• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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August 11 [Pony Car]

August 11

I was a little bit confused when I woke up 'cause when I opened my eyes I was in the sky, and I thought that maybe I was somehow back in Equestria but then I realized that I was looking out a window, and I watched the sun rise over the lake from my towel-nest.

When Mister Salvatore and Miss Cherilyn had gotten showered and dressed we went downstairs to the 720 South Bar and Grill and got breakfast. They had a breakfast pizza but I didn't think I'd want to start my day with a pizza. And I was going to get an omelet but then I saw that they had a Nutella waffle, and I asked Miss Cherilyn what a Nutella was because I didn't know. She said it was a chocolatey hazelnut butter that was really good and so I thought I'd try that.

It was really really good and when I'd finished it and licked all the Nutella off my lips I really wanted another one but that would have been greedy. I asked her if you could buy it in at Meijer and she said that you could. And then I asked if we could stop at Meijer on the way home.

She said that we could, and Mister Salvatore asked if he got a say in it, and she told him that he didn't. Then he asked if she was going to eat the rest of her bacon and she said he could have it if he agreed to take us to Meijer. And he said it was pretty low to try and bribe him with bacon, but he took it anyway.

We had to go up to our room to get our things, and then we went all the way downstairs to the underground parking lot, where Mister Salvatore said that there was a car waiting for us. He had the keys in his pocket and he asked Miss Cherilyn to guess what we'd gotten to drive back.

She said that knowing him he'd probably tried to justify a Corvette, and he was about to explain how I was going to ride on her lap all the way back.

He said that he wished he'd thought of that, but he'd gotten something more practical and pushed the button on the keys, and a white car honked and flashed its lights at us.

She shook her head, but Mister Salvatore said that a Mustang was the most logical choice—I was a pony and it was a pony car, and since I liked open skies, he'd gotten one where the roof folded down.

So we put all our luggage in the trunk and he folded down the canvas roof, and it had a kind of neat rumbly exhaust that sounded almost like it was growling happily.

When we got out on the road, she asked how he'd managed to get it out of Chicago's motor pool for the trip back to Michigan and he said that he'd volunteered to spend rush week with Cayenne, helping out. I didn't know what rush week was, but Miss Cherilyn whistled and said that they owed him the convertible for a week at least for that.

He said he was keeping it until we went on our trip out west, 'cause instead of taking Amtrak to Chicago, we were going to take the Mustang.

It wasn't that much fun to be topless in Chicago, 'cause all the traffic made it smelly and hot, but when we finally got off of the Skyway it sped up a little bit, and then it was a lot of fun. I could hold out my wings a little bit and let the wind push them up and down depending on how much angle I had, and I was pretty sure that if I stuck them all the way out I could fly out of the car without a single flap, but I wasn't dumb enough to try it.

We stayed on the 94 Highway until we got to the 196 Highway and Miss Cherilyn asked Mister Salvatore where he was going, and he reminded her that Sienna was still in South Haven.

She glared at him and said that he was probably expecting us to ride home in Sienna and stop at Meijer in Sienna and meanwhile he'd be living out his adolescent fantasies in a Mustang convertible.

He said that it was the most logical choice.

But when we got to South Haven and got to Sienna, Miss Cherilyn asked which car I wanted to ride in, and even though I liked Sienna, I also liked having the wind in my mane and open sky, so I said that I liked it better, even though it made me feel a little disloyal.

She smiled and told Mister Salvatore to have fun shopping, and that she'd meet him back at the office, and then she roared out of the parking lot.

I hoped he wasn't mad at me. At least we were close enough to Kalamazoo that I could fly back home if he left me, too.

Well, he wasn't mad at all. He said that she'd gotten him good but he didn't care because he still had a convertible. And then he asked if I wanted to take the scenic route to Meijer and I said that I wouldn't mind.

So instead of taking the M43 road, we went straight on a road called Phoenix Street which mostly went past fields but there was also a nice section of it that was dirt and it was pretty hilly and winding and it kind of reminded me of being up north. There was hardly any other traffic, and when we got to one straight section he told me to hold on and he accelerated until the Mustang was running over a hundred miles an hour.

I don't think that was as fast as the Amtraks went, but because it was open and bumpier it felt faster.

Mister Salvatore was in a pretty good mood by the time we got to Meijer and he stayed with me while we were shopping. It took us a while to find the Nutella, and I think we would have been in there even longer if I hadn't asked one of the people putting food on the shelves where it was.

He took me right home when we were done shopping and helped me carry my flight gear upstairs and that's when I noticed how smelly my vest was getting, and I asked him if he wanted to take me to the laundromat.

He said that he had a convertible and he'd take me anywhere I wanted to drive.

So we got together all my laundry and I didn't have any baskets or anything to put it in so he wrapped it all up in my comforter and make a big sack out of it and drove me to the laundromat.

Then before we could go inside, he had me stand next to the car and he took a picture and sent it to Miss Cherilyn so that she would know where I was.

When I'd put everything in the wash he said that we ought to go get something to eat and asked if I'd like Taco Bell.

I reminded him that the last time he hadn't wanted me to have Taco Bell because I might fart and he said that he had a convertible so it didn't matter if I did. And he took a picture of us there, too, and he sent it to Miss Cherilyn, and we drove back with our food and we ate it while we were waiting for my laundry to finish washing.

He helped me put it in the dryer and then he went over to the wastebasket and picked up a folded-up copy of USA Today, and opened it up and started reading.

He asked if I wanted a section to read and slid it over to me and I just took one look at the headlines—which said that people in Maryland were missing after their apartment had exploded,and that two people had died in a skydiving accident and I decided that I'd rather watch my blankets and towels spin around in the dryer instead of read the newspaper.

The dryers that they had at the laundromat were a lot faster than the ones that they had in Trowbridge, and it wasn't even a half hour before everything was dry.

Mister Salvatore bundled it all up and asked me if there was anywhere else I wanted to go, and I said that it was probably time for me to get back to my apartment because I had to go meet Pastor Liz (and admit that I hadn't read any of the Bible over the last week) and then go practice fighting with the SCA people, so he took me back to my apartment.

And he wanted to know about how I could fight, so I got out my glaive and went to the backyard with him and showed him some practice moves. And then I let him try it but I warned him to be careful because it was sharp and when we practiced I borrowed a padded glaive so that nobody would get hurt.

He was pretty clumsy with it, and he said that he didn't understand how I could be so good when I didn't even have hands. I told him that it was a lot of practice, and we used to drop them a lot until we learned how to hold them right.

And I said that we also had archers, and I'd even learned how to shoot a bow but I wasn't very good at it.

So he wanted to know how that worked, and I showed him the easy technique (which was the one I knew) where you lay on your back and held the bow with your hind hooves and pulled the string with your forehooves. It wasn't too accurate, but it was a good way to defend a city.

He said that we ponies kept amazing him. And he said that it had been a fun weekend and then he gave me a hug and got back into his Mustang and drove off.

I didn't really have enough time to read the Bible and understand it, so when I went to see Pastor Liz I had to tell her that I was a bad pony, and she hugged me and said that it was okay; it wasn't a race to finish. She said that she'd rather have me take my time reading it and thinking about what it said than try to rush through it. And she asked me how my week had been, so I told her about going to Stratford and flying to Chicago and she said I'd been pretty busy.

I still felt bad, though. And when I was walking down to the park, I thought that maybe I should turn around and go home and sit in my papasan and at least finish Jeremiah. But then Karla saw me and waved and so I trotted over to her and gave her a nuzzle and then Stellan and everyone else showed up, and pretty soon all I could think about was my staffwork.

Especially after I got bonked a couple of times.

By the time we were done practicing, everybody was pretty tired. Stellan had gotten good at blocking most of my attacks, and I wasn't so good at blocking his. I thought that maybe next time I would try some leg-sweeps, because sometimes he left his legs unguarded.

I went over to Meghan's apartment after we were done practicing and she gave me a big hug and said that I was crazy to have flown all the way to Chicago and I told her that it had been fun. Really tiring, but fun. And I said that my wings were still pretty sore, but otherwise I felt good.

She said that she'd gotten a bottle of wine to celebrate my return, and it was called 2008 Chandelle Cabernet Sauvignon.

It had a picture on the label of a black airplane flying over the water, and she said that when she'd seen the label she knew that she needed to get it for us.

So we went out on the porch and sipped wine and I told her what it had been like flying across the lake, and how strange it had been to be out in the center where I couldn't see any land in any direction.

And then I told her about seeing the skydivers on Tuesday and asked if she wanted to go skydiving with me, 'cause that was something else I wanted to do while I was on Earth.

She said that she didn't. She said that the balloon ride had been scary enough, and she didn't think that she could bring herself to step out of an airplane at all, even if I was with her.

So that was disappointing but it was nice that she was honest about it. So I nuzzled her and told her that it was okay and maybe if I did find someone who wanted to skydive with me she could come and cheer us on from the ground, and she promised that she could do that.

We stayed out on the porch until it was dark, and then she put the cork back in the bottle and said that we'd finish it tomorrow night.

She got mostly undressed and I lay on my side so that she could curl up around me, and she kissed me on the ear and then put her head against mine and scooted her legs up against my rump. I wiggled my tail around a little bit and she said that I was tickling her with it.

Meghan yawned and then let out a little happy sigh and pulled me against her and I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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