• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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February 19 [play]

February 19

I had a lot on my mind this morning: both that I was going to spend the night with Aric and that if Christine was right, Meghan was interested in me as a partner. I was going to have to ask her about it after Equestrian class, but maybe alone just in case she was embarrassed by it.

My morning classes went by quickly, and I ate a light lunch so that I was early to Equestrian class in case Meghan came alone, but she didn't. She was with Lisa and Becky, and I wasn't sure how much she'd told them. I know that I would have told my marefriends but humans were different about stuff like that.

So I had to wait until after class, and then I asked if I could talk to her for a little bit. She told Lisa and Becky that she'd catch up to them, and then she crouched down in front of me.

Rather than flap around the sky, I just asked her directly if she was interested in having sex with me, if that was what Wednesday night had been about.

I told her that one of my friends had said that she was furry even though I'd only seen one furry patch when her robe came open while she was putting on her pants and she blushed and sort of slid down to her butt and looked up and down the hallway, and then motioned for me to sit next to her.

She said that my friend had probably meant a furry, and then explained to me what that meant. She said that a lot of people thought that was weird, but it didn't sound all that weird to me.

Meghan told me that she really liked my personality, and that I was cute, too. She said that she wanted to be my friend and she'd seen how much fun I was having in their bathtub and thought I'd enjoy the hot tub.

Well, I had enjoyed it, and I told her so. Then I stretched up and kissed her on the cheek and headed off to dinner and only then did it occur to me that I hadn't really gotten an answer.

I had a little bit of free time between dinner and when I was supposed to meet Aric at the theatre, so I played around in the snow on the quad. Christine and Sean and Peggy joined me and we had a short boys vs. girls snowball fight (Sean didn't think that was very fair).

I shook off the snow that was on me as I walked past the statue of the crabs fucking and followed the sidewalk through the parking lot until I came to the Balch Playhouse.

The door to the upstairs wasn't well-marked, but I found it and pretty soon I was in what Aric had called the lighting booth.

Just past the door was a huge bank of electric machines, humming and whirring away. Then past that room was another room with banks of controls; there was a man in a buttoned shirt sitting there with a set of headphones on. He scowled when he saw me, but I ignored him.

In the next room, Aric was sitting at a console that had a big computer screen and banks of sliders. The whole place looked like some futuristic spaceship, almost like the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, especially with the big windows that looked over the house and stage below.

I nuzzled against his hip and he reached down and petted my mane and then pointed to a chair where I could sit and watch. I pulled it over so that I was a bit closer to him.

He was moving the sliders on the control board, and I could see lights going on and off. Each time he ran a set of lights, he'd make a mark on a legal pad, and I realized that he was running through a checklist. When he finally got done, he went over to a spotlight and turned that on, then he sat back in his chair.

He told me that he was still waiting for Lisa, the spotlight operator to show up. Just when he said that, I suddenly heard the crash of thunder, and only a moment later realized that it was a sound effect. The scowly man in the next room was testing his equipment.

It wasn't until all the theatre had fallen silent again that Lisa finally showed up. She was a really skinny girl with short dark hair. I'd seen her around a couple of times, but didn't really know her very well.

She and Aric chatted a bit about the show and I just stayed back out of the way. I could tell when somebody was getting their professional face on.

Then Lisa went over to her spotlight and they both put on their headsets. They had a little microphone on an adjustable boom, and Aric turned his up and out of the way.

He told me a little bit about the play that they were doing, which was called Bad Jews. I didn't really get it, but I figured once I saw the play it would all make sense.

Suddenly, mid-sentence, he spun on his chair back to the board and pulled his microphone down. He said 'Standing by' into it, and put his hands on the control board. I peered out the window and suddenly realized that the house was full of people: I'd been so busy concentrating on Aric, I hadn't even known they were there.

A few seconds later, he said 'house lights, going,' and began to pull some sliders down. When they reached the bottom, he said 'house lights, complete,' and then just waited.

I learned pretty quickly that that was how their radio commands worked. He would stand by, then be going, then be complete.

Lisa didn't have as much to do. She mostly sat in a chair watching out the window, but I could tell that she was familiar with the play. She stood up and walked over to her spotlight, and then a minute later, I heard her say 'follow spot, standing by.' Then when she was done with her duties, she sat down in her chair and leaned back.

Aric finally brought the house lights up for the intermission, and asked me what I thought of the play so far. I admitted that I hadn't really been watching it that much, but it was interesting to be in the control room. Lisa said sometimes it was boring, and I told her I didn't think I'd get bored. She said that she knew some of the lines better than the actors by now and thank God they weren't doing a musical. Then she and Aric looked at each other and both of them began quietly singing a song which it turns out was from the play Company that they'd put on last year. Aric said he'd probably be cursed to remember the song for the rest of his life.

The intermission lasted exactly fifteen minutes. I watched the clock, and Aric must have been as well. He was already back in place when he acknowledged that he was standing by for the house lights.

I was just fascinated watching them work. I didn't pay as much attention to the play as I ought to have, so I was still a bit lost about why the Jews were bad.

When the play was finally over, I had to wait until Aric wrapped up his job. He made a couple of notes on his yellow paper and then he left the control room with me following.

I cuddled up with him on the ride to his house and when we got there he went to the bathroom to pee and brush his teeth and I thought that maybe I ought to get another toothbrush that I could leave at his house if I was going to be spending a lot of time here because my teeth would be fuzzy in the morning.

He got ready for bed while I was peeing, and when I came back he was already lying in bed with his eyes closed. I lay down next to him and curled up with my head on his chest.

Aric asked me what I'd thought about the play and I said that I hadn't really paid all that much attention because it was just fun to watch him.

He hugged me close and said that it was fun to have me up there with him, too, and it was good just to be with me. I told him that he could do so much more with me, and he tensed up and said that he wasn't ready for that yet.

I rolled away from him and he followed, turning on his side and putting his arm around me and said that he was sorry but he wasn't sure what my boundaries were and he hadn't wanted to push me to do something I didn't want to do.

I rested my hoof on his hand and told him that if it had been up to me, we would have been having sex on the couch after the Super Bowl although Peggy had kind of put a damper on that—and I told him that I was glad she had, because I hadn't been thinking about things from his point of view and how hard it must be for him to think about.

He said that he wasn't so worried about what other people thought but it was just hard to prepare himself mentally and he knew that sounded dumb. I told him it didn't sound dumb at all; I'd fantasized about having sex with a griffon for years but when I finally got the opportunity it was really weird and awkward and we sort of muddled through it and I don't think either of us were satisfied when it was over.

Of course I know a lot more now than I did back then. Hopefully that griffon does, too.

I asked him if he would be comfortable taking off his underwear at least. He said that people might get the wrong idea and I asked him who was going to come into his bedroom and see? So I kind of got the idea that he might be uncomfortable being naked with me.

I rested my head on his chest and told him that he didn't have to if he didn't want to and we snuggled for a little bit.

I was almost asleep when I felt him shift under me and reach his hand down and kind of wiggle around, and then he pulled his underwear from under the covers and asked me if that was better.

I said that I thought it was.

Author's Note:

Bad Jews is actually the play which Kalamazoo College presented in the Winter Quarter, but I moved it up one week.

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