• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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September 13 [Physics Lab and Astronomy Class]

September 13

I woke up Aric by nuzzling his chest, and he leaned down and kissed me on the ear, then he said that it was too early to be awake, so I slid my hoof under the blankets and said that wasn't what his body was telling me but I could let him fall back asleep if that was what he wanted.

He asked me if I was going to go on a morning flight and I said I had planned on it, but I didn't have to start early. I was kind of lucky this quarter because I didn't have any classes before ten. I was going to get as lazy as a human.

So Aric asked me what classes I was taking, and I told him and he thought that I was crazy to be taking a math and physics class and he said I was going to be up to my ears in homework. But that was okay because it was fun homework and stuff I needed to know.

He told me he was taking two theatre classes and also class on science-fiction books, which sounded like it would be fun. He said that he didn't know what to expect but that it would probably be easy because that was all stuff that he liked to read anyway. And then I slid my rump over and started tickling him with my tail, in case he'd forgotten what I wanted.

I was feeling really good when we were done and I flew out the window and raided the bird feeder for sunflower seeds so I'd have a snack. Aric threw a pair of balled-up socks at me, but he missed. Then I took off, even though I couldn't go too high 'cause I hadn't brought any of my flight gear with me.

It was nice and sunshiny and I was already having a good morning and I was really looking forward to my lab and class today. And I didn't feel like going back to the dorm to put on my flight gear, so I'd just stay low and alert.

So I flew over his street and then past the end, where the cars couldn't go, and that put me right over one of Western Michigan's parking lots.

I flew south over their campus, keeping low enough that I was out of the way of any airplanes, and zig-zagging around light posts for the fun of it. Then I curved to follow the railroad tracks out of town, gaining a bit more altitude so I was above any trains that happened to come by.

I started having second thoughts by the time I got to the 131 bridge, 'cause I really wasn't supposed to be flying off-campus without my flight gear even if I was staying a lot lower than the airplanes, and I didn't want to get in trouble for it, so turned around and headed back to campus.

The tracks ran right next to Arcadia Creek, so I flew over that instead, and went even lower. I had to be careful, 'cause it wasn't a very big creek and there were trees and snags across it, and I lost it a couple of times when it went underground. I guess that people had decided that they didn't want to let it run naturally, but I bet nobody asked the fish what they thought.

Fish are kinda dumb, though, so they probably didn't care.

When I saw the first road that actually went to college, I followed it and then once I was on campus it was okay to fly around without wearing my flight gear if I wanted to. But I was ready for a shower and then breakfast.

Since I was right by the dining hall, I flew up to one of the windows and looked in—I could see our table, but there wasn't anybody sitting at it yet. Then I went over the building and across the quad until I got to the boardwalk and landed.

I had to wait for the shower—Rebekka was waiting and she said that Ruth was who was inside. So while I waited I told her how over the summer the makers had made me a rope that I could tie to a cloud and she thought that was really cool. She wanted to know what I did with the cloud after it was tied up and I said I could sit on it and maybe on the weekend if there were clouds I'd catch one and tie it up over the quad because that would be fun.

It didn't take too long before Ruth was done with the shower and Rebekka went in for her turn, and while she was in the shower Peggy came in too and I offered to let her go next, 'cause she'd have to get dressed afterwards and I didn't.

She said that she'd feel bad taking my place since I'd been waiting, but I didn't mind. So she hugged me and when Rebekka came out she went in, and then after she came out I took my turn.

Since nobody had come in to wait after me, I could have taken a little bit longer, but then I would have gotten to breakfast late, and I didn't want that. And now I knew the Tuesday morning routine, so I could fly a little bit longer.

It was kind of strange how everyone sort of figured out the shower order on their own. We'd never all gotten together and had a group meeting with all the girls in our wing; the schedule just sort of made itself.

Peggy was all dressed and ready to go when I got back to our room, and she had her backpack with her, too, 'cause she had a class after breakfast just like me.

I thought about taking my saddlebags, but my barrel was still wet, and if I wore them it would take forever to dry off. I bet if humans were covered in a proper coat they'd never wear clothes, just because sometimes it was really inconvenient to get dry.

The man was there making omelets this morning, and he even remembered what I liked. So I had that and some fruit too and that was more than enough for breakfast.

Sean wasn't there because he didn't have any classes until the afternoon and Christine said that made him a lazy bum but that was okay because we could talk about boys and periods and the latest fashion and other fun girl stuff. Well, I didn't know how fun that would be but I said that I was probably only going to have one more estrus before the end of the the year and Christine said that was really unfair. I told her she ought to have been born a pony.

She said if she could have been, she would have wanted to be a unicorn 'cause then she could do all sorts of fun magic with her horn. I guess that would have been nice but I said that I liked being a pegasus because flying was better than magic.

Peggy asked her if she'd worry about being caught by virgins, and she said that she'd let them lure her in and then stab them with her horn and gallop off, and eventually her story would end when an angry mob armed with pitchforks and torches finally cornered her in her forest glen.

Me and Peggy both thought she was thinking about it a little too much.

Then she asked if I'd ever tried to toss a ring on a unicorn's horn, and that was something I'd never thought of doing.

When I got to my physics lab, we were supposed to partner up and I wasn't sure who I ought to pair with, 'cause I liked both Crystal Dawn and Lisa, and I could only pick one. But then Crystal Dawn picked a boy named Austin for her lab partner, and so I asked Lisa if she would be my lab partner.

Well, she wanted to know if I could pull my weight, and I said that I could pull almost twice my weight, 'cause I'd tried it a pony pull once.

And she said that wasn't what she meant. She wanted to know if I was smart enough, and I said that I hoped so but I wasn't sure because I'd never taken the class before. So she said that I was a silly pony but I could be her lab partner.

We each got to go to our own table and Professor Brown said that we were going to play with fire today because he always started with that because everybody liked it and kept hoping that we'd get the chance to set something else on fire. And he said that I was supposed to be wearing a lab coat and safety glasses but I didn't have either and I hadn't seen them with the books for class.

So he took me out in the hall to talk to because he'd never taught physics to a pony before, and he wasn't sure how flammable I was, and we both agreed that we didn't want to find out. And he told me that I could hurry and go down to the physics department offices which were at the end of the hallway and around the corner and I could talk to them and they would see what they thought.

Well, I was kinda upset about that because if I couldn't do the lab I couldn't do the class, but one of the professors found a lab coat that I could wear, and I managed to convince them that if I closed my third eyelid that would protect my eyes. And another professor loaned me a sparkly scrunchie and pulled my mane back so that it wouldn't be in danger, and then they said that I could go to the lab like that but I needed to have my own lab coat for next week.

And I thanked them and promised that I would get it, and then I went back to the lab feeling kind of silly at how the coat was hanging and how the sleeves had been rolled up so that they would fit my forelegs. And my mane felt weird, too, 'cause I almost never tied it back.

Professor Brown thought it was pretty funny, too, but he said that if the department head had said it was okay, that was good enough for him.

The lab was kinda basic, but the main purpose of it was to get us used to how to use the equipment we had to take measurements and he demonstrated a thermal camera for us, which was really neat, and then he showed us how to make a Cincinnati Fire Kite, which was basically folding a sheet of newspaper into a diamond-shape and then you lit the corners and it flew up like a hot air balloon. He put his in a special chamber so it couldn't get away and set the paper on fire, and at first it didn't do anything except burn and smoke a lot, but then it suddenly lifted off until it hit the top of the chamber, where it kind of disintegrated and fell down in embers.

Then we all had to make our own, and not everyone could do it right, so most of them didn't fly at all. Ours did, kind of, but it didn't make it all the way up to the top before it came apart. He said that they were tricky to make correctly, and that he could always tell who the pyromaniacs in class were by how well they did with their kites. And he reminded us again not to make them and fly them unless we were well away from anything that was remotely flammable, because he said he'd lose his tenure if one of his students burned down the college.

After class, I went back to the physics office and gave back the scrunchie and lab coat and thanked them again, then I went right to the bookstore and found where they sold lab coats—there was a little section with clothes which I had never paid much attention to, and that's where they were. They came in little bags that were just marked with letters and I wasn't sure how to know what one would fit me. One of the salesgirls thought that a M would be right, so she took one out of its package and she helped me try it on and it didn't work at all. She said that I was broader around the shoulders than she'd thought, and I finally had to get an XXL which was way too baggy some places and too tight in others and the sleeves were way too long.

But I knew that Kathleen could make it fit better, so I brought it with me to lunch and sat in the dark room and when Donald came to lunch I asked him for her telephone number. And then before I went to my next class I called her and she said that she could make it fit me, but we wouldn't be able to get together for a couple of weeks since she didn't even live in Michigan, and she was sorry she couldn't help.

Well, I was sorry, too, but I couldn't expect her to come rushing up here and make a lab coat fit me, so I called Mister Salvatore and he said that he would find a way to make it happen somehow. And I felt kind of bad making him have extra work like that. I guess I learned that I ought to plan some things better.

My next class was also in the Dow building, and it was about the physics of space, which was going to be really interesting. Humans had discovered lots of things about space that ponies hadn't, and so I was sure I'd learn lots of exciting new stuff.

It was all the way up on the top floor, and it was a smaller classroom than the physics class. And I didn't see anyone that I knew, so I guess I was going to have to make new friends.

The woman who had loaned me the scrunchie was our professor, and she wrote her name on the board which was Professor Mitchell, and she explained all the things that we were going to learn in class and I was really looking forward to it. She said that later in the year, we'd get to go on a field trip to an observatory and that wasn't mandatory but it was highly encouraged because it was always better to see things with your own eyes.

She also told us that there was an astronomy club which met at the Nature Center, and that they had a big telescope that we could look through, and she gave us a schedule of their meetings.

I was kind of disappointed when she let us go early since it was our first day, 'cause I wanted to learn more.

I had a little time before dinner so I read Obadiah which was really short. He only had one vision, where God said that the people of Edom thought they were safe because they lived up on mountains and soared like eagles, but that He would bring them down, and He would give their land to the Israelites, because they'd stolen it and been mean to the Israelites.

Then I wrote in my journal and before I went to dinner I went down the hallway and to Meghan's room, 'cause I wanted to know if I could sleep with her tonight. And she said I could but that we couldn't do anything since Amy would be there so that was kind of disappointing. But it would still be nice to snuggle with her.

She asked if I wanted to go to dinner with her and I said that I would, so we went to the dining hall together and decided to sit in the farthest-away room. I hoped that nobody at my table was missing me too much, or that her friends were missing her. Sometimes it was hard to spend enough time with all your friends—I still hadn't had a meal with Leon and Cedric and Trevor, so maybe I would do that at lunch tomorrow. I wasn't sure what their schedules were like.

Meghan said that it was too bad that there weren't any places on campus that we could hide and be private and I thought so, too. But it wouldn't be nice for either of us to kick out our roommates, so I guess we'd just have to think of something.

I said that I thought it would be fun to get a room at the hotel all the way towards the top, and she thought so, too, and so we started to think about when we could do that. It wouldn't be this weekend, 'cause we were going to the football game on Friday and I didn't know when we'd be back, and she said that we probably wouldn't be able to get a room at a good rate on such short notice anyway but if nothing else we should make plans to do it after mid-terms because we'd want the stress relief.

And she said maybe we could go to the nature trail and sneak off into the woods some day and I thought that would be fun.

She had to go to bell choir after dinner, and so I went back to my dorm room and I had a telegram from Mister Salvatore. He said that he'd found a seamstress who could fix my lab coat but she'd need to take lots of measurements and he wondered when would be a good time. So I said that tomorrow after dinner I could or otherwise it wouldn't be until the weekend. And I had to wait a little bit until he replied again and he said that tomorrow would work and he'd pick me up before dinner.

I hung out with Peggy and Ruth and Kat for a while and then I went down the hall to Meghan's room. I didn't take my flight gear, 'cause I'd just walk back and get it in the morning.

All the girls were there, and pretty soon we started talking in Equestrian 'cause it was good practice for them and for me, too. It's weird how when you're off in a foreign land you can forget how to speak your own language if you don't use it much, and at first it felt really weird speaking it, but then it started seeming more natural.

And after a while Amy started to ignore us, 'cause she didn't speak it at all and I felt bad that we were having a conversation she couldn't participate in but she said it was okay, she had some reading she needed to do for her English class anyway because her professor had decided to assign eighty pages on the first day of class. I thought that was pretty mean, and I was kind of glad that all my professors had decided to start things off slower.

We probably could have stayed up all night, but when Amy closed her book and said that she was going to get ready for bed, we all decided that we ought to think about it ourselves. But we didn't wind up going to bed for almost another hour—we just moved over to Becky and Lisa's room, until the conversation sort of wound down.

Me and Meghan went back over to her room and she still got into her sleeping clothes in the bathroom in case Amy wasn't all the way asleep, but she left the door open, and then she sat on the edge of the bed and set her alarm clock to wake her up. And she said that it was later than she thought, and when I asked how late she said it was after midnight.

She laid on her back so I could put my head on her breast, and I pushed her shirt up a little bit so that I could rest my wing on her belly, and she put her hand on top of it and it didn't take me too long to fall asleep.

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