• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 7 [Olivet]

October 7

As soon as I got up, I ate a little bit of hay for energy and then put on my flight gear. It was a beautiful clear day outside, and I was ready to go flying.

I went down to the boardwalk and called the airplane directors to get permission, then I took off and did a wing roll right after I cleared the railing, which actually wasn't that smart, 'cause I lost almost all of my altitude, since I hardly had any airspeed. Probably if anybody saw they wouldn't have known what a proper wing roll looked like anyway so they wouldn't know I'd almost crashed.

I did like starting flying at the top of the hill, because it made for really easy, lazy takeoffs. Any pegasus would rather jump from a cloud than fly from the ground.

When I got down to Hoben, I banked and turned along the front of the dorm, then followed the road out to Academy Street, and picked up altitude as I continued down the hill.

And once I got to Main Street, I was flying about six stories up, which kept me clear of the wires. There were a few people out on the sidewalks, and lots of cars on their way to work. I considered racing them,but I didn't want to use up all my energy right away, so I let them pass under me unchallenged.

I flew all the way down to the end of Kalamazoo, and then followed the road as it curved under the railroad bridge, then I followed the tracks east. I thought that I'd have enough time to get to Galesburg and back again, but I was gonna check my watch to be sure—I didn't want to have to miss breakfast or a shower because I'd flown too far.

I had to pay attention when I got to where the big electricity wires from the dam crossed over the tracks, because they were above me, and I thought about flying up and over them but decided that I'd rather keep my altitude on the way out, then on the way back I could do a long, slow climb so that would put me almost straight back at the bell tower.

I probably should have gone west first, 'cause the wind was on my tail. It was always smartest to fly into the wind first, 'cause otherwise you'd have to fight it on the way back when you were tired.

Off in the distance, I heard a train horn, and I turned my ear back towards it. The second time it sounded, I knew that it was behind me, so after I made sure that there weren't any wires in front of me, I turned my head back to look but I didn't see it. And I was sure that I was high enough to be above it, since I'd flown above a bunch of wires that all went above the track, and they' wouldn't be there if trains could hit them.

The train horn was getting louder and more frequent, and I was passing a park on my right side when it went under me, and a moment later I got a hot smokey updraft from its exhaust stacks. I should have been expecting it, but I wasn't, and I didn't realize until I breathed in. And then the smell lingered in the air and in my nostrils, too, even though I tried a couple of times to blow them clear.

It was always neat seeing down into the open cars. There were a bunch with the stacked boxes on them, but some of them were empty, and they just had little support beams on the bottom, so you could see the track underneath them. And there were also some empty gondolas, and I wondered what it would be like to land inside one and ride the train. You'd never be sure where you were going or when you'd get there, but it might be fun to try after school some day, 'cause I could always have Aric come and get me when the train got where it was going.

Once the last car finally passed, I slowed back down, 'cause I'd unintentionally sped up as it went under. And then I looked at my watch, and thought that it would be smarter to turn around and go back now, rather than go all the way to Galesburg. I'd rather spend a little bit more time at breakfast than get to class late.

So I looped around over a park, and then started flying back towards the college. When I got the the dam wires, I had to decide whether to go over or under, 'cause in between probably wasn't smart, so I picked up a little bit more altitude and went over the top of them.

That meant I didn't have to do too much more climbing, so I stayed fairly level over Sprinkle Road, and along over town. And instead of following the tracks all the way in, I started angling for campus once I crossed the river, which put me really close to the hotel, and I got hit by a gust of wind as I went by, 'cause it was blowing around the building. If somebody was looking out their window, they might have seen me go a little bit sideways as I passed.

I landed on the boardwalk and went inside, and put my flight gear back in our room before I went to the bathroom for my shower. I was almost out of shampoo and conditioner, so maybe tomorrow I could get some more.

I had gotten back a little bit earlier than I'd intended, and so I completely missed Kat. Peggy was getting out of bed and so I told her, then sat on the bed and started preening my wings. I had some secondaries that were starting to feel loose, and I'd probably lose them in the next week or so.

Peggy left for her shower while I was still preening, and I was all packed for class and ready to go and I thought about getting out some clothes for her but she hadn't asked me to. Sometimes people don't like it when you try to help them but they don't want help. So I just looked out the window instead and thought some more about putting a bird feeder in the tree outside. I wasn't sure that the birds would find it in there, but I think they would.

After she'd gotten dressed, we went to breakfast together and the waffle-maker was still working, which was pretty surprising. So I had a plain waffle and some eggs, too, and we talked about the football game and after I'd eaten I went and looked for Leon or Cedric to find out if Aquamarine was going to be there, but neither of them were at breakfast.

Professor Brown told us that our midterm would be on Wednesday next week, and he gave us all a handout to remind us what we'd learned so far and he said that everything would be on the test. And some people were pretty unhappy that we'd be having it, and he said he'd set fire to something in the lab on Tuesday to cheer people up.

Then he told us more about how entropy varied in different processes, and the formulas we'd need to figure it out. And he reminded us how so far we'd been just assigning our own zero point but for entropy it was different, and we could calculate it, and he showed us how. And the formula got kind of long and he filled up the whole markerboard with it, and then he drew it all out in a graph, which kind of had little steps in it as the substance went from a solid at zero Kelvin, and a gas at some point, and we knew how to calculate everything except for the first part.

But Professor Brown said that Planck had already figured it out, and at zero Kelvin its entropy was also zero, if it was a pure crystal in perfect form.

He also told us that it was possible to get almost to absolute zero, and told us that scientists had discovered that a lot of materials had strange properties when they were really close, and that they'd also verified what Planck had thought.

After class, me and Lisa sat in the lounge and went over the calculations I'd done, and she did some of the calculations on her portable telephone, just to make sure that I'd gotten them right. And then when we were both satisfied with it, she took my answers so that she could write up the final report for class, and she said that we'd go over it on Monday, just to make sure that we were both happy with how it had turned out.

I didn't want to go back to my room, 'cause it was nice out, so I sat on the quad under a tree and did my homework there. And a dumb squirrel I guess thought that I might have treats for him, so he started coming over and chattering at me, and then he looked like he was going to try and get into my saddlebags so I yelled at him and he scampered off to a tree, but he kept looking for his opportunity.

He tried a couple more times, and I figured out that just stretching out my wings scared him off, at least for a little while.

When I got done, I just put my books back in my bag and I was gonna doze a little bit but probably when I did the dumb squirrel would take my homework to line his nest with, since there wasn't any food in there for him, so I got up and took my things back to my room, then I flew back out and found a nice crotch in a tree and took a little nap.

Before I left for lunch, I had to go back to our room and pack my bags for math, then I glided to the dining hall and before I got my food I went looking for Cedric and Leon, and when I found them I told them again that I was sorry for not sitting with them yesterday. Cedric said I didn't have to apologize, but I still felt bad. I should be remembering a routine, not forgetting it.

He said that Aquamarine and Jenny were coming to the game, and I promised that we'd all cheer them on. I wasn't sure where we'd meet but I could always fly over the crowd until I found her.

I went and got some food, then sat down at our table and Meghan asked if she could ride with us to the football game, because she'd asked her roommates and they weren't too interested in seeing the game. And Peggy said that was okay but we'd be a little bit crowded in Cobalt and Christine said that I'd probably have to ride in the trunk.

I had my magnetic snowboard boots, and I could ride on the trunk, like Peggy had threatened me with, and Christine said that would be really funny to see, and I thought that maybe it would be fun to try, too. Peggy said it would probably scratch up the paint on the car, which was probably true. But I did kinda want to try.

After lunch, me and Sean walked to math together, and when he reviewed the chain rule for us, I realized that it was the same chain rule in thermodynamics, which meant that everything else would also apply. So when Professor Pampena was telling us about gradients, I started thinking of other things I could use them for. Probably smart people had figured it out already, but I still felt pretty clever for thinking of it.

He told us about gradient vectors, and how we could use them to find the tangent plane to anything, and showed us how, and he had a picture of a hourglass-shaped figure called a hyperboloid that had a flat plane stuck through it. And he gave us two different formulas to figure it out.

Then he taught us directional derivatives, and how to draw them on contour plots, and when he was done someone asked if that would also be on the mid-term, and he wrote EVERYTHING in big letters on the markerboard again.

We went back to Sean's room to do homework, and I concentrated a lot better than I had on Wednesday, 'cause I wasn't thinking about an upcoming storm. And so I got done with my homework faster than Sean did, and I had time to check back over it and then work out part of a problem in Equestrian before he'd finished, then we sat side-by-side at his desk and went over the problems together.

He asked if I wanted to watch the Star Trek movie before dinner, but I said it would be more fun to do with more people, and I wanted to get some beer to share anyway, and it would take me a couple of trips.

He offered to go with me, so we went back to my room first so that I could unpack my saddlebags, and then walked to Tiffany's. It felt like a lot further when I was walking, 'cause that was slower than flying. But it meant we only had to make one trip, because after I filled up my saddlebags he could carry more and so we got enough for both of us in only one trip.

We took it back to my room, 'cause it was closer, and then we sat down and talked to Peggy, and since the door was open, Ruth stopped by, too, and we decided that we should play a game of euchre, since we hadn't played in a while.

Peggy asked me who I wanted to be on a team with, and I thought I could play with Sean, so we moved around so that we were sitting across from each other, and we won by five points. Peggy thought that we had an unfair advantage since we were good at math, and Sean said that we didn't because he hadn't taken any statistics or probability classes.

We were a little late to dinner, 'cause we thought we had time for a second game but we really hadn't, and when we got there Peggy told Christine that we'd borrowed her boyfriend for the afternoon, and she wanted a refund. And he said that he wasn't gonna give her any beer, and she said that she shouldn't have any anyways because she was driving, or maybe only one, and Christine said that since I was the responsible one, I should make sure that Peggy didn't have too much to drink, and I promised that I would.

We went right from dinner to Cobalt, and it was crowded in back but I didn't mind, 'cause I got to sit between Christine and Meghan, and since I was in the middle I could see out the windshield, too, and I could read on the radio where it said who was singing. And when Renegades came on, I started singing along with it. And then everyone else joined in, too.

Peggy's GPS knew right where the football field was, but we all thought it was wrong when it told us, because there wasn't anything but fields, and then we came up on an intersection that had a car repair shop on one side and a gas station diagonally across, and then on the other side was the football field.

So we parked and went in, and it didn't take us too long to find Jenny and Aquamarine, and we went down and sat next to them, and me and Aquamarine nuzzled, then she hugged everyone else and I hugged Jenny.

Christine had thought to bring a blanket, which was good, 'cause it started to get kind of chilly. Jenny kind of bundled herself up in her clothes, until Sean let Christine sit on his lap, to give Jenny enough room to also be under the blanket. And me and Aquamarine stayed out, 'cause we were both warm enough without it, and didn't want to crowd anyone too much.

We shared our beer—Jenny didn't want one, 'cause she was driving and she said she wasn't old enough anyway.

Kalamazoo didn't score any points in the first half, but they were pretty close a couple of times, and we were up and cheering a lot, and me and Aquamarine were stomping our hooves on the bleachers. Aquamarine got a lot of noise out of them, 'cause of her shoes, until we realized that she was denting them, and then she tried to be a little bit quieter.

Cedric had a good sack early in the third quarter, and they got the ball after that, and Leon made a good catch that got them a touchdown, and I thought that we might catch up, but we never did, and at the end we lost by 29 points.

It was disappointing to lose, but Aquamarine was really happy that she got to see Cedric play, 'cause it was her first time, and we all went down to the edge of the field to congratulate them after the game was over. Cedric picked up Aquamarine for a big hug, and Leon gave me a hoof-bump, and gave her one too.

We talked a little while in the parking lot, until people started to get cold, and then we got back in our cars and drove home, and instead of going back to our dorm, we went to Christine's room instead and finished all the beers that we had plus some that she had, too. And someone put on a movie but I don't really remember what it was, 'cause I was curled up in the papasan with Meghan, and I was kind of tired, and having a little bit of trouble focusing because I'd had too much beer.

Meghan finally said that we ought to go back to her room, and I thought that was a good idea, so we walked together for a little bit but I wasn't liking walking so much 'cause my hooves felt clumsy, so then I flew up the hill just a little bit above the ground, and when I got to the dorm I couldn't make my card work to let me in.

After a little while, though, someone who was coming out to smoke offered to let me in, but by then I'd remembered that I was supposed to be with Meghan, and I'd kind of lost her. And I was wondering what it might be like to smoke a cigarette when Meghan got to the door and I said that I was sorry for flying off like I had, but I'd forgotten that she couldn't fly with me.

She said I shouldn't have had as many beers as I'd had, and she was probably right.

So we went up to her room together, and I had to pee again so I went in her bathroom, and when I came out she was almost all the way undressed, so I helped her by taking her panties off and then jumped into bed, and as soon as she got in I put my head on her breast and stretched my wing across her stomach and fell asleep.

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