• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Do Not Pass Go, Don't Collect

Rainbow Dash's world was an echoing cauldron of sounds and currents. Aside from the claustrophobic noise of her own breath, all she could hear was a constant bass reverberation all around her. She swung her forelimbs and back legs in persistent, frog-like motions, pushing herself forward at a regular albeit glacial pace.

If it weren't for the blue glow of the mana-powered air tanks around her flank, she'd be utterly blind. Sheets of craggy rock rolled beneath her, and she skimmed the uneven floor of the ocean as she swam her way ever eastward.

Every now and then, she could spot the figures of Rarity and Twilight zipping back and forth in front of her, surveying the seascape. Their figures shone clear as day against the inky black nightdrop of the frigid ocean above.

Biting her lip, Rainbow Dash paused and looked behind her. She was attached by cable to two other quadruped figures pushing against the currents in their attempts to follow her. After a long period of squinting through the visor of her helmet, she could—at last—see a flicker of Bard's muzzle, face, and eyes. Wildcard's helmet was too dark to make anything out. The griffon swam at the furthest distance, taking up the rear.

Rainbow nodded, motioned at the two Desperadoes, then kicked her legs harder. She faced forward, fidgeting from the uncomfortable confines or her suit. She had to tuck her tail down the left legpiece, and the tightness of her pendant beneath the neck of the suit made it difficult to breathe at times.

Nevertheless, she persisted in her swim, glancing down every now and then to squint at the glaringly bright image of Yaerfaerda, glowing through the solid rock surfaces.

“...and onto our first agenda of the morning,” the speaker trotted across the circular marble floor of the Marine Auction House. The Shoggothian Crowd sat above him in silence. The duldrums of the ritual weren't lost to many, and a good third of the audience appeared less than fully awake—a testament to the elder years of most in attendance. Nevertheless, the speaker continued: “The Kelp Agricultural Consortium wishes to propose a trade with Rohbredden Fishery in exchange for participation with their Shoggothian Stock Shares...”

Boss Jeryn's eyelids hung heavy and heavier. His nostrils flared, and he summoned a lowly growl so that his lungs might keep the rest of his body awake.

“Want some more coffee, Boss?” whispered one of the thugs standing behind him.

“Mrmmff... that's not gonna cut it,” Jeryn grumbled. A few aristocrats situated in the seats in front of him turned to glare at the stallion, but he ignored their silent protests, muttering: “You can't turn status quo into perfection. If I had my way, I'd control all of this under one dome.”

“There'll come a day, Boss.”

“You're right, you're right.” Jeryn leaned back with a sigh. “Unlike those morons up in Rust, the one thing we have in full abundance down here...” His angular jaw produced a cocky grin. “...is time.”

The speaker below continued. “...for this purpose, the representatives of Rohbredden Fishery would like to give an open invitation for shareholders to voice their opinions on—”

“Stop! Hold it right there!”

Upon hearing the disorderly shout, everypony squirmed in their seats, murmuring in surprise. Several of the older equines in attendance snapped awake. Up above, sea ponies spun about in their watery hold, their fins and tails flickering with sporadic bursts of light.

Jeryn sat up straight, squinting. Craning his neck, he saw two robed figures shuffling in from the chamber outside.

“Excuse me, sirs,” the speaker said, frowning. “We are not yet upon the hour of open forum. If you would like to speak outside of a registered time slot, then you must preemptively sign in with—”

“I do not speak for the mere finances of the Muddredge Community!” Theanim lowered his hood, glaring into the crowd. “Instead, I speak for the good of all ponies! Unicorns! Pegasi! Earth ponies! Sea ponies!” His teeth glinted in the manalight. “All of whom are in danger, due to a grave evil that is at hoof here and abroad!”

The audience murmured even louder. Several angry souls barked in favor for the two strangers' ejection.

The speaker of the house turned and faced a heavy-framed balcony situated on one side of the elliptical seating area. “I'm sorry. I've no clue how these two got in like this...”

One of several nicely-suited ponies stood up, eyes dark and scrutinous. “What is the meaning of this rude outburst? Do know that I have the right to have you escorted into the Shoggothian brig.”

“Dear Council, excuse the intrusion, but what I have to say simply cannot wait!” Theanim bowed low. “And if you must know, I speak on authority of the wisdom granted me by Queen Verlaxion herself!” He stood up straight, his facial features stern and unwavering. “I am Professor Theanim Mane of the Ninety-Seventh Robhredden Scientific Order! And right now, as I appeal to you, a great evil is being exposed... a wicked organization that has for decades has exploited the lives of innocent ponies and their families. They seek to undermine the peace of all cultures, Colonialist, Continentalist, and Aquatic-alike. And—as of this moment—they continue to seek the undoing of your very matriarch, Princess Camellia.”

Loud gasps echoed across the chamber. Up above, seaponies flitted about, filling the floating tubes of water with angry froth and bubbles.

“Professor Mane... if that is truly your calling within the Queen's Order...” The council member leaned his head to the side with a suspicious glint. “...just what organization do you dare to speak of in such an accusatory way?”

Theanim took a deep breath. “None other than the Trading Syndicate—more colloquially known as the Northern Hoof and the Southern Hoof of the waves!” He turned and glared at a particular portion of the stands, then pointed. “You know the leader of such an organization here, for he leads his company under the title of Boss Jeryn of the Syndicate!”

All eyes flew towards Jeryn's corner of the audience. The snarling stallion was already standing up.

“Slander! Lies and slander! What is the meaning of this, Council?! How could you entertain such unruly misconduct and blasphemy?!?” Jeryn pointed down at the robed figures. “This pretender has nothing to do with the Rohbredden Scientific Order! And even if he was nominated by the Queen, look at him! He's clearly a delusional attention-hogger! He enters here like some vindictive phantom in dark clothes, trying to intimidate me before my fellow business partners inside the Auction House!”

“Try all you want to cover yourself, you heartless misanthrope!” Theanim firmly stated. “You will answer for your crimes yet!” He turned towards the Council. “The Syndicate here in Shoggoth is in close partnership with their associates in the port city of Rust—where the Northern Hoof have committed several acts of arson on their own citizenry in an attempt to exploit the innocent population of their bits and livelihood.”

“This is outrageous!” Jeryn spat. “I know Boss Revan of the Northern Trading Syndicate! He, like myself, is a fine-standing citizen of Rohbredden Continentalist territories! He couldn't possibly harm a seagull!” Jeryn pointed again. “I want to see what sort of evidence you have, Mr. Scientist! The Syndicate is nothing but a respectful business organization, and you're a raving lunatic with absolutely nothing to stand on—”

Theanim nudged the figure at his side. Echo pulled his hood down, exposing his sharp fangs and leafy ears to the gasping public. He squinted as hard as he could into the bright lights, wincing as he spoke: “Fillies, gentlecolts, guppies...” He shuddered. “...I am Echo from Bleak's Plummet.”

Jeryn's ears folded. He slumped back, wheezing quietly: “Awwwww poo...”

Echo continued with as strong a voice as he could muster. “Several months ago, I was personally hired by Boss Jeryn of the Southern Hoof to beat up ponies over debts, relay death threats, and rob citizens of their well-earned fortune. I was then sent on a mission to Rust to smuggle weapons and drugs out of the city. Many of these illegal goods were in the possession of Boss Revan of the Northern Hoof, and he had been 'holding out' on supplies he owed Jeryn from a cooperatively funded operation several months prior. However, due to incompetence on my part, I was caught by the Northern Hoof... and was then forced by them to perform similar acts of violence and exploitation on the ponies of Rust all around me. It was only after I had stolen several bits from Revan's group for a drug trafficking job on the side that they chose to turn on me, offering a bounty on my head—much like Jeryn's organization did.”

The Boss' thugs gaped at their dark-maned leader. Jeryn merely gritted his teeth, slumping further and further into his seat.

“I have seen with my own eyes the explosive ordinance stowed away in the Northern Hoof's hold,” Echo said. “These are the same explosives that have been used to commit violent acts of arson on the citizens of Rust, ending the lives of many stallions, mares, and foals. I happen to know that many of these explosive supplies were funded by money in the form of platinum bars, personally funneled in from Shoggoth by members of Jeryn's Southern Hoof. Both Revan and Jeryn have been working in tandem to undermine the security of Rust.”

“Members of the Council,” Theanim said. “What this midnight stallion says is no lie. Both the northern and southern members of the Trading Syndicate have been putting innocent citizens' lives at danger. This is not simply a recent event, but something that has been transpiring for years... decades, even. As we speak, Rust has been exposed for their wrongdoing. I speak to you now so that we may not only bring Revan's organization to justice, but stop Jeryn before the Southern Hoof can do even worse to the Muddredgers here in Shoggoth.”

“These are all very bold claims, Mr. Mane... and Mr. Echo,” the council member said. “But vocal declaration can only take you so far, even as a Scientist of the Ninety-Seventh Rohbredden Order. I'm afraid we're going to need some evidence to substantiate your claims.”

Theanim's muzzle curved ever so slightly. “I knew that you would say that, sir. Rest assured, we have come prepared.” He unfurled his cloak, then threw a satchel onto the floor. It spilled out, dramatically exposing layers upon layers of sheets, documentations, and photographs of the Rust Vault interior. “I bring to you business ledgers—both authentic as well as closely photographed—detailing the appropriation and concealment of illegal weapons and explosives.” The crowd murmured louder and louder as Theanim pointed at the materials. “It reveals a list of names—of ponies both employed in Rust as well as in Shoggoth. These are ponies who have turned what was once a sincere trading consortium into a criminal undercurrent that seeks to wield all power in Rohbredden's most important trade cities.”

“And I can corroborate with all evidence presented,” Echo said. “After dealing with the slimeballs of the Northern and Southern Hoofs, I'm more than willing to answer to the civilized Muddredgers for my crimes.” He turned his head towards where Jeryn sat, exposing his fangs. “Suck a fat one, ya butt toad.”

The Auction House was full of so much commotion by now, that barely anypony could hear the last insult flung at Jeryn and his wide eyes. Nevertheless, Theanim chided: “Dial down the passion a bit, old chap.”

“You're one to speak, Theams.” Echo's eye-slits darted towards him. “'Heartless misanthrope?'”

Theanim smirked slightly as the speaker and other servants of the council trotted down to scoop up the sheets of evidence. “Do forgive me. I'm not used to throwing insults around.”

“Maybe I can teach you sometime...” Echo sighed, staring at the council as they peered closely at the materials brought in. “...if you ever care to visit me in Sea Jail.”

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