• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 7,360 Views, 12,705 Comments

Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Where Every Pony Curses Your Name

You've been screwed over?!?” A resident of Rust sputtered. “Those jokers smashed my fish stands to shreds!”

“They threw each other into my store window!” another retorted, adding to the loud, rising tumult atop the platforms of Rust. “There's broken glass all over my imported whale fat!”

“Just who were these morons anyway?!”

“They came up out of the Dust District!”

“The Dust District?! That's it!” One pony stormed off, frowning. “The the Boss is gonna hear about this!”

“Hey! Don't go without us!” Several more joined the thickening march. “I want a word with him too!”

“Yeah! This kind of out-of-control riff raff simply cannot stand!”

“Something's gotta be done!”

“Hear hear!”

The crowd surged on, ascending the platforms until they formed a tight pony flood in the center of Rust. Meanwhile—several blocks away—Theanim Mane cowered under an awning, watching with nervous eyes. He gulped, then backtrotted away from the scene. Holding his breath, the stallion made a mad dash for the hotel district on the other side of town.

Fwoooooosh!THAP! A weighted figure landed right in front of the scientist.

“Aaaugh!” He hobbled backwards, flinching heavily. “Please! Take all my bits! Just don't smash my camera—”

“Relax, doc,” Rainbow wheezed. “The main event's over. It's me.”

“H-huh?!” Theanim looked up. He saw a sweaty, vomit-stained mare standing in front of him, wings coiling. “Oh, praise the Queen!” He glanced to the side to see a dizzy sarosian. “Oh. And you got Echo. Brilliant.”

“Nice to... urp...” Echo grimaced, fighting to keep his remaining lunch in. “...see you too, buttlette.”

“How in blazes did you find me?” Theanim stammered.

Rainbow pointed. “Twilight sensed your magic soul-stealing box.”

“Well, I hate to prematurely ruin our celebration, but we'd best make ourselves scarce.” Theanim gulped, pointing towards the commotion on the far side of town. “None too many locals are all that happy about the collateral damage that's been caused.”

“I couldn't agree more.” Rainbow motioned towards the nearest line of platforms. “Let's make it to the hotel. Super quick.”

“Erm...” Theanim pointed towards another alley. “Might I suggest the shadier route?”

“Doc, we haven't much time—”

“It's far less sunny this way,” Theanim said. “And poor Echo's coat—”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash blinked, then winced. “Ah jeez! Sarosians and sunlight!” She threw Echo a nervous grimace. “I totally forgot!”

“I... urp... didn't,” Echo wheezed.

“Here...” Theanim squatted low. “Hoist him over me.”

“Right.” Rainbow slumped the groaning bat pony over Theanim's backside and led the two of them briskly down the nearest alley. “But let's not waste any time.”

“I'm sure we'll be safe in the hotel.”

“Dude, we're just going there to get the rest of our stuff. I think we should make for the Midnight Dreary and sail away as soon as friggin' possible.”

“What for?” Theanim blinked curiously. “Did you not shake loose those miscreants?”

“Let's just say I don't wanna take any chances,” Rainbow wheezed, galloping ahead. “Your friend's in some serious... serious hot water.”

“Erm... exactly h-how serious?”

Fifteen minutes later...

“They wanted to take you to Mud Top?!?” Theanim's voice echoed off the walls of the narrow hotel hallway. He gave his flank an angry shake. “Old chap, that' place is a pure den of iniquity! Only pirates and rapscallions do business there!”

“Yeah... well...” Echo shuddered, flouncing weakly atop Theanim's backside. “I don't write the 'bad guy rules.'”

“No, you just abide by them when it suits you,” Theanim hissed angrily. “And then when it becomes too much to bear, you cloud your troubles with smoked coral and hope that tomorrow goes away!” He snarled. “No wonder those rogues wanted you so badly! Is it enough to tick off both the Southern Hoof and the Syndicate here in Rust?”

“Will you guys save your lover's spat for when we're on the boat?!” Rainbow growled back, nervously glancing ahead as they traversed the rest of the corridor. “I won't feel safe until we're off this dang platform and back on the waves!”

“And just where will we go, pray tell?!” Theanim exclaimed. “If Echo's wanted by the Southern Hoof, then there's no way they'll let us into Shoggoth so long as we have him!”

“Well, we can't just leave him here either!”

“But Rainbow Dash! The Next Seed—”

“One thing at a friggin' time!” Rainbow growled. “I'll... I'll think of something! We'll think of something! For right now, I've had all I could take of Rust and so's your friend!”

“You should listen to the fruitmancer,” Echo droned.

“Oh hush!” Theanim frowned, cheeks red. “You're lucky we even stopped in here to sniff out your... mmmm... money defecating hide!”

“Theams, if you suck so badly at giving insults, you really shouldn't try.”

“Why of all the—”

“Shhhh! Dudes! Rein it in!” Rainbow frowned. “The both of you! Celestia on a bike, why's every group I'm in a Luna-damn sausage party as of late?!” She sighed, then murmured forward. “Twi? Rares? How's it looking?”

Rarity drifted closer, hovering backwards in front of Rainbow. “Seems like most everypony's exited the hotel. I imagine they've gone into the streets to find out what the commotion's all about.”

“Seems like Rust is pretty big on mob mentality,” Rainbow muttered.

“They're simply wishing to file their grievances with the Syndicate's Boss.”

“They can do that?” Rainbow asked.

“When it suits them,” Echo murmured, belching once more. His sickly eyes traced the corners of the room. “Trial by hysteria. It's all pretty cute, until you're the one hanging from a noose.”

“Verlaxion's sleet,” Theanim exhaled.

“I know.” Echo's leafy ears drooped. “If my wings could work, I'd have ditched this shithole months ago.”

“Yeah... just what's up with that, buddy?” Rainbow remarked.

“Erm... another time perhaps,” Theanim remarked. “When my friend feels like sharing.”

“Huh?” Rainbow looked behind her. “Why not now?”

“Uhm... Rainbow?” Twilight's voice murmured from ahead.

“Oh hey! You found our room?” Rainbow smiled, dashing ahead. “Perfect! I swear, if it didn't have a dang hammock etched into the front door...”

“No! Wait!” Twilight phased through the wall. “Before you go in there—”

“Twi, I said it before, we need to get our stuff.” Rainbow turned the doorknob and trotted inside. “Besides, if the price on Echo here is that high, then there's no telling who else might wanna—” She took only three steps inside, and immediately barked: “Oh for Pete's sake!

A thoroughly bruised Bard tilted a singed stetson. “Evenin', Missy.” He and Wildcard stood before the open, wind-blown patio to the hotel room. The feathers along the griffon's wings were still smoking along the edges. “Reckon we might have a little word with you.”

“Miss Dash?” Theanim trotted inside. “Whatever is the matter—Damnation!” He cowered behind the mare, shivering. “Is there ever any end?!”

Wildcard sighed and gestured something.

“Yup, and he's still in one piece too,” Bard nodded, eyeing Echo from afar. “How many times do I gotta tell ya, Dubya-Cee? She's good.”

“Yeah, well, she's also pissed!” Rainbow hopped up, snapped two blades loose from the ceiling fan, then struck a dangerous pose while holding the wooden pieces like a giant chakram. “So how about it, ya motherless biscuit eaters?! You wanna go round five?!”

“Darlin'... please...” Bard waved a hoof. He sighed heavily, then produced a tired smile. “Do you really think—after the mighty fine whoopin' that you've put us through—that we'd really fancy another go?”

“I dunno, you tell me!” Rainbow motioned out the window. “If you've had your fill, then why don't you just scram?”

“How did you even find our room anyways?!” Theanim's voice cracked.

“I made lurve to the hostess overnight for information,” Bard said, smiling wide.

“... … ...” Rainbow Dash and Theanim stared.

“Ahem...” Bard sighed again, gesturing aside at Wildcard. “Dubya-Cee here tracked the scent of bile and smoked coral the moment we flew back here.”

“Freakin' figures,” Echo moaned. “My life is an ash tray.”

“And we can't very well turn our flanks on an opportunity as profitable as this one,” Bard said. “The Southern Hoof wants their fella turned in safe and sound, so... Dubya-Cee and I was thinkin'...” He grinned. “...maybe there'd be a way we can all do this so it's most profitable to everypony. That way ya dun have to beat us to a pulp, and we dun have to chase ya to the ends of the earth. So... whaddya think?”

Rarity and Twilight bit their lips. They looked at Rainbow, the mercenaries, then at Rainbow again.

“Ahem...” Theanim brushed himself off and stood up prim and proper. “...the bull's shite.”

“Thanks, Doc,” Rainbow snarled.

“Phwuguuu...” Echo randomly slid off and collapsed to the hotel room floor. THUD!

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