• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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November 11 [Cheerleading]

November 11

I was really excited when I woke up, 'cause I was going to get to cheerlead today, and I wondered if the mix of excitement and nervousness I felt was the same kind of feeling the Gusty had before she had a play, or maybe how Leon and Cedric felt before their football games, too.

Sometimes before weather work I got a little edgy, but weather work wasn't quite the same as cheerleading—we did what we had to do to fight storms, and nopony cared if our moves weren't synchronized.

I knew I was going to burn a lot of energy cheerleading, and I knew it might not be the smartest plan to go out trotting this morning, especially on the tail of yesterday's long flight, but I knew if I didn't I was going to be all fidgety in class.

Besides, I was using my legs, so my wings could still relax.

I shook Peggy with a hoof until she woke up, and then she looked at her portable telephone and sighed.

But she got up and got dressed, and she said if she'd known I was going to get a wild hair up my butt about making her exercise, she would have packed more sports bras. And then she said that women in the old days must have had smaller boobs, because it was hard to imagine how they could have run with big ones.

She put on a t-shirt and a sweatshirt, 'cause it was kind of chilly outside, and after I'd filled up my camelback, she put her extra water bottles in it. I wouldn't have minded if she wanted to drink out of the camelback, but she didn't want to because she said that was a good way to get germs.

We went out the front and along Academy Street, then to Jeff's house, and we were a little bit early again. Peggy trotted in place while we waited for Caleb, Lindy, and Trinity to come out for the bus.

And I think that Trinity was watching out the window for us, 'cause she came running out of the house pretty quickly, and I nuzzled her when she got to me, and pretty soon Lindy and Caleb came out, too.

I told them that I was cheerleading at the game tonight, and so they all wanted to come and see me. Caleb asked Peggy if she was a cheerleader, too, and he was kinda disappointed when she said that she wasn't.

Since I'd been talking a little too much, there wasn't time to give Trinity a ponyback ride before their bus arrived, but I did get to hug her and Lindy. Caleb didn't want a hug from me, but he would give me a hoof-bump. I think he would have hugged Peggy if she'd offered.

We went around the rest of the neighborhood and by the time we were on our way back down Dartmouth, Peggy was getting too hot so she took off her sweatshirt and tied it to my camelback, and it kind of looked like I was wearing a cape.

We didn't race each other this time, because Peggy said that I'd win anyway, and she was getting kind of tired, and I said that I was, too, but I was kind of disappointed. It was fun to race the last little part, and it didn't matter if you tired yourself out doing it.

I took the first shower and when I was done, Kat wasn't waiting outside for her turn, so when I went back to the room I told Peggy and she went right into the bathroom.

While I was preening, one of my loose primaries fell out, but the other one didn't, and that was really annoying because now my wings didn't match. It probably wouldn't have too much effect on cheerleading, though, since I wasn't going to be flying all that high.

I wiggled it a little bit but it stayed stuck, so I left it alone. Some mares would have nipped it off short, but that made the shaft a lot harder to get out if it didn't fall out on its own, plus then you couldn't re-use that feather for anything so it was kind of wasteful.

My winter coat hadn't quite gotten thick enough to be obvious, but I could really feel it as I ran the brush through my coat. The weather was really too warm for it still, because humans didn't have neat season changes, so right now I was wishing that I didn't have it yet, but it was going to be nice when I went to Colorado with Peggy, 'cause even in the summer it was colder up in the mountains.

I was still grooming when Peggy came back, and she asked me if I was going to do anything special with my mane and tail for cheerleading. I said that I hadn't planned to, and she said that I ought to put my mane in a ponytail, like I did for lab class. And she said that she could do it at dinner so that I wouldn't have to have it like that all day, and so I said that I would.

I put my things for thermodynamics in my saddlebags and then we walked together to breakfast. And the waffle-maker was broken again, and Peggy said that she didn't think that it would be fixed before the end of the year, and I thought that she was probably right. And I said that maybe I should get out mine and we could have waffles in the dorm room some morning, and we could even invite friends over that wanted waffles.

And she liked that idea, and said that maybe it would be something to do before finals.

I looked at all the food they had before deciding to have some eggs for the protein, 'cause that would help my winter coat and feathers grow, and oatmeal for the energy. Even though humans made it too soggy.

When I sat down, Meghan asked me what my plans for tonight and the weekend were, because she knew that Aquamarine was coming, and I said that I didn't know for sure. I thought that she'd be staying with Cedric, but I hadn't found out from him, and I said that I'd ask him at lunch.

Christine told us that there was an anti-Trump protest on Monday in Bronson Park, and I said that I wasn't allowed to go to political protests, even though it sounded like it would be interesting to see. I had thought that once there was an election and the votes were counted than that was all that there was, but I guess that even afterwards people wanted to make their opinions known. I think it was kind of like complaining at the pub when your favorite hoofball team lost a game.

I really wanted to see it, and so I thought that I could fly over it. But I should probably ask Mister Salvatore first, because he might not like that.

Professor Brown told us about the fourth colligative property, which was called osmotic pressure, and it was how things got into cells, which were what made up our bodies, so that happened on its own. It could also be used as another way to purify things like water, because the water could get through the membrane but the impurities couldn't. And then he taught us a really important formula called the van 't Hoff formula, and showed us how to derive it from what we already knew.

And that meant that we knew all the colligative properties, and so for the last week we were going to learn something new before the final exam.

Me and Lisa went to the lounge together, and we went over our thermodynamics lab assignment together. I didn't see any mistakes, which was good, so it was ready to turn in.

She said that we would have to be prepared because after next week's lab we might have to finish more quickly, since next week was the last week of class. And I said that I was free on Thursday morning, so if we had to we could finish it together then.

And we also agreed that we'd be study-buddies again, and so we went through our notes and kind of split the class in half, so that each of us could prepare to quiz the other on their half of the material, which was good because you learned a lot by trying to teach it to someone else.

We weren't gonna have time to do it today, but she said that Monday after class we could meet in the lounge again and go over what we'd prepared, and then decide after that if we were going to need extra time, depending on what he did with the lab.

And then I went back to my room and did the homework, and I was in a pretty good mood so I didn't want to read any more of the World War One book today because it would make me sad. So I decided that I'd just go out and play on the quad instead. And I trotted up and down the hill a couple of times to warm up, then I started to fly, going right alongside Hoben and Olds-Upton, until I thought that maybe I was disturbing the classes inside who could see me through the window, and so then I just started to fly around the trees, getting almost close enough to the trunks to touch them with a wingtip.

Then I flew up into the sky, which was clear as far as I could see. There were some airplanes way up high that were leaving little airplane-clouds behind them, but the conditions up there must not have been right, because instead of forming into proper clouds, they just dissolved a little ways behind the airplane.

I played until lunchtime, and then when I started to see a lot of people walking to the dining hall, I landed and went in myself. I stopped to see Cedric before I got my food, and he didn't know any more about Aquamarine's plans than I did. But Leon said that he'd been kicked out of the room for Friday night.

I said that it sounded like The Man was putting him down, and he said that this was different, because he was helping a brother out.

I ate a kind of big lunch, because I was going to have a light dinner. And I wasn't really focused on the conversation at the table until Meghan poked me in the side and asked if there was anybody home. And I said that I was sorry I was gathering clouds but I'd been thinking about tonight. And then I remembered that she wanted to know what the plan for the weekend was and I said that Aquamarine was staying with Cedric, so we could probably do something on our own if we wanted to. But I wanted to mostly be on campus, just so that I could see her some.

Since I'd forgotten my math things, I told Sean that I would meet him in class, and then I had to fly back to my dorm room to get them.

Professor Pampena taught us how to do triple integrals in spherical coordinates, and he said that it was a lot of fun, but I had to learn two new math letters for it, which were phi and rho. And so I drew them really carefully in my notes and I knew that I was going to have to practice them later.

And that was a lot of stuff that he had to introduce to us before we could even start with our triple integrals, but it was important to understand exactly how it worked or else it would be confusing afterwards. Especially 'cause a lot of the students had trouble thinking in three dimensions like that, which I think was because they couldn't fly and just imagined everything as if it was flat, even though it really wasn't.

Once he was sure that everyone understood how spherical coordinates worked, he showed us how to find the surface area of a section of the sphere, and then the volume of a sphere that had been sliced off by a plane, and he had been right; it was a lot of fun to calculate even if I was a little bit slow at it since we had the new letters to remember. But they actually made the calculations a lot simpler, which was nice.

He ended class by showing us an example where we had to calculate the gravitational force on an object, and it was interesting because he wanted to be a lot more precise with the calculations than Professor Miller was. Since it was measuring something small and close, it was okay to have really precise calculations, and it was also interesting because this kind of calculation was probably where the ones Professor Miller had used came from, but they'd just been turned into formulas that got rid of a lot of the variables.

Afterwards, we went to his room to do homework, and when we were done, I asked him if we were gonna be study-buddies for the final and he said that he assumed that that was what we would do. I'd hoped so, too, but I had just wanted to make sure.

I thought that we should start now, even though Sean didn't really want to, because it was better to be more prepared. So I turned back in my notes and we took turns reviewing for an hour, and we only stopped when Sean's roommate came back. And then Sean had to introduce me to him—his name was Curt—and we'd both seen each other around on campus but didn't know each other too well.

I thought I should take my saddlebags back to my room before dinner, so I told him that I'd see him there and went outside then flew over to my room. And when I got there, I remembered that Peggy wanted to put my hair in a ponytail so I got my scrunchie and put it around my foreleg. It still smelled a little bit chemically from the lab but I didn't think anyone would notice.

They had a special Chinese dinner, and it all looked and smelled really good, and it was really frustrating knowing that I shouldn't have much to eat or else I was going to be sorry during the football game. So the only thing that I took besides a small salad was a spring roll.

And when I was done with my meal, Peggy gave me a fortune cookie, because she said that I had to have it. So I cracked it open with my hoof and got out my fortune and it said that I was going to meet interesting people, and Christine added 'in bed,' and then I said that I already had, so maybe I was going to meet more interesting people. Peggy said that she was going to get lucky in bed, and Christine said that if she rested on her laurels she was going to get a thorn in her backside in bed, and Sean said that wasn't a thorn. Anna said that a great fortune awaited her in bed, and Reese said that he should look before he leaped or wear a parachute in bed. Sean said that his cookie said that he would find a thing and it may be important in bed, and then they argued about if the 'in bed' had to be at the end, or if Sean could find a thing in bed which might be important, because that was a little bit of a different meaning.

I flew over to the football field and circled over it once, already picturing the crowd of people there even though there wasn't anybody there now. And then I landed in front of the building and went inside. There wasn't anyone in the girl's locker room yet, and I didn't have anything to do because I didn't have my uniform and even if I had, I couldn't put it on my self. So I just sat on a bench and waited, and I could hear some boys go by and faintly hear them in their locker room, and it was kind of dumb that humans had to separate locker rooms like that.

I didn't like sitting around, 'cause it made me antsy, but it wasn't too long before the girls started showing up and then we started chatting and some of them went to the mirrors and started putting their makeup on. And then Sandra showed up and she gave us a pep talk, and also said that at halftime, they were going to recognize all the graduating seniors on the football team and I didn't have to do anything special except wave my pom-poms.

Jessica and Caroline helped me get dressed, and then Janelle, who was the team leader, had us do stretches once everyone was in their uniforms. And then everyone started to concentrate on the game and take one more look in the mirror to be sure that they looked good and that the uniform was on right, and then it was time to go out in the hallway and get ready for the game.

When Janelle told us it was time, we went out on the field and welcomed the football team onto the field, and then we took our place in front of the grandstands. And I got a chance to look up there, and I saw all my friends from dinner pretty quick, 'cause they'd picked seats all by themselves down in front, and Aquamarine was with them, too, and I wanted to wave but I wasn't supposed to.

I also saw my helpers and Aquamarine's helpers, 'cause they were sitting together near the top of the bleachers, where there weren't too many other people. I didn't see Jeff and his kids, and I hoped that they'd decided to come to the game. There were a lot of people, though, and I didn't have time to really study the crowd, 'cause I had to focus on what Janelle was telling us to do.

It was a little strange to not be watching the field, but we could hear what the announcer said was happening out there. Even so, it was kind of odd to only hear occasional whistles from the referees, and crashes and grunts from the players on the field.

Lindy and Trinity came down to the front in the first quarter, and they stood in the front row of the bleachers where they were right by me, and I was really happy to see them there.

Sooner than I expected it was halftime, and the announcer started to call off the names of the seniors, and we all waved our pom-poms enthusiastically, even though it was kind of sad that this was their last football game. And then we had a little break so we could drink some water or pee if we had to. And even though I'd been cheering for the whole first half, it was pretty cool outside, so I wasn't as hot as I'd been in practice, and it was also a little bit less intense than practice, 'cause we always had a little bit of rest time between cheers. I guess Sandra made everyone work a little bit harder during practice so that they'd have the endurance for the actual game, which made sense.

Caroline had noticed my little fan club, and I said that they had been my neighbors over the summer, and we'd gone hunting for Pokemons together and trick-or-treating together and that sometimes I gave Trinity ponyback rides, and she thought that was really cute.

Janelle told us when it was time to get ready to go back on the field, and we didn't have to welcome the football players in again, but we did do some cheers to get the audience ready for when they came back out. And a lot of people were up and out of their seats, and they'd gotten food from the food-booths.

And I was so focused on what we were doing that I almost didn't hear when the football game started up again, and I hadn't noticed when people came out onto the field at all.

The cheering from the crowd got really intense, and it was kind of intimidating to be right in front of all of it like that. And the second half of the game just flew by, and all of a sudden it was over and people started to get up and leave, and we stayed a little bit longer to cheer because we'd won just like Leon and Cedric had said we were going to.

We went back to the locker rooms and while we were getting undressed, Sandra came in and said how good a job everyone had done, and how well her girls had done to fit me in at the last minute like that, which made them really happy. And even Caroline said that she hoped the next exchange student was another pegasus who wanted to cheer.

Sandra also told me that I could keep the uniform because they couldn't use it for a person any more. And I thought that that was really nice of her.

Everyone kind of took their time in the showers, 'cause we all wanted to talk about the game, and afterwards I dried off as much as I could and had Jessica help me put my uniform back on, 'cause that was easier than carrying it with me. And I hugged everyone and I really didn't want to leave, but my friends were outside, waiting for me.

When I got to the parking lot, I thought that I was going to have to fly up to find them, but they were all pretty close to the building, and I trotted over and nuzzled Aquamarine and Peggy asked why I was still wearing my uniform, so I told her that I was getting to keep it. And my voice was kinda husky from all the cheering I'd done, and Sean said that I was a little hoarse and Christine punched him.

Aric thought that we ought to go to Waldo's to celebrate even though it was probably going to be really full since it was a Friday night. But it was close by, which was nice. We couldn't go right away, though, 'cause we didn't want to leave Aquamarine alone. So we all waited until Cedric and Leon came out, and I waved my pom-poms at them, and Cedric leaned down and hugged her.

They wanted to come to Waldo's with us, too, and so we all walked down there together and it was really nice having Cedric with us, because he was so big that people just moved out of his way, and we could follow behind him.

We had to crowd up to the bar to get our drinks, and Aric carried mine for me. There wasn't a booth that was big enough for all of us, so I sat on Aric's lap and Aquamarine sat on Cedric's, and Christine sat on Sean's, and that helped, but Leon and Peggy still had to stand, until we scrunched up enough for them to fit in if Peggy sat on Leon's lap.

And our one drink turned into two and then three, and Peggy said that Aric shouldn't be drinking because he still had to drive home, and he said that he'd walked from his house so he could get as shitfaced as he wanted.

When I had to run off to use the bathroom, I asked Peggy to come with me, 'cause I couldn't get my underwear off on my own, and she said that nobody had ever warned her that she was going to have to help her roommate get undressed, but she did anyways. And I tucked it down the front of my vest, because I didn't feel like putting it back on, and Peggy asked if I was going to go over to Aric's for the night.

I said that I was, and I said that we didn't know what our plans for tomorrow were yet but we'd think of something.

So we had a couple more drinks and then finally everyone decided that they were done for the night. And I was feeling pretty sleepy because of all the beer on a mostly-empty belly, plus it was warm inside Waldo's and even warmer sitting on Aric's lap, but when I got outside it was chilly enough to wake me right back up.

We had to walk together to Lovell Street, and then everyone who was going back to campus went one way and we went the other. And when we got there, we went right upstairs and Aric and Meghan both wanted me to leave my uniform on, and then Aric said that I should put my underwear back on, too, and I thought that was kind of silly because I'd just have to take it off again, but Meghan said it was a good idea, too, so we did and it was a totally different feeling when they had their hands under my tail but on top of my underwear.

And both of them focused on me and it was really, really intense, and Meghan was the one who finally took my underwear back off, but Aric wanted me to keep the rest of my uniform on, 'cause he said that he'd always wanted to have sex with a cheerleader.

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