• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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November 14 [Tupper's self-referential formula]

November 14

I got up a little bit early and I didn't want to wake up Peggy right away, so I got my camelback and I went to the bathroom and filled it up. And I was thinking that it might be smart to get some more of them before I went back to Equestria, because I could give them to my family as late Hearth's Warming gifts, 'cause I knew that they'd like them.

I sat at my desk and turned on my bendy lamp and studied my thermodynamics notes a little bit more so it would all be fresh in my head when me and Lisa reviewed it after class. And when I was sure that it was all sticking in my head, I shook Peggy until she woke up, and she picked up her portable telephone and looked at it and sighed and then sat up in bed and said that she could count the number of hours of sleep she'd gotten on one hand. Then she stretched her arms and twisted her back until it cracked and got out of bed and looked through her dresser for clothes.

While she was dressing, I put my camelback on, and then I stood next to her so that she could put her water bottles in the pockets on it.

We went to Jeff's house first, and we were a little bit late, so Caleb and Lindy and Trinity were already outside waiting for their bus. And I gave Trinity a real quick ponyback ride, and then we talked until their bus came, and I hugged the girls and gave Caleb a hoof-bump before they got on to go to school, and once the bus had left me and Peggy continued with our morning exercise.

She got too hot again by the time we'd trotted to the end of Dartmouth, and tied her sweatshirt around me, and then we headed towards the other side of the neighborhood.

I asked Peggy if she was dating Leon now, and she said it had been one of those one-time things that you do after a night of drinking at the bar and she didn’t think that it would go any further than that.

Well, I said that that didn't explain how he'd been over Saturday night, too, and she said that he'd still needed a place to sleep and they'd wanted to see if they had as much fun when they hadn't been drinking, so they wanted to try again, and she said that it had been even better the second time.

I thought that if they were having fun together than they ought to continue, and Peggy said that they might but she didn't want to make any firm commitments before Winter Break. She said she wanted to focus on her finals and then the break and going snowboarding with me, but when she got back she'd think about seeing if it went somewhere serious.

We went around the rest of the neighborhood, and then I offered to race her the rest of the last block and she said that she would if I gave her a head start, which I thought was fair.

So I let her get past the first driveway before I started, and that made it more of a challenge, and I didn't beat her until we were only a couple of dozen meters short of the end of the block.

Peggy didn't stop when we got to the corner, though, but she did slow down and I trotted to catch up to her as she went around the corner and up the sidewalk towards Trowbridge.

She took a bottle of water out of my camelback and poured some over her head and then drank the rest, then she used her plastic card to open the door for us.

We walked upstairs together and I stuck my nose in the bathroom and there wasn't anybody in the shower, and I told her that she could use it first if she wanted. She said that she had to get her shower things and I told her that I would get them for her, and push them under the door.

So she went into the shower and I went to our room and got her basket of shower supplies and took them in and pushed them under the stall door, then I went back and got a towel for her, and she opened the door a little bit to take that so it wouldn't get wet on the floor, and then I went back to our room and got my stuff, and I sat on the bench and waited for her to finish. And once she got out, I went right in 'cause Kat hadn't come for her morning shower yet.

When I got done, Kat was sitting outside, waiting for her turn, and I wished her a good morning before going back to my room to groom and preen.

Peggy was almost dressed when I got in, and I told her I wouldn’t be mad if she went to breakfast without me, but she insisted on waiting. So I skipped preening my wings, 'cause I knew that Meghan would preen them for me, and then I got my thermodynamics books and notebook and went to breakfast with Peggy.

I got some eggs and oatmeal and sat down at our table, which looked more empty than usual because we still had the extra one there but we didn't need it now. Meghan wasn't there yet, and I'd finished my eggs and half my oatmeal when she finally arrived.

And then I wasn't going to say anything about my wings, 'cause I didn't want her to miss breakfast because she was preening me, but she noticed that I hadn't done it and put down her spoon and told me to put my wing on her lap. Then she said that she was going to have to come back to Equestria with me since I didn't know how to preen myself anymore, and I stuck my tongue out at her.

She said that on Earth, they had helper ponies, so maybe she could try and explain how I needed a helper human, and then she could live in Equestria with me.

I got to class a little bit early, and I'd sat down and gotten out my notebook and clicky pens before Lisa came in and sat down next to me. Professor Brown said that we were going to spend the last week talking about kinetics, which was about rates of reactions and why things didn't get to their equilibrium. And he said that it could work for time scales as fast as femtoseconds, or as long as millions of years and anything in between.

So clouds disappearing in the sky could be kinetics. And the basic idea was that A plus B became C eventually, and I wrote that down even though it wasn't much of an equation, but then he started to put better equations on the markerboard.

There was a letter k that was the kinetic constant, and then there were more math letters called alpha and beta, and they were kinda hard to draw. Curvey letters were always hard with mouthwriting, and of course humans had lots of them, so it took a lot of practice to make them look good.

He started by showing us a zero order reaction, which was one that took the same time no matter how concentrated your reactants were, and they were rare. And next came first order, which were common, and it was a similar equation that we had to integrate, and we figured out that they had an exponential decay. The common one he said was radioactive decay, and he told us that that was something that people could use to find out how old something was.

Professor Brown also told us to try and express it logarithmically, 'cause is was easier to draw straight lines than curved ones.

And then when we did second order reactions, and he showed us how to change around our As and Bs so that we could solve it by using limiting cases, and also how we could figure by graphing if it was a first order or second order reaction.

Then when we had learned all of that, he said that we were going to learn complicated reactions in our next class.

Me and Lisa met in the lounge downstairs and first we looked over the lab report, and when we both agreed that it was all done, we started reviewing some more. And I was glad that I'd spent the time last night and this morning to study, 'cause we'd learned a lot of stuff and a lot of formulas.

Lisa thought that Professor Brown would probably give us some of the longer formulas on the test so we didn't have to remember them, but I wasn't so sure, and it was still good to know them anyways. And she said that he'd probably tell us on Wednesday or Friday exactly what was going to be on the test so that we could study the right things.

We studied together until Lisa had to go to her next class, and I walked with her as far as Dewing, then I went up to my own room. And I got out my homework assignment and started working on that.

It took me until lunch, and I didn't quite get it all done, and I thought about working through, but then I would be hungry and grumpy all afternoon, plus Sean might worry that I wasn't going to be in class, so I set my work aside and put my math things in my saddlebags.

I went out to the boardwalk and glided down the quad and landed just short of the dining hall and then went inside.

They had spinach again at the salad table, so I got a bunch of that and I also found some fish fillets that looked good, so I took the two biggest ones.

The fish didn't taste quite as good as it looked, and Anna said that they'd had the same fish for dinner last night and not too many people had wanted it, and after eating one of the fillets, I could see why.

Sean wanted to know what I was going to do for Winter Break—he asked if we were going to go back to Equestria right after classes were over, and I said that we would stay until the end of the year, 'cause we could travel and see things, and I was going to go to Peggy's house for Thanksgiving and then also go snowboarding up in the mountains. And then us four ponies were going to go shopping in Chicago, and we also wanted to go to Disneyland, which is in Florida, and maybe we'd see some other stuff while we were down there, too.

Sean said that they launched space ships from Cape Canaveral, which wasn't too far from Disneyland, and he said that we should see that. He said that he'd gotten a chance to watch an actual Space Shuttle launch, but now they didn't fly them any more.

Christine said that she didn't like Florida, and Sean said that was because she'd grown up next to it, but to everyone up north, it was like a magical land full of cartoon mice and sunshine all year long, and Reese said that he always imagined that Florida was really Xanth, which is an imaginary place in a book.

Me and Sean went to math class together, and Professor Pampena taught us more about objects in space, and how to use cross product to get normal direction and area element, and he wrote out the formula for that and then showed how he'd gotten it. And then he did an example on the markerboard with his paraboloid, and let us work through it with him, to make sure that everyone understood the concept, because that was the formula which worked on ninety percent of the cases. Since it wasn't all of them, he started to show us the next method. And that got pretty complicated and the equation started to cover the entire markerboard, and then he said that we could prove to ourselves that this equation worked by substituting in the values we'd used in the last example and we could make this equation into the other one, so I wrote them both down in my notebook next to each other so that I could solve them later. I was sure he was telling the truth, but it would still be good practice to do.

Then he started to tell us about the divergence theorem, and he told us a new math letter which was called del, and was like an upside-down delta, and you could use it to get dot products, too. He said it wasn't that useful yet but when we got to curl it would be.

He showed us how to use what we knew to figure out a vertically simple region, and we could make it into a double integral times a single integral which was a lot simpler. And we could use our flux integral in it, and it had lots of fun calculating in it.

And once we'd learned how to do all of that, then he said that if we had a region that wasn't vertically simple, we just had to slice it into simple parts so that we could basically do the same thing.

Me and Sean went back to his room to do our homework, and when we were done he said that we should watch another Numberphile movie and I thought so, too, but I said that we should study some first.

And he didn't really want to, but I put my hoof down and so we spent the next hour reviewing all the math that Professor Pampena had taught us.

I knew I needed to do more review to make sure that I had everything down perfectly, but we had both gotten to the point where we reached our limit of reviewing for one day. Studying is kind of like exercise: if you do too much all at once, you don't gain anything and you can even lose progress if you push too hard.

So Sean found a Numberphile movie for us to watch, which was about Tupper's self-referential formula, which when you plotted it on a graph made itself. But he was kind of cheating because you had to go a really really really long ways up the y-axis before you got there, and there was a lot more stuff above it. And he showed how you could figure out from your picture what your k value would be, and I was still thinking about it when I went back to my room. You could put my name in both English and Equestrian in the plot, and I'd have to do a lot of calculating and write out a really big number, but I could do it if I really wanted to, and then a computer could do the work of converting it to decimal and multiplying by seventeen and drawing it out, and everyone back in Equestria would be really amazed.

I sat at my desk and finished up my thermodynamics homework, even though I probably could have put it off until tomorrow, and then I got my World War One book so that I could find out what happened next, even though I didn't really want to know. But I was getting near the end so hopefully they were going to figure out that their war was stupid.

Germany had an advantage until the United States entered the fight, so they needed a quick victory on the Western Front, but they didn’t get it.

Thousands of airplanes were fighting in the sky, and the Allies started winning, 'cause they could build more airplanes.

The United States was adding ten thousand troops a day, and they started fighting the Germans, while Austria-Hungary was losing to the Italians. And the British and French decided to invade Russia to help stop their revolution.

The Allies finally started advancing after years of not really going anywhere, and the Germans began to surrender, and in the south, Bulgaria surrendered, and the Allies took Aleppo from the Ottomans.

The Ottomans signed an armistice, and four days later the Austro-Hungarians did, too. And the Kaiser fled, and an armistice was declared by the Germans, too, on the 11th of November, and then in Africa, the German general Von Lettow-Vorbek surrendered exactly ninety-nine years ago.

Everyone signed an armistice at the Paris Peace Conference which Marshall Foch said would last for only twenty years, and I guess that was why they had to have a second war.

The book said that nine and a half million soldiers were killed, and twenty one million were wounded, and seven million civilians were killed, and as far as I could tell nobody really got anything out of it at the end. I thought it would have been better if Serbia had just accepted the concessions that Austria-Hungary had wanted, or if everyone else had just told their friends to think before they did something stupid. But they hadn't; they'd just rushed in, and then everyone was so determined to win that they didn't care what they lost, and so everyone weakened themselves. I wasn’t sure how many people there had been in Europe before the war, but there were a lot less of them after.

I had a little while left before it was dinnertime, so I went out to the boardwalk and flew off, and then I headed out over downtown.

I had to stay pretty low and watch out for helicopters, since I hadn't told the airplane directors that I was flying, and I wasn't wearing any of my flight gear.

So I circled around the hotel below the roof level, and then I flew right up to the big g on the Gilmore building, and I went around it but didn't touch it, and I had to be careful because there were antennas and other obstacles on the roof. And then I went back down and over the parking lot stack, and I thought about flying into one of the lower levels but I might get hit by a car that was coming up and couldn't see me, and there wasn't a whole lot of room between the tops of cars and the bottom of the parking lot above.

Then I flew back to campus and went to the dining hall and they still had the same fish again but this time I knew better than to eat it, and I got lots of salad and they had one kind of salad that was green peas and peanuts and I tried that because I thought it would probably have lots of protein in it. I didn't think that it was left over, 'cause it looked like it was popular, since the bowl of it was mostly empty when I got there. And it turned out that it was pretty tasty.

After dinner, I walked with Meghan and Peggy back to our dorm, and I didn’t really have anything to do before Durak and Meghan didn't either, so she came back to our room with us, and we all watched a YouTube movie called True Facts about the Octopus, which was very strange. Octopuses were very strange, and male octopuses had their penises on the end of a tentacle. Also he said that clams were dumb as hell, which was true. Clams were easy to catch, and I think that they thought that their shells kept them safe, but you could just put them on a rock and crack it open to get at the clam.

Peggy said that we could watch another one, but Meghan remembered that she should pack some clothes to take to Aric's house before we went to Durak.

I thought I ought to take the World War One book back to the library in case anyone needed it for their finals, so I picked it up, 'cause we could stop at the library on the way to Fourth Coast. And that reminded me that I should put the Kama Sutra in her duffel bag, too, and we could look through it and find something fun to do, so I got that, too.

I went with Meghan to her room, and she packed up her bag with clean clothes for tomorrow and brushes and more shampoo because there wasn't much left at Aric's house, and then we went out and stopped by the library and I gave the book back to the librarian, and then we walked to the coffee shop.

We played a couple of games of Durak, and when we were done, I made sure to hug everyone, 'cause I didn't know if we'd play next week because of finals. And Keith said that I should teach ponies how to play the game when I got back to Equestria, and so he gave me the cards to take back with me.

Me and Meghan got in Winston and Aric drove us back, and when we got to Dartmouth, he said that I could ride on his lap and drive the rest of the way home, and I was just about to move over when Meghan asked if she could instead. And Aric thought that was a really silly idea, which is why he decided to do it.

I had to switch places with Meghan, and I was going to get on her lap and slide over but she opened her door and said it was a Chinese Fire Drill, and she went around the front of Winston and then got in on Aric's side and sat on his lap, and we drove the rest of the way to his house with her sitting on his lap and steering and using the stick while he controlled the pedals.

When he'd shut off Winston, Meghan said that he hadn't had to hold her boobs while she drove, and Aric said that he had wanted to make sure that she didn't fall off his lap and that was why he'd done it. Which I didn't think was true.

We went inside and went right upstairs since I had my lab in the morning, and the two of them got undressed for bed and I got in bed and waited for them and I was thinking that it had been more fun when they got each other undressed, and so I decided that next Wednesday we'd do that, although I didn't tell them. Sometimes it was more fun to have things be a surprise in the bedroom.

But it was still lots of fun because Meghan got the book out of her duffel bag and the three of us sat in bed together looking through it and thinking about what we should try, and then when we found something that looked interesting, we tried to figure out if it would work with a pony and where the third person should be, and so we finally picked one that looked adventurous and fun, although it was going to be a little tough for me but Meghan promised that she'd help hold me, so then Aric turned out the lights and we snuggled for a little bit before trying it out. And it was kind of strange and not something that a pony normally would even try, but it felt really amazing.

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