• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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May 22 [Homework Day]

May 22

I woke up in a kinda bittersweet mood, 'cause it was sad that Aric would be leaving soon, but we'd had a lot of fun yesterday. I knew in my heart that this was probably our last full weekend together, since finals were coming up in a few weeks and then he'd have to pack his stuff and go to Indiana.

I decided that I wouldn't go flying. My body would miss the exercise, but my heart would be happy. So I just stayed next to him and dozed off and on until he woke up.

Sometimes we can't get what we want, though, because when he left to use the toilet I was thinking about the classwork that was piling up and the books I wasn't reading, and I knew that he had things he was supposed to do, as well, like his theatre project.

But we didn't have to do them right away, so I lured him back into bed (it wasn't difficult).

He was out of food, so after he'd gotten dressed we went to Nina's and ate breakfast, then at the end of it we both agreed that we should do homework even though it wasn't fun.

Aric went to the theatre building where they have special drawing tables, and after he'd gotten himself set up, I kissed him and then went back to my room and started working on the essay for Anthropology.

The topic had seemed like such a good idea when Christine first helped me think of it, but it was hard to organize my notes. I tore all the pages out of my notebook and arranged them on the floor, moving them this way and that to try and see what order felt best. That was a trick I'd learned in Equestria; sometimes it made more sense in one order rather than another.

Peggy came back from lunch and asked me what I was doing, so I told her how I was trying to organize my essay and she laughed and said I had a strange way of doing it. But then she said that everyone has strange ways of doing homework and that she liked to write her English term papers in her lounging clothes.

I said math was easier naked, but that wasn't working for my report so maybe I should go and see if Ruth would let me borrow her lounging pants. I bet she would.

Peggy didn't think that wearing pajamas would help, even though she said it would be adorable. She told me I ought to go wherever I do my best thinking.

Well, I was sure that I did my best thinking when I was in the sky, but it was really hard to fly and write, and there weren't any clouds to perch on, so that wasn't an option. But I had to do something; I was just flying in circles and getting nowhere.

It always seems easier to write stuff than it actually is.

So I decided that as long as my mind was flying in circles, my body might as well be, so I put on my flight gear and headed outside.

At first all I could think of was how I was wasting time when I should be at my desk, but then those thoughts sort of faded and then for a while I just sort of looked down at the city below me, and the distant horizon in front of me.

I'd flown over a golf course—the same one that I got chased off of before—and I flew around watching the players hit the balls, and then it occurred to me that I could just list stuff off in order, and maybe at the end of it wrap it up in some sort of a neat conclusion.

That meant that the first thing I ought to do is pick what traditions were the most interesting and I could do that by rearranging my notes one more time.

It would probably be kind of rough at first, but I could work on that. I still had a couple of weeks.

When I got back to the dorm I didn't want to forget what I'd thought of, so I started sorting through my notes again. I liked the gift-giving traditions; that was important. And I wanted to do a little bit more research on the clothes people wore, because I'd learned that that was a combination of a personal choice and a traditional choice.

The wedding party was pretty important, too, so I made sure to move those notes up to the top. One of the books said that the groomsmen traditionally used swords to protect the bride and groom.

I thought that was a good starting point. So I wrote numbers on my papers so that I could keep them in order and then sat at my desk and started to write.

Peggy came back with a basket full of clean laundry while I was working on the middle section. She noticed that I was still wearing my flight vest, because I'd gotten distracted and forgotten to take it off, which she thought was really funny. She said I was making sure that no one ran into me while I was working at my desk.

I'd kind of forgotten I was wearing it, so I got undressed and then sat back down and worked until it was almost time to go to dinner, then I took a quick shower. There wasn't any competition for the shower at five in the evening.

After dinner I looked over what I'd gotten done and decided that I ought to finish writing the section on the bridal party. Then when that was done, I wrote short letters to Comcast and Discover and put them in the envelopes, and started one to my sister. I wanted to include some of the pictures that Aric had took, but they were still in his pocket telephone and I hadn't thought to ask him to get them out. I'd ask him after Durach.

When I'd finished the letter to my sister, I started reading the Bible, and then I thought that maybe I could read it over at Meghan's. When I knocked on her door, though, she wasn't there, so I went back downstairs and sat in the lounge to wait for her.

Elisha had started doing mostly good things and what God told him to, and I hoped he'd be smart enough to keep following God's rules. But it was kind of frustrating that just like in the last book, verses about a particular king's reign would be summed up by saying it was in another book. I guess the Bible was already thick enough that they didn't want to include that stuff.

I was just starting to read how God told Jehu to be king when Meghan came in. Well, I didn't see her but she noticed me and sat down next to me and petted my back then ran her fingers through my mane and asked me how my weekend had been.

I told her about the Air Zoo and driving around at night, and she told me about her weekend. She had just gotten back from a study group, and she said that she was going up her room for the night and wanted to know if I'd come along. I said I would.

She still had a little more homework to do, so I sat on the bed and read a little bit more but once I read how the eunuchs had tossed Jezebel out a window and her blood had splattered on the horses I decided I didn't want to read anymore 'cause I might have nightmares. So I closed up the book and just relaxed, watching Meghan do her homework.

She had a habit of brushing her hair back over her ear, even though it would fall forward again while she was working, and then she wouldn't notice it for a while, but whenever she leaned back she'd push it back out of the way. That was really cute.

And she liked clicking her pen like I did.

I don't know how long it was before she finished, but she finally did, and she closed up her book and came over to the bed and petted me a little and said she was sorry she was boring. I said that she wasn't boring, but right then I yawned, which made her laugh.

Since Amy wasn't back yet, Meghan changed into her sleeping clothes in the bedroom and then got into bed and we snuggled up for the night. I stretched out my hoof on her chest and she took it in her hand and held it gently and I knew I wasn't going to have any nightmares tonight.

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