• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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June 9 [Peggy Goes Home]

June 9

I woke up at my usual time but didn't get right out of bed to go flying, because I wanted to stay with Peggy until it was time for her to leave. So I sat at my desk and wrote in my journal some—it's almost time for a new notebook—and then thought about how it hadn't really been all that hard to put everything that we had in a few little boxes and bags and in a couple of days if anyone came into the room they would never know who had been here, and that was a kind of strange thing to think.

I guess I hadn't known who was in this room before us. Maybe it was someone who was still at college or maybe it was someone who had graduated and didn't need the room anymore.

Seems like almost everyone sleeps in really late when they don't have to go to classes, but Peggy's alarm started beeping and she didn't get up right away—she reached out from under the covers and turned it off—but the second time it started she pushed back the covers and sat up and then got out of her bed and the first thing she did was take off all the bedding and fold it up and then she stuffed it in a sack. She said that would motivate her not to get back in bed, because it was a long drive and she wanted to get to Omaha before it was too late, which was going to be where she spent the night. Colorado was too far away to get there in only one day.

She took a quick shower and got dressed in the clothes she'd set out last night, and then she put her lounging clothes in her backpack, along with her soap and shampoo. She left the towel hanging on the end of her bed so it could dry off some before she left, and then we went to breakfast together.

A lot of people must have left yesterday, because the dining hall was nearly empty. The selection of food was smaller, too; there wasn't anyone making omelets, and half the spots in the hot food counter were empty.

They still had all the different cereals, and I thought about having some of the Lucky Charms that Christine liked so much, but I stuck with my normal breakfast instead, and it seemed like it was too soon that we were done eating, and we couldn't put it off any longer, so we took our dishes back and went back to our room and she got her bags and draped the towel over my back and we went to Cobalt and she put the last of her things in the car and hung the towel over the shotgun seat and then we hugged each other and she got in Cobalt and drove off and when it turned around the corner and disappeared I felt so alone and going back to the room made it worse, because there was nothing there but my things all packed up except for the bedding.

How long would it be before our scents were gone, and the room was nothing more than just empty lifeless brick and tile?

I closed the window and bundled up my bedding and put it away and then I sent a telephone telegram to Aric to tell him that I was ready for him to move me.

It didn't take him too long to arrive, and he carried everything down and put it in Winston, then he waited until I had signed out and the room had been looked at to make sure that we hadn't broken it, and I gave my key to the RA and when she closed the door that was it.

I gave him the key to my apartment and said that I was going to walk over there to give me some time to think, and he nodded and said that he'd carry my stuff up and then we could figure out where to put it. And he leaned over and kissed me before he got in Winston, and he disappeared around the corner like Peggy had done, too.

I could have flown faster, but walking along the streets gave me time to think and wipe away a few tears as I thought about my friends who were now scattering like the leaves in an autumn wind.

By the time I got to my apartment, Aric had unloaded everything from Winston, and we spent all morning and some of the afternoon figuring out where it looked best. He set up my computer, although it couldn't do much because the cable that carried the internet wasn't connected; a workman was supposed to come out and turn the valve on but he wasn't going to come until tomorrow, and I would be gone then—Mister Salvatore was going to meet him and make sure that everything worked like it was supposed to.

We put all my books on the bookshelf, my poetry books and my math book and my climate science book and my philosophy books and my Bible and it was nice to see them all arranged in a little library instead of being stacked on my desk and dresser. And we hung up my posters, too, and put the waffle-maker in the kitchen and also cleaned up what was left of the food from the party. Aric thought it was strange that I put all the potato chips in one bag but that was a lot better than having half a dozen different mostly-empty bags.

He said that he would take me to get some food if I wanted, or we could eat here and get something sent over or just snack on what there was. Well, I didn't want there to be too much food in the apartment 'cause we were leaving on our trip tomorrow afternoon, but there wasn't enough to make a proper meal. But Aric said he didn't mind, and he'd just snack on some mystery potato chips while I had the rest of the vegetables.

If you eat breakfast late, it's called 'brunch,' but Aric said that neither 'lunner' or 'lupper' were real words.

After he was done eating he kissed me and told me to have fun with Meghan and said that if he wasn’t up yet when I got to his house tomorrow to just come up to his room and wake him up and then we'd get ready to go on our trip up north. He said he was going to spend the rest of the afternoon packing and putting the top back on Winston and I asked if he wanted any help. He said that it was generous of me to offer but he could do it by himself and I should go off and have fun.

So I put on my flight gear first and flew around the downtown for a little while, just to stretch out my wings. I didn't very often get to fly though town in the afternoon, and it was a lot different than during the day. All the stores were open, which meant that there were a lot more people on the streets, and some of them pointed up at me when I went overhead.

I hadn't visited very many stores in Kalamazoo so maybe this summer Meghan and I could go around to them and see what they had.

When I went back to campus I landed on Pebble Beach out of habit, and it wasn't until I'd opened the door into the dorm that I remembered I didn't live there anymore. So I flew down to the front door of DeWaters and let myself in and went up to Meghan's room.

It was pretty empty; Amy was gone along with all her things, and Meghan had obviously been packing and I decided that it just felt too lonely so after she'd finished filling a box, she agreed to go back to my apartment with me. I think she felt the same way.

She said that she was going to use a van called a U-Haul to move, and I'd seen a lot of them around town. They had murals on the side with the names of places, kind of like how ships usually had the name of their home port.

When we got to my apartment, Meghan noticed that I was swaying a little bit when I walked and I said it was 'cause the filing was still fresh and my legs still hadn't gotten quite used to it. Sometimes back in Equestria it might take a week or more, 'cause I didn't spend as much time on the ground, and 'cause not much had any kind of paving since it was easier on everypony's hooves for it to be grass.

I took off my flight gear and asked Meghan if she wanted to take a shower with me and she did, but she said that she didn't have a towel with her, so we decided that we could share mine. She said if she didn't get her hair wet it would be enough, and I didn't mind being a little damp until the water all evaporated.

She had to show me how to work the water—the shower in Trowbridge just has a little knob that you turn to make the water as hot as you want, but this one had three knobs. One of them was for hot and one was for cold and the middle one let you choose whether you wanted the water to come out of the showerhead or the faucet, and none of them were that easy to work with my hooves, but I knew I'd get better with practice.

It took a little while for the water to get warm, and then she wanted to close the door but I liked the natural light that came in from the windows but she said that the windows didn't have curtains on them.

She decided that it was okay if the door was half-open, because lots of light could still get in but it blocked the view from one of the windows, and then she got undressed and joined me in the shower.

By the time we were finishing up, the hot water had mostly run out and she had to turn the cold water all the way off just so what was left was warm enough. That was a bit of a disappointment; everywhere else I'd taken showers had as much hot water as I could want. Even her aunt and uncle's hot tub stayed warm, despite being outside all year long.

That just meant that we had to shower faster, though, so next time we could get in a little bit sooner and not debate the door and then we'd have plenty of time.

She dried off in the bathroom and put her shirt and panties and pants back on before she would open the door and go back into the living room, 'cause she was afraid that someone might see her through the window even though we were on the second floor and there weren't any other pegasuses in Kalamazoo.

She hung the towel on a rod over one of the windows, and said that was a good place for it to dry, even though it blocked some of the light. And then she walked around the apartment looking out the windows like I had and decided to close the kitchen door, too, because she didn't like the window that faced the next-door house.

She did like the view out the big front windows, though, and how the tree filled all of them. She said it was kind of like being in a treehouse, and turned the futon a little bit for the best view. I sat with my head on her lap and she brushed my mane and we just watched the tree and both laughed as a squirrel ran up my balcony railing and jumped into the tree.

There were some beers left over from the party so we shared them and when it was getting dark outside we turned on the lights and talked for a little while longer until it was all the way night. I folded down the futon and she helped me put my blankets on it, and she said it was funny that I only had one pillow so I told her that when she was staying with me she could be my pillow, and she said what if she wanted to use me as a pillow.

I didn't think I would be as soft of a pillow, but she took off her pants and we tried it anyway but after a little while it was obvious that it wasn't all that comfortable for either of us—it kind of hurt my wing to have her lying on it, and she said that the angle of her neck wasn't very comfortable, so we switched around to the arrangement that I thought worked best.

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