

Silence reigned for a few seconds. “Goodnight, Luna.”

He heard the now-sleepy voice reply. “Goodnight, Ash.”

Getting Certified

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“Ash, it’s morning! Time to wake u- Oh…” Ash awoke to the sound of his door being quickly opened as Celestia stepped in, loudly proclaiming that morning had come. As the man opened his eyes with a groan, he felt the bed shift next to him, followed by a thud and yelp. Ash looked over to see Luna on the floor, her hind legs caught in the blanket that he was lying on top off. Turning his gaze to Celestia, he saw her staring at the two with a light pink blush across the bridge of her muzzle.

As Ash began to sit up in bed, Luna struggled fiercely to extricate herself from the blanket, which she eventually did. She surged to her hooves, with a massive blush on her face, as she shouted. “Sister, it’s not what it looks like!”

With the blush still firmly on her muzzle, Celestia cleared her throat and replied. “Luna, you are a grown mare capable of making your own choices. I’m not going to judge you for partaking in… relations with another species.”

Ash chuckled, swinging his legs off to the side and rising to his feet. Raising his arms high above his head, he bent his back as he stretched and spoke. “Luna’s not trying to save face. It really isn’t what it looks like.”

“So you two didn’t…” The older Alicorn trailed off, not quite wanting to say it.

“If we did, I’d be more likely to be missing my pants, not my shirt.” Ash pointed out. After a moment, Celestia nodded slowly.

“If that’s not the reason, why is Luna in here with you?” Celestia asked. There was no irritation or disapproval in her voice, just honest curiosity. She took note of the quick glance Ash gave Luna, unsure of what to make of it. After a few seconds, Luna answered for him.

“I told him of my past.” Luna said simply. Celestia felt her eyes widen, then close as a proud smile spread across her muzzle. It was good that Luna was trusting more ponies with her past and it was clear to her that Ash had accepted Luna, otherwise she wouldn’t have been in the room with him. “I returned to my room afterwards, only to return here. I wasn’t able to sleep.”

Celestia understood what Luna conveyed, even though she didn't say it out loud. The Night Maiden had been tormented by nightmares and didn’t want to sleep alone. The solar Alicorn did not know if Luna had chosen Ash because he had just learned of her past, or if it was because Luna was opening her heart to love once more and wanted to be closer to a possible interest. “I’m very happy that you’re extending your trust to Ash, Luna. From the fact that you came here in the night, I assume he accepted your past?”

Luna nodded happily, a smile surfacing on her own muzzle. “Most definitely! I should have known that he wouldn’t fear me because of my past and I’m thankful I worked up the courage to tell him! My heart is lighter than ever!”

Ash listened with a smile, not at all bothered by the fact that they were discussing him like he wasn’t there. Picking his shirt off of the floor, he walked into the bathroom and dropped it into the laundry basket. He was rather surprised to find one when he was first given the room, but he suspected it was placed there for the rare pony that chose to wear clothes. Exiting the bathroom to find both mares staring at him, he raised an eyebrow as he took out his white shirt from the wardrobe, quickly slipping it on.

“Ash, I’ve heard that you’ve successfully learned Healing Hands.” Celestia began.

Ash nodded. “Luna was a big help with that. In order to learn an Apprentice spell, I need to figure out how it works before I can cast it. Luna and I brainstormed ideas for a few minutes before we figured it out, then spent most of yesterday practicing it.”

“I know.” Celestia grinned. “You weren’t there at dinner.”

“Actually, that was Princess Cadence’s fault.” Ash said with his own grin. “She distracted me and I ended up forgetting about dinner. My apologies on that.”

“The same thing happened to me, sister.” Luna said.

Celestia pouted softly, though everyone in the room knew it wasn’t real. “You know that I was eating dinner alone, wondering where my sister and friend were, right?”

Ash just shook his head with a smile and walked over, lightly flicking the tip of her muzzle. It scrunched up lightly before she turned her head and sneezed. From the side, he could hear Luna giggling. “That doesn’t work on me, Celestia, and I’m sure Luna is immune to it by now.”

“A mare can try, can’t she?” Celestia asked jokingly as she turned to look at him once again.

“As long as she doesn’t try the same thing over and over.” Ash retorted.

“Back to the topic at hoof, I came here to discuss your spell with you.” Celestia said, gesturing with a wing for him to follow. Ash and Luna fell in step with her as she led the way, likely heading to the dining all once more for breakfast.

“Oh?” Ash questioned curiously.

“Yes.” Celestia said. “Do you think you can cast it reliably?”

“Somewhat.” Ash said. “I know for a fact that I can heal quite a number of cuts, and still have plenty of Magicka left, but I haven’t been able to test it on a larger injury.”

“I know of your practicing.” Celestia said with a glance to Luna. “I can’t imagine willingly hurting myself, even for a friend.”

“It’s not too bad.” Luna assured. “Just cuts that would heal in minutes even if his spell didn’t work.”

“In either case, Ash, do you think you are ready to have your spell certified?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah, I think so. I’m able to cast the spell without losing my focus, and it will work on an injury as long as I know what it is. I think I can get it certified.” Ash replied.

“I thought so. We’ll be doing that after breakfast, then.”

“How does it work? Getting a spell certified, that is.” Ash questioned.

“Well, for a Unicorn spell, the caster would channel the woven spell into a specific machine that would give the specialist all the information they needed in order to determine if the spell was safe to use on ponies.” Celestia explained.

“But I can’t do that.” Ash said, understanding her point.

“Correct. However, we already know that your spell is safe to cast on an Alicorn.” She said with a nod to Luna. “As such, you’ll be casting it on me. I’ll be using a spell to monitor everything the spell does. If I see that it doesn’t seem dangerous, we’ll go and repeat the process on volunteer recruits who have been injured in their training.”

Ash nodded. “Thank you for doing this, Celestia.”

“It’s not a problem at all, Ash.” Celestia replied with a warm smile. “And it’ll only help everypony in the end if Healing Hands is certified.”

Ash nodded. He understood that sentiment. He would become another healer capable of saving lives. It was simple moments like these which revealed how much Celestia cared about her subjects. The trio quickly reached the dining hall and the two guards on duty swung it open. When Ash started to walk in, Celestia’s wing stopped him. Luna gave a questioning look to her sister but kept going in. Ash turned to face Celestia fully, the elder Alicorn doing the same. “Ash, I wanted to thank you for giving my sister another friend she could rely on.”

Ash smiled in reply. “There’s no need to thank me, Celestia. Luna doesn’t deserve to be tormented by her past and it shouldn’t affect who her friends are today.”

“Thank you.” The two were silent, Celestia clearly wanting to say something else. After a moment, she did. “You know my part in her fall. That is to say, all of it. If I hadn’t ordered her like she was a servant, none of it would have happened. My arrogance in those days is my greatest regret. If it had not been for my treatment of her and Starswirl, the Nightmare would have never happened. I can’t even imagine the golden age we would be in if I had not forced my sister to turn against me.”

“You made a mistake and both of you paid for it, Luna moreso.” Ash said after a moment of silence, receiving a forlorn nod in reply. “Where’s Luna now?”

“Inside the dining room, with two guests.” Celestia said with a confused tilt of her head.

Ash just shook his head. “What is Luna doing now?”

Celestia made to answer again only to pause, realizing he wanted something less literal than ‘eating breakfast.’ She thought it over, several things coming to mind at once. However, one thought made more sense than the rest, so she said it. “Healing.”

Ash nodded. “Luna’s healing. She’s making friends, being open about her past, and being accepted by Equestria. She’s forgiven you, too. You both paid the price for your mistakes.”

Ash patted her on her shoulder. “Don’t keep paying.”

“Thank you.” Celestia said, gesturing for him to enter. He nodded once more, then walked into the dining room. Luna had already taken her seat, but he was surprised to see two other ponies there, too. Cadence was sitting across from his usual seat, with Shining Armor next to her. Of course, he wouldn’t recognize Shining yet if he hadn’t had prior information.

Striding across the room, he took his seat on Luna’s side with Celestia taking her own at the head of the table, beside Luna. The Alicorn of Love took notice of his presence, a bright smile coming across her muzzle. “Ash! It’s good to see you! You look a little tired though.”

“Good to see you too, Cadence.” Ash replied, a small grin on his face. “I am a little tired right now, but it’ll wear off soon enough. I just had a long night and got woken up when a certain big swan of a pony burst into my room.”

Celestia gave a sheepish chuckle, with both other Alicorns grinning in return. Shining, however, was staring at him with a little irritation. Stickler for formality, perhaps? Celestia took it in good spirit, though, replying with a smile. “I happen to think swans are both graceful and beautiful!”

“‘Graceful?’” Luna asked with humor, giving Celestia a pointed look at her white flanks. “I’ve seen whales with more grace.”

Celestia’s wing lashed out, lightly whacking Luna on the snout and making them laugh. He noticed Shining shaking his head in disbelief, making him wonder how far along his and Cadence’s relationship was if he hadn’t seen the Princesses act like this yet. Ash turned his attention back to the stallion and spoke. “Care to introduce yourself? I’m Ashephyles, but I go by Ash.”

“Captain Shining Armor of the Royal Guard.” The Unicorn said proudly. He vaguely noticed Cadence jerk, followed by Shining jerking. “But you can call me Shining.”

“It’s good to meet you, Shining.” Ash said with a respectful nod. He received one in return, though he didn’t speak.

“Ash, I hear that you will be getting your new spell certified today.” Cadence said, starting a conversation as the servers brought out omelettes.

“Well, I’m going to try to get the spell certified today, thanks to the generous help of Celestia.” Ash said, smiling to the Alicorn and receiving one in return. “Whether or not it actually is certified depends on whether the spell is perfectly safe for ponies.”

“I’m going to assume it is.” Luna said. “Considering you were casting it on me most of the day yesterday.”

Shining’s eyes opened wide. “You were casting an uncertified spell on a Princess?”

“At her behest.” Ash replied. “Luna was my volunteer for the spell because Healing Hands can only work on another. The first healing spell I learned, called Healing, only works on the caster, so I had to test that on myself.”

Luna nodded with him, adding her support. “He didn’t even ask me to be his test subject. I offered once he learned the spell.”

Shining relaxed. “Sorry, Ash.”

“No harm done. You’re just looking out for your Princesses.” Ash replied, then took a bite out of his omelette. Once he had swallowed, he continued. “Out of curiosity, what kind of situations are the guards called out for?”

“Why the interest?” Shining asked, though there was no ill intent in his voice.

“I’m just wondering what kind of threats Equestria has. The kind of threats one would find on Nirn is mostly wild animal attacks and bandits, with a chance of a rogue lesser Daedra.” Ash explained.

“Then it’s mostly the same as here, minus the bandits and ‘Daedra,’ whatever they are. Wild animals attacks aren’t quite common, but they do happen, especially in the towns and villages built near the Everfree.” Shining explained. “For the most part, if the guard isn’t called to enforce the law, it’s to handle a monster that wandered out of the Everfree Forest.”

“That honestly seems rather lucky.” Ash said, then elaborated when he received a questioning look from everyone at the table. “The fact that all the monsters are mostly in the Everfree. On Nirn, they’re everywhere. Forest, desert, swamp, plain, mountain, etc. Different creatures call different areas home but they’re all predators.”

Shining nodded. “I can see your point, then. The Guards' job would be a lot harder if Manticores could be found along the coast, or Cockatrices near Colton. How do your guards handle all the monsters?”

Ash shrugged. “They don’t. They can’t. Sure, patrols are sent out to handle an animal that’s been causing a problem, but they’re left alone for the most part. Travelers need to either be able to fight or have the money to hire someone who can. Of course, the bandits only make things worse.”

“Nirn sounds a lot more dangerous than Terra.” Cadence commented.

Ash nodded in agreement. “It does seem to be that way. For the record though, I’m most familiar with the province of Skyrim, though I know some of the other lands.”

The conversation lulled as the five resumed eating, though the silence was neither awkward nor tense. However, after they ate, Ash noticed a sly smile come over Celestia’s face. “So, Luna, did you sleep well last night?”

Luna flushed lightly, embarrassment coming to her features. Cadence leaned forward, instantly focused on the conversation. “Perhaps I did.”

“Wait, what happened?” Shining asked curiously.

“Well,” Celestia began, a wide and smug grin on her muzzle. “I went to wake Ash up this morning to tell him the news only to see an interesting sight.”

Luna lowered her head lightly and wrapped a wing around it, hiding her red face from sight as Cadence tilted her head, intrigued. “And?”

Ash knew what she was doing so he looked to Shining, who was focused on Celestia. It seemed the Guard Captain had not guessed what had happened. He listened as Celestia continued. “I saw Ash sleeping on top of his blankets, shirtless, but that wasn’t surprising. What was surprising was the fact that Luna was lying in bed next to him, her head and hoof resting on his chest.”

As she explained what she had seen, her voice had grown mirthful, having to restrain herself from laughing as she spoke. Luna, on the other hand, was trying to sink lower into her seat, though it wasn’t possible. Ash himself had an amused smile on his face; he knew it was funny even if it embarrassed Luna and him a little. Both Shining and Cadence was staring at him in open shock, though the latter also had a hint of understanding. Ash chuckled alongside Celestia, though he also explained the truth- or most of it. He didn’t know how much they knew of Luna’s past and didn’t want to tell them something they didn’t already know. “It’s true that we had fallen asleep together, but it’s not quite the reason Celestia would have you believe.”

“So you didn’t have to hold her close and comfort her after she revealed a massive secret to you and was afraid that you would hate her?” Cadence guessed innocently. He noticed Luna unfurl her wing just enough to give her a light glare, though he didn’t know why.

“Not quite, but the situation was pretty much the same.” Ash said simply. “I’m not going to reveal any more than that out of respect for Luna’s privacy.”

“That’s kind of you, Ash, but they both already know.” Luna said, finally coming out from behind her wing. She had seemingly taken the chance to compose herself, her blush gone entirely. “Cadence, Shining, I told Ash of my past last night. I couldn’t sleep alone with the nightmares so I asked to sleep with him, to which he agreed. That’s all there was to it.”

“So you don’t fear her?” Shining asked. “That’s very good. I don’t know how good of a friend you are to her, but Princess Luna could always use more friends.”

“Even the guards know…” Luna grumbled to herself.

Cadence nodded in agreement. “I’m proud of you for not judging somepony by their past, Ash!”

“You know, it feels weird being complimented for being a decent living being.” Ash commented wryly, gaining a smile from the others in the room.

“I would bet.” Cadence replied. Before anyone else could say anything, Celestia summoned a watch and checked the time.

“Ash, we need to go to the infirmary.” Celestia informed him. “The doctors only allow visitors at certain times, and their authority supersedes my own in certain circumstances.”

Ash nodded. When Celestia stood, he realized she meant right now, so he stood as well. Turning to the couple, he spoke. “Shining Armor, it was nice to meet you. It was nice to meet you again, Cadence.”

“Even though we met yesterday?” The pink Alicorn asked with an amused smile.

“Even then.” Ash replied with a similar smile.

“I won’t be coming with you, Ash.” Luna told him as she stood as well. “I’m going to be covering for Celestia until you’ve finished.”

Ash nodded and followed Celestia out of the door, after which Luna split off from the pair entirely, heading down the hall to his left. Celestia led him to the right, through the myriad of hallways that made up the maze they called a castle. “While a large portion of the guards’ rooms are underneath the castle, with most of the rest on various ledges, the infirmary is within the palace itself to allow quick transportation of the injured if situation calls for it.”

“I thought I would be casting the spell on you first?” Ash asked.

“You will be.” Celestia reassured him. “But we will be doing it in the infirmary.”

“So if the spell messes with you, you’re already at the hospital?” Ash asked, a grin on his face. “That’s a vote of confidence if I ever saw one.”

“It’s mostly just a precaution I need to take as a certifier. If Healing Hands never hurt Luna, I doubt it would hurt me.” Celestia replied. A few moments of walking later, they rounded a corner and Ash saw a door with a large red cross on it. Celestia pushed it open with her magic and the two walked in, finding themselves in a lobby. Looking around, he saw that it was structured very similarly to the hospital he had been brought to after passing out. Realizing that, he wondered why he hadn’t been brought to the infirmary. In any case, Celestia and Ash walked up to the front desk where a young-looking mare with a white coat and blue mane was working.

“Hello, Princess. How may I help you?” The mare asked, a light tinge of nervousness in her voice.

“We’re here to begin the certification process.” Celestia replied, causing the mare to give a nod.

“The certification room is open for the initial testing, Your Majesty.” The receptionist said. “Down the left hall, two rights, and the first door on the left.”

“Thank you. Have a nice day.” Celestia said as she turned, beginning to walk down the hall. Ash followed her, hearing the mare at the desk give a similar reply.

“You have a nice one, too, Princess.”

They walked into the left hall, following the mare’s directions, as Celestia spoke. “For all new certifications, the initial testing has to be done in specialized rooms that have had enchantments woven into the walls, making them immune to any magical outbursts that may occur. That’s where we’re going so you can cast the spell on me. Afterwards, volunteer patients from around the infirmary will be brought there to provide further information regarding how the spell works on ponies.”

“So, if we hadn’t already known the spell was safe, testing it would be rather dangerous, then.” Ash said.

Celestia shook her head. “Not really. I mentioned this morning that a Unicorn would channel the new spell into a special machine that would measure how a pony who react to it and what it would do.”

“And certain readings would fail a spell?”

“Depending on the spell. Let’s say the machine, called simply an Effect Monitor, reads that the pony would be knocked unconscious immediately. That would fail a healing spell, yet pass a law enforcement spell.” Celestia explained, making Ash nod in understanding. “Since we won’t be able to test your spell on a machine, we’ll be testing it on injured ponies who volunteer, after being told the risk.”

Rounding the last corner, Celestia pushed open the door and the pair walked in. The room was much more plain than he expected. It was an empty, white room. There were no runes on the walls, there was no tingle of magic in the air, nor was there anything else that made the room stand out. Once she shut the door, Celestia spoke again. “I asked the staff to remove the machinery from here since we know that your spells tend to be more explosive should they go wrong.”

“That’s smart.” Ash commented. “So how do you want to do this?”

Summoning a simple knife like the one Private Star had allowed him to borrow. “I’ll cut myself across the side and you’ll heal it.”

Ash could hear the reluctance in her voice. “Are you sure, Celestia?”

“I’m sure.” The Alicorn replied. “Luna doesn’t know the spells to monitor magic and it’s safer to test it on an Alicorn in case something does go wrong.”

“That seems a bit backwards.” Ash said warily. “You and your sister are the rulers of this country. If something happens to you, Equestria suffers for it.”

“Luna took that risk when she decided to help you.” Celestia pointed out. “Now I’m taking the risk.”

Levitating the knife over to her side, she placed the edge of it against her left flank, wincing as the cold steel touched her. She seemed to steel herself and ran it across her side, all the way up to her shoulder. Golden blood seeped down a four foot long slash in her side, making him wonder why she and her sister had differently colored blood. Stepping forward, he rested both of his hands against her side, making her wince. The mana burn that had been on his left hand had healed a day or so ago, allowing him to cast spells with both hands again. In fact, casting the same spell twice was incredibly easy. Casting two different spells together was where the difficulty lied.

Pushing aside his two-handed casting, he focused on the Healing Hands spell and watched as golden ribbons of light flowed out of his hand and around her wound, closing the gap in her flesh. The blood, which had slowly trickled down her side, faded away, leaving her coat unmarred by the golden dye. Ash stepped back, just now noticing that she had put the knife down but her horn was still glowing. She allowed her spell to die with a long sigh. “Well, I can safely say that Healing Hands is safe and effective on ponies. My Monitor spell didn’t detect any problems that would arise from healing wounds on a equine. Still, I don’t see how Luna can stand being cut time and time again throughout a day, even if it is to help a friend.”

“This is out of the blue, but why is your blood golden and Luna’s is silver?” Ash asked curiously. He had been able to push the thought aside when seeing Luna’s, having assumed that Alicorns were a different species and had different blood, but he couldn’t ignore it now.

“Sun and moon.” Celestia replied with a smile, understanding his curiosity. “Our blood symbolizes our powers. Alicorn blood in general contains raw magic, but the color changes depending on the Alicorn. My blood is golden because it’s filled with raw solar energy, while Luna’s veins flow with lunar magic.”

“So, your blood is only a different color because of how much sheer magic you two have?” Ash asked to clarify.

She nodded. “If we were to ever expend all of our magic, our blood would be red until we recovered some of our energy.”

“I suppose that makes sense.” Ash said. I wonder if I can ever get that strong. How large would my reserves have to be for that to happen? A thousand units? Ten thousand? Is there even a way to measure my reserves like in the games?

Celestia yawned loudly, her jaw popping as she did so. After that, she shook her head violently to awaken herself, almost sending her crown flying across the room. “Sorry, the spell made me feel warm and that always puts me to sleep.”

“Summer must suck for you, then.” Ash commented.

She grinned. “Most of the castle is enchanted to keep it at around eighty degrees, no matter the season. If it’s cold, my sister will fall asleep. If it’s hot, I’ll fall asleep. Anyway, there’s two nurses searching for volunteers right now, so it’ll only be a few minutes before they arrive.”

“So let’s talk.” Ash said. “You’ve been ruling since I’ve arrived, unlike Luna, so we haven’t really gotten to spend any time together.”

“That’s true.” Celestia said with a smile. “I’ll have more time once Luna’s free week ends, though. Do you mind if I ask a personal question?”

“As long as you’ll be understanding if I don’t want to answer it.” Ash said, giving a light shrug. “There’s usually no harm in asking.”

“What are your intentions with my sister?” Celestia asked. “I know that Cadence spoke to you about her.”

Ash sighed. “From what I understand, Cadence is hoping we’ll get together. The thing is, it’s only been, what, five days now? We haven’t really gotten to know each other well enough for anything of that sort.”

If it happens, what will you do?” Ash was surprised to hear no attempt at intimidation or the like from her. She was just honestly curious, with a tinge of hope in her voice.

“Honestly?” Ash asked rhetorically. He was going to be honest anyway. “I’m going to wait for Luna to do something first. I know of her past, now, and she’s likely hesitant to open her heart to anyone in fear of it happening again. She seems like a mare who appreciates control, so I’ll let her decide if she wants to pursue anything with me. If she does, I’ll reciprocate. She’s a great mare, and Cadence has already brushed aside my concerns.”

Then Ash grunted. “You ponies like dealing with hypotheticals, don’t you? We don’t like each other that way, even if the amount of time we spend together says otherwise. I can’t promise you that we’ll ever be interested in each other, either.”

So he doesn’t know that Luna has an interest in him and is already considering a relationship. Celestia thought to herself. If she decides to go for it, I hope it works out.

Before Celestia could say or ask anything else, there was a knock on the door. “Come in!”

Hearing Celestia’s voice call out, the door opened and a nurse walked in, followed by two recruits. The only reason Celestia knew they were recruits was because they were in the guards’ infirmary, as she didn’t yet know the recruits well enough to recognize them on sight. The nurse, catching sight of her, started speaking. “Your Majesty, I have two volunteers for the spell. It’s safe, right?”

The Princess nodded. “My Monitor spell said so, not to mention Ash has been learning it with the help of my sister.”

“That’s good to know.” The nurse said, relaxing slightly. Then she turned to look at the two recruits that had followed her in. “Go ahead and introduce yourself, then tell Ash of your injuries.”

The first one to step forward and speak was an Earth pony, who was keeping his weight off of his front left leg. His coat was a dark grey and his mane was a light red. His cutie mark was of a metal horseshoe. When he spoke, his voice was rough, yet there was no accent that Ash could recognize to it. “I’m Iron Hoof. I sprained my fetlock on my left foreleg while running laps.”

Ash nodded. That was all he needed. Celestia nudged him forward with a wing, though that was unnecessary as he was already stepping forward. “I’ll need to be in physical contact with the injury, but I’ll make sure that I don’t squeeze it or anything.”

The guard nodded, understanding. Ash kneeled down and lightly grasped the fetlock joint of the stallion with his right hand. It took him just a few seconds to cast the spell, the now-familiar golden light wrapping around the injury. The man wasn’t sure how long he should hold the spell since he couldn’t see the sprain, unlike with cuts. After ten seconds fo the spell, and a strain in his chest developed, the spell ended without him trying to. Blinking in surprise, a thought struck him. The spell only casts as long as there is an injury. If the spell ended, that means the injury healed. Oh, that’s useful.

He rose to his feet again and nodded to Iron Hoof, who set his leg down and allowed some of his weight to shift to it. A moment later, he started walking around the room, his gait steady and simple. “I do believe it’s healed.”

The other pony, a green Pegasus mare, stepped forward. “My name is Swift Wind. I sprained my wing pulling out of a dive too quickly.”

Her left wing was wrapped lightly, keeping it firm. Stepping forward to her side, he placed his hand on the bandage and imagined the spell. Ash had no reason to suspect that Healing Hands couldn’t heal wounds through clothing, cloth, or armor, and he was right. It took about the same amount of time to heal the sprain, with the tightness shifting into a mild sickness. Once he was down, Swift Wind stretched out her wing and flapped it twice, nodding once at the lack of pain.

Celestia stepped forward to his side, lightly patting his back with a wing. “It looks like your spell is completely safe. Let’s head to my room and we’ll finish the certification process.”

“Your room?” Ash asked curiously, watching the nurse and two recruits walk out of the infirmary.

“My room doubles as my office.” Celestia said. “The same goes for my sister and my niece. We kind of had to do something similar, otherwise our rooms would be mostly empty space.

Certified Healer

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Ash shut the door softly behind him, thankfully avoiding the loud bang that would sound out if he swung the heavy oak door closed too quickly. The longer he spent in this castle, the more he believed Luna wasn’t joking when she told him that the doors were loud on purpose. Rooms that important figures wouldn’t visit, such as supply rooms and closets, had quiet doors that required real effort to slam. Other rooms, such as guest bedrooms, the dining hall, and the private quarters of the Princesses, had doors that could be heard from four hallways away if someone was careless when closing them.

Thundering gateways aside, Ash turned his attention back to Celestia’s room. The bed was similar to his own, being the same size, though it was far more detailed. It wasn’t a canopy bed, but he saw that the sheets were golden, and four crimson pillows rested at the head of the bed. The frame was a four-post bed frame, made of dark oak with intricate patterns of vines carved into the wooden frame providing both texture and decoration to otherwise smooth and bland wood. The blanket itself stood out, a dark blue that matched Luna’s coat almost perfectly.

There were two doors with the bed between them. Ash guessed the doors led to a closet and a bathroom, though he didn't know which door led where. A large desk sat near one wall, facing the door. It was stacked with papers, most of which Celestia was busy levitating away to make space. There were two small cushions in front of it for guests to sit on, and likely one behind it for Celestia. Striding over, Celestia gestured for him to take a seat, so he did. Continuing his examination of the room, he saw that the only sources of light were two large windows on opposite walls, one facing east and one facing west. It made sense that Celestia would want to see the sunrise and sunset every night, considering that she was the one who caused both to happen.

“Before you can actually be certified for the usage of Healing Hands in medical situations, I need to explain some things to you.” Celestia began, dragging his attention back to her. “Mostly, it’s about laws regarding the casting of magic on sentient beings. Because magic can be so dangerous, and have a variety of effects, consent is required before casting any spell on any sentient being. Understand?”

When Ash nodded, she continued. “Consent must be given verbally before you can cast a spell on another being. However, as you are being certified for a healing spell, there are exceptions. In the event that consent is unable to be given, such as the injured being unconscious, in shock, or otherwise incoherent and unable to speak, consent is assumed to be given.”

“Since you will be working in an infirmary between missions, and as a combat healer during missions, consent is implied at all times. If a pony is being taken care of by a hospital, it means they or their family gave consent for them to receive medical aid in the form of spells and medicine. However, if a coherent patient explicitly asks you not to cast a healing spell on them, consent has been revoked and it will be unlawful for you to continue to administer aid.”

“The situation is similar during field operations.” Celestia said after she paused to glance at one of the papers on her desk. “All Guard members have given consent for medical aid by joining the Guard in the first place. If you see an injured ally, you are to administer aid immediately. The only exception is if a coherent Guard or civilian verbally states that they do not want aid. Do you understand?”

“It’s basically just common sense.” Ash replied. “If they can’t ask for help, you give it. If they can ask for help, and they do, you give it. If they can ask for help, and ask you not to help, you don’t. I understand completely. There’s laws similar to it involving paramedics and first responders where I’m from as well.”

Celestia nodded. “It’s pretty much just common sense, as you’ve said. However, it doesn’t hurt to be careful. Magic is something that’s incredibly easy to abuse, and these laws were made to prevent that.”

Her horn lit up again as several sheets of paper levitated over to him, joined by an inkwell and quill. “Feel free to read this over. Sign at the bottom of each page once you have.”

Taking the sheets, he quickly flipped through and skimmed over it, simply curious as to what it said. Thankfully, it was written in plain English, not the ‘legalese’ that complicated so many documents back on Earth. Essentially, by signing the papers, he stated that he understood what Celestia had just explained to him and swore that he wouldn’t break the law. It listed the punishments for breaking the ‘Casting Consent’ laws, which varied depending on the spell that had been cast and the effect it did. He noticed that the punishment for applying medical aid and saving a life even when explicitly asked not to was incredibly lentient- fourteen dayas jail time. However, casting transformation spells without consent was, at minimum, five years jail time, fifteen years parole, and a thirty thousand bit fine. It made sense, considering those spells altered the bodies of another being.

Taking the quill, he quickly signed his name on each page. He may have left an ink splotch or five, but his name was readable so he didn’t worry about it at all. Handing the papers back, Celestia quickly checked the papers to make sure he didn’t miss anything. Seemingly satisfied, she set them down on the left side of the desk and levitated another three papers to him. “Signing these will make you a certified healer, allowing you to work in hospitals all over the world, alongside doctors, as well as fulfill the role of combat healer.”

“What’s the difference between a healer and a doctor? I’ve never asked.” Ash questioned. He took the sheets and started to read them over just as he did the last few.

“The skill and power required to cast a healing spell scales exponentially with the effectiveness of the spell. Most Unicorns are able to heal bruises and paper cuts, but spells that can heal gashes, broken bones, sprains, internal injuries, and worse are incredibly difficult to cast. As such, Unicorns with an affinity to the healing arts are the only ones who can really cast them.” Celestia began, giving him a better understanding of the Unicorn version of the Restoration school.

“Healers are ponies who have an affinity for healing magic and can easily heal life-threatening wounds. Because of their power and effectiveness, healers are sought after by hospitals all over. Pay is very good for healers, and they are respected because of their talent for saving lives. Doctors are ponies who have undergone training to provide medical aid in less magical ways, such as through medicine, treatment, and surgery. Anypony can become a doctor, but only Unicorns can become healers. You’ll be the first non-Unicorn healer in Equestrian history.” Celestia finished, giving him a grin.

“Careful, you’ll inflate my ego if you keep this up.” Ash jokingly warned. He signed the papers and handed them back. It essentially repeated what the last few had said, adding that a healer is only allowed to use certified spells except in the most dire of circumstances. Essentially, if he cast Heal Other, once he could, without it being certified, he better save a life or he would be punished for using an uncertified spell.

“From what I read, I’m going to have to get every new healing spell I learn certified before casting them in the field, right?” Ash asked.

“Correct, with the exception of very dire circumstances.” Celestia said with a nod.

“What about self cast spells? I know Healing, which can only heal me, but it’s not certified.”

Celestia shook her head. “Since it’s self cast, you’ll have your own consent to cast an uncertified spell on yourself. You are legally allowed to cast an unregulated spell on another, provided that they know it hasn’t been certified yet and they agree to it. However, if you plan to teach another pony Healing, you’ll have to get it certified to prove that it's safe to learn.”

“That’s understandable.” Ash said as Celestia put the newly-signed papers with the others. From under the desk, she levitated a medallion over to him. Taking it, he examined it. The front of it was mostly golden with the symbol of Equestria, Celestia and Luna circling a globe, on the top right corner of the medallion. In the center, there was an engraved bright red heart that stood out from the rest of the medallion, clearly visible. Flipping it over, he saw that there was a single sun on the back, painted on rather than engraved, that was identical to Celestia’s mark. The medallion itself was connected to a golden chain that could easily fit over his head, allowing him to wear it as a necklace.

“This is the symbol of a healer?” Ash asked curiously. “What’s with the mark on the back, and why does it match yours?”

“My mark is my cutie mark, a magical symbol that appears on the flanks of ponies to show their special talent. It’s not always obvious, though. For example, my talent isn’t just raising the sun. It’s to provide a guiding light for others, something I take pride in whenever I help a pony onto a path that leads to a long and prosperous life. In any case, my mark is on the back of the medallion to signify that I’m the one who certified you as a healer. The medallion itself is the Equestrian badge of a healer. If you wear it prominently, everypony who sees it will recognize you as somepony who dedicated themselves to saving lives.” Celestia explained to him.

Ash quickly connected the dots. “Which would help negate the suspicion they would feel about me, considering I’m a meat eater and am new to Equestria. Did you plan this?”

Celestia just smiled happily. “Not at all. Remember, you’re the one who wanted to become a healer. That’s just a happy coincidence.”

Nodding, a smile of his own on his face, he put the chain over his head and allowed the medallion to rest on top of his shirt where it was clearly visible. It came down to his chest, as he expected, and stood out pretty clearly from his white shirt. “Thank you, Celestia.”

There was a twinkle in her eyes. “You’ll find ponies thanking you for your help soon enough.”

“Now, about my ‘punishment.’” Ash started after a moment. “When does that begin?”

“You’ll spend the three or so days continuing to familiarize yourself with the Healing Hands spell by helping injured ponies in the Guard’s infirmary. There aren’t many who are injured during training, but there’s usually at least one or two per day.” Celestia explained to him. “The only reason why we don’t currently have a healer working there is because they tend to stick around hospitals, for good reason. After the week is up, you’ll accompany the next Guard excursion as a combat healer.”

“Oh!” Ash exclaimed, what she said making him remember something. “I have a couple Destruction spells I know. Flames and Frostbite, to be specific. Do I need to certify them?”

Celestia shook her head. “The system of spell certification was invented to prove to ponies that certain Unicorn spells were perfectly safe to be cast on a pony. A combat-oriented spell designed to injure is not safe, and is not meant to be safe. As such, you won’t need to get the Destruction spells certified until you plan to try to teach them to another.”

“So spells don’t have to be certified?” Ash asked, a slightly confused look in his eyes.

“No, they don’t. However, should you want to cast a spell on another pony, you’ll need it certified. With the exception of combat spells, naturally. Should you plan to try to teach your spells, if ponies can even learn them, you’ll need to certify any spell you plan to teach.” Celestia explained. “Anything else you want to ask?”

“No, I think I understand it.” Ash replied. Then he tapped the necklace. “Thank you for helping me with this.”

“It’s the least I can do to help a friend.” Celestia replied honestly. “Now, let’s go to the throne room and meet up with Luna so that she can get back to her well-deserved week off.”

The two stood, making their way out of the room. “I hope you aren’t regretting that bet, Celestia.”

The Alicorn laughed. “Not at all, Ash. Luna won the race fair and square. Truth be told, I think she would have won even if I hadn’t taken off into a gallop as early as I had. She wasn’t wrong- she’s in better shape than I am.”

They took a right. “That’s rather mature.”

She gave him a wry smile. “That’s strange. It seems like the twenty year old is telling the ancient immortal Alicorn that she’s mature. Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?”

Ash just laughed and patted her on the shoulder as they took a left. “Perhaps, but even the most wise and ancient beings can be childish every once in a while.”

“That’s very true.” Celestia replied seriously with a sage nod, though it was ruined by the grin on her muzzle. “In any case, we’re going to enter through a side door, set near the front of the room. Luna will see us instantly, and so will most of the ponies there, but we won’t interrupt if there’s a hearing going on.”

“So more than just the pony being heard is allowed inside the throne room? What about privacy for more personal matters?” Ash asked.

They took another left. “If the pony being heard desires privacy, they just need to ask. The guards on duty at the time will escort the viewers and those in line out, giving the pony the requested privacy. The only reason ponies are allowed to come and watch the court proceedings is so that they can see how my sister and I rule. It was started some twelve hundred years ago, though I don’t remember the exact number of years.”

“That’s fair.” Ash replied, receiving a nod. They came across an oak door that was smaller than most of the others in the castle yet still larger than the one that led to the running track. They walked through it and Celestia shut the door silently with her magic, then turned to face the room. Ash saw that the throne room was closer to a throne hallway, considering the impressive length of the room. At the far end of the room, thirty feet away, Luna sat upon her throne. Her throne was made of some type of dark, though not quite black, metal that seemed glossy. Above her head sat a white full moon, with stars dotting the metal itself. Next to her, at an equal height, was Celestia’s throne. It was made of a white metal with golden trimmings with a sun icon to match Luna’s moon. Both thrones were up a small series of stairs, putting them about three or so feet off of the ground.

The room was, as the rest of the castle, made of white marble with large columns supporting the roof better than the walls alone would. A long line of ponies ran from about halfway to throne all the way out of the door. In addition to them, there were guards around the room, ensuring that no one tried to attack the Princess. Seeing that, he realized that the pony speaking to either of the Princesses would be about a hundred feet away from the line, allowing them to speak softly if the matter was private. However, considering he could easily hear the pony who was currently speaking, he realized that sound echoed through the room and carried sound farther than it would otherwise.

The pony who was being heard by Luna was a young mare, a white Pegasus, who held a younger colt under her wing. From the looks of it, the colt was the mare’s son. From the sound of wheezing, the colt was sick. The Pegasus was speaking, pleading, really, to Luna, and she sounded like she was crying, though Ash couldn’t see. “Your Majesty, my son, Feather Flight, is sick. He was born with a condition causing one of his lungs to not grow as it should, and the doctors say that he won’t make it past ten years and there’s no healer able to help him! Please, can you help him?”

As the mare was talking, Celestia leaned over and started whispering. “While healers are able to heal most injuries, there are some wounds and genetic complications that nopony has the skill or power to fix. If Equestria is particularly lucky, we might have one healer able to fix birth defects. If there isn’t one, or ponies can’t contact them, they come to us. My sister and I have had millennia to master the healing arts, and have the necessary power to cast the most powerful spells, so we tend to have a few ponies every week asking for help.”

Luna stood and walked down the steps slowly and the mare stepped back, uncovering the colt. Now able to see him, Ash was able to tell that the child was very clearly struggling to breathe. He looked about nine, if Ash had to guess, making him suspect that one of the colt’s lungs wasn’t working well enough to supply him with all the oxygen he needed. As she neared the bottom of her steps, the colt spoke, his voice strained and low. “Can you help me, Princess Luna?”

Now at the bottom of the steps, the blue Alicorn lowered her head to the colt’s level and spoke softly. “Of course I’ll help you, little one.”

Luna began to light up her horn, her dancing aura of magic turning a deeper blue and shining brighter. Another glow surfaced, this one on the colt, as it wrapped around his chest. Her aura grew even brighter, both Ash and the ponies watching forced to turn away from the brightness. Celestia, for her part, continued to watch with a slowly growing smile, seeing the way her sister interacted with the Equestrian masses. After a few seconds, the glow dimmed enough for him to turn back. Luna had finished the spell and taken a few steps back, her metal shoes clinking on the marble floor. Feather Flight was clearly breathing easier, his lung now working properly. His mother surged forward, wrapping both of his wings around her colt and started crying loudly, muttering incoherent things unable to be heard through her tears.

The Night Maiden had a joyful smile on her muzzle, her eyes tearing up slightly as she watched the sheer happiness the mother was showing. The ponies in the line all had soft smiles, their own reasons for being there forgotten for the moment. After a few seconds, the Pegasus mare turned to Luna, joy and gratitude in her voice. “T-thank you s-so much, P-Princess!”

“I’m happy to have helped.” Luna replied sincerely. Then she leaned down, gently nudging Feather with her muzzle. “And you should take advantage of every moment you have.”

“I will, Princess!” Feather replied eagerly. Understandably, he was incredibly happy at being healed.

The mother started nudging her son with her wing, the two turning and beginning the trek out of the throne room. Seeing that the current hearing was over, Celestia gestured for him to wait and started walking across the room, ponies catching sight of her quickly and beginning to whisper. With attention drawn to the side door, other ponies noticed him as well. While a few gave distrustful looks, he noticed that quite a number of smiles were directed toward him, likely due to the necklace he was now wearing. He heard Celestia speak as she drew closer to her sister. “Thank you for covering for me, Luna.”

“You’re quite welcome.” Luna replied, a small smile still on her muzzle. “I assume you finished your task?”

Celestia nodded. “Ash is now a certified healer. I’ll take over the rest of court and allow you to continue your rest.”

“Thank you. Have a nice day!” Luna replied cheekily, beginning to walk toward him. Celestia gave a light laugh and climbed up to her throne, taking her seat and watching the next pony walk forward, directed by a guard at the front of the line.

When Luna came up to him, she gestured for him to follow. He did so, exiting the room with her. When the door thudded shut behind them, she turned to him with a curious look in her eyes. “What do you think of what you saw?”

“I think you were amazing.” Ash answered honestly, receiving a light blush and small smile from Luna.

“Thank you.” Luna said softly. “It’s moments like those that make me happy to be an Alicorn. The immortality offers us a unique perspective but…”

When she trailed off, Ash finished. “It’s as much of a curse as it is a blessing.”

Luna looked at him in surprise. “You know, then?”

“Not personally.” Ash replied, answering her unasked question. “But I understand enough to know that it’s not all fun and games like some people believe it could be.”

Luna nodded. “I don’t regret being what I am, but I can’t lie. There are times I wish I was still a Pegasus.”

So they weren’t born as Alicorns? Ash thought, shocked. He had often wondered if Celestia and Luna had been born Alicorns or ascended. Some of the surprise must have shown itself externally because she laughed lightly. “Alicorns aren’t born, Ash, as you may think. If a pony proves themselves through great deeds, they can ascend into what I am, becoming an incarnation of all three tribes. We aren’t perfect, far from it, but we are very powerful and long-lived. I don’t know if Alicorns are truly ageless, but we’re long-lived at the very least.”

Ash nodded, understanding her point. She started walking, and he followed, as she continued speaking. “I used to be a Pegasus and my sister was a Unicorn back in the days when racism ran rampant through the three tribes. Our mother, Morning Glory, was a Pegasus and our father, Dawn Star, was a Unicorn. They had been two ponies who didn’t believe that the other races were evil. We lived in a village called Harmony, where the three tribes were free to live together without fear of being seen as inferior. It was due to our village that we became enamored with the idea of a country where the tribes could live together peacefully, happily even.”

“Equestria.” Ash said simply.

Luna nodded. “Contrary to popular belief, we did not gain our cutie marks by raising the sun and moon for the first time. Nor was that what turned us into Alicorns. If that was the case, I never would have become an Alicorn and passed away thousands of years ago, as I was a Pegasus."

"Then how did you earn your cutie marks?" Ash asked.

"A family of Pegasi had arrived in the village one day, telling stories of a large group of Unicorns who were traveling around, destroying cloud homes and villages. One day, they came across our home. Of course, with Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies living side by side, they were disgusted by Harmony. They decided to burn the village down. They warned us at noon, saying they would do so at midnight and that any who fought would be killed.”

They took a right, heading up a flight of stairs. “That night, my sister and I ran into the group and spoke with their 'General.' They called themselves an army, though they didn’t number more than three hundred. We spent hours that night, attempting to convince the ‘army’ that living in harmony was the right thing. That everypony, no matter their race, was able to do great things that would benefit everypony. That no one race was lesser than the others, and that the three races working together would bring a new age of prosperity. We showed them what could happen when the three tribes worked together, threatening or belittling nopony.”

“Did it work?” Ash asked when Luna paused.

“When midnight came, after we had returned to the village and the villagers of Harmony had gathered in the town square to try to fight off the Unicorns, the leader of the Unicorns walked into the village unarmed and apologized. He swore that he would try to spread our ideals as much as he could, saying that his eyes had been truly opened. Then he walked up to us and thanked us, saying that he would pray to the Maker that our hope for the future would come true. We were blinded a flash of light. When it faded, my sister and I gained our cutie marks and became Alicorns, the very embodiment of harmony between the three tribes.” Luna explained. “My cutie mark symbolizes my ability to be a cool voice of reasoning and my sister's cutie mark represents her ability to be a guiding light for others to follow, though neither of our marks are clear cut. It wasn’t until three decades later that we attempted to move the celestial bodies, finding them to be easy to move. Over the course of two weeks, the Unicorns officially gave us the task of moving them. I claimed the moon as my own charge and Celestia claimed the sun as hers.”

Then she gave him a grin. “Of course, our ability to move the sun and moon gave our marks a second, more obvious, meaning. Since it’s easier to see, most ponies never realize that our talents extend past making the day and night cycle happen.”

Coming up to an oak door with a crescent moon emblazoned on it, Luna pushed it open. Ash followed behind her, seeing a large room before him. The room was mostly in shades of dark blue, black, and silver. The bed, the most obvious portion of the room, was a massive canopy bed with dark blue curtains that would prevent most light from disturbing Luna while she slept. A large desk sat near one wall, facing the door just like Celestia’s, with a large easel next to it, covered by a sheet. Three doors exited the room, one of which he could tell led to a balcony. The second door likely led to a bathroom, and Ash wasn’t sure where the third went. He thought it might have been a closet, but he doubted it.

Stepping into the center of the room, Luna stretched out her wings and spun in a circle, gesturing with her wings to the entire room. “Welcome to my room, Ash.”

“Why are we here?” Ash asked, curiosity tinting his voice.

“I wanted to show you something.” Luna answered. “I’ve been working on it since the Equilibrium incident.”

“Well, what is it?” Ash asked in good humor, receiving a smile in reply. Her horn began to glow, an aura grasping a corner of the sheet that covered the easel. A moment later, she yanked it aside and revealed the painting, making Ash’s eyes widen in shock.

The painting was of Ash, from the perspective of someone behind him, standing on a cracked ledge overlooking barren terrain scarred by ash and fires, with rivers of lava flowing through the landscape. The sky was dark, clouds and pillars of smoke rising into the air and blotting out the sun and darkening the world. He was wearing a blue robe, flowing behind him, inlaid with red and purple runes, some of which were familiar. Both of his hands were to his sides, palms facing up. His left hand was crackling with lightning, the way it was painted making the lightning seem to move as he stepped closer. His right hand, however, held a ball of fire that seemed to pulse as he moved. The sheer amount of detail in the painting was astonishing, the colors lifelike, and the method she used making the fire and lightning seem to flicker and dance even as the robe seemed to billow about in a wind.

“It’s amazing… It’s so lifelike and real. How did you do this?” Ash whispered softly, sincerity obvious in his voice. Luna blushed lightly, not expecting to here such honest praise.

“It’s just something I did in a little over a day.” Luna downplayed, though she only made him more impressed.

A day?” Ash asked, bewildered. “Luna, that’s amazing! It would take most people weeks to do something like this, if they even could!”

Her blush deepened. “The nights are long and lonely. They give me plenty of time to pursue my passions.”

“And talents.” Ash said softly, making her duck her head away. His hand came to rest on her shoulder. “Don’t be embarrassed, Luna. This is amazing!”

“I rarely ever show my work to anypony.” Luna admitted. “I leave most of my paintings in my art room.”

Ash noticed her glance toward the third door, the one he considered a closet. He gestured his hand toward it. “May I?”

He noticed how she instantly gained a nervous, even fearful, look in her eyes. She was scared of showing him her work. He understood that, in a way. He knew that some artists put a little bit of their heart and soul into each painting they made. Ash wouldn’t be surprised if she had painted some things from her past that were personal. He allowed his hand to drop. “Never mind. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No!” Luna insisted. “It’s not that. It’s just…”

“I understand, Luna.” Ash replied. “Some of the things in there might be really personal. I’m not going to be upset just because you don’t want me to see some private things.”

“Thank you for understanding.” Luna said, sighing in relief. “I may show you one day, but…”

“Not today.” Ash finished, understanding. “I know you like to dance, too, and now paint. Are there other things you like?”

“Magic, of course.” Luna said, making Ash nod. She had revealed that tidbit when she was telling him of her past. “Specifically learning and researching it. I also enjoy chess, and so does my sister. However, I do believe dancing is my most enjoyable pastime. Painting is fun, and it calms me down, but there’s nothing nicer than dancing with a good partner.”

Ash understood what she was implying. “Why don’t we continue what we started in my dreams?”

Her eyes lit up in joy, happy that he caught on to what she was suggesting, even if she had been too nervous to outright say it. “I have several records of classical music.”

“And this room has a good bit of floor space.” Ash added, a grin coming to his face.

Luna nodded happily. “I think this’ll work.”

“Most assuredly.” Ash replied. With a quick spell from Luna, classical music began playing, though he couldn’t recognize anything about it, not that he expected to. Stepping closer to Luna, he lightly grasped her wing just as he did last time.

“Thank you.” Luna said softly before they had even began moving.

"Don't thank me for something I enjoy just as much as you." Ash said, grinning.

Luna's light laughter filled the air as the two started to dance.


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Ash stepped out of the infirmary, attempting to steady his breathing as his nausea slowly abated. To his surprise, Luna was standing several feet down the hall and quickly approached him. “Ash, are you okay?”

He gave her a weak grin. “I’ll be fine. My reserves are just low right now. What are you doing here?”

“I was looking for you, Ash.” Luna replied. Then she looked around him at the door of the infirmary. “You were healing the injured trainees, weren’t you?”

Ash nodded. “Yeah, I was.”

Ash had gotten his healer necklace yesterday. He had wanted to head to the infirmary to help only to find that there was no one admitted for injuries. He had already healed the only two to be injured during training. After spending some two hours dancing with Luna, he had returned to Star’s Yard and attempted to further his understanding of Destruction. While Flames was easy enough to cast, he had yet to understand Firebolt and how it worked. It seemed to Ash that he had to understand the next spell, not the current like he first thought, to progress in a specific school. If he was right, he just needed to figure out how Firebolt worked to learn it. Then he could move to Ice Spike, and then start on the lightning spells. He had yet to learn Sparks.

When he woke up early this morning, he had spent an hour or so practicing his magic, accidentally skipping breakfast, then headed to the infirmary to heal the injured there. Ash had found that there was one pony who had been injured late the night before, having duelled one of the sergeants and receiving a broken leg for his troubles. Ash had fixed that injury in one sitting, though it had taken a little over half of his reserves if he had to guess.

“What did you need me for?” Ash questioned, standing straighter as the nausea was replaced by a pressure on his chest. That was far more bearable, even if it felt odd.

“You weren’t at breakfast.” Luna said softly, realizing that she didn’t actually have a reason. “I was wondering if you had just overslept or had another Surge.”

Ash tapped a finger on her nose, making her muzzle scrunch up lightly. “As you can see, I’m awake. I had been practicing my Destruction to try and increase my reserves and ended up missing breakfast, so I just went to the infirmary to help. Some poor stallion challenged a sergeant to a duel and ended up getting his leg broken. I’m a little surprised you were so concerned about me not being at breakfast.”

Luna scraped one hoof against the marble floor, pawing at it, as she looked down in mild embarrassment. “Well, you’re my friend and you live in the castle with me so I can see you often, but my week won’t last forever, so I was…”

She seemed to be having trouble putting her thoughts into words so Ash attempted to help her. “You want to spend some more time with me now that you have the chance?”

She nodded and glanced up to him. “Yeah.”

He started walking, patting her on her shoulder as he passed. When he realized she wasn’t following, he turned and called out to her. “Well? Are you coming?”

Luna’s head quickly rose as a wide smile overcame her features. She ran quickly to catch up to him, bounding through the twenty or so feet between them. “Where are we going?”

“Dunno!” Ash said with a chuckle. “But I don’t have any plans and exploring with you doesn’t sound too bad.”

“Why don’t we go down to Canterlot?” Luna suggested, an interested look on her face. “There’s bound to be something to do there, even if it's just getting more familiar with the city. We might even find some things to buy.”

Ash scratched the back of his head. “Yeah, I’m not too sure about that. I don’t have any money, remember?”

“Oh!” Luna exclaimed, remembering something. With a short pop of magic, two things appeared in her magical grip. One was a sack and the other was a necklace, almost identical to the one he had now. “Celestia wanted to give you this at breakfast. It’s part of the reason I was searching for you.”

“But you forgot once you saw me.” Ash said with amusement. She blushed lightly, then nodded. “What are they?”

She levitated the sack over to him as they kept walking. “Right now, you’re a ‘freelance healer.’ It’s a healer who doesn’t work for a specific hospital or location. As such, you’re paid by each injury you heal and the severity of the injury. There’s forty bits in there, twenty for each sprain you healed.”

He took it, the coins inside jingling slightly as he did. Pulling open the top, he saw that the bits were gold coins with an embossed edge, but there were only eight. He took one out and looked at the icons on it. One side held a depiction of the heads and necks Celestia and Luna facing each other, smiles on their muzzles. The other side held an overlapping sun and moon, like a venn diagram, with the symbol of Equestria in the center. “So these are Equestrian currency? I assume each one is worth five?”

Luna nodded. “Copper bits are worth one, gold bits are worth five, and silver bits are worth ten.”

“What about if something is worth less than one bit?” Ash asked. When Luna gained a confused look, he moved to clarify. Then he realized something. He had been speaking under the idea that he was from Nirn, which he knew was false. Though it had been bothering him for a few days, he had been pushing it aside, though the problem was rising. After a moment, he resolved to reveal his origins to the two Alicorns, though he wasn’t sure how much of the truth he would tell. The only reason that this moment had brought it up was because he was about to explain dollars, then realized that the Empire used septims.

“I have something important I need to tell you two during lunch. In any case, my country uses ‘dollars’, which are special strip of paper made in such a way that they are difficult, though not nearly impossible, to recreate. We have one dollar, five dollar, ten dollar, twenty dollar, hundred dollar, and larger bills in circulation. However, things aren’t worth exactly five dollars, or thirteen dollars. We have ‘cents,’ which are coins made of various materials in various sizes. Every one hundred cents makes a dollar. Pennies are worth one, nickels are worth five, dimes are worth ten, and quarters are worth twenty-five. There are also half-dollars worth fifty. What does Equestria use?”

Luna made a face. “Everything is an exact number. Three tomatoes are worth two bits. Six tomatoes are worth four. A gallon of milk is worth three bits. A bushel of apples costs five bits. There’s no ‘less than a bit’ coin. That’s just complicated.”

“Are there set prices?” Ash asked, then explained without needing to be prompted. “Stores in my world set certain prices, and if you want that object, you pay the price. If it’s too high, you go to another store that might have a different price. Does everything have a specific price?”

Luna made a ‘somewhat’ gesture with one of her wings, tilting it side to side like a person would with their hand. “Sellers do have a ‘set price’ for how much they want to sell their merchandise for, but it’s always higher than the actual item’s worth, including a profit for the seller.”

“Can you clarify? I’m pretty sure my mind’s a little hazy right now.” In truth, Ash was thinking of how much he would reveal to them. He would reveal that he was from Earth, not Nirn, but he wouldn’t tell them that Nirn was nothing more than a video game. Considering the multiverse theory, it had to be real somewhere, right? He would also tell them that he knows a lot about Nirn but had never been there himself.

“Of course.” Luna said with a soft smile. “Let’s say a jeweler is selling a ring for a hundred bits. That ring most likely cost sixty bits to make, and a good profit would be selling it for eighty bits.”

“But he’s trying to sell it for a hundred.” Ash said. Telling them that he had never been to Nirn wouldn’t work. He had shown Luna the moons and she’s seen a glimpse of Whiterun. She would wonder how he knew what they looked like. He would say that he’s visited Skyrim but not anywhere else. Technically, it’s true, even if it’s only in the vaguest of senses.

“Right.” Luna said with a nod. “That’s his preferred price. However, haggling is acceptable in almost all situations. He’ll most likely be willing to go under a hundred, and you have to be really good to get him under eighty, but he won’t go under sixty. The only time that haggling isn’t allowed is if the store has a prominent sign that states they don’t allow haggling, though those stores are rare.”

“That makes sense.” Ash said. He wasn’t looking forward to telling them that he had been lying. The only reason he wasn’t going to tell them the whole truth is because he didn’t know how they would react to him knowing of them prior to his arrival by a cartoon or how his powers were from a video game. That was just too outlandish, even to him. Dropping the bit back into the bag, he used the drawstrings to tie it to a belt loop on his jeans. “What’s the necklace?”

Luna laughed. “My sister’s mistake. She gave you the wrong necklace. The one you have now is the badge of a normal healer. You’re a combat healer as well.”

She levitated the necklace over and he took it, examining it. The only difference from his current one was the presence of two spears crossed behind the heart with a shield in front of it, covering part of the heart. He took his current necklace of and put the new one on. With her magic, Luna took the first necklace and teleported it away. “The new necklace will allow you to work alongside the Guard should the need arise.”

“She must have been distracted, then.” Ash said. Luna nodded.

“It’s June.” Luna said in way of an explanation. Ash was surprised to learn that they had the same month names as humans.

“What does that have to do with her being distracted?” Ash asked curiously.

She gave him a look that was mixed between confused and irritated, like he should have known why but was shocked that he didn’t. After a short moment, her eyes widened. “Humans don’t go into heat, do they?”

Ash felt his own eyes widen in surprise. “She’s in heat? I mean, I doubt I can smell pheromones, but I couldn’t tell at all!”

“First of all, you will be able to smell an Alicorn’s heat. Our scents are powerful enough that we drive most stallions mad and can even be noticed by other species. However, my sister and I have taken to using spells to hide our scents to avoid having a stallion attempt to mount us.” Luna explained, a deep blush coming to her dappled muzzle as she told him this. “We’ve also had thousands of years to learn to deal with the desires that come with our cycles, so we can mostly ignore it. The only noticeable result is that we can sometimes be absent-minded during our cycles.”

“I thought equines went into heat during spring.”

“My sister, as the Alicorn of the sun, reacts to heat. If she’s warm, she can end up falling asleep.” Luna said.

“I remember that.” Ash said suddenly. “She almost fell asleep when I cast Healing Hands on her because of the warmth.”

“Right. However, my sister also goes into heat during the summer. On the other hoof, being cold can put me to sleep easily. I go into heat during winter. Unlike my sister and I, mortal ponies, and Cadence for that matter, go into heat during spring, like equines from your world.” Luna explained, her blush still clear on her muzzle. “Can we change the subject?”

“Of course, Luna.” Ash said. “Thank you for informing me of that, though. It’ll explain some things that would have confused me down the road.”

Luna nodded. “In the future, what kind of materials will you need for your magic?”

“Well, if I plan to go into alchemy, I’ll need reagents and an Alchemy Lab.” Ash said. “I know nothing about it at the moment, but I do know that my guide has all the information I’ll need on it. Anyway, my role as a combat healer will mean that I travel some, which will give me the opportunity to gather some compounds. I’ll have to buy others, though.”

“Right.” Luna nodded. “If you do start learning alchemy, I can give you the location of a few shops that sell rare and exotic plants around here.”

“For enchanting, I’m going to need to build an Arcane Enchanter, the table that allows me to enchant. That requires a lot of wrought iron and some other materials, though I’m not sure what. I’ll also need to buy uncharged arcane gems to fill with souls, if they are soul gems, to power my enchantments.” Ash explained to her.

“So you need materials for your workshop, your Enchanter and Lab, plants, and arcane gems?” Luna asked curiously. “That doesn’t sound like it’ll be too expensive. The initial cost will be high, but it’ll level out after you have everything built.”

Ash grunted. “Yeah, it’ll be pretty expensive. I’ll have to buy land somewhere outside of Canterlot and have a building erected. I can’t keep it in Canterlot because a mistake is explosive, as you remember.”

Luna looked alarmed as they passed through the front doors of the castle, though neither of them really noticed. “You’ll be moving out of the castle?”

“Eventually.” Ash confirmed. “I can’t keep relying off of your generosity, now can I?”

“Maybe not.” Luna admitted reluctantly. Then she suggested a solution. "Instead, you can pay to have your workshop erected on one of the ledges on the mountain so you aren’t so far from m- us.”

She wants to keep her friends near. Ash couldn’t lie, it warmed his heart to know that she was worried about him leaving. “Yeah, I think I’ll do that instead so I’m not so far away from you.”

She blushed lightly at his wording. “That’s good. We’re almost in Canterlot, by the way.”

“So are we just exploring or shopping?” Ash asked to clarify as they exited the front gates of the castle grounds, entering the city proper.

“Both.” Luna told him. “We’re mostly exploring, but if we see something good, we’ll stop and check it out. Does that sound fair?”

Ash nodded. “It does.”

“Good!” Luna said cheerfully.

The two started walking down the street, receiving quite a number of stares from the nobles for a number of reasons. First and foremost was the presence of Ash, the tall man receiving curious and strange looks from the ponies around. Most dismissed him without a second thought, though he noticed that none of the nobles seemed disgusted by him. Then he realized that it was because of his necklace. Healers must be more respected than he thought.

Another thing that was likely noticed was the fact that Luna had no guards. Realizing that, Ash asked the midnight Alicorn the question that was on his mind. “Luna, where are your guards?”

“They know not to visibly escort us unless we ask for it.” Luna replied. “I can promise that there are some following us from a distance and out of uniform, but they won’t interfere unless we are attacked.”

“Keeping you safe and giving you privacy. That’s good.” Ash commented, receiving a nod. It seemed like the Princesses often went without guards so he figured that wasn’t why the ponies were given him shocked looks. He hummed lightly as he thought.

Ah, that’s it. He was walking beside Luna, not behind her. A minor difference but one that meant everything in a monarchy. However, he pushed it aside. If the nobles had a problem with him being friends with Luna, tough shit.

“So how often do you or Celestia do this?” Ash asked curiously, receiving several aghast looks from the ponies who happened to be in earshot of him. They couldn’t fathom why Luna wasn’t reprimanding him for not using their titles. Then Ash frowned, realizing it could hurt their reputation if he didn’t show them proper respect.

“Actually, should I be calling you two by your titles in public?” Ash asked. “So it doesn’t seem like you’re letting me disrespect you?”

Luna shook her head. “Our friends are our friends. You don’t have to call us by our titles. If somepony complains, we will inform that that you are our friend. In any case, Celestia and I rarely walk through Canterlot just to explore. Between being rulers of Equestria and immortal Alicorns, we don’t have too many true friends. Most who try to be our friend is just a noble trying to get wealth or power from us.”

The Alicorn scoffed. “Did you know that we are constantly proposed to by nobles who believe they can become Alicorns just by marrying one of us? Of course, we turn them all down without hesitation.”

Ash nodded in understanding, then spoke. “Are there any art shops you want to visit to buy supplies?”

She gave him an amused smile. “You don’t like being aimless, do you?”

Ash shook his head. “I really don’t.”

“Then yes, let’s go to an art store.” Luna said. “I’ve been meaning to pick up some paints anyway.”

Luna led him through the city, coming across what seemed like a market street. Stores lined both sides of the street, all maintaining similar overall designs but different details. Every building was made of white marble, two stories high, and featured glass panes as the front wall to allow passersby to view the shop’s merchandise. However, the first building on their right had a large sign of the iconic diamond shape with the letters ‘JJG’ underneath. Various jewelry sat in the window, which Ash had no doubt was reinforced or even enchanted, and a sign advertised that there was more inside. The next building, however, was some type of writer shop. Empty books of various sizes, quills, and even desks were in the window of the store. The sign was a black quill with the white letters ‘RQRQ.’ Luna noticed him looking at the two shops, comparing them, and chuckled lightly.

“Canterlot is in a state of constant motion. A store that’s there one day might be gone in two months. I have no doubt that, when this street was first built, it was divided into clear sections where amenities were sold in one section, accessories in another, and so forth. Today, the streets are rather chaotic.” Luna explained, making Ash nod in agreement.

“Why do the shopkeepers only put the initials on their signs?” Ash asked curiously.

“Curiosity.” Luna replied with a smug grin. “It makes ponies ask questions and remember the building. In any case, the ‘JJG’ is Jewel’s Jewelry Gallery. ‘RQRQ’ is Raven Quill’s Raven Quills. The first is a jewelry shop and the second is a writer shop.”

“I guessed.” Ash said. “By the signs and the wares in the windows.”

“Right.” Luna replied. “We’re heading toward ‘PPS,’ or Painter’s Painting Supplies.”

“Ponies love alliteration.” Ash commented.

“It’s easy. When our names tend to be a word in our language or based on a word, we just combine it with what we do best. Sometimes, ponies will refer to me as Princess Luna Moon or my sister as Celestia Sun, even though neither of us have a second name like Twilight Sparkle.” Luna told him. “Are humans not the same way?”

“Not even close.” Ash replied. “Our names might have been words one day, in another language, thousands of years ago, but they aren’t now. There are very few names that are also words in our modern languages, most of them months or seasons.”

“Like April or Winter?” Luna asked.

“Right. So, for most people, naming a store like ponies do is almost impossible. Also, I think that’s the shop you’re looking for.” Ash said as he pointed down the street to a shop that had a large paintbrush as the sign and the letters ‘PPS’ underneath.

“No,” Luna said with mild amusement. “That’s Picture’s Painting Surplus. Painter’s sign is an easel. I know where it is, too. Thanks for helping, though.”

Ash grunted and mumbled under his breath. “Bloody complicated.”

Luna just chuckled again, her stronger hearing picking it up easily. “Take that as a lesson. If somepony asks you to go somewhere, take the time to learn the sign and name of the store before you look for it. There it is.”

Pointing with a wing, he saw another store that had the several easels, tables, desks, and other painting supplies on display in the window. Approaching the door, she walked in and he followed as a bell dinged above the door. Ash took sight of several aisles that were in the room, allowing the store to display more items. A middle-aged blue Unicorn stallion with a grey mane looked up from a glass counter he was restocking, smiling as he caught sight of Luna. “Princess! Welcome back to Painter’s! Who’s your friend?”

“It’s good to see you again, Painter. This is Ash, a guest who has been staying at the castle.” Luna introduced him. Ash nodded to the stallion, receiving one in return as Painter looked him over.

“I see you’re a combat medic. Been on a mission yet?”

“No, sir.” Ash answered. “I was certified yesterday.”

“Be sure to always keep an eye on your surroundings.” The stallion advised. “And know that ponies like me will always respect pon- uh, beings like you. A combat medic saved my life fourteen years ago after I got stung by a Manticore. You know what I did?”

“No, sir. What?” Ash asked. He wondered if the stallion had been in the Guard.

“I married her.” Painter said with a chuckle, getting a small smile from the man. Luna had already wandered off, looking for the supplies she needed. “You a painter, son?”

“I’m not.” Ash said, shaking his head. “I don’t have a steady enough hand to draw or paint.”

“You ever seen one of Princess Luna’s paintings?” Painter asked curiously. Ash wasn’t sure if he should answer or not, considering Luna seemed nervous about sharing her art with others.

“He has.” Luna confirmed from behind one of the aisles, having heard them. “The one I told you about last time I was here.”

“She’s damn good at her hobby, isn’t she!” Painter exclaimed, making Ash grin. He liked this pony. He also figured that Luna would be blushing lightly right now. “I keep telling her that she could make a fortune if she sold some of her public paintings, and she’d get to keep the money considering it would be her own fortune, but she won’t listen to me!”

“I definitely agree with you there, but ‘public paintings?’” Ash asked, having never heard that term before.

“Aye.” The stallion replied. “Every painter has a few paintings that’s got sentimental value for them, or shows private thoughts or events. They’ll never sell it for a fortune of any size! I’m sure our Princess of the Night has got plenty of them, but I’m also sure she’s got plenty that aren’t private at all! Tartarus, son, I’ve offered her a thousand bits worth of free supplies from my store just to be able to display her smallest, least personal painting!”

“And you didn’t take that offer?” Ash asked when Luna came back into sight, her muzzle tinted a dark red, as she levitated several large tubes of paint beside her.

“I don’t think I should.” Luna said.

“Why? You’re amazing at it, Luna.” Ash told her.

“I know, but…”

“It’s kinda like your personal secret, right?” Painter asked. It seemed that he understood her reasoning for not sharing, even if he still wanted one of her paintings. “It’s something just for you and your friends. I understand.”

“Thank you.” Luna replied, smiling at him.

“I’m still going to keep trying.” Painter said, returning her smile with a wide grin. She chuckled lightly, not at all put off by it. It seemed she expected such a reply.

“Moontint Silver, Fire Ruby Red, and Midnight Blue.” Luna said as she set the three tubes of paint down.

“Seventy five bits, Your Majesty.” Painter replied. “With your discount, that comes down to sixty.”

“You have a discount?” Ash asked. “You visit that often?”

Painter laughed. “I think you’re the first po- being to realize that she gets a discount for being a returning customer, not for being a Princess.”

“For the record, you can refer to me as a pony if you want. I’m not particularly picky about it and I don’t expect others to change a lifetime of speech habits just for me.” Ash informed Painter, making him nod with a grin. Then he turned back to Luna as she levitated him the coins.

“I have a special offer for you, Princess."

“Oh?” She asked, intrigued.

“Aye. I have several jars of Chromatic Crystal.” Painter said, making her gasp in surprise as her eyes widen, a light seeming to flicker in them. She was clearly interested now. “I’ll give you one, it’s got five pounds in it, in return for one thing.”


“A painting.” Painter said with a grin. Ash had to admire his persistence. He clearly wanted a painting to display from her. “Signed, of course.”

Luna seemed to be seriously thinking it over, and a part of Ash wanted her to agree. He didn’t know if ponies feared her because of Nightmare Moon, or if it had been covered up, or even if the fear had just faded in two years. If she was still feared, however lightly, the knowledge of her being an avid painter would surely quell some of it. She seemed hesitant, but after a time, she finally answered. “Y-yes, I agree.”

A wide smile broke through his grin. “Absolutely fantastic! Do you have one already you're willing to part with or will you have to make another one?”

“I have one.” Luna said shyly. With a flash of grey and blue light, both of them teleported their trade object to their sides. In Painter’s magical grip was a jar that held some type of ground up crystal which seemed to shimmer and change colors as it shifted slightly in his hold. In Luna’s aura was a small painting, about three feet wide and three feet long, depicting a scenic view of some forest pond.

The water of the pond was crystal clear, allowing the viewer to gaze down into the bottom of seeing the myriad of colorful koi fish swimming through it. Gravel and sand dotted the bottom of the pond, with patches of dirt allowing underwater plants to grow. The forest around the pond was drawn in such lifelike colors that Ash felt as if he was physically looking at trees. The towering sentinels stretched hundreds of feet into the air, the ones closest to the painting’s perspective had no visible tops. Flowers that seemed to be glowing blue dotted wild vines that hung from the high branches of the trees even as specks of pollen floated through the air, giving an entirely natural feel to the painting.

The thing that caught Ash’s attention the most was the incredibly detailed drawing of Celestia in it. She looked exactly as she did now with the exception of her regalia, which seemed to be made of some type of fire-orange metal rather than gold. Each separate feather and each individual piece of fur was visible, with a prominent chest fluff just as she had in real life. Her eyes seemed to shine with an intensity that surpassed mere paint, with the slight smile tugging at her muzzle revealing all of her contentment and happiness in the world.

Painter was gazing in absolute awe, just as Ash was. Luna was blushing up a storm, both embarrassed and overjoyed at their reactions to her painting. After a moment, Painter was composed enough to speak. “W-what’s the story behind this?”

“This was a portrait I painted of my sister, in a clearing in the Everfree, some eighteen hundred years ago.” Luna replied, making both of their eyes go wide again. For such an incredibly old painting, it was perfectly preserved.

“Are you sure you’re willing to give this up?” Painter asked in shock, almost seemingly regretting his decision. “It’s beautiful!”

“I’m sure.” Luna said softly. “Celestia has five more in her room, and I have just as many in mine. In those days, I often drew her in various locations as she seemed to bring a brightness and happiness to my paintings that was otherwise absent.”

With another flash of grey, another jar of Chromatic Crystal appeared in his grip before he levitated both toward Luna. “Take them both, Your Majesty. Please. Not even these two are worth the sheer value of this picture. I’m not even sure I can bring myself to display it, in fear of some miscreant damaging it.”

“Do what you will with it.” Luna said, a small twinkle in her eye. “Just enjoy it.”

“I will.” Painter said, trailing off as Luna turned and began making her way toward the door. Ash quickly followed her, not seeking to be left behind, as she turned and spoke one final time.

“I’ll most likely be back next week, as always.” Luna said, though Painter didn’t seem to hear her. She stepped out of the store, Ash following her, and they turned down the street again, continuing on as Luna teleported her new tubes of paint away.

“If all of your paintings look like that,” Ash began at a soft murmur, making sure only Luna could hear him. “I don’t think I could survive seeing your art room.”

That got him another blush just as the first had begun to fade.

An Interrupted Day

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“Is there anywhere in particular that you want to go?” Luna asked Ash once they had walked a little ways down the street.

Ash thought for a moment, but after a moment, he answered. “Honestly, not really.”

“I know you were interested in reading and you really liked your kind’s science, but what other hobbies do you have?” Luna asked, determined to make this trip beneficial for him, too.

Ash hummed lightly. “Beyond reading and science, there’s stargazing, playing a game called Dungeons and Dragons, though that’s not so much a hobby, and I used to try my hand at writing, but stopped that a long time ago.”

It took Ash another four steps to realize that Luna had stopped following him. He stopped, turned, and saw her standing in the street and staring at him with wide, shocked eyes. Walking back to her with a concerned look, he spoke with more than a little confusion in his voice. “Luna? Why’d you stop?”

“Did you say D-Dungeons and Dragons?” Luna asked, her voice shaky.

No way. I thought it was called Ogres and Oubliettes here! Ash thought in shock. “Yeah, why?”

“I used to play.” Luna said, still staring at him. “When the game was first invented under that name. I’ve been wanting to play since my return, but the rules have changed so much and it’s called Ogres and Oubliettes now. How do we know it’s the same game?”

“Tabletop RPG based on the use of imagination, pen, and paper more often than a board?” Ash asked, receiving a nod.

“Several different die types, each with a different number of sides and different purposes?” He received another nod.

“A variety of classes including, but not limited to, Barbarian, Paladin, Wizard, Warlock, Druid, and Monk?” Ash received a third nod, much more insistent.

“I think it’s the same game, Luna.” Ash said. Instantly, Luna burst into action as she started nudging him along with her wings. She started to physically push him down the street until he stepped to the side, almost making her trip. “Luna, just lead the way. You don’t have to push me.”

Her muzzle flushed lightly. “Sorry, I’m just excited.”

“Where are we going, anyway?” Ash asked, falling in step with her as she started making her way down the street.

“‘TTTTS’” Luna told him. “Its sign is a d20. A twenty-sided dice.”

“‘TTTTS?’ And I know the dice, they seem to be the same between our worlds; d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20?” Ash asked to clarify.

He received a nod. “The letters stand for ‘TableTop’s TableTop Supplies.’”

“Fitting.” Ash said.

“His store is the only one I know of that still stocks the original Dungeons and Dragons rulebooks and dice.” Luna informed him. “Almost everypony else stocks Ogres and Oubliettes because it’s simpler and easier for beginners to learn. I’ve never actually been there, though.”


“I had nopony to play with!” Luna exclaimed. “It’s hard to play a campaign by yourself! And sad!”

Then she gave him a glance. “Besides, when I first returned, I didn’t want to be known as the ‘Nerd Princess.’”

That make him crack a smile, which spread to her as well. “Yes, it’s funny, but it’s true. I don’t particularly care now that I have somepony to play with. Though, it’d be preferable to have more.”

“Celestia, maybe?” Ash suggested. “Or maybe one of the workers in the store knows how to play the original.”

“Celestia might work if we find the time for us to both be free. I know Shining Armor plays O&O, so he might be interested in the original. If Shining plays, Cadence might as well.” Luna said thoughtfully. “With those three, and you and me, we’ll have a full party.”

“We might be able to play at night, once the day's work has ended.” Ash suggested. “Though, this’ll be interesting. I always DM’d the campaigns back home.”

“I wouldn’t mind taking turns being the DM.” Luna said, her fast walk shifting into an energetic trot as she got more and more excited. “It’ll give us both time to make homebrew material and allow us to experience being players!”

She turned to look at him as they walked, an almost giddy smile on her muzzle. “I’m so excited!”

“I can tell.” Ash said with a grin. I wasn’t even this excited when me and my friends first got the game all those years ago. “Though, I’ll admit that I’m looking forward to this too.”

“There!” Luna shouted suddenly, shooting her wing out to block him as well as point to their left. There was a gap in the buildings to the side where another street began, seemingly another market street. The second building on the right was the store they were looking for. Without a word or movement from Ash, Luna was already moving toward the store. Ash had to quickly follow, weaving his way through the crowd, which was quicker and easier than he expected. Then again, it made sense. Ponies couldn’t crowd together as easily as humans could in case one had to turn around suddenly, so they gave each other more space- space that Ash could weave through.

Ash caught up to her, gently grasping her shoulder right before entering the building. She glanced back, pausing as she saw him give her a half-irritated and half-amused look. “Just had to ditch me, didn’t you?”

Looking back toward the street, she realized what she did. Luna’s ears quickly flattened on her head as she gained an apologetic look in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Ash.”

Seeing that, Ash’s minor irritation vanished immediately. Ash tightened his grip on her shoulder, sighing as he did so. “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I’m not mad or anything, I just wasn’t expecting to have to run through a crowd to keep up with you. How did you even move through them so fast?”

“Most ponies will turn out of the way of my sister or I if either of us is walking in a hurry.” Luna said, some of her previous cheer returning as she spoke. “How did you get through the crowd so quickly?”

“Ponies keep a lot of space between each other when walking. I was able to move through that space easily enough.” Ash said, making Luna nod in understanding.

“Yeah, we don’t walk too closely to each other. If somepony were to suddenly turn, they might hit somepony with their muzzle or flanks, so we give each other plenty of room when walking.” Luna explained, then gave him a small grin. “It also helps that the distance stops one of us from getting a face full of tail. Why don’t we go inside rather than standing in front of their door?”

In response, Ash reached toward the door and pulled it open, then gestured inside. “Mares first.”

Luna walked past him, a grin still on her muzzle. “Such a gentlecolt.”

That got a chuckle from him as Ash stepped in after, allowing the door to close behind them. Looking around the room, Ash saw that it was a tabletop gamer’s paradise. Figurines were everywhere, featuring monsters that he recognized immediately and others that he had never seen before. Roll up dry erase boards ranging from two feet by four feet to twenty feet by forty feet were for sale, the perfect platform to draw out the world around the players. Bundles of dice and dice bags sat on counters near the left side of the store, set above stacks of books for various games. If Ash had had access to a store like this, he would have been permanently broke from buying things for his campaigns.

Luna, with a bit of a nervous look, walked across the store to the checkout counter, where a young Earth pony mare was staring in shock at seeing a Princess enter her store. Ash followed along, taking note of the three others in the store who were staring in just as much surprise. Turning his attention back to the mare, he saw that she had a yellow coat with a white mane, giving her a bright color scheme. Eyes flickering to her flank, he saw that her mark was of the map hex used by some charts and maps in D&D. Nervously, Luna cleared her throat and spoke softly, though the store was quiet enough for everyone else to hear. “I’ve heard that you have original Dungeons and Dragons core rulebooks. Is it true?”

“Y-yes, Your Majesty.” The mare replied, slowly coming out of her surprise. “Which ones do you want to b-buy?”

“The Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual.” Luna replied, then turned to Ash when the mare went into the back to find the materials. “Ash, can you get a few sets of dice and a battle grid game mat?”

“Of course.” Ash said, turning back around and heading over to the counter where the dice were on display. Checking them over, he saw that most single dice sets, containing the seven main dice of D&D with the d100 replaced by a percentile die, cost two bits. Looking them over, he saw a sign advertising ‘Buy four, get one free!’ It was trying to promote buying a separate set of dice for each player and the DM, something he agreed with. Quickly picking five sets, he placed them into five dice bags and walked over to the game mats. Picking out one that was ten square feet and being sold for four bits, he grabbed it and walked over to the counter, setting the dice and rolled up mat on the counter just as the mare returned, placing three large books on the counter as well.

“Together or separate?” The mare asked, seemingly having recovered from her shock.

Ash spoke before Luna had the chance to. “Separate.”

The mare nodded as Luna turned to him, about to protest. He headed that off before she could. “I can get this, Luna, alright?”

Receiving a reluctant nod, the midnight Alicorn turned back to the counter. “Are these original copies or reproductions?”

“Reproductions.” The mare answered. “With the age and damage to any originals we have, we can’t sell them in good conscience. These are exact copies, though, even down to the pictures inside.”

Luna nodded, satisfied. “How much for the three?”

“Twenty five bits.” She replied, making Ash frown slightly. He had forgotten that the books were the most expensive part of D&D supplies.

“Twenty. Dungeons and Dragons books aren’t nearly as popular as Ogres and Oubliettes books. You might not sell these for another fifteen years.” Luna said, surprising him as she hadn’t haggled at Painter’s store. Then again, she knew Painter and was a returning customer at his store. Luna didn’t know this mare.

“Fair point.” The mare said with a nod. “Twenty bits.”

Luna smiled, levitating two silver bits over. The mare took them and Luna levitated her newly bought books off of the table, stepping back and allowing the mare to turn to him. Ash gestured to the dice and the mat, which she pulled over with her hoof. “I’m going to have to check the dice bags to make sure nothing was slipped into them. Is that okay?”

Ash nodded. “Of course.”

She gently opened the bags and allowed the dice to roll out, the thirty five dice in total clattering across the counter. Showing a surprising deftness with hooves, she quickly separated them into the corresponding piles before nodding, satisfied that he wasn’t trying to steal anything. Luna spoke from behind him as she was putting them back into the bags. “You’re buying one for each of us?”

It was true. Ash had grabbed a set of dice modeled after the night sky for Luna, a set of white dice with a sun on each one for Celestia, a set of pink and teal dice for Cadence, white and blue dice for Shining, and a set of green and blue dice for himself. The sheer variety of colors they had available amazed him, though he believed the sun and moon themed ones were to draw in a little more popularity. “Yeah, I am. Figured if it might be us five playing, why not have special dice for everyone?”

“That’s nice.” Luna said softly as the mare unrolled the mat, checking the size. Once satisfied, she looked up to him.

“A ten square foot map for four bits and five sets of dice under the ‘buy four, get one free’ deal comes to twelve bits.” Internally, Ash snorted. Fuck that shit. I’m not trying to haggle and make an absolute fool of myself.

He set three golden bits on the counter, which she replaced with three bronze bits, his change. Taking them, he picked up the dice and mat and nodded to her. “Have a nice day.”

“You too, sir!” The mare replied happily, his farewell entirely unexpected. Considering she was in Canterlot, Ash had no doubt that few of the nobles gave nice goodbyes. When he and Luna had exited the shop, she turned to him, slightly bemused.

“You didn’t even try to haggle?”

Ash just scoffed lightly, though a small smile came to his face. “I’ve never haggled in my life, Luna. I’m more likely to end up making a fool of myself.”

“You should have tried, at least.” Luna said, lightly tapping him with her wing. “You won’t learn if you don’t, and haggling is an important part of Equestrian economy. Anypony who doesn’t haggle is ripped off every time they buy something.”

“Then how would you have done it?” Ash asked, conceding her point.

“As somepony buying five sets of dice and a mat, while accompanying a pony who bought the core rulebooks, you were clearly new to the game.” Luna said.

“How does that have anything to do with why it should be sold for less?” Ash asked, puzzled.

Luna just laughed. “Ash, haggling has become such an integral part of Equestrian culture that ponies purposely put their prices high to encourage it. You just have to give a reason that shows some effort, which is all it takes to get the price lowered to a much more reasonable number.”

Ash grunted. “What’s the point of that?”

Luna shrugged. “That’s how it’s always been, even a thousand years ago. Maybe it has to do with encouraging ponies to say more than two sentences to each other.”

“Fair point.” Ash said. Luna went to say something else only to fall silent as the sounds of loud clanking came from ahead of them, heard even over the sounds of hundreds of ponies talking. Looking down the street, Ash watched as the ponies clumped together on the edges of the road, leaving the center clear for two lines of Royal Guards to trot down the road. Luna gave him a slightly concerned look as they started to pass before one guard, near the end of the closest line, broke off and came up to them.

Unlike the guards standing around the palace, none of these wore enchantments to make them identical to each other. Each one looked different from each other, with different manes and coats. The guard who had approached them, a Unicorn, had a light blue coat with a golden mane, and Ash couldn't see his cutie mark because of his armor.

To their surprise, the Unicorn guard spoke to Ash instead of Luna. “You there, biped, you’re a combat healer, right? We’re heading out to deal with a troll threat near Ponyville and we’d appreciate your presence.”

Ash turned to Luna, quickly holding out the dice and mat. “Can you teleport these somewhere? I’m going to help.”

With a short pop, the items vanished as Luna stepped forward, wrapping him in a quick hug with her soft wings. When he returned the embrace, she whispered into his ear. “Make sure you come back unhurt, Ash.”

“I’ll do what I can.” Ash replied, just as quietly. To his surprise, he felt something soft and warm press against his cheek before Luna let go, stepping back with a blush on her muzzle. Ash felt the side of his face in mild shock, which then transitioned into a warm smile. “On second thought, I think I’ll be sure to.”

That got her blush to deepen as he turned back to the guard, who was lowering one shoulder. “Climb on, sir. As a bipedal being, I don’t think you’ll be able to keep pace with us.”

“You’re right.” Ash said, stepping closer and swinging one leg over his back. With the pony coming up to his chest while standing, his feet were just slightly off of the ground. “Though I hope this isn’t seen as insulting.”

“Hold on tight! I have to catch up with my squad and the others deployed with us.” The guard warned him. Grabbing a chink in the armor and leaning down slightly, he kept his grip tight as the guard started galloping down the street, quickly catching up to his allies. The guard he was riding slowed down, retaking his place at the end of rightmost line. The leader of the collection of guards, Ash didn’t know his rank, gave an approving nod to him and the pony who had brought him.

The troop of troops continued through the city, ponies stepping to the edge of the street to give them room to march without having to break step. As they trotted through the city, Ash took the chance to try to gather some information about the threat. “So what can you tell me about the trolls? I’d rather know as much as I can before we get there.”

“I can respect that.” The guard responded. “There’s not much to tell you, honestly. Trolls are rather aggressive carnivores. They tend to stick around forests, mountains, and caves but can be found wandering the wilderness. They seem to have a love of equine meat and often attack smaller villages in hopes of a meal or two. There’s been a sighting of about four making their way toward Ponyville, likely for the reason I’ve already mentioned.”

“Weaknesses and strengths?” Ash asked.

“Well, they have sheer strength in spades. One adult troll is generally stronger than two or three Earth ponies. Trolls also have rather sharp claws, which they use to great effect. Our armor won’t hold up against a direct slash, so the accepted Guard tactic for fighting trolls emphasizes mobility. A troll also has rudimentary intelligence, far less than a pony but greater than most animals. They aren’t afraid to pick up bones, logs, and rocks to fight with and they have a habit of throwing sand, dirt, or gravel at a pony to blind them. Their accuracy with it is pretty good since they have three eyes, giving them better depth perception that us.” The guard explained, giving him a general rundown of the strength of most trolls. “The most dangerous thing, though, is that they heal incredibly quickly. Most guards focus on one troll at a time to fight their natural regeneration.”

He paused to think for a moment. “Their intelligence is also a weakness, as they aren’t smart enough to really plan anything. Trolls as a species have also fallen into the same fighting habit, allowing the Guard to learn ways to combat them easily enough. Perhaps their greatest weakness is their vulnerability to fire. Not only does the fire prevent the natural healing of a troll by cauterizing the wound, their natural oil is also highly flammable.”

“Increase pace!” The leader shouted from ahead of them. Without breaking stride, the entire group of guards shifted from a trot to a canter. Ash hadn’t noticed it until now, but they had left the market district behind and the streets were clearer now, allowing them the room to run.

“I know a basic fire spell.” Ash said. “So I’ll be sure to use it liberally.”

“Only if it won’t drain you of your magic.” The guard said. “We might need you to heal some wounds.”

“Trust me, I know. My purpose is a healer first, fighter second. If I see the opportunity, I’ll send a burst of fire at one of them, but I’ll stay out of it otherwise. You’re the trained fighters.” Ash said.

The guard nodded. “Good to hear that. How effective are your spells?”

“My spell is one only I know, which can heal any physical injury no matter how serious, provided that I have the reserves to channel the spell long enough.” Ash explained.

“So your limitation isn’t the spells you know but the size of your reserves?”

“Right.” Ash confirmed. “However, I’m still learning. There’s other spells that can heal others faster or even heal multiple at once. It’ll be a long time before I can cast those, though.”

“Maintain pace!” A second call came, informing the guards to neither speed up or slow down. They had just passed through the front gates of Canterlot and began heading down the mountain toward a small clearing where several carriages were prepared, Pegasi already hitched to them.

“It’ll be about an hour before we get there in the carriages.” The guard informed him. “Be prepared when we do.”

An Hour Later

The guards arrived on the outskirts of Ponyville quickly enough. From the lack of screams of fear, Ash assumed that the trolls had yet to reach the town, a fact that he and all the guards were grateful for. When the carriages came to a stop, Ash was one of the first ones out, quickly surveying the parts of the town he could see. He saw the Pegasi detaching themselves from the carriages, preparing to join the guards against the trolls. It made sense- they were guards too, after all.

Once they had returned to their ranks, they began walking toward the town. Ash found himself next to the guard who had first carried him to the carriages, though he didn't know the stallion's name. While most of the guards were silent, a few of them were having their own discussions with each other. Quickly counting, he saw that there were thirty one guards, thirty two including him. Six squads of five and a leader?

Once they entered the town proper, ponies began to stop and stare at the group of guards walking through the town, toward the Everfree. The leader of the group began to speak, raising his voice loud enough to be heard from a fair distance. “Ponies of Ponyville! There is a troll threat heading for this town from the Everfree! Enter your homes and do not exit until we have dealt with them!”

To their credit, none of the onlookers screamed and panicked as he expected them to. Nervous muttering was clearly heard all around as ponies quickly finished their business, then made their way into their homes. Ash didn’t recognize any of them at first, but then he saw Applejack quickly pulling her cart away, though it didn’t look like she was heading for her farm. Then again, that made sense. She probably wasn’t going to leave the town since it would put her at risk. Either that, or she was taking her cart somewhere safe before running back to her family.

They continued heading through town, Ash able to keep up with them easily enough. When it came to walking, Ash had them beat due to his longer legs. However, the ponies were much faster at trotting, cantering or galloping due to the unique way they ran, plus their extra legs. After a few minutes of walking, Ash saw a familiar pony running toward them from down the street, shouting his name. “Ash! Ash! What are you doing here?”

When Twilight was close enough for him to reply without having to yell, he answered. “There’s a troll threat, Twilight, and I’m a combat healer. You should head home and upstairs if you have a second floor. Spread the word, too.”

The Unicorn hesitated, then nodded reluctantly. “I will. Thank you.”

Turning, she ran back down the street as it began to empty, various ponies entering their homes and locking the doors. He could hear others calling out, trying to find family and friends to warn them, though none of the voices held a tone of panic. The guard who had carried him asked a question. “You know her?”

“Yeah, I met her a couple days ago. She helped me with my magic some but had to head back home, here. Twilight Sparkle is her name." Ash replied. The guard nodded- he knew of her.

After a short moment, the guard continued. “Your name’s Ash?”

“Ashephyles.” Ash informed him. “But Ash is so much easier to say. You?”

“Bright Shield.” Bright replied. “Though most just call me Shield. You don’t mind me calling you ‘Ash,’ do you?”

“I’d prefer it, Shield.” Ash said, receiving a nod.

The leader of the group jerked his head to the side slightly, his ears perking suddenly as he picked up something Ash couldn’t hear. Most of the guards did the same, including Shield. After a moment, the leader shouted. “Come on! I hear them!”

Shield quickly turned and nudged his head underneath Ash, lifting him up and dropping the man on his back, before galloping off to follow the others. Ash for his part, swore loudly and gripped the golden armor, having not expected such a sudden shift in positioning. “Could have fucking warned me, at least!”

Shield winced lightly, though didn’t comment on the swear. “Too slow.”

Ash grunted. The guard had a good point. It didn’t mean he had to like it. In any case, the guards moved at a full gallop, breezing through the town at a pace that felt utterly ridiculous to the man. Before long, they reached the edge of the town and slowed to a stop, the Everfree several hundred feet ahead of them. A dozen or so feet from the edge of the Forest, five beasts were making their way toward the town.

As Ash had expected, they were most certainly Skyrim trolls. Everything was familiar, from the brownish skin, the greenish hair, and the hunched back to the three-fingered hands ending in sharpened claws, the fanged mouth, and the three yellow eyes.

“Guards! You know the drill!” The leader shouted, sparking Ash to quickly get off of Shield’s back. With an affirmative shout, the guards split into five groups of six, each group spreading out and moving to a different troll. It seemed that the guards had the numbers to fight them all this time rather than focusing on one, like Shield had told him they usually did. Ash hung back, choosing to avoid direct combat in order to save his magic. He watched as Shield and five others, including the leader, approached the largest troll and engaged him, beginning the fight by launching a solid bolt of magic at the troll, staggering it back. As he watched, several guards drew swords that had been hidden in their armor, enchantments preventing them from being seen.

The other groups had spread out, which led to a troll following each group, spreading them out too. It was smart. By forcing the trolls to separate, the guards prevented the beasts from surrounding them, as well as allowing them to surround the trolls in turn, thereby turning the fight in their favor twice over. Ash watched as each group of guards, consisting of two sword-wielders, two spear-wielders, and two Unicorns fought against a troll.

Ash stood back, desperately wanting to join the fight but knowing that he had no reliable weapons at his disposal. He could use magic, yes, but he needed to save his Magicka for healing, not combat. He kept the majority of his attention on the group with Shield and the leader, though he also kept an eye on the others to watch for any injured. The first thing the troll did was bend down, scooping up a clump of loose dirt, then toss it at the group. Shield, for his part, reacted quickly and sent a burst of magic that redirected the dust, sending it back at the troll who covered its eyes. Two bursts of magic followed the dust, marring the troll’s arm with small singe marks. When the troll roared in anger and tried to step close enough to hit the other Unicorn, the two spearponies poked at it, keeping it at bay. The two swordsponies, which Ash noticed were Pegasi, were in the air and slashing at the troll in diving passes. A quick glance showed that all of the groups were following the same pattern, making Ash realize that they either fought against trolls often or just drilled often enough to know this.

The tide turned slightly when one of the trolls managed to hit a Pegasus out of the air, sending the mare bouncing into the dirt toward Ash. The man ran the rest of the way, quickly kneeling down and bringing the knowledge of the workings of Healing Hands to mind, the spell quickly fading into reality as the three bloody cuts running from her shoulder to the middle of her side began to close in short order. A moment later, he stood back and she stood up, giving him a nod of thanks before quickly joining back in on the fight.

Ash shouted in surprise, falling to his back as a medium-sized rock flew in front of him, continuing for some distance before hitting the ground and shattering. Ash turned to look at the first group, seeing the lead troll grasp dirt and gravel again. This time, the ape-like creature crushed it together with a flex of its hand, then threw the newly-formed rock, which maintained its shape long enough to almost hit the leader of the guards.

Compression - Heat - Pressure - Projectile - Firebolt

The thought struck Ash suddenly as he watched the troll repeat the action, once again missing. One of the Pegasi became impatient, diving down faster and lower to slash at the troll’s back, making it roar and flail about, though the guard pulled up fast enough to avoid being hit. Almost without thinking, Ash brought Flames to his hand, the fire flickering in his palm. Unlike all the previous times, he did not push his palm out and send a jet of fire forward. Instead, he squeezed.

His hand slowly formed into a fist, though it did not fully close. The hiss of the fire grew louder before the spell began to press back against him, preventing him from compressing it any more. Pointing his hand forward, he opened his fist suddenly and a bolt of fire shot forward, singing through the air just past one of the guard’s spears and impacting the troll in the chest. The beast roar in agony as its fur caught fire, allowing the two spearponies to dart forward and stab the beast in the neck, bringing it to a quick end. With that, the six ponies split into two groups and reinforced two other groups, allowing them to quickly overcome their own trolls.

A loud crack rang out followed by a long cry of agony. Ash turned to one of the groups that still consisted of six, seeing the troll holding one Pegasus by a broken wing, swinging him around like a weapon. It seemed that the Pegasi, while the most likely to land a hit on a troll, were also the most likely to be hurt by them. A Unicorn shot some sort of beam, piercing the troll's leg and forcing it to let go of the pony. The Unicorn who injured the troll levitated the Pegasus out of harm’s way and toward Ash, who quickly began to heal him. While healing the Pegasus' broken wing, Ash heard two more trolls go down from the combined attacks of swords, spears, and spells.

The Pegasus’ wing popped as it was set back into the proper place, sparking another cry from the guard, though no other sound was made. Ash allowed himself to glance up to make sure neither of the remaining trolls was coming to him and they weren’t, too busy with fighting fifteen guards each. One troll went down, with five spears piercing its chest and two more in its neck. A moment later, Ash felt the spell end as the Pegasus’ wing was healed. Reaching down, Ash helped the guardstallion to his hooves. However, the guard didn't get the chance to return to the fight. Thirty guards combined against the final troll was just too much for it to take, quickly falling to the combined weapons.

The guard next to him, with a forest green coat and black mane, breathed a sigh of relief. “That went far better than it could have. These trolls didn’t even make it to the town.”

Ash nodded. “The teamwork that you and the other guards showed led to this.”

He chuckled. “Don’t forget to thank yourself. I’d still have a broken wing if not for you and Cloud would have three long gashes in her side.”

“You saw that?”

“Yeah. I was going to try to help her before I saw you run there.” The guard answered. “You did well for your first mission. This is your first mission, right?”

“Yeah, it is. I was only certified yesterday.” Ash told him. “You’re right, though. I think I did rather well, but that's no reason to allow myself to slack off in the future.”

He nodded. “All that’s left is to dispose of these bodies, inform Ponyville that everything’s fine, and head back to Canterlot. A few of the Earth ponies and Unicorns have already started gathering wood to burn them, both to prevent scavengers and predators from coming here and to prevent disease.”

When the Pegasus gestured with a wing, Ash saw that he was right. Three Earth ponies were bucking down small trees, which the Unicorns were carrying in their magic. Ash grunted softly. It was a waste of troll fat, but he didn’t know how to gather it, preserve it, store it, and use it.

“How are you feeling, Ash?” Shield asked as he came over.

“A bit sick, which means I’ve used a little over half of my magic.” Ash told him.

Shield nodded. “I saw the fireball you sent at the troll. That’s the fire spell you know?”

“Firebolt.” Ash corrected. “Fireball is more explosive. And no, I just learned that spell. Seeing the troll crush gravel into a rock made me realize that compressing Flames would allow me to use Firebolt.”

And probably Ice Spike and Lightning Bolt. Ash thought, though he didn’t say it. “I’m glad I learned it, though.”

Shield nodded. “It certainly turned the tide in our favor. When that first troll went down, things got a lot easier.”

Return to Canterlot

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“Excuse me, are you Ashephyles?” That was the first thing Ash heard when he stepped out of the carriage. He had just arrived back in Canterlot, specifically in a courtyard in the castle that the carriages had landed in- why they hadn’t departed from the courtyard in the first place, Ash didn’t know. The bodies of the trolls had been incredibly easy to dispose of because of how flammable they were; it looked like the guards tossed gasoline on the fire when they used nothing but wood and leaves. A quick announcement from the leader of the excursion later and they were on their way back to Canterlot.

Ash turned, seeing a castle guard standing a few feet to what had been his left. The stallion truly was a castle guard, complete with enchantment that changed his coat and mane color and all. The most interesting thing about him was that the pony, who was an Earth pony, not only knew his full name, but pronounced it right. “Yes, that’s me.”

The stallion nodded- he had most likely knew it was and just asked to follow a procedure. “Princess Luna has asked me to escort you to her once you’ve returned, provided that you were not in dire need of medical attention.”

“As you can see, I’m healthy.” Ash said, then glanced at the other guards who were exiting the courtyard to return to their normal duties. A couple of the Pegasi that had gone with them had remained behind, scouting over the Forest to ensure that there wouldn’t be any more trolls. “I can also say the same to the other guards.”

“If you’ll follow me.” The guard said, receiving a nod from Ash. The stallion turned around and started walking toward one of the doors that led into the castle proper, Ash right behind him. The guard led him through the castle, Ash wasn’t sure where to, without a word, leaving the man to his thoughts.

Healing Hands is a rather effective spell for healing injuries. Three long cuts from a troll’s claws and a broken wing were healed easily enough. The thing that confuses me is that I healed that pony’s broken leg and got incredibly nauseous from it. I healed a broken wing and lacerations and only got slightly sick. Did my reserves increase that much?

On that matter, is there a way to measure my reserves at all? Obviously, I can’t just pause the world and check my skills, so it’s not going to be simple. Maybe envisioning my Magicka reserves like I do for Equilibrium will show me? It won’t be a number, but I might be able to ‘see’ if my Magicka has increased from a small cooking pot to a larger pot. Maybe Celestia or Luna or someone can devise a machine to measure how much Magicka I have? Or is Aetherium Magicka so different from Unicorn magic that they wouldn’t be able to isolate it and measure it?

Speaking of Luna, she’s probably worried about me. Obviously, she knows that this kind of stuff is going to become more common as I accompany guards on various missions as a combat healer, but that won’t stop her and others from worrying, unfortunately. Not to mention, I doubt it helped that it came up so suddenly. It wasn’t something we had been planning for a week.

Of course, there’s also that kiss on my cheek she gave me. I’d have to be pretty fucking oblivious to not know what that meant. I guess Cadence was right, though I’m not too surprised about that. Luna is interested in me, and I’d be lying if I denied the fact that I’m interested in her. I’m still going to let her lead, so she will have control, but I don’t have to worry about being outright wrong.

“We’re here, sir.” The guard said, breaking through his thoughts. Ash started for a moment, then relaxed when he saw that he was standing in front of Luna’s door. Ash knew he must have been deep in thought, considering he didn’t even remember going up the stairs to the tower that Luna lived in. He gave a thankful nod to the guard, who returned it and started leaving, before stepping forward and knocking on Luna’s door. He idly wondered why he hadn’t seen any of the Night Guard thestrals, if there were any in this rendition of Equestria.

“Come in!” He heard Luna’s voice, muffled by several inches of oak wood, call out from inside. Taking a grip on the doorknob, that Ash still wasn’t sure why Equestria used, he twisted it and pushed the door open, stepping inside.

“Luna?” Ash asked, hearing a soft gasp from somewhere inside the darkened room. The curtains hanging from her canopy bed were wrenched aside as Luna leaped out, then proceeded to hit the floor muzzle-first as her blanket trapped one of her hind hooves.

Ash quickly came over as she groaned, rising to her hooves. “You alright, Luna?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Luna said, shaking her muzzle as if attempting to dislodge the slightly pain she felt. Then her eyes widened suddenly, remembering who was in front of her and where he had been. With a wordless shout, she leaped forward again and impacted his chest, dragging him to the ground with her. She quickly patted her wings over his body, clearly looking for any tear in his clothes or mark on his skin that would reveal an injury.

“Luna!” Ash said with a slight laugh, her frantic movements slightly amusing, even as it warmed his heart that she was truly worried for him. “I’m fine! I wasn’t hurt at all.”

She sighed, relaxing against him. To his surprise, he found that the Alicorn wasn’t very heavy. An equine as tall and long as her should have weighed several hundred pounds, if not more. Luna was smaller than an Earth horse, which could weigh anywhere from half a ton to a full ton, so he had expected her to weight around six hundred pounds.

He was pleasantly proven wrong when he realized that she actually weighed less than him, at around a hundred and thirty pounds if he had to guess. Thoughts of her surprisingly light weight were pushed aside when she spoke. “I’m glad to hear that you are okay. Did the trolls cause any serious damage?”

“Not particularly. There were five trolls, and two guards were injured putting them down, but they’re okay now.” Ash informed her. “They were stopped some distance from the Everfree; they didn’t even make it to Ponyville.”

“That’s good.” Luna said. “The guards are okay because you healed them, huh?”

“Yeah. I think my reserves are getting larger because I only felt slightly sick after healing the two injuries. It’s not much of an increase from healing one broken leg and getting sick, but it just shows that I’m getting stronger.” Ash said. “Though, I have to keep in mind that I’m casting relatively weak spells compared to some of the later ones.”

Luna gave him a short nuzzle on the side of his face. “Don’t forget that you’ve only been learning it for a week or so. In a few decades, you may very well be a powerful spellcaster and healer.”

Ash just chuckled, rubbing between her ears again. “The only reason I know Healing Hands is because of you, Luna. The same goes for Equilibrium. I have you to thank just as much as I do myself.”

Before Luna could say anything else, there was a sudden pounding on Luna’s door. The abruptness of the sound, coupled with the unexpected strength behind the ‘knocking,’ made both of them jump slightly. A moment later, a voice came through the door and calmed them both down. “Luna? Sister? I heard that Ash had gone to Ponyville to fight a troll. Do you know if he made it back okay?”

With a quick application of levitation from Luna, the doorknob twisted and allowed Celestia entrance. She quickly trotted in, a worried look on her muzzle as her wings flapped nervously at her side, before she caught sight of Ash lying on his back with Luna sitting on top of him. Immediately, her nervousness was replaced by embarrassment, a bright pink tint coming to her muzzle. “Sorry! I didn’t know you two were doing that!

Quickly, the Alicorn spun around and tried to run out the door only to be halted, Luna’s teal magic wrapping around her tail and preventing her from moving. “Sister, it’s not what it looks like. You should know that considering the last time you jumped to a conclusion.”

Celestia turned around again when Luna let go of her tail, seeing that Luna had gotten off of Ash and the two had stood. The solar Alicorn huffed lightly. “You don’t make it easy to avoid assuming when I constantly come across the two of you in the same bed or lying on each other.”

That made both of them flush lightly, to Celestia’s amusement. Luna was the first to reply. “I was worried for him, just as you were. I may have tackled him when he entered.”

Celestia gave a soft smile, then turned to Ash. “How was your first experience as a healer? I heard that you and a few guards were deployed against a troll near Ponyville.”

“Replace ‘few guards’ with ‘thirty’ and ‘a troll’ with ‘five trolls.’” Ash corrected, making Celestia’s eyes widen before he continued. “It went well, I do believe. The trolls didn’t come close to making it to Ponyville and only two guards were injured, both of them healed before the fight was even over.”

The man’s eyes widened slightly as he remembered something. “Oh! And I learned a new spell! Firebolt, which is a projectile version of Flames. I learned it when I saw a troll crush dirt and gravel into a clump that it then threw. A similar process is how Flames becomes Firebolt, compressing the fire until it becomes a quick burst rather than a stream.”

“Learning new spells even in the midst of combat?” Luna asked rhetorically, one of her eyebrows raised. “I must say, that’s rather impressive, Ash.”

Ash shrugged. “I’m not so sure about that. I learn a new spell whenever I figure out how it works. That only happened because the troll pretty much showed me how Firebolt worked. I doubt it’s going to happen again.”

Celestia and Luna just chuckled, with the latter leaning down and giving him a soft nuzzle. After the show of affection, to which Celestia smiled happily at, the alabaster Alicorn spoke. “Now, I think we need to go find Cadence.”

“Why is that, dear sister?” Luna asked, pulling away from Ash. For his part, Ash was looking at Celestia in curiosity as well.

“Well…” Celestia said sheepishly. “I may have told her that you, Ash, went to fight a troll and she started getting really frantic. I managed to calm her down, kind of, but she ended up threatening to enchant my muzzle to turn cake into ash when I eat any if you got hurt.”

“Then we should go see her.” Ash said, gesturing toward the door with his head. Then a small grin came to his face. “Preferably before you suffer a terrible fate of never being able to eat cake again.”

Celestia gave a full-bodied shiver that ran from the tip of her nose to the end of her tail. her wings and feathers whipping to the side as she did. The admittedly adorable action gained a smile from Luna and Ash, who chuckled. That, in turn, caught Celestia’s attention and made her blush lightly as she realized what she did. The elder sister cleared her throat, though it did nothing for the red tint to her muzzle, before she spoke. “Let’s go find Cadence. If I remember, she’s impatiently waiting in her room.”

Turning around in a vain attempt to hide the blush on her muzzle, she stepped forward to lead the way out of the room and to Cadence’s room. Luna and Ash followed behind her as Celestia walked down the stairs the led up to Luna’s room. As they were walking, Celestia spoke. “So, Ash, now that you’ve gotten your first taste of the kind of things you’ll deal with as a combat healer, are you at all put off by the assignment?”

Ash took note of the honest concern in Celestia’s voice. “No, I’m not. I know that I’m not always going to be as lucky as I was against the trolls, since there were plenty of guards who knew exactly what was happening and how to act, and that I’m going to be forced to fight and be injured in the future. Even knowing that, I’m not put off from the idea of being a combat healer. If anything, as I learn more spells and expand my reserves, I’m going to become less and less worried about simple threats like a troll or three.”

“And why is that, Ash?” Luna asked curiously.

“Well, I know that some of the more powerful Destruction mages can take out several trolls easily with a few well-aimed Fireballs, or even a flurry of Firebolts.” Ash explained. “Combined with the Alteration Armor spells and Conjuration’s Bound Weaponry, I think I can become a rather powerful fighter with enough time and training.”

Seeing the blank look Luna was giving him from his side, and Celestia was giving him over her shoulder, he just coughed in his fist as he realized that none of them knew what he was saying. “Sorry. Fireball is a projectile fire spell that explodes on impact, burning and igniting everything in range. The Alteration Armor spells harden the caster’s skin to varying degrees, allowing for the caster to take hits that would otherwise gravely wound. The Bound Weaponry spells are in Conjuration and involve forcing a lesser Daedra into a specific shape, such as a sword, bow, or battleaxe.”

“These ‘Alteration Armor’ spells seem rather like transmutation spells. Tell me, do they just add a magical layer to the caster’s hide, or would they actually turn your skin into something else?” Luna asked in interest.

Ash just shrugged, to Luna’s disappointment, as he looked at her. “I’m not sure, Luna. I don’t know if Oakflesh would actually turn my skin to wood, but I can find out once I learn the spell.”

Before Ash could say anything else, a powerful scent hit his nose suddenly, making it scrunch up as he tried to identify the source. The thick smell was somewhat familiar, though only in the vaguest of senses. It reminded him of a mix of vanilla and something he couldn’t identify, though he knew that the smell was incredibly delightful. He noticed Luna recoil next to him, a bright blush flaring to her muzzle. When she did that, he immediately realized what the smell was and flushed himself, turning to look at Celestia again.

The mare’s horn had already lit up, casting a spell that immediately cleared the air and blocked the scent from returning. A bright blush, even more obvious than Luna’s due to her white coat, sat firmly on her muzzle and likely wasn’t going to go away for some time. The Princess stared forward resolutely, refusing to look back at either her sister or her friend, both of which had just smelled the effects of her heat. After a moment, she spoke quietly. “I would prefer if we were to ignore that entirely.”

Ash nodded without hesitation. “Agreed. There’s no need to embarrass you over it, Celestia. Let’s just get to Cadence’s room.”

Luna nodded too. “It’s a natural part of life that needs no discussion.”

The three kept walking toward Cadence’s room as Celestia led them, taking each turn as they came up. Ash allowed his mind to wander, trying to keep his mind off of the admittedly arousing thought of Celestia being in heat- his mild lust for the Alicorns still existing even if he refused to acknowledge it now that they were real being with their own emotions. Ash knew for a fact that he would have been lost by now. He could find his way to the running track, to Star’s Yard, to Celestia’s room, to Luna’s room, to his room, and to the dining room. That was it. Even then, he could only find those places from one of the others. He could make his way to Star’s Yard from Celestia’s room, or to the running track from the dining room, but he couldn’t find his way to Celestia’s room from the hallway two turns away from Luna’s room. His struggles only existed because all the hallways looked exactly the same.

“Thank you for not reacting badly, Ash.” Celestia said suddenly, her muzzle still tinted pink. “I know Luna already explained to you what I’m going through, but thank you for understanding.”

Ash came up beside Celestia and patted her on her shoulder, giving her a smile when she turned to look at him. “Think nothing of it, Celestia. Like Luna said, it’s natural and not something to be ashamed of, though I don’t think you are ashamed anyway.”

Celestia shook her head. “Embarrassed? Yes. Ashamed? No. Still, though, it wasn’t something you needed to be exposed to.”

“I’m just impressed that he didn’t jump at you.” Luna commented suddenly, making Celestia’s flush deep slightly. “That took some very strong restraint.”

Ash just frowned slightly. “Let’s not embarrass Celestia. It’s one thing to acknowledge that it happened but we don’t need to discuss it.”

Luna dipped her head, a light tint coming to her muzzle. “My apologies, sister.”

Celestia gave him a grateful look as she replied. “It’s okay, Luna. I just don’t want to discuss that around polite company.”

Ash couldn’t help but snort as he muttered. “‘Polite company,’ my fucking ass.”

Seeing the curious looks, he realized that they heard him speak, just not what he said. “I said that I’m far from polite company. If you two knew the shi- stuff that my friends and I used to discuss, you’d realize that you could say darn near anything around me and wouldn’t be judged for it.”

“Truly?” Luna asked. “Why?”

Ash just shrugged. “I mean, we were all pretty close back in high school. We’d stay at each others’ houses for days, sometimes weeks, on end. With that kind of extended proximity, we’d learn little traits and bits of information about each other. When that was accepted, we’d share little secrets and confide in each other. That eventually grew into not giving a crap about what we said to each other and after two or so years, our filters were off around each other, we had no secrets, and felt no shame about anything around each other.”

“Are you like that with us?” Celestia asked, mild curiosity tinting her features.

Ash shook his head. “Not really. We were all the same and, as humans, had a naturally tendency to accept violence. We could say some pretty mean shit to each other and no one would bat an eye at it. You two are polite company, which is why I make sure to do my best to keep a filter on.”

The two Alicorns had winced when the curse slipped out, and Ash gave an apologetic look when he did, but didn’t say anything otherwise. After a moment, Luna asked another question. “Do you keep secrets from us?”

Ash shook his head. “I do. I will also tell you that I’m planning to reveal one during lunch, though I won’t lie to you; it’s not my only secret.”

Celestia just gave a slight shrug. “You’re well within your right to keep secrets and it’d be rather rude of us to force you to share them. The fact that you’re sharing one of your own accord shows that we mean something to you, so I’m not too worried about your other secrets.”

Luna nodded. “I agree. My sister and I have our own secrets and you haven’t demanded that we tell them to you. We can at least extend the same courtesies to you.”

“This is Cadence’s room.” Celestia said suddenly, pointing at a door a little ways down the hall with her wing. The three walked over with Celestia knocking own the door, which was made of oak and had a teal crystal heart as the symbol, once they stopped in front of it, her hard hooves making it sound more like she was punching it than anything else. Before Celestia had time to put her hoof back on the ground, the door swung open and Ash felt an aura of magic wrap around him and pull him inside as Cadence said something incredibly quickly.

“Youtwowaitouthereforalittlebit! IneedtotalktoAshinprivate!” The two Alicorns heard right before the door slammed closed, then became coated in a sound-proofing spell so they couldn’t eavesdrop.

Inside the room, Ash blinked his eyes back into focus and looked around the room. The first thing that came to mind was simple. Pink. It wasn’t quite as much as he had expected from her room, but it was definitely a prevalent theme. Pink and teal. In fact, he noticed that the main differences between the personal quarters of the three Princesses were the beds and the color schemes. Cadence, having levitated him across the room and set him down on the couch, took a seat on the other one and stared at him. She seemed to be focusing on something only she could see.

“The threads are stronger.” Cadence murmured to herself, though Ash overheard her anyway.

“Cadence, what are you talking about? Threads?” Ash asked in confusion.

He was ignored. Cadence’s eyes flickered up from his chest and focused on him as a smile came to her muzzle. “First and foremost, you aren’t hurt, are you, Ash?”

Seeing that he wasn’t going to get an answer, he just shook his head. “No, I’m not hurt. None of the guards are still hurt. No one in town got hurt, either. But that’s not why you pulled me in here and slammed the door in Celestia and Luna’s face, is it?”

Cadence shook her head, her smile growing. “What happened between you and Luna? The threads are thicker and that means something happened.”

“What kind of ‘thing’ are you looking for? I don’t know what these ‘threads’ are.” Ash said, though he suspected the answer to his own question.

Cadence rolled her eyes. “Things that may fall into the category of romance. And it’s not going to be something physical like you gave her an extra-long hug. The threads only thicken after milestones.”

Ash thought for several long moments but couldn’t come up with an answer in the way she wanted it. The only thing he could think of was the fact that Luna had kissed his cheek, but that was far from a milestone. In any case, he told her. “The only thing I can think of is that Luna kissed me on my cheek before I left, but that’s far from a milestone.”

Cadence nodded. “That’s right. Was that the first time?”


Cadence hummed a little tune as she thought, starting to wave her head back and forth as she ran through a bunch of different scenarios and possibilities. After a time, a light smile came back to her muzzle. “I understand what changed.”


Cadence just giggled. “Nothing. Have you come to a decision on the matter of Luna?”

Ash just grunted. “I already made you the promise.”

“You promised to give it a chance if what I’m trying to encourage happens.” Cadence pointed out. “You never actually told me if you were interested in her.”

“I am.” Ash said honestly. If anyone was going to hound him until he answered, it was her. He also didn’t really have anything to fear considering he knew Luna was interested in him, too.

Cadence nodded as if she expected him to say that. “Good. What will you do if she asks you out?”

“What?” Ash asked, gaining a confused look. Cadence looked into his eyes and saw the confusion, a thoughtful frown coming to her muzzle. From the look in his eyes, the idea of going on a date with Luna wasn’t bad to him. No, he was just outright confused.

“What will you do if Luna asks you to go on a date with her?” Cadence clarified.

Some light seemed to go off in his eyes. “Cadence, how does Equestrian romance work?”

Cadence’s eyes popped open, the realization hitting her suddenly. Ash, as a being from an entirely different world, knew nothing of the dating customs and courtship rituals in Equestria. He didn’t know anything that was going to happen or things he should prepare for. She needed to fix that.

Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was half an hour from noon. “I can’t tell you much about it right now because my coltfriend is taking me out to lunch, but once we return, you and I are going to sit down and have a long discussion about what to expect and do. Is that okay?”

“Very much so.” Ash said honestly, a relieved smile coming to his face. The knowledge that he didn’t know how dating worked among ponies had really made him nervous, though the fact that he was going to learn it all relaxed him some.

“I need to talk to Luna, then Celestia.” Cadence said, gesturing toward the door. “Can you join them out there and send Luna in?”

“Yeah.” Ash said, standing up and striding over to the door. “Thank you for being willing to help me.”

“I’m not just willing.” Cadence told him. “I’m eager. You are in a unique position to make my aunt happy.”

“If things work out.” Ash said as he grabbed the doorknob, looking back at her.

Internally, Cadence snorted. Pessimist. Things are going to work out.

Externally, Cadence nodded. “If things work out, which they will.”

Ash gave her a small grin, then opened the door and stepped out. A few seconds later, Luna nervously stepped in, trotting over to her after she closed the door. The midnight Alicorn took a seat where Ash had been sitting and gave her a hesitant smile. “Good morning, Cadence.”

“Good morning, Luna.” Cadence replied. “Though it’s a late morning.”

Luna nodded. “Ash said you wanted to talk to me?”

“I do. When we last spoke, you told me that you needed to think. Have you decided?”

Luna gave her a suspicious look. “Is this what you were talking to Ash about?”

“Not this topic.” Cadence said, waving her hoof around and referring to Luna’s decision. “But pretty much the same thing.”

“You’re trying to get Ash and I together.” Luna said bluntly. “Yet you aren’t even trying to hide your involvement?”

“You know me and would have recognized it instantly. Ash did recognize what I was trying to do instantly.” Cadence replied. “All three of us are adults that know that love can’t be forced. We’re not shy teenagers who blush just by looking at our crushes. Why hide what is already obvious?”

Luna huffed. “That’s a fair point.”

When she didn’t continue after several moments, Cadence cleared her throat. Luna breathed through her nose heavily. “Oh, alright. I’ve decided, okay?”

“And what decision is that?”

“That’s private.” Luna retorted, making Cadence frown.

“Well, it’s my passion and my job.” Cadence started out. “You’re also my family. If you can’t trust me with this information, who can you trust?”

That made Luna’s ears splay backward on her head, a slight tint of guilt in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Cadence. I didn’t mean it that way.”

Cadence hopped off the couch and walked up to Luna, gently nuzzling her. “I know, Aunty Luna. Just trust me with this, okay? You know I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

Luna returned the show of familial affection with a soft smile. “I’ve decided to pursue my interest, as you put it. Whether or not I can trust myself, I know I can trust my family and Ash to trust me.”

“And maybe Ash will teach you to trust yourself.” Cadence said quietly, bringing Luna into a winghug. “And do you want to know something?”

“What?” Luna asked curiously.

“Ash is interested in you, too.” Cadence said. For a moment, Luna’s eyes lit up brightly as a slightly giddy smile came to her muzzle.

Then she composed herself. “I already knew that, Cadence. We haven’t exactly hidden our interest in each other, you know? Especially when I kissed his cheek.”

Cadence nodded, making Luna huff again. “He told you, didn’t he?”

“He knows that you’re my family, and he knows that I’m the Princess of Love. Don’t be upset if he just wants to make sure that he knows how to make you happy.” Cadence told her softly, making Luna’s muzzle tint lightly.

“Should I ask him to go somewhere with me?” Luna asked quietly after a long minute of silence.

“Not yet.” Cadence said with a shake of her head. As soon as Luna gave her a curious look, she continued. “Ash realized that he doesn’t know anything about Equestrian courting customs. He asked me to help him, which I’m going to do after lunch. Give me a few days to teach him and then you definitely should.”

“He really wants to learn how to make me happy?” Luna asked, a hint of joy in her voice.

Cadence nodded, a larger smile coming to her muzzle. “He most certainly does.”

“I’ll have to prepare for when you finish, then.” Luna said with a murmur. “Where do you think I should take him on a first date?”

“Something simple.” Cadence said with a smile. “Not too fancy or expensive, as Ash doesn’t seem like the type of particularly enjoy that. Other than that, I’m leaving the decision to you.”

“I have to go and start getting things ready. Would four days work?” Luna asked, receiving a nod.

When Luna hopped up and started making her way toward the door, Cadence called out to her. “Can you send Celestia in?”

She received a nod of her own as Luna opened the door, a pep in her step as she trotted out the door. A few moments later, and after hearing a slightly muffled discussion, Celestia walked in and closed the door behind her. Before Celestia had even sat down, she was already talking. “I’m going to assume that you’ve been playing matchmaker.”

“You’re right and there have been some very interesting developments.” Cadence informed her. “Ash has admitted to being interested in Luna and Luna’s decided to pursue her interests. Ash is going to come to me after lunch and learn about dating customs in Equestria, considering he knows none of them, which will take a few days. After that, Luna is going to take him on a date.”

“That’s wonderful news, Cadence! Things are beginning to look for up Luna!”

“They most certainly are.” Cadence said. “But in any case, I have to prepare for lunch with Shining.”

A Lie Revealed

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It didn’t take long for Celestia to come back out from Cadence’s room once she went in. If Ash had to guess, the white Alicorn had been in there for five minutes, if that. Ash was pretty sure that the two Alicorns were discussing him and Luna, yet the knowledge didn’t bother him. What did bother him was the fact that lunchtime was steadily approaching. As such, it was nearing the time that he would tell the Royal Sisters that he was from Earth, not Nirn, and that he had been lying to them.

Ash couldn’t quite name how he felt. There were too many emotions swirling within him, several of them conflicting. One would think that two opposite emotions would cancel out, just like how it worked with charges and forces. A positive charge and a negative charge negated each other. A box with equal force pushing left and right did not move. Relief at revealing a secret that had been eating him should have cancelled out the anxiety of revealing that he had been lying. Of course, that’s not how life, or emotions, worked.

Part of Ash wanted to back out of telling the truth. He had told the two Alicorns that he was going to reveal a secret at lunch, but he never said what secret. He could make some bullshit up and claim to have been wanting to get it off his chest for a while. It wouldn’t be very hard, either. When he wasn’t reeling from being thrown into a new world, he was pretty damn good at bullshitting. He’d had years of practice.

But that thought left a bad taste in his mouth, metaphorically. Luna was a possible romantic interest that might actually go somewhere and Celestia was a friend that would only grow closer to him if he and Luna actually did end up together, a fact that he was doubting less and less every day with the night mare’s actions. Ash may have been fucking nervous, terrified being too extreme, about the upcoming lunch, but he wasn’t going to back out.

Ash knew that the situation wasn’t as bad as it could be. He had been telling them that he was from Nirn, not Earth. It wasn’t a world-shattering lie, nor one that hid his true personality, nor one that tricked the Alicorns into thinking he was good when he was evil. It was like telling someone that he was from England when he lived in the United States; the lie wasn’t nice at all, but it didn’t change who he was nor his intentions.

If the man was lucky, he would get through lunch with a bunch of questions and a little suspicion leveled his way but nothing else. If he wasn’t lucky… Ash didn’t want to think about what could happen. Considering he was in Equestria and had nowhere to fall back to, he had a whole lot to lose from this.

Ash almost didn’t notice when Celestia gestured for him and Luna to follow her after she exited Cadence’s room. The Alicorn of Love hadn’t joined them in the hallway, but that didn’t surprise Ash. She had said that she was going to eat out with her coltfriend, which he knew was Shining. Although, he had been surprised to find that they weren’t married yet. If the Canterlot Wedding came to be as it did in the show, he would have to be careful around Chrysalis. This world wasn’t one of the countless wish-fulfillment fanfics he had read over the years- it was very possible that Chrysalis was a real villain, not a tragic one. Just confronting her out of the blue could lead to a very slow, very painful, and very humiliating death.

Actually, that boded a question. How did Changelings hide in a society that could tell the intentions of another by a glance? If a pony looked into a disguised Changeling’s eyes, would the pony see that true desires of the Changeling, or something else? Perhaps Changelings were able to fake what they felt? Did Changelings actually have the same ability? If that was the case, would Chrysalis know that Ash knew something was up when she first saw him?

For that matter, would this world even go according to the show? Would events still happen as he expected them to, giving him a major advantage for the future, or was this world ‘non-canon?’ If it was a ‘canon’ world, what would he do for events past a certain point? He had stopped watching the show some time ago, devoting himself to the fandom alone as it was more… mature, in sexual themes, drama, tragedy, romance, and violence, than the show ever was, while still retaining the general theme of the show.

Would his attraction to Alicorns ever bite him in the ass? For some God damned reason, Ash had always found himself drawn to any character that could be considered an Alicorn, including and entirely limited to; Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Chrysalis, and Nightmare Moon. Of course, he wasn’t stupid. Cadence was a married mare, Chrysalis could possibly be outright evil, and Nightmare Moon was probably dead and definitely evil. Luna was his interest as it was and, while the idea of herding had been all well and good for a fantasy or two, he had no desire for it in real life, which booted out Celestia. Knowing that the only one he could be romantically involved was Luna, he still feared the possibility of lusting after one of the others while committed to Luna- that would be a damn grave insult to her as a person if he did.

There was a nudge on his shoulder, but he didn’t notice it. Ash had no doubt that he would be able to control himself from ever acting on his lusts, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t make its way in his dreams. He had avoided such a possibility by curbing his desire just by knowing that the characters weren’t characters anymore, but that wouldn’t work forever. He most certainly didn’t want to start dating Luna only to wake up with her beating down his door and demanding to know why he was dreaming of fucking her sister. Putting aside the embarrassment that would create, that would put a definite strain on their relationship- not that they actually had one yet.

He was nudged again, once again not noticing it. Ash realized he thoughts were rapidly rambling from one thing to another, something he did quite often when nervous about something. He’d think of something, a word or two in the thought process would remind him of something else, and he’d jump to the new topic. He had gone from thinking of Cadence and Shining going out, to the Canterlot Wedding, to Queen Chrysalis, to Changelings, to the show’s canon, to the ‘maturity’ of the fandom, to his attraction to Alicorns, to his possibility of a relationship with Luna.

Ash felt something soft yet firm slap him full-force across the face, joined by a yell. “Ashephyles!”

Ash jerked back, almost falling over, but managed to regain his balance to see Luna lowering her wing, a concerned look on her muzzle. Celestia was next to her, staring at him in just as much worry. They had stopped in the hallway a little ways from the dining hall. Ash realized that one of them had tried to say something to him and he hadn’t replied, deep in his thoughts as he was.

“Sorry, Luna, Celestia. I was deep in thought. Too deep.” Ash replied.

“About what you said you were going to tell us at lunch?” Celestia asked, a tone of concern in her voice. “If that’s the case, you don’t have to tell us.”

Ash nodded. “You’re right. I don’t have to tell you. I still will, though. I can’t promise you to reveal all my secrets at once, but I’m not going to keep hiding them forever.”

“It’s only a matter of how quickly you grow close to us as friends.” Luna supplied, receiving a nod.

“Eventually, you two will know it all.” Ash said. “It’s just that not even I know all of the details to be able to share it with you.”

The two Alicorns gave each other a confused look, making Ash realize that it didn’t sound like he was talking about generic secrets anymore. They were starting to catch on, but that would make it a hell of a lot easier to share the truth. After a moment, Celestia started walking again, him and her sister following along. The white Alicorn spoke after a moment of thinking. “It’s about how you arrived, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. All of it is.” Ash replied honestly. When they neared the doors, the guards swung them open and allowed the trio to enter before closing them again. A dull thoom rang out when the two heavy oak gateways shut, though they weren’t slammed. Celestia and Luna took their seats once more at the head of the table, with Ash sitting on the side next to Luna as he always did. Before any of the three could get a word out edgewise, the hidden door swung open and allowed several servants to enter, placing meals in front of them. When the servants removed the tops, he saw that they had been given a rather heavy lunch, though the dessert from last time was absent.

Celestia noticed his slight confusion, giving a wry smile as she spoke. “We decided to eat a heavier lunch rather than binging on pounds of sugar to provide our daily energy. I will admit that mine and Luna’s meals have a lot more sugar, but the chefs know how to blend the flavors together so that we can’t notice it. After all, it wouldn’t look good for us to eat so many sweets when an ambassador is joining us for lunch, would it?”

That made sense. “No, it wouldn’t look good.”

Celestia had received some type of salad with what looked like shredded carrots, along with a large slice of cake, but Ash was never a fan of salads. Ash was as close to a carnivore as a human could get without being unhealthy, which made him unsurprised when the cooks had made him a large steak along with mashed potatoes, both of which were covered in gravy, with a large side of applesauce. The applesauce was an addition he wouldn’t have had at home, but he knew he would like it anyway. Luna, on the other hand, had received a very large bowl of soup, a bowl that was literally larger than her head. The scents of the meals, while drastically different from each other, blended together into a rather tantalizing mixture that made his mouth water. Distracted as he was, he never took any real notice of the drinks they had received, only knowing that it was some type of juice.

“Eat first, Ash, then you can share what you want to share.” Luna told him gently, quickly diving into her soup with an incredibly oversized spoon. Celestia nodded as well, eating at a much more sedate pace with a normal fork. In truth, the size of Luna’s bowl and her spoon was almost comical.

Lunch passed quickly enough, with the good food doing wonders to relax Ash. The silence helped, too. It wasn’t a tense, awkward silence that revealed that the two Alicorns were worried about what he would reveal. Instead, it was a peaceful silence that showed they were content with each other’s presence, even knowing that he would reveal a secret. As the lunch continued, the silence broken only by the quiet sounds of eating, Ash felt himself relaxing more and more.

However, as everything does, the lunch came to an end. The servants came once more, taking away the empty plates and glasses. When they had departed, the two Alicorns shared a glance, then turned to give him a slightly expectant look- one that sparked his nervousness all over again. Seeing that, Luna leaned over and slowly placed a wing on his shoulder, the soft pressure of the weight of the limb being reassuring. Ash sighed, then began. “I’m going to be blunt.”

Luna smiled at that, with Celestia cracking her own grin and speaking. “That’s the best way to do it.”

“I’ve been lying to you two, in a way.” Ash said. With that, the smiles were gone, but they hadn’t been replaced by frowns or glares. “I’ve been telling you that I’m from Nirn, in the realm of Mundus. The truth is, I’m not.”

“That’s it?” Celestia interrupted, slightly bewildered. “You’ve been lying about your home? You’re not the secret King of Tartarus here to eat us?”

Luna tilted her head, a slight frown coming to her muzzle. “I understand that the lie itself may have been eating at you, metaphorically speaking, but you made it sound like you were going to tell us that you were secretly a shadow-demon sent here to devour our souls and bring our shadows to life.”

Ash couldn’t help but grin at that. He knew exactly why they had interrupted him when they knew that there was more to it. They wanted to make him more relaxed by joking about it rather than just staring at him or frowning angrily. He couldn’t help but appreciate that. Before he continued, a flurry of thoughts made an adjustment to his plans. “Well, it’s a bit more than that. On my world, a planet called Earth with no magic, technology quite possibly a thousand years more advanced that what I’ve seen here, and with humans as the only sapient species, the realm of Mundus and world of Nirn was fiction. Complete and utter fiction.”

That received him honest looks of confusion. Not the fact that he was from Earth, not Nirn, but that Nirn was fictional. “Nirn, Mundus, and everything else that I’ve told you is the work of a company known as Bethesda, who created a video game series known as The Elder Scrolls.”

“‘Video game?’” Luna asked, making him pause in slight surprise. He figured they would know of video games, considering characters like Button Mash as well as old-fashioned arcades. Then again, that might not exist in this world, or they might just call video games by a different name.

“Think of it like an interactive book that allows you to control the character and make the decisions.” Ash explained, receiving two looks of understanding from the mares. Continuing on, Ash did his best to explain his arrival. “When I told you that I died, that was complete truth. However, instead of just ‘poofing’ here like I led you to believe, I met an entity claiming to be the creator of my kind.”

“The Maker?” Celestia asked, making Ash wonder just what Equestria’s origin story was.

“Not the Maker you’re thinking of,” Ash assured. “But essentially the same thing. I don’t know if the entity actually is the creator of my kind, but that isn’t important right now. What’s important is that the deities, as he explained, are playing a type of ‘game’ where a random person is plucked from their homeworld, given powers that they wouldn't have otherwise, and then sent to another reality. I also don’t know if that’s the truth, though, as I’ve seen no evidence of these other ‘Displaced,’ as we’re called. Supposedly, we have ways of contacting each other, but I don’t know how to do it.”

“And you were chosen to be a ‘player.’” Celestia surmised, sympathy in her eyes, which surprised him.

“Aye.” Ash said with a nod. “I’ve been chosen to be a player.”

“That’s why you kept saying you didn’t know if the Daedra, Aedra, and Mundus rules applied to us!” Luna shouted suddenly. “It’s not that you don’t know if we’re part of Mundus, it’s that you don’t know if they are actually real!”

Ash nodded. “Right. I don’t know if they are real. I have to assume so, considering I feel my connection to Aetherius, but I’m not positive. The only way for me to prove that they are real is if I try to contact one, which could have rather negative consequences.”

The three fell silent for a moment as Ash waited for one of the mares to say something else or ask a question. The two Alicorn Princesses were clearly thinking, trying to connect what he just told them to what they had learned previously. After a moment, Celestia asked a question. “Why did you lie in the first place?”

“Honestly?” Ash said quickly, having expected the question. Having expected the question, he had also prepared an answer already. “I panicked. I had died, met ‘God,’ been threatened to suffer in Hell, and then was thrown into a new reality that had rules and people unlike my own. I panicked, hid my real origin, and then told you of the story of the fictional world my Magicka comes from.”

“That was rather foolish.” Celestia reprimanded softly, though there was a hint of a stern tone to her voice. “There was no real consequence to telling us that you were from Earth. You only made things harder for yourself by lying.”

“I know.” Ash said with a slight groan. He shifted in his seat slightly, much to the amusement of Luna. He had never really dealt with a stern Celestia before and she sounded too much like a scolding mother for him to just brush it aside. “Like I said, I panicked.”

Celestia huffed. “Is there another lie you’ve been telling us?”

Ash shook his head resolutely. “No, no other lies.”

Though, I am keeping another secret. It’s just not an outright lie. Ash thought, thinking of My Little Pony and all of the fanfiction he had saved on his phone. In fact, it was a good thing they couldn’t levitate his phone or anything else- they might have found out about it before he was ready to reveal it.

Celestia nodded, not quite angry but still not happy, before she turned to Luna. “Sister, is there anything you want to say?”

“The dream.” Luna said simply, making Ash wince. He knew exactly what she was talking about. “The constellations and the moons.”

“The stars and the moons of Nirn, not Earth.” Ash said. Luna stared at him for a moment, quietly contemplating something, before she nodded.

“I can see that you truly regret the lie you’ve given us both.” Luna said softly, not trace of anger in her tone. “I would very much like to see your stars and moon, not ‘Bethesda’s.’”

Ash just gave her a slightly apologetic look. “I didn’t show you Nirn’s night sky just to keep up with the lie. I showed you them because I like them much better than my own stars. I lived in a part of the world where light pollution made it almost impossible to see the constellations, and the moon wasn’t nearly as big as Nirn’s two moons. In fact, I don’t even know my world’s constellations because I was never able to see them.”

Luna frowned lightly, disconcerted at the idea of not being able to see her own stars due to light pollution. Celestia, on the other hand, just sighed. “Like my sister said, we can see that you regret lying to us. We’re not going to punish you for it, but that doesn’t mean you can keep lying to us.”

“I don’t plan to.” Ash said honestly. After a moment, Celestia nodded.

“That being said, I am interested in learning more about your homeworld. Though, if you’ll humor me, how do you know so much about Nirn?” Celestia continued.

Ash gave a light shrug. “I’ve always been rather interested in the world Bethesda made. Personally, I’ve never believed in my kind’s origin myth until I met the deity that sent me here, but I loved learning about Mundus, the Aurbis, and everything else.”

Luna seemed to understand that sentiment better than Celestia did, shown through the nod and understanding smile she gave. “Be that as it may, thank you for telling us the truth. You could have continued the lie for years with your in-depth knowledge of the world, yet you didn’t.”

Celestia couldn’t help the agreeing nod she gave. “Yes, my sister is right. You could have continued to lie to us without remorse, but you truly regretted it and chose to be honest. Thank you for that.”

Ash nodded, gently patting the wing that was still on his shoulder. “Even though you understand, I still feel bad about it. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you?”

The two shared a smug smile, making Ash feel like he said something he shouldn’t have. Luna was the one to reply, though he had expected Celestia to speak. “In fact, there is. Just not yet. How about you owe both of us one favor that we can call it at any time, for anything, provided it is within reason?”

“What counts as ‘without reason?’” Ash asked, wanting to know what he was getting himself into.

“Anything that goes against your morals, anything that is illegal, or anything that can hurt your relationships with your friends and loved ones.” Celestia explained for Luna. “If it doesn’t break any of those limitations, then you have to do it.”

After a moment of thought, he nodded. “Agreed.”

The idea of favors wasn’t unfamiliar to him. He and his friends on Earth had done something similar by trading favors for favors. Ash would do one thing for one of his friends, then call in a favor of his own when he needed help with something. The two Alicorns gave him a grateful, if slightly eager smile, prompting him to continue. “Just, for the love of whatever god exists, don’t fuck me over.”

The purposeful swear seemed to get his point across, making the two wince before they nodded. Ash was content, knowing that they wouldn’t ask for something that would make his life harder in the long run. Who knows, maybe they’ll ask for something fun and enjoyable. The man had to force his mind out of the gutter after that thought, lest he excite himself around pleasant company.

“Oh!” Luna sounded out suddenly, something coming to the forefront of her mind. “Ash and I wanted to know if you would be willing to play Dungeons and Dragons with us, Celestia. We can work out a schedule that allows us to play after our work without tiring us out for the next day.”

Apparently, the discussion of his lie was over now. Did they really just accept his apology and move on that fast? Then again, as ponies, their behavior was fundamentally different than most humans', which might explain why they just accepted his apology and moved on.

Celestia hummed a small tune in thought for a moment, then replied. “You know what? I’m interested. I never understood why you were so interested in it when it first came out. I’ll learn to play with you two. Will there be anypony else?”

“Possibly Shining Armor and Cadence. Shining plays the newer version, Ogres and Oubliettes, so he should be interested in the original. Cadence might play if Shining does, which will give us a full part of five, four players and a DM.” Luna explained, making Celestia nod in understanding.

For Ash, it would be an interesting experience if they managed to put together a full party. Ash hadn’t played with any new players since he had been new himself, and he was sure Celestia didn’t know how to play, and he thought Cadence might not know unless Shining taught her.

In any case, the discussion had gone a hell of a lot easier than Ash had feared it would. The two Alicorns had taken the fact that he had lied incredibly easy, then accepted his apology with minimal difficulty. He owed them both a favor now, but that wasn’t too bad. It could have been a lot worse if they had been really mad about it.

“Just understand that I’m going to have to be taught how to play.” Celestia warned her sister. “I’ve never learned the rules like you have.”

“That’s fine.” Luna said, accompanied by a nod from Ash. “Cadence and Shining will probably have to learn, too. Shining knows the rules for the newer game, not the original, and Cadence will only know what Shining knows.”

Celestia nodded once more. After a short moment of silence, Celestia asked a question that had been on her mind. “Ash, what do you plan to do after lunch?”

“Cadence wanted to speak to me after lunch.” Ash told her. “I plan on wasting some time before she gets back, then head to her room and have that discussion.”

Celestia and Luna nodded in understanding, but Luna was the one to speak. “You can ‘waste some time’ with me. I wouldn’t mind talking more about your world- Earth, that is.”

“I wouldn’t mind either.” Ash admitted with a nod. Then he grew a little grin and continued. “Though, speaking to you is hardly a waste of time.”

Luna’s muzzle flushed lightly, a small tint of red coming through her fur as she smiled sheepishly at him. Celestia’s own smile grew wider at that, the sight of her sister blushing being one that was adorable to her. Luna gave an embarrassed little nod, making Celestia’s smile grow ever more honest and heartfelt. She loved the sight of her sister like this.

Celestia, hating to ruin the moment but ever-mindful of the time, cleared her throat lightly. “Why don’t you two go do that? I need to return to my paperwork before it reaches the ceiling.”

Ash just laughed. “It won’t do that.”

He stopped at the deadpan look both Alicorns gave him. After a moment, he continued. “Will it?”

“Two days.” Celestia confirmed with a solemn nod. “That’s all it takes.”

“We’ll leave you to it.” Luna said, giving her sister a familial nuzzle. Then she stood up and started walking toward the main door. “Let’s go, Ash. I’m most interested in the technology you mentioned. A thousand years, you say?”

Celestia smiled when Ash gave her a parting nod and smile, then stood to join Luna. “From what I’ve seen so far, mind you. I don’t know how much technology Equestria has that I just haven’t seen yet. I do know that you’re ahead in the magic field, considering Earth has none.”

The door swung shut behind them, leaving Celestia alone with her thoughts. Some of what Ash had told them had disturbed her, even if it wasn’t visibly noticeable. The fact that he had lied wasn’t all too worrying for her- panic can make even the most respectable of stallions do the strangest of things. Adding to the fact that he had clearly come to regret his lie, even to the point of telling them that he had lied outright, redeemed him in her eyes. He was still a good match for her sister if he was willing to admit his mistakes without beating around the bush.

No, what worried Celestia was the idea of this ‘god’ throwing innocent ponies into random worlds with random powers for a ‘game.’ If the deity was truly as powerful as Celestia feared, that being powerful enough to create an entire universe, then the alabaster Alicorn knew that the Elements of Harmony would be utterly useless. In fact, the only one who might be able to defeat such an entity was Discord, who was imprisoned in stone and an enemy of Equestria.

Celestia gave a light hum. Perhaps Discord could be redeemed? Luna was redeemed. Granted, it was by virtue of destroying the Nightmare, but she was redeemed nonetheless. The Elements of Harmony wouldn’t redeem Discord, considering the two were opposites, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t be turned into an ally by other means. But what weakness could Discord have that she could use against him? He loved chaos, and promising that he could still play pranks could possibly be enough to turn him in general, but it wouldn’t ensure his loyalty.

No, she needed something more permanent. What was something that the eternal Lord of Chaos didn’t have and would be enough to keep him on her side, possibly permanently? After several long moments, Celestia came up with a plan that just might work.

Friends. A friend was what Discord lacked, and if he came to be truly friends with a pony, he wouldn’t want to turn against Equestria and make his friend’s life difficult. It wouldn’t be easy, and it would take quite a bit of planning and a number of backup plans to appease her sister, but it could work. She just had to hope that she didn’t just reform Discord, but that Discord was powerful enough to stop whatever was playing around with lives like they were toys.

Celestia sighed. She couldn’t actually start planning yet. Her heat was hitting even harder this year. She didn’t know why, but she knew it would be a week before it would stop. A week of applying the same spell to her flanks every three hours, lest she repeat what had happened in the hallway earlier. That had impressed Celestia, though. No stallion, bull, or buck could resist the scent of an Alicorn in heat yet Ash did effortlessly. Whether he had divine self-control or just wasn’t effected, it didn’t matter. It was impressive nonetheless.

Celestia allowed herself to crack a smile. Celestia wasn’t sure if she would have kicked Ash off if he had submitted to her scent. She would have hated trying to explain to Luna why she stole Ash for a roll in the hay.

Celestia sighed once more. She hadn’t been lying to Luna and Ash, she really did need to return to her room and continue with her paperwork. She had ended up canceling court because of it. Nothing to be done about it, though. She had ruled alone for a thousand years. She could handle a week.

That didn’t mean she had to like it.

How to Court Your Alicorn

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Ash knocked on the door, his balled fist coming down on it thrice. Luna had already departed a few minutes ago, likely to return to her room. Ash wasn’t quite sure what she was doing, but he had his suspicions; namely, either preparing for the D&D adventure they would soon have or painting another picture. After his knocking, which had been loud yet still quieter than that of a pony’s hard hooves, the door quickly swung open. Cadence stood in the doorway, but before he could say anything, she turned around and walked further in with a gesture for him to follow.

Ash did so, stepping into the room and quietly closing the oak door behind him. He could see that Cadence had taken a seat on one of the couches, so he strode over and did the same, sitting across from her. There was a full pitcher of orange juice on the table with two empty glasses next to it, all set beside a small plate of cookies. From the presence of the refreshments, Cadence was expecting them to be there for quite some time. Considering the subject matter, Ash expected it as well. He fully expected it to take several hours to teach him everything he needed to know, and constant reminders to make it stick.

Is was that very acknowledgement that led Ash to speak almost as soon as he sat down. “Cadence, thank you for setting the time aside to help me with this.”

The mare gave him a warm smile. “I’m happy to help, Ash. I can teach you everything you need to know about Equestrian courtship better than any old book could. And unlike my aunts, I’m not particularly busy whenever I’m in Canterlot, so don’t worry about taking all of my time.”

That made Ash relax a little. He really didn’t want to be taking up her free time if she had little of it. “That’s a relief. Where do you want to start, though? I’ll be the first to admit, I know absolutely nothing about how dating works in Equestria.”

“Well, the first thing I should explain to you is the difference between ‘dating’ and ‘courting.’ If you are dating somepony-”

“You don’t need to beat around the bush or deal with hypotheticals. We know who this is for.” Ash interrupted, receiving a smirk in response.

“If you are dating Luna, you two are simply spending time with each other. During this period, you are just talking and learning about each other to decide whether you match or not. You have already started this stage, mostly with your time out in Canterlot city. Soon, you may begin going on ‘official’ dates where you will treat each other as possible love interests, not just friends.” Cadence explained to him. “At some point in this stage, you will make your relationship official and become her coltfriend just as she will become your fillyfriend, or ‘special somepony,’ as is more commonly used.”

“Now, after some time of dating, the length of which depends on each couple, the two of you will come to a decision. You will either decide that you aren’t a good match for each other and part ways- in a romantic sense, as you’ll still be friends- or you will decide to cement your relationship and stay with each other for the rest of your life.” Cadence told him.

My life. Ash noticed. Not our lives.

“At this point, you two are no longer dating. You are courting. This is when the mare proclaims their interest in the stallion as a permanent, suitable partner. I’ll explain more about courting as you and Luna get closer to that stage, but for now, I’ll stay vague to avoid burying you with information. Suffice to say, this is when most ponies choose to ‘deepen their relationship,’ if you get my meaning.” Cadence told him. Ash understood her meaning completely. “Of course, courtship eventually leads to marriage, which is a binding agreement betw-”

“I know of marriage.” Ash interrupted again. “My kind has it, too.”

Cadence looked pleased at that. “I noticed that the fact that Luna would ask you on a date surprised you. I’m going to assume that stallions are expected to lead in a relationship where you are from?”

“Yeah.” Ash said simply.

Cadence nodded in understanding. “It’s the other way around here. With there being roughly three mares to every stallion, our society has slowly shifted into being mare-led, which has permeated through every aspect of our country.”

The Alicorn smiled at his look of slight concern, already knowing exactly why it was there. “As you may have noticed, that ratio means that two thirds of all mares would be unhappy in a monogamous world. Instead, ‘herding’ is used. Herding is when a courting couple decide to add a third to their group. This only happens when the couples is fully courting, as starting a herd means they are comfortable enough with each other to add an unknown. The third always enters at the ‘dating’ level, which means that the couple will spend time with her as a friend and interest, not a life-long partner.”

“Is herding expected?” Ash asked in slight concern. “Cause I’m not too sure that I can deal with that.”

Cadence gave him a kind smile. “I understand. I’d have quite some difficulties accepting that Shining would never start a herd, so I know what you mean. Your position is reversed, with you having to suddenly accept a herd rather than just a stallion and a mare.”

“Fortunately for you, Luna prefers the old ways, from a thousand years ago. In those days, the ratio was roughly equal, so she may be reluctant to share you with anypony. The most important thing is to discuss this with her when you two start ‘officially’ dating, as some mares are dead set on a herd and it could be disastrous to bring it up after you begin courting.” Cadence said, calming his fears somewhat. The thing that really relaxed him was the knowledge that, if it ever became a problem, he would have a trusted mare at his side to help him with it. “Like with courting, I’ll explain more on herding once you get to that point.”

“Okay, so what type of behavior will I need to show on dates?” Ash asked, running a hand through his hair. That made him realize that he was also starting to grow a beard, which he needed to either shave or trim.

“Dates during the dating phase are mostly informal, so there’s only a few traditions you’ll have to follow. Other than the traditions, just be friendly, be polite, and be yourself around Luna. If the feelings you two feel for each other deepen into love, you need to love the real pony, not the polite mask.” Cadence told him, a soft smile coming to her muzzle.

“So what are some of the traditions I need to keep in mind?”

“The first official date is the most important date, as it is the date that decides if the mare is interested in any future ones. You don’t have to worry about doing anything specific during the date itself, but the specific actions you’ll need to take come into play at the end.” Cadence told him. “Once the date is over, Luna will walk you to your room, where you’ll both stand outside.”

“If you walk inside the room and shut it behind you without saying anything to Luna, you’ve told her that you didn’t enjoy it and won’t do another one. It shows that you either didn’t enjoy the date or you didn’t enjoy her, and the budding relationship is over.”

“Doubt I’m going to do that one.” Ash muttered lightly, though Cadence still heard him if her smile was anything to go by.

“If you walk into your room and leave your door wide open, you’re inviting her in to continue the date.” Cadence informed him. When he raised an eyebrow, she continued. “Nothing sexual will happen here- that’s not done until courting. It’s literally just to continue the date. This shows that you’re on the fence and still have to decide.”

“And how would I show her that I enjoyed the date and want to do more?” Ash asked. That was the one that he would most likely use, considering what he had seen of Luna so far.

“Before entering your room, you’ll lean forward and give her a kiss on the tip of her snout, not her lips but her nose. It’s a traditional way of telling the mare that you enjoyed yourself and are interested in more dates with her without showing yourself as overeager. The modern way of doing it is an outright kiss, but I know that Luna would prefer the old way out of familiarity.” Cadence explained, making him nod in understanding. “After that, you’ll enter your room and leave the door cracked open. This shows that you don’t need more time to decide, but wouldn’t mind continuing the date anyway. In this situation, you’re leaving it up to Luna. If you want to end the date there, but still show her that you want to go on more, you’ll close the door fully instead.”

Ash gave a small smile. “Pretty easy to understand. I just need to remember it, and that shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Now, during any date, I need to explain where you aren’t allowed to touch and when.” Cadence began.

Ash gave a light shrug. “Hands off. I understand.”

Cadence’s eyes widened and she rapidly shook her head. “Nononono! Ponies thrive on physical attention. If you don’t touch Luna at all throughout a date, she’ll think you aren’t interested in her.”

Ash winced. That right there would have been a fuck up if he hadn’t had Cadence teaching him. “Okay, right, sorry. Please continue.”

“For the first date, keep your hoov- hands to simple places; shoulders, withers, neck, head, or forelegs. The front half of the body. Keep your hands away from the horn, wings, and anything in the back half.” Cadence explained.

“By the third date, you two should be comfortable enough to regularly share kisses, cuddle with each other, and maybe sleep in the same bed together. Ponies are, by nature, social creatures, and we enjoy physical affection far more than verbal affection. A reassuring touch here and a gentle brush there will have more meaning than any amount of words. You still won’t be able to touch her wings, horn, or rump at this point, either.”

“Wings are sensitive?” Ash asked, receiving a nod. He chuckled lightly at that. “I never would have known, considering I’m hit with a wing every other day.”

“Wings aren’t that kind of sensitive, for the most part, hence being hit with my aunts’ wings.” Cadence said, a small grin on her muzzle. “But you shouldn’t try to rub or massage or preen her wings until the fifth date, at least. The horn is only sensitive when casting a spell, and it’s a more painful sensitive rather than pleasurable sensitive. However, a gentle rubdown can do the same as it would for the wings.”

“So they are pleasure points, but they’re really sensitive to pain as well?” Ash asked.

“Yes, just like most other pleasure points on a pony.” Cadence explained. “Now, like I said, you shouldn’t even try to touch Luna’s horn or wings until after the fifth date, and even then go slowly. Lightly touch right next to her wing or horn, and if she shakes your hand away, it means she’s not ready for that level of physical affection. If she lets your hand stay, that means she trusts you not to hurt her.”

“By the seventh date, you’ll most likely have access to her rump. Keep your hands and eyes away from what’s under her tail, but you’ll be fine otherwise. Traditionally, the seventh date ends with a stallion attempting to give a mare a full-body massage.” Cadence explained. “And if the mare likes it, she’ll return the favor.”

Then she gave him a look. “To clarify, these are all ‘official’ dates. The seventh date might be the fifteenth time you’ve gone somewhere with Luna, but only the seventh time that she formally asked you on a date.”

Ash nodded in understanding- he had already figured that out. Cadence gave a small, reminiscent smile as she continued. “Traditionally, a couple will switch from dating to courting on the tenth date, though some will do so earlier or much later. I can only assume that Luna will ask you to switch on the tenth date, as it is an old tradition.”

“Cadence, Luna had been back for a year and a half, right?” He received a nod from her. “Yet she still goes by the old traditions?”

“Familiarity.” Cadence explained. “Luna knows of the modern ways of doing things, but she prefers to do things how she did them a thousand years ago. It’s comforting for her. That’s why I’m telling you both the old traditions and the new ones.”

“Are there any actions I should keep in mind? Things that I should do pretty often?” Ash asked. It didn’t take long for Cadence to nod.

“Most certainly, Ash. First and foremost is frequent nose boops. I’m not too sure how that’ll translate into your relationship with her, considering you don’t have a snout, but that’s incredibly common in any relationship. Nuzzles are just as common. Two friends can nuzzle just as much as a couple can, but that’s something to remember. Hugs. Lots of hugs. They reaffirm your care for each other, so do plenty. Past the first official date, if it goes well, it’s a good idea to nibble on each other’s ears.”

“Yeah, not doing the last one.” Ash said suddenly, receiving a befuddled look from Cadence.

“What? Why? It’s important!”

“I have sharp teeth, which Luna apparently likes. Back during the Equilibrium incident, I pinched her ear and nibbled on her upper back. She really liked them both.” Ash didn’t mind telling Cadence, considering she was family to Luna and had Luna’s absolute best interest in mind.

Cadence made a sound that was somewhere between a laugh and a snort, a small smile coming to her muzzle as she did. “Really? You’re lucky Luna understands that you don’t know pony customs. A normal mare would have bucked you in your chest for either of those since you hadn’t gone on a date yet.”

Then she sighed. “Though, it’s not unheard of for some ponies to be attracted to the sharp teeth of a predator. Some ponies end up courting Diamond Dogs and even Dragons because of that. That’s a point in your favor, but don’t do either of those again until the fifth date. That’s generally when it’s accepted to tease and arouse each other.”

“Hence being allowed to touch her wings and her horn.” Ash said.

“Right.” Cadence said, nodding. “But keep it in mind; nose boops, nuzzles, and hugs from the first date onward. Cuddling from the third date onward. Nibbles from the fifth date onward. Hmm. Are there any specific actions among humans?”

“A few, but most of them wouldn’t work with a pony or you've already covered them.” Ash replied.

Cadence hummed in thought, thoughts running through her mind. She had gone over everything he would need to know for the upcoming dates, with promises to reveal more when he came to those situations. He knew what he was allowed to touch and when, he knew what kind of physical affection he needed to show Luna, he knew how to end the first date depending on his enjoyment of it, and he knew of courting and herding, neither of which would happen any time soon. The only thing she had left to teach him was the specifics of dating etiquette.

“Other than what I’ve told you, just do your best to be comfortable with Luna and vice versa. Make sure that you don’t overstep your bounds, but don’t be afraid to be a little physical with her. Don’t be afraid if Luna stays silent most of the time; some dates can happen without a single spoken word because physical contact means so much more to ponies.”

Then she stared directly into his eyes. “Most importantly, don’t be afraid to talk to her. Interspecies relationships always require the most work, though that doesn’t mean the love in one is lesser. You’ll have to adapt to each other, make compromises, and accept the differences between the two of you.”

Ash understood exactly what she meant. He had been considering it ever since Cadence first spoke to him.

“Now, are you ready to learn the specifics?” Cadence asked with a widening grin. “The miniscule movements that reveal what a mare’s feeling?”

Ash nodded. This was what he needed to know most.

“Good. An Alicorn is similar to a Pegasus, with nearly all body language conveyed through the ears, wings, and tail. The most important thing to watch out for is…”

Three Hours Later

“And keep in mind tail flicks.” Cadence reminded Ash, standing at the door with him. “There’s six feelings Luna could convey from the way her tail moves, so pay attention to that. Just don’t look at what’s under her tail.”

“I remember.” Ash said. “You’ve drilled that into me at least a dozen times in the last hour.”

“Because it’s important!” Cadence shouted, going into another explanation. “The light, gentle touches between you two will show that you’re attracted to each other’s bodies, but trying to get a glance at that will make her think you’re only interested in her for her body, and I can tell you right now that that’s not why you like her.”

“Of course.” Ash said with a firm nod.

“Remember ear position, too. What do splayed back ears mean?”

“Depending on the angle of her ears, tone of her voice, and position of her wings, they can convey anger, fear, embarrassment, or sadness.” Ash answered.

“Forget the voice.” Cadence reprimanded. “Remember what I said.”

“I need to learn to read Luna without using her voice or her eyes.” Ash recited.

“Right. Why?”

“Because it shows that I’ve put effort into learning her, which shows that I care enough to pay attention.”

“Good. You’ll check those books out of the Archives, right?”

“Yeah, I will. You’ve been incredibly detailed, but it won’t hurt to have a reference on hand in case you aren’t available for me to talk to.” Ash replied, receiving a satisfied nod.

“I think that’s everything we need to discuss for now.” Cadence said simply. “After you’ve had a few dates with Luna, and you think things will progress, come back and I’ll teach you all about courtship and herding.”

Ash gained a conflicted look at the mention of herding, but he didn’t say anything on it. He gave her another thankful nod, then turned to leave. Cadence was not about to let that happen. Magically, she grasped him and spun him back around to face her. Before he could shout in surprise, she reared up and brought him into an embrace, gently nuzzling his cheek as she whispered into his ear. “Make her happy, Ash.”

“I will.” Ash replied just as softly, patting the side of her head as his other arm returned her embrace. “Thank you for your help. It means a lot to me.”

“You’re very welcome.” Cadence said, then let go of him. She continued, her voice still soft and honest. “For what it’s worth, I hope you two work out and give each other decades of happiness.”

“I hope so, too.”

Then she nudged him with her nuzzle. “Now go, before Celestia finds me and asks me for help with her paperwork.”

The Alicorn laughed as Ash made a face and started walking down the hall with a parting sentence. “I really don’t envy you.”

With a small smile, Cadence watched as Ash left. She could see why Luna was interested in him. He was nice, honest, and had a good sense of humor. He was good at listening, too. Cadence wouldn’t lie, though; she much preferred her Shining. Turning, she walked back into her room, shut her door, and trotted over to her desk. Levitating a blank sheet of paper and an inkwell onto the desk, she dipped a quill into the container of ink and began writing

Dear Aunty Luna,

Ash wasn’t missing quite as much information as I feared. He’s mostly caught up when it comes to dating, so feel free to move your plans up on the matter. I’ll need to speak to him one or two more times but not anytime soon, and I’ll be popping in on him to make sure he remembers everything I told him. If you move your plans up to tomorrow or the day after, Ash will be caught off guard, which might play to your benefit. Won’t Ash just look absolutely adorable if he's flustered?

Your helpful niece, Cadence.

With a puff of teal magic, the letter vanished into a trail of smoke. The Alicorn of Love didn’t worry about it, knowing exactly where it was going. It was making its way through the air and into Luna's room to land on her desk, where she’ll read it. Cadence really was hoping that Luna would move up her plans and ask Ash out tomorrow or the day after, which was the reasoning behind the ending on her letter to Luna. It was a small push, but it wouldn’t be enough to make Luna retreat back into her shell. She was opening her heart again and Cadence would buck anypony who threatened that straight into Tartarus herself.

Cadence gave off a thoughtful hum. She knew that she was being particularly adamant about finding her aunt a partner, but could she really be blamed? Luna had lost her first love in a horrific way and entirely deserved another chance at happiness. She wasn’t completely sure that Ash was the one to give her that happiness, but she did know that Ash was the one to show her that it was okay to open her heart again. Even if Ash and Luna ended up separating, Luna would be more willing to give another stallion a chance and Ash would gain much-needed experience in Equestrian dating.

Did Cadence expect their relationship to fail? No.

Did Cadence believe that they would be great for each other? Yes.

Did Cadence know the future? Not even close.

Placing another sheet of paper onto her desk, she quickly wrote out another letter, this time meant for a different pony.

Dear Aunty Celestia,

Ash has learned all that he needs to know on the topic of dating. I’m going to teach him courting and herding at a later date to avoid overwhelming him, but he understands dating etiquette, pony mannerisms, and now knows what to expect. I’ve sent a letter to Luna advising her to speed up her plans if she so wishes, so they may be going on a date sometime within the next few days. If that does happen, I’m going to step back for a bit and let them develop at their own pace- I can’t force them along, and trying to do so will only bring harm to their relationship.

Your niece, scheming in the name of Love, Cadence.

With a quick burst of magic, the letter was gone, appearing moments later on Celestia’s desk. Cadence let out a little yawn. She had been talking a lot with Ash and it must have tired her out. That was fine. She just needed to find Shining for a short nap. He was the Captain, if he couldn’t abuse that position to spend time with his fillyfriend, he needed a new job.

Not that she would ever actually say that, of course. Shining looked great in armor.

Humming to herself, Cadence trotted out of her room and began making her way toward the barracks. The Alicorn doubted he would be there, but there was always the chance.

Princess Luna’s Private Quarters

Luna set the letter down, a wide smile slowly coming to her paint-stained muzzle. She was incredibly excited at what Cadence had told her. Ash now knew enough to go on a date without saying or doing the wrong thing and ruining it all, and Luna wouldn’t say or do the wrong thing, either. Not only that, but Cadence recommended that Luna bring her plans forward. She hadn’t yet decided where she’ll take Ash, but she knew it would be in one of Canterlot’s lower districts.

The question was twofold; when should she ask Ash out, and where should she take him? There were a number of little restaurants, parks, and other places they could go, but Luna had to consider the looks she and Ash would get. Anywhere in the noble districts wouldn’t work, as more than a few ponies would complain about her dating a ‘commoner’ and ‘non-pony.’ She wasn’t going to deal with that.

But.... she didn’t actually know where he would want to go. She knew that he loved science, and the stars, and literature, and-

A thought struck Luna. She had the perfect idea! With a pop, a small notebook appeared on her desk, with a quill and inkwell next to it. Flipping it open with her magic, she quickly started writing on the page as she planned the day out. She didn't have any reason not to plan it all right now- of course Ash would say ‘yes.’

With an eager smile on her stained muzzle, she let out a soft giggle to herself. She was going to enjoy herself and she was going to make sure that Ash did too. It shouldn’t be all too hard to do so- they already enjoyed spending time with each other. It wasn’t a big deal to start spending time together in public, right?

Maker, Luna hoped not. Worst case scenario, Luna and Ash weren’t a romantic match for each other. If that happened, Luna hoped that they would be able to remain friends. Thinking about it, she was sure Ash would want to stay friends with her, no matter how the date would go. The date would only determine whether they’d be more than friends.

Luna allowed herself to hope. She hadn’t trusted herself to love anypony other than Starswirl. It was about time to fix that. Ash would fix that.

Princess Celestia’s Private Quarters

Cadence had done quite well with her time. She had managed to show Luna that opening her heart again was not a bad choice. From the way things were looking, Ash and Luna were going to be going on their first official date soon.

Celestia frowned lightly, placing the letter down. She really hoped that Ash wouldn’t close the door on Luna, both figuratively as well as literally. If he did, she wasn’t sure that things would be the same between the two ever again. Luna would likely feel upset at not having planned a good date. She would probabl-

The ancient alabaster Alicorn pushed those thoughts aside. There was no use in imagining scenarios where things would go wrong. Celestia just had to trust in Ash and Luna to know whether they were good for each other. In truth, she was sure they were. They were constantly around each other, often spending the entire time laughing or learning. They already enjoyed spending time with each other; there would be no real difference if they just made it more official. They would still laugh and learn, just with added kisses.

Celestia only had one concern about their relationship. Well, that wasn’t true. She had several. She just had one upcoming concern about their relationship. When Luna’s week off ended, she likely wouldn’t be able to spend much time with Ash like she was now. Celestia really hoped that wouldn’t put Ash off when it came to dating Luna. Logically, she knew it wouldn’t; Ash was more than willing to be friends with Celestia and they hadn’t had all that much time to talk to each other like he and Luna had. Emotionally, she feared that he wouldn’t be willing to deal with the life of a royal.

Celestia shifted on her cushion slightly. There was even a chance that Ash would become a Prince one day. If he learned that, would he be willing to become one to stay with Luna, or would he end the relationship to avoid the responsibility? Or would he just refrain from marrying her to avoid it?

Whatever the case was, Celestia needed to work on her doubts. That was a problem she had found she had lately, though it was no fault of her own. She was so worried about her younger sister being happy that it was affecting her. Once the first date ended, Luna would come charging to Celestia to tell her how it went. If it went well, Celestia knew that her fears would fade away.

No, her fears shouldn’t be on whether Luna and Ash would work out. Her fears should be on whether Discord could be reformed or not. Failsafes, backup plans, and several security measures all had to be put into place before she could even consider freeing him. The Element Bearers needed to have their artifacts on them at all times, both to protect them from Discord’s manipulation and to turn him back to stone should he refuse to change.

If Ash was right, Discord may be needed in the future.

Brewing Romance

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Ash awoke with a start, jerking out of his dreams and into the waking world with a shout. In his panic, he jumped to the side as if to avoid something only to find he was on the edge of the bed, the curtains of the canopy bed doing nothing to halt him, and fall to the floor below. The inch of carpeting that covered the marble failed to soften his fall, a thud followed by a groan of pain and a curse being the verbal proof of that fact.

The door to his room burst open quickly, the sharp clop of armored hooves silencing instantly as the guard who had been stationed at his door stepped onto the carpet. Whoever it was quickly came over as Ash brought a hand to his head, another groan making its way out. Before the guard could say anything, Ash opened his eyes and sat up. The guard, who he now knew to be Star, stood next to him. “Use me for support to stand up, sir.”

Ash did so, placing a hand on the center of her back. Using her as an anchor, he rose to his feet unsteadily. Once standing, a hand went over his shoulder to lightly touch at his back, where he had hit the ground. His hand felt around the bare skin, one part sparking into pain when he touched it. He grunted again. “Fuck, that smarts.”

“Fell out of bed, sir?” Star asked, though unnecessarily. She knew the answer to that.

“Yeah.” Ash said, bringing Healing to his hand as he channeled the spell, curing him of any aches and bruises he gained. A mere second after the spell began, it ended, showing him that he the worst that he received from the fall was pain.

“You had a nightmare, sir?” Star asked then. She had heard his shout, which was why she came into the room and glanced over it for anything out of place.

“Yeah. I don’t remember it, though.” Ash said, standing straighter once the pain faded from his spell.

She then gave him a critical look. “It seems a bit wasteful to spend your energy to heal a bruise you might not have even gained, sir.”

Ash just gave a light shrug. “My Magicka restores much faster than a Unicorn’s magic. By the time I’m fully dressed, I’ll be back to full reserves. Do you know what time it is?”

“Four thirty, sir. Princess Celestia won’t raise the sun for an hour and breakfast won’t be until half an hour after that.” Star informed him.

Ash gained an annoyed look. “I’m not going to be able to sleep for the rest of the night anyway, so I might as well do something. Is there a balcony or something where I could get a good view?”

“I assume you mean of one over Canterlot and the surrounding lands?” Star asked. When Ash nodded, she continued. “Yes sir. I can lead you to one if you would like.”

“Let me get dressed first.” Ash said, receiving a nod in reply.

“I’ll wait outside for you.” Star said before turning and walking out of the room. He strode over to his wardrobe and took out a shirt. It seemed, at some point, that the maids had come in and taken his clothing because he pulled out the dark blue shirt. Quickly slipping it on, he walked back over to his bed and sat down, putting on his socks and shoes. Putting his phone in his pocket, he walked over to the still-open door and exited, closing it behind him.

“If you’ll follow me, sir.” Star said, then led the way. Ash followed along, keeping pace with her easy enough. As they walked, Ash attempted to start a conversation while memorizing the route.

“You don’t seem very tired.” Ash said.

“Neither do you.” Star pointed out in reply.

“I was woken up by a nightmare. You’ve been awake for hours.”

Star shook her head. “I was assigned to you an hour ago. I’ve been awake since three or so. I’ve been assigned to you for the day before I’ll return to the barracks to sleep.”

“I bet you’ll be looking forward to that by then.” Ash said. To his surprise, she gave him a light grin.

“You know it, sir.”

“So how have you been lately, Star? I haven’t seen you since that first day.” Ash said after a moment of silence. The Earth pony gave him a surprised look, as if she hadn’t been expecting him to ask, before she answered.

“I’ve had a good week since that day.” The private told him honestly. “My superiors seem convinced that I can handle VIP guard duty, hence me being assigned to you again. However, I’ve been hearing quite a few stories about you circulating among the Guard and staff.”


“Is it true that you and Princess Luna are dating?” Star asked quietly, even going so far as to glance up and down the hall beforehand.

Ash opened his mouth to deny it, as it wasn’t true just yet, before he remembered something Cadence told him. She had told him that he was already dating Luna, just not ‘officially,’ so it was true. Instead of denying it, he said something else. “Can I trust you to keep a secret, Star?”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” The guard said, going through the motions. She was, fortunately, smart enough to close her eye and tap it gently, unlike quite a few others.

“I’m going to assume that was a promise.” Ash said, though he knew exactly what it was. “Yes, we are dating, Star. Just not officially.”

“So you’ve been spending time together outside of magic lessons?” Star asked to clarify. She didn’t know that Cadence had already taught him a good number of Equestrian customs. “But haven’t gone out on a real date yet?”

“That’s right.” Ash confirmed.

Star gave him a small grin. “Hopefully, she’ll ask you out sometime soon. But, uh, won’t you need to learn our customs?”

“I have a teacher.” Ash said. “Princess Cadence, and we had a pretty detailed lesson yesterday. I have no doubt that I didn’t learn everything, but I learned enough to drastically lower the chances of making a big blunder.”

“Lower the chances or make it impossible?” Star asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Lower the chances.” Ash said with a grin. “I’d very much like it to be impossible, but I know that’s unlikely. If I do make a blunder, I just hope that it isn’t too bad and that Luna forgives me.”

“I’m sure she will.” Star said, sounding convinced. “I do have a question for you, though.”


“What should a stallion always bring on a first date?” Star asked, a teasing grin on her muzzle.

“A dozen flowers that match his date’s coat.” Ash answered readily.

“Right.” Star said. “I guess you do know some things.”

“Of course. Do you really think Princess Cadence, the Princess of Love, would be anything less than thorough?” Ash asked with a hint of amusement.

“I guess not.” Star said with a laugh. “Do you know everything or just some?”

“Just what I’m likely to use in the immediate future.” Ash told her. “The customs of both courting and herding is something she’ll teach me in the future, and I’ve been recommended several books to read to learn even more tiny details.”

“Is it hard to learn all this?” Star asked curiously. The pair took a right and started walking up a flight of stairs that spiraled around a center pillar. That alone told Ash that they were climbing a tower. “By ‘this,’ I mean our customs.”

Ash let out a little hum. “I think the hardest part is learning to read body language. That’s not quite as important to humans as it is to ponies. Some of it is easy, like the emotions that ponies show with their tails and ears, but some of it is also hard, like the emotions conveyed through your stance.”

Star gave a light nod. “I suppose I can understand that. Humans rely on voice?”

“For the most part.” Ash comfirmed. “Though far from solely. Body language does play a part with humans, just as it does for all species, but ponies take it to another level.”

They reached the top of the staircase to see another solid oak door standing on the landing. Star walked up to it and pushed it open, revealing it to be unlocked. Ash stepped in behind her and glanced around, seeing that the room was entirely empty and undecorated- there was no bed, no desks, no equipment, no carpet, nothing. Just a solid white square with another door on the other side of the room. “What is this place?”

“Empty room.” Star answered. “I think it used to be an observatory three hundred years ago before the current one was built. This was used back when pony-sized telescopes were cutting edge, not the building-sized one in the Royal Observatory.”

Star then stopped in the middle of the room and turned toward him. Raising her left forehoof off the ground slightly, she perked her ears and looked slightly to the side, staring at a wall. Her tail, which had been swaying as she walked, froze in place as she held her position. “What’s this?”

“You’re startled.” Ash replied. “That one was easy. We have equines on my world, but they were nothing more than animals. That position is one some would show a lot if they heard something walking through the woods.”

“So, you have trouble with stances that show complex emotions?” Star asked to clarify.

“Right.” Ash said.

Star changed her stance. She brought her forehoof down, and started rubbing her right leg with it. She averted her gaze down slightly, at just enough of an angle that he could barely see her eyes. Her ears folded flat against her head and her tail started to flick side to side.

“Embarrassed or shy.” Ash said.

“Similar enough.” She replied, giving him a quick smile as she returned to a normal stance. “Here’s one I think you’ll find hard.”

She shifted around one more time, spreading her forehooves as her knees bent slightly, giving him the impression that she was crouching. Her ears were standing straight up, constantly turning as she seemed to search for a sound. Her tail began to flick back and forth rhythmically, the movement aggressive and jerking rather than slow and smooth.

After a moment of looking at her, Ash spoke. “Angry? You look like you’re about to pounce.”

She stood up straight, shaking her head. “Protective. You’ll definitely see it if you ever seen a mare guarding her foal. It’s also more obvious if there’s a small colt or filly under the mare.”

Ash sighed. “Yeah, some of them I have trouble with. Cadence made sure to demonstrate the family-friendly emotions, but I got a few of them mixed up.”

“You’ll have an easier time reading Princess Luna.” Star reassured him. “I’m an Earth pony and we’re pretty hard to read. Unicorns will angle their horn depending on how they feel and Pegasi have those large, feathered wings that can show what they’re feeling. Alicorns have both, so you should have a bit less trouble with knowing what she’s feeling.”

Then she gestured with her head toward the door that was behind her. “Come on, you still haven’t gotten your morning view.”

Ash followed her to the door, which she pushed open to reveal that, rather than another room, there was a large balcony. It made sense considering the old observatory would need a balcony to place their telescopes on, but it still surprised him somewhat- all other balcony doors he had seen were made of glass rather than wood. Ash walked up to the railing to see that they were on a rather short tower, though it was a tower nonetheless. He could easily see over the castle proper and the castle walls. Far above the world, though nearing the horizon, sat the full moon. Bright light lit the world below, illuminating the land to a degree far greater than any on Earth. Ash could see Canterlot stretched out below him, with the edge of the city dropping away to reveal the countryside. From his position, he could see that the edge of the city had a raised wall to prevent ponies from falling off the edge, though Ash couldn’t tell how tall the wall was from here.

The white marble of Canterlot transitioned into the green plains at the base of the mountain, which rolled off into the distance farther than his eyes could see. To his far left, he could see the darkened patch that was the Everfree Forest, though the individual trees blended together at this distance. A lonely mountain rose some distance into the forest. Before the Everfree, though, was Ponyville. The quaint town that he had only been in for three hours or so was only slightly larger than both of his hands at this distance, though he could still make out some detail. The colorful patch of civilization stood out from the uniform green that made up most of the plains, with Sweet Apple Acres standing out just as much. From this distance, the apple orchard looked like a thin forest.

To his far right, he could see central Equestria, which consisted mostly of plains that rolled off into the distance. Here or there, a small settlement had been built. There was a larger city that he could see, though he didn’t know what city it was. It wasn’t quite as colorful as Ponyville was, but it wasn’t all grey and glass like some cities on Earth. Far in front of him and a little to the right, Ash could see Cloudsdale. The great cloud city was almost stood out from the blue and green horizon, though he couldn’t make out individual buildings.

At his height, he could feel a chilly wind flow through the air, making him shiver ever so slightly. He could hear the soft clop of hooves as Star walked back into the old observatory, followed by a hushed exchange. He couldn’t make out what was being said or even identify the voice of the newcomer; he just knew that Star was speaking to someone.

More clacks sounded out as the newcomer approached him, though he had a good guess as to who it was. Very few ponies would awaken before sunrise except those who brought the dawn, so Ash assumed it was either Celestia or Luna. The pony stopped at the doorway, then continued on to come up next to him. As he expected, the familiar dark blue coat of Princess Luna came into sight in the corner of his eye. Ash turned his head slightly and smiled. “Good morning, Luna.”

The Alicorn let loose a long yawn, her jaw popping twice as she did. At the end, she rapidly shook her head as if to try to physically dislodge the last vestige of sleep. “Good morning, Ash. What has you awake so early in the morning?”

“A nightmare.” Ash told her. “I knew I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep so I asked Star to lead me somewhere I could appreciate the view.”

“A nightmare, you say?” Luna asked, giving him a concerned look. “I’m sorry for not ending it.”

Ash just gave her a small grin. “There’s a lot of ponies in Equestria, Luna, and only so much time in a night. I don’t think you have time to focus on the little, one-time nightmares. Your hooves are probably full dealing with the recurring ones alone.”

Luna nodded reluctantly. “Still.”

Ash didn’t challenge her on that. “In any case, what brings you here?”

“One of my guards alerted me to you and Star walking through the halls well before the usual time most ponies awaken, so I decided to come talk to you.” Luna answered. “I’ll be leaving to join my sister soon to lower the moon while she raises the sun.”

The man nodded his understanding. The silence that descended over them wasn’t awkward but charged, like something was building up. Ash could feel it easily enough, sparing Luna another glance. She had a conflicted look in her eyes as she stared at Ponyville. “Something on your mind?”

A light dusting of pink came to her muzzle. “Perhaps.”

“Feel free to share if you want.” Ash offered. “I won’t judge.”

“Really?” Luna asked.

Ash grinned. “Mostly. If it’s not sensitive, I’ll probably use it as ammunition to tease you more.”

Luna pawed at the ground shyly, though the joke did seem to help her. “I just wanted to ask you a question, though I’m not too sure how you’ll answer.”

“I’m not too sure either, considering I don’t know the question.” Ash said, though he had a small inkling of what it was. “I can promise you, though, that I’ll give you an honest answer.”

Her blush deepened slightly, transitioning from light pink to light red. “Perhaps you would… would like... to…”

The mare was clearly struggling to say it aloud, so Ash offered his assistance. “Go out?”

“Yes!” Luna exclaimed, happy that he said what she could not. “Would you like to… go out with me?”

He gave her another smile, this one more honest than his teasing grin. “I’d be delighted to, Luna.”

She gave him a bright smile, her ears perking and eyes shining. “Two days time? Just after moonrise?”

Ash nodded with his smile still firmly on his face. “I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Luna quickly leaned forward, giving him a quick nuzzle to the underside of his jaw. “Thank you for the chance, Ash!”

He chuckled lightly, his hand coming up to rub between her ears once more. She pressed the top of her head against his palm, clearly enjoying the treatment. His hand tingled slightly, no doubt from the magic that made her mane as it was, as his fingers dug in and rubbed her fur lightly. “I don’t think I’ll regret it.”

“My sister and I need to move our respective charges. Will we meet you at breakfast?” Luna asked, her smile still firmly planted on her muzzle with a light tint of red showing through her fur.

“What, I can’t watch?” Ash asked, only partly joking. To his surprise, Luna gained a slightly uncomfortable look on her face and glanced away with a frown. Ash, seeing this, rubbed a little harder and she turned back to him. “Don’t worry about it, okay? If you aren’t comfortable with showing me that, that’s fine.”

She rubbed her left hoof against her right foreleg. “It’s just something that’s very private. When we connect to our charges, it bares our souls to any who witness it. Maybe one day, Ash.”

“But not today.” Ash agreed with a soft smile, patting her lightly. She gave him a thankful smile and another quick nuzzle before stepping back, taking flight with a powerful flap of her wings as she left to join her sister. Ash watched her fly away for a moment, then turned around and walked back into the building. He looked around but the room was empty, so he continued on. Once he walked through the door to the staircase, he saw that Star was waiting on the landing for him. She straightened her stance as he closed the door behind him.

“Would you like me to escort you to the dining room?” The private asked.

“I would.” Ash told her. “I didn’t quite memorize the path we took here since I was focused on talking with you.”

The two started descending, the mare leading ahead of him. After a moment of silence, Star spoke. “If it’s not too bold, sir, may I inquire as to what you and Princess Luna spoke about?”

“Just a little talk about the nightmare I had. She apologized for not catching and ending it before I woke up and I told her not to worry about it since she’s busy with helping ponies with their recurring nightmares.” Ash told her, receiving a nod.

“I think there’s more to it than that, sir.” Star said simply. “But I won't pry. It's clearly private."

“Thank you.” Ash replied, receiving a slight smile and giving one in return.

It only took a few minutes to get the pair to the dining hall. The familiar doors greeted him with two members of the Royal Guard standing post on each side. When they approached, Star spoke. “I’m going to be waiting out here for you to finish, as I’m your escort for the day.”

Ash nodded, figuring that would be the case. When she stopped and took a position near one of the walls of the hallway, he continued on. The guards swung the doors open and he walked in. The room, as he expected, was entirely empty and would likely remain so for another half hour or so. He strode over to his usual seat and sat down on the bright cushion. Since the Princesses would not arrive for another half hour, he decided to take the chance to rest his eyes to regain a little of the rest he had missed out on by awakening early. Lying down, he rested his head on the next cushion, propped his leg up on his knee, closed his eyes, and let his mind wander.

Ash’s thoughts drifted from topic to topic for some time, following the familiar pattern of his erratic train of thought. He failed to notice the passing of time, nor did he notice the dining room doors open. He didn’t hear the sharp clopping of two sets of metal hoof shoes stepping on a marble floor. He did, however, notice the slightly cold nose that gently nudged his own. Ash’s eyes snapped open in surprise, reflex almost launching his knee into whatever touched him. Fortunately for him, he suppressed that reaction to see Luna smiling down at him, amusement flickering in her blue eyes. From the other side of the table, he could hear Celestia giggling lightly.

“Sleeping in the dining room now?” Luna asked, mirth clear in her voice. She seemed excited, though he could understand why. Ash was excited for their day out, too, though he would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous. “What has this world come to?”

“Utter chaos, Your Majesty. Anarchy most foul. The degradation of manners and lack of order of any kind.” Ash replied, a grin coming to his face as he spoke.

“Perhaps such an anarchist should be punished.” Celestia suggested, her own entertainment in the matter clear to the world. Luna’s grin seemed to grow even wider.

“Perhaps the orderless pony should be made to go on a date with one Princess of the Night?” Luna asked rhetorically. He could hear Celestia’s badly-suppressed giggles cease in shock, making Ash realize that Luna had not yet told her sister.

“This lowly chaos-causer believes that such a ‘punishment’ is anything but, and that it is an ineffective tactic to threaten ponies with a most enjoyable time.” Ash replied, causing the mare above him to flush slightly.

“What if the Princess of the Night were to insist that the defier of the government be punished as so?” Luna questioned.

“Then this insignificant commoner will happily agree to such a pleasing evening and eagerly await his ‘punishment’ for mutiny most foul.” Ash said. That seemed to be the tipping point as Luna quickly leaned down and nuzzled his cheek.

“You are far from insignificant, Ash.” Luna said firmly, though her smile was still present- she had clearly enjoyed the exchange.

Ash reached up and placed a hand on the side of her muzzle, gently running his thumb over it. “This commoner knows that he is not insignificant yet still fails to comprehend the beauty that stands above him and shows such kindness and care.”

That got a blush to explode onto her face, the physical representation of her embarrassment so powerful that it seemed to actually change the color of her fur, turning from dark blue to deep purple. She let a soft yet pleased giggle escape the confines of her muzzle, redoubling her efforts to nuzzle him into submission.

The moment was ruined, in a most amusing way, by an bewildered shout from his left. “Wait, what just happened?

The two broke down into laughter as Celestia leaped over the table. She landed and stumbled, not that she noticed, and her gaze shifted between the two laughing friends with a thoroughly confused look. “Seriously, I’m so confused! It sounded like she was asking you out!”

Ash forced himself to reign his laughter in, though it did not calm willingly, before replying. “Well, she did. Half an hour ago.”

Her ears perked, standing straight up and swiveling to face him as her magenta eyes widened. “Well?”

“‘Well’ what?” Ash asked in feigned confusion. Luna was forced to hide her smile, realizing his ploy.

“What did you say?” Celestia said quickly, seeming like she was about to start trotting in place.

He allowed her to stew for a moment, watching as she seemed ready to pounce at him, before answering. “I mean, it’s obvious. Of course I said ‘yes.’ Who wouldn’t?”

Perhaps, if he was trying to avoid being jumped on, he should not have told her that. The knowledge that he had agreed to go out with her sister actually caused her to pounce. A single, powerful contraction of her muscles threw her forward into Luna, and sent them both tumbling. Likely the intention, the two Alicorns collapsed onto Ash, who grunted and laughed when two Alicorns landed on him in a tangle of limbs. Luna hadn’t expected the sudden assault and was clearly stunned, trying to recover. Celestia would not allow her the opportunity.

The Diarch of the Day wiggled around, doing her best to situate herself in the optimal position to bring them both into a winghug. This was, of course, difficult to do as Luna was unresponsive to Celestia’s nudging and Ash was still lying on the floor, the not-so-oppressive weight of two ponies on top of him. After a moment, Celestia gave up and settled for resting her wings on top of them, her smile as bright as the sun she controlled. “Ash, Luna, this is wonderful news!”

The cheer in her voice was infectious, widening the smile that was already on his own face. Reached up, he gently booped his finger on Luna’s nose, making her blink into awareness. “It most certainly is, Celestia. I’m very happy that you aren’t upset with this development.”

“I’m pretty sure you already knew I wouldn’t be upset.” Celestia said, unable to resist showing her sister her affection. The sight of the Alicorn of the Day attempting to brutally nuzzle the Alicorn of the Night into submission was one that Ash would not soon forget.

The attack brought Luna back to her senses, giving Celestia a large smile and returning the nuzzle with just as much enthusiasm, soft giggling filling the air as she did so. It seemed that the two Alicorns were having a nuzzle-war, an incredibly adorable sight. That alone made Ash not bother with trying to get the two Alicorns off of him- doing so would only serve to ruin the moment.

The two calmed after a moment, pulling back and separating from one another. Celestia gave her sister a smile that was brimming with joy before she spoke. “Do you have the date planned out, Luna?”

The night mare gave Ash a glance, making Celestia’s eyes widen in understanding. Ash expected the two Alicorns to drop the topic only to be surprised when Celestia’s horn lit up with a golden aura. A pop and flash later, Ash found himself outside the dining room. The two guards standing at the door stared at him in confusion, with Star walking up beside him and looking up at him in curiosity. “Sir?”

The doors to the dining room were quickly enveloped in a golden light, the energy seeming to wrap around the gateways and solidify, making a solid wall of magic block entrance into the room. Ash assumed that it was not only a shield spell but a sound-proof one as well, making it clear in his mind that the two Alicorns were discussing him and did not want him present.

Almost as an afterthought, a small cart appeared in flash of light, several plates of pancakes, eggs, hay bacon, and real bacon loaded on top. The three guards continued to give him shocked looks, making him chuckle.

“Sir, what’s going on?” Star asked again, her voice shifting from curious to concerned.

Ash smiled. “Mare talk.”

That got the two guards at the door to chuckle and nod, understanding his point. Star, understandably, was not satisfied with that answer. “What do you mean?”

“Celestia was more than a little excited to find out that I was going on a date with her sister in two days.” Ash said with a smile. He figured that he had no reason to hide the information since it would be common knowledge soon enough. “Of course, she wanted to talk to her sister about everything.

Turning to the cart- and ignoring the shocked, and awed, looks of the three guards- he realized that there was just far too much for him to eat alone. “Hey, are you three hungry? There’s way too much on here for just me. No reason to let good food go to waste, right? I’m sure you’re hungry and I’ll take the blame if you get in trouble.”

With a shared nervous glance, and two rumbles of hunger, the two guards at the door walked over and took a seat near the cart, with Star and Ash joining them. The cart was big enough and low enough to serve as a table in and of itself, though it didn't surprise anyone.

“I wonder how long they’ll be in there.” Ash mused quietly, taking a bite of bacon soon after.


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“What now, sir?” Private Star asked Ash, awaiting her orders. The human and the three guards had just finished breakfast and the doors to the dining room were still magically sealed, so he assumed that the Alicorns inside were still talking. Now that breakfast was over, he figured he would return to his usual schedule.

“We’ll head to the infirmary and I'll heal anyone who was injured during training yesterday.” Ash explained his plans. “Then we’ll head to the running track and meet Celestia there.”

“Yes sir.” Star said. When Ash rose to his feet and started making his way toward the infirmary, Star fell into step beside and a little behind him. The pair made their way toward the infirmary, though both of them were wondering about what had happened in the dining room. Private Star was curious as to why Ash was suddenly teleported out, then forced to eat in the hallway. She had first assumed that he had done or said something that upset the Princesses, but his amusement at the situation make her dismiss that theory. His amusement made it seem like he had played a joke on them instead. Star eventually dismissed these thoughts, deciding that worrying about it was way above her paygrade. She was assigned to guard Ash, not to question the Princesses' actions.

Ash, on the other hand, knew exactly why he had been kicked out of the dining room. The two Alicorns were talking about him. What Ash wanted to know was what they were saying. Ash doubted that they were saying anything bad, considering Luna had just asked him out on a date and Celestia seemed happy about that, but he was still curious. He figured that they were discussing Luna’s plans for the outing, so Ash just decided to see where the night went. He had two days to prepare, so he had plenty of time to get ready. In any case, he had a few things to do for now.

Ash led the way toward the infirmary, remembering the path well enough to head there on his own. It only took him about five minutes to make his way from the Public Quarter to the Defense Quarter where the Guard infirmary was, though neither noticed the time that passed. Before long, the pair arrived at a door that was wider but not taller than most other doors in the castle. Ash wasn’t quite sure why the door was as wide as it was, but he guessed it was to allow a large number of ponies to be brought in at the same time in case of an emergency. The door, unlike most of the blank oak ones in the castle, was painted white with a large red medical cross on it, a symbol that transcends any one universe.

Pushing open the door, he was surprised to see a white Pegasus standing in the center of the lobby, which was otherwise empty. The stallion’s mane was a deep red, contrasting with his coat, and Ash could see that his mark was a needle, the kind used in stitching wounds closed. Hearing Ash enter, he looked up and strode over. “You must be Ash, the healer who came in yesterday.”

“That’s me, if being a bipedal being in a land of ponies didn't give it away.” Ash replied with a small grin.

“I’m Doctor Steady Stitch and it’s my job to treat the guards who are injured during training. I have to admit, I was surprised when one of the nurses told me that a healer had taken an interest in the military infirmary. May I inquire why?” The doctor said, holding out his hoof as he spoke.

Ash grasped it and shook it lightly. “Well, I’m a certified combat healer but I’m rather new to it. My spell is capable of healing nearly any wound, provided I have the Magicka reserves to channel the spell for long enough. The problem is, I don’t have all that much in the way of reserves. This is giving me the chance to increase the amount of Magicka I have while also healing the injured.”

“So it’s all about making yourself stronger?” Steady asked, his voice getting a bit rougher.

“No.” Ash said, shaking his head. “It’s about mastering the healing school of Restoration so I can learn better spells and become an even better healer.”

“But why not work at the Canterlot hospital? There’s plenty of ponies you could heal there, far more than there are here. I dare say that the hospital would benefit from your presence more than we will due to the nature and quantity of the sick and injured there. On a bad day, we have five ponies with minor or moderate injuries.” The stallion told him, gaining a curious look. The somewhat hard edge to his voice was gone now that he understood Ash’s reasoning a bit more.

“Honestly?” Ash asked rhetorically, bringing his hand up to rub at the back of his head. “I live in the castle at the moment so it’s easier for me to make my way here than the hospital. I’m also a bit of an oddity so I would attract a lot of attention by making my way to the hospital every day, something I’m trying to avoid.”

The doctor looked at him for a moment, then nodded. “I suppose that reasoning is fair. If you follow me, I can take you to the three ponies who were injured after you visited yesterday.”

Ash gave a small nod and started following the doctor, Private Star staying a little behind him the entire way as was her job. The doctor led the way through the halls, following a path similar to the one the nurse had led him on last time. “What kind of injuries can I expect from them?”

"Well, there's a Pegasus with a rather substantial bruise on her side. She wants to continue training today but the bruise is rather severe and she might have bruised her ribs, too. I haven't cleared her to leave yet but I think she'll be happy to see a healer. There's also an Earth pony who needs to get a few stitches after an accident in the armory. Finally, there's another Earth pony who sprained his fetlock running laps earlier this morning." Doctor Stitch explained to the man, who paid close attention.

“Those should be rather easy to heal. I’ve already fixed worse during a fight against a small group of trolls near Ponyville.” Ash mentioned.

The doctor’s eyes widened slightly. “I’ve heard of that. Talk around the Guard is that a couple ponies who should have been in the infirmary for weeks were able to walk away because of the healer that accompanied them. That was you?”

Ash nodded, allowing a small smile to come across his face. “Yeah, that was me. I will admit that I’m rather proud of it. It was the first real test of my healing capabilities and while I didn’t help much in the fight itself, I think I did well in helping the guards there.”

“Any battle that ends without anypony going to the hospital is a good one.” The Pegasus commented, receiving a small hum of agreement from Ash. They took another right and the doctor gestured toward the first door with his wing. “In there is miss Thunder Cloud, the Pegasus with the bruised barrel.”

“Right. I’ll get started. Thanks for showing me the way, Doctor Stitch.” Ash said, stepping forward and pushing the door open. Ash walked in and looked around, seeing that it was pretty much identical to his own room when he had stayed within the castle infirmary. The walls, floor, and ceiling were made of marble, coloring the room a simple, if a bit bland, shade of white. Two room contained two beds, one of which was perfectly made and completely empty. The other bed was horribly unkempt, likely due to the restless Pegasus lying on the sheets.

Looking at the silver-colored pony, Ash was struck by an odd sense of familiarity. Her purple mane, contrasting with her coat, was splayed out in the most extreme case of bed head Ash had ever seen. It wasn’t very long but it was wild, spikes of hair pointed in every direction except downwards. When Ash closed the door behind him, her hoof that had been tapping against the railing on the bed froze as she turned, looking at him. When her golden eyes met his, he recognized her. Even as he remembered her, it seemed she remembered him as well.

Before Ash could speak to make sure he recognized her, she pumped on hoof. “Yes! You’re here! I won’t have to wait in this darn bed for four more days as the docs check me over.”

“You were with the guards that fought against the trolls near Ponyville, right?” Ash asked after she spoke, though her exclamation had pretty much confirmed it already.”

“Yeah, that’s me! Thunder Cloud is my name. I’m a part of the Guard, though I’m pretty extra sure you know that by now. You’re the new healer, right? Ashephy-whatever? I still don’t know if you’re actually a combat healer or just a healer that got conscripted to help.” Thunder said, speaking quickly. Seeing how excited she was, Ash assumed that she was energetic by nature, though nowhere to the extent that Pinkie was.

“Just call me Ash. It’s a lot easier for both of us. I am a combat healer, though I also visit the infirmary every morning to practice and increase how much magic I can use at a time. If you don’t mind, what happened to you?” Ash asked, walking over. The Pegasus, despite looking over her shoulder, hadn’t actually turned, and he saw why as he neared. Despite being covered in a silver coat of fur, he could see a large bruise covering most of her side. It was easily a foot long and half that wide and colored a purple so deep that it looked black, a few hints of yellow and white scattered in it. It was clearly a very bad bruise.

"There were six squads of guards training in a field near the base of the mountain. The Pegasi were practicing flying in formation, the Earth ponies were training with their weapons, and the Unicorns were testing out some new spell. While I was flying, I felt something hit me right below my left wing, where the bruise is. I guess it was a stray spell or something. Anyway, I wasn't flying too high and hit the ground pretty softly considering it could have been a lot worse. My teammates grabbed me and carried me up the mountain to the infirmary and I've been lying here since." Thunder explained, giving him a slightly sheepish smile.

The entire time she was speaking, Ash was looking over her wound as trying to judge just how bad it was since he needed to know what the injury was to heal it. Obviously, she had a bruise on her side. That would be easy enough to heal. What he was worried about was whether or not she had any internal damaging. Considering that she didn’t seem to be in much pain and wasn’t bandaged hooked up to any machines, he assumed she was mostly fine. Her ribs might have been bruised, but most likely not cracked or broken. Even then, that would be easy to heal. Coming to a decision, he reached his hand forward and gently set it on her wound, receiving a small wince, before he started to channel his magic. The familiar golden glow filled the air as the magic wove through the damaged tissue and fixed it. Moments later, his spell ended as the injuries were healed.

With his job done, he took a step back and gave her a soft smile. “Your bruise is healed now, but I do recommend you take it easy for a little while. My magic can only heal what I know is there and I don’t know if your ribs are hurt. If you start to feel any pain, either come to me, another healer, or the infirmary, okay?”

Feeling the pain in her side gone, Thunder gave a little wiggle before hopping out of the bed. She then started to stretch, a pleased groan sounding out as her fetlocks, back, and wings popped. “I’ll be sure to, doc. As much as I hate being cooped up in a hospital, it’s not worth risking permanent injury. If I feel anything wrong, I’ll come find you.”

“Not come back to the infirmary?” Ash asked with a small grin.

She returned it with one of her own. “Not if I don’t have to.”

Ash nodded and left the room. Once he opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, Doctor Stitch entered the room to check on Thunder once more before dismissing her. The healer gave Star a questioning look when she stepped in front of him, having waited outside for him to heal the Pegasus mare. She pointed at the door across the hall from them, then spoke. “Both Earth ponies are in there. Once again, I’ll wait for you out here.”

Ash nodded, walked across the hall, and pushed open the doors to the Earth ponies' room. The room was almost identical to the one Thunder had been in, a fact Ash wasn't surprised to notice. To his left was a brown and grey Earth pony who was lying on his side, a nurse standing over him. From what Ash could see, the nurse was preparing to stitch the wound on his side closed. Fortunately, the wound seemed rather shallow. The healer strode over and cleared his throat, causing the nurse to look up. “Oh, you must be the healer who came in yesterday! This poor stallion knocked a halberd over in the armory and was just a bit too slow to get out of the way in time. Can you heal him?”

Ash nodded. “Yeah, I just need to know what the injury is. A long and shallow laceration, right?”

“That’s right.” The nurse confirmed, placing down the threaded needle she was prepared to use to stitch the wound closed. From a quick glance, Ash could see that it was no normal thread considering it gave off a slight glow.

“I doubt it, but did it go deep enough to scratch his ribs?” Ash asked.

To his slight surprise, the Earth pony who he assumed to be sleeping and under anesthesia was fully awake, turning his head to speak. “No, it doesn’t feel like it. I can feel the cut, obviously it hurts, but it’s not strong enough to make me think it went that deep.”

“The pain you’re feeling isn’t always as accurate as some ponies think.” The nurse admonished lightly. “Though, you’re right in this case. It’s not deep enough to have hit anything other than skin and muscle.”

“All I needed to know.” Ash said, reaching out. Once more, he lightly set his hand on the Earth pony’s side, right above the cut. Quickly, he imagined the whine of golden ribbons of energy, the warmth of the spell in his hand, and the sight of the wound shifting closed. His imagination soon merged with reality, the wound closing in several seconds. Once the injury was healed, Ash felt the spell end and stepped back, lowering his hand. The nurse was smiling at him even as the Earth pony started to stretch around, freed from the pain in his side.

“I’ll check over him again to make sure everything’s fine before he’s released.” The nurse said to Ash. “Thank you for coming today, sir.”

He nodded to her, a small smile of his own on his face. “No problem, I’m happy to help.”

Turning around and walking across the room to the other Earth pony, he took note of the deep red coat and orange mane. He was lying on his back and apart from his left hind leg, which was elevated and covered in gauze, he looked fine. “Sprained fetlock?”

The guard grinned at him. “Tripped and fell during laps this morning. Not much I can do other than wait. Thanks to you, I won’t be stuck here as long as I thought I would be.”

Ash nodded and walked around the bed, then set his hand on the bandage. Channeling his magic once more, the swollen limb slowly shruck down to a normal size as the damage was repaired. Once more the spell ended itself, signifying to Ash that the injury was gone. From the other side of the room, the nurse spoke to him. “I’ll check him over too, sir. If you’ve already healed miss Cloud, there’s nopony else we have here right now that needs treatment.”

“I’ll be back tomorrow morning then.” Ash told the nurse, then left the room after giving a nod to both guards. Outside, Star was waiting for him once more. When he exited the room and closed the door behind him, she raised an eyebrow.

“Finished here, sir?” She asked.

“Aye, we’re finished here.” Ash said. “Let’s head to the running track to meet up with Celestia.”

“Yes sir.” Star said, falling in step behind him as Ash left the infirmary. He made his way through the building easily enough, considering it wasn’t very large, before exiting into the hallways of the Defense Quarter. Navigating his way through the underground section of the castle, he looked around again. If it weren’t for the fact that he knew this section of the castle was underground, he would assume he was still in the main castle. There was no exposed stone anywhere. The hallways were still large and made of marble and looked just like the rest of the castle.

Eventually, Ash came across a hallway that was built into a slight incline, which he knew led to the main castle. Ash started walking up the hallway with Star close behind him, eventually coming to a door that led to the Public Quarter. Emblazoned on the oak wood was the symbol of modern Equestria, that being the symbol of the royal sisters circling the globe. He opened the door and stepped through with Star closing the door behind him, the loud thud making him glance back for a second. The icon of the Defense Quarter, two crossed spears and a magical shield, adorned the door and symbolized that the hallway beyond led down into the mountain, underneath the Storage Quarter, and into the Guard section of the castle.

Turning to face forward again, he spotted Luna coming around the corner and heading towards him. When she caught sight of him, she froze with one hoof in the air. Her eyes widened in surprise, which was then replaced by nervousness. She kicked one hoof across the marble floor, then started to approach him slowly. Her ears were folded back and she wouldn’t meet his gaze, instead focusing on his chest so she could see where she was going. As she approached, Ash nudged Star and spoke. “Go let Celestia know that I might be a little late to the track.”

The guard nodded and walked forward, passing by Luna as she did. The midnight Alicorn continued to approach, stopping when she was just a couple feet in front of him. She still wasn’t meeting his gaze, so he figured something was up. Ash just wasn’t quite sure what was up.

“Are you mad at us, Ash?” Luna asked suddenly, her voice soft and nervous. As soon as her words registered in his mind, he realized what she was worried about.

Ash just gave a small chuckle, reaching out and resting a hand on her shoulder. “Nah, I’m not mad, Luna. I mean, sure, I would have preferred being asked to give you two a moment of privacy, but I’m not mad.”

“You aren’t?” Luna asked, her voice tinged with surprise. Her gaze drifted up slightly, her big blue eyes meeting his own. He could see the hope that shone in those teal lights.

The hand on her shoulder started to softly rub, making her relax slightly. She leaned into him with a sigh, her eyes drifting closed as she enjoyed the comforting gesture. “I really am not upset. I can understand getting caught up in something to the exclusion of all else.”

“Thank you.” Luna said softly, still leaning into him slightly. “I’ll try my best to not do something like that again.”

Ash gave a small nod, though he was aware Luna wouldn’t see it. He continued to just rub Luna’s shoulder for a few moments, something she was clearly enjoying, before she started to move. She stood fully up again and smiled at him. “With that settled, are you still joining my sister for her run?”

Ash nodded. “I am. That’s where I was heading when you came around the corner.”

Luna’s smile transitioned into a slightly worried look. “Celestia is worried too, though I don’t think she’s as concerned as I was. When you go to join her, can you put her fears to rest?”

“Of course! What kind of friend would I be to her if I just let her worry all day?” Ash asked with a small smile, receiving one in return.

“You have a fair point, Ash.” Luna said, nudging him with her shoulder. She started to walk down the hallway, making Ash realize that she was joining him. “On a normal day, I might have suggested that you milk the situation as much as you could as a bit of a prank against my sister, but she’s really concerned with how much we might have upset you by forcing you to eat in the hallway.”

“So it’d just be cruel to let her worry any longer at this point.” Ash agreed, understanding her point. All things considered, Ash wasn’t too surprised to find that Luna had a bit of a mischievous side, especially when it came to her sister, but that was just natural. He could imagine some of the tricks that the two must have played on each other over the years and wondered how many more things they had done that he couldn’t even imagine.

It didn’t take long for the pair to make their way to the smaller than average door that led into the area between the mountain and the castle that Celestia used as a running track. Luna opened the door with her magic and walked in first, ducking beneath the doorframe to avoid hitting her horn on the stone. Ash followed suit, ducking as well, before entering the room. As soon as he had straightened up, a weight impacted him from the side and knocked him to the ground, a feminine voice grunting as they both fell.

Ash’s eyes, having closed instinctually in the fall, opened up again and looked at his ‘attacker.’ Celestia was lying on his stomach, her own eyes squeezed closed as she rested her muzzle on his chest. After a moment, Celestia opened her eyes and rose her head up to look at him. The large magenta orbs were shining with clear worry. There was no doubt about it, Celestia was worried he was angry. Before she could open her muzzle and say anything, Ash reached up and lightly wrapped his hand around her muzzle, keeping it closed. Confusion shown through her worry before he started to speak. “Before you apologize, before you explain yourself, before you say anything, just know this; I’m not angry at you, Celestia. I’m not upset and I’m not hurt. I was mostly amused by the situation, okay?”

The relief was immediate. Celestia sighed loudly, resting her head on his chest again. Her forelegs snaked out to wrap him in a small yet meaningful hug, giving him a light squeeze. “I’m so very happy to hear that.”

“I could tell.” Ash said, a tinge of amusement in his voice. He could see Luna giving them both a warm smile, clearly happy to see her sister relieved. A couple feet behind and to the side of the midnight Alicorn was Private Star, who seemed pretty happy too. Ash didn’t doubt that seeing her rulers happy made her happy.

“Shush, you.” Celestia said, lighting bopping Ash’s nose with her own. “You’d be worried too if you thought one of your friends was mad at you.”

Well, not exactly. My friends and I just laughed off our anger and ended up forgetting about it within an hour. Ash thought to himself, though he didn’t say it aloud. After all, humans were very different than ponies. “Well, you don’t have to worry about me getting mad over something so simple.”

“Good.” Celestia hummed out, Ash feeling the vibrations on his own chest.

“You look rather comfortable there, Celestia. You might want to be careful” Ash started, giving Luna a wide smile and a wink that Celestia didn’t see. Her teal eyes widened as she seemed to understand what he was going to do. Then she smiled, giving him an eager nod.

“Why’s that?” Celestia asked softly, moving her head against his chest lightly.

“What would your sister think about you being so physical with me the same day she asked me to accompany her on a date?” Ash asked, making the solar Alicorn’s eyes shoot open. Ash had expected her to move fast, yes, but he hadn’t expected her to literally teleport to her hooves, spin around, and begin speaking incredibly quickly to Luna.

“Sister, you know I would never do something like that to you! I’m not trying anything, I swear! I’m so sorry if I made you think I was going to challenge you for Ash and-” The Alicorn was cut off when Luna silenced her, her blue magic wrapping around Celestia’s muzzle. Luna stepped forward a few times, closing the distance between the two, before leaning in and nuzzling the daytime Diarch.

“Ash is just messing with you, sister. Neither of us believe anything of the sort. We both know you aren’t the kind of pony to do something like that, and I trust you completely with my friends and family. You’re my sister, Celestia, and no amount of time or any mistake on my part will change that.” Luna said simply, a soft smile adorning her muzzle, as she released Celestia’s muzzle. The elder sister just returned the sisterly nuzzle, then turned to Ash.

“I completely deserved that and can’t even be mad since my sister told me something so meaningful.” Celestia said in reply to Ash’s questioning look. Ash gave her a return smile, then quickly stood up. He walked over to the Alicorns and gave them both a rub on the heads, much to their vocal delight. While he would never imagine doing such a thing to another human, he knew that ponies thrived on physical contact and figured he would give it a shot.

“I’m glad that’s been settled. I won’t lie; I most certainly didn’t expect Luna to walk up to me earlier looking as sad as she was. Especially after this morning.” Ash said, making the midnight Alicorn blush lightly before she gave him a light nuzzle.

“I can’t wait to hear all about it.” Celestia said with a wide grin, clearly happy for the two. “Though, I do want to talk with you about that, Ash.”

“I’ll give you two some privacy, then.” Luna said, glancing at Celestia with a tinge of playful suspicion. She waved her wing at Star, who quickly walked forward and stood just behind and beside Luna. Though she clearly seemed somewhat reluctant to walk away, Luna stepped back and made her way out of the room, the Earth pony guard following her.

“I guess you want to talk rather than run today, Celestia?” Ash asked, turning to face the Alicorn, who nodded her head slowly.

“I think I can miss a day of exercise without suffering too much.” Celestia said as an answer, a slightly nervous look in her eyes.

“I don’t know…” Ash said teasingly, looking her over. He received a wing to the chest for that, though the joke eased up any nervousness she felt. The Alicorn clearly felt bad over kicking him out of the dining room even after he told her it was okay. It was just another thing that made Ash realize how easy it was to upset a pony compared to a human.

“In any case, I just wanted to go over a few things about going on a date with my sister.” Celestia started. Seeing Ash move to speak, she covered his mouth with her wing. “And no, I’m not going to threaten you. I highly doubt you’ll do anything to hurt her, at least on purpose, and my sister is a mature mare. If you do hurt her on purpose, she’ll get to you long before I do.”

Ash nodded, understanding her point. No matter how well she knew him or how friendly they were with each other, some things just had to be said in certain situations. Celestia continued, removing her wing. “I’m mostly worried about making sure you know what Luna will be hoping for as well as learning what kind of things Luna will need to adjust to make sure you’re happy.”

“Shouldn’t I be talking to Luna about this, then?” Ash asked, mildly confused.

Celestia shook her head. “Tradition has it that the two ponies who are interested in each other aren’t supposed to discuss this kind of stuff together. Instead, a ‘go-between’ is used, which I’ve decided to be. I have no idea why but that’s just the way it is and nopony has really seen fit to change it since it does no real harm.”

Ash shrugged. Pony culture was the culture of ponies; it wasn’t his place to try to ‘fix’ something that didn’t really need fixing. “Alright, what do you need to know?”

“How much of human culture is verbal rather than physical?” Celestia asked.

“A lot. Of course, physical gestures are very important but not nearly to the extent that they are to ponies. Cadence told me that any entire date can go on without a single spoken word yet both ponies could leave perfectly happy.” Ash mentioned. When Celestia gave a confirming nod, he continued. “That couldn’t happen between two humans. The date would end long before it was actually finished.”

“So long periods of silence are a no-go?” Celestia asked to clarify.

“Not exactly. Two humans can sit comfortably in silence for quite some time, but humans are a lot more verbal than physical.”

“Okay, so silence is fine, but there needs to be speaking too?”

“Right.” Ash confirmed.

“How ‘perfect’ does the date have to be?” Celestia asked. From the tone of her voice, Ash guessed it was a question she wanted to ask for personal reasons, not just to help her sister.

“Honestly? It doesn’t. I don’t expect this date to be anything approaching perfect. I’m expecting a few blunders from Luna and I’m expecting a few from me until we get more comfortable with each other’s culture.” Ash answered honestly. He guessed he answered right when Celestia gave him an honest smile.

“How is the first date supposed to end?”

“Luna will walk me back to my room before we stand outside. If I didn’t enjoy myself, I’ll walk into my room and close the door. If I can’t decide, I’ll walk in and leave the door wide open. If I enjoyed myself and don’t need time to decide, I’ll kiss her on the nose and walk into my room and close the door. If I enjoyed myself, don’t need time to decide, and want to continue the date, I’ll kiss her on the nose, walk in, and leave the door open.” Ash said quickly. He had memorized that part and needed no time to recall the options he had.

Celestia smiled at him, happy he knew that. “I expected my niece to be no less than thorough. Traditionally, the stallion won’t say a word during the end of the date, but exceptions are fine. If you want to say something to Luna, I don’t think she’ll mind at all, particularly if it’s heartfelt or sweet. What do you absolutely need to have for the date?”

“A dozen flowers that match Luna’s coat.” Ash said.

“I recommend night lilies. Are you going to be wearing any special clothing?”

“I’ll be wearing the dark blue shirt you gave me. I was told that the date would be casual so I shouldn’t wear anything formal.” Ash answered.

“Right. My sister wants a friend and somepony she can confide in, not somepony who will bring her to political meetings and budget proposals. You could probably answer the door in torn and faded clothing and she wouldn’t care.” Celestia said. The Alicorn fell silent, thinking of anything else she should ask.

After there was a moment of silence, Ash spoke up. “Anything else?”

After another moment, she shook her head. “I think that’s all. I’ll need to talk to Luna again but I can do that while I’m doing paperwork. We have around fifteen minutes before I need to go. Want to trot a couple laps with me?”

Ash didn’t even want to question how she knew what time it was; he figured it had something to do with her connection to the sun. “Of course. That was my original plan, anyway.”

Her smile was bright as they moved to the start.

A Deeper Understanding

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“So what did you learn, sister?” Luna asked Celestia as soon as she had entered the room. Immediately after she left Celestia and Ash to give them some privacy, she headed directly to Celestia's room, which also happened to be her office for doing paperwork. There, Luna had waited eagerly for her sister to finish with court so they could discuss what Ash had told her.

Celestia chuckled, seeing the eager look in her sister’s eyes. The younger sibling had lied down on the bed, facing the door, and had been reading a book as she waited. The book now lay discarded on the floor, obviously dropped as soon as Luna heard the door opening. “Lu, give me time to take off my regalia and sit down!”

Luna huffed. “Fine, but please hurry. This is important.”

Celestia nodded in agreement as she levitated her golden slippers off, moving them over to an Alicorn-sized ponnequin that she used to store her regalia when she wasn’t wearing them. She arranged them in a small square beneath it, then placed her golden peytral onto it. “Patience, Lu. There's no real rush.”

Luna relaxed slightly as she watched Celestia put her crown on top of the plastic pony’s head. The elder mare walked across the room and took a seat behind her desk, though she ignored the large stack of papers. Celestia waved her hoof at one of the cushions on the other side of the desk. “Come take a seat and I’ll tell you.”

Luna quickly rose to her hooves, hopped off the bed, and trotted to the desk. It was rare for the two Alicorns to look at each other across a desk. It always made Luna feel like she was a little filly again and was in trouble for doing something she shouldn’t have. The mare pushed aside those old feelings and started. “What did you learn from him?”

“Ash and I had a short discussion before our run, which I found enlightening. However, that led to several more questions I had, so I brought him to court. In between hearings and during recess, I asked him to tell me more about human culture and ended up learning quite a lot. The first thing we discussed was physical expectations. Unlike ponies, humans are not really a ‘physical’ species. They, as a species, learn primarily through vocal and visual interactions.” Celestia began, the information making Luna hum in thought.

“So there’s going to be plenty of talking during the date, then?” Luna asked, receiving a nod from her sister.

“Very much so. I asked him about that specifically and learned that a silent date is a sign of an outing going horribly and neither party being interested in the other. It’s very important that you engage him in conversation and make an effort to continue one should he start it.” Celestia answered.

“Will I be able to be physical with him like ponies are with each other or should I avoid that because it’ll make him uncomfortable?” Luna asked after a moment.

“You can touch him. He’s not afraid of contact or embarrassed by it, it’s just not as important to humans as it is to ponies. Ash is trying to change, though. He’s actually in the library right now, researching pony physical cues so he can know what you’re doing and ‘saying’ with your touches.” Celestia explained to her sister, making Luna gain a small smile.

“So he’s trying to adapt for me?”

Celestia nodded. “Just like you’re trying to adapt for him. A relationship, particularly an interspecies one, requires compromises and adaptation from both parties. He's trying to learn what he should do during the date, just as you're doing now."

Luna’s smile grew, happy to hear that Ash was trying to adapt to Equestrian culture for her. “What else can you tell me?”

Then Luna’s smile lessened. “What will Ash do if I mess up?”

Celestia smiled brightly, to Luna's momentary confusion. “I actually asked him about how perfectly the date should go. It doesn’t have to be anywhere near perfect. He told me outright that he expects there to be a few mishaps on the date, but it won’t discourage him at all. He knows that it will take time to find that comfortable blend of our culture and his.”

The midnight Alicorn gave a sigh of relief. “That’s good. I was worried that he was expecting some perfect date straight out of a romance novel and that he’d be upset when I fail to deliver.”

“While I’ve learned that Ash is somewhat of a romantic, he’s expecting no such thing in real life. Ash will be perfectly happy with you as long as you act like you, not whoever you think is the ‘perfect’ mare for him. Besides, he’s just as worried as you are about making sure you enjoy yourself. He doesn’t want to disappoint you or fail to meet your expectations.” Celestia explained to her sister.

“As long as he remains how he’s been since his arrival here, he has nothing to worry about. I care about him as he is, not as anything else.” Luna replied simply, earning a happy nod from Celestia.

“What should I wear?” Luna asked. “Should I go for any makeup, or maybe a dress? My plan for the date won’t be out in public, so I shouldn’t wear anything fancy, but it wouldn’t hurt to look good.”

Celestia shook her head. “Ash comes from an area where jeans and a t-shirt, what he’s been wearing since he arrived, is the acceptable wear for a date. Humans don’t wear suits and dresses where he lived. Carrying over to our culture, the only thing that you could do without being considered overdressed would be to try out some perfume, if that. It wouldn’t hurt to be extra careful at grooming but there’s no need to dress up. Not yet, at least.”

When Luna nodded, she continued. “Just keep in mind to talk with him and things will go fine. He doesn’t expect it to be perfect but he said it doesn’t need to be. From what I understand, dating among our kind is a lot more complicated and has a lot more rules than it does for his. He’s hoping for more of a informal date, which I can understand.”

“No worries there.” Luna said. “We won’t be leaving the castle.”

Celestia’s horn lit up, her magic wrapping around the first sheet of paper and levitating it to the center of the desk. “As I’ve said, Ash is in the library. I recommend giving him another hour or so before joining him, if you so wish. Ash has expressed to me that he views you as a very close friend he feels comfortable with. No matter what, remember that you are starting from a stable foundation, even if it is a recent one.”

Luna nodded, understanding what Celestia was saying. The lunar Alicorn rose to her hooves, understanding that Celestia needed time to do paperwork so she wouldn’t be swamped in the morning. Luna leaned toward Celestia and gave her a small nuzzle, smiling as she felt the elder return it readily. “See you at lunch, sister.”

“See you then, Luna.” Celestia said. “If you still have any questions, come to me tonight and I'll try to answer them.”

“I might take you up on that.” Luna said, giving her sister a small smile. The snow white Alicorn returned it with her magenta eyes shining with clear happiness. There was no doubt in Luna’s mind- Celestia fully accepted Ash’s presence in their life and was eager to learn how the date went. With that in mind, Luna turned around and walked out of the room, heading toward the kitchens. If Ash was busy studying in the library, it wouldn't hurt to take some to prepare as well

Celestia returned her attention to her paperwork, quickly scanning the sheet of paper a few times to memorize it. By the third pass, she knew she'd remember the contents perfectly for at least a few decades, and the gist of it for several more. While Celestia had never met anypony who actually had photographic memory, including herself, she did know tricks that had improved her memory over the years, not to mention the fact that Alicorns had better memory than most.

Celestia became aware of a presence in her room, on her bed. The Alicorn wasn’t quite sure when the atmosphere changed from ‘silently bored’ to ‘silently amused,’ but it did. The Alicorn lifted her head and turned slightly, facing her large bed. To her relief and amusement, her niece Cadence was lying on the sheets and staring at her. “Really, Celestia?”

“What?” The diarch asked in confusion.

“‘Remember that you are starting from a stable foundation, even if it isn’t a recent one.’” Cadence quoted, allowing her head to roll to the side as she spoke. “That was rather cheesy, don’t you think?”

“It’s true, though.” Celestia defended. “They haven’t known each other long but they are good friends who enjoy spending time together. Besides, Luna got my point!”

Cadence smiled. “I’m just teasing you, aunty. How you encourage aunty Luna is your choice. Although, I wasn’t expecting to find you coaching Luna on the subject. How’d you get Ash to give you all that information rather than seeking Luna out himself?”

“I told him that it was Equestrian tradition.” Celestia said sheepishly, giving a soft smile to her niece. “He was a bit suspicious of it at first, but he seemed to accept it. We talked some then and talked some more later.”

“Do you plan on telling him that you’re just nosy?” Cadence asked.

“I do!” Celestia insisted. After a second of being met with a blank look, Celestia relented. “Eventually. You can’t blame me for being worried about my sister’s lovelife. I want to make sure she was the best experience she can without me interfering too much.”

Cadence eventually gave a light shrug as she continued. “Honestly, if Luna wasn’t curious enough to question it, then I’m not worried. She didn’t think to ask you why you had asked Ash all kinds of questions, which surprised me.”

“Well, she is rather excited for the future.” Celestia said, defending her little sister.

“As are we both.” Cadence agreed.

In Canterlot’s Public Library

“Pegasus primary feathers take years to regrow rather than the days of a secondary or tertiary feather. In addition to the fact that the primaries are the most important feathers for their ability to fly, Pegasi will rarely part with any of their primary feathers willingly. As such, the act of plucking a primary and giving it to a partner is considered a deeply intimate sign of trust and love. Anyone attempting to date a Pegasus would do well to remember this.”

Ash gave a small sigh and closed the book, which was titled Pegasi Dating: An Interspecies Guide. Considering the fact that he was soon going on a date with an Alicorn, he figured it would be prudent to read up on all three tribes since Alicorns were a combination of them. For Pegasi, he had learned that the wings were very important in their culture. Preening was a private affair only to be done by the Pegasus and lovers, which agreed with what Cadence had told him. Giving primaries was similar to giving jewelry, yet even more intimate considering the feather is a physical part of the Pegasus's body, which Cadence had mentioned during his lesson. Due to the extreme number of nerves in the wings of a Pegasus, they were incredibly sensitive. While not functioning as an erogenous zone, soft, light touches were enjoyable.

For Unicorns, the horn was rarely sensitive. The horn itself, being a hard chunk of bone, had few nerve endings with it. However, for reasons Equestria hadn't yet discovered, sensitivity in the horn increased dramatically during the casting of a spell to the point that even gentle touches were uncomfortable. Similar to Pegasi preening their wings, Unicorns had to clean the grooves in their horns as accumulated grime could cause a spell to mis-cast.

The most important thing, though, was the first book he had read parts of. It was a small book, filled mostly with detailed illustrations, that had been written by a Unicorn. The book was intended to be read by any member of any other race attempting to date any race of pony. A Pony’s Guide to Dating Ponies: How to Show You're Interested. It was simple yet covered nearly every topic Cadence had already told him about. It was separated into four major sections with a fifth minor one. The four main sections were ‘Earthen,’ ‘Pegasus,’ ‘Unicorn,’ and ‘Thestral.’ The fifth one had surprised Ash when he read it, though it was the section he was most interested in. ‘Alicorn.’

When he read the foreword, Ash had learned that the writer had gone through an incredibly complex and difficult relationship with a Gryphon because neither of them knew anything about the other’s culture. They had managed to find a balance after years of struggle before the author, Melody Quill, decided to write a book on the customs of ponies. The Unicorn had spent years learning all she could about the culture and traditions of the other pony races to make her book inclusive and was a week away from publishing it when she decided to add Alicorns.

Ash was amazed to hear that Melody had approached Celestia during court one day and asked to have a private discussion with the Princess. Her request had been granted and the pair worked on the Alicorn section for three weeks before the book was finally published with all five pony races included. From what he had read, it seemed like Celestia had been more amused by the request and hadn't taken it seriously, though she had answered honestly. Ash guessed that the Alicorn had never expected the final section of the book to ever be used. It was just another thing he found amusing.

Ash rose to his feet and started putting the books back where he had found them, something he knew the library caretaker would be thankful for. He returned them all except for the book he had already checked out, that being A Pony's Guide to Dating Ponies. Once done, he held the book between his body and arm and walked toward the front door. He gave a nod to the Unicorn at the front desk, receiving one in return, before he fully exited the room. Two guards were stationed on either side of the door but he paid them no mind as they had been there since before he entered.

Making his way through the hallways of the Public Quarter, he eventually found the dining hall. From there, he was able to easily make his way to his room where he dropped the book onto the desk. Giving a quick glance around the room, Ash decided to return to Star’s Yard and practice with his magic more. As he walked, he thought of the spells he knew. He had learned Flames, Frostbite, Sparks, and Firebolt in the School of Destruction, but he didn’t really want to try to learn Ice Spike and Lightning Bolt. Under the School of Alteration, he knew Equilibrium, but didn’t want to mess with that without Luna refilling his vitality so he wouldn’t get weak or hurt. The School of Restoration, his focus, was going well with Healing and Healing Hands under his belt. His options were Fast Healing and Heal Other, though the latter was an adept level spell and would be a lot harder to learn. Fast Healing would be useful, just as it had been in Skyrim, so he decided to learn it.

Entering Star’s Yard, Ash paused as he took sight of the courtyard. The area was the same as it had always been, though he was surprised to see the trees undamaged from the Equilibrium incident. The gazebo was still there, the rock was still there, the stream was still there, and the trees were still there. What was new was the sight of Luna lying sprawled belly up on top of the rock, looking somewhat like she was trying to sunbathe. Ash grinned slightly as he slowly made his way towards her, doing his best to walk silently. He stepped around the few twigs on the ground and made sure to avoid stepping roughly on the gravel that surrounded the stream.

He knew he had been detected when he saw a nearly imperceptible twitch to Luna’s left ear. If he hadn’t known to watch them, he never would have noticed it. He saw her right wing slowly move, tensing as she prepared for something. Ash thought he knew. Her hind legs slid ever so slowly that he wouldn’t have seen if he hadn’t been paying attention to her movements. At what he thought was the right time, Ash dropped to the ground.

He timed it perfectly. Luna’s right wing and hind legs gave a rough shove to the rock she was lying on. Her hind legs launched her forward and into the air toward where Ash had been standing as her right wing flipped her, putting her right-side up as she leaped through the air with her forehooves outstretched. Unfortunately for her, Ash had already ducked underneath her and avoided the attempted tackle. Unfortunately for her again, she had leapt over his head and landed in the stream with a loud splash that sent water into the air around her.

Ash stood up again, chuckling slightly as he saw Luna lying in the stream. It wasn’t deep, far from it, as it came up to the middle of her belly as she was lying down in it, but it was enough to soak her from the splash. Luna rose to her own hooves in the stream, giving him an irritated pout as she stepped out, water dripping off of her coat. As he continued to chuckle, her frown slowly shifted into a small smile of her own before her horn lit up, dispelling the water from her fur and allowing it to drop back into the stream.

“That wasn’t funny.” Luna said, though she was still smiling.

Ash gave a light shrug. “You shouldn’t have leapt at me. If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have gotten wet.”

“You were sneaking up on me!” Luna protested, stomping one hoof slightly. From the way she was smiling, Luna knew exactly how amusing her childish act was.

Attempting to sneak up on you, but yes.” Ash agreed. “However, I wasn’t going to tackle you.”

“What would you have done, then?” Luna questioned.

“Honestly? Probably tried to scare you. Maybe poke your side and shout ‘boo.’ I wouldn’t have hurt you.” Ash said.

“I wouldn’t have hurt you either!” The Alicorn exclaimed.

“I don’t know.” Ash started doubtfully. “A big Alicorn leaping into my chest probably would hurt. Maybe not injure me, but it would hurt.”

“I’m not fat…” Luna said softly, dropping her head. Ash knew it was an act, but he was still worried that he did upset her, even if she was acting.

“I never said you were.” Ash said, walking over to her.

“You said I was big.”

“Big. Not fat. You’re large, but not dense. With your size, you look nowhere near fat. Sleek, really.” Ash said, poking her ribs lightly. She tried to shy away from his touch, but he just stepped forward. “Aren’t your bones hollow for flight?”

Then he paused. “Actually, didn’t I lift you before? You were lighter than most humans. I’m pretty sure I weigh more than you.”

“How much do you weigh?” Luna asked, lifting her head slightly. With her new position, Ash could see the smile on her muzzle.

“Like, a hundred and eighty pounds. Maybe two hundred. You use pounds, right?”

“Pfft, fatty. ” Luna teased with a chuckle, fully facing him. "Yes, we have pounds. Most of Equestria uses the imperial system, named as such by the Gryphon Empire, though I know dragons use another system."

Then she stepped forward and nuzzled him. “You know, I wasn’t upset when you said I was big.”

“I guessed.” Ash said. “But it didn’t hurt to make sure you knew that you aren’t. Never hurts to hear a compliment, does it?”

“No, it doesn’t.” Luna agreed. “All jokes and teasing aside, I figured you would be in the library for a few more hours.”

Ash shrugged. “I found a good, long book that would take me a few days to read, so I checked it out. I’ll read some tonight, some tomorrow morning, and continue to read it until I finish it. I figured I would come practice magic, but seeing you is better.”

“So you really have been reading up on Equestrian culture?” Luna asked, though she had a wide smile on her muzzle.

“Of course.” Ash said with a nod. “It would be downright rude of me to ask you to adapt to me without returning the effort.”

Luna leaned in and gave him another nuzzle to his chest, making sure to avoid his neck. “Didn’t you have a long talk with Cadence?”

“I did.”

“And you’re reading books from the Archives?”

“I am.”

“Didn’t I find Private Star giving you lessons?”

“You did.” Ash confirmed.

Luna pouted. “I’ve only talked to Celestia.”

“Who got her information directly from me. There’s no human library you can go to in order to learn all this, so you’re doing the best you can.” Ash said, lightly patting her shoulder.

“I hope you like where I’m taking you.” Luna said honestly. It was a bit of a concern of hers, but most of the date she had planned was filled with concerns of hers. She was very nervous, she had to admit.

“I mean, it’ll be me and you spending time together. I’m pretty sure I’ll enjoy it, whatever it ends up being.” Ash said honestly.

“Flatterer.” Luna said, the barest tint of pink on her muzzle.

“Perhaps. I don’t hear you complaining, though.” Ash retorted with a grin directed toward her.

The two strode over to the gazebo and took a seat. As soon as Ash crossed his legs out of habit, Luna purposely fell over and landed in his lap, sprawling out across him. “I hope you don’t expect me to move.”

“Not for a while.” Ash said, running his hand through her mane. He felt the tingle of magic across his skin. It felt slightly ticklish, but not intensely so. It felt more soothing than anything else.

“What spell did you want to learn?”

“Well, I actually planned to learn Fast Healing, which is an upgraded form of Healing, but I’m not in the mood to cut myself.” Ash said.

She peered up at him. “That doesn’t sound right. At all.”

“No, it doesn’t.” The man said in agreement. “It sounds horrible. I honestly think my time sick changed me. Before I was struck by the virus, or disease, or cancer, or whatever it was, the idea of hurting myself made me sick.”

“Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve already been as injured as you could be, so superfluous injuries like cuts and bruises don’t bother you anymore.” Luna said softly. “But larger injuries still do.”

“Perhaps. I can tell you that I don’t think I’m willing to hurt myself past some small cuts just to practice my magic.” Ash replied, digging his fingers into her scalp slightly as he rubbed. The Alicorn let out a happy groan as she relaxed further, her concern over his past drifting out of her mind in an instant.

“Please don’t stop.” Luna pleaded when she felt his vigorous rubbing lessen. To her immense delight, he picked up the pace again and further descended her into bliss.

“Didn’t think you would like something as simple as this.” Ash commented idly. “Though, I suppose you wouldn’t know. Between my fingers and sharp teeth, I’m learning a lot about you.”

Luna forced her eyes open to gaze at him suspiciously. “You better not be planning to use those teeth anytime soon.”

“Nope.” Ash reassured. “Not anytime soon. One day, sure, but not today. Not when I can just rub your head like this. I’m pretty sure you would have moved away if my fingers had the same effect my teeth did.”

“I would have.” Luna agreed, closing her eyes again. She felt Ash lean back slightly and a part of her became worried that he might think she didn’t find him attractive. Rationally, she knew that he wasn’t worried about anything like that, but she had been rather nervous over some of the simplest things recently.

“You’re attractive and all,” The dark blue Alicorn started, working to quell her concern. “But I’m not ready for that yet. I hope I didn’t upse-”

She was interrupted when she felt his fingers dig deeper into her mane. “Relax, Luna. I understand completely. I’m not upset at all. Honestly, that isn’t a worry of mine at all. I find you attractive, no doubt, but that aspect of a relationship isn’t a focus or concern of mine. We’ll get to that point when we get there, and only when we’re both ready.”

Luna nuzzled into his leg lightly, grateful for his reassuring words, before a thought struck her. “When we get there? Not if?”

“Luna, I absolutely love spending time with you. You literally change how my day is going just by being there. I was fully prepared to come in here and starting injuring myself for the sake of furthering my understanding of magic. Now, I’m sitting on a gazebo with a beautiful mare lying in my lap as I rub her head. What reason do I have to think we won’t be good together?” Ash asked.

The mare turned her head slightly to hide the slowly growing blush under her fur before speaking. “Laying it on a little thick, aren’t you?”

“Maybe, but it’s all true. Call me a fool and call me blind, but I firmly believe that our time dating will go wonderfully, even with the occasional blunder between us.” Ash retorted. “I may not quite love you yet, but it’ll be there in time.”

“Alright.” Luna said suddenly, rising to her hooves. “Let’s do something before I skip the first date entirely.”

“Oh? Like what?” Ash asked, standing up. Luna gave him a quick glance, allowing him to see the deep red blush on her muzzle, before she looked away again. He walked over and softly rubbed the back of her neck. “Have something in mind?”

“What about your magic? Is there anything else you can learn?”

“Well, I could work some more on Destruction, I have an Alteration spell or two I could learn, and I have the Illusion school. I can’t practice Conjuration until I have my dark magic license, but I don’t plan to try for that any time soon. The Conjuration school is really useful, but it’s supposed to be really hard to control, too.”

“How about Illusion? What spells can you learn now?”

“Well, there’s Clairvoyance which shows me the path to what I’m looking for, though I’m not sure how that works. There’s Courage, which makes the target more courageous, and there’s Fury, which makes the target attack the nearest creature.” Ash said. “Fury is useful in turning a group of enemies against each other, but, uh…”

“But what?” Luna asked as she fully turned to him, allowing him to see that her blush was fully gone.

“It’s a targeted spell. I have to make someone really angry.”

“Me, of course. I can just take some time to calm down.” Luna said.

Ash shook his head. “It wouldn’t work. Either you’ll be too strong for me to affect, which means I won’t see the actual effect of the spell at work, or it’ll work on you and you’ll attack me and try to kill me.”

“Oh.” Luna said softly. “Not me, then. Maybe Clairvoyance?”

“Sure.” Ash said. He reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled the guide out and quickly opened it, navigated to the Novice spell list, and selected Clairvoyance.

“So you’ve decided to start the Illusion school, hmm? Personally, I rather like it! The power to turn foes against each other, to cause others to fight for you, to tame even the most vicious beasts, it’s wonderful! Clairvoyance is a particularly useful spell, particularly to the mages who find themselves lost more often than not. A successful channeling of the Clairvoyance spell creates a glowing trail in front of the caster that leads toward the object, person, or location in the caster’s mind. Be warned that you must have seen the target before in order for the spell to work!”

Ash felt a muzzle rest on his shoulder, making him realize Luna had walked up behind him and was reading over his shoulder. Normally, he hated that, but for some reason, he didn’t mind when she did it. “To cast the spell itself, you must keep two things in mind. You must keep as many details about the target in mind as you can, and you must maintain the spell. The spell itself is a blue trail of glowing particles that curves toward the target, leading directly up to them. It is a rather simple spell to cast, so feel free to do so now!”

“I’ll be the target.” Luna said softly. With a flash of magic and a soft pop, she was gone. Ash gave a small sigh, though he had a smile on his face, as he placed his guide back into his pocket. Reaching forward with his hand, he pointed his open palm toward the ground and started to think. The first thing he did was imagine Luna. It was easy. Between all the time he had spent with her in person and all the pictures he had seen of her drawn by fans of My Little Pony, he had already memorized her appearance. In his mind’s eye, he saw the shifting aura of her mane, the amused twinkle in her eye, the soft blue fur of her coat, the sight of her feathery wings, and the long spiraled horn on her head.

Ash also imagined a glowing blue trail. He imagined it starting in front of him and moving forward, snaking through the castle as it followed some invisible and undetectable ‘scent’ toward the target. He imagined the end of it coming to rest at her hooves, the flickering blue light dancing around her as it waited for him to arrive.

The line between his imagination and reality blurred as the trail faded into existence. He knew the drain on his reserves would be steady, but he hoped it would also be slow. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to hold the spell for long. The trail led directly toward one of the doors, so he followed it. As he walked, he noticed that the trail only extended for ten or so feet before fading away, making him realize that it had a range. Ash supposed it made sense considering that conjuring the entire trail would grow harder and harder the farther away the target was.

“I’ll find you, Luna.” Ash murmured softly as he walked toward the large doors that exited the courtyard.

A Day with Luna

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“So why are you hiding under my desk?” Celestia asked, looking down in amusement. Barely fitting under the desk and situated where part of her body would go, Luna was curled up with her wings wrapped around her.

“I told you! Ash is trying out a new spell that can find anypony, anything, and anywhere he’s seen or been to before! We’re testing it!” Luna whispered loudly.

“So you teleport into my room, levitate me into the air, crawl under my desk- taking five minutes to fit considering it wasn’t designed to hide a pony- and then put me back in front of you?”

“Yes.” Luna confirmed. She opened her mouth to continue only to pause as her sister’s ears perked. Luna went quiet and listened, her own ears standing up and swiveling. She could hear one of the guards at the door greeting somepony, though she hadn’t heard the name.

“Is Celestia in her room?” Luna heard Ash ask, his voice heavily muffled by the door.

“SHHH!” Luna hissed, ducking her head under a wing and fully ‘hiding.’

“Yes sir.” The two Alicorns heard the guard reply.

“Can I enter? I need to speak with her. It’s not urgent, though.” Ash replied.

They heard a solid pounding on the door before the guard called out. “Ash the human to see you, Princess!”

“Let him enter!” Celestia called out to the door guards.

“You may enter.” The two mares heard the guard tell Ash.

“Thanks.” Ash said before pushing the door open. The man walked in and turned to close the door only to see the guards doing it for him. He gave a small shrug, then turned back to Celestia. “I don’t mean to interrupt but have you seen Luna?”

Celestia made a show of glancing down under the table, then looked back up. She saw the understanding and amusement spread across his face a couple seconds later. “She just left, why? Are you looking for her?”

Then she gained a faux concerned tone. “Did you two have an argument?”

Ash gave a small chuckle. Quickly, Celestia cast a sound-dampening spell around Luna and slowly stood up. “Nah, nothing so severe. I’m testing out a new spell that helps me track someone. It led me here but she probably teleported out if she hid in here.”

The Diarch quickly cast another spell, this one making their voices come from the same place no matter where they walked. With that spell cast, Celestia backed away from the desk and gestured for Ash to walk around, which he did. When he came to stand beside Celestia, he had to stifle a laugh. Equestrian desks, as he had noticed before, were really low to the floor. Like human-made desks, they also had an alcove for ponies to put their legs in. The difference was that the alcove was much shorter and longer because of the way their hindlegs were shaped. Luna had, somehow, squeezed herself into an alcove that was smaller than him.

He noticed that one of the corners of the desk was slightly raised from the ground, since Luna was too big to fit underneath it. Luna had probably counted on Celestia distracting him instead of actually finding a place to hide. The only reason Luna hadn’t noticed him were the spells Celestia has cast and the fact that she was currently covering her head with her wings.

“Oh? What spell is that?” Celestia asked curiously. "Is it a new one?”

“Yeah, part of the Illusion school. It’s called Clairvoyance. Basically, it shows a glowing trail leading toward the target as long as I’ve actually seen it before and can remember it's appearance. I just had to visualize what Luna looks like, which was rather easy.” Ash explained, kneeling down next to the desk. Bringing his hands up, he positioned them next to Luna's side.

“Sounds useful.” Celestia said, keeping the mirth out of her voice. She couldn’t keep the wide smile off of her muzzle, though.

“Very.” Ash said. Then he struck. His hands darted forward, pressing against Luna’s ribs firmly. While he would have been blocked by her wing normally, the feathery appendage was currently lifted to cover her head. Luna jerked in surprise as a squeak escaped her muzzle. She tried to flail only to fail as she seemed to be stuck, much to Ash’s and Celestia’s amusement.

“Gah!” Luna shouted, then dissolved into laughter as Ash started wiggling his fingers, tickling her side. He noticed a golden glow wrap around the desk, preventing Luna from throwing it off of her and escaping. She was trapped under the desk until Ash was done.

“Sto-pff-p! Please! I can’t ta-hehe- anymore!” Luna shouted, struggling furiously. If it hadn’t been for Celestia’s magic, she would have knocked the desk over already.

“I think that’s enough, Ash.” Celestia said from his side, putting a hoof on his shoulder. “I guess we should let her go.”

“Are you sure?” Ash asked with a grin, his fingers paused. Luna had stopped writhing and was staring up at them, her blue eyes wide in shock and concern.

“I’m sure.” Celestia said with a grin. Ash let his hand drop and Celestia let the desk go. A moment later, Princess Luna started wiggling out from under the desk. After several moments, she eventually squeezed out and stood up.

The night mare huffed as she looked toward Celestia. “Traitor.”

The Alicorn gave a small shrug, an apologetic smile on her muzzle. “Guilty. You have to admit that it was funny, though.”

She looked away, turned toward Ash. Puffing out her cheeks, she tried to give him an indignant stare. “You’re mean.”

“You’re adorable.” Ash replied with a grin. “How did you even get under that desk?”

Luna lost her annoyed look at his first comment, gaining a tiny smile. “Time and wiggling.”

“And magic.” Celestia chimed in. “Specifically, magic pushing her.”

“I would have loved to see that.” Ash commented, receiving a small shoulder bump from Luna. “Oh!”

Luna and Celestia gave him a curious look. He reached his hand forward and booped Luna on the nose, making her muzzle scrunch up slightly. “Found you.”

Celestia started chuckling as Luna pouted again, though the look faded quickly as Luna began to smile too. “I guess you did. The spell really led you here?”


“Interesting.” Luna said. “I had powerful anti-tracking and anti-scrying spells affecting me. That spell is really useful, then, if it can bypass those wards.”

“Just don’t use it for evil.” Celestia warned, though her tone was clearly joking.

“Don’t worry. I’ll only use it to mess with you both.” Ash reassured, getting a couple chuckles. “In all seriousness, you know you don’t have to worry about that kind of stuff from me.”

Celestia gave him a gentle nuzzle. “I know, Ash, and that makes me happy.”

Luna leaned forward and nuzzled him as well, more quickly and a bit more forcefully. “Definitely. There’s no doubt in our minds that you are our friend and more.”

Celestia gave Luna a small bump with her flank. “Well, the latter only applies for you. I don’t think Ash is all that interested in me.”

“Not with a flank like that.” Luna said, sticking her tongue out. Rather than continuing the banter, Celestia just laughed and started ushering the two toward the door with her wings.

“You two go play. I have paperwork to do unless you want to be the one to do it when your week ends, Lu.” Celestia said, making Luna begin to walk forward under her own power.

“I’ll leave you to it, Tia.” Luna said, causing an amused smile to appear on Celestia’s muzzle. “Don’t leave too much for me, okay?”

With that, the two stepped out of the room and into the hallway. The door shut behind them with a loud thud, though Ash knew that Celestia had closed it softly. Before Ash could turn to Luna and speak, he felt something soft hit his face lightly followed by giggling. Opening his eyes, which he had instinctually closed, he saw Luna folding her wing against her side. “That’s for booping my nose. How did it feel?”

“Soft.” Ash said, getting Luna to laugh again.

“Come on, let’s go.” Luna said suddenly, quickly trotting down the hall.

“Where?” Ash asked, quickly matching her pace.

“Anywhere!” Luna exclaimed, spreading out her wings. “I’m restless today! I need to do something or I’ll just start running until I collapse, and I definitely don’t want to be sore for our date in two days.”

“Why are you restless?” Ash asked curiously.

Luna shrugged with her wings. Ash thought the gesture looked quite odd, but he figured she used her wings because her legs were busy being used to walk. “Honestly? I think I’m just really excited for our date. That’s pretty much the only reason I can think of.”

“I can understand that.” Ash said, nodding. “I’m pretty excited too, but I’m also nervous. I’m just not really restless like you. Why don’t we go into Canterlot again? There’s bound to be something to do in the city.”

Luna nodded slowly for a moment, contemplating his words. After several moments of walking, she stopped suddenly. Ash, who had been walking almost directly behind her, had to stop suddenly to avoid walking into her flank. “I have an idea!”

“What’s that?” Ash questioned.

“Follow me!” Luna exclaimed instead of explaining. She started forward again, moving at a much quicker pace. Ash had to jog to keep up, though he managed to keep pace with her. Luna led him through the castle, taking a path he wasn’t familiar with. The pair passed by several doors he didn’t recognize but, from the windows, he guessed that they were heading toward the front gate.

“Where are we going, Luna?” Ash asked again.

“You’ll see!” Luna sang out, continuing to trot down the road. Ash just gave a small shrug as he followed behind her, resigned to just tag along and hope things turn out well. Knowing that he was with Luna, he figured that he would enjoy himself anyway. As Ash thought that, he realized that he was going out into Canterlot with Luna. Then he remembered that outings like this were considered unofficial dates. A moment later, he shrugged the thought off and continued following her.

Several moments later, Ash’s initial assumption was proven correct as they approached the front doors to the castle. Soon enough, they passed out of the building and through the front gates, heading into the city proper. Unlike last time, when they descended toward the lower districts of Canterlot, Luna took a hard right not long after the pair entered the upper district. She led the way down a long street, which Ash noticed was lined with various buildings and fancy restaurants.

Ash did his best to ignore the scattered glares he received from a few ponies who definitely looked like the stereotypical Equestrian noble. Between overly fancy clothing, muzzles stuck into the air, and them trying to glare down their noses at a being much taller than them, Ash figured that the nobility really was as bad as he feared. Then he realized that the ponies glaring at him were the minority. Most of the Canterlot citizens that noticed him simply gave him curious looks or stared in confusion. A couple even had vague looks of recognition in their eyes, which made Ash realize they must have seen him before.

Ash gave a small grunt, though it wasn’t loud enough to be heard over the general talking in the street. The eyes of a pony are so big that it’s almost impossible to not tell what they’re thinking, yet they focus almost entirely on body language. What’s the sense in that? Sure, it’s not really my place to judge, but it would be so much easier if I just had to look at a pony’s eyes to know how they feel.

After a moment, Ash brushed the thought aside. He knew damned well that bitching and moaning wouldn’t help him at all. It was something he had learned as a kid and he knew it held true even on an alien world. What mattered is that he would make damned sure to pay attention to Luna’s cues, where on an actual date or a friendly outing.

“Is something wrong, Ash?” Luna asked softly. Ash started slightly, his eyes widening as he looked up. He hadn’t noticed, but Luna had slowed down to walk alongside him and was staring up at him in concern. Ash felt his throat tighten slightly, her incredibly expressive eyes that were filled with concern having an effect on him.

“Not particularly, Luna. It was just a stupid thought I had and I brushed it aside but it distracted me anyway.” Ash said.

“What was the thought?”

Ash knew he would have shifted his weight if he had been standing still. Since he was walking, he had to settle for giving a one-shoulder shrug. “Well, like I said, it was a stupid thought. I was just wondering why ponies put so much emphasis on body language when their eyes were so much more expressive. I was watching some of the ponies staring at me and I noticed that I could tell what they were feeling pretty easily but I have trouble with some body signals.”

“So you were cursing the fact that adapting wouldn’t be as easy as it could have been, since it's impolite and rude to use the eyes rather than the body to read a pony .” Luna guessed, making Ash shrug again. He was relieved to see understanding in her eyes rather than annoyance.

“Yeah, pretty much. Like I said, it’s a stupid thought. If I went around thinking like that all my life, I wouldn’t get anywhere, ever. Moment of weakness, I guess.” Ash replied softly, keeping his voice low to avoid being overheard.

“Far from it, Ash. It’s in pony, and human, nature to want things to be easy and happy. It’s not always like that, though, especially when it comes to adapting to an alien culture. Sometimes, we see things that we idly think could be ‘better,’ even though we really don’t mean it. I’ve had similar moments when interacting with Gryphons or Saddle Arabians.” Then Luna gave a small smile. “Though, I wasn’t going to be dating one of them, either.”

While walking, she leaned her head over and gently nuzzled his chest. “Just know that you have ponies here for you if you ever feel like that again. You know darn well that Celestia and I are more than willing to help you adjust to our world. I’m even sure Twilight would happily lend her knowledge, or at least her books. Cadence has proven herself helpful, too, and will continue to do so. As your time here grows, you’ll find yourself more and more friends who you can rely on. Trust me on this.”

Ash greatly appreciated her reassuring tone and was thankful that she understood. To show his appreciation, he reached up and rested his hand on her head and started to gently rub like he had before, making her smile widen as she leaned into the touch. It didn’t really matter to him why Luna enjoyed it so much, just that it was another way to show his thanks and make her happy. “Thanks, Luna.”

“You’re welcome, Ash.” Luna replied happily, her contentment clear in her voice. For the moment, Ash no longer cared about the shocked stares and surprised whispering. He was just thanking his friend for her help.

Then he gave a small chuckle as he realized something. Luna gave him a curious look, her head turning slightly to face him. “What?”

“Just realized that you said ‘darn.’ It was pretty cute, you know.” Ash said, grinning down at her.

Luna felt her cheeks flush ever-so-slightly and that only made the moment worse. “Excuse me, but I almost never swear! I’m not foul-mouthed like you!”

“Foul-mouthed and swift-tongued.” Ash retorted, though he took note of the small grin on her muzzle. “I can be merciless in my teasing.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Tell yourself that all you want. We both know the truth.”

Ash blinked slightly, though his grin remained. “A small barb disguised as a joke? What happened to you, Luna?”

Her eyes widened slightly, then she huffed. “You must be rubbing off on me. I swear, you’re infectious.”

Two can play like that. “I assure you, I have not been rubbing off on you. That’s incredibly inappropriate thinking, Luna.”

I win. Ash thought, seeing the bright blush surge onto her face. She didn’t say anything, but she did give him a rather rough bump with her flank and speed up slightly. Ash increased his own pace and kept up, staying silent and letting the joking drop. He was a little worried that he had taken the joking too far and upset her. They walked in silence for a time, Ash still not knowing where they were going, before Luna glanced to him.

“Good one, Ash.” His fears were put to rest.

“Not bad yourself, Luna.” Ash replied, making a small grin grow across her face.

“It’s, odd, being able to insult somepony and then laughing it off. Humans are so… thick-skinned.” Luna commented.

“I thought pretty much the opposite.” Ash admitted. “Some of the simplest things made one of you upset, and it made me realize just how sensitive y’all can be.”

“You said ‘y'all.’ In Equestria, it’s really only farmers who speak like that. Were you a farmer?” Luna asked.

“Heh, no. Not even close. I didn’t really get a chance to go into the field I wanted to, which was a type of game designer.” Ash explained to her. “I was born in a state known as ‘Mississippi,’ where the ‘farmer’ dialect was used by everyone. I don’t always talk like I used to, particularly after living in bigger cities for a good portion of my life.”

“Why couldn’t you go the field of game designer?” Luna asked curiously. Ash just gave her a small look, which she returned with confusion, before understanding dawned on her. “Oh.”

“Yeah.” Ash said, then continued to distract her mind. “In any case, I’ve lost most of my old accent and way of speaking but some words are still present.”

“Like ‘y’all.’” Luna interjected.

“Yeah. Sometimes, when I’m really upset, I’ll slip back into my accent, but that’s rare.” Ash said, making Luna giggle lightly.

“I would love to hear that.” Luna said, giving him a slightly pleading look.

“Not happening, Luna. Not even for you.”

“Darn.” Luna said simply before the pair started chuckling again. "In any case, why don't you tell me something about Mississippi?"

"Well, the capital city is a place called Jackson. It's not very large compared to some of the other major cities and I haven't been there so I couldn't tell you much about it other than that it's a city." Ash started, his voice tinted with some amusement. "It rains a lot in Mississippi but that doesn't really hurt the agriculture. Around my hometown, farmers mostly grew rice, but I know soybeans and rice were grown elsewhere and some people raised birds for meat and cows for dairy."

"I guess cows aren't really sapient where you're from?" Luna asked.

Ash shook his head. "Not at all. In fact, in my homeworld of Earth, humans are the only sapient creatures."

Nearly half an hour passed with Ash telling Luna some details of Earth and Mississippi. Since he had already revealed that Mundus was a work of fiction in his world, he didn't need to lie or hide any details. He felt relief in knowing that he could just be honest without worry. The topic of conversation slowly drifted from his home state to the United States in general.

"So you're saying that the United States are fifty states, each with their own local government, who answer to a federal government, which is a republic?" Luna asked for clarification.

"Pretty much, but there's one problem. If you ask people from different parts of the country, no one can agree on whether it's a representative democracy, federal republic, or constitutional republic."

"I can't imagine Equestria being separated into fifty states without even an official government type." Luna commented. "I don't know how anypony would ever get anything done."

"Well, the U.S. doesn't always get things don-"

“We're here!” Luna exclaimed, interrupting Ash and stopping suddenly. Ash looked to their right and at the store they had stopped in front of. The sign, bearing the initials PJDS and the icon of a large donut. As Ash looked at the sign, he realized it was the first one he had seen without any form of alliteration, and that it was Pony Joe’s Donut Shop.

“A donut shop?” Ash asked curiously, feeling his stomach give a small growl. He hadn’t had any donuts in years and he really wanted some now.

“Yep.” Luna said, nodding with a large grin. “Pony Joe’s Donut Shop, actually. My sister and I come here quite a lot and he actually makes a lot more than just donuts. It’s the opinion of the Royal Diarchy that he makes the best sweets in Canterlot.”

“So you both agree on it?” Ash asked as the pair walked up to the front door. Luna opened it with her magic, a small bell ringing, and they walked in.

“That’s right.” Luna said, letting go of the door. “Since I was feeling restless and wanted to do something, I figured I would take you here.”

Ash looked around the building, seeing that the front room seemed quite different from what he remembered from the show. A single glass bar separated the employees area from the customer section, countless samples of the store’s product displayed neatly. Ash could see cakes, milkshakes, donuts, eclairs, and quite a few things he didn’t recognize situated on small paper plates or in clear cups.

The rest of the room, however, was the seating area for buyers. The walls were lined with booth-like areas large enough for groups of ponies to sit at. Rather than being plastic seats on two sides of a table, the booths here were a single cushion that wrapped around three sides of a low table that was only a foot or two above ground, like most of Equestria’s tables. In the center of the room were tables and cushions that were very similar, though there was a gap where the line would be if there was one. All in all, Ash guessed that the shop could seat a hundred ponies easily, likely a little more.

As it was, there were only about six ponies, including Pony Joe, in the building. Aside from him and Luna, there was a group of five sitting at one of the booths and chatting as they ate. To Ash’s surprise, none of them noticed that he and Luna had entered. Following the dappled Alicorn, Ash approached the counter and saw that Joe was giving him a curious look but didn’t seem wary, which he was glad about.

The Unicorn pulled his gaze away and turned his attention to Luna when she stopped in front of the counter. “Good morning, Princess. How can I help you and your friend today?”

“A dozen donuts, six of them blueberry cream and six of them... “ Luna said, trailing off at the end and turning toward him.

“Oh!” Ash said, realizing why she was looking at him. “Glazed.”

“Glazed.” Luna finished, turning back to the Unicorn. Joe nodded and quickly levitated the donuts out from the glass counter and set them in a large white box before levitating it onto the counter. Before Luna could summon her bit pouch and pay, Ash spoke.

“How much will it be?” Ash asked.

“Uh,” Joe hesitated for a moment, not expecting Ash to want to pay. “Five bits.”

“Luna, can you teleport my bit pouch please?” Ash asked. Luna puffed out her cheeks but did as he requested. He untied the pouch and pulled out a single gold bit and placed it on the counter, then picked the box up. The Unicorn's eyes widened slightly as he glanced between the bit and him, then took it slowly. “Have a nice day.”

“You, uh, too, sir.” Joe replied. Luna nudged him lightly and when he turned to look at her, she gestured toward the door with her head. Following behind her, he stuck the pouch in one of his pockets since he couldn’t tie it with one of his hands holding the box.

“Want me to teleport the pouch back?” Luna asked when they stepped out of the door.

“Nah, I should have brought it in the first place.” Ash said. “Thanks for teleporting it here, though.”

“You’re welcome.” Luna said. “Let’s head to one of the parks to relax and eat.”

After several moments of walking in mild silence, Luna spoke up again. “You know, you forgot to haggle.”

“Shit!” Ash cursed, though he did so quietly. “You’re right.”

She gave a small chuckle, bumping him again with her flank for the swear. “Of course I am. I get that you forgot, though. That was why he gave you an odd look, you know. Those donuts are worth two bits, with three being a good profit. You paid almost double what it was worth.”

“It wouldn’t feel right.” Ash said. “Saying that the donuts aren’t worth five feels like I’m saying he’s a terrible baker.”

Luna shook her head slowly. “I think I understand, but that’s just not the case. Everypony expects haggling and it’s just a part of our daily lives. I see how having unchangeable prices would be beneficial, since transactions would go faster, but nopony really wants to change it. You really do need to get used to it to avoid being ripped off.”

“Next time I forget, if you’re with me, can you give me a small bump or something before I pay? It might make me remember to try. I won’t get used to it if I keep forgetting.” Ash requested.

“Of course.” Luna said, nodding her head. “Though, if you had remembered, what would you have said?”

Ash thought for a short moment. “While I’m sure the dozen donuts are delicious, the ingredients and time spent to make them aren’t worth five bits.”

“That’s a good start,” Luna complimented. “Remember to suggest a price, though. It’s pretty easy to guess a more fair price based on what it’s been sold for. The donuts cost five, but it would have been profitable at three bits. I'd give you a few examples to try, but that wouldn't really work. Since there are no set prices, Equestria's economy is somewhat fluid. One shopkeeper might consider 'an acceptable profit' to be thirty percent more than the manufacturing price, and try to sell it at an eighty percent markup."

"But another might consider fifteen percent acceptable, and try to sell it for twenty percent." Ash said, realizing what she meant.

"Right." Luna said with a nod. "Honestly, you can learn a lot from how much a store owner sells things for. More generous ponies have a lower price increase, while ponies more concerned with wealth have a higher one. In general, though, ponies consider the acceptable profit to be 'slightly more' than the manufacturing price, and the 'highest profit' to be 'a bit more' than the acceptable profit."

Ash just gave a small grunt. “That doesn’t sound over complicated, but it’ll take some time to get used to. It's just so different from my home.”

Luna nodded. “Definitely, but I’m sure you’ll get it.”

Up ahead, the pair could see a large crowd of ponies clustering around something, blocking most of the street. Luna waved one of her wings in the air, curling the feathers and flicking them several times. A moment later, she lowered her wing. “I’m going to teleport us to the park, okay?”

“Uh, sure, but what was that?”

“Guard signs.” Luna said with a smile as her horn started to light up. “A couple of my guards are going to check it out and, if needed, interfere.”

With a flash of magic, they were at the park and Luna kept talking, not at all disoriented by the sudden shift. “If it’s a fight or something, they’ll make a couple arrests. It might just be a bunch of eager ponies waiting for something, though.”

Ash stumbled slightly, then recovered his footing. It hadn’t helped that she hadn’t even broken stride. “How the hell do you do that?”

She flicked him with a wing, then answered. “Practice. Teleporting doesn’t disorient me anymore, and it's the same for most Unicorns. Pegasi and Earth ponies do have that same problem, though. I admit, though, that most Unicorns couldn't cast the teleport while walking like I have.”

Then Luna waved her wing around in a gesture that brought his attention to the park. It seemed to be a large area, roughly four hundred yards long and twice that wide, where grass and trees were allowed to grow, though not unattended. The trees were thick in the section they stood in, though Ash noticed they thinned out ahead and eventually stopped, separating the park into two sections, one of which was sunny and the other shaded.

Luna didn’t hesitate further into the park where there was a small break in the canopy, allowing sunlight to shine on the ground in a circle. When Luna entered it, she quickly lied down on her stomach and stretched out her wings and legs, closing her eyes as several small pops come from her. Ash took a seat across from her and set the box between them, then gazed around the area. He could see more than a few types of flowers growing around as well as a few berry bushes, which interested him. “You know, parks aren’t nearly this thick where I’m from.”

“Maybe it’s because a pony’s natural inclination for nature?” Luna asked, already opening the box of donuts with her horn. “Most parks look like this, with the exception of towns built inside forests. There, the parks tend to be large flat areas of land cleared of trees.”

“Maybe. It makes sense, in a way. Canterlot doesn’t have much nature, so the parks have both trees and open fields. A town in a forest doesn’t have many open fields, so that’s what their parks are like. I guess a town in a large field would have a park full of trees, huh.” Ash mused, taking a glazed donut from the box.

“That’s exactly right.” Luna said, taking a large bite of her donut. When she pulled back and started to chew, Ash smiled as he saw a large glob of blueberry cream on her muzzle, right behind her nose.

“Whhut?” Luna asked, her mouth filled by the large bite she had taken.

“You have some cream on your muzzle, behind your nose.” Ash said, then paused as he realized how dirty that had sounded.

It seemed Luna noticed it too, if the small blush showing through her fur was any indication. Either way, she quickly swallowed her mouthful before flicking her tongue out, trying to clean the cream off. Ash started laughing when he realized her tongue was just a bit too short to reach it and she was stubbornly trying to lick it off instead of using her hoof. Her blush continued to grow deeper as she struggled before Ash finally leaned forward and wiped it off with his finger, a deep grin on his face. “That was incredibly adorable, Luna.”

Instead of replying, she just leaned forward and licked his finger clean of the cream as the red tint on her face seemed to cover the whole of her muzzle. After she was done, she leaned back and gave him a satisfied, if flustered grin. She gave a quick, exaggerated lick of her lips. “The cream was delicious.”

Ash rolled his eyes, though he couldn’t hide the smile. “Dirty mare.”

“You started it with your comment.” Luna retorted.

“I thought you ponies didn’t make these kinds of jokes until much later?” Ash replied, a hint of confusion in his voice. “At least, from what I understand, innuendos aren’t common in an early relationship and the mean-sounding jokes don’t happen at all.”

Luna just chuckled. “If you like the modern customs, then yes, but I don’t. A thousand years ago, innuendos and dirty jokes were pretty common between couples and friends. Most ponies today are flabbergasted if you make a dirty joke, but you give me the opportunity to experience the past without running you off. As for the joking barbs, that’s just me trying to adapt to your culture just like you’re adapting to mine.”

“Thank you.” Ash said honestly, gently rubbing his hand against the side of her head. She leaned into his touch, smiling widely, before her smile turned to a grin.

“Thank you for paying for the donuts.”

“Heh, no problem, Luna.” Ash replied. “It’s the least I could do for a damn good friend of mine.”

Surprisingly, being called ‘friend’ by somepony she was romantically interested in didn’t bother Luna at all. She supposed it had to do with the fact that she knew he was interested in her, too. She also knew that Cadence would say that a couple was just two friends with added kissing. Either way, Luna felt happy knowing that Ash thought of her as a very good friend. To show her appreciation, she leaned toward him and gave him a gentle nuzzle on his cheek, then gently lied down across his lap, her head resting on his leg. An idea struck her and she acted on it, opening her muzzle slightly and poking her tongue out. “Ahh~”

Ash laughed at the sight and grabbed the donut she had been eating from the box where had set it down, then held it out in front of her mouth. She leaned forward slightly and took a bite, then returned to lying on him. Ash shook his head in amusement and took a bite of his own glazed donut and decided that this was a really good way to abate boredom. He knew he wouldn’t mind coming out here with her every once in a while and just relaxing the day away.

Trouble in the North

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Ash awoke to heavy banging on the door to his bedroom, followed by a voice shouting through the thick oak, though it was too muffled to be understood. Ash rolled out of the incredibly bed and stood up, quickly donning his healer medallion from the nightstand. Stumbling over to the door as he struggled with a shirt he grabbed from the same stand, he finally got it on and pulled the door open. On the other side, Celestia stood there with a worried frown on her face, two guards flanking her. “Ash, I’m sorry.”

“What?” Ash asked blearily before she shoved a scroll in front of him. Grasping it and blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he quickly read it.

Princess Celestia,

Coltsdale needs help as soon as possible immediately. A large pack of snow wolves attacked the town last night and injured several civilians. Injuries are minor severe and a few ponies need immediate medical attention or they won’t last past tonight. Please send guards and healers.


“An attack?” Ash asked, the surprise quickly awakening him. Ash wasn't sure why, but the beginning was written neatly but it became messier toward the end.

“Yes. I received the letter earlier this morning via a Pegasus messenger who was present during the attack.” Celestia said. “Come with me.”

Ash quickly fell into step with Celestia and followed her as she walked through the large marble halls. “The town was attacked some time early last night, around eight, before the wolves were repelled and that was when the mayor started writing this letter. From what I understand, they attacked again and in greater numbers three or so hours later, after which Silver adjusted the letter and sent it to me. With the way the letter is written, I believe that she was writing it during the attack and quickly corrected herself. She’s normally very formal and polite, not at all like what she wrote.”

“So you’re sending help.” Ash said. It wasn’t a question.

"I'm sending two groups to Coltsdale. The first group will consist of ten healers and one hundred and fifty guards. They will enter the snow plains to the northwest in order to locate the den before wiping them out. The second group will consist of twelve healers and fifty guards, will will be send to Coltsdale itself in order to assist the town. Healers will be sent to the hospital and the guards will set up a perimeter on the northern edge of town."

“Which group do you want me a part of?” Ash asked, already knowing why he had been woken.

“The second.” Celestia answered, sounding and looking apologetic. “Your ability to heal any injury provided you know what it is will be invaluable of saving lives. And, if the town is attacked again, your fire magic will be very helpful.”

“I’ll go, but fuck,” Ash swore quietly. “I hope Luna understands.”

“Luna understands because I already informed her. All three of us know you aren’t going to sit back and let ponies die.” Celestia said after a wince. “You won’t be back tonight, but you might return tomorrow before your date if things are resolved quickly.”

“If things aren’t resolved quickly, I assume I’m going to be staying however long it takes to be ended?” Ash questioned.

“Yes, that’s right.” Celestia replied. “I’ve already taken the time to request several thicker sets of clothing that will help you in the weather and they’ll be done within the hour. If you agree, you’ll be leaving in two hours with the rest of the force and will arrive in Coltsdale three hours after departure. The sergeant you’ll be flying with will provide you with information during the flight, so if you have any questions, ask me now or her later.”

Ash thought of a few things he needed information on before deciding it wouldn’t be worth it to ask anything yet. He had just woken up and was still tired, so he knew he wouldn’t remember anything for more than a few hours. “First of all, I need to wake up. Can I get some coffee?”

“I thought you hated coffee?” Celestia asked before nodding toward one of the guards, who quickly ran ahead.

“I do.” Ash said. “But this is important enough than I can forget my distaste for the drink.” Ash said, receiving an understanding nod. The trio consisting of a human, a guard, and an Alicorn walked through the halls for several long moments before coming to the dining hall, where they entered. Situated on the table in front of his usual seat was a mug that he assumed held coffee.

“Go ahead and sit.” Celestia said, gesturing with her wing as she walked around the table. “Breakfast will be served in a moment and Luna will be joining us soon. Wake up and I’ll give you a rundown of the town, terrain, climate, and enemy. Afterwards, you can spend some time with Luna before you leave.”

“Right.” Ash said, taking his own seat and beginning to sip at the coffee. It was black, or as near as he could tell, and tasted terribly bitter. However, he knew that it was full of caffeine and that was the reason he was drinking the black brew. As he waited, he could feel himself starting to wake up more, but he didn’t know if it was just because he was up and moving or the coffee was actually working.

A few minutes later, the side door swung open and three servants quickly trotted in and set several plates down in front of Celestia, Ash, and Luna’s seat. The three ponies pulled the silver domes off of the platters before leaving just as quickly as they entered with the heavy stone door blending nearly seamlessly into the wall. Looking down at his plate, he saw that he had been given a large breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast, along with a cup of orange juice. Just like every other portion of meat he had been given, he didn’t think the bacon was actually from a pig, just as the steaks weren’t from a cow.

Ash started to dig in, realizing that he was really hungry and knowing that he would need the energy if he would be casting spells all day. Neither him nor Celestia spoke and he assumed it was to give him time to wake up, so the start of breakfast was silent, the occasional scrape of a fork on a plate the only sounds filling the air. Halfway done with his breakfast, Ash heard the door to the dining room open and looked up to see Luna walk in, clearly having just awoken. When she caught sight of him looking at her, she gave him a small, tired, smile before making her way across the room and sitting in her seat, next to Ash.

The rest of breakfast passed quickly and quietly, ending when the servants came back and cleared the table. Ash, now feeling much better and fully awake, turned toward Luna. “I’m sorry, but I might miss tomorrow night if things don’t end quickly.”

Luna gave him a sad, if understanding, smile and leaned in to give him a gentle nuzzle. “I know. It’s okay. We’ll just have our date when you get back, right?”

“Definitely.” Ash said, softly rubbing her muzzle when she pulled back. He heard Celestia softly clear her throat and he looked over at the Alicorn, seeing her give him another apologetic look. “Right, I need information.”

Celestia nodded. “The town of Coltsdale isn’t very large, but it's large enough to not be called a village anymore. It’s a little under twice the size of Ponyville and is built with much the same design. The houses have thicker walls that are filled with more insulation than most other towns, but that's to protect against the cold. From what the guard who delivered the request for aid told me, most of the town have done their best to fortify their homes until the Guard get there. The injured are being held in the hospital and being treated as best they can, but they aren’t equipped to deal with the kinds of injuries there.”

“What about the climate and terrain around the town? From the fact that you mentioned snow plains and thicker clothing, I’m going to assume it’s up north.” Ash said.

Luna nodded. “You’re right. Coltsdale is cold all year round, but the presence of Pegasi makes snow rare, except in winter. Temperatures are usually around forty degrees, with particularly cold days dropping into the twenties.”

“I’m going to assume Fahrenheit since forty degrees Celsius is not cold.” Ash commented, receiving another nod.

“The ground around the town is mostly flat with a few hills toward the south.” Celestia began, taking over again. “Twenty-three miles to the north is where the snow plains begin, which is the beginning of the Frozen North. There’s a thick layer of snow on the ground, which is permafrost all year round, that’s always there. Unlike near the town, it’s usually snowing no matter how many clouds Pegasi destroy, so visibility in that area is reduced. There’s also a few caves in nearby hills that flank the plains, which is where we assume the wolves are living and where the second force will be heading.”

“And the wolves themselves? What can I expect?” Ash asked.

“Luna.” Celestia said, nodding to the younger Alicorn.

“The snow wolves are much more dangerous than their name suggests. I imagine you are thinking of a normal wolf with white fur and a thicker coat?” Luna asked. When he nodded, she continued. “That’s what most assume and it’s completely wrong. Most snow wolves stand taller than me, with the hunting pups being around the height of an average pony. Their fur is white and incredibly thick to withstand the temperatures of the plains, which is good for you but bad for the second force.”

When she saw his confused look, she elaborated. “If another group of the wolves, which we assume are all from the same pack, attack the town, their white fur will stand out significantly. In addition, their thick fur will light and burn easily with your fire magic. On the other hoof, the wolves will blend into the snow in the plains and won’t have to worry about being cold while fighting.”

“That’s why most of the Unicorns selected to accompany the second force are adept in fire and heat magic.” Celestia added. Ash nodded in understanding, so Luna continued.

“The average pack of snow wolves is usually around twenty, but the pack that attacked the town numbered well over a hundred. With packs that number over forty, there are often 'hunting parties,' which are large groups of snow wolves that travel together and bring home as much prey as they could. Normally, the wolves never leave the plains as the high temperature of Equestria is uncomfortable to them, but something has made them desperate. Whether they are desperate for food or a new home, we don’t know. The second team will also be searching for whatever has made them attack Coltsdale.”

“I’ll be in the town for the most part, right?” Ash asked. When they nodded, he continued. “Celestia already told me I’ll be provided thicker clothing to deal with the cold. Is there anything else I need to know?”

“Yes, actually.” Luna said. “The sergeant you’ll be flying with will be the squad you’re assigned to. In the event that a hunting party of wolves attacks the town, you’ll report to her. On the flight to Coltsdale, you’ll be given a sword for physical protection and she’ll inform you where her squad will be stationed.”

“I have absolutely no idea how to use a sword.” Ash said simply. The bluntness of the statement made both Alicorns crack a smile before Celestia spoke.

“The sword, a short sword made for ponies, will be closer to a large knife for you. We both know that you don’t have any weapon training, and we intend to fix that once you return, but there’s nothing we can do now. When in doubt, aim for the snout. A wolf can’t bite you if it has no mouth.” Celestia said, although she looked slightly sick from saying something so grim.

“An old saying among the Guard from before my banishment.” Luna said, seeing Ash’s amused and confused look. “In those days, all of Equestria was colder and the snow wolves roamed freely without worry. Now, with ponies able to alter the seasons, Equestria is too warm for them to live in most of the country.”

The trio fell silent as they thought. Ash thought of his mission, of the terrain, and the climate. With his Flames and Firebolt, it wouldn’t be hard for him to start fires for the various guards on watch, and they could create a ring of fires around the town at night so they could see if any wolves approached. His Frostbite would be near useless against creatures adapted to the cold, and Sparks didn’t jump between targets like Chain Lightning did. Healing would only be good if he was injured, so Healing Hands would see the most use in the coming days.

Though Ash wasn’t aware of it, both of the Alicorns were silently praying to the Maker that everypony, especially Ash, would make it back home alive.

After some time, Celestia stretched her wing out over the table and nudged Ash, pulling him out of his thoughts and making him look up. “Go ahead and spend the next hour with Luna, Ash. Your clothing will be on the carriage with you when you leave. Is there anything else you would like me to acquire for you?”

I can create fires whenever I need to, so warmth won’t be all that much of a problem. I have no doubt that food, water, and basic supplies will be transported to the town to sustain the guards and healers, so that’s not a worry. I’ll be equipped with a sword, so I don’t need a weapon. My guide is on the stand in my room and I’m not bringing it, so I don’t think there’s anything else I ne… wait.

“Where is the group I’m part of staying?” Ash asked.

“The healers and a good portion of the guards will be staying in an inn near the center of the town.” Celestia explained. “The rest will be taken in by various families around Coltsdale. Failing that, they’ll be provided a place to sleep inside town hall.”

“I don’t think there’s anything.” Ash said after another few moments of thought.

“Then go.” Celestia said with a small smile, gesturing toward the door with her muzzle. The three stood up and moved to leave, but Ash felt a wing on his arm. Luna passed him and he looked back to see Celestia holding onto him. Quickly, she pulled him into a soft hug with her wings and gave him a gentle nuzzle by his ear. Then she whispered. “Please, make sure you come back safely. For Luna. I couldn’t bear to see her torn up because you were injured, or worse.”

Ash returned the embrace and patted her softly as he replied. “I’ll be back. Don’t you have any doubts about that. I have too much to look forward to.”

She let go off him, a worried look in her eyes but a soft smile on her muzzle. “Good. Now, go join Luna before she thinks I’m trying to steal you.”

Ash chuckled and gave her a quick rub on her neck before turning and leaving the room, quickly catching up to Luna. He fell into step beside her as she walked through the hall. He opened his mouth to speak but, before he could say anything, her horn lit up and they teleported with a flash of light. The light faded and Ash stumbled to his knees from the sudden, entirely unexpected teleportation. He groaned softly and felt a muzzle nudge his head.

“Are you alright, Ash?” Luna asked in concern.

The man stood back up and looked at the Alicorn. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just not expecting that.”

“Sorry.” Luna apologized, rubbing her hoof on the ground. “I just wanted to be somewhere private.”

Hearing that, Ash looked around and saw that they were deep within one of the many gardens scattered around the castle. A large tree stood above them with bushes all around, seemingly forming a natural wall. Flowers grew in neat rows, some of the colors of which he didn’t know the name for. “Certainly seems private.”

Luna reared up and put her hoof against Ash’s chest and pushed down softly, so he sat down and leaned back, feeling the rough bark of the tree as he did. He stretched his legs out and Luna lied down next to him, sprawling across them and resting her head on his stomach. “This is why?”

“Mmhmm.” Luna hummed out, nodding. Her eyes had drifted closed and she seemed entirely content to just lie with him rather than do anything, a drastic change from the day before. In any case, the idea wasn’t a bad one so he rested his hand on her head, between her ears, and started to rub softly. No words were spoken between the two and nothing was done. An hour slowly passed as they simply enjoyed the presence of the other. It was relaxing, quelling any nervousness and fear Ash had. He had someone to return to and he would be damned sure he did. As Ash rubbed her head, he could tell that she was slowly dozing off. He didn't feel like sleeping at all, so he just gazed around the garden with a small smile on his face.

Worries and fears flickered through his head for the first while. Would he ever return home, to Canterlot? If he did, would he be grievously injured or even missing limbs? How many ponies were going to die from the wolves if they attacked again? How many had died already? Over time, the worries began to fade into a calm acceptance. Ash would do what he could to help fight and to save lives. There's was nothing more he could do other than his best, even if it might not be enough.

Ash simply sat against the tree, his mind slowly going blank as his thoughts faded. It was meditation, in a way, but that wasn't his intention. He just didn't want to freak himself out. Eventually, Luna slowly stirred from her dozing state, sitting up next to him and yawning loudly. Once done, she took a quick glance at the sky and frowned. “It’s almost time for the guards to leave.”

He could hear the worry in her voice, so he reached up and placed a hand on the side of her face, stroking her muzzle with his thumb. “You know I’ll be back.”

She gave a light smile. “I know.”

Then she stood, so Ash climbed to his feet and stood next to her. “I’m going to teleport us, okay?”

“Okay.” Ash said. A moment later, the world around them shifted as her spell took hold. When reality faded back in, they were in on a massive stone ledge, easily two hundred yards across and half that wide, on the side of the mountain. While Ash was sure the ledge was normally empty and quiet, it was full of activity now. The ledge was packed with carriages, both fully loaded and being loaded, with hundreds of ponies walking around. Some of them wore Guard armor, marking them as part of one of the two forces, while a few others had a medallion hanging around their neck, signifying their status as a combat healer. More still were unarmored. They were likely off-duty guards wishing their friends good luck or helping load up the carriages.

Ash looked back, seeing that the mountain behind them had been mined out and turned into a sort of vehicle storage. More ponies were walking around in there, doing the same as the ponies outside. Overall, Ash could see that there must have been at least sixty carriages being prepped, possibly more. He felt Luna nudge him so he turned and faced her. She gestured with a wing toward the carriages inside the mountain. “You’ll be accompanying the second group to leave, which is the group heading toward Coltsdale. You’ll be leaving a few minutes after the first group departs. Follow me and I’ll bring you to Sergeant Sight.”

Ash followed her as she walked into the mountain toward a group of ten carriages that had been loaded separately from the rest, which he assumed was the group he was going with. As they approached, he noticed several ponies stop and look toward him and Luna, with one of them approaching. To his surprise, it was no average pony. It was a thestral. Seeing one up close and in person, Ash understood why they were referred to as ‘batponies.’ Her coat was a dark purple and she had a light blue mane, which wasn’t different from any other pony. However, her wings were webbed rather than feathered. Two small fangs poked out of her muzzle, and she had large tufts of fur on the ends of her ears. Her eyes, while pink, were slitted, like those of a reptile. She stopped a few feet in front of him and Luna and saluted the Princess. “Sergeant Silver Sight reporting as ordered!”

“Good morning sergeant. This is Ashephyles, or Ash, the combat healer who will be assigned to your squad in Coltsdale. He’s already been briefed by my sister as to the nature of the assignment, so he’s not going in blind.” Luna explained.

“I’ve already been informed, Your Majesty.” The sergeant replied.

Luna nodded. “Make sure to keep him safe and he’ll do the same to your squad.”

Then she turned to him. “I have to leave to help Celestia with the preparations, okay? I’ll see you when you return.”


Then she leaned in and nuzzled him, much to the surprise of the guards watching. “Good luck.”

“Thank you.” Ash said, patting her lightly. “See you when I get back.”

Luna nodded with a smile, then vanished with a flash of light. Ash turned back to Sight to see her giving him a curious eyebrow. He just stared for a moment before she got the hint and cleared her throat. “If you’ll come with me, I’ll introduce you to your squadmates and supply you with your sword.”

Ash nodded. “Let’s get to it.”

He followed the thestral through the area until they came across one carriage that was identical to the rest. It was fully loaded, but there were five ponies outside of it, two of which were Pegasi. When they approached, they snapped to attention and saluted the sergeant.

“At ease.” Silver said. “Everypony, this is Combat Healer Ash. He’ll be accompanying us to Coltsdale as a healer.”

“So we get a healer? I thought there weren’t enough for all the squads.” One of the ponies, a maroon Unicorn, replied.

“There isn’t.” Silver said. “Ash will be working with the other healers to treat the injured ponies in Coltsdale. However, he also knows combat spells, particularly fire, so he’s been assigned to our squad.”

The same Unicorn spoke again, directing it at Ash. “So you know Ignis spells? What class?”

Ash shook his head. “My Magicka works in an entirely different way from your magic. The energy comes from a different source, the spells are channeled different, and the effects are different. I know two fire Destruction spells, those being Flame and Firebolt. Flame is a constant stream of fire and Firebolt is a bolt of fire.”

“The names are self-explanatory, then.” He said. Ash nodded. “Anyway, I’m Fire Surge. I volunteered for this mission when I heard the snow wolves are weak to fire-based magic.”

“Arrow Strike.” The first Pegasus chimed in, a stoic look on his muzzle.

“Star Dust.” A Pegasus mare said, giving him a smile and a nod.

“Iron Wall.” An Earth pony told him, her voice sightly rough.

“Sun Burst.” The final pony, another Unicorn, said.

Silver Sight nodded to Ash. “Now you know the names of everypony whose job is to save your life and vice versa. We’ll be leaving in roughly ten minutes. The first group is already departing.”

Ash looked toward the exterior ledge and saw that she was right. One by one, around fifty Pegasi-drawn carriages were taking off and banking north, toward Coltsdale and the snow plains. He looked back when he heard Sight call his name. She was holding something in her wing and tossed it toward him. He caught it and looked it over, finding it a small sheath to a pony-sized short sword. Ash withdrew it partly and saw that it was a simple blade, probably steel, and was rather sharp. He put it the rest of the way into the scabbard and tied it to his belt loops. Ash wasn’t quite sure what the sheath was made of since ponies didn’t use leather, so he guessed it was a synthetic material.

“You know how to use a blade?” Sergeant Sight.

“Not at all.” Ash admitted.

“Don’t worry about slashing unless you need to then. If you need to draw steel, try to stab.” Sight advised.

“I received some similar advice from the Princesses. I’ll be sure to follow it.” Ash said.

“Good.” Sight said, nodding. “Go ahead and load up in the carriage. Strike and Dust are going to hook up soon and we’ll depart with the others.”

Ash walked over to the carriage and climbed in, surprised to find plenty of room inside. He took a seat and leaned back, knowing it would be a long ride before they actually arrived in Coltsdale. Moments later, the door to the chariot opened up Iron Wall, Sun Burst, and Fire Surge hopped in, followed by Silver Sight a moment later. The door closed and the sergeant latched it shut and turned to look at the ponies and human inside. “Alright, Ash, what all did the Princesses brief you on?”

“The state of Coltsdale, the climate and terrain around the town and the snow plains, and the snow wolves, their strengths, and their weaknesses.” Ash replied.

She nodded, mostly satisified. “For most of our time in Coltsdale, you’ll be at the hospital and assisting the other healers. Fire Surge and Star Dust will be with you, the former as protection in case of a hunting party attack and the latter as a quick messenger to me. We’ll be stationed on the northern edge of town, near the Star Rose Diner since it’s on the outer edge. Sergeant Steel’s full squad will be stationed with us and we’ll be using the Diner to defend against any attack from the wolves.”

“Is the Guard Equestria’s only defenders?” Ash asked.

“Yes, why?” Sergeant Silver said, all the ponies gained a confused and curious look.

“Where I’m from, we have several different trained groups for that respond to various threats. I was comparing the Guard to my country’s Army, and the Army wouldn’t deal with a wildlife threat like the Guard is.” Ash explained.

“With the Guard being the only form of military force in Equestria, we respond to any and all threats.” Silver replied. “I understand what you mean, though. The Gryphon Empire is similar.”

The carriage lurched suddenly making everypony inside shift to keep their balance. A few moments later, Ash felt heavier than normal before everything evened out. After a moment, Silver saw his worried look and spoke. “That was us taking off. Dust and Strike were ordered to follow the chariot in front of us, and they did. We’ll be in Coltsdale in about three hours.”

Ash nodded in understanding. A moment later, Fire Surge spoke. “You said that your ‘Magicka’ comes from a different source than my magic. Where does it come from?”

“There’s other realms in existence.” Ash started. “Some times, living beings have no connection to any of them and will live their entire life without knowing of them. Others might have a weak connection to one, or such a strong connection that they can travel between them. I fall somewhere between the last two. I have a connection to the realm of Aetherius, which is where I gain my Magicka. I draw power subconsciously from the Realm of Light and store it in my own reserves. By resting, I can draw more power if my reserves were to become empty.”

“And what happens if you run out of magic?” Silver asked, curious about his unique form of spellcasting.

“Well, first of all, I can’t tell exactly how much Magicka I have in my reserves at all times. There are certain thresholds where I start to experience things when my magic reserves fall below them. Above 80%, I don’t feel anything. Between 50% and 80%, my chest feels tight and strained like I’m having trouble breathing. Near 30%, I start to feel mildly sick. At 20%, I’m incredibly nauseous. Finally, below 10%, I’m in physical pain. If I ever fully empty my reserves, I’ll either fall unconscious or be too exhausted and in too much pain to move.” Ash explained to them.

“Sounds bad.” Burst said, wincing. “You mentioned something about Destruction earlier. What’s that?”

“My magic has five separate schools, one of which is illegal for me to learn right now. It’s legal for me to learn Destruction, Alteration, Restoration, and Illusion. Destruction focuses on the elements and how to use them to injure. Alteration can alter the physical body and world for various effects. Restoration is healing magic and is my focus, which is why I’m a healer. Illusion alters the mind to the caster’s advantage.”

“What about the illegal school?”

“Conjuration.” Ash said. “Which qualifies as dark magic. I’ll need to get a license if I want to study any of it, which I do.”

“Why would you want to study black magic? It’s evil.” Iron asked, a slightly disgusted look on her muzzle.

“My magic’s Conjuration isn’t evil, actually. There’s no corruptive effects or anything else. It’s just another school. But since any summoning magic classifies as dark magic, it’s considered as such by Equestrian laws. I don’t really want to argue with the Princesses about it, so I’m just going to try to get a dark magic license to learn it.” Ash told her. After a moment, Iron nodded slowly.

“What all can Conjuration do?” Sun Burst asked.

“The most significant use is summoning lesser Daedra, which are some of the beings that inhabit some of the other realms. However, Conjuration is really dangerous. An improper summoning leads to an unbound Daedra roaming around doing whatever it wants, and Daedra are violent. That’s part of the reason I want to become better at magic before I try for the license. If I mess up, that’s one more monster roaming the land.”

“That’s a good reason to wait, then.” Silver commented. “Why don’t the rest of you tell Ash something about yourselves? It’ll help pass the time until we’re in Coltsdale, and I doubt any of us want to sleep.”

Sun Burst shrugged. “I’ll start, I guess. My name's Sun Burst and the only thing interesting about me is my parents, in my opinion. I was born in a Manehattan to a Unicorn and a Pegasus, which is a lot more common now than it used to be…”


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Ash bounced and shook as the carriage landed and rolled towards the town. Rocks, dips, and logs shook the entire vehicle as the wheels rolled over them, though the trotting of Pegasi ensured that they didn’t lose any speed. Soon, the chariot came to a full stop and Sergeant Silver unhatched the door and swung it open, hopping out. The rest of the squad followed suit with Ash joining them a moment later. He immediately noticed that the air was cold and was thankful for the thick jacket, which he had put on during the ride. There was also a pair of thicker, more insulated jeans, but he was going to wait to change into those rather than do it in public. After stretching, he looked around.

The group of carriages had landed outside the town in a field. There was no snow, like he had been told, but the grass wasn’t nearly as vibrant as it was near Ponyville or Canterlot. There were rocky areas around the field where grass didn’t grow. Like he had been told, the town of Coltsdale was structured very similarly to Ponyville. Most of the houses were made out of wood, with a rare few like the hospital built out of brick. Most roofs were thatched but some of the obviously newer ones were shingled. On the outskirts of the town, to the west, he could see farmland, so he knew the town could grow its own food. A quick look at the sun told him that they had landed on the south side of town.

Around them, the other carriages were unloading as well. Doors were swinging open, ponies were jumping out, Pegasi were unhitching, and supplies were being grabbed. He could hear orders being shouted and watched as several Unicorns started galloping toward the town. As soon as he noticed that, Silver turned to him and spoke. “Follow the healers to the hospital and start treatment. Fire Surge, Star Dust, accompany him.”

“Yes ma’am!” The two guards chorused in unison while Ash nodded. He started jogging toward the town, instantly thankful for his morning runs with Celestia. While he hadn’t put on any muscle yet, he knew better than to full out sprint toward the town. He followed behind the ponies, barely keeping them in sight as they ran and he jogged. The two guards kept pace with him easily. It didn’t take long for them to find the hospital, which was a big brick building painted entirely white with a large red cross above the doors. He could see a large number of ponies leaving it. Ash watched as the healers entered and followed inside a few moments later.

Ash stopped in the lobby to see the healers discussing something with the doctors, so he strode over and stood at the back of the group. Quite a few guards took seats in the lobby, most of which were Pegasi, and a few more were standing around the group. One of the Unicorns was addressing a doctor. “We’re the healers sent by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to assist in treatment of the injured.”

“I’m glad you came.” The doctor replied. “We’ve just asked most of the families visiting to head home and come back later so you can work in peace.”

“Much appreciated. Lead the way toward the injured.” The Unicorn replied. The doctor nodded and gestured for them to follow, so the large group did. As they started walking, Fire Surge nudged him. “Dust and I will wait out here. If something comes up, we’ll come get you or you’ll get us.”

“Alright.” Ash said with a nod, then continued walking with the healers. He had quite a bit of work to do. It would be many hours and countless casts of Healing Hands to treat all the injured, and it took longer still owing to the need to take breaks to recover his Magicka. He settled into a pattern of working until right before the pain set in, then stopping to meditate long enough for his nausea fade before working more. Systematically, the healers treated each individual case, starting with the most injured. Punctures and lacerations from claws and teeth were bountiful, with broken legs and fractured wings all over the few ponies who had tried to fight and save others. There were a few with concussions, and among the chaos, some ponies had even been burned by Unicorn spells intended for the wolves

Ash learned more of what had happened from the patients, most of whom hadn’t been concerned with his appearance at all. Apparently, the citizens of Coltsdale had been going through their day as normal when distant howling was heard in the areas close to the town. It had been a long time since wolves were a real threat to a moderate sized town, so nopony saw any reason to do anything other than hurry home as night set in. The true danger didn’t become clear until howls turned to growls that grew louder and were joined by snarls and barks as the snow wolves swarmed out of the darkness surrounding the town, attacking anything they came across.

In the first attack, only around a dozen ponies had been harmed and nopony had been gravely injured or killed. However, it was four hours later when the second attack happened. By now, most ponies assumed that the first attack had been by a hunting party, and the second had been the entire pack. Some ponies said that the pack was around eighty while others said there must have been three hundred of them, and the wolves swarmed through the town and attacked everything that screamed, fought, or ran. Seven hundred ponies had been injured, two hundred and seventy gravely wounded, sixty were injured beyond the help of a doctor and were the first to be healed, and seventeen ponies had died before help could arrive.

Thus far, none of the ponies had an answer for why the wolves had attacked but Ash became suspicious after hearing the stories. Why would wolves attack so many ponies but only kill seventeen? Asking a few doctors, he had found out that all seventeen had been taken to the morgue and hadn't been eaten, showing that the wolves hadn’t attacked to hunt. Something else made them leave the snow plains and attack the town of Coltsdale. Whatever the cause, Ash knew it wasn’t natural. Since he was so close to where the Crystal Empire would eventually return, part of him believed it had something to do with Sombra, even if he doubted it. King Sombra and the Crystal Empire wasn’t supposed to reappear until well after Cadence and Shining Armor were married, but that hadn’t happened yet.

Regardless, the lack of answers did not change his duty. Ash put the lingering questions out of mind and continued to treat the injured along with all of the other healers. No words were spoken between the ponies that had dedicated their lives to helping others, and none needed to be said. None of the other healers gave him any looks of distrust or anger, only respect and gratitude, the same as the ponies he helped. Among the healers, race didn’t matter. All the Unicorns cared about was that he was working to save lives.

Eventually, after what Ash assumed to be hours of casting spells, there were no more injured to be healed. As soon as he received a nod of confirmation, he slumped against the wall and breathed deeply. One of the healers, a Unicorn with a similar coat color to Twilight, approached him with an understanding grin. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Ash said, feeling slightly sick. “Just a little low on my reserves. They’ll replenish in an hour or so, though.”

“Is this your first mission?” The mare asked.

“Second.” Ash replied. “First was some trolls near Ponyville. I’m hoping everything gets wrapped up quickly so we can head home.”

“Aren’t we all?” The mare said with a laugh.

Yeah, but not for the same reason. Ash thought with a smile.

“Anyway, I’m glad you’re here. These ponies needed as much help as they could get. Every healer here was another dozen lives saved.” She said with a smile.

“Princess Celestia asked me to come and I agreed. I couldn’t just stay home and let more ponies die.” Ash said.

“I can agree with the sentiment. Anyway, I need to head back to my squad. I think most of us are going to be staying with our squads around the northern end of town.”

“I thought the inn was near the center.” Ash commented, confused.

She shook her head. “There was a quick change of plans. Word from the other team is that there’s more wolves than we thought and there’s signs that some of them split off and are heading back here. The inn will be abandoned tonight and we’re being arranged in storefronts and houses. Apparently, since only twelve squads have healers, they’ll try to put several squads in the same building.”

“Where will your squad be?”

“One of my squadmates came by earlier and told me we were moved to the Star Rose Diner.” She said.

“Huh. That’s where my squad is, or at least was supposed to be. I was told that on the ride here so if the plans changed, I might be somewhere else.” Ash told her. “I forgot to tell you, I’m Ashephyles, or just Ash.”

“Midnight Dancer.” She said, sticking her hoof out. He formed a fist and gave it a small bump, making her smile grow.

“Ash.” Ash heard a voice from down the hall call out. He looked to see Star Dust trotting toward him. “Sergeant wants you to get back to the Star Rose. Fire Surge and I are going with you.”

“Gotta go, Dancer. I’ll see you later.” Ash said, giving the mare a wave as he pushed off the wall and started walking with the Pegasus. After a few moments, Star spoke.

“I thought you were dating Princess Luna.” Ash gave a small cough, surprised at such a brazen comment. After a moment, Ash decided not to lie.

“Yeah, I am. We were supposed to go on a date tomorrow night.” Ash said honestly, then gave her a small glare. “I just met Dancer. She’s one of the other healers, so don’t get any ideas about me and her.”

She gave a small shrug. “Hey, I was just messing with you. No worries here. Keep her in mind, though. Princess Luna might want a herd one day.”

She didn’t notice the uncomfortable look on Ash’s face. The pair left the hospital quickly after picking up Fire and made their way across the town in silence, soon coming to a large diner that Ash instantly noticed had been altered. The tables had been taken out of the diner and formed into a makeshift barricade behind the building, which he could see parts of through the alley. Ash realized just how odd it was that a diner was on the outer edge of a town, but eventually decided not to question it. After looking around and noticing that the other buildings were all houses, he figured it was just a personal choice by the owner of the Star Rose.

As he approached the storefront, he saw quite a few ponies through the glass windows. They were situated around the room, sitting or lying on cushions as they waited for further orders. Four of the ponies inside he recognized as his squad, with almost a dozen other ponies inside. Pushing open the front door, several ponies looked up when the bell above the door rang before going back to their conversations when they saw who entered. Ash looked around the room again, seeing at least fifteen ponies inside, before striding across the room and taking a seat next to his sergeant, both Dust and Surge joining him.

Silver looked at him. “Report.”

“Everyone in the hospital has been healed. I’ve been told by another healer that the other team believes there’s more than a hundred of them and that some of them might be heading this way?” Ash asked.

She nodded grimly. “From the reports I’ve heard, there’s supposedly nearly three hundred of them, not the hundred or so our scouts initially found evidence of. They also believe around forty of them split off and are coming here to attack, though they aren’t sure if that’s their actual intention. We took the tables and arranged them into a small wall out the back, which faces north. I’ve seen some of the other sergeants doing similar things whenever they could. The owner of the Rose was more than willing to let us destroy her furniture for firewood if we needed, but not everypony is the same way.”

“I can understand that, honestly.” Ash commented.

“So can I.” Silver agreed. “But that doesn’t mean the other squad leaders like it. In any case, we have several ponies keeping watch for any movement in the fields to the north. If they spot anything, we’ll all be alerted immediately. The only problem is that there’s very few thestrals out here and the other three tribes won’t be able to see far once night comes.”

“Why not set up fires?” Ash asked.

“For what?” Silver asked in return.

“Set up a large campfire every, I don’t know, fifty feet all along the northern perimeter. The light from the fires will let everypony on watch see up to them and the heat will possibly deter the wolves. The only downside is that seeing past the fires will be almost impossible.” Ash told her. Silver gave a small hum as she thought it over before reaching into a saddle bag on the floor next to her and pulling out a parchment, quill, and inkwell. Quickly, she wrote something and handed it to Arrow Strike, who saluted and took off.

“Your idea has merit. I’ve sent Arrow to inform Sergeant Shield, the guard in overall charge of this team, of your plan. He’ll check it over, maybe make some alterations, and then put it into practice. That’s a good idea. Your kind do that a lot?” Silver asked.

“Not anymore, but the idea used to be a lot more popular. Generally speaking, all the soldiers around the fire would sit with their backs to it to preserve their night vision.” Ash told her.

“Might work. If the Sergeant makes the order, I’m sure they’ll be a few Pegasi on clouds past the fires to keep an eye out. That, or he’ll put the fires at the edge of our sight so it doesn’t mess up our sight line.” Sergeant Silver mused to herself. “In any case, I recommend taking a short nap. You’ll need your magic if there really is a group of wolves coming here.”

“Right. I’ll do that, then.” Ash said. He scooted back slightly and leaned against the wall and allowed his eyes to close. “Just make sure to wake me up as soon as something happens.”

“Will do.” Silver said. A few minutes later, Ash drifted to sleep.

In The Dreamscape

Ash sat up, swinging his feet off of the bed before standing fully up. He looked around, seeing himself in his old room from nearly a decade ago. Parts of the room were faded and blurry, like he had forgotten how they looked, and other parts were sharp and vibrant. However, the vast majority of the room looked like it had been smudged significantly. Ash looked out the window and the world around him changed. Suddenly, he was no longer in his old home but standing in the garden clearing he had been in before he left for Coltsdale. He looked around, then paused as he heard something. A moment later, he looked behind him.

“Hey, Luna.” Ash said, greeting the Alicorn. She quickly trotted over and gave him caring nuzzle, then looked at him with a slightly confused expression.

“It’s early for you to be sleeping, Ash.”

“I could say the same for you.” Ash replied with a grin, then continued. “Although, I’m napping to recover my Magicka. The other healers and I healed everyone in the hospital, but I exhausted my reserves a couple times and had to rest to recover them. Sergeant Silver suggested I rest so I can cast spells again.”

“Why?” Luna asked in curiosity.

“Oh, you must have not gotten a letter yet. Word around the sergeants is that the other team has found signs that there’s nearly three hundred wolves, not the hundred or so they originally thought. They also think that about forty of them split off and are heading for Coltsdale, but we don’t really know for sure.” Ash explained. As he spoke, Luna’s eyes grew wider.

“If there truly are three hundred snow wolves, Coltsdale will need reinforcements. I’ll draft up the order shortly and have more guards sent to reinforce both teams. That’s very important news, Ash, so thank you for informing me.” Luna said.

“That reminds me. Why are you asleep?” Ash asked.

“To help the ponies of Coltsdale. Several of the injured that are sleeping have had nightmares about the snow wolves, so I was helping them by ending the nightmares. I was just about to wake up when I saw your dream.” Luna explained.

“I’m glad you stopped by for a visit.” Ash told her. “It made my dream that much better.”

Luna blushed lightly, but smiled and nuzzled him again. “I’m very glad I’ve seen you, too. Has anything important happened yet? You’ve been gone for almost eight hours now and I can’t help but be worried.”

“Other than the rumors about wolves, and all the injured being healed, we’re fine.” Ash said. “I’m fine.”

“Good. I have to go now, but make sure to come back safely.” The night princess paused before adopting a small smirk. “Your date would be most distressed if you allowed yourself to be too injured to attend.”

“Understood, princess.” Ash said, returning the smirk before stepping forward to give her a hug. She happily returned the embrace before fading away. He lost his lucidity and the dream returned to a normal, incoherent mess.

In The Star Rose Diner

“Ash, wake up.” Silver said, giving him a rough shake. Ash’s eyes snapped open and he quickly leaned forward, rubbing his eyes slightly as he looked at her in confusion.

“What’s going on?” Ash asked, looking around and seeing the ponies in the diner were up and active. Ponies were grabbing weapons, donning armor, and otherwise getting ready for battle.

“Two Pegasi from the other team arrived ten minutes ago.” Silver said, her voice grim. “That hunting party that split off? They’re coming this way. We have maybe an hour before they’re here.”

Ash groaned and rose to his feet. “Princess Luna is sending reinforcements. She met me in my dreams and I told her what you told me about the wolves’ numbers. I don’t know how long ago she gave the order, though. How long was I asleep?”

“Around two and a half hours.” Silver said.

Ash sighed. “If they departed immediately, they’ll probably be here a little after the wolves arrive. I know she said she’ll be ordering reinforcements for both teams.”

“Good news for us, if that’s the case.” Silver commented. “Are your reserves charged? We’ll need your magic.”

It only took Ash a moment to know. He didn’t feel sick and his chest wasn’t tight, so he knew his reserves were full. “Filled. I’m good for a while.”

“Good. Let’s go. We’re going to be waiting behind the table wall for them. It’s not great as cover, but it's better than nothing.” Silver said, starting to walk toward the back door with Ash and the rest of the squad following. “Most of the Unicorns are going up on roofs so they have better sightlines and some of the Pegasi are heading into the clouds. While snow won’t do much against the wolves, lightning will. The rest will be fighting on the ground. Since you have ranged magic, you’ll be going up on the roof of the diner. Any objections?”

“No. I can’t fight with a sword worth a shit, so it makes sense.” Though the guards winced at his swear, none of them challenged him. They walked out the back door and into the darkening night. The first thing Ash noticed was the long wall made of tables from the diner and, apparently, tables taken from restaurants deeper in the town. Some of the tables had been taken apart and the pieces nailed into the wall to form supports, making it less likely to be knocked over by the wolves. It also seemed like each individual table had been nailed together, forming several long walls rather than a cluster of tables.

“Head on up to the rooftop.” Silver said, gesturing with her head toward the diner. Ash looked to the side to see that dumpsters had been taken and stacked to form a makeshift staircase to the rooftops and that long planks of wood had been laid across the gaps to make bridges. Already, Unicorns were taking position on the buildings and preparing to cast fire-based spells at the snow wolves. Ash nodded and walked over to the dumpsters and climbed up, a task made easy by the fact that they weren’t nearly as large as ones found in major Earth cities. Once on the roof, he looked out over the northern plains again to see a surprising sight.

All around the open field up to about six hundred feet away, large fires had been created to throw light around. There was a single line of fires in the distance that was the outer line Ash had suggested, but the sergeant in charge had altered the plan. There were sporadic fires all around the clearing where things were being burned, making it so there was no single spot within six hundred feet of the town where a wolf could hide. If they wanted to attack the town, they would be spotted well ahead of time. Ash took a seat on the edge of the house and let his feet hang over the edge, not really afraid of the height. A single story above ground wasn’t very far so he wasn’t concerned.

“Great view, huh?” Ash heard a voice ask in mild amusement. He turned to look when he heard someone sit down a couple feet away, seeing that it was Midnight Dancer.

“Yeah, I guess.” Ash said simply. “I’m sure most of the ponies here haven’t seen anywhere near this many guards here.”

She laughed and shook her head. “Not at all. There’s usually only around eight here. That isn’t a lot, but there’s not that many guards in general honestly. There’s only about five thousand for all of Equestria. Roughly two hundred are here right now with more on the way, if what I’ve heard is accurate.”

“Are you nervous?” Ash asked suddenly.

Dancer paused and fell silent, then answered several moments later. “Yeah, I am. I’m a healer, not a fighter. Sure, I’m a combat healer, so I know some offensive spells, but I’ve never been in a fight for my life. Are you nervous?”

“Incredibly.” Ash said with conviction. “I helped fight off some trolls near Ponyville, but I was never directly in harm’s way. I stood back and healed as the guards, who outnumbered the enemy by six to one, fought them. Back home, I might not have been so nervous, but I have way too much to lose here.”

“Princess Luna, right?” Dancer asked.

Ash gave a small nod. “Yeah. We might not have gone on an official date yet, but we’ve been ‘dating’ from what I understand of Equestrian culture. Where’d you hear that?”

“I have a friend who visits the archives in the castle a lot. She hears gossip from the maids who clean it and she told me about some strange creature dating one of the Princesses. I think it’s sweet that you’re willing to accept that she won’t always have time for you.” The Unicorn said.

“Yeah, I know she won’t always have time for me, and I’m fine with that. We don’t love each other, definitely not yet, but we do care about each other. She made a bet with Celestia that she won and didn't have to work for a full week. That week is close to ending so I’m trying to enjoy it as much as I can. We were supposed to go on a date tomorrow night, you know? Now, we don’t know when we’ll be able to. I might not be back in time for our date, so we’ll have to delay it. I’m sure I’m going back to Canterlot, but I might be injured when I do, so that might delay it even longer.” Ash said, starting to ramble. After a moment of hearing him talk. Dancer softly knocked him on the head with her hoof.

“I get that you’re really worried, but everything will turn out fine. It always does.” She told him. “I might not have much romantic experience, but I know Princess Luna is smart enough not to let a mission ruin what you two have. My friend has told me a lot about how much you two have been seen around the castle, so I know you two are very close friends at least. Nopony wants to ruin that and neither does the Princess.”

“Thanks.” Ash said. “I’m just really nervous, I guess.”

“We all are, but things will be fine.” Dancer reassured.

In The Snow Plains

“So the den is fifteen miles northeast of here?” Sergeant Fury, a Pegasus, asked Sergeant Climber, an Earth pony.

“Right.” The guard replied. “A couple of my Pegasi say that they’ve seen wolves going in and out all day. That's their den, I'm sure of it.”

“We’ll need those reinforcements from Canterlot before we attack it.” Fury grunted. “It’s a good thing Princess Luna contacted Sergeant Steel when he was taking that nap.

“Very.” Climber replied. “Sergeant Feather and his Pegasi are already clearing out an area for the carriages to land. They’re supposed to be here in a few hours.”

“How’s Coltsdale?”

“Feather and Cloud told me that the message was delivered and accepted. I’ve received a missive a little while ago that they’ve sighted the wolves about an hour out and have already set up a defensive line on the northern edge of the city.”

“What about the west and east? What’s stopping the wolves from just going around?” Fury asked.

“The Pegasi have used a bunch of snow clouds to make large walls of snow and ice around us. The walls are too large to easily dig through, and too slippery to climb. While the wolves would be able to do it with enough time, they’re going to be distracted by all the yelling ponies. Apparently, the huemane creature gave Sergeant Shield the idea of starting fires to both give the guards light to work by and to make the wolves uncomfortable and unsteady. Plus, if the wolves are coming in thick enough, I’m sure some of them will fall into the fires and burn.” Climber said.

“What’s your opinion on the huemane?” Fury asked his friend. “I’m not too sure about him. I’ve heard that he’s dating Princess Luna and I’m worried that he’s trying to corrupt the diarchy. Things worked well enough under a monarchy but I don’t think the night sky was ever so bright before she returned.”

The other soldier sighed. “Princess Celestia has been happier than I’ve ever seen with both Princess Luna and Ash around. I’ve got nothing bad to say. I’ve seen him once before and he did a pretty good job of making both of the Princesses laugh. He might not be a pony, but he’s a pretty good stallion.”

Fury just grunted. “I don’t know. Him not being a pony isn’t a problem, it’s just that he’s a commoner so close to the Princesses.”

Climber rolled his eyes. “You’re just jealous. It’s not like he has any influence in the government whatsoever.”

“He might one day.”

“And I’m sure both Princesses will give him plenty of lessons before that day comes. They aren’t going to let somepony who doesn’t know what he’s doing rule no matter how close he and Princess Luna may be. She might not have been around the last thousand years but I trust her just as much as I trust Princess Celestia.”

“Princess Luna messed up majorly.”

“Yes, and she paid for it.” Climber countered. “For a thousand years. A millennium of boredom and loneliness. That’s a pretty big price for anypony, immortal or not. I think she earned a second chance.”

“I suppose you have a point.” Fury said, relenting.

“Of course I do, I’m smarter than you.” The Earth pony said with a grin, receiving a hard nudge from his friend. “Joking aside, we need to check on our guards. I want to make sure they’re ready for the assault later tonight. You were briefed on the snow wolves, right?”

“Yeah, we all were.” Fury said. “Maybe not together, but we were. I have two Unicorns in my direct command that are proficient in Class C Ignis spells. One of my sergeants has a Class B flameweaver.”

Climber whistled. “Lucky for him, huh?”

“Definitely. From what I understand, a lot of Unicorns who know Ignis spells volunteered for this mission, member of the Guard or not.” Fire said.

“Just goes to show that ponies will help whether they’re paid to or not.” The other guard said. “Especially healers.”

Then Climber paused for a moment. “Actually, that brings up another point. You know that the huemane is a healer certified by Princess Celestia herself?”

“Really?” Fury asked, honest surprise in his eyes. “No, I didn’t know that at all. I mean, I knew he was a healer, but not certified by Princess Celestia. She’s always had really high standards for her medallion.”

“Yep. This is actually his second major mission, but he’s been helping out around the castle apparently. He’s starting to earn himself a name with the guards stationed in the castle because he keeps healing their injuries any time they get banged up.” Climber told him.

“Huh. Learn something new. I suppose it isn’t too hard to believe he isn’t as bad as I first thought. I’ll still hold my opinion of him, though. He hasn’t been here all that long so we really don’t know enough to judge.” Fury said.

“Shouldn’t be so judgemental for a being you haven't met.” Climber grumbled, then shrugged. “It's your right to have your own opinions, though.”

“Come on, let’s stop chatting. We really do need to check on our guards.” Fury said, turning around and heading back toward the camp in the distance.

“Right.” Climber said, following along.

Defending Coltsdale

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“Soon…” Dancer murmured into Ash’s ear, making him nod. Slowly, he gave the area around him another glance. Once word had gotten out that the Guard was mustering on the northern edge and building makeshift fortifications, the ponies of Coltsdale had quickly started bringing as much wood and scrap metal as they could. The sergeants, including Sergeant Shield, had quickly taken advantage of the supplies and started reinforcing the makeshift wall with whatever was brought. What was once a hastily nailed wall of thin wooden tables was still a hastily nailed wall, but now the tables were joined together with some metal scrap

Ash had heard that the guards had set up places around town where the wolves would be blocked. He had also heard that they made little ‘bunkers’ where Unicorns were able to hide inside and cast spells at anything outside, but he hadn’t seen any of either. They may not have had the materials to fully fortify the northern edge of the town, but the guards were doing as much as they could. Ash knew that every extra bit of cover could mean another pony's life saved at the end of the day.

The line of guards had gone silent some time ago. The wolves were getting closer by the minute, which made everyone tense and nervous. The guards may have been trained to defend Equestria, but no mortal was above the fear of death. Ash knew he wasn’t, but he tried his best to calm himself. Unfortunately, he had little success with that. He was extremely anxious. He was sweating, and shaking ever so slightly. Ash groaned quietly, shifting on his spot. Several Pegasi have lifted up pieces of wood and metal to make a improvised railing that the Unicorns could duck behind for cover. At first, Ash was confused since the wolves couldn't attack from from a distance, but he eventually figured it out. If a snow wolf was big enough, it would be able to jump and attack ponies near the edge of the roof. The ‘railing’ made the edge just a little bit higher and harder to catch, making it less likely that a wolf would make it on top of the houses and past all the guards. Ash wasn’t sure how well the idea would work in practice, but he figured it didn’t hurt to try. If it failed, nothing changed. If it worked, lives were saved. He leaned forward, resting his hands on the railing as he waited.

In the distance, a howl shattered the silence. Another followed soon after, with three more joining after. One after another, more and more howls rolled through the plains in a cacophony of hunger. The sound shook the nerves of the ponies, even making a violent shiver run down Ash’s spine. There was something about the sound that was primal, filling him with instinctual fear of being hunted. The mage knew it was worse for the ponies, whose prey instincts would be telling them to run and hide.

“Might be a bad time to ask, but where are all the ponies in the city?” Ash asked softly, directing it to Dancer. “Just in case a couple wolves ignore us, you know?”

Dancer swallowed loudly, then replied. “Boarded up in brick homes and public buildings all around town.”

“Good.” Ash replied. Down on the ground, he could see Pegasi and Earth ponies leveling spears on top of the wall, hoping that the wolves would charge in and lose more than a few. Unicorns were beginning to channel magic into their horns, though no spells had been cast yet. Pegasi in the clouds readied to kick down, hoping to send arcing lightning into the animals.

Another, final howl broke through the din and silenced the wolves. A moment later, Ash watched as one of the wolves walked into the field, standing just on the edge of the firelight. Ash could hear a few nearby ponies beginning to whisper nervously between them, and he could see why. From what Ash could tell, the bonfires that had been built were sending flames easily six or seven feet in the air. The wolf stood at nearly the same height. Ash remembered what he had been told, that snow wolves stand taller than Luna, and he could definitely see it. The wolf would probably be taller than him, but he didn’t want to get close enough to compare.

Ash began to channel Flames, then began to ball his hands into fists. He wasn’t sure how, but he just knew when the spell changed from Flames to Firebolt. There was a feeling with it, a sort of tension in his hands, as if the spell was waiting to break free. In a way, it probably was. A single distracted moment would allow the spell to backfire, and he didn’t want to know what Firebolt would do to him. Ash watched as another wolf stepped into the light, followed by several more until he could see more than a dozen.

“Is that it?” Dancer asked incredulously. A dozen would still be dangerous, but not nearly as much as what it had sounded like. “Wait, I can see more beyond the firelight.”

Ash peered into the darkness behind the fires and wolves but couldn’t see what she had said. The light destroyed whatever night vision he had, preventing him from seeing anything beyond the line of fires. A moment later, he didn’t need to be adjusted to the dark. A short bark came from one of the wolves, sparking the others into motion. They ran forward, toward the line of guards, with deep barks and vicious snarls filling the air. From the darkness behind them came more, but Ash didn’t have time to count. He thrusted his hands forward and opened them, unleashing the spells at the incoming wolves. One Firebolt went wide, zipping past one of the front wolves only to hit one behind with a sizzle and a yelp. The second hit the ground, dissipating harmlessly as embers.

While Ash’s accuracy may not have been all that great from a distance, the sheer number of spells flying from Unicorns made up for it. Bolts of red, white, and blue shot through the air as fires sparked and burned out on the grass from the magical barrage. Several of the front wolves went down, and Ash sent another sprawling when two Firebolts hit it directly. He didn’t care about aiming, continuing to launch spells as quickly as he could. He noticed idly that his Firebolt was igniting the wolves, though it was charring their flesh.


A blue line of shifting miasma rent through the sky and struck several wolves, sending them silently to the ground. Several more thunderclaps tore at the air, arcing lightning ending the charge of several wolves. A few moments later, the wolves reached the walls. Ash flung a Firebolt down at a wolf that had been impaled in the shoulder but still wasn’t down, then turned to fling another at one canine who had been about to bite a Pegasus. The bolt hit the wolf dead in the eye, burning through the socket and killing it. He heard several screams up and down the northern edge of town and glanced, seeing healers teleporting the injured away and beginning to mend their wounds.

God, if only I could teleport with my magic. Ash thought, slinging another pair of Firebolts at a wolf. To his surprise, the animal’s fur caught and it began to burn, howls of pain joining the ones already in the air. His Firebolts hadn’t set a wolf on fire yet, but it was good to know that they could. He glanced up and down the area he could see, noticing that the literal weight of the wolves was buckling the walls and splintering the wood.

“Fortify alleys!” Ash heard a deep voice shout. A moment later, levitation magic engulfed the hastily formed walls and lifted them, slowly moving them backward while still providing cover for the backstepping guards. For a second, Ash thought a retreat had been ordered. Then the walls came down in the alleys between buildings, making the northern edge of the town a solid wall of wood, metal, and fire.

The mage flinched and turned when he heard Dancer scream from his side. One of the wolves, clearly an adult, had leaped up and caught onto the metal railing with its teeth, pulled itself partway up, and was trying to snap at Dancer. The Unicorn had backed up out of its reach, terror on his face, and wasn’t casting a spell. Ash hesitated, seeing that each separate tooh was the length of his entire hand, before he drew his sword, fumbling with the latch for a moment, and then stabbed directly into the side of the wolf’s head. A low whine emitted from the creature before it fell, wrenching the sword out of Ash’s grasp and taking it to the ground. “Fucking damnit!”

“Thanks.” Dancer said, whispering softly. Ash didn’t hear her, instead moving back to the edge of the railing. Now that the guards were to his left and right instead of in front of him, he allowed his hands to relax and felt the tension lessen, the spell shifting back into Flames. Instead of sticking both of his hands forward, he moved them closer and angled them slightly. Then he imagined the roar and fury of fire, the sound louder and the heat stronger. A second later, animalistic screams of pain rent the air as a large stream of destruction descended on the wolves in front of the town. He swept his hands side to side, allowing the Flames to reach as far as they were able to. For a moment, Ash was glad the wolves were so tall. He was more than a story in the air, and Flames didn’t have enough range to reach the ground. After several seconds of constant fire, Ash ended the spell and saw several burning wolves lying on the ground, still twitching.

Then the smell hit him. Burning hair and charred flesh combined into an unholy scent that made him gag and step back from the ledge. On the ground, he could hear a few ponies coughing from the smell, and heard one retch. The field was silent for a time as even the wolves seem to balk under the heat of the fire, though Ash was amazed. It seemed that ‘dual-casting’ was a lot more powerful in reality than it was in the games.

Ash could hear more barking and howling, the sound being much louder, almost to the point of being painful, because it was closer. Soon after, another round of thunderclaps filled the air as the Pegasi released another barrage of lightning bolts and sending the final few wolves fleeing. Yelps and growls sounded out as Ash watched, amazed to see less than four running into the distance. The ponies around him began to break out into smiles and relieved laughter, and Ash sat down heavily. He brought one knee up and rested his arm across it, letting his head droop for a moment. Then he looked over to Dancer, seeing her sitting down and wiping sweat out of her eyes. She noticed him looking and smiled. “That spell was too hot for me.”

Ash gave a small shrug, sickness starting to set in. Ash wasn’t sure how many Firebolts he had cast, and he wish he had kept track, but he knew he had expended more than half of his reserves. “Worked, didn’t it?”

She gave a small laugh, though he could see turmoil in her eyes. “Yeah, it did. I just…”

The purple Unicorn trailed off and looked at the railing. Ash understood. “Wish we didn’t have to kill them?”

“Yeah.” Dancer sighed. “But they chose to attack Coltsdale. You know, that’s my first time casting combat spells with the intent to kill?”

“Not mine.” Ash said. “Few trolls near Ponyville.”

“Does it bother you?” Dancer asked. “It bothers me. It’s not right to kill.”

“No.” Ash answered. When she gave him a shocked look, he continued. “My kind is a hunter species. We’re used to killing animals for food. Killing a troll or a wolf? It doesn’t bother me. Those burned wolves down there are disgusting to smell and look at, but I don’t regret it or feel any remorse. I might have saved the lives of a few ponies, and that more than justifies killing violent wolves.”

“What about a pony?” Dancer asked quietly, almost fearing the answer.

“I’d regret the hell outta that.” Ash replied, giving her a wry grin that she hesitantly returned. “A pony is no different than a person, and killing a person is a lot more serious than killing an animal.”

“I… guess.” Dancer said. Ash understood a bit of her thinking. Ponies never needed to hunt, so they never ‘got used’ to killing animals. There was no moral separation between killing an animal or killing a person. All killing was bad to them, and it was just as simple as that.

Ash snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a thud behind him. He looked back to see a Pegasus landing on the roof behind him, then realized it was Star Dust. “Get ready, we’re moving. The reinforcements are going to stay behind and defend the town, but we’re heading out to link up with the other team.”

Ash groaned softly as he rose to his feet. He wasn’t sore, but he was definitely sick. “What for? You’d think they would send the fresh guards, not the ones who just spent twenty minutes stabbing with spears and swinging swords.”

“It was ten minutes,” Star said with amusement, much to his surprise. “And you weren’t swinging swords.”

“I’m not talking for myself, either.” Ash retorted. “Though I did stab once. Damn wolf fell off the edge and took my sword with it. It’s on the ground, in a wolf that’s probably burnt now.”

She shrugged. “Retrieve it before we leave. I’m just relaying orders from the Sergeant, who got her’s from Sergeant Shield.”

“Alright.” Ash just said. She took off again and he walked toward the makeshift staircase and started climbing down, Dancer following him. Down in the alleyway, he could see ponies leaning against walls and resting. They didn’t seem very tired, but a couple of them clearly looked sick from the smell and sight. Bloodstained spears were very common, and he saw one or two broken on the ground. The man walked over to the wall, which he now saw was up to his chest, and vaulted over it. He saw the walls had already been moved out of a few other alleys and ponies were already trotting out, ready to regroup with the other team.

“Are you really going to grab your sword?” Dancer asked, stopping at the wall.

Ash looked back and nodded, then pulled his jacket collar up and over his nose. He walked in front of the house he had been on top of, then started searching for the corpse with his sword. Up close, he began to truly understand the size of these wolves. The head of one of the larger ones was the size of his torso. Trying, and failing, to shrug off the shiver of fear that he was going to fight more of them without height advantage, he searched for his blade. He assumed it would be in one that wasn’t all that burnt, since it would have been on the ground when he dual cast Flames, and he found it after a few moments.

Reaching out, he grasped the sword and placed a foot against the animal’s neck, then tugged. After a few seconds, the sword came sliding out with a sickening wet squelch, blood and grey matter stuck to the blade. He heard gagging from behind him and glanced over to see Fire Surge behind him, looking sick. Beside the Unicorn was Sergeant Silver, who seemed mostly unphased. Ash turned back and wiped his sword off on the beast’s fur, replacing the gore with dirt, and then sheathed it. A part of him was disgusted, but all of him knew that whining wouldn’t fix anything. “I’m surprised you aren’t affected by the sight, Sergeant.”

She ran her tongue over her fangs in reply, so Ash asked a question on his mind. “Omnivorous?”

The thestral shook her head. “No, but scientists think we used to be way back before the Alicorns ascended to the throne. All I know is that blood doesn’t bother me as much as it does others.”

“Not much blood with all the burnt flesh.” Ash commented, walking over. “When are we leaving?”

“Thirty minutes.” Silver replied.

“What are the reinforcements? Princess Luna never gave me a number.”

“Twenty carriages landed outside the town near ours a few minutes ago. There’s a hundred or so coming in to replace us. I’m not sure what the other team received.” Silver answered him.

“Double us, then.”

“More. Not all of our squads are going to join the others. Out of the ten squads here, four of us are going to join Sergeant Climber and Sergeant Fury. Naturally, it’s the four with the most powerful spellcasters. Between you, Fire Surge, and Sun Burst, we got picked pretty quickly.” Silver explained.

Ash grunted. “Good reason, even if I’m not eager to go fight even more of them.”

She cracked a smile. “Even then, we’re going. Head back over to the carriages and hop in ours. It’s got ‘5C’ on the back. Take a nap once you get there. We’ll need you with full reserves.”

Ash nodded and turned, heading back into town. He wouldn’t be able to sleep considering he had taken a nap earlier today and wasn’t tired. He could still rest, though. Maybe even try to learn a new spell. Sergeant Fury, huh? Fury would definitely be a useful spell.

Then he scoffed. So would Calm, Fear, Courage, Chain Lightning, Fire Ball, Wall of Fire, Paralyze, Heal Other, and every other spell I can eventually learn. No, I’ll need to stick to Novice and Apprentice spells for now. That would be Calm, Fear, Fury, and Courage. Which one, though?

After a few moments of thought, he decided. Fury. We need to kill these wolves so they don’t just come back, and Calm and Fear won’t do that, not to mention that all the spells are temporary. Courage would be good for supporting the Guard, but I’d rather make the wolves fight each other than make the ponies fight harder. How would I even go about it? Okay, that’s easy to answer. Fury is Novice-level, and that just needs an understanding of the spell’s effects, how it looks, and energy. I could probably cast it right now, actually.

Ash held out his hand, palm up with a fist partially closed, and began to think. He imagined a pulsating ball of red energy filling his palms. He imagined the spell, how it filled the target with pure anger and made them turn on anyone, even their family. He imagined how the spell was cast, a red orb flying through the air and hitting the target. He imagined the small red glow that showed an enemy was under the effect of Fury. Soon, he noticed that his very thoughts had faded into reality, his hand wreathed in the red glow of magic.

He twisted his wrist around, seeing how the spell wrapped around his hand and shed dim crimson light. Slowly, he closed his fist and saw the light solidify into a solid red orb. For a moment, it almost seemed like the spell was trying to push his hand open. Ash dismissed the thought since it was foolish. Magic was neither alive nor sentient, so it was just the magical pressure of ‘condensing’ a spell. He pointed his hand at the ground and quickly opened his palm, watching as the red orb shot forward, impacted the ground, and dissipated into red light. He felt a sense of… failure, almost, and the feeling confused and partly disturbed him. Then he shrugged it off as an effect of the spell, possibly a way of determining whether it worked or not.

Ash continued through the town, practicing forming Fury faster and getting used to the feeling. He figured that if Fury backlashed, it would make him incredibly angry, which wouldn’t be good when he had a sword and magic. Eventually, he came to the carriages and saw that the reinforcements had landed off to the side and were still unloading. Ignoring them beyond a glance, he searched for carriage 5C and found it, then hopped in and leaned his head back against the wall. Slowly, he allowed his thoughts to settle and go blank as his Magicka recharged.

Later, he felt the carriage jerk. He quickly opened his eyes and immediately saw that he was no longer alone. The rest of the squad was in the carriage, and it felt like they were moving. He noticed Silver giving him a smirk. “Welcome back. You were sleeping pretty hard and we didn’t need to wake you, so we didn’t. You didn’t even budge when the rest of us got in.”

Looking at his squadmates, he was content when he saw that they were all present and none of them were injured. “Guess I was more tired than I thought.”

“Adrenaline probably wore off.” Iron Wall said, nodding. “Might not have been fighting long, but it takes energy to swing a sword or, I assume, cast a spell.”

Both Sun Burst and Fire Surge nodded, though it was Fire who spoke. “Definitely. It might not be physically tiring like a sword and spear is, but it can still tire us out pretty quickly. It’s more of a mental exhaustion, though.”

“We just left?” Ash asked.

“A few minutes ago.” Silver told him. “We’ll be there in about an hour. Just doze, meditate, think, or whatever it is you do to recover magic.”

He gave a small smile. “All of the above.”

Leaning his head back against the wall, he blanked his mind out again and just waited. He heard the guards chatting with each other to pass the time, but Ash took no notice of it. He wasn’t sure how long he reclined against the wall, allowing his mind to just be, but he was snapped out of his silent state when he felt a hoof touch his shoulder and shake him. Ash rose his head and looked, seeing Silver gesturing with her head. “We’re here.”

Ash stood up, though not to his full height since the carriage wasn’t tall enough, and walked out the door. Once outside, he straightened his neck and looked around, seeing that he was surrounded by parked carriages. Ash assumed the reinforcements had arrived already since there had to be over a hundred carriages, but he wasn’t sure. He felt a nudge on his thigh and looked down, seeing Star Dust gesture with a wing. “Come on.”

Ash fell into step near the back of the ground as they trotted through the rows of parked carriages, heading toward what Ash assumed was the camp. While he couldn’t see any part of it other than some bits of light and smoke because of the carriages blocking his view, he could hear the ponies trotting around, talking, and generally passing time. He also took notice of the surrounding terrain, seeing that there was a consistent layer of snow on the ground, and even some on top of the carriages. It was colder here, too, and wind was blowing and making it seem even colder than that. Ash tugged the jacket hood tighter, then sighed.

Soon enough, they rounded the front edge of the carriage rows and Ash took sight of the camp for the first time. It was situated up a small, surprisingly flat hill that resembled a miniature plateau. Tents were set up in slowly-rising rings until it reached the crest of the hill, where Ash assumed the leaders had their tents. Guards patrolled the outer edge, with Pegasi flying over the fields nearby. In the distance, Ash could see a small mountain chain, saturated with caves. If he had to guess, the snow wolves lived somewhere in there.

“Is there any news, Sergeant Silver?” Ash asked.

“We’ll be attacking the den in the morning, once daylight comes. Guards will be on watch all night to prevent us from being caught in a surprise attack, so make sure to sleep with your sword near. Tents will be provided for us, and it’s going to drop below twenty tonight so make sure to stay warm. Blankets will be provided to everypony, with special focus to you, Ash, and fires will be kept going all night for warmth and light. We’re squad 5C, so look for the tents with those labels.”

“What about dinner and breakfast?” Surge asked, receiving a few chuckles from the rest of the squad.

Silver cracked a small smirk. “A few guards are making stews, so make sure to stop by a campfire before you turn it. I know none of us will be on watch tonight. Go ahead and relax. I have our orders already and you’re all free tonight. Go eat.”

“Yes ma’am!” Fire replied, giving her a small salute before hurrying off eagerly. Wall, Strike, and Burst gave small laughs before moving off around the camp and Ash watched as they mingled with their fellow guards.

“Something the matter?” Ash heard Star Dust ask. Looking over and down at her, he gave a small shrug.

“Not particularly. I’m just surprised at how relaxed the camp seems. I was never in my country’s military so I don’t speak from experience, but I expected it to be more strict.” Ash said. Star’s indigo coat blended in with the night as they approached the camp, making her slightly hard to see. Only her silver mane and green eyes were clearly visible in the darkness.

Dust gave a small shrug with her wings back to him. “I couldn’t say much, either. The Guard has always been like this, so I don’t know anything different.

“You know, you remind me a lot of Private Star, honestly.” Ash said.

“Star Gaze, in Canterlot?” She asked.


“I know her.” The Pegasus replied. “Old friend of mine. Both of us love astronomy, and we met during a meteor shower. How do you know her?”

“She’s my escort, sometimes. I pretty sure I can consider her a friend, but we haven’t really hung out much.” Ash replied.

“I know Star. She’s a good friend to have.” Dust said, giving him a nod and a grin. “Kinda wish I was lucky enough to be posted in Canterlot. I’m hoping this mission gets me put there.”

“Oh?” Ash questioned. When he saw his curious look, she elaborated.

“Recruits are trained there, and only the most promising are posted in the capital after graduation. If you aren’t placed there as a private, you have to prove your worthiness out in the field before being moved there.” Dust explained.

“Has there been a field operation this big recently?”

“Not even close.” Dust replied. “Why?”

They walked into the first ring of tents, getting more than a few curious looks, before coming to stop at a seemingly empty campfire. Ash sat down and brought one of his knees up again, a comfortable position for him, before continuing his conversation. The heat from the burning wood banished the worst of the chill, though his back remained cool. “With all these guards out here, there’s plenty opportunity to ‘prove yourself,’ I’m sure. Maybe I’ll see you in the castle one day.”

“Maybe.” Dust mused. “So you really do live in the castle?”

“Yeah, I do.” Ash replied. “I don’t intend to stay there, living off of the Princess’ kindness forever, though. Now that I’m a certified healer employed as for the Guard, hence my status as a combat healer, I can start looking into getting my own home.”

Dust gave a quick glance around, then leaned in. “But what about you and Princess Luna? You’ve already confirmed that you two are dating, so what are you going to do when you move?”

Ash just gave her a confused stare. “We don’t need to be in the same building to date. I’m pretty sure I could live anywhere in Canterlot or the neighboring towns and still date her pretty easily.”

The Pegasus flushed lightly. “Good point. I rescind my previous statement, then.”

Then she paused. “I actually really hope you get back to Canterlot in time for your date. I would really hate it if Princess Luna had to redo everything for it.”

“I would too. If we can finish this in the morning, I’ll be back in the castle with a bit of time to spare.” Ash said.

The pair fell silent for a time, simply thinking about things. After a moment, Dust spoke up softly. “You know it won’t be finished in the morning just because you said that, right?”

Ash groaned. “Yeah, I know. I guess somethings persist between worlds.”

She gave him a glance, smiling slightly. “Yeah, I guess they do.”

Then she turned and looked toward him. “Can I ask you something?”

“I don’t see why not?”

She shifted slightly. “I don’t know if this is too forward or personal to a huemane, but if you and Luna ever start a herd, can you keep me in mind?”

“What?” Ash asked, staring in open shock. Never would he have expected such a question from a pony he barely knew, and it seemed she realized her mistake. A deep blush spread across her muzzle before she hopped up, quickly trotting away.


Ash stared at her retreating figure for several long moments before deep laughter reached his ears. He slowly tore his gaze away and looked over, seeing a large Earth pony laughing loudly. “Guess you ain’t settled inta Equestria all that well, have ya? Or at least, somethings elude ya.”

“Y-yes, I guess so.” Ash replied, shaken by what had happened.

“Why dontcha just take ah moment ta clear yer mind?” The large pony asked. “I’ll start us a stew, then explain a few things ta ya.”

“I think I’d rather have answers now.” Ash replied simply. “W-what would I have even said to that?”

“Yes.” The stallion replied simply. “She asked ya to consider ‘er, not pick ‘er. Single mares will ask that o’ a lot a stallions they think they might be happy with.”

“Are you saying she likes me?” Ash asked incredulously. “Because I think I’d doubt everything else you say if that’s what you’re getting at.”

He chuckled again, the sound deep and rumbling. “Not at all, lad. I’m sayin’ somethin’ about ya interests her. Might be yer teeth, yer height, yer exoticness, or yer personality. It’s kinda like seeing a good meal. The look and smell of it draws ya in, but ya don’t know if ya like it until you take a bite.”

“Thanks for comparing me to food.” Ash retorted, receiving another laugh.

“In any case, something about ya at first glance make her interested, and she’s wantin’ to take a bite. She don’t know if she’ll love it, hate it, or if she’s allergic to it, but she’s willin’ to try because she might be lucky enough to find a food she likes.” He explained, setting up a cooking spit to hang a pot from. Looking at him in the firelight, Ash noticed that he had rust-colored fur with a bright orange mane. The stallion’s eyes, though, were obscured from sight.

“Is that common for mares to do?”

“Some.” He replied. “The ones who grew up on tha older traditions. Myself an’ my sisters? We were raised on the newer ones, so none of my sisters woulda done that. That mare, on tha other hoof, might have been brought up by parents who used tha older system.”

“What do I do about it?” Ash asked, rubbing a hand across his face.

“Nothin’, unless yer goin’ to tell ‘er ‘yes.’ Generally, unless ya give ‘er a chance, ya don’t bring it up. Common etiquette, at least. There’s always exceptions.”

“Will that happen again? Be honest with me.”

“Probably not.” The stallion rumbled, grinning. “She was a rare one. Now, ya just rest and let me cook ya a stew. I got good respect for any healers. Saved my pa once.”

Unexpected Resolution

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Ash slowly woke up, feeling a soft touch nudging him repeatedly. His eyes drifted open to see Fire Surge standing next to the bedroll, a hoof on his shoulder and shaking him. “Time to wake up, Ash. Dawn’s coming, and we’re attacking the wolves soon.”

The man groaned, then nodded before rising to his feet. He stretched, feeling his back pop, before relaxing and look back to Fire. “Anything happen in the night?”

“No.” Surge said nervously. “The COs have been talking about it. From what the Princesses told them, we should have been attacked yesterday. Snow wolves are supposed to be incredibly territorial, and we are definitely in their territory.”

Ash nodded, reaching down next to the bed and grabbing his sheathed sword. Quickly tying it to his belt again, he replied to Surge. “I assumed they were, but wasn’t told. If there really are a couple hundred snow wolves in those caves, they should have attacked already. They wouldn’t sit in their caves and wait for us to come to them.”

“Exactly what the COs are thinking. Everypony’s on edge about it.”

“A lot different than last night.” Ash commented, receiving a nod. “Where are we going?”

“Breakfast, first. After that, the guards will be gathering in ranks between the camp and the caves. The healers, including you, will be a little behind the main force.” Surge told him.

“So I’ll be acting as a healer instead of a spellcaster this time?”

“From what I’ve been told to tell you, yes.” The Unicorn replied, following him as they exited the tent. The morning air was cool, though nowhere near as cold as the night had been. Rings of grass showed through melted snow from the campfires that had provided warmth, light, and food for the guards. The sun had yet to rise, but the sky was growing brighter as it prepared to. Hours away, Ash knew that Celestia would be awake and preparing to raise the sun. “The COs are really nervous about this and want as many healers as we can get this time around.”

“Good to know.” Ash commented. Part of him was relieved that he wouldn’t be in the front, slinging spells at the wolves. Another part of him wished he would be near the front, just so he might be able to save a pony. “Do you know what the plan is for the assault itself?”

“No, I don’t.” Surge said with a small shrug. “We’ll be finding that out from our sergeants after breakfast. I think you’ll be staying outside the caves, though.”

Ash simply nodded. There was nothing to say to that. Instead, he followed the guard toward a nearby campfire, where the rest of the squad minus the sergeant was sitting and cooking breakfast, which was another type of stew. Ash understood that stew was easy to make and didn’t require much ingredients while making a good bit of it, which led him to assuming that most of the guards knew how to cook stew for short trips and missions like this. Ash suspected that, in the event of a drawn out expedition, the guards would have to make due with something less tasty. The man and the pony walked over, each taking a seat on small discs, made out of wood, that functioned as the Guard’s chairs when camped.

“Stew will be done in about ten minutes.” Iron Wall, the mare cooking the stew, said. Ash nodded his thanks before she continued. “Not much of a morning pony?”

“I usually don’t mind waking up early.” Ash said, bringing his fist up to try to rub the sleep out of his eyes. “But I normally get more than four hours of sleep, anyway. Asleep past midnight and up before the sun.”

Ash heard a few small chuckles when she spoke. “I understand. When I first joined the Guard, training was suffering. We went to sleep around two in the morning, if that, and had to be awake by five. I can’t say that I enjoyed it all that well, but I enjoy where it got me.”

“Definitely.” Arrow Strike said from across the small fire, along with Surge and Sun. Ash noticed that Star Dust was staring at the ground, doing her best to not look at him.

“Did you all train together?” Ash asked.

“Yeah, we were.” Sun Burst answered. “Went through Basic, went through our classes, and graduated as Privates. Sergeant Silver was given command over us, and we’ve been working together ever since.”

Ash nodded, falling silent once again. The guards chatted with each other, eventually bringing Star out of her silence and into the discussion after a time. Breakfast finished and everyone was given a bowl and Ash learned that it was a simple vegetable stew, something he could eat, and quickly devoured it. It didn’t take long for the Thestral Sergeant to approach the campfire and clear her throat.

The guards looked up and gave her quick salutes, then relaxed and waited for her to speak. Ash thought it odd until he realized that the Equestrian Guard must have had different rules to follow because even he knew that a soldier didn’t relax until the officer said so. “Everypony get ready. The Guard is gathering outside the camp for the assault on the den. You’re going to follow me and form up behind me, then wait while the Sergeants in charge relay the plan before we move in.”

Then she turned to him. “Ash, there was a change of plans with you. Originally, Fury and Climber wanted you to stay in the camp with the other healers, but that plan was changed. Since you have have Ignis spells at your disposal, you’ll be joining us. Understood?

“Yes ma’am.” Ash replied.

She cracked a small smirk. “Gather your equipment, finish eating, and meet me outside the camp.”

“Yes ma’am!” The guards chorused, resulting in her spinning around and trotting away. The guards resumed eating with vigor and quickly finished before rising to their hooves, following after the Sergeant. As finished as well and stood up, walking a short distance behind the rest of the ground. Now that he had something to eat, he felt much more awake and ready to deal with the wolves, but he was still tired. Once outside the camp, Ash looked around and saw the various squads forming up behind their sergeants, each squad having a foot or so of space between them. Ash quickly spotted the squad he was with and walked over, coming to stand beside Surge.

Ash reached up and flipped his hood up and over his head as the wind blew, making him shiver slightly. With the sky brighter now, and the sun only minutes from rising, he could see that the skies were incredibly cloudy and grey. Noticing that, he assumed there was a good chance it would snow later, but he didn’t know how hard. Turning his attention back to the small mountains in the distance, he squinted his eyes to try to see them better. The chain itself was entirely barren of any plants he could see and he couldn’t see any movement either, though the mountains were a good thirty minute jog away. He could see the opening of several caves in the mountains, though he didn’t know if they were all connected or separated.

“Alright, guards, listen closely!” Ash heard a rough voice command. Looking toward the front of the squads, which was easy because of his height, he saw a ruddy stallion with a mane that was some shade of dark yellow, surprisingly. He was, as all of the guards were, decked out in golden armor. From his side, he heard Surge whisper.

“That’s Sergeant Fury, one of the COs of this team.”

“Thanks.” Ash whispered back, then listening as the guard continued.

“Magic has confirmed that the caves ahead is the home of the snow wolves.” He continued, keeping his voice loud and steady to be heard clearly. “Cave-finding spells have determined that the various caves are not connected, meaning each separate group of wolves is isolated from their pack. As such, we will be splitting into smaller groups, each of which will be tasked with securing a single cave.”

Another stallion, this one with gray fur and a white mane continued when Fury paused. “Orders from Canterlot are to slay any wolves you come across. We can not let any of them escape past us. A single breeding pair can recreate this entire problem in two decades.”

“However, make sure to keep an eye out for anything strange or out of the ordinary. Snow wolves aren’t supposed to be this far south, nor are they supposed to form packs this large. Something is driving them to this behavior, and the Princesses want to know what.” Fury said, taking the explanation back over. “Each subteam will consist of five squads of guards, starting with 1A to 5A, 6A to 10A, 1B to 5B, and so on! Squads 6D to 3E, you will merge with the other units, providing support !”

“Form your groups and head out! Follow the command of the most senior sergeant!” The other stallion called out.

The guards began to quickly move around, forming their larger units, before beginning to advance toward the mountain. He saw Silver speaking with five other guards, who he assumed were the sergeants from other squads, before she turned and called out. “1C to 5C and 2E, we’re taking the westernmost cave!”

Ash heard over thirty ponies give a shout of understanding before beginning to trot toward the mountains in the distance. From here, he could see the ‘westernmost cave’ easily enough, considering it was at the base of the mountain and was wide and black, like a gaping mouth. Ash found himself lengthening his stride slightly to keep pace with the ponies, otherwise finding it easier to move with them. It was only when they ran or sprinted that he had trouble keeping up. The walk passed by quickly, with the other Guard units staying relatively close but slowly growing farther as they angled to approach their own targets.

Fortunately for him, Ash didn’t have to worry about marching in step or maintaining rank, because the guards around him weren’t doing it either. Snow crunched underhoof from the weight of the armored equines, though not in time, and the rows varied ever so slightly, though not enough to make Ash think they were untrained. Far to the right, where the mountain chain curved slightly, Ash watched a squad that consisted solely of Pegasi reach their chosen cave. A moment after, he could hear the faintest sounds of shouting and barking reaching his ears. His own cave was approaching quickly and he found the ponies around him quickly grabbing spears and readying spells. This time, Ash reached down and unlatched his sword beforehand instead of fumbling with it like last time, then brought Flames to his hand.

Slowly, he squeezed his hands together and felt the spell change to match the pressure, becoming Firebolt. He held his fists in that shape, knowing that opening his hands quickly would release the spell and opening them slowly would change the spell back. Idly, he realized that he needed to learn how to compress Flames faster, since it took several seconds to do as it was. They approached the cave, the ground underneath the snow slowly shifting from grass to stone as they walked up to and eventually into the gaping hole in the rocky spire.

The Unicorns in lead, two of which were Sergeants, lit their horns up and cast bright light into the darkness, allowing the guards to see. For a moment, there was nothing there and Ash thought the cave was a dead in with nothing in it. Then he realized that there was a small tunnel in the back of the cave that continued into the mountain. As they approached, he could hear faint sounds coming from it. Silver turned and gestured to Star Dust and a Pegasus from another squad, then four guards seemingly at random. “You six, wait out here. If anything gets past us, put it down.”

They each gave a quick salute before Silver faced forward again. “The rest of us, we’re going in. Keep an eye to the sides, call out any side tunnels, and keep your weapons at the ready!”

The sergeant received affirmatives from the rest guards, then lead the way into the cave itself, heading for the tunnel. Ash followed, keeping pace to stay toward the back of the group since he had no skill with his sword. Beneath his feet, the stone and loose gravel shifted around and crunched lightly. The sharp clacks of the hooves of the ponies around him muffled his own steps and echoed through the cavern. Ash glanced around, seeing a few ponies stepping around stalagmites. As they approached the tunnel, Ash saw that it was ten feet or side wide and just as wide. He watched as the magical light steadily pushed the darkness back, revealing more of the darkened interior.

Surge gave a small shiver. “I don’t like being underground.”

Ash kept looking ahead, seeing the guards in front search both sides of the tunnel for any side paths. Fortunately, there hadn’t been any yet. “Claustrophobia?”

The Unicorn shook his head, although slowly. “No, I just don’t like being underground. The weight of the world pressing down on you, almost literally. Ash, there’s a mountain above of for Maker’s sake!”

Ash nodded, suppressing the urge to sarcastically mention the moon that hung above them every night. “I think I understand, even if it doesn’t bother me all that much. Being high in the air with very little or nothing under me is what bothers me.”

He gave a small smile. “Canterlot must suck for you, huh?”

“Only for that reason. It’s great otherwise.” Ash replied. Ahead of them, he could hear a few other guards whispering softly. Silence wasn’t much of a necessity since their hooves were louder than anything else, so Ash didn’t feel bad about talking.

“Stop.” Silver called. Immediately, the entire group came to a solid stop, though Ash almost stumbled from the mild surprise. She raised a wing and they fell silent, the whispers dying out quickly. With no speech or movement, the cave was dead silent.


Ahead, Ash could hear soft panting and whining. It was echoing constantly in the tunnel so it sounded like there was several. After a moment, Silver flicked her wing and the group began walking again, moving slower. Even though they stepped slower and softer, it did little to lessen the sound in the tunnels. Soon enough, they came across a bend in the tunnel. Silver was the first to round it. The sergeants behind her stopped instantly, and he could hear one speak softly. “Sweet Celestia…”

Ash and Surge shared a worried glance before Ash stepped to the side of the group and started walking past. In his hand, he brought Flames to bear, ready to cast. The flickering orange light of the fire joined with the steady white light of the Unicorns. A moment later, he rounded the corner only to stop in shock, his eyes widening. Around the corner was a large circular cavern, similar to the first, that was full of snow wolves. There was one thing wrong.

They were dead. Ash was convinced that there were hundreds of them in the cave alone, each one of them already dead. Ash took a slow step forward, aware of Silver, the other sergeants, and several others following him in. The two Unicorns channeling magic brightened the spell, shedding the light through the entire cavern and allowing them to see the true extent of the situation. The entire floor of the cavern was covered in the bodies of snow wolves, some of which were partly decayed. Several small piles were situated around the open area where the wolves died in their sleep. In other places, they were sprawled out as if they had died while standing or walking. Ash had to walk carefully, stepping between the bodies of the wolves as he walked farther in. Behind him, he could hear unsettled whispers and a few ponies gagging from the stench of death and decay.

“What did this?” One of the sergeants next to Silver murmured, aghast.

Ash crouched down next to a corpse that looked new. It had to have been an adult, with the entire body being nearly twice as long as he was tall. A quick glance at its head revealed bloody foam around its mouth, with twin trails of yellow gunk leaking from its eyes. “Disease, I think. Look at this one.”

Silver took to the air and began hovering, coming over and looking at the corpse. “It reminds me of rabies but…”

“Different.” Ash finished, receiving a nod. “Rabies would explain the aggressive attack of Coltsdale and why they didn’t eat anypony.”

“But those last few wolves from yesterday wouldn’t have ran away if it was rabies they were all infected with. And they would be fighting each other just as much as us.” Silver countered.

“Might be a different strain.” A Unicorn said, slowly coming over. It was one of the sergeants of the other squads, and his coat was a golden color. His purple mane, hanging below his neck, was matted with sweat. “Diseases change over the years, and there’s no telling how different the arctic rabies might be compared to the Equestrian one. I don’t presume to know how diseases work, though.”

“Either way, they’re dead.” Silver said simply. She flew back toward the entrance and landed. “Feather, head back to the entrance. Send Star to Sergeant Climber and Sergeant Fury, then return. Have her relay the news and find out what she can.”

“Yes ma’am!” The Pegasus, Feather, said with a salute, then darted off. Silver turned around and look back at the group.

“Unicorns, levitate the bodies into piles to clear space! The rest of you, look around and search for anything out of the ordinary, or still alive!”

“And if we find something still alive?” Surge asked from the side.

“If it’s an adult, slay it. If it’s a newborn, don’t. I don’t like it, but part of me thinks these might be the last snow wolves in Equestria. The packs might have banded together to try to survive.” Silver said grimly, then gestured with her head. Ash watched as the Unicorns created several large trails around cave by piling up the bodies, then saw ponies start to search the room. They looked behind the stalagmites, under rocks for hollows, and searching indents for other paths out. Ash joined them, idly thinking about the wolf he had seen and how the disease seemed to be rabies, if it was a disease at all that killed them. It didn’t take long for Feather to return from the front cave, and Star Dust flew into the cave not long after they finished searching, coming up with nothing at all other than more dead bodies, dead pups, and old bones.

“Report, Private Dust.” Silver ordered, addressing the Pegasus by her rank for the first time.

“The other teams are coming up with the same thing, Sergeant! Sergeant Fury informed me that their cave was empty beyond deceased wolves. Sergeant Climber reported the same, with the exception of three pups that have been sedated and placed under quarantine. Sergeant Flight reported two more pups, with three live adults that were put down. Sergeant Shake reported a large group of living wolves, although most of which were severely weakened. The group has been put down. Everypony else reports the same as Sergeant Fury.” Star Dust quickly explained, then paused to recover her breath. “Sergeants Shield, Fury, and Climber have ordered a return to the camp. Some of the reinforcements are going to be staying in Coltsdale for the next few weeks to make sure there aren’t more wolves around, but our teams are leaving.”

“What about the bodies?” Silver asked. “Did any of them mention it?”

She gave a small nod. “Supposedly, they're going to request a few Unicorns from the Research division be sent here to try to identify the disease.”

The Thestral returned the nod with one of understanding, then turned to the rest of her team. “You heard our orders, head back to the camp!”

Slowly, the guards began to leave the cavern as Ash watched, slowly making his way toward the exit as well. Something about the cave didn’t feel right, and something about the situation felt familiar, but he wasn’t sure why. He passed by Star whispering to Silver and made his way toward the exit, only to stop when the batpony called his name. He looked over his shoulder, raising his eyebrow. “Yeah?”

“Be ready to leave soon. Sergeant Shield has ordered most of the healers returned to their usual duties. You are one of them.” Silver said. “Carriage will be in the camp in half an hour to take you and the other healers back to Canterlot. Another one is doing the same in Coltsdale.”

Ash nodded, feeling conflicted as he continued out of the cave and toward the camp. With the wolves having died from some disease, the situation didn’t feel… resolved. It felt like something was still wrong, almost like an unsatisfying ending, and Ash felt on edge as he walked through the open land between the camp and the mountains, trailing slightly behind the guards. He wasn’t quite aware of making it to camp, nor getting on the carriage, wrapped up in his thoughts like he was.

Ash kept thinking about how the disease didn’t feel… right. Ash had a feeling of wrongness every since he saw those dead wolves, and it was bothering him badly. He kept trying to remember something, but it eluded him just enough to stay on the edge of his mind and drive him crazy. He didn’t notice the carriage take off, or that it was large and had several other healers in it with him.

Was it a Daedra? Elder Scrolls never exactly specified what it felt like being near a Daedra’s influence, but he didn’t think that was what it was. What Daedra would just poison a shit ton of wolves for no reason? Getting them to attack Coltsdale is one thing, but just killing them didn’t make sense. Why would a Daedric Prince waste time and energy infecting a bunch of wolves, then kill them all before they could do any real damage?

Of course, it might not have been anything tied with Elder Scrolls. It could have been a creature or being native to Terra that did it. If that was the case, Ash would be entirely unable to guess what was going on. It could have also just been a normal occurrence. A disease evolved to survive in the cold, infected the wolves, and quickly spread between them while enhancing anger and dulling hunger or something of the sort. It would have quickly led to the intense aggressiveness of the wolves and their eventual death.

What bothered Ash so much is that the sudden, unexpected conclusion to the mission left no room for questions. Nothing had been found in the caves, giving no hints of magical alterations. The only wolves still alive were seemingly unaffected, so the disease couldn’t be studied if it wasn’t able to survive in corpses- only its effects could be documented. Ash didn’t know enough about the north to know if there was a species of creature up there that drove them farther south, where the temperature difference could have weakened their immune system. All Ash knew is that the death of the wolves arose even more questions, and closed the doors on some answers.

It was a situation that had ended without consequence when Ash expected to fight for his life. It was a situation that gave no answers to the questions it caused. It was a situation that severely bothered Ash, and the only thing he was doing about it was going home.

Allowing his eyes to drift closed for their constant stare at the ground, he rested his head against the wall. Ash hoped that the researchers would find the answers, and that it would be something simple. A simple disease, a strain of rabies, or something else easily solved or avoided.

In the South

Buried under miles of rock, deep beneath the ground, was a cavern. The cavern was made of sandstone, walls of material having long sealed any entrance or exit to the place. The ground and walls, made of black stone and compressed sand, respectively, shone from a strange source of light. Other parts of the cave were shrouded in darkness, the blackness near impenetrable. Several statues, hidden partly in darkness, were situated around the room, seemingly haphazardly.

One of the statues was dimly glowing, a sickly green light coming from it. The statue was the source of the light that shrouded the cave in shadow, obscuring the others. The stone carving was in the likeness of a swarm of large rats, each one the size of a small dog. Green liquid began to seep from the eyes of the statue, dripping to the floor below and sinking into the stone.

Back Home

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Ash jerked awake, feeling something shake him roughly. His eyes snapped open, seeing Midnight Dancer standing above him with a soft smile. “Hey, we’re back in Canterlot, and guess who’s waiting for you?”

“Princess Celestia?” Ash asked groggily, rising to his feet. A slow glance around the carriage showed him that it was just him and Dancer, with everyone else having already left. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, hearing Midnight giggle slightly.

“Nope! Step outside and you’ll see!” Midnight said with a grin, quickly hopping out of the carriage’s open door. Ash rolled his eyes with a slight grin, then stepped out of the door. He found himself in one of the courtyards in the castle grounds, not the stone ledge he had departed from. The other healers were already gone, likely returning to their homes and jobs. To his surprise, he could see Luna standing a few feet away, giving him a wide smile and fidgeting slightly. Ash just smiled wider and held out his arms.

The big blue Alicorn ran over quickly and embraced him, her hooves and wings coming around him as she buried her muzzle into his neck. She started to nuzzle him softly and he tightened his grip around her. After a few moments, she pulled back and stared at him with her teal eyes shining. “You’re back.”

“Yep.” Ash said simply, smiling widely.

“You’re back in time.”

“I am.” Ash said, reaching forward and booping her nose lightly. She blushed faintly and booped his own nose with her muzzle. “Tonight still?”

“Of course.” Luna replied, her smile just as wide as his. “Seven, after I raise the moon. I’ll pick you up from your room.”

“Looking forward to it, Luna.” Ash replied. The pair fell silent for several moments and Ash was aware of Dancer behind him, watching the scene. Suddenly, Luna’s blush deepened and she released him, backing away slightly.

“I’m going to make sure everything’s ready still, and get ready myself.” She said softly. Ash gave her a nod and another quick tap on her nose, which seemed to make her even happier. “My sister will debrief you soon.”

“See you soon, Luna.” Ash replied happily. She nodded rapidly and teleported away, a flash of blue magic and a faint pop being the only evidence that she hadn’t just vanished. A few seconds later, he heard hoofsteps behind him so he spoke without glancing back. “Enjoy the show?”

“It was completely adorable!” Dancer gushed, coming up to his side and staring at him with wide eyes. “I’ve never even heard of either Princess acting like that!”

Ash chuckled lightly before continuing. “Well, I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have to go. With my date being tonight, I’ll need to prepare. I definitely need to bathe- I stink.”

“We all kinda do.” Dancer replied, giving him a faint grin. “Not many bathtubs out in the wilderness. Good luck for tonight.”

“Thank you.” Ash replied, seeing her quickly head into the castle. Ash walked into it as well and wandered around for a time as his mind drifted across what had happened and what could have caused it. Eventually, he found the courtroom and was able to head to his room from there, quickly grabbing a set of clean clothing, specifically taking the dark blue shirt, and hopping into the shower. He bathed and rid himself of all of the dirt and grime, happy to note that there was no blood on him, before just relaxing under the hot water.

After nearly half an hour in the shower, he stepped out and quickly dried off before getting dressed. Because he didn’t have a comb, he had to use his hands to straighten his hair out and while it worked, it wasn’t great. With that done, he stepped into the main room only to pause in surprise. “Celestia?”

“Hello, Ash.” The diarch said, giving him a soft smile. She was lying on his bed with a cup of tea held in her magic, a trolley next to her. “Welcome back.”

“Thanks, but I didn’t really expect you here. Not yet at least.” Ash said, walking across the room and taking a seat next to her.

“Didn’t my sister tell you that I was going to be coming to debrief you?”

“Yeah, she did, but doesn’t court last until noon? I mean-” He was cut off when she spoke.

“Court ended four hours ago, Ash. It’s four in the afternoon.” She replied with a trace of amusement.

“Ah. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.” Ash said, gesturing at his damn hair.

“Just a few minutes.” Celestia replied, then pulled the trolley over with her magic. On top of it was a large plate of cookies, two tall glasses of milk, and two small slices of cake. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought us snacks. I made sure that it wouldn’t ruin your appetite for your date tonight.”

“I don’t mind at all.” Ash said, grabbing a glass of milk. “I’m rather grateful, in fact.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Celestia smiled at him, levitating a small cookie over and eating it. “First and foremost, Ash, do you think the snow wolf threat is gone?”

“Yes, I do.” The mage-in-training said without hesitation. “I think the problem is solved and won’t be returning.”

“Why do you think that? I’ve gotten a few reports from the guards involving the third attack on Coltsdale, and that your team was joining the first to destroy the wolves’ dens, but you’ve beat any messengers today about the outcome of that attack.” Celestia explained, shifting her full attention to him as she set the cup down.

“Well, there wasn’t much attacking, honestly. The COs split us into smaller groups, each one targeting a den, and we moved forward. One or two groups met some wolves, but they were all sick and dying, so they were put down without many, if any, injuries.” Ash started, making Celestia’s head tilt slightly.

“The others were empty?”

“Empty of living wolves. The den I had gone to was full of bodies, all of them snow wolves of varying age. Some were adults, some were pups, and some seemed old. We’re thinking that there was a disease that killed them all. I think it was a poisoned water supply, personally.” Ash said, making Celestia look on in concern.

“Why do you think somepony poisoned the wolves’ water?”

“I don’t think anypony did it, since water can become poisonous naturally, especially if it's stagnant. I think that’s what happened because some of the other teams found seemingly healthy newborns, which means that they weren’t exposed yet to whatever killed the rest of the pack.”

“And if the pups were still nursing, they wouldn’t drink from the poisoned pool.” Celestia mused softly. “Why wouldn’t the poison carry over from the nursing?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t know enough about biology to know if the poison would be in the milk or not. I can just try to figure it out with what I do know.”

Celestia nodded, accepting the answer, before asking another question. “Where are the pups now?”

“I think the COs are trying to figure out how to move them without hurting them. More likely, it’s been mentioned in the report that you’ll be getting soon.” Ash answered, receiving another nod. After a few moments of her thinking, she looked at him in concern.

“Were you hurt at all, Ash? I know you can heal yourself, but I still worried.”

Ash gave her a soft smile. “No, I wasn’t hurt. I was lucky, and ended up being put on top of a house so I could see over the wolves to cast spells.”

“I”m glad to hear that too, and I’m sure Luna agrees.” Celestia said, then gave him a wide grin. “On a happier note, are you looking forward to your date with my sister?”

Ash gave a small chuckle, dipping one of the cookies in his milk before taking a bite, noticing that it was chocolate chip. He took the time to swallow before speaking. “Yeah, I really am. I’m hoping to have a lot of fun tonight, and I’m hoping to make sure she has fun too.”

“I know where you are going and I really do think you’ll enjoy it.” Celestia said with a grin. “But I won’t be spoiling it, so don’t even try.”

“Didn’t plan to.” Ash said, returning the smile. “I’m really glad that I didn’t miss it. Today’s her last day off, isn’t it?”

Celestia nodded with a sympathetic, if teasing, smile on her muzzle. “That’s right. Tomorrow, she takes the throne again for four days. You’ll have to find some other way to entertain yourself.”

“I’m sure I’ll manage.” Ash replied, a small shrug accompanying his smile. “It wouldn’t hurt to make some more friends other than the two immortal rulers of the land.”

Celestia chuckled at that, giving him a small nudge. “You’re right, it wouldn’t hurt at all. Maybe meet some stallions to have some male friends. All you ever talk to now is mares.”

“That,” Ash started, grinning at her. “Is because there are so many more mares than stallions. That wasn’t a thing back home, so I didn’t have this problem.”

Celestia hummed lightly. “Perhaps Cadence could introduce you to her coltfriend. He’s the captain of the guard and oversees its management. I think you two would get along.”

“Maybe. I wouldn’t know, honestly. He might end up suspicious about me being so close to the rulers.”

“Perhaps.” Celestia said, then gave him an apologetic smile. “I’m going to have to return to my duties, Ash. If you would like, we can talk some more tomorrow or another day?”

“Tomorrow sounds good, Celestia.” He replied, making her smile at him. She stood up and gave him a quick hug, which he returned after setting the milk down.

“Once you’re done with the trolley, push it outside in the hallway. A maid will take it away.” Celestia informed him, then started walking toward the door. Once at the door, she stopped and looked over her shoulder. “I really am glad that you’re back, and you’re okay.”

With that final statement, she was gone. Ash quickly finished the cookies and drank the milk before standing up, moving to the desk and grabbing his phone. Quickly navigating to the guide, he opened it up and watched as it beeped, displaying a message.

Dual Casting Unlocked!

Taking a seat, Ash opened the entry. “You have already learned to cast two spells at once, which is done simply by imagining different effects in each hand. Now you have learned to dual cast, combining two casts of the same spell into a larger variation. For some spells, this is an incredibly simple process, such as angling two streams of Frostbite together. For other spells, such as Wall of Fire, it requires a unique understanding of how the spell is altered by the dual casting. For a rare few who can figure it out beforehand, learning to dual cast any spell is a simple process. For other, learning to dual cast a higher tier spell is risky, time-consuming, and possible fatal.”

“At the same time, the effectiveness of a dual cast varies from mage to mage. This seems to be directly dependant on the mage’s connection to Aetherius. The current theory is that a stronger connection to the Immortal Plane allows mages to channel more Magicka at once, and that the power of a spell increases exponentially with the amount of Magicka channeled. Seemingly in agreement with this theory, a mage with a weak connection might find that dual casting requires twice as much energy, but makes the spell twice as powerful. On the other hand, a powerful mage might find that it takes roughly four times as much energy, but makes the effect roughly six times more powerful.”

“On of the most common ways to determine the effectiveness of your dual casting is to measure how long you can dual cast Flames to a certain threshold, then compare it to how long you can channel Flames through both hands. At roughly twice the Magicka drain, dual casting has ‘zero’ effectiveness. The higher the drain from there, the more efficient dual casting becomes.”

The entry ended there. Ash sat there for a while, thinking about it, before ultimately deciding to head to Star’s Yard and figure out how good dual casting was for him. He slipped the phone into his pocket and exited the door to his room, then made his way through the castle. When he entered, a quick glance showed that the courtyard was empty. With that in mind, he walked toward the center of the courtyard, where there were no trees, and focused on calling Flames to both hands. That was done in moments, so he angled his palms together and began dual casting, counting the seconds. The roar and thick heat of fire filled the area around him as the stream shot out several feet longer than it normally did, and was thicker.

Ash was forced to cut it off after only three seconds, feeling the strain in his chest quickly form and and then shift into faint nausea.

He groaned softly, the sudden shift between the stages being incredibly disorienting. He had not expected the spell to take so much Magicka, but it would explain why dual casting was so powerful, and why he had felt so sick after using it in Coltsdale. Ash moved over and sat down heavily on the rock near the stream, then leaned back and covered his eyes with his arm as he rested, contemplating his dual casting.

Ash had only been able to hold the spell for three seconds before dipping under half Magicka, but had managed to cast it for about that long after casting Firebolt several times. How was that possible? Were the Magicka costs different in reality? Did he just not notice how draining it was, and that was why he felt so sick after sitting down on the roof? He sighed softly, not sure at all. Ash let the ideas drift out of his mind and settled his thoughts, simply focusing on recovering his reserves. The heat of the sun overhead felt good, but the air was slowly cooling off as the sun neared setting. There wasn’t any wind that he could feel, possibly because the courtyard was walled in on all four sides.

Some time later, Ash heard the door to the courtyard open and more than a single pony walk in. They were chatting with each other, but softly enough that he couldn’t hear anything that was being said. After a few seconds, the talking stopped suddenly with a hushed, “It’s him!”

The courtyard went quiet as Ash lied on the rock, visibly seeming like he was dozing. Ash listened, hearing the soft crunching of the ponies stepping on the gravel as they slowly neared. They stopped what sounded like a couple feet away, and one of the cleared their throat nervously, then stop in a feminine voice. “E-excuse me, s-sir. A-are you awake?”

Ash moved his arm off of his eyes and rolled his head to the side, looking at them. There were three ponies, all mares, standing just a few feet away, one of them slightly in front of the others. The one in front, likely the one who spoke, was a soft blue Pegasus with a white mane and tail. The other two were Earth ponies, one with a yellow coat and orange mane and the other with a orange coat and yellow mane. “Yeah, I’m awake.”

The Pegasus fidgeted lightly. “C-can we stay here? We came to s-star gaze, but we don’t want to bother you.”

Ash gave them a small smile. “It’s not a restricted courtyard. You don’t need to ask permission, and you won’t bother me.”

“Thank you.” She said, giving him a warmer smile. “I’m Cloudy Skies.”

“Buttercup!” The yellow pony said with a smile.

“Orange Slice.” The other Earth pony said with a greeting nod.

“Ashephyles, but it’s easier to call me ‘Ash.’” He said, continuing to smile slightly.

“Are you here to stargaze to?” Cloudy asked, tilting her head slightly. Ash shook his head.

“No, I’m not. I come here to practice my magic sometimes since it’s open and usually empty. I actually haven’t seen anyone come here to stargaze until you three.”

“Word around the castle is that Princess Luna is putting on a show tonight, but nopony knows why.” Buttercup said excitedly. Ash’s eyes widened slightly, then he felt his smile widen slightly.

“Oh really? I’ll have to keep an eye out then. I’ve got something really important in a couple hours, so I won’t be able to stay for much longer.” Ash said, sitting up fully. “What do you three do around the castle?”

“I’m a Pegasus messenger!” Cloudy said, smiling widely at him. “I fly between cities and towns delivering letters for the Guard and castle. Dragonfire jars are rare, so we can’t fully rely on them.”

“I’m a maid.” Buttercup said once Cloudy was finished. “I attend the mages’ quarters in the Sky Quarter. It’s not the most illustrious job, but I’m happy with all the new ponies I get to meet.”

“And I’m a chef.” Orange said, gazing up at him. “Though not for the Princesses. I cook for the guards, but I have the day off. All three of us do, actually. Most of the staff’s also getting off early so they can see the sky tonight. Most of the courtyards will be filled soon.”

“Huh.” Ash mused to himself. Luna must be planning a big show for our date, then. I’m really looking forward to it now, even more than I had been. “Any idea what kind of show it will be?”

All three of them shook their heads, though Buttercup answered. “No idea, Ash. Nopony knows, other than Princess Luna herself of course. We’ve got a bunch of guesses, but there’s not even rumors going around. Well, credible rumors, actually. Everypony’s got a guess on what’s happening, but those guesses are just wild, not from anything the Princess said or did.”

“Alright, thanks for answering that question.”

“No problem!” The same mare chirped with a small smile. “Since we’re all waiting here a while, why don’t you explain what magic you were practicing? If you feel like it, of course!”

Ash gave a small shrug, quickly giving them a rundown of how his magic varies from Unicorn magic. He had to stop to answer a few questions, but it was just basic ones such as how he knew Aetherius was real. With the explanation out of the way, he continued. “I’m here trying to find out my limit to my reserves.”

“How are you doing that?” Orange asked him, tilting her head slightly.

“Well, I’m channeling a spell and counting the seconds to see how long I can hold it. From there, I can roughly guess the size of my reserves and compare it to other spells I know.” Ash explained to them.

“Couldn’t you just use a TFM?” Cloudly asked curiously, ruffling her wings. All three of them had taken seats around the rock, looking up at him as they listened and spoke.

Ash looked on in slight confusion. “TFM? I haven’t heard of that.”

She gave a slightly sheepish smile. “Thaumic Flow Measurer. It reads how much magic is flowing through the interior leylines of a pony. I only know of it because my coltfriend is a unicorn, but I know most hospitals, infirmaries, and labs have one.”

“My magic doesn’t come from the world around me like it does for Unicorns.” Ash said, shaking his head.

“But you still store it within your body.” The Pegasus countered. “The source may be different, but the container might be the same. It’s worth a shot. If it doesn’t work, you still have your way of knowing your reserves, but if it does, you have a number to it.”

Ash chuckled. “Alright, you made your point. Next time I head to the infirmary, I’ll ask about the TFM.”

“So you are a healer.” Buttercup said suddenly, looking up at him with a smile. “The rumors are true.”

Ash nodded, tapping the necklace hanging around his neck. “A combat healer, specifically, under the employ of the guards. I got back from a mission earlier today.”

All three of them nodded, but it was Orange who spoke. “Everypony heard about the snow wolves in the north. I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be secret until the Princesses discovered what was happening and why, but some of citizens of Coltsdale had hopped on a train and left their home. Word got around pretty quickly after that, so Princess Celestia gave an announcement about it and that it was being looked into. It’s been settled, then?”

The mage gave a small nod. “Yeah, it’s been settled. The threat was dealt with, but I’m not sure if I can say much more than that.”

He received an understanding nod from all three. “We work in the castle, Ash. Trust us, we understand secrecy. On another note, how long have you been here, in the castle?”

Ash opened his mouth to answer, then paused. It hadn’t been as long as he thought it had. To him, it felt like he had been in Canterlot for a month or so already, but he hadn’t. “Two weeks, or around there. I could have sworn it was longer than that.”

Buttercup smiled softly at him. “Sometimes, being busy can cause you to lose track of time. You did just get back from a mission in the north. Nopony can really blame you if it felt longer than it was.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” Ash mused after a moment. “How long have you three been working here?”

“Six years.” Buttercup replied. “I started off cleaning the guest rooms before I was transferred to the Sky Quarter.”

“Four years.” Orange Slice replied. “But I’ve been a chef for twelve.”

“Nine years.” Cloudy answered with a big smile. “And I was a mail pony for six more before that, in Cloudsdale. How long have you been a healer?”

Ash gave a little grin. “A little under a week. It’s new, but my Restoration magic is perfect for it. Being a combat healer is a little risky, but I like being able to explore the world and such, and I’m helping ponies when I do.”

“Who certified you?” Orange asked.

Ash reached up and spun the medallion around, showing them the back. “Princess Celestia did. Filled out the paperwork, learned everything I needed to know, and she certified me.”

All three of them felt their eyes widen ever so slightly, and Orange continued. “You know, it’s rare for Princess Celestia to certify healers. Her name carries a lot of weight, and if one of her healers were to go bad or do something to get in trouble, it’d reflect on her. She must really think you’re a good pony to certify you herself.”

“Huh. I didn’t really know the significance of that, honestly.” Ash said, looking down at his necklace. “She never told me.”

“She probably didn’t want you to worry about it.” The Earth pony replied. “Don’t concern yourself too much with it, honestly. I’ve never heard of a healer going bad, if it’s even possible. I mean, how do you use healer magic for evil?”

Ash gave a small chuckle at that, joined by the three mares. “You have a point there. There isn’t all that much you can do with Restoration that’s bad.”

He heard the door to the courtyard open again and glanced over, seeing four more ponies walk in and head for the gazebo, only sparing him a small glance. He looked back down to see Cloudy looking at him. “Didn’t you say you had somewhere to be? It’s getting close to five, so you should probably go to make sure you aren’t late.”

Two hours to get ready is plenty, since I need to go buy those flowers. “You’re right, thank you.”

Ash slid off of the rock and stood up, the three mares joining him. He stretched lightly and went through a routine for cracking his bones, with his fingers, wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, back, and neck all giving off loud cracks or pops. With each sound, the three ponies winced, but didn’t give him a worried look. Once he was done, Buttercup spoke. “I never heard of somepony being able to pop so many places. Can all of your kind do that?”

He hummed lightly. “I think all humans can do it, but not all do. There’s a belief that it can cause joint pain later on in life, but I don’t think that’s true. In any case, I should probably be going. It was nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you too!” The three mares chimed in unison, then shared a chuckle. With that said, Ash left, heading back toward his room. As he walked, he contemplated what would be happening on the date. He knew now that Luna was planning some type of night show for it, so he figured there would be a point of it in the open, like a park or a field or something.

He gave a light hum, entering his room. He quickly grabbed his pouch of bits before leaving again, going down the path that he knew led to the front gate. Two hours would be plenty when he already knew where the market district was. He could barely help his eagerness at the date coming up, but patience would serve him well.

The Date

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Ash ran a hand through his hair in nervousness, the time for Luna’s arrival approaching closely. Then he cursed lightly, quickly fixing it when he realized he had roughed it up. After a few seconds, he relaxed as much as he could, considering his nervousness. He glanced beside him. A small bouquet of night lillies greeted him. Celestia hadn’t been kidding when she told him that they matched Luna’s coat. The flower had five petals, arranged in a near-perfect star shape. Each petal was a midnight blue, contrasted by specks of white scattered throughout the petals. He had bought a dozen of them, which the vendor had wanted twelve bits for. He had managed to talk her down to eight by mentioning that they were rarely bought, a fact she had admitted earlier.

It wasn’t much, but it made him feel like he was one step closer to getting used to actually being in Equestria. He had considered the idea before, what brony hadn’t, but he never expected it to actually happen. It had been nothing more than a fanciful dream on slow days, but now it was a reality. Ash allowed himself a small smile. A reality he was very much enjoying.

Ash glanced back toward the door, reaching up and feeling his smooth face. His search for the nursery had made him realize two facts. The first was that he was the proud owner of a patchy as all fuck beard because he had burned patches of it off while playing with his fire at some point. The second was that he had nothing that would make him smell anything other than blank. The latter he eventually brushed aside when he remembered that the provided soaps were scented. The former was harder to fix without a razor and he had been unable to find a shop that sold them. In the end, he had borrowed a knife from the kitchens and used it to shave. It had been a slow and painful process, resulting in more than several cuts on his cheeks, chin, and neck, but Healing resolved that quickly enough.

The nervous man did one last quick check. Clean, undamaged blue jeans? Check. Clean shoes? Check. Clean, dark blue shirt? Check. Shaven face? Check. Hair washed and combed? Check. Flowers? Check. Actually remembering how he was supposed to end the date? Check. He had everything he needed to do the date properly, but he figured something would happen. He just hoped it would be something small, not major. He wasn’t too worried though because he knew both him and Luna were expecting a thing or two to mess up and were more than willing to forgive each other.

There was a knock at his door, making him freeze. A second later, he quickly stood up and grabbed the flowers, then made his way to the door. He took a moment to run a hand across hair again, making sure there were no errant parts of it, then grabbed the door and opened it. He paused at the sight on the other side. Luna was standing there, not wearing a dress or anything at all really, her normal regalia being missing from her body. Her mane and tail was the same as it always was, a dark blue nebula shifting behind her filled with twinkling stars. Her entire body was still dappled, the same adorable appeal they always had. But something was different and it took Ash several moments to realize what.

She had makeup. It wasn’t much, just some black eyeliner around both of her eyes that drew attention to the brightly shining teal eyes that was looking him over. In addition to that was soft blue lipstick on her muzzle, which was slowly curving into a pleased smile. After a moment, Ash snapped out of his surprise and looked at her, a smile coming to his own face. He held the flowers out to her. “You look beautiful, Luna.”

She blushed lightly, her magical aura accepting the flowers from him. He remembered Cadence informing him that the mare accepting the first flowers was a sign that she liked what she saw. “Thank you, Ash. You cleaned up for me, and well.”

Ash nodded slowly, smiling at her. “Why wouldn’t I clean up for such an attractive mare?”

The mare giggled. “Come on, Ash. We have all night ahead of us. Don’t use all of your lines yet.”

She waved her wing for him to follow and turned around, so he stepped out of the room and came up beside her, glancing over at her with a smile still on his face. He noticed that her own smile hadn’t faded at all, still firmly planted on her own muzzle. Ash realized then that she was just as excited and nervous about this as he was. That made him feel just a tad more relieved about the date, and he noticed Luna relaxing next to him. He closed the door behind him, then followed her as she led the way down the hall. “Where are we going first?”

And her relaxation was gone. She looked at him with a slightly nervous smile. “I may have decided that something simple and peaceful would be good for our first date and decided to stay in the castle?”

Remembering what Cadence had told him, and events earlier that very day, he reached out and bopped her nose with a finger lightly. Her nervous look instantly shifted into a much more sure smile. “That sounds great, Luna. It’s probably the right choice, and I’m really interested in what you have planned.”

She beamed at him, quickly stepped a little closer and nuzzling his chest lightly. “Come on!”

The mage laughed lightly, seeing her start to canter ahead of him, swishing her tail energetically. He ignored the small smiles he was receiving from the guards and lengthened his stride, keeping up with her. He noticed that if she had been moving any faster, her four legs would have carried her ahead of him quickly. He followed around her through the castle, distracted by her bright smile and seemingly shining eyes that conveyed her happiness and contentment. Soon enough, they came to a staircase that curled upward and started to climb.

“A tower, Luna? We’re stargazing?” Ash asked curiously, following right behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, giving him nothing more than a quick wink, before continuing on. He noticed, once again, that the staircase was wider than he was used to, and each step was wider as well, to make it easier for a pony to climb one without falling backwards or tripping forward. After a minute or two of climbing, they reached the top platform. Ash looked around, realizing it was the same tower he had been in already, the one that was nothing more than an empty room and a balcony.

“On the balcony.” Luna said excitedly, nudging him lightly with her head. He chuckled softly, moving toward the balcony. He walked across the room with Luna directly behind him, then pushed open the door. As soon as he was able to see the balcony, he paused. Ash was aware of Luna’s muzzle right next to his face as she looked over his shoulder, hoping to his reaction, but that was in the back of his mind right now. His focus was on what was in front of him.

The balcony had been entirely altered. The last time he had been there, the balcony had consisted of a stone floor and railing. That was still there, but altered. There was a blue and purple mat that covered a large section of the balcony, creating a comfortable place to sit. In the center of the mat was a large candle flickering with blue flame, the base of which was on a small tray. Plates were arranged in a small circle around it, laden with food. The entire railing was lined with candles except for one small section in the center, near the mat. Finally, and the most striking feature, were the small white orbs that shone lightly. There were dozens of them, floating through the air all over the balcony, shifting over so slightly like dancing stars.

Ash reached out toward the nearest one. It was emitting a low heat, keeping the air warm despite the cool night. He sighed softly, his smile widening as his hand came up to the muzzle resting just over his shoulder, softly rubbing it. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Luna’s own smile widen and she moved over slightly, nuzzling him again. “I’m glad you like it, Ash. Why don’t we take a seat?”

He nodded and the two moved over, taking seats on the mat. They were seated on opposite sides of the candle, though it wasn’t tall enough that the flame was in their line of sight. Ash crossed his legs, glancing at the plates around them. He noticed immediately that several of the plates on his side of the candle featured some form meat, including a large burger, some bacon, and sausages. On Luna’s side, he saw a flower salad and a few hay products that he didn’t recognize. He looked up to her, seeing the nervous look she was giving him. “You put a lot of thought into this, Luna. Thank you.”

“Thank you for giving me the chance.” Luna replied, smiling brightly at him in return. She gestured toward the burger, bacon, and sausages. “I hope that it’s all good. It took me more than a few tries to make those edible.”

“You cooked this?” Ash asked, his eyes widening slightly. A small blush came to her muzzle once she realized what she said, ducking her head slightly as she nodded.

“I wanted to make it a bit more personal, Ash, and I did that by cooking it myself. I just had to use a spell so I wouldn’t smell it, but it was fine other than that. I really do hope it’s good, though. I couldn’t taste it myself.”

“Clearly.” Ash said, giving her a small smile in return. “I’m sure you did well, Luna.”

“Why don’t you find out?” She asked, gesturing with a wing. Ash nodded and reached out, grasping the burger. It didn’t look nearly as greasy as the ones he was used to, so that was already a plus for her cooking. He quickly took a bite, feeling the meat crunch slightly in his teeth. He chewed it for a moment, then swallowed. It was well cooked, if a little bland from a lack of spices. He turned his attention back to the clearly worried Luna and gave her a small nod.

“It’s good, Luna.” He said honestly, still smiling.

“But not perfect?”

“There’s not that many spices in it, or at least compared to what I’m used to. It’s good though, Luna. Thank you for this.” Ash told her, receiving another smile from the mare.

“You are very welcome, Ash. Go ahead and eat and then we’ll get the real date started!” She said, her wings fidgeting on her back in mild excitement. She grinned at him and he returned it, the pair quickly eating. Ash had figured that there would be a meal involved so that neither of them would be hungry and he wasn’t disappointed. While the meat was rather bland, the snacks, fries, and everything else was delicious. Most of the meal disappeared quickly as the moon steadily rose higher into the sky, the stars becoming more visible. Soon enough, they had finished.

Luna quickly stood, gesturing for him to join her. He did, and the pair walked over to the section of railing that was clear of candles. As he moved, the twinkling lights shifted out of his way as if blown by unfelt wind. He leaned against the railing, greeted by a familiar yet different sight. Unlike the previous time he had been here, the empty landscape between Canterlot and Ponyville was lit by countless lights. He gazed in surprise and confusion, then turned toward Luna. She smiled brightly at him. “Ponies hoping to see the show tonight. I’m sure you’ve heard about it.”

He grinned softly. “I have. I may or may not have heard of it from a few ponies in Star’s Yard. Is it a meteor shower?”

She just winked. Her horn lit up, her magical aura descending slowly to encase her throat and muzzle. A moment later, she opened her muzzle and start to sing. Ash felt his eyes widen immediately, pure shock overtaking him. Her voice seemingly echoed, rolling down the mountains through the plains despite her voice being no louder than normal. The song was wordless entirely, consisting of simple vocalizations, yet that did not stop the literal magic of it. Ash felt a powerful wind gust through the air, but it didn’t move him. His attention shifted forward and he felt his breath leave him.

The stars were descending from the sky.

A second look proved that he wasn’t seeing things. The very stars were falling from the sky, twinkling white dots filling the air in the countless thousands. Another moment of realization hit him as he concluded that the magical lights around the table were stars. Her song rose in pitch, retaining a beautiful clarify as she sang out an echoing melody that the stars moved along to. Ash felt himself lean forward, resting on the railing as the stars began to shift and move, forming shapes and scenes of beauty and life. White stars shifted colors, turning red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, or any other color needed.

Ash reached up and wiped away a tear that was trailing down his cheek, feeling a profound sense of joy welling up within him. He gasped suddenly, recognizing one of the scenes playing out in the sky like a giant movie screen. It was from earlier that very day, when he stepped out of the carriage and Luna saw him, uninjured. He felt a surge of powerful relief and he realized he was feeling the same emotions Luna had felt that moment.

The scene shifted again, becoming one he hadn’t been present for. It was Luna and Celestia, standing before a massive crystalline tree that he recognized as the Tree of Harmony. Six colored flashes, matching the Elements of Harmony, shot through the scene, followed by a surge of an emotion that he couldn’t identify. Again the sky changed, showing a vision he was familiar with- his first awakening in Equestria. Several more scenes played through the air, none of which he could identify, as he realized that Luna was showing personal aspects of herself to do this.

The magical song continued for several long, joyous minutes. He could hear gasps and shouts coming from Canterlot below them, the sounds barely reaching them at their height. Slowly, he watched as the stars began to ascend back to the heavens, which he just now realized was a perfectly black blanket above them. One by one, each star shifted to a dim white as it rejoined the sky, the sky darkening as the world returned to normal. Before he could turn and say anything, a rousing cheer rang through the air, coming from thousands of ponies in Canterlot and the surrounding countryside. Ash smiled wide, realizing just how much Luna was loved in this world, despite the fears he had once had.

He turned to speak to her only to pause, a concerned look on his face. Luna was slumped against the railing, breathing heavily. Her head was drooping slightly and she was clearly exhausted. He moved over and helped her into a sitting position, then took a seat beside her. She smiled tiredly, sweat beading on her head, before leaning into him. “D-did you enjoy the show?”

“I loved it, Luna, and I think all of Equestria did too.” Ash said honestly, rubbing her muzzle softly. She smiled widely at him, nuzzling his chest softly. “It was absolutely beautiful. What was that?”

“Powerful song magic.” Luna said, giving a soft yawn. Slowly, she moved down until she was lying across his lap. He reached down, gently running his hand down her neck, much to her satisfaction. “I wanted to make this special.”

“You made it incredibly special, Luna.” Ash told her softly, tapping a finger against her nose softly. She grinned up at him, softly nipping his finger when he moved to do it again.

“Good.” Luna said slowly, softly nuzzling his stomach. He remembered Cadence telling him that the first date was always the shortest and wondered if she was going to end it here or not. “I’m surprised so many ponies watched it. I didn’t give them much warning, spreading word about it earlier today.”

Ash smiled, then blinked when a thought hit him. “Will you have the energy to lower the moon in the morning?”

Luna smiled up at him, a small smile on her muzzle from his concern. “I will. I’ll need to eat a bigger lunch, but it won’t be too bad. Completely worth it. Did you see the second and fourth visions?”

“They were of me.” Ash said, moving his hand up to rub between her ears. She sighed in happiness at that, relaxing into him further.

“Mmhmm. Both of those events are special to me, and they found their way up there. I don’t choose what others see.” Luna explained slowly, a yawn punctuating her statement.

“You’re tired, Luna.” Ash stated. It clearly wasn’t a question, but she nodded anyway.

“I am but… I don’t really want to end tonight here.” Luna answered honestly, gazing up at him with her big blue eyes.

“Has this date been shorter than most first dates?” Ash asked curiously.

Luna shook her head. “It’s been about average. Two hours, maybe.”

“Then let’s get you to bed.” Ash said with a smile. Luna’s eyes glanced up, looking at him in amusement.

“I need to bring you to your room first.” She said with a smile of her own, slowly rising to her hooves. Ash joined her, standing next to her with her barrel brushing against his hip every so often. “Come on. The maids will pick everything up.”

Ash set a hand on her neck, rubbing softly as they started to walk, heading into the tower and down the staircase. As they walked through the halls, several of the guards and maids called out their appreciation. With each word of praise, Luna’s smile grew wider and happier as they walked. Before long, they were standing in front of Ash’s room. He let go of her neck and stepped forward, looking at her. Contrary to the start of the date a mere two hours ago, she was standing in front of him with a sure smile, confident that nothing had gone wrong. She was right.

The happy man stepped forward, planting a small kiss right on Luna’s nose. Her eyes sparkled in happiness, her smile deepening instantly. He turned around, opening his door and stepped in. He didn’t close it and moved to his bed, slowly taking his shoes off. A moment later, he heard the click as his door closed. Ash lied down in his bed, on top of the covers, and glanced toward the foot of it.

Luna was standing there, giving him a curious look. In reply, he gave her a soft smile. Understanding dawned on her face and she slowly climbed into the bed, lying down right next to him. A moment later, she scooted over and hooked a hoof over his chest, then placed her head on it. He brought his right hand up, softly grasping her hoof as they stared at each other, both of them sporting a soft smile. After a moment, Luna leaned forward and kissed his own nose softly. “You know this is incredibly inappropriate behavior for a first date, right?”

“Who cares, as long as we’re happy?” Ash retorted, playfulness in his eyes.

“You know Tia will never let us live this down, right?”

“Worth it.” Came the reply.

“You know the guards are going to talk, right?”

“Oh well.”

“You know that you make me incredibly happy, right?” Luna asked once more, booping his nose with her muzzle.

“And you do the same to me.” Ash replied sincerely, smiling wide at her. She tightened her grip slightly.

“I’m not letting go of you any time soon.”

“I don’t want you to.” Ash said, wrapping an arm around her back. It would probably fall asleep overnight since she was lying on it, but he’d rather hold her and damn the consequences.

Luna sighed softly. “I want to tell you that I love you.”

“But we aren’t there yet.” Ash agreed, kissing her nose again. She beamed at him for his understanding, returning the affection twicefold.

“Is this going to be a constant thing now?”

“What? The nose kisses?” Ash asked.

“I meant us sleeping in the same bed.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” He answered honestly. “You’re soft.”

“And you’re warm.” Luna retorted, snuggling into him. Her wing joined her hoof, wrapping around him like a blanket.