• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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July 1 [Casual Friday]

July 1

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a downpour and I had to go see it so I carefully climbed out of bed and put my muzzle against the window. And then I wanted to smell it, too, so I pushed the window up just a little bit and then pushed up against the screen and sniffed the air.

Behind me, I heard Meghan ask what I was doing, and I told her that I was watching the rain and so she got out of bed and moved her desk chair over by the window and sat down in it and I got up on her lap and we watched it come down.

I thought about going outside and playing in the rain, and I thought about turning on my radio and seeing if Mel or any of the other stormwatchers were talking and then I thought that it was the middle of the night and she had to get up for work in the morning so I got back off her lap and she closed the window and we went back to bed.

I dreamed about Harry Potter, which I guess shouldn't have surprised me. My dreams have humans in them and human things, and I wonder if that's happening to all of us. And if that's happening to the people who are in Equestria. Are they dreaming of ponies?

In my dream, I was Ginny Weasley's patronus, and she and the other good wizards were all fighting the death eaters and I was really scared but they were so hopeful when they saw me that I went towards her and then there was a big battle around me and then at the end of it I heard a mournful song and then when I woke up it kept on and I realized that it was a bird calling outside.

It was just barely light, but I was still a little scared from my dream so I huddled against Meghan and put my wing over her stomach and she twitched a little bit in her sleep 'cause I guess I tickled her.

Her just sleeping peacefully calmed me and even though I didn't go back to sleep, I felt the stress draining away from me.

I hadn't known before that her telephone lit up before the alarm went off, because it wasn't something I was normally looking at, but a flash of light from it got my attention and I'd just looked over that way when it went off and she moved under me and reached out to turn it off and then she set it on the pillow next to her and used her hand to rest on top of my outstretched wing and I leaned up and gave her a good morning kiss.

I felt her hand tighten on my wing and then she kissed me back and thanked God that it was Friday and there was a three-day weekend ahead.

Then she asked if Jeff was having a barbeque again tonight or if he was putting it off until the Fourth of July, and I said that I didn't know but I thought that he probably would and we ought to go.

Since we'd been talking, it wasn't so annoying when her telephone alarm went off again and I got off her and then she slid out of bed and I went to the bathroom and then let her have her turn for the toilet and shower.

I had enough time to go to the kitchen and get out the shredded wheat and set out the bowls before I heard the shower turn off and so I hurried back to her bedroom and was waiting with the brush when she came back in her bathrobe.

She wore jeans and a Kalamazoo College t-shirt because she said it was casual Friday which meant that she didn't have to wear clothes that were as nice.

I said that every day on cloud patrol was casual Friday.

When she went downstairs she was happy to see that I had already set out breakfast for us and while we were eating she asked what time she should come over and I said that she could come over right after work because I'd either be at my apartment or next door playing with the kids.

She helped me into my flight gear and I had her put my saddlebags on loose because I was going to take them off and drop them on my balcony as I went by.

We were both out on the front porch when the car arrived to take her to work, and as soon as she was in it, I took off and cut diagonally from her house to my apartment, dropped off my saddlebags, and then went South.

I kept low over town; I knew that I was flying near the airport's landing area and didn't want to make extra work for the airplane directors. But I was high enough that there weren't too many obstacles in my path, either.

The route was very familiar, and I swooped around my helpers' office, then over the 94 Highway and back down the other side and pretty soon I was in new territory for me.

I'd angled my course just a little bit to be over Westnedge Road, and all of a sudden it stopped, and that must have been the very southern border of Protage, because after that there were trees and two big lakes and one of the lakes had a parking lot right next to it which I'd learned meant that was probably public.

I flew over that and a little bit further until I came to a long row of circular fields, then thought that was a good place to turn around.

I knew that the 131 Highway was off to my right, and that I could probably fly high once I was on the other side of it, so I flew west until I found it and I was lucky that it was right next to a town so that I could tell the airplane directors where I was. I still had to fly around a little bit until I found the name of the town, though.

I got permission to follow the 131 Highway back to Kalamazoo, so I did, keeping to the west of it. It curved around a bit and there was a road that went straight that was next to it, but I was having fun so I just followed the curves all the way back to the railroad overpass and then I turned and dropped down so that I would be out of the way.

I was pretty hungry and thirsty when I got back to my apartment, and so I had a drink of water and some alfalfa and then I took a nice shower and when I had gotten done and my nose was full of the clean smells I went back into my living room and that's when I noticed that my flight jacket really needed to be washed and I suppose my bedding would need to be soon as well, but I didn't know where to do that. When I'd toured the apartment, I hadn't been shown a laundry room. So I would have to ask Mister Salvatore and Miss Cherilyn.

I was going to need to go shopping soon, too. Maybe we could do that over the weekend, if stores were open. Since it was a holiday, they might not be.

So I checked the electric icebox and cupboards to make sure I had enough food just in case they weren't, and I did.

I had to go out on the balcony to add more seeds to the birdfeeder, and when I did I heard Trinity and Lindy and Caleb playing out in the backyard so I flew down to join them.

They'd put little metal hoops in the ground and were playing a game called croquet, and there was an older woman with them who Lindy said was their grandmother. She was certainly not expecting to see me, and she was a little wary at first but then Caleb reminded her that Jeff had mentioned me coming to his last barbeque.

Well, I could tell that she still didn't quite trust me, but she let me stay after Lindy and Trinity begged and Caleb said that I was cool, and I watched them play their game. I'd had trouble with golf and these sticks looked even more awkward to use, so I didn't join in, but it was still fun to watch.

When the game was over, their grandmother said that it was time to put the things away so that they could get ready for dinner, and I asked if they were having a neighborhood barbeque again and she said that they weren't and I said that was too bad because the last one had been a lot of fun and all the other neighbors I'd met had been nice and I think she took that the wrong way because she frowned and went back inside the house.

I guess some people are just grumpy for no good reason.

I went and checked my mail, and I'd gotten a postcard offering Jet's Pizza, which was the home of the turbo crust. I hadn't had one of their pizzas yet and I thought that I might want to, and the postcard had their telephone number.

I was a little bit worried about Gusty and Cayenne. Had my letters gotten lost? Or maybe they were just too busy to write back to me. I suppose both of them had lots of stuff to do now; Cayenne had her physics work and Aric was really busy with his play so maybe Gusty was busy with hers, too.

Before I could worry any more, I heard my doorbell and so I went down the stairs to let Meghan in. She had a bag with clothes in it so that she wouldn't have to wear the same thing all weekend, which she set by the futon.

I told her that Jeff wasn't having a barbeque tonight after all and so I didn't know what to do with the evening, and she said we could stay at home and watch a movie or two on Netflix and that sounded kind of lazy to me but I didn't have any better ideas.

We decided that we'd have pizza for dinner instead, and that we'd also have beer so the first thing that we did was go back outside and walk to Tiffany's and got some Bell's Kalamazoo Stout and then went back to the apartment and she showed me how to order a pizza online and then we sat down and shared a beer before the pizza arrived.

Then she showed me Netflix, which is a page on the computer that lets you watch movies if you have a password. I didn't, but she did, and so we pushed the futon around and she turned my computer screen and then she said that she ought to go to the bathroom before we got comfortable. Then she started to sort through movies and there were a lot of them. I asked her how many movies there were and she said that she didn't know but it had to be tens of thousands.

I wanted to know how you could choose what to see, and she said that you searched the same way you could on Google, and showed me how it worked, and so we picked random subjects to type in and it would come up with movies that were about that. And then I suggested Equestria, and she found one that she said she'd watched as a girl and hadn't seen since and that sounded like it would be fun to see, so she chose it and pretty soon it started playing, and she said she was really interested to see what I thought about it.

Well, I thought that the man who was talking hadn't spent too much time there because there was a lot of stuff that he got wrong, and she noticed that, too, because there were a couple of times when she started laughing at what the man said. But he got some stuff right, too, and sometimes I just kind of stopped paying attention to what he was saying just to watch the movie. He'd been places that I'd never visited and some places that I didn't even know existed. And we both got excited and pointed to the screen when he was talking about Ponyville and Aquamarine was in the background with a bunch of other foals. I wonder if she knows she's in a movie?

Gusty would be so jealous if she found out.

When the movie was over she asked if I wanted to see another movie and I said that I did and so she picked a movie called Flushed Away and then sat back on the futon and climbed in her lap and I noticed that she wasn’t wearing her bra and she said that was because she decided to make her Friday even more casual.

I thought that was a really good movie even if there weren’t really rat-cities in the sewers. Meghan said that New York City had alligators in the sewers, though.

She closed Netflix and shut down my computer when the movie was done, and then checked to make sure that all the curtains were closed before she got undressed and I folded the futon down into a bed.

Once we were settled, Meghan asked if I was looking forward to riding a horse and I said that it was going to be really weird but it felt like something I needed to do. And she said that there were things in life that were like that and sometimes it was hard to chase your dreams, and I said that I thought I'd done pretty well so far.

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