• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Another Mane; Another Monologue, Final Part

After much labor and persistence, I was finally successful in getting Rainbow Dash to open up about her past, her beliefs, and her journey. In many ways, I can now understand her hesitation in sharing such information so swiftly. It's quite a lot to take in, and there are certain parts of the seas where the culture might consider the claims to be outright heretical. Thankfully, we in the Order are a great deal more civilized when it comes to digesting wild and sometimes even shocking ideas.

I must preface this part of the entry by first relating one of the boldest claims that Rainbow Dash had to give. Supposedly, there has been a great transformation to the Blight that has—for all recorded history—made the seas west of the former colonies unnavigable. Rainbow Dash's traveling companions support this claim, which I found quite interesting. If there's any truth to this, then surely the main continent of Rohbredden will have already heard of it from sea sailing merchants traveling east from the Kihutajan Archipelago and beyond. While I'm writing this, however, the news comes with quite a shock. It would appear as though the waters bordering Kihutaja and the outlying ports have become tame. What's more, the anti-magic field is no longer in effect. Unicorns can perform spells with absolutely zero resistance, and pegasi can fly with the greatest of ease.

At the precise time that this happened, Rainbow Dash supposedly arrived at the Kihutaja Marine Colonial Academy. It was there that she befriended Nick and Professor Sinrar and proceeded to divulge her tale to them. She claimed to have not only arrived from a point west of the collapsing Blight, but that there're multiple continents, oceans, and—yes—even civilizations located beyond the impenetrable barrier, a thing she'd curiously referred to as the 'Grand Choke,' for such is what the ponies on the other side have called it.

This is quite a heavy claim, and it contradicts everything we've known about the world since Queen Verlaxion unified the Six Tribes. That being said, if there is—in fact—a truth to the collapse of the Blight, then it's not entirely improbable for there to be races of sentient beings existing on a terrestrial land mass west of us that had previously been separated from us by the untameable elements. Rainbow Dash could very easily be one such estranged being, and it would certainly explain many of the curious idiosyncrasies about her personality, character, and behavior.

However, it's what she's proceeded to share beyond that initial proclamation that I find incomprehensibly baffling, and I suspect that the rest of the Order will share my same feelings of disbelief and incredulity.

According to Miss Dash, we exist on the edge of an enormous flat plane—a world that is at least six times the size of Rohbredden and the ocean that surrounds it. In her travels, she's flown over three separate continents—all enormous land masses that dwarf the countries belonging to the Six Tribes. She's described cultures of sentient reptiles, minotaurs, and tiny bipedal misanthropes known “goblins.” According to her, some equine civilizations are so proficient in magic that they can conjure fire, invade one's mind, and even make mountains fly. There are supposed wars fought in the air between flying machines, with mechanical devices that can launch burning projectiles at one another faster than a pony can blink.

But it's when Rainbow Dash provides the details of her home country that her story gets even more hyperbolic. She speaks of a race of ponies called 'alicorns'—giant equines with both the wings of pegasi and the horns of unicorns. These alicorns, it would seem, possess immortal years, with some of them being old enough to remember the world before it supported life as we know it today. Two of these alicorns—the matriarchs Celestia and Luna—are personally responsible for controlling the very sun and moon that revolve around our kingdom, and they've seated their thrones in the Heart of Equestria which—according to Rainbow Dash—is the center of the world's light side.

“Light Side.” That in and of itself is a term that suggests that there's a dark side as well. Rainbow Dash uses these descriptors to paint the image of the world we live on: a plane that apparently has an opposite face upon which several nondescript creatures exist in an environment of perpetual twilight and darkness. Rainbow Dash doesn't have much information on these incomprehensibly grim cultures, save for what she's learned from the immortal creatures she's crossed paths with. What intrigues me the most is that the mare claims to be on a dire quest to reach some destination situated on the Dark Side of the world. This would mean that she's been flying an incomprehensible distance of miles from her homeland. It would also imply that she must... forge the East Edge where the ocean falls in order to reach the other face of this worldly plane.

It goes without saying that there is no logical way for any of this to be true. A world of the size she's describing would surely collapse from its own mass, forming a new spherical shape in order to accommodate the laws of gravity. What's more: magic has a limit. Nothing can exceed the power exerted by the mighty Verlaxion. Leylines cancel themselves out when they reach a maximum output, which has always explained the existence of the Blight. And I'm quite certain that the rest of the Order—like me—considers the very notion of pegasus/unicorn hybrids controlling the heavens to be so ludicrous that it's not even worth entertaining the thought with intellectual debate.

Still, it cannot be denied that Rainbow Dash quite ardently believes in her own tale. She's shared everything with immense confidence and bravado. Not once has she fumbled in providing the details of her account. Now, most assuredly, any common charlatan could come up with the same tale and give the details with equal amounts of aplomb. But, even with that possibility in consideration, why would the mare be so adamant about making a seemingly suicidal trip to an unimaginably bleak destination? And how would throwing herself at the scales of Ultimo act as a means to an end in this scenario?

One way or another, the Shard of Verlaxion here in Nealend factors into Rainbow Dash's journey. I find that detail particularly striking, especially now that I learn that there are several other spots along the ocean and the body of Rohbredden that she plans to visit. But for what purpose? If Rainbow Dash believes in inexplicably powerful civilizations and godline pony races, then just how does Verlaxion fall into her cosmology?

I've already written before that the mare's not mad. She might act mad, but there's more to it—I'm convinced. I've already begun learning that there's more to her than just a common adventurer, and it would seem that her courage has spread swiftly among others, hence the companions she's effortlessly picked up.

She's been remarkably up front so far. Now, if only I could get her to finally come out with her opinion on the Queen of All Things.

“There are five Divines who've lived on this plane for eons and eons,” Rainbow Dash said, sitting on a mound of sand across from Theanim Mane. The morning sunrise bloomed over the horizon as a gentle breeze rolled through the palm trees above them. “Just how long? I'm not sure. Celestia and Luna say that they found them when the alicorns arrived here.”

“I see...” Theanim Mane scribbled onto a sheet of paper, taking notes. He sat against the trunk of a palm tree with the waters of the blue lagoon rippling gently towards his right. “But—allow me to guess—they weren't nearly as powerful as your goddesses.”

Rainbow clenched her eyes shut, stifled a sigh, and said, “For the last time. Celestia and Luna are not our goddesses. I mean... yeah... they're pretty darn powerful, but in the end they're all flesh and blood like you and me.” She opened her eyes with a tired smile. “I even met a pony who was part alicorn: Queen Whitemane of Emeraldine.”

“Oh?” Sinrar spoke up. He was sitting on a log a few spaces away, fully awake upon the crest of dawn. A slumbering, drooling Nick was curled up against the old stallion's shoulder. “You've never mentioned that part, harpy.”

“Look... it's a lot of details,” Rainbow said, rolling her eyes. “And if I have to explain this whole darn thing every friggin' time I meet a pony who talks—”

“Let's get back on track, then,” Theanim said with a smile. “So... these Divines—”

“There are five of them,” Rainbow said. “And they each are—like—super friggin' powerful. Heck... they're probably more powerful than Luna and Celestia. But they've either kept to themselves for thousands of years or they've... erm... well... I'll get to that. Ahem.” She gestured with her hooves. “There's Axan, Nevlamas, Endrax... uhhh... Sturke...”

“Uh huh...” Theanim nodded, writing the names down. “Yes...?”

“... … ...” Rainbow clenched her teeth. “And Verlax.”

The stallion looked up. “Verlaxion, you mean...”

“Beats me where the name change came,” Rainbow said. “But that's what I was taught.”

“So you mean to suggest that the great Queen Verlaxion is one of these... Divines?”


“Well, it's certainly a flattering title,” Theanim said with a slight smirk. “Although, if Verlaxion had possessed siblings, much less a complicated past, then surely she would have informed all of her subjects.”

“Or maybe it wouldn't have been convenient for her to have done that,” Sinrar grumbled. “Maybe she didn't want you to know the truth. Ever think of that?” A beat. He shook his shoulder with a grunt.

Thwump! Nick fell to the sand and snapped awake. “Unnff... huh?” He blinked every which way, his muzzle blemished with sand. “Flare? Was it too sticky? My bad, girl.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and turned to look at Theanim again. “I don't know much about Verlax, but I do know quite a bit about the other Divines.”

“Is that so?”


“And why is that?”

“Because I've met them,” Rainbow Dash said. She bit her lip. “Well... two of them.”

Theanim paused writing so he could fold his forelimbs. “Really, now?”

“Er... yeah. Axan and Nevlamas.”

“Your travels are starting to get more and more colorful, Miss Dash,” Theanim said, chuckling slightly. “I suppose now you'll tell me that you've made a venture into the stars themselves for a season.”

“Hey, just let her tell her damn story, bricon!” Sinrar rasped.

Theanim waved a hoof. “I jest. I jest.”

“Yeah, well I don't,” Rainbow said. “I've for real met two Divines and on each occasion I almost lost my life. And—at the risk of sounding extra 'colorful,' I pretty much bled out my whole body the first time I crossed with Axan!”

“You make them sound like horrible, ravenous beasts.”

“Well... close enough.” Rainbow shuddered. “They're dragons.”

Sinrar blinked at Rainbow Dash upon hearing that.

Theanim squinted. “I beg your pardon?”

“You know... dragons,” Rainbow said.

Dead silence filled the beachside.

“... … ...I just dreamt that whole thing in the K.M.C.A. boathouse, didn't I?” Nick muttered. Whack! “Ow! Don't tell me you're using coconuts now!”

“Piss backwards, larva.” Sinrar turned towards Rainbow with dull eyes. “I think some explanation is in order.”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash blinked. She jolted suddenly, and Theanim watched her tilt her head towards the space beside her. After a few seconds, she facehoofed, sighed, then said: “Dragons are ancient creatures. Large. Reptilian in appearance. They live for centuries—some for even eons. They're big on hoarding and breathing fire, and the most powerful ones are really good at magic. At the very top of the dragon chain are the Divines—who are all matriarchs that give birth to—like—whole nests of smaller dragons. The alicorns found them here when they first stumbled upo—”

“Wait wait wait wait...” Theanim held his hooves out, grimacing. “...are you telling me that Queen Verlaxion is... one of these creatures?”


“That she is—in fact—a reptilian beast that breathes fire and gives birth to dozens of smaller beasts?”

“I... uh...” Rainbow cleared her throat. “Remember the 'really good at magic' part?”


“Well, part of that is shape-shifting. I've heard from a reliable—well...” She winced slightly, slicking her mane back. “From a believable source that she's really good at it. On top of that, both Luna and Celestia—who have met the Divines in the past—tell me that Verlax is very wise and... erm... crafty.”



Theanim's brow furrowed. “Are you aware that such a term carries with it a negative connotation?”

“I am,” Sinrar said.

Theanim turned towards him. “Do you actually believe this whole account?”

“You wanna know the truth, Colonialist?” Sinrar waved a hoof towards Rainbow Dash. “It's the first time I've heard all of these dragon details myself.”

“Wouldn't have been very digestible if I just came out with all this stuff on day one, ya think?” Rainbow said.

“No, but it certainly would have kept me awake like you're doing now,” the old pony said. He inched away from the yawning Nick. “Hrmmff... you certainly come from a wild world, but that dagger did me in.”

“Ah.” Theanim nodded. “The... Val Venis artifact, yes?”

“Val Roa, imbecile!”

“Right. But of course.” Theanim sighed, rubbing his head. “I'm trying...”

“Uhhhh...” Rainbow leaned forward, ears twitching pensively. “You okay there, Dr. Dude?”

“Oh, I'm quite alright.” Theanim nevertheless snorted. “I'm only getting an earful about how my esteemed deity and matriarch is supposely some giant malevolent reptile in disguise.”

“Look, I haven't met your... Queen Verlaxion,” Rainbow Dash said. “But I've met her sisters.”

“Yes, so you've claimed—”

“Pssst—Hear me out!” Rainbow Dash gestured while speaking. “You remember how I said that the alicorns are flesh and blood, like you and me?”


“Well, the same goes for the Divines. I mean, yeah, they're super powerful. But no matter how you shake it, reality makes more sense when you just... shrink everything down. That's how you realize that nothing—and nopony—is ever really friggin' invincible. I mean... heh... I'm pretty awesome, but I struggle just as much as the other pony. It takes a tough fight to get anywhere in this world, and the same goes for harmony itself... and those who strive to represent harmony.”

“I do believe you're rambling, my dear.”

“Then lemme get to the point.” Rainbow's eyes were firm. “It sounds like Verlaxion's done a lot of good for the Six Tribes. I mean... I've only seen so much, but you guys don't exactly appear to be suffering. So... like... what does it matter who or what she really, truly is?”

“It matters a great deal,” Theanim grumbled. “Verlaxion's power is an imminent thing, and she manifests herself in all nature and—”

Uggggh... don't—just... okay okay!” Rainbow Dash waved her forelimbs. “Before you even go on with all of that knee-jerk stuff, lemme just say this. I've got nothing against Verlax. Really, I don't. Honestly, if I had my way, I'd just fly on over Rohbredden and pass her altogether.”

“Then why do I get the distinct feeling that the very notion of her makes you cringe on the inside?” Theanim asked. “You've been... so reticent to discuss her in depth before, and even now I can sense you backpedaling.”


Even Sinrar glanced curiously at Rainbow Dash.

At last, the mare said: “It's because... with Axan and Nevlamas, I've not had very good experiences. I mean... Axan busted me up pretty badly. And Nevlamas? Well... she died.”

Theanim blinked.

“I frickin' saw her get mauled to death in the claws of her sister—Axan—the same dragon who did me in. And... and...” Rainbow Dash fidgeted. “Now, with Verlax... with this part of the world... so close to the Edge and with so much at stake...” She rubbed the back of her neck, shuddering. “I really wanna avoid her as much as I can, no matter her intentions. And... with each passing day... I-I'm starting to think that such a thing really isn't very possible.”

Theanim Mane gazed at her in thought. He tilted his head down, staring over his notes with muddled contemplation.

“Hmmmmmm...” Nick yawned, then lovingly nuzzled a dune of beach sand. “Thatta girl, Flare...” He cooed. “Lemme show you my paddles...”

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