• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 7,359 Views, 12,705 Comments

Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Follow Me; Become Fishers of Awesomeness

“You're sure?” Nick glanced over at Theanim Mane, blinking. “They don't need these at all? Or want them?”

“Believe me, it's a lost cause,” Theanim said, strolling with him along the northwest shore of the southeast land strip. The blue lagoon of Nealend stretched to their left while they passed several wrecked ships, yachts, and rafts to their immediate right. “Several of these ships are wrecked beyond compare. If the fabled Ultimo didn't do it, then the coral shoals certainly did.”

“Yeesh.” Nick clenched his teeth. “I feel my insides ripping away just looking at most of these.”

“Undoubtedly it's your inner admiral sobbing his eyes out.” Theanim smirked. “You have my condolences. But do not worry. Several of my kinsfolk here have gotten over the tragic stab of seeing their blessed vessels rip asunder. In fact, a good deal of them have adjusted almost too well to life aboard the Atoll. Hrmmmm... I suppose there's something rustic about the local populace that's ever remotely addicting.”

“Hey!” Nick pointed at a mostly intact blue yacht leaning on its side with a bent mast. “This one's hardly beat up at all! I bet I could strip the entire starboard hull for—”

Don't you dare!” Theanim hissed, teeth gnashing. Upon seeing Nick flinch, the stallion sighed and straightened his bangs in the hot sun. “I... ahem... would greatly desire you to spare that one.”

“Erm... why?” Nick blinked. “I thought you said it was all a 'lost cause—'”

“Perhaps. But I, among a few others, cling to the scant hope that we can still get off this forsaken strip of land,” Theanim grumbled.

Nick squinted at the blue yacht, then back at Theanim. “What... is this yours?”


“She's pretty!”

She is merely a product of proper ingenuity and seaponyship!” Theanim said. “I've used this vessel for utility and nothing more. Please... I'd rather personify the Queen of All things by whose providence I depend to get off this coral ring.”

“Heeheehee... you say that, and yet you named the thing!” Nick brushed his hoof past the painted bow, blinking at the words. “...'The Midnight Dreary?'

“Mrmmmffff...” Theanim sighed long and hard. “I figured giving it an uninspiring name would... bring it luck.”

“Well, I like it!” Nick smiled. “And once Rainbow kicks the ever-loving tail out of Ultimo, I'll be more than happy to help you get her back in tip top shape!”

“Erm... yes...” Theanim fumbled with his camera bag. “About that...”

FWOOSH! “Hey, kiddo.” Rainbow Dash landed, sweating from the heated flight it took to get there. “I just spoke with Flare and Kaji. They've agreed to do a few flyby's of the northern strips. According to them, they might know a few vines they can strip to help you in making new rope for the Swan Song's reconstruction.”

“Hey! Sweet!” Nick smiled. “But... like... aren't they gonna be busy helping you track down Ultimo?”

“Erm... according to the Nealenders, the hunt is best done in the afternoon,” Rainbow said. “Something about the angle of the sunlight bringing out the wrath in Verlaxion's nemeses.”

“Yes, quite an ancient bit of foreknowledge,” Theanim spoke up, not making eye contact with the pegasus. “As an avatar of the Queen herself, you'd surely know this.”

Rainbow Dash blinked at him.

Nick spoke up: “Mr. Mane here has told me that it's open season on stripping these ships for a new hull.” He fidgeted slightly. “Well... most of these ships. I figured I'd get started.” He cracked his joints with a smirk. “If nothing else, it'll keep me from having to stick around the village and listen to Sinrar run his mouth.”

“Er... yeah...” Rainbow Dash nodded awkwardly, her eyes locked on Theanim. “You do that.”

“Say... uh... does this mean that Flare will be delivering some of the jungle's vines here herself?”

“Mmmmm...” Rainbow glanced over. “What?”

“Oh... uh... n-nothing!” Nick cleared his throat, blushing slightly. “I'm... uh... g-gonna go salvage!” He pointed, trotting off. “Over here. In the... erm... Salvage Zone. Yeah.”

As the young stallion trotted away, Twilight Sparkle floated down to the ground beside Twilight. “He should quit while he's ahead.”

Rainbow muttered, “Hey, girl, a carrot on a stick is a carrot on a stick.”

Twilight giggled.

“Surely you're not offering prayers to Verlaxion,” Theanim remarked.

Rainbow looked over at him. “Sorry?”

“Unless you have a habit of talking to voices in your head.” The stallion smiled, adjusting the goggles over his mane. “So much time in the sun can make you do strange things.” His eyes narrowed. “Sometimes obtuse things.”

“Okay... just spit it out already.” Rainbow sighed, plopping her haunches down in the sand. “You're not too big a fan of the speech I gave this morning.”

“You're asking me if I'm a fan of perfect strangers attempting to speak on behalf of our Goddess supreme without a single act of faith to show for it?” Theanim shook his head. “No, Miss Dash, I am not.”

“Hey, the Nealenders enjoy hunting Ultimo.” Rainbow shrugged. “So what if I gave them a bit more of an incentive?”

“You may be able to win over an island full of sun-stroked foals, Miss Dash, but you can't so easily impress me.” Theanim's eyes narrowed. “Not all of the children of Verlaxion are so easily persuaded. But that doesn't matter to you, does it?” He gestured at the lagoon. “Because now you have a bunch of minions to assist you in your pursuits... no matter how catastrophically suicidal.”

“Pffft!” Rainbow Dash made a face. “Suicidal?! Come on, dude...”

“He's making a valid point, Rainbow,” Twilight said.

“Oh stuff it, egghead.”

Theanim did a double-take. “I beg your pardon?”

“Er... not you, egghead—I mean... the other egghead... I-I mean...!” Rainbow gripped her head. “Grrrrrgghhh!”

Theanim blinked with concern. “Miss Dash... are you quite alright?”

“Okay... okay... listen...” Rainbow Dash looked up, gesturing with her hooves. “I just need the Nealenders to get me close enough to Ultimo so I can work my awesomeness. I'm throwing myself into harm's way. Not them. Isn't that obvious?”

“The only thing obvious about this situation, Miss Dash, is that I should have been paying more attention to you since you first arrived,” Theanim said. “At first, I was dismayed at the presence of two fresh Colonialists. But at least they've had the decency of leaving our trust in Verlaxion alone.”

“Look—it's not as big an issue as you think!”

“Hah!” Theanim grinned bitterly. “You tell me that. But how can I be so sure?”

Rainbow Dash leaned forward. “Mark my words. I am going to get rid of Ultimo. I am going to return that Shard to the Lagoon. And I'm going to make this happen with or without your Queen's blessing.”

“And what makes you think you're even capable, Miss Dash?” Theanim said. “With or without the Goddess' blessing, you're putting yourself up to a terribly daunting task.”

Rainbow opened her mouth to speak, but fumbled. She glanced aside, blinking in thought. At last, she spoke in a steady, low voice: “Has it ever occurred to you that getting stuff done in a world with a Goddess doesn't always depend on a Goddess?”

“What... are you saying, exactly?”

“You're a scientist, right?” Rainbow remarked. “Whether or not you serve Verlaxion, you're always struggling to prove and disprove stuff using your own devices, huh?”

“Well, yes...”

Rainbow smiled. “With or without a Goddess, the first thing you gotta have faith in is yourself. Maybe Verlaxion rules the seas. Maybe she doesn't. It matters little. If you gotta do something... friggin' do it, and make sure you know that you've got what it takes.”

Theanim gazed at her thoughtfully. “And when you commandeered the Nealenders' trust in Verlaxion... did you know that you had what it takes?”

“Like I said. I'm going to make this work.”

“And just what are you depending on?”

“Awesomeness. What else?” Rainbow Dash smirked. “If you doubt me, you can watch for yourself.”

“Funny you should say that.” Theanim managed a smile of his own. “Because I intend to do just that.”

Rainbow blinked. “Buh?”

He lifted his camera bag and said, “I've already asked Sora and Silver if I may join you ponies in the hunt. They've agreed. So, Miss Dash, I'll be sitting frontside with you as you take on the terrible beast of the Nealend Atoll.”

“You... uh....” Rainbow exchanged glances with Twilight, then looked back at the stallion. “You don't exactly strike me as a spearchucking type.”

“I take aim with a more permanent tool, Miss Dash.” He patted his camera bag and winked. “And, trust me, this will either do much good or much damage, depending on how your little excursion in this piece of paradise ends.”

Rainbow was silent.

Theanim bowed and said, “I do hope you enjoy Verlaxion's spotlight... while it lasts.”

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