• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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February 13 [Val Day]

February 13

When I woke up, I discovered that Kathleen was using me as a pillow. It was really cute. John-Jacob was snuggled against her; they'd covered themselves with one of the cloaks that they wore as part of their garb.

When I turned my head a little farther, I could see Donald by himself on the floor—he'd gotten a pillow from someone. I could see a pair of feet which I assumed were Keith's sticking out from under his covers, and looking the other way, I could see Malcolm's head. I didn't know when he'd come back; he hadn't been there when I fell asleep.

I stayed where I was for as long as I could; I didn't want to disturb anyone, especially not Kathleen. Humans mostly seem to be late risers; at least the students are. I guess not everyone is; when I go for my morning trots and flights, there are lots of cars on the road, and of course the people I see who are jogging.

By the time there was light in the room, people were getting up. Kathleen and John-Jacob woke up first, then they woke up Donald. We all took our turns at the bathroom, and then by the time we'd all finished, Keith was awake, too.

Pretty much everyone got dressed in the room, although Kathleen went into the bathroom to put on her bodice. She said that nobody wanted to see her boobs. John-Jacob said he wouldn't mind and reached out to grab one, so she smacked his hand.

I had to wait until she was dressed to have her dress me. If she'd had time to make mouth-friendly fasteners, I could have put on my caparison myself, but the safety pins were too finicky for me to use.

She ruffled my feathers a lot when she helped me get my wings through the slits in the fabric, and then she yelled at me when I started to preen them back into place—not a mean yell, just an impatient 'wait until I'm done getting this in place' sort of thing. I hadn't really meant to make it harder for her; it was just instinct to get my feathers back into order as quickly as possible in case I had to fly away.

When everyone was dressed, they asked me if I needed a ride to the event, and I said that I was going to go with Aric and that I probably ought to head over to his house soon. Keith volunteered to drive me there, to save some time. So everyone got together and decided what cars they were going to take. I went with Keith and Malcolm and Donald; we all crowded into his car which is called Montego. It was the most luxurious car I'd even been in, although I didn't really care for the smell of the seats.

He dropped me off in front of Aric's, and waited until I was let into the house by Sara.

She and I waited downstairs until Aric was ready, and then we all piled into Winston. The truck now had a cover on the back which Aric said was called a topper, and that he'd put it on because his armor and stuff was back there. It made the inside of the truck a lot darker; it blocked all the light coming through the big back window.

When we got there, I was kind of disappointed. The place was a boring-looking building not unlike the reception center had been. Aric said that it was the fairground and that I'd have to use my imagination some, but it was really more about the people than the location. He said that it was a shame that I hadn't come to Winter Revel in Ionia, because that was the best spot in Michigan for a SCA event—the building was absolutely perfect. Sara agreed with him.

So we went inside, and I was immediately struck by the change in atmosphere there. The building was still pretty mundane, but all the colorful costumes on the people made up for it.

Most of the outfits were really ornate and elegant. I'd gotten a bit of an expectation on what people might be wearing from what everyone had gotten dressed in this morning, but there were people wearing far fancier clothes. Women wore dresses that went all the way to the floor covered in needlepoint and lace, there was a man wearing a plaid skirt and out of the corner of my eye I caught a man wearing an all pink outfit that looked to be made entirely of satin or silk.

With all that, I almost instantly turned into the center of attention. Even before we got to the little registration desk, people were coming over wanting to talk to me and pet me. Well, the petting was mostly children. The adults were nice and respectful; the children thought I was the most adorable thing ever.

One girl with blonde hair and blue eyes almost the exact same shade as mine held out her hand and let me sniff it before she touched it lightly to my muzzle, and then she asked who I was. Aric had told me that everybody had their own persona (which is a fake personality, sort of like when LARPing), and that I ought to come up with something. Of course, I hadn't thought of anything so I just said I was Silver Glow (which was true!) and that I served in the second ile of Commander Hurricane's hipparchy (which wasn't true). Her eyes got really big, and she curtseyed to me.

I think I'll keep that as a persona. I actually felt a bit like a hero just saying it. Everypony knows that Commander Hurricane's hipparchy (along with the heavy lancers) crushed Princess Platinum’s coutilier and that was what made all the unicorns finally flee back to their castles.

We moved into the merchant hall next. Aric said that he always liked to look around and see what they had, and that the merchant hall wouldn't be there all day, anyway. They had to take down their stuff before the King and Queen held court.

This was a market like I was familiar with. There were lots of little stalls, and people at every one of them selling their wares. A lot of them—perhaps all of them—were the artisans themselves. I saw a jeweler making more beaded jewelry while she was talking to a potential customer, and a seamster stitching a pair of trousers.

There wasn't much that I needed, and most of the costume pieces wouldn't fit me anyway. But I found a gorgeous moonstone pendant on a silver chain that I just had to have, and the lady who'd made it agreed that it was just perfect for me.

Another man was selling swords and other weapons, and I considered buying one. I thought that would fit with my persona very nicely. He had a faussart—which he said was called a glaive—that I thought would be perfect. He thought it was funny that I would want a polearm, and asked how I would use it.

I told him that if he was willing to cut down the shaft a bit, I'd show him. So I pointed to how long it ought to be, and he cut it and then gave it to me.

I'll admit I'm not an expert with them; while we pegasuses all have some obligatory martial training, I'm no expert, and I'm sure my old instructor would have laughed me out of class for the demonstration I put on, but he was amazed—everyone who saw was—and then we got to talking tactics a little bit, and Aric weighed in, too.

I hadn't really considered how different human battle tactics would be: they only had to consider other soldiers on the ground, and made no consideration for spellcasters or fliers.

Well, the armorer was so impressed that he sold me the faussart glaive for half of what he'd originally been asking, and gave me his card and told me that he really wanted to spend some more time talking military tactics with me. He said that he lived in Battle Creek, which was not so far from Kalamazoo, and that perhaps we both had a lot we could learn from each other.

Aric said that he had to go and get ready for battle, and he leaned down so that I could nuzzle his cheek. I went around to a couple of the clothiers until I found one who had a bit of blue ribbon I could buy to put on my glaive, which made it into a proper weapon.

I met up with everyone else—they'd taken a corner in the main hall and were having a bit of a lunch snack—dark bread, several kinds of cheese, and a tube of meat the size of a donkey dick that Donald said was called a summer sausage. I wasn't too interested in that, but I had some bread and cheese. I wish I'd thought to bring some of my anchovies.

They also had several bottles of pop, which I also didn't want. I thought it would be nice to have had some beer; Kathleen said that this was a dry event, so beer wasn't allowed. I had to make due with water from the drinking fountain.

We were just finishing up when Aric came clanking back in, fully dressed in his armor and carrying his sword and shield. And it was nice, proper armor, all scuffed and dented, so you could tell that he'd been using it.

He had a quick snack and drank some pop and then he went off to join his team, and we all followed so that we could watch the fight.

In the hall behind the merchant's hall, they'd set up a small arena, which was fenced off with ropes. There was a small wooden structure that Aric said was meant to be a bridge—his shoulders dropped when he saw it.

There were a bunch of other people dressed in armor—I recognized Kennith and Seth and Keith; all the rest were strangers to me. Before too long, they formed into two groups. A herald announced that the objective of the battle was for one team to defend the bridge, and the other team was supposed to try and cross it.

I was curious to see some of the tactics put into action. Obviously, a pegasus brigade would never even bother trying to take a bridge—what's the point? Unless we had earth pony allies, it was smarter to break it so nopony else could use it. But I guess the humans would have to, if they couldn't go around it any other way.

The two sides came together enthusiastically, crashing their swords into each other. When someone 'died,' they'd walk out of the battle. If they were just injured, they weren't allowed to use that body part any more, so Seth fought the second half of the battle one-armed.

The advantage went to the bridge-keepers, which was Aric's team. They were able to form a tight group, and they fought together as a team very well. Kennith and Seth were particularly effective together; once Seth 'lost' his arm, Kennith covered that side of his body.

There was a lot of applause from the crowd, and a few disappointed sighs as well. But I thought it had gone very well.

By the time it was over, the merchants were gone from the main hall, and a pair of thrones had been set up in the center. We all stood around until the King and Queen came in, and then everyone bowed respectfully.

There were lots of awards given out—the herald announced each one, and then the person receiving the award would go forward and bow, and be presented with his honor. Aric and his team all went up together, to receive a commendation for winning the bridge battle: the King and Queen had been watching from the crowd, and thought that they had done very well.

After Court was over, everyone went to another hall for dancing. The first person I noticed was the man in pink—he was wearing a pink stuffed elephant over his crotch. Donald said that was called a codpiece, but normally it wasn't a stuffed elephant. I thought it was really funny.

The man in the plaid skirt was in charge of the dancing. Aric—who had changed out of his armor—said that he taught the dances at school on Wednesdays, and I said that I'd like to learn them.

One of the most fun ones to watch was called “Black Nag.” Aric danced with Sara, and during the hopping part (which I found out is called galumphing) he and John-Jacob would crash enthusiastically into each other. Nobody else did: Keith told me that was how Aric and John-Jacob liked to do that dance.

It was pretty late when we left. Aric said that rather than drive back to town, he'd gotten a hotel room, and that really raised my hopes—I knew what Peggy was doing in her hotel room. To my disappointment, we were sharing the room with pretty much everyone and I was pretty sure that humans liked to be private when they were having sex.

I got over my disappointment pretty quick, though. We hadn't been allowed to drink on site, but it was okay in the hotel room, and so we all had a few beers and then a friendly argument over who'd get beds and who would have to sleep on the floor. I didn't mind the floor so much, but lucked out and got to share a bed with Aric (who said that he deserved one, since he'd paid for the room) and Sara. I slept in the middle, which was the best spot.

And Kathleen and John-Jacob got the other bed, and everyone else huddled up on the floor.

Author's Note:

I've take a few liberties here. Val Day is a real event; it really occurred on Feb 13, 2016. It is only a one-day event; in this story it's going to be two. I also didn't bother with having it accurately reflect the real schedule of events (heavy weapons fighting took place earlier in the day, for example).

The man in the pink Elizabethan costume with the elephant codpiece was a real attendee in 1996. Here we are 20 years later, and I still distinctly remember that outfit. If you want a good mental image of that outfit (and who doesn't!) picture THIS, but all in pink. And with an elephant codpiece.

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