• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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April 22 [Girl Talk again]

April 22

I woke up late again because Meghan or Amy had closed the curtains in the room and it was dark inside. I don't like that because it confuses me about what time it is and then when I find out it's later than I thought my whole morning routine is off.

I snuggled up to Meghan and nuzzled her cheek and she opened her eyes and reached her hand out towards my head so I bowed my head against her chest in the hopes that she would scritch behind my ears and she did. Then her alarm went off and she had to turn it off before it woke up Amy.

I asked her what time it was and of course it was too late to go flying. We still had time for a shower but Meghan was a bit reluctant at first and I don't know why. I thought the last couple of times had gone well and had been good bonding and I thought that I had done something wrong but she said that it wasn't my fault. So she decided that she would but reminded me that we had to be quiet because Amy was still asleep and maybe Becky and Lisa were too.

She got out her new clothes and took them in the bathroom with her and then turned in the water and started undressing and I got in and said that I should bring over some of my own shampoo because it wasn't fair to be using hers and she said that she didn't mind when I did.

Right before we were done there was a knock on the door and Meghan said she was almost finished and then muttered under her breath that that was the bad thing about sharing a bathroom.

I let her get out of the tub first and then shook myself off as well as I could and then sat down on the bathmat and started drying myself off and it was kind of crowded because she was standing on the bathmat too while she dried herself. Then she got dressed and unlocked the doors and when we were leaving Becky went in from her side and sort of blinked when she saw the two of us then shook her head and shooed us out and closed the door.

Amy was still asleep so Meghan finished getting dressed very quietly and then she got her books and we went to breakfast together. While we were waiting in line for food she overheard someone say that Prince had died, and she didn’t believe it but she used her telephone to look at a page called Wikipedia and it said so, too. I didn’t know who he was, so Meghan played some of his music on her telephone and said that she had always liked his music.

Professor Sir Doctor Banerjee surprised us with a test on what we'd learned so far in class, and there was a lot of grumbling about that. When I started reading the questions, though, some of them were pretty funny, like where we had to choose what we should call him, and the last question which said that we should calculate when the next quiz would be, given an margin of error of one class day, and he had labeled his axises for date and time and place and it was pretty obvious to me that the correct answer would be the only answer which put us in this place at this time in the future, and that wasn't too hard to figure out.

Then he started introducing us to the Rossler Equation, which had both its x and y axises linear, and only z wasn’t linear, so if you said that z was zero, you could study it in two dimensions because it almost sat on one plane. He said that type of equation was especially useful in chemistry.

When I got to lunch Peggy said that she'd been a little worried when I didn't come back from Meghan's and I told her that I had stayed the night. Sean set his fork down and asked if that meant that I had slept with Meghan and I said yes, and Christine said that if he said another word he was going to have to sleep with Miss Michigan for the rest of the quarter.

I asked who that was because it wasn't anyone I knew and Sean held up his hand which didn't really answer my question, then both Christine and Peggy started telling me other things it meant like how he would have to go solo or yank his own crank or skin his own flute and finally Peggy said what they meant was he would have to masturbate, which I don't know why she couldn't have said that the first time.

Then Peggy said that we were going to have a little girl talk after dinner and Christine said that she hated to ask but since the topic was already sort of out there how did stallions masturbate anyway? Well, I wasn't a stallion so I couldn't say for sure, but I had some pretty good guesses and so I used my drinking glass to demonstrate how you could hook something with your hoof.

And I told her that some stallions were big enough and flexible enough that they could use their mouths and Sean said that he'd heard that there were some men who could do that too. Joe said that was all sorts of too much information and he wasn't hungry anymore and asked if anyone wanted his second hot dog, but nobody was interested in it.

Professor Amy said that since we’d talked about marriage in the last class now it was time to talk about babies. Rachel raised her hand and said that she had skipped a step, and there were a few laughs and the professor said that we would be talking about that later.

There were all sorts of rules about who could be with the mother and where she had to give birth and then after she had different societies had rules about what you could do with the baby—who was allowed to see it and who was allowed to touch it and things like that.

Some cultures wanted to name the baby right away, and others waited for a while. She didn’t tell us about any cultures where children got new names when they became adults, but that’s what some ponies do, and I heard from a sailor once that zebras consult a shaman who does a ritual and then tells them what to call their foal.

My favorite was the Balinese belief that a newborn’s feet can’t touch the ground for two hundred ten days because they are believed to be divine beings before then. A lot of foals spend at least that long in the clouds before their first trip to the ground. I bet I did, ‘cause I was born late in the year. My mom would have still been nursing me through the winter and I probably didn’t touch the ground until after Winter Wrap-Up.

At dinner Peggy said that there was an Earth Day run tomorrow and wanted to know if I had heard about it and if I was planning on doing it. She said she would run with me if I did.

I said that I didn't know that she liked running, and she said that she didn't, but she thought I'd enjoy it, because it was on trails in a nature area. So I said that I would—it sounded like it would be a lot of fun. I haven’t really gotten to participate in many sports since I got to Earth.

And everyone else had plans for the weekend as well: Sean and Christine were planting trees in a park, and Joe was going to help in the Bat Cave, which was underneath Dewaters and didn't have any bats, but had stuff that could be recycled or reused. I was the only one who didn't have plans because nobody had told me that this weekend was special.

I didn't think that Aric would mind me running in the morning; maybe he'd even want to join me and Peggy.

After we were done eating, Peggy and I went back to the dorm room and Christine came too like she'd said she would and everyone sat down on my bed and Peggy asked if I'd broken up with Aric because she's just assumed that when I was gone on weeknights that's where I was and I asked her if it was okay to say because she'd told me I wasn't supposed to tell anyone and she said yes, it was okay no matter what I said they weren't going to be mad at me.

So she said that if I was dating Aric that I shouldn't be sleeping with Meghan because people are supposed to be only in one relationship at a time, and I asked her what that meant because I was only having sex with Aric and not anyone else and Peggy said that she had misunderstood then because I guess when people said 'sleeping together' they meant sex. I said that we hadn't done that yet; just showered together, and Christine said that was practically the same thing, and I said no it wasn't or else sitting in the hot tub with Peggy would also be the same.

Christine said it didn't count because Peggy was wearing a swimsuit, and Peggy's face got red and she said that she wasn't but that wasn't the point.

So then Christine and Peggy got to arguing about what was appropriate and what wasn't and even they couldn't agree with each other, so they finally said that was the problem with relationships a lot of times that both people weren't always open about what they wanted and expected in the beginning and then they wound up in situations like these and it didn't help that I had a different viewpoint than Aric or Meghan probably did. But they both agreed that I shouldn't be going behind anybody's back.

Peggy said maybe it would be okay if Aric said it was—she said that some guys didn't mind if their girlfriends were casual lesbians because they hoped that maybe they'd get a threesome out of it. Christine said she shouldn’t have told me that, and Peggy said that it was the truth. And then she made me promise that I would ask first before I did anything else with Meghan.

So we all hugged and Peggy said that since we'd just had a girl talk we should go to the Quad Stop and have ice cream together. They make really good milkshakes and when we sat down and started drinking them Christine said that my milkshake brought all the boys to the yard and Peggy just started laughing but I didn't know why mine was special.

Christine went back to Hoben to visit Sean, and Peggy and I walked back to our dorm room. I said that I was going over to Aric's but I would see her in the morning for the run and asked if there was anything I needed to bring. She didn't think that there was.

Rather than fly to Aric’s house, I walked so that I could get my thoughts in order. Peggy should have told me earlier, rather than bring it up now. And I thought that maybe he would be mad so I went to the beer store and bought some beer so that we could share and talk about it over drinks.

He was a little bit upset that I was planning on jogging with Peggy in the morning just because I think he wanted to have a nice lazy day with me and I didn’t want to maybe make him madder but I had made a promise to Peggy . . . I had promised her I would tell Aric before I did anything else with Meghan. Since I wasn’t planning to do anything else with her, I told Aric that I would come over tomorrow and spend the evening with him and stay late on Sunday too and he said that sounded good.

Then his mood got a little better and he said it was going to be fun to see me running with all the people and I asked him if he wanted to run, too. He said that he only liked running when he was being chased by wolves and I asked him how often that had happened and he said it hadn’t yet but I could be sure that when it did he’d take a sudden interest in the sport.

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