• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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August 14 [Pete's Dragon]

August 14

I felt too hot when I woke up and when I went to spread my wings out some to shed some heat they got stuck and at first I thought it was on the blankets but it was Meghan's shirt that I was still wearing.

Sleeping in clothes was really weird. I don't know how Gusty does it. I was too hot and sweaty and so I kind of worked my wings to push it up until it was just around my neck and that felt strange, too. And it also woke up Meghan.

She leaned over me and pulled the shirt over my head and then kissed me through the fabric before taking it the rest of the way off, and I got her back by pushing her breast with my hoof and she reached down and tickled my ruff.

Now that my wings were free, I could tickle back, so I got her belly and she dropped back down on her side and bit my ear gently then ran her hand down my leg and squeezed my fetlock. I nuzzled her jaw and she pulled me on top of her and ran her hand over my dock, and I couldn't get to much of her at all which wasn't fair, but I did tease her with my tail some until she finally let me go and we could both make each other happy.

We got cooled down in the shower together and then I wanted to make omelets for breakfast since I knew how now and it would be easier this time 'cause Meghan had chopped up more vegetables than we'd needed yesterday.

So I started getting everything out and then I thought that maybe I could put some hay in my omelet and so I went and got a little bit. Meghan set it on the counter and said that she'd crumble it up with her fingers after I made her omelet, because she didn't want any hay in hers. But she did say that she'd try a bite of mine.

She let me make everything by myself, and just watched to be sure that I did it right. And once I'd made her omelet, she crumbled up the hay on top of the vegetables and I put them in mine.

I wish I'd known how to make omelets at the beginning of the summer, but I'd probably have eaten too many if I did. They weren't as healthy as vegetables and pasture grasses, but I guess I'm getting enough exercise that it doesn't matter too much.

I let Meghan have the first bite of my omelet and she said that she could taste the hay but it wasn't overpowering, and it gave it kind of an interesting flavor, but she didn't think it would catch on with most people. But then she told me that there were some people that liked eating exotic things that probably would eat it just to say that they had.

And she said that they'd probably pay extra for it, too, and maybe if weather patrol didn't work out for me I could get a job as a chef. She said I could go to a big city like Chicago and drive around a food truck maybe or else open an exotic restaurant that served Equestrian food.

That wasn't what I wanted to do with my life, but it might be fun for a while. I was pretty proud that I'd learned to cook a couple of things 'cause it's always satisfying to make something with your hooves.

We washed the dishes together and while we did I started to think about other things that I could put in an omelet. I still had one little carton of unshelled eggs left. Maybe anchovies would be good in an omelet.

Once we'd finished putting the dishes in the rack, Meghan dried off her hands and a couple of splashes of soapy water that had gotten on her and when she gave me the towel she said she was getting more and more used to cooking nude and if we kept this up she wasn't going to be able to wear clothes when she cooked anymore.

I didn't see how that was a problem.

She helped me put my new storm movie on YouTube, 'cause we hadn't done that yet, and while we were waiting for it to get to the internet, she said that I ought to wear the camera whenever I went flying just in case I saw something interesting. Gates had said the same thing about when I was snowboarding. And she told me that I ought to wear it when I went on my trip out west, too.

I hadn't thought about that but she said it was a good idea. And she said that maybe I could wear it while we were horseback riding.

I wasn't sure how interesting that would be, but since it wouldn't waste any film since human cameras were filmless it wouldn't hurt anything to have it. Although that meant I'd also have to wear my camelback 'cause otherwise the straps wouldn't work right. That was okay, though; it might be nice to have water with me while we were riding the horses.

Meghan had to leave the computer on so that the movie could process, which took a long time, even though it hadn't taken all that long to put it on the computer. I guess YouTube has to think about it for a while. She said she didn't know why it took so long, since they already had the data when the upload was done. But at least we could unhook the GoPro from the computer.

She used her portable telephone to get an Uber-car, and then she started to get dressed. I told her that she should have gotten dressed first in case the Uber-car was really quick and she said that she liked to live dangerously. And I told her it didn't count as danger unless she was willing to go downstairs and finish getting dressed in the Uber-car if it arrived before she had her clothes on. She said they were quick but they weren't that quick, and just as she said it a horn honked outside.

I pushed her in the rump but she said it wasn't the Uber-car; her portable telephone had told her that the car that was coming was fifteen minutes away and she'd be dressed in plenty of time if I got my nose off her butt so she could put her pants on.

So we had plenty of time to get ready, and she was all the way dressed when the real Uber-car arrived. The movie hadn't finished processing yet (Meghan said it would take a few hours probably) and I was a little worried about leaving the computer on when nobody was there with it but she said it was no different than any of the other electrical appliances in the house and it wouldn’t hurt it to be left running. I said that the waffle iron and the electric kettle weren't supposed to be left on and she said that was different.

The driver was kind of grumpy. Maybe he didn't like mornings, or maybe he didn't like ponies. But he didn't say anything bad and he took us to the farm.

When we got there, Deanne was practicing jumps in the training field again, and so we just watched her and I had to occasionally push the dog away 'cause he kept on nosing at my legs.

I told Meghan that I knew how to do the course too and she said I ought to try it if it was okay because it would be fun to see, so when Deanne was done practicing I asked her if I could try it again and she said that I could.

Meghan started my camera and I went into the field and did a lap around the course to warm up without doing any of the jumps, and when I came back around to the beginning I did it for real.

Both Meghan and Deanne clapped when I was done which was kind of embarrassing, 'cause Henry had done it a lot better than I had, I thought and he hadn't gotten any applause.

So I went over to him and he leaned down to sniff me and I let him and then since his head was down I nuzzled his cheek and he sort of nuzzled back at me but he was so big and strong he pushed me sideways and almost knocked me over. He didn't mean to; he just didn't know how strong he was.

We told Deanne that we wanted to go riding again, and so we went to the stables with the dog right at my heels the whole way there and Deanne tied Henry up inside and he seemed kind of upset. She said that he wasn't used to going out right after he'd gotten done jumping and that was why he was restless. So she went into the tack room and came back out with some carrots and that made him happier. And she promised him more once he got done with the trail ride.

It didn't take her too long to saddle up Hoshi and Peaches, 'cause Meghan helped and I stayed out of the way except to say hi to them, and then we got up on their backs and Deanne untied Henry and I could tell he was still a little bit grouchy about wearing all his gear but he led us back out of the barn anyway.

We took our time walking around the trails, and it was past lunchtime when we finally got back to the stable. Deanne said that she was taking us on a longer ride than usual 'cause she thought I'd earned it by running the course again. She also told me that I was getting better at making Hoshi go where I wanted her to, although I think that was as much Hoshi wanting to follow Henry.

Henry started walking faster once he figured out that we were going back, and I don't blame him. He was probably hungry or else expecting his carrot. And I could see how Deanne was holding his reins and she didn't have to direct him to the little cement pad where he got washed and undressed; he went there on his own and stood in front of the railing.

She tied all of our horses up and she got Henry's tack off first. Meghan took the saddles off Peaches and Hoshi, but let Deanne put the halters on them. And then the three of us rinsed off our horses and brushed them down and Deanne got treats for all three of them 'cause they'd all been good.

Then she turned them out to pasture and as soon as he was through the gate, Henry dropped down and rolled in the field, while both Hoshi and Peaches ignored him and nibbled at the grass instead. It looked like they were having fun, so I jumped over the fence and rolled around in the grass, too, and when I got to my hooves and shook off all the dirt and thatch that had got in my coat, both Meghan and Deanne were laughing.

We had to wait around a bit for the Uber-car to come and get us, 'cause we were so far out in the country, and that gave Meghan time to rinse off my hooves and pick them with Deanne's hoof-pick.

The car which finally arrived was a little bean-shaped thing called a Prius. It was really strange 'cause the engine would turn off sometimes and then turn back on but the car kept going even when the engine was off.

I put some of the leftover pancakes in the oven to warm them up while Meghan finished putting my first movie on YouTube and then put the one that I'd just taken on my computer as well. She said that she was going to have to figure out how to edit it because she thought that the part where I was galloping around the obstacle course should be separate from the part where I was riding Hoshi.

She also said that Deanne had taken a movie of the obstacle course and that we'd have to look for that on YouTube later.

Meghan wanted to change her clothes before we went to the movie 'cause she said that they smelled like horse and I didn't mind at all but she thought that maybe other people would.

Well, I said that I thought that other people were stupid, but she said she was going to anyways and took off her pants and hung them over the back of my chair so that they could air out some, and she had me sniff at her shirt to see if that smelled like horse, too. It didn't much; not as much as her pants did.

Then she said that there was no point on putting her pants back on until it was time to go to the movie, and we sat in the papasan and snuggled and watched the birds until she had to get dressed again.

I really liked the movie, even though I didn't think that dragons were ever furry—all the ones I'd ever heard of were scaly. And I didn't understand why the people wanted to take Pete out of the woods since he obviously liked it there and was doing fine. Meghan said it was because he was so young and it wasn't right to leave a child unsupervised like that but I didn't understand how he was unsupervised because the dragon helped to take care of him since his parents were dead. I'd heard of pegasi raising a griffon chick, and Princess Twilight had raised Spike since he was a hatchling as well, so why not let a dragon raise a human?

We ate dinner at TGI Fridays and our waitress had lots of buttons on. Meghan said that was called flair and it was something that the waiters and waitresses did there. Meghan had a dragonfire chicken and I had a dragonfire salmon which was really good, and they also had a drink called Long Island Iced Tea and we probably should not have had as many of them as we did, 'cause when it came time to get back to our bus we were having trouble walking straight and the bus driver got mad at us for singing and threatened to kick us off if we didn't stop.

Once we got off the bus at our stop, though, he couldn't tell us what to do anymore and so we started singing again as we walked the rest of the way home, and I was glad we'd left the futon folded down because otherwise it would have been too much effort.

Meghan almost fell over when she was taking her pants off and forgot to take her shoes off first so she had to sit on the bed and untie them and I pulled up her shirt while she did and tried to unhook her bra and we were both surprised when I finally got it.

I helped her get the rest of the way undressed and snuggled up against her and she said that she was too drunk to fuck and started giggling, and then she nuzzled my cheek and put her hand on my back and fell asleep.

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