• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Another Mane; Another Monologue, Part One

“Nah nah nah... you got it all wrong, landwalker!” Sora reached over, rearranging the spear in Rainbow Dash's grasp. “You have to hold it like this! Underhoof, see?”

“Underhoof?” Rainbow's face grimaced as she struggled to hold the spear in the way directed.

“Yeah! For an upthrust, yes?”

“I don't get it,” Rainbow grumbled, wings twitching. “Ultimo is a sea serpent. The darn thing lives beneath the ocean's surface. Beneath us. Why would I wanna hold the spear any other way besides overhoof?”

“Because to best get at the beast's soft underbelly, you swim underneath it while it charges through the surf!” Silver shouted from several waves away in his and Flare's canoe. “But you're a pegasus! Bet you can steal Flare's trademark skyward strike! Hah!”

“Hah hah hah!”

“Eat coral, Silver!” Flare swatted Silver's shaved head with her wing. “Nopony can steal that!”

“Hah! Look at me!” Silver's voice reached a high pitch. “I'm a winged child of Verlaxion! I'm soooo original! Whoop!” He got swatted again, but kept on laughing.

Rainbow smirked slightly, examining one spear after another. “Yeah, well, maybe I can try knocking one of its teeth out... or something.”

“Pffft! Knocking its teeth out?!” Kaji grinned as he flapped his wings, pushing their canoe over a high crest. “How in the Queen's name do you expect to do that?!”

“You'd need a hammer made out of the Goddess' ice itself!” Sora said. “Don't you get it?! Ultimo's chompers are huge-huge!”

Rainbow Dash gave a prolonged sigh. “I dunno... just a silly thought, I guess.”

“We'll be lucky if we ever get close to wounding the mighty beast!” Kaji said.

“Doesn't mean it isn't sporting to try,” Sora said with a wink.

“Presuming Ultimo ever shows his grinning face.”

“Hah hah! Yup!”


While the Nealenders in the other boat chuckled, an earth pony with golden goggles sat in the back of his raft. Resting between two bulky camera bags, Theanim Mane glanced at the oceanic scene. He took a long, calm breath of the sea air, then planted a pen between his teeth. With a sheet of parchment stretched before him, he began to write.

The following is the one hundred and twenty-fifth field report of Dr. Theanim Mane, writing to the Ninety Seventh Rohbredden Scientific Order, blessed by Queen Verlaxion.

Today marks my one hundred and forty-second morning waking up on the Nealend Atoll alongside the well-meaning but altogether simple-minded populace. However, this particular week brings with it a rather striking change, and although there is nothing yet that I can state as being categorically different, I—a scholar by trade as well as a child of Verlaxion by faith—am inclined to believe that a curious shift in fate is in order, and I hope to chronicle such in the days to come.

There have been several unique individuals who have been stranded on this island as a direct result of the beast Ultimo's wrath. Only now, for the first time, one of those figures has dared to challenge the might of Ultimo head-on. As you can imagine, this has been a major delight for the Nealenders, whose thirst for blood is only bested by their ardent love for colliding their dense skulls together.

I speak of a mare by the name of Rainbow Dash, a pegasus with an unrecognizable accent that favors neither western Colonialists or Eastern Continentalist tongue. She wears a peculiar piece of fabulous jewelry around her neck which she simply refuses to take off. What's more—though this seems like a completely innocuous detail—she sports a rather strikingly colorful mane, and she possesses a youthful vigor and guile that are quite unmatched even among my head-shaved peers.

There is nothing in this world that delights me more than an enigma. As a scientist, it is my duty to follow any intellectual pursuits until all that is unexplained and cryptic about Verlaxion's glorious world vanishes completely. Rainbow Dash is one such mystery. She's arrived with very little explanation, and almost zero ties to her two disastrously Kihutajan companions. And yet, despite the fact that she's a total stranger with an obvious backlog of secrets, she has spontaneously made it her task to not only hunt down Ultimo—but to vanquish the monstrosity altogether. To what end? Well, she proclaims the rather selfless desire to restore a broken piece of Verlaxion's gift to the heart of the Nealenders' lagoon. But to accomplish this, she has utilized some rather... bold tactics that dance upon the line of courage and heresy.

It is my deep desire to get to the bottom of this mystery—this Rainbow Dash. After all, with the Midnight Dreary beached and my laboratory far, far away, it's not like I'm accomplishing much as it is. However, I do have my camera—and my wits. Perhaps I will discover something interesting and record the findings here in this journal. So far, it seems, there hasn't been much to capture at all, though I would hardly blame Rainbow Dash for such.

Theanim Mane sat on the edge of the canoe, aiming his camera out onto the high seas. The sun was setting, and a brilliant sheen of crimson light rippled across the waters. He took several shots, waiting until a flock of seagulls crossed the scarlet ways in a poetic fashion.

After the shutter snapped for the last time, he leaned back with a contented sigh. His ears tickled to the sounds of the Nealenders gabbing and chuckling.

“...and then Sora swiped an entire piece of Ultimo's fin!” Kaji grinned. “You should have seen it! The plate looked hard enough to use as an anvil, yet thin enough to act as a cutting board!”

“Coral bright!” Flare gasped from just a few feet away. The waves were calm, and the Nealenders lazed about on their canoes. There was no sea serpent in sight. “How come it doesn't hang from his door?”

“Pfft! How else?” Kaji winked. “The sponge headed fool dropped it into the drink!”

“I did not simply drop it!” Sora frowned. “A porpoise bumped the canoe and knocked me off balance like I was a landwalker!”

“A porpoise, eh?” Silver droned, stifling a yawn. “Probably thought you were presenting her a dowry.”

“Hah hah hah!”


“Grrrrrr...” Sora promptly stood up, grabbed Kaji's skull, and slammed his forehead against his. Whack!

“Augh—!” SPLOOSH! Kaji plunged overboard, much to the heavy laughter of his companions.

Theanim Mane winced, tilting his camera away from the splattering bits of water. While Kaji surfaced and climbed back on board, the Continentalist glanced eastward.

Rainbow Dash hovered closely over the waves, gazing every which way with squinted eyes. The sky grew darker and darker, but that didn't stop her from struggling to get a view of the ocean's surface—or, better yet, what may have lied beneath it.

As she glided by closer and closer, Theanim became acutely aware of the mare's lips moving as she muttered over and over again: “How about now? … … … No? 'Kay... … … And now, Twilight. Anything? … … … Guhh... where is he?!

“Ahem...” Theanim smiled politely. “Miss Dash, is there a problem?”

“I'm good. I'm good.” Rainbow waved at a distant, adjusting her pendant as she scanned and scanned the waves. “Just keep your camera ready. The ugly dude'll pop his scaley head out any moment.”

“It's... getting rather late, Miss Dash.”

“Nah. I can still do this. The Nealenders aren't sleepy!”

“They practically cartwheel with their eyes shut,” Theanim droned. “Erm... might I ask who you're talking to.”

“Huh?!” A pair of ruby eyes flickered Theanim's way, reflecting the melting sunset. “Talking? Who's talking?!” her voice cracked. “I've got a sea serpent to bag!”

“As I've noticed,” Theanim said calmly. “But perhaps you may want to call it a day?”

“Look, Professor So-And-So, I'm telling you that I've got this! If I could only—” Rainbow gnashed her teeth. “Darn it, Twilight,” she hissed. “I'm not being rude! It's called assertiveness! Jeez... Since when did you switch places with Belle?!”

Theanim raised an eyebrow. “Belle?”

“Look, just...” Rainbow waved her forelimbs, sighing. “...save your film. I'll let you know when the actions starts, okay?” And she zipped off to patrol the nearby waters in a close orbit of the canoes.

“There she goes again,” Sora's voice droned.

“Should we tell her that Ultimo only shows up when he feels like it?” Kaji said.

“Nah.” Silver shook her head. “Let her spin her circles. Besides...” She leaned against the edge of the canoe. “I wanna see Kaji get Sora back!”

“Wat.” Sora blinked, before a hoof bucked him in the back of the head. Whack! “Dammit—” SPLOOSH!

Theanim winced again from the spray of water. The natives laughed, rocking their canoes. While Sora treaded water, growling at his companions, Theanim returned to his sheet of parchment.

To put it lightly, Rainbow Dash hasn't had much luck in summoning the dreaded Ultimo, much less crossing spears with his scales. It's at such a time as this where one's faith in the mare should logically be stretched. As a scientist, I am obligated to say that there is little to no evidence supporting the strange pegasus' authenticity as a sea serpent hunter. However, I am still drawn to observe her for various minute reasons. When I was accepted into the Order, I took the Ice Scholar's Oath, where I proclaimed that in all things mysterious I would ultimately lean on my trust in Verlaxion, the Queen of All Things. In a land full of frost and despair, our Majesty forged peace and Harmony. Thus, in good faith, I shouldn't be surprised to find reason in the depths of madness.

This colorful pegasus certainly qualifies as “mad.” On over a dozen occasions, I have caught her... talking to herself, whereas other equines have simply ignored the habit altogether or brushed it aside. In a lot of ways, she mimics the signs of a pony mentally exposed to oceanic desolation for far too long. And yet, I know for a fact that she arrived here with two traveling companions. So what is the source of her insanity, presuming she's afflicted at all? She seems fully capable of functioning as a sane member of society. She's strikingly vegetarian, which is unique among both Westerners and Easterners. However, in between moments of perceivably normal behavior, I still catch her having curious dialogue with the shadows. The name “Twilight” comes up often. This is no major secret. If you stand close enough to the mare, you can hear it clear as day. Just who is this “Twilight?” Is it a goddess that the mare believes in? Could this be the first representative of some far-off archipelago's forsaken religion? If so, it might explain her rather apathetic stance to the legacy of Verlaxion, at least in comparison to her companions.

And her companions are—indeed—vastly different from the cryptic mare. They're as predictable as Colonialists come, with the old one being a pretentious surly heretic quick to defile the name of our Queen. I could smell book dust from the Kihutajan Marine Colonialist Academy before I got a glimpse at his pathetic, overworn bifocals. I very much doubt the old codger will last a single week on this island, whether or not the great Ultimo is slain. Undoubtedly my friends—in a fit of rage and righteous indignance—will toss him to the coral reef along with his inane, outdated maps.

As for the younger one, well, I can clearly see what hormones have done to the wasted apostate minds of that Academy's body...

“Don't fret, Landwalker!” Kaji smiled, sporting several fresh welts across his face and forehead. He, Theanim Mane, and the other Nealenders trotted through the tide's surf and onto dry land under the veil of night. A series of rafts were moored into the sand behind them. “Another day, another sand dollar! Hah! That's an atoll joke!”

“Yeah, I figured,” Rainbow droned. “I just don't get it. We were five tiny morsels—”

“Six,” Theanim said.

“Six tiny morsels afloat outside the lagoon!” Rainbow exclaimed. “How come Ultimo didn't jump for the bait?! He was so quick to attack the Swan Song the other day!”

“Only Verlaxion knows when Ultimo is hungry,” Silver remarked. “Until then, it's simply a guessing game. That's half of what makes a sport... sporting!”

“He'll show up yet, Rainbow Dash.” Sora smirked. “And then you can show him what you're made of!”

“So long as it's not the same stuff that you were made of in the lagoon the other day,” Flare said with a wink.

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. “Yeah... well... there's gotta be some way to get him to show... or something.”

“Don't sweat it,” Kaji said, stifling a yawn as he made for the village bonfire beyond the treeline. “He probably ate—like—ten orcas while we weren't looking.”

“Yeah, orcas are stupid.”

“Hah hah hah!”


Theanim Mane was about to say something, perhaps citing a biological factoid that would dispute such an ignorant claim, when Nick suddenly trotted across his way, balancing a tray full of steaming meat.

“Erm... excuse me, Mr. Mane. Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey! Fish!” Silver smirked, leaning in with a glowing horn. “My favorite sort of food! The fishy kind!”

“Erm. Yeah. There are lots more by the bonfire. The Professor's having some. Excuse me.” Nick shuffled straight past Silver and the other Nealenders, stopping before a certain pegasus. “Uhm... hey there, Flare.”

“Nnnnngh...” Flare finished yawning and used the tip of her wingfeathers to pick her nose. “Grnnngh... hmmf? Oh, hello, needle point.”

Nick's purple eyes blinked. “Needle... point—” His eyes crossed, glancing at his horn, and he chuckled. “Ah! Ah hah! Good one. Ahem.” He levitated the plate of smoking fish towards her. “Erm... some of the locals said that... uh... you really like smoked salmon with a side of cucumber sauce.”

“Ohhh?” The mare squinted at him through the gathering starlight.

“And... uh... I-I figured that maybe you were exhausted after a long day of hunting a giant sea-god-thing, so I brought this out for you!” He gave a lopsided smile. “Maybe once it's cooled, you'd enjoy taking a bite or—”

“Graaaughghglkjghghhhkk!” Flare lunged forward, scarfing up the piping hot meat liberally with ravenous jaws.

“Aaaaack!” Nick literally fell on his haunches, flinching all over.

“Mrmmffschlkkk-Grerkkfff-Chomppkkkk!” Flare bit and gnashed her teeth, gobbling the tender fish parts before they could fall from her slimed maw. After the meal was thoroughly inhaled, she wiped her muzzle then belched loudly. After two sniffs, she flicked a hairless tail and smirked. “Hmmmf! You weren't lying, needle point! It was cucumber sauce! Whoop!”

“So... uh...” Nick sat up, his smile limp and crooked. “You like?”

“Yes. Yes.” She made to trot past him, paused, then glanced at his side. “How much do you weigh?”

“Huh? Oh... well... I... uh...”

WHUMP! Flare slapped him with her right wing, and he plummeted back into the sand.

“Hah!” Flare's teeth glinted with a cosmic sheen. “Just as I thought!” She giggled, trotting off in a gay canter. “Try not to sleep east of the trees or the winds will blow you into the tide!” She called after the others ahead of her. “Hey! Wait for me! I wanna see Kaji's flatulence hit the bonfire!”

“Then you better make swish, starfish! Hah hah hah!”


Nick laid on his back, hooves curled to his chest as he blinked. Slowly, a dumb smile graced his muzzle. “'Needle point.' Heeee... I rather like that.” He looked up at Rainobw. “What do you think?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes from where she hovered.

“Hey!” Nick frowned. “Don't laugh!”

“Oh, I'm not.” Rainbow levitated in silence, then pointed to an empty space of air right beside her. “But she totally is!”

“Grrrrrr...” Nick shook a hoof. “Twiliiiiight...”

“Heh heh heh...” Rainbow zipped off towards the main village while the young stallion got up and galloped after her.

All of this, Theanim observed from the shadows. His ears twitched to the sound of crashing surf. With a thoughtful arch to his eyebrow, he swung his bags over his flank and resumed his slow march to shore.

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