• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 8 [Meghan and Aric]

October 8

I was on my back when I woke up, and Meghan had her arm across my belly. And I didn't want to wake her up, but I really had to pee, so I pushed her arm off and rolled back to my hooves and kind of jumped out of bed over her in a little short glide.

She was awake when I came back out of the bathroom, and said that since I'd gotten her up she might as well go, too, and then we could sleep in some more, which sounded pretty good to me, 'cause I was still kinda tired. It was dark out, and I guess the only reason I'd woken up was because I'd had too much beer last night.

When she got back to bed, I put my head on her chest and she pulled the covers up over us, and I fell back asleep pretty quick.

It was light out when I woke up again, and Meghan had woken up before me and was petting my mane, so I turned my head and kissed her, and pretty soon I'd climbed up on top of her and at first she wouldn't let me move, 'cause she had her arm around my back, and as we were kissing her other hand went under my tail.

When she finally let me go, I crawled under the covers and flicked her head with my tail, and we had to push the covers off when we got too hot but we were alone in her room, so that was okay. And I had to remember to not nip at her anywhere, even when she had one of her hands down by my face.

Once we were both satisfied, I snuggled up next to her again and she asked if I wanted to take a shower with her and I nodded, but we didn't get out of bed right away. She had her fingers in my mane, kind of twisting them around in it, and I had my head on her chest, with my ear right above her heart, and neither of us wanted to move too much. I was keeping her warm with a wing, and she'd hooked the blankets with her feet and pulled them most of the way up to her waist.

After she was done playing with my mane, she reached down and started to play with my feathers, then she asked me if preening got stallions horny, and I said it kind of depended. Sometimes pegasuses like to use preening as foreplay, but it was also something that we'd do for each other when we were together, and I said that everypony on weather teams preened each other. So she said that Dewdrop seemed to really like it, and I said it was just 'cause he was relaxed, and lots of stallions did that. And I said that it meant that she was really good at preening, and that made her happy.

So then I asked her if she'd had sex with Stormbreaker, and she said that it hadn't worked out like she'd wanted it to, and she didn't know if he wasn't interested in humans or if she hadn't been obvious enough about what she wanted, and so I nuzzled her 'cause I felt kind of bad about that. And she said it was okay; she'd had a whole lot of fun being with all of us, and as the party had ended and the next morning it had been almost like she was in Equestria, 'cause there were only other ponies in the room, and everyone was talking in Equestrian.

I said that I'd been speaking English, and she shook her head and said that I hadn't. Which was odd, because I thought I remembered that I was, but maybe that was just me thinking I had because I knew I was on Earth, and I guess if everypony else had been speaking Equestrian I would have answered in it.

While we were in the shower, we talked about what we wanted to do today. She said it was too cold for the beach to be comfortable, and besides an Uber-car would cost too much. And so I told her my idea about doing something fun with Aric, too, because then nobody would be mad about who I was spending time with.

She said she wasn't so sure about that but it wouldn't hurt to try. And I said that maybe we could try horseback riding together, because they had a lot of horses at the stables.

Meghan thought that if he wanted to, that would be fun, and she said that after breakfast I could find out if Aric was interested and then we could go do it in the afternoon.

When we were done with our shower, we sat on the bed and groomed each other. Meghan had her robe on so that she wouldn't get too cold, and even though it was kind of disappointing for her to be mostly covered up, I could still stick my head in the front and nuzzle her if I wanted to, and it was soft and fluffy to lean against, too.

She braided my tail for me, and I found her clothes to wear, and before we went to breakfast she used her portable telephone to see if the stables were open today.

When we got to breakfast, I could tell that I wasn't the only one who'd had too much to drink last night. Sean only had toast on his plate, and there were only a couple of bites out of it. He had his head down on the table and when Meghan asked if he was okay, Christine said that he'd told her that the light burned him, and she'd been looking around for garlic since then but hadn't found any yet.

I wasn't sure why she'd want garlic, so she told me about how vampires didn't like the smell and it was to protect her in case he was a vampire. And then she poked him in the shoulder and asked him if he was all right, and he said that he could hear the sunlight trying to get him.

Anna went and got an orange and peeled it so that it had sharp teeth, and set it right by his head. And she said that it was the vengeful sun god. Then Sean reached around for a fork, and when he finally found one he stabbed it at the table until he'd stuck the orange, and he let it roll on its side with the fork still in it.

I thought that was kind of mean, but everyone else thought it was funny.

We stayed in the dining hall until they started putting out food for lunch, and Sean had finally sat up and finished his toast and had a couple of glasses of water to drink.

I told Meghan that I was going to fly over to Aric's house and see if he was awake yet and if he was I'd ask him if he wanted to go horseback riding, and she said that I could just call him, and I guess I could but it was always more polite to talk face-to-face. And I promised her that I'd come back and if he didn't want to we'd find something else fun to do.

And she sighed and said that if he was interested we should plan on three or four in the afternoon, and that if she was going to call and get us reservations she needed to know right away and I could call her or fly back and tell her.

So I flew over to Aric's house, and I stayed low so that I wouldn't have to tell the airplane directors what I was doing.

I came around the back, and shook some seeds out of the feeder, even though I'd just had breakfast. And I kept an eye out at his window, in case he was watching and wanted to throw something at me.

He didn't, so I flew up to his window and looked through and he wasn't in his bed, but the covers were all tossed off, so he probably hadn't gotten up all that long ago. So then I went around to the other side of the house and peeked in the bathroom window, in case he was in there, and it was all foggy like someone was taking a shower, but I couldn't see anything through it, so I went around front and knocked on the door, and Aric came out of the kitchen and let me in.

I told him about my idea to all go horseback riding together, and he said that he hadn't ridden a horse in a few years and he might fall off, and I said that he hadn't fallen off me yet and he said that was true, and he said it would be fun, then he kind of lowered his voice and asked if I was thinking of inviting Angela and David.

Well, I hadn't really thought about that. It might be more fun with more people, but then if there was only me and him and Meghan, we could talk about anything, especially when we were in Winston.

So I said that I thought it would be better with just the three of us, and that if he said yes, Meghan was going to try and get us horses at three or four and that I should tell her as soon as I could. So he nodded and said that he'd be ready, and he could come by and pick us up. And he said that he didn't know where Meghan lived, and I said she was in the same dorm as me.

And then I kissed him and flew back to campus to tell Meghan.

She said she was sort of having second thoughts, and she made me promise that I wouldn't try to get the three of us in bed together and I said that I promised. I told her that I didn't think I was ready for that either.

So Meghan called and managed to get us an appointment at four. And then I called Aric and told him, and he asked us how long it took to get out there, and Meghan said that it took about twenty minutes, and he said that he'd pick us up at half-to four.

That gave us some of the afternoon free, and so we went outside and walked around campus a little bit and then Meghan said that she was kind of hungry for lunch but didn't want to eat right before going riding but she wouldn't mind a little snack, so we went to Walgreen's and I kept an eye out for the angry man but I didn't see him there.

Meghan bought a red can of Pringles, which were potato chips that came in a tube instead of a bag, and we sat under a tree and shared them. She had to get them out of the tube for me, 'cause I couldn't get to them at all, but her hand fit in the tube just fine, which I thought was kind of unfair.

They were pretty tasty, and between us we ate the whole tube of them. Then we went back up the hill to her dorm room so that she could put on horseback riding clothes, and she had a really hard time figuring out what kind of underwear she wanted to wear. I didn't mind too much, 'cause she'd taken off her old clothes before she went looking, and I finally said that if she couldn't decide she shouldn’t wear any, and she said that she didn't want her boobs bouncing all over the place while she was riding.

So she finally found underwear that she liked and put it on, and it was easier for her to pick overwear, 'cause she had one pair of pants that she didn't mind if they got dirty, and then she put on the same t-shirt and sweatshirt that she'd been wearing all day.

We were waiting by the door when Winston came in the parking lot, and he had to go slow because there were a lot of cars parked in the middle where they weren't supposed to be, and he had to get around them. And when he got by the door, we came out and Meghan opened the door for me and I got in the middle and she got on the other side.

She had to give Aric directions, 'cause he'd never been out there before, and the best way I knew to get there was flying along where the electric wires went, and that wasn't a road.

He parked next to Deanne's truck, and I thought that the two trucks looked good together. I think Winston would be happier on a farm.

As soon as we got out, I whinnied to let everyone know that I was there, and I heard a couple of whinnys back from the barn, and as we walked towards the barn, the dog came out and got behind us and sort of edged up on my hind hooves a little bit. Aric stopped and asked Meghan if he was friendly, and I said that he always liked following me.

We got to the barn, and Deanne was finishing up saddling the horses for us. There was a new one for Aric, a white horse the size of Henry who she said was called Moonlight. And I went around to make friends with Moonlight while Deanne asked Aric if he knew how to ride a horse.

I shouldn't have put my rump to Henry, cause he leaned down and sniffed at me, and then he snorted and sniffed again, and nipped at my withers, but I got out of the way in time and hit him in the nose, and he backed up and shook his head and looked kind of confused by it.

Deanne told him to stop being bad, and then she had us get our reins and lead our horses out of the stable. She said that she was going to have Aric ride second, and she'd be in the front because at least if Henry was in the lead, she wouldn't have to worry about Moonlight getting ideas if Aric couldn't get him to go where he wanted. And she said that me and Meghan could ride in whatever order we wanted to.

So we all got on our horses, and she led us out on the trail. Aric either remembered how to make Moonlight go where he should, or else he just liked following Henry. I found out which it was when we'd gotten a little ways into the woods and Moonlight stopped to eat a bush, and Aric couldn't get him going again. Deanne stopped and told him to be more firm, and not take crap from his horse. So he hit him in the side with his heels again, and Moonlight finally pulled his head up and started moving again.

We went all the way to the trail under the wires, and rode down that for a while, until we got to the next road, and then we turned around to head back. Deanne said that we could try a bit of a faster pace, and got Henry to trot, and it took Aric a minute to convince Moonlight to trot, too, but then he was off and Hoshi didn't need my encouragement; she went off after Moonlight. It was kind of bouncy for me, but at least if I slid off the saddle I could just fly clear.

I kind of liked racing on my own, though. It was a lot easier than staying on the back of a bouncing horse, even if I used my wings to help keep my balance.

We slowed down before we got to where we'd go back on the other path, I think because Deanne probably thought that if we went around the corner at speed we'd slide off our horses. She wouldn't—I think Henry would have a hard time shaking her off—but I would, and Aric might, too. I wasn't so sure about Meghan, 'cause she had more experience.

And we walked the rest of the way through the woods, and the horses were a little bit eager to get home and be done with us, and Moonlight kept getting too close to Henry's rump, and I thought that maybe they were going to fight, 'cause you could see that Henry wasn't too happy about being crowded. Plus, sometimes stallions will fight over the dumbest things.

But he didn't, and when we got back to the stables, Henry stuck his nose right into the treat bucket even though there wasn't anything in there yet.

Meghan and Deanne both got their gear off, and then Deanne had to show Aric how to wash down a horse after riding, and then after that she showed him how to groom Moonlight, too. Meghan said that he was really happy about being groomed, and Aric asked if he had gotten a gay horse. Deanne asked if he was feeling intimidated, and he said that he might be just a little bit.

The dog sat down and watched us while we were working, and he followed us into the stables when we led the horses back to the pasture—Deanne said that they'd earned some time to be free horses, and as soon as he was inside the fence, Henry sniffed at the ground and then rolled in the dirt, while the other three horses just sniffed around and looked for tasty plants.

We watched them for a little bit and the dog watched us, and then we went back to Winston, and the dog kept running in front of me and when I ignored him, he went off to the side, and then back in front, and he didn't stop until I got in Winston. Then he sat down in front and barked at the truck once, but when Aric started it, he wandered off and walked around the corner of the stables.

All of us were hungry for dinner, so Aric asked where we wanted to eat, and I said Taco Bell, and Meghan said that she wouldn't mind it either. We had to hunt a little bit to find one, 'cause there wasn't one in Galesburg or Comstock, but he found one on Sprinkle Road that wasn't too far from the Denny's.

And we found a little booth that was near the windows and ate our tacos, and then Aric asked where I was planning to spend the night, and I didn't know, and neither he nor Meghan wanted to discuss it too much at Taco Bell, so after we'd finished eating, he said that we could go to his house and decide there, but Meghan thought that it would be better to be on campus, and she said that we should go to one of the lounges or maybe even her room and talk about it there, and Aric asked which plan I thought was better.

I hated to be the one to choose, and so since I knew that humans liked to use thrown coins to make choices, I suggested that, and Aric got out a quarter and said that if it was heads he got to pick and if it was tails she got to pick, and she said that was fair, and he said to make it more fair, he'd let her flip the coin, so he slid it across the table to her and she flicked it up with her thumb and missed the catch but it landed in the middle of the table and we all saw it, and it was heads.

So Aric tapped his fingers on the table, and then told Meghan that he chose to have her decide. So she said that we'd go to his house because he'd won fair and square.

When we got there, Angela's Alero was gone, and Aric looked and there was a note on the corkboard that said that they'd gone to see a movie and then were going to The Zoo, which was a bar, and if he wanted to he could join them.

Aric got out some beer and we sat on the couch and he said that we could watch a movie if she wanted, and she said that he was trying to get out of having a serious conversation, and he said that she'd probably do the same thing if we were in her position, and she finally admitted that was true. And she said that just because she was over here didn't mean that anything was going to happen, and he said that he hadn't expected it, and he said that he hadn't expected Angela and David to be gone, either.

And so we kind of sat in silence for a little bit, just drinking our beer, and then Aric said that his butt hurt from riding horses. And then Meghan said that he should be used to it, and pointed to me, and he said that I'd hurt his wrist, and I said that I was sorry. Well, she wanted to know why and I said that I'd bitten him a couple of times, and he said that it was more than a couple of times, and I was lucky that that was the only one that had bled, and then Meghan said that I'd never bitten her and I think she was kind of jealous, so I leaned over and nipped her wrist.

Then I said it was 'cause I was in estrus, and that I'd forgotten that humans didn't like to be bitten, and Meghan asked if that was why Henry had tried to nip me, and I said that it probably was, and if he hadn't been gelded he might have tried mounting me, too.

So Aric asked what would happen if I was around a stallion, and I said that had happened to Aquamarine, and at least I could fly away if a stallion got too interested.

And I held out my wings to demonstrate, and Meghan pinched me right at the wing root, and I almost dropped my beer, and Aric asked her what she'd just done, and so she showed him which wasn't fair at all, and she laughed and asked how he hadn't figured that out yet.

He said that he always tried to be careful of my wings because he thought they were pretty fragile, and I'd never known that, and pretty soon Meghan was telling him everything she knew about ponies and I had to correct a couple of things plus there was some stuff that she didn't know, and she finally admitted that she'd been thinking about ponies a lot longer than he had, and she'd read some things on the internet.

We kept talking pretty late into the night, and Meghan said that she really didn't feel like walking home, and I couldn't really decide where I'd rather spend the night, and finally Aric suggested that we could all sleep on the couch. And I didn't think she'd want to, but she finally said that she would. And he said that she could take the smaller couch with me and he'd take the big one, and she agreed to it.

I was kind of disappointed because that meant I probably wasn't going to get any sex, but I was happy that we'd at least managed to work things out well enough that they were comfortable enough with each other to sleep in the same room, although Meghan did leave all her clothes on except for her sweatshirt.

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