• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 7,360 Views, 12,705 Comments

Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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The Part of Echo, Played By...

On the first floor of the largest domed structure of Shoggoth...

A half-dozen stallions in black and gray uniforms stood tightly around a curved doorway that led to a long, winding tunnel. Bright flashing manalight bordered the arching entrance while amber torches lit up the busy, bustling courtyard that lay before the establishment. A thick, criss-crossing crowd of ponies thinned more and more with most of the numbers amassing in one direction: towards the Marine Auction House and the surrounding market district. Nevertheless, the surly guards resolutely stood, their eyes plastered on every equine body that wandered by. Eventually, merchants dragging carts full of heavy packages shambled up—only to be thoroughly checked by the ponies at the entrance. After a thorough examination, half of the merchants were allowed in the tunnel—under close escort—or else they were turned away towards the vast chambers of Shoggoth.

Through this mess of busy traffic, two figures shuffled in a straight line towards the entrance. Refracted waterlight from the enormous windows above danced across their coats and feathers. A third figure lay across one of the figure's flanks, and she tilted her head up just long enough to squeak at the other two:

“Remember. This will only work if we play it cool and act like nothing's wonky.”

“That's easier said than done,” Bard glanced over his shoulder at the bound pegasus. “Everythang about this is wonky!”

“Just trust me!” Rainbow hissed. “She's gonna take care of everything here! Once we're inside, that's when it's time to play hardball.”

Wildcard lifted a metal talon to gesture something.

Bard sighed. “Reckon we've done weirder thangs to get bits.” He glanced over his shoulder again. “But how are ya gonna get to the place where them suits are bein' held?”

“Her Highness said she would make that work out too, but we've gotta get in there,” Rainbow said. “When the time comes for us to take control... we'll know.”

“Just how will we know?”

“It'll come to us. Believe me.”

Bard adjusted his cap in mid-stride. “Well, I sure hope so. I'm havin' an awful lot of faith in yer faith of her faith.”

Wildcard swung his talons.

Yes, there's a fourth faith in there, Dubya-Cee. Yer faith.”

“Shhh! We're almost there!” Rainbow Dash lay limp on Bard's backside. “Remember! Just as we rehearsed!”

“Right...” Bard cracked his neck joints and smiled. “'Play it cool.' Good thang I'm the Goddess-dayum champion of playin' it cool.”

Six sets of leering eyes fell on the Desperadoes as they approached the front entrance.

“Hold.” One stallion held his hoof up.

Another guard shuffled up, staring at the group—or more specifically staring at the rainbow-maned pegasus lying on Bard's back. “Uhhhh...” He pointed out a magic, watery window. “The brothel's over there past the sea bridge.”

“We ain't lookin' for no place for painted mares.” Bard smiled. “We done come here to turn in a bounty.”

One stallion's eyes narrowed. “... … ...a bounty.”


“The Syndicate doesn't have a bounty on... scrawny pegasus girls.”

“Scrawny?!” Rainbow almost raised her head. Wildcard's lion tail swiftly smacked her, and she lay down again, pouting with flushed cheeks.

“Ahem...” Bard adjusted the brim of his hat. “Well, maybe ya just forgotten! 'Cuz we here Desperadoes are purdy darn good at doin' our homework! And, last time I checked, this here pony's fetchin' some mighty big bits in the eyes of the Southern Hoof!”

Wildcard nodded.

“It'd be a damn shame if we had to resort to peddlin' our bounty to the cheapskates up on Mudtop! They ain't even scrap compared to you boys!”

“Look, I dunno what you're trying to pull here, buddy,” one of the guards grunted. “But we haven't got a bounty for any pegasi! What's more...” He leaned in, whispering hoarsely. “It's not even season for pricing slaves.”

“Y'all do slave trade?!?” Bard's voice cracked.

Wildcard sniffed, nodding with his headcrest.

“Oh! Right! Y'all do slave trade! But of course!” Bard gulped and smiled more evenly. “Look, there's gotta be some mistake here, partner. Now where's y'all's head honcho? The Southern Hoof's boss. Whatshisname...”

“Boss Jeryn has gone to the Auction House along with every other important pony in Shoggoth,” the guard said. “But, believe me, even if he was here, he wouldn't be bothered to waste his time on mercenary cruds like you.”

“Not even for the bounty of a lifetime?” Bard smirked, eyes wagging. “This is about as awesome as it gets!”

“Dammit—what do I have to do to get you bozos to scram?!?” the guard's voice picked up.

Just then, another guard shuffled up from the tunnel. “Alright... alright,” the supervising thug grumbled. “What's going on here? What's with all the commotion?”

The other guard sighed and turned towards him. “I've got this under control, Remna. It's just some punks trying to sell us a body out of season.”

“What, are they bounty hunters?” Remna asked.

“It's no bounty we ever put up.” The guard grimaced. “Some fruity looking pegasus bitch?”

“Hold on just a second...” Sighing, Remna pushed his way through the six guards and looked. “Let me see.”

Rainbow Dash, Bard, and Wildcard all watched intently.

Remna stared. Squinted. Suddenly, his eyes flashed a bright green.

Atop Bard's back, an angry, snarling sarosian thrashed about, fangs glinting in the manalight.

“You stupid fish-huffing bastards! Grnnngh!” Echo snarled and growled. “The moment I'm free from all these binds, I'm going to suck your blood! See if I don't! Grnnngh!”

The batpony tilted his head towards the domed ceiling and howled.

Remna blinked, and the emerald glow faded.

“Ah.” He said. “I see.” He said some more. “But of course.”

The other six guards watched as the supervisor leaned back and waved with his hoof.

“We've been expecting this piece of filth for quite a while now. Let them in. Let them all in.”

“Oh... uhm...” One of the guards did a double-take. “You... sure about that, Remna?”

“Are you questioning the authority that Boss Jeryn gave me?” Remna droned.

“Oh! Uhm... n-no!”

“Good. Because you know what happens to those who break the Syndicate's chain of command,” Remna droned some more.

“I'll walk them to the brig—”

“No. No need. No need for that.” Remna swiveled around, eyes glazed. In a flicker of torchlight, his eyes flashed emerald again, and he shuffled down the tunnel. “I shall escort them.”

“That's your call, Remna.”

“Follow me, you two,” Remna said. “We can discuss the bounty inside.”

Wildcard and Bard exchanged glances.

Rainbow nudged Bard through his guitar case, and the two Desperadoes shuffled after the lead guard.

Quietly, they entered the heart of the Southern Hoof's underwater stronghold.

“So, when do we move?” Echo asked, trembling slightly.

“Shhhhh...” Theanim replied. He straightened the cloaks around his and Echo's frames. “One thing at a time, old chap.”

The two stood in the shadows immediately outside the circular rotunda that made up the Marine Auction House. All around them, ponies from all trots of life walked swiftly towards the meeting room. Meanwhile, magically sculpted archways of water looped through the air, collecting in a ring of levitating moisture just above the rotunda. Within the watery bands, various seaponies swam and gathered, overlooking the Shoggothian exchange.

“I'm afraid we're going to have to wait for the Princess' signal,” Theanim said. “And then we can proceed with making history.”

“And just what signal is that?” Echo asked.

“Rainbow told us that we'll know it when we see it,” Theanim explained. “I do hope you can endure the wait.”

“Are you kidding?” the sarosian droned. “Anything beats being a living caterpillar on that cowcolt's backside.”

Theanim smiled. “Glad we can be in agreement with something.”



“You seem pleased as peaches, is all,” Echo said. “You really put a lot of faith in this Rainbow Dash, Theams.”

“I can't help it,” the stallion replied. He eyed the rotunda as more and more ponies trotted by. “She's come here to fulfill her destiny. Somehow, I feel as if the same thing is in store for me.”

“That doesn't exactly sound like the stuffy scientist I once knew.”

“No.” Theanim shook his head. “It doesn't.”

“Awwwwww shit,” Echo hissed.

“What? What is it?”

“Not what. Who.” The sarosian pointed with a long-sleeved limb. “That's Jeryn, with his posse.”

“As in Boss Jeryn? Of the Southern Hoof?”

“I'd know that slimy kisser anywhere,” Echo slurred. “If the show's about to start, it'd better happen soon.”

“It's up to our friends now,” Theanim said with a proud smirk. “If we play our cards right, they should be carrying 'you' off to the heart of the Stronghold.”

“Hrmmmf... things are about to get crazy chaotic.”

“They always seem to...”

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