• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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July 20 [Training Field]

July 20

Both of us were kind of tired since we hadn't slept well at first last night, so I only woke up a little bit before her alarm went off and instead of getting out of bed after the second time, she waited until the third . I didn't mind, 'cause I had my head on her breast and she was running her fingers through my mane.

I made her oatmeal while she was in the shower, and I left it on the counter for her and brushed her hair after she was done eating.

Then she put on her clothes, and we walked together to her house to wait for her friend to take her to work. I told her that she ought to tell her friend to come over to my apartment—it wasn't all that much farther, after all—but Meghan said that it was a lot easier to just get picked up at her apartment every morning, 'cause that way she didn't have to try and remember to tell her friend where she was going to be. Which made a lot of sense. Plus sometimes having the same morning routine sets your mood for the day.

I had to go back home to pick up my flight gear, 'cause I hadn't put it on before walking to Meghan's.

I tore the corner off the clover bale and ate that, and I thought about having some bread, too, but that would have been a little bit much before going flying.

While I was filling up my camelback I thought about where I wanted to go, and decided I'd fly east again today. Not as far as I had yesterday—it was best to kind of alternate between long flights and short flights.

I headed out along the railroad tracks, and when I was getting close to Morrow Lake I turned more to the northeast and then I called the airplane directors and asked for permission to fly higher. Dori said that I couldn't right now because there was a student pilot practicing IFR at 3000 feet, and she thought it would be wise to give him a little bit of extra room.

She told me that I could go southeast if I wanted to, but I'd been that way yesterday and so I said I'd keep flying the way I was but stay low.

I started following along the trail of electrical towers that came from the dam. They stuck up pretty high, which would have made them really easy to follow anyway, but they also didn't have any trees under them. Then they branched off, and one branch went east while the other went north and I thought I'd follow the smaller branch for a while and see where it went.

It went over a big dirt track and then I saw the horse stables where me and Meghan had gone riding off to my left and in the practice field there was someone riding a horse and jumping it over barriers so I flew down to get a closer look at what was going on.

Well, it was Deanne on the horse and even before I could tell that it was her she waved at me. I'm probably the only pegasus she knows.

I couldn't decide if I should land or not, but finally my curiosity got the better of me and I did land in the big dirt parking lot next to the practice field.

She kept up her routine while I watched, occasionally pushing at the dog with a hind hoof 'cause he kept sort of edging up on me. Then when she got done with all her jumps, she came over to the fence and I stood up on my hind hooves so that me and Henry could sniff each other.

He wrinkled his nose back after he smelled me and I blushed, then he leaned down for another sniff and pawed at the ground and Deanne had to kind of rein him in, and she slapped him on the side of the neck and told him to stop misbehaving.

He snorted, and she tugged at the reins a little bit to back him up, then she got off her saddle and said that I might as well walk with her while she cooled down Henry.

So we went all the way around the stables and then she led him over to a concrete pad with a coiled-up hose hanging on the wall next to it and a long rail, which she tied Henry to.

She took off his saddle and put it on the rail, then she took off his blanket and put it there, too. Then Deanne filled a bucket with water and started rinsing the sweat off his back, and I was paying too much attention to her and not enough to him, 'cause he leaned down and nibbled at my neck, and I told him that I wasn't interested but he didn't really understand, and he reached down a little bit further to try and nip at my fetlock and I just backed away from him until he turned his attention back to Deanne.

Deanne went into the barn and brought out a halter, and put one loop around his neck then switched the rope to that so she could take off his bridle. She said that usually she didn't have to do it this way but Henry seemed to be a little frisky, so she wanted to be safe.

It was weird to see that big piece of metal come out of his mouth. I thought that there must be a better way to let the horse know where it was supposed to go than that—it looked like it was really uncomfortable, and I think Henry thought so too, 'cause he stuck his tongue out once it was gone and then took a drink from the rinse bucket.

When she'd hung up his bridle, she put the halter on over his nose, and got a hoof knife out of her pocket and started to clean out his hooves, and when she was finally satisfied that he was done, she took him around the barn again to the pasture out back and he trotted out to the middle of the field and then started rolling around on his back.

I was kind of tempted to go out there and join him.

I decided that I would like to ride today, and maybe learn something so that next time Meghan and I came out here I'd be better at it.

I took off all my gear in the tack room—Deanne said it would be safe in there. Then I went to Hoshi and we blew in each other's nostrils and then Deanne got her saddled up for me and led her out to the training pasture and told me that we'd just be riding around the edge, and that she'd give me instructions. She said Hoshi wasn't trained to jump so she wouldn't try, and she said once I had mastered the reins I could try navigating around the jumps, 'cause it made a good obstacle course, but until then I'd be sticking to the edge.

After a little while, I figured out that having the reins looped around my forehooves worked the best, and I started to get better at steering Hoshi. Or else she'd figured out the course, and didn't need me to tell her what to do at all.

Deanne must have thought I had the idea, and she had me navigate through the center and around some of the jumps. Hoshi was kind of wary of them, so I guess she hadn't seen what they were for. And there were a few times when she went the wrong way but overall, we did pretty well.

We worked together for about an hour, and by the end of it I was getting pretty good. Well, decent. And then it was time to lead Hoshi back and get her undressed, and I rinsed her down after Deanne took off the saddle.

I don't know what I was thinking, but after we'd put Hoshi in her stall and gone back outside, I said that I thought it would be fun to gallop around and do the jumps like Deanne had been doing when I arrived, and she said if I wanted to, I could, and she'd walk me through the pattern.

It was kind of complicated, and she led me around it twice so I'd know the route, which folded back on itself a couple of times. Then I trotted it once, going around the jumps rather than over.

She said I'd got it right, so I set myself up at the starting line and went right to a canter.

The bars that I was supposed to jump over were pretty high, since Henry had such long legs, but that was okay because I had wings.

I did pretty well the first time around but I knew I could do it a bit faster now that I knew what to expect. I'd lost some time by being on the wrong hoof before a jump, and I lost some speed from flying up late. So I took a drink of water and went around a second time, and I was only off-hoof once, and I thought I did pretty well.

Deanne wanted to know if we had competitions like that in Equestria. I said that was more an earth pony thing; we usually set up clouds and stuff to race around.

Then she offered to pick my hooves if I wanted to let her and I thought that would be nice, especially since there'd been a lot of horseapples on the ground and I hadn't avoided them all.

She picked out my hooves and then used the hose to rinse off my hooves, and said that I'd been the easiest equine to teach the course to.

When I'd gotten back in my flight gear, I called the airplane directors and told them that I was taking off again, and then I nuzzled Deanne and took off for home.

I hadn't planned on being out for so long, so I was pretty hungry by the time I got back home. I had some of the sourdough bread with jam and I think that the bread would have been better by itself. And I thought about taking a shower, but decided that I'd take a bath later, since I hadn't gotten all that sweaty today and anyways I was home alone and nobody would complain about the dried sweat on my coat. But that did remind me that I needed to do laundry.

I took my flight vest and sheets and pillowcase to the laundromat to wash them, and it took some effort to stuff them all into my saddlebags. I had to settle for having some of the sheets draping out the edge like I was carrying some kind of a banner, but they weren't going to fall out 'cause they were pushed in so tight. And I wish that the little machine that let you buy boxes of soap had holes in it so you could sniff the soap before you bought it, 'cause how else would you know if you liked the scent? I thought 'spring fresh' was the best choice, since it had a picture of grass and blue sky on it, so that's what I got.

I would have brought a poetry book along, but there hadn't been room. They had some on the shelves, though, and they also had a newspaper on top of the trash can, so I thought I'd read that.

I probably should have chosen something else. There was a story in it about how mosquitoes in Florida had tested positive for Zika, which the newspaper said was a disease that was very bad for pregnant women, and there was also an article about a man in France who had run over a crowd of people with his truck, and Donald Trump had been voted as the Republican nominee and then gotten in trouble because his wife had given a plagiarized speech, it said. And then they said that Princess Twilight had given a similar speech, too, so it didn't count as stealing.

I didn't know Princess Twilight all that well but I didn't think she'd steal a speech, so I thought that maybe the newspaper was lying.

I put the newspaper back on top of the wastebasket and decided I'd rather just watch my laundry go around and around in the soapsuds.

I liked the washing machines at the laundromat better than the ones in our dorm, because these had front doors and it was a lot easier to put the laundry in and take it back out again.

It was fluffier and kind of spring-like and also very warm when it came out of the drier, and I leaned my cheek against my fresh sheets for a minute before I put them back in my saddlebags.

I had mixed hay and carrots for dinner—I made a salad out of some of the old hay I had and a little bit of the new, and I ate it in the papasan and then I went and filled the bathtub up and soaked in it until the water got cold.

After I'd dried off, I decided I'd read some of the Song of Songs before bed.

That was a lot nicer than Ecclesiastes. It didn't really have much to do with God, but was more about how handsome Solomon was and how pretty his wife was, and how much he liked her breasts and her garden that had things growing in it I'd never heard of.

I think that the people who put things in the Bible were maybe smarter than I'd thought yesterday. Because I could kind of see how Proverbs and Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs all tied together—the first taught you wisdom and then the middle book said that maybe nothing was worth anything, and then the last book was about love.

I think that was a good lesson overall.

My haybales were missing some of their corners but were still plenty big enough for me, and even though I knew I'd have some chaff in my coat in the morning, I just stretched out on top of them without even a blanket under me, and fell asleep with the pleasant scent of clover in my nose, which was much better than the spring-fresh laundry soap.

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