• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 22 [Threesome]

October 22

It was a little bit cooler this morning, but I was nice and snug between Aric and Meghan. I was the first one awake but after I'd started moving around a bit I woke her up, too, and she started petting my mane. Then she whispered that her sleeping pants had slid off again and she also had to use the bathroom and she said that she was going to try and get out of bed without waking up Aric or pushing him off the bed by mistake.

He wasn't too close to the edge, so I moved a little bit away from her and kind of pushed him off to the side and she had enough room to push off the covers and scoot out of bed, and that kind of put her pants up a little bit but she still had to tug them over her butt when she stood up.

She wasn't successful in not waking Aric up, but she was out of the room before he opened his eyes, and then he cuddled up against me and kind of grabbed at the covers to pull them back down over me and his right arm.

Aric put his head against my cheek and said that I was really warm, and that the best part of cuddling with me in the morning was how warm I was. And I would have put my wing over him but he was too close to me so I couldn't get it out.

I turned my ear when Meghan came back in the room, and she had to lift the blankets back off to get in bed and Aric grumbled a little bit about that and she told him if he kept complaining she was going to pull them all the way off and give him something to really complain about. Then she wiggled back into bed and we gave her a little bit of extra room to get into bed.

None of us really wanted to get up. Meghan said it was cold in the house and colder in the bathroom, and Aric said that he'd noticed.

We were all awake, though, so we talked about what we wanted to do today. Aric got his portable telephone and said that today was supposed to be cool and overcast, and he said that we could just stay in bed all day, but that didn't sound like too much fun. And Meghan said that the trees were turning and it might be nice to walk on one of the trails for a while at least, and I kind of wanted to go flying, although of course they couldn't go with me if I did.

Aric said that he didn't care too much but that this was going to be his last free weekend for a couple of weeks, until the play was over, and I told him that I was going to Wisconsin next weekend to see Gusty's play.

He asked me what it was and I said that I didn't know—Miss Cherilyn hadn't told me. But I didn't think it really mattered; whatever it was I was sure that Gusty was going to be amazing.

So Aric picked up his portable telephone and started looking, and he said that they were doing Sweeny Todd, with Gusty as Mrs. Lovett, and he said that would be interesting to see. And then he found pictures of the cast and showed me and Meghan who was going to be playing each major role. And they had a picture of Gusty in her costume and she looked kind of scary. I think if I didn't know her I'd be afraid of her.

Aric thought that she had a really beautiful costume, and Meghan said that until just now, she'd never thought about how gorgeous ponies looked in Victorian costumes. She said it was a pity that it would take way too long to make one, and probably I wasn't going to have much luck finding a Halloween costume.

Then she said that maybe we could find enough things at a costume store to turn me into something, and she asked what I wanted to be, and I didn't know. So we decided that we'd go to a costume store for inspiration today, too.

Then Aric got up to use the bathroom, and Meghan laid down on her back and I put my head on her breast and my wing over her stomach and she said that we were probably hogging the bed now and I said that there was room enough for Aric on the side probably.

She was scratching behind my ears when he came back in, and he stopped in the doorway and just looked at us, and he said that we were too cute. And I put my head up long enough to stick my tongue out at him.

He was kind of crowded when he got back in bed with us, and I don't think he was very comfortable, because he got back up after a few minutes and so we tried to figure out a way to rearrange ourselves so that Aric would have enough room that he could be comfortable, and I said that we could slide over and he could be by the wall and that way he wouldn't have to worry about falling off the bed at least. He'd still be a bit crowded though.

Meghan wasn't sure about that but I thought it would work, so I got out of bed and she slid over and pulled her sleeping pants back up 'cause I guess they'd come down when she had gotten back in bed, and then Aric got in and put his back to the wall, and I climbed in the other side and put my head back down on her breast.

Aric looked kind of uncomfortable, and Meghan finally stopped scratching behind my ear and took his hand and put it across her stomach, then went back to scratching my ears, and I fell back asleep.

I kind of drifted in and out of sleep for the next hour or so, and I think that Aric and Meghan did, too, and then we decided that it was time to get out of bed.

Aric put on pants and a shirt and then Meghan asked if he could go down to Winston and get her duffel bag because she didn't want to parade through the house without a shirt, and so he went outside and got it for her, and she got dressed.

We had sandwiches for breakfast, although it was late enough that it could have been lunch. And then Aric asked if we wanted to go walking first or go to the costume store, and we decided that the costume store would be more fun.

He had to look on his portable telephone to find where it was, because he said that they were only around for a couple of months and they took a short lease on a commercial building that nobody else was using, so it wasn't like other stores like Meijer where they were always the same place all the time.

I thought that was kind of like market, 'cause sometimes if a pony didn't have anything to sell, she wouldn't set up a stand because there was no point, so you had to go to market to find out who was there and who wasn't.

So Aric said that he was going to get the toolboxes in case we got lots of swag, and he went into the back of not-Winston and pulled out a long metal case that was notched at the ends, and Meghan offered to help but he said that he could get them in, and he hooked one side over the edge of the bed then lifted the other side up and slid them forward until they were right up against the back window. And she asked why he didn't leave them in all the time and he said that they slid around a lot because they weren't bolted down, and it got kind of annoying so he only put them in when he needed to carry things around.

She didn't think it would be too hard to mount it in and he said that he didn't want to drill holes in the bedrails and damage them, and she said that he was silly to worry about damaging the truck.

We drove all the way down into Portage, and then found the big building which had a banner across the front that said it was Halloween USA, and it was a pretty amazing place. There were a lot of really creepy statues that moved and they had whole collections of fake animals like giant spiders and snakes and bats on one side, and then rows and rows of costumes and accessories in little bags, and Meghan said that the aisles were organized by theme although it wasn't obvious to me what the themes were.

So we looked around at everything and there was so much it was impossible to choose something, and I couldn't decide what I ought to wear because I'd see one thing that I thought was a good costume and then I'd find something else that was different, but I thought that I should pick something so we didn't have to make another trip. It was overwhelming to have so many choices. Usually when I got dressed up for Nightmare Night, I picked something that was pretty easy or that I could borrow from someone else.

Aric said that I didn't have to pick today because we could go back another day after classes, and after he said that we just went around looking. Meghan said she didn't know what she wanted to be, either. Aric said that he'd probably be lazy and just wear medieval garb, since he had lots of it to pick from.

Meghan said she'd wait to make her final choice until it was closer to Halloween so she'd know what the weather was going to be like, because it wasn't fun wearing a costume that was too hot or too cold.

The cashier was kind of disappointed that we hadn't bought anything, but I promised that we would be back later.

We had to go back home to get some food and water for the trail, and I was kind of hungry for a meal, and so was Meghan, and Aric said that we'd stop somewhere for food. And I wanted to go to Taco Bell, and so after we decided that we were going to walk on the river trail, we went to Taco Bell first and got food, and then we drove through downtown and he parked Winston in the little park that was across from the railroad yard, and he said that was the beginning of the trail.

Me and Meghan both knew that it wasn't, even though he thought it was, so we showed him how it went east and past the factory foundation and the railroad bridge to nowhere, and he wanted to walk over the bridge like we had and also look around the foundations of the old factory, even though there wasn't anything too interesting there. And after we'd poked around for a little bit he said that the soil there was probably toxic, which was why they hadn't done anything with it. And he said that he'd heard on the radio that some of the paper mills around Parchment used to have big holding ponds full of bad paper and water and in the wintertime they'd crust over and some people even played on them but now people knew better.

I thought it was dumb that humans would poison their land and water, because how could they use it then? And Meghan said that a lot of people thought more about making money in the short term than the long term consequences of their actions, and Aric said that things were changing but he didn't think they were changing fast enough and he hoped that when Hillary got elected she'd help push through some better environmental regulations.

I hadn't been paying that much attention to the election, but I was pretty sure that Mister Trump was still a candidate, but Aric said that he had no chance of winning because he was so far behind in every poll.

Then I remembered what Meghan had said when I'd gone to the primary election and I said that I wanted to vote for Vermin Supreme and he thought that was really funny. And he said that he would have to look and see if he could find a Vermin Supreme campaign sticker that I could put on my rump.

We walked along the trail towards Comstock for a while and went past the topless Karaoke bar, and I thought that maybe we could go there again, on a weekend when we could sing. And Aric said that maybe we could go tonight, if Meghan wanted to, and she said that she'd think about it.

Then we turned around and went back, and I flew along over the river just to stretch out my wings some. I could fly a lot faster than they walked, so I flew all the way to the bridge where the main road went over the river, then back past them to where another road crossed, and did that loop a couple of times until they had gotten back to the park.

We kept on going along the river, and the walking path went under the road and I flew along next to it, and when we got by the storm drain Aric said that if he had his flashlight we could go in there, but I didn't want to because I didn't like it at all, and Meghan said she wasn't too interested in it, either. She said that it smelled funny and it was probably dangerous and Aric said that was why it was fun.

Well, maybe fun for him, but I reminded him that he had said that he wasn't going to jump out of an airplane with me and I thought that was lots of fun, and humans just had different things that they didn't like than pegasuses and Meghan said that I had settled that argument.

We followed the trail all the way up to the park with the island, and they went across the people bridge to the island and sat on one of the benches there and had a snack from Aric's backpack, and we rested there a while before going back to Winston.

I wanted to do a little bit more flying, even though I didn't have my flight gear, so I said that I'd meet them back at Aric's house and then I took off and flew around downtown for a little bit, just high enough to be above most of the buildings and trees and all the wires. And when I went over Bronson Park, I heard a strange buzzing noise like a giant angry bee, and it took me a minute to figure out what it was, but then I saw a strange little helicopter flying around and so I flew over to get a closer look at it.

At first, it was moving away from me but then it changed directions and I had to turn to catch up to it again, and it kind of darted away and then dropped down and it was kind of frustrating to chase, 'cause it moved a lot like a dragonfly. And then I thought that I wouldn't know what to do with it if I did catch up to it and maybe I'd hurt myself on the little propellers it had, so I kind of circled around and watched it from a distance, and then I saw that there was someone on the ground who had a box in his hands and was moving levers and looking up in my direction, so I dove down and landed next to him and the little helicopter followed me down and hovered just in front of me before it landed.

It was called a drone, and it had a little camera on it, and so you could fly it around and see what it could see, and that was really neat. He said that he'd been a little bit worried that I was going to try and grab at it, and I admitted that I'd thought about it, but hadn't seen a good way to catch it. And he said that sometimes eagles grabbed drones, and he'd wanted to make sure that wouldn't happen to his.

And then he flew it back up in the air again and around the park and I just watched from the ground as it zipped around the trees, and after he'd landed it again, I flew up and went around the trees, too. I didn't have my GoPro; that was back with the rest of my flight gear.

I landed and watched him fly it around a couple more times, and then he landed it again and he said that the battery was getting low so it couldn't fly anymore, which was too bad, because it was a lot of fun to watch.

When I got back to Aric's house, he asked if I'd had a fun flight, and I told him and Meghan about the drone.

Aric and Meghan had both decided that it was a good night for pizza and a movie, and so we ordered a couple of pizzas from Papa John's and then went to Tiffany's to get beer, and by the time we'd picked out what we wanted, our pizza was ready. Aric put the beer in the back of Winston, and Meghan carried the pizza on her lap.

The first movie we watched was called The Great Train Robbery, and that was about some men who wanted to steal a bunch of gold from a railroad train without anybody knowing how they had done it. And when Edward was running along the top of the train I told Aric how I wanted to ride on a freight train, and he said that was dangerous and also illegal and I'd get in trouble if anyone found out.

Then we watched another movie which was called The Incredibles and that was really funny. And after we'd watched it, Aric said that he had the bonus movie that showed what had happened when baby Jack Jack was being babysat, and I really felt bad for Kari. I'd heard that unicorn foals were like that sometimes, and I didn't know how their moms could deal with that. I guess that they could just use their magic to stop the foal, kind of like how my Mom had to fly after me sometimes when I was a foal.

None of us really wanted to get off the couch, 'cause we were all comfy, and so we just sat for a while and finished up our beer, and then we got up and Aric put what was left of the pizza in the electric icebox.

We went upstairs to Aric's room, and since Meghan had her duffel bag she put on her own sleeping pants that wouldn't fall off and Aric said that was kind of disappointing, and she told him that was too bad.

She went to the bathroom to get dressed for bed, and Aric put on his sleeping clothes in his room, and when she came back he said that he'd liked it better when she wasn't wearing a shirt and I agreed and she said it was too cold to be topless right now but maybe once we were in bed and she's warmed up a little bit she'd take off her shirt.

I said she'd warm up faster if she didn't have it on, 'cause then my coat and feathers would be right against her skin, and she said that I had more of a boob fetish than most guys, and took off her shirt and threw it at Aric, then crossed her arms and asked if I was happy, and I nodded.

As we settled in, Meghan and Aric both reached across my back, and they squeezed each other’s hands and then they both started scratching between my wings and it felt really good. And then she started moving her hand further down my back and he did, too, and I was thinking that Meghan was really hot and maybe I should try to move over some and let her cool down a little bit. And then before I could say anything, Aric slid down in the bed a little and he bit my withers as Meghan ran her fingernails down my neck and asked if I was ready.

I said I was, but I was still a little worried about how it was going to work out with all three of us and that if I gave too much attention to Meghan, Aric would get jealous, and if I gave him too much, she’d be mad.

And then Aric said that they’d talked about it while I was flying around, and they’d both agreed to just let things play out as they did.

Aric said that I was the only one dressed for it, and he reached down to take off his sleeping pants but I told him to let Meghan do it, ‘cause I knew that both of them liked it when I helped undress them. So he had to get out of bed because I was between them, and he went around to the bottom of the bed and Meghan pushed the covers off herself and sat up, and I turned around so that I could watch, and I nuzzled her leg, too, ‘cause I could feel she was a little bit nervous.

She scratched my shoulder and then she slowly reached out and then touched her hand to the waistband of his pants and tugged at them a little bit, and then she said that we should do it together. So I crawled a little bit down the bed and leaned in and pulled the string of the bow-knot loose, and then I took one side of his sleeping pants in my mouth and Meghan tucked her finger under them and we both pulled them down together.

Aric had to step back to get them off his ankles, and then he moved back to the foot of the bed and she ran a finger down his leg but didn’t quite touch him. I thought it was okay if I did, though, so I gave him a little kiss, and then it was his turn to undress Meghan. And he asked if I could help, so I had to turn around and I kissed her on the belly and then I held on to her sleeping pants and Aric grabbed onto the other side and she lifted herself off the bed just a little bit to make it easier for us, and we slid her pants down her legs, then she shook them off her ankles and onto the floor.

Then he went and climbed back into bed and pulled the covers up a little bit, and I moved back up into my spot in the center, and Aric and Meghan both stroked down to my dock and then their hands came together under my tail and it was like nothing I’d ever felt before. And pretty soon we were all moving around in bed, trying to get into positions that worked and sometimes it was kind of awkward or just didn’t work at all, and then we’d find something that did and it was amazing.

And when it came to an end, Meghan was the lucky person in the middle of the bed. Me and Aric were both resting on her chest, our foreheads touching, he had his arm on her hip and I had my wing over both of them, and we didn’t say anything because we didn’t have to. Meghan was still breathing a little bit hard and I was a little bit sore, and Aric had some fresh scratches on his back from her and a love-bite from me, and that was okay.

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