• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Everything Is All Spick and Spanner

“Luna's spell no longer works as a communication bridge because—unfortunately—Shining and Cadance lost it when the Princess' enchanted tiara was destroyed in a random griffon pirate attack.”

“Oh my goodness!” Twilight gasped, casually floating around the lighthouse. It was several hours into the “discussion,” and yet she was as bright-eyed as ever. “Did they come out of that okay?!”

“Uhhh...” Rainbow stifled a yawn and tilted her head towards the disappearing stars. “Twilight's a little freaked out over the whole 'griffon pirate attack' thingy.”

“Oh, don't worry, Twily! They're absolutely fine! Cadance has seen enough action that she knows how to keep herself safe during a brush with bad company. And Shining... well... you should know better than to doubt his capabilities.”

Twilight giggled. “Yeah! He always had brains and brawn!”

“Twilight says that Shining's pretty smart!”

“Quite so. In all seriousness, Twilight, there isn't much of a chance of Shining or Cadance getting hurt on this journey. Especially since Shining has brought Flash and his other trusted soldiers along for the—”

“Wait, huh?” Twilight blinked. “Flash?”

“Twilight wants to know who this 'Flash' is.”

“Hmmm? Why, Flash. Flash Sentry. The soldier who saved Shining's life in the Crystal Empire? Won his trust? Became something of an apprentice to your brother?”

Twilight's face remained scrunched for a few second. And then: “Ohhhhhh! Flash Sentry! Sorry, I... I-I guess I wasn't paying much attention during that part.”

Rainbow smiled tiredly. “Twilight remembers now. He's the one who helped—”

“Spike fetch the Crystal Heart. So, as you can imagine, all of the Crystal Empire is indebted to the stallion. So, rather than let success get to his head, he's riding along on this airship voyage with Shining.”

“Wait... wait a second...” Twilight looked towards Rainbow. “I have a question.” She tilted her head up and spoke: “If Cadance's enchanted tiara got destroyed from a pirate attack, then how do we know anything about their expedition?”

“Twilight brings up a good point,” Rainbow said. “The enchanted tiara got totally smashed, right?”

“That's right, Rainbow Dash.”

“Then... like... how's Luna able to communicate with Twilight's brother and sister-in-law?”

“Oh, well... Luna's tried explaining it to us... maybe she can do a better job explaining it to you. Your Highness?”

After a few seconds, Luna's voice cleared, then rose in clarity: “Twilight, Rainbow, Cadance has been able to bridge communication across the plane through a special means of alicorn magic.”

“You mean she's cast her own spell?”

“By restoring the remnants of the spell I originally cast, yes. Basically, she has in her possession a few pieces of the ill-fated tiara. Harnessing what she can, she's been able to convey messages to Equestria through a mathematical code.”

“You mean like dots and dashes?”

“Affirmative. However, since the full moon no longer works, she's had to rely on her own... how should I say it... innate gifts.”

“Like in what way?”

“A royal secret, I am certain. Still, Mi Amore Cadenza is the Princess of Love, as you very well know. Considering that Captain Shining Armor has been... 'absent due to unforeseen exhaustion' on three of the last five moments of communication, then I'm certain one could draw their own conclusion as to what powers the spell.”

“Snkkkkt...” Rainbow Dash nearly fell off the lighthouse, hugging herself.

“Huh?” Twilight blinked.

“Hah hah hah hah hah!” Rainbow guffawed, slapping her knee.

Twilight pouted. “I don't get it.”

“Erm... ahem... thank you, Princess Luna,” Twilight's mother spoke. “I think. Erm... Rainbow?

“Hahahahhahahaha... ahem... phew...” Rainbow stood up, catching her breath with a red smile. “Yes ma'am?”

“From the look of things, the spell is going to end soon.”

Rainbow stifled another yawn, gazing east towards the dim light showing on the horizon. “Yeah. I read you loud and clear.”

Twilight leaned in. “Mom! Dad! It was so... soooo wonderful hearing back from you!” She smiled. “And learning about Shining and Cadance and the expedition to the west!”

“Twilight says it's been super cool hearing back from you! Also it's nice to learn more about the expedition Shining's on.” Rainbow gestured. “That last part goes for me too. I'm glad to know they're doing okay for themselves.”

“Yes, well, so far so good. Once they make contact with Sturke, it'll be the moment of truth.”

“Have they gotten close?”

“It would appear that Sturke rules over a nation-state that borders a crescent-shaped body of water in the middle of an enormous forest.”


“Shining and Cadance want to approach Sturke as diplomatically as possible, so they're having to ingratiate themselves to the locals before they can even reach Sturke.”

“Well, from what Luna's told me, it sounds like Sturke is an alright dragon.” Rainbow took a deep breath. “I'm kinda envious, actually, considering the Divines I've butted heads with on this side of the world.”

“We certainly wish them the best... just as we wish you the b—” Their voices became distorted.

Twilight winced. She looked feverishly at Rainbow.

“Hey! Uh... Twilight loves you guys!”

“I love you Mommy! I love you Daddy!” Twilight blurted. “I love you Spike!”

“She loves Mommy and Daddy and Spike too.” Rainbow looked a Twilight, then smirked. “And I'm sure she adores Luna, Celestia, Shining, Cadance, Scootaloo, Zecora, that one mule who always made weird faces while gardening outside of Fluttershy's cottage... ehhhh...” Rainbow blinked. “Are we forgetting anypony else?”

“We hear you, Rainbow Dash,” Princess Celestia said. “And we understand completely.”

“Our hearts go out to you,” Luna said. “All of Equestria's well wishes go with you on your journey.”

“We believe in you girls,” Spike said, his voice distorting with every other word. “...back safely and... you hear?”

“I hear you Spike!” Twilight stammered, sniffling. “And I love you! I love you so much!”

Rainbow's pendant dimmed.

“I love you...” Twilight exhaled, hugging herself as she stared into the sea below. “I love you... I...”

Rainbow looked at her.

Twilight closed her eyes, drifting lazily as tears squeezed out her eyelids.

After swallowing a lump down her throat, Rainbow said, “Life's crazy, and there are only so many promises I can keep, Twilight. But this one I can make for sure. You will get to speak with them again, you hear me?”

“I know, Rainbow.”

“And you don't have to—”

“Just... just...” Twilight took a deep breath, shuddering. “...tell me one thing...”

“Hmmm? Tell you what?”

Twilight turned to face her. She opened a pair of misty eyes. “Tell me how you do it.”

“Do what?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight sniffled. “Continue.” She gestured towards the slowly brightening horizon to the east. “After all that you've left behind... after everypony you've had to say good bye to... more than once. How? How do you do it?”

Rainbow hung her head.

Twilight sniffed again. “I... I-I'm sorry if that's a pointed question...”

“Nah, it's okay. It's a good one.” Rainbow looked up. “You wanna know how I manage?”

Twilight gazed at her, silently, patiently.

Rainbow bore a devilish smirk. “I just keep moving.”


“Wooohooo!” Nick hollered into the sun-bright spray of ocean water. With a wild grin on his face, he steered the Swan Song left, ramping over yet another swell. The port side lifted up, dragged through the air, then landed with another deep splash, thoroughly splattering the occupants on board. Despite the residual turbulence, the trimaran made its way swiftly towards the east horizon. “Hah! Heheh...” the young stallion looked over his shoulder at the other two. “Anypony who said this 'dinghy' wasn't seaworthy could go make love to a porcupine colony!”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow looked up at the bright billowing sail above. “...all this thing needed was a bit of love-making of its own!”

“Even when it's metaphoric, it's satisfying to know I'm best at one thing!” Nick winked into the salt air.

“Yeah, well, don't pat yourself on the back yet, Casaneighva.” Rainbow crawled past him, steadying herself by gripping the mat. She gazed back at the port of Kihutaja. The three islands grew smaller and smaller on the western horizon, along with the multiple ships anchored around the nearest harbor. “We've yet to get into the true open sea!”

“Relax! Once we're fully in the drink, I've got this!” Nick said. “It's my element! I was born for it!” They hit another ramp of water. “Wooo! Hahaha! Yeah!”

“Forgive me if I'm a bit paranoid,” Rainbow muttered, tightening Luna's satchel around her flank. “My last experience in the ocean was... less than awesome.” Clearing her throat, she turned to look at Sinrar, who was clutching the edge of the cabin so hard that his gray coat turned grayer at the joints. “You doing okay there, Dr. Dude?”

“Who? Me? Yes! Just fine!” Sinrar nevertheless fought a wave of nausea to utter his next few words: “Ponies of my age are built of... far sturdier material than you young hormonal golems!”

“Heh... if you say so...” Rainbow Dash cocked her head aside. “You need a bucket?”

“All I need is a little peace and quiet so I can mentally contemplate our trajectory, you incessantly humming harpy!”

“Want your maps for that? I could grab them for you!”

“No no... not yet... I wouldn't want to... urp...” His eyes crossed as his muzzle turned briefly green. “...add a new continent with green ink...”

Rainbow shrugged. “Suit yourself! The only one in a hurry here is Nick, right, buddy?”

“Yeeeha! That was a great swell! What do you think, Professor?!”


“Took the words right out of my stomach! Heheh!”

Rainbow took a deep breath of the sea air. Something about the warmth, the wind, and the mist in the air felt distinctly different than the Grand Choke. For the first time in ages, the trip excited her, and she couldn't help but smile. Flapping her wings, the pegasus lifted up until she was flying right alongside the mast. She kept up with the ship, veering left and right as the trimaran did, avoiding the dip of the mast and the spray of water.

At some point, Twilight floated alongside her. “Don't you wanna conserve your wing power for when there's a lull?”

“There's plenty of wind, Twilight,” Rainbow spoke. “I think we'll be fine.”

“But it's a large ocean and there's no telling how long we might be cruising like this.”

“Eh... I just feel like stretching my wings. If I get tired, I'll just touch down and signal Nick to take it easy.”

“But... but...” Twilight fidgeted in mid-drift. “You don't want to... I dunno... exacerbate the chaos that Discord zapped you with and—”

“Twilight... will you just relax?” Rainbow turned towards her with a soft smile. “This is adventuring! I can do this sort of thing in my sleep!”

“Yes, but—”

“But nothing! We've prepared! We've plotted things out! We've got this!” Rainbow winked. “Things are good.”

“They... they are?”

“Best they've been for me in a long while.” Rainbow faced forward, squinting at the distant, bobbing speck of Yaerfaerda. “Come on, this is a journey for a good cause. Let's revel in it. It's what Bellesmith, Pilate, and Roarke would have wanted.” Her nostrils flared. “It's what the girls would want.”

“Right...” Twilight nodded, gazing at the rippling waters underneath them. “I guess I'm just... not used to this sort of a thing like you are.”

“Just relax, Twilight. Sooner than later, you'll get the hang of—”

“Ew! Ew ew ew!” Twilight squirmed all over, retching. “Ew gross!

“What?! What?!” Rainbow gasped.

“What powers Cadance's spell!” Twilight wheezed. “I just now got it! Ewwwww!”

“Snkkkt—heeheeheehee!” Rainbow clutched herself in mid-flight.

“Rainbowwww! Quit it!” Twilight pouted, folding her forelimbs. “It's not funny!”

“Hah hah hah hah hah!” Rainbow nevertheless bellowed.

Below, on board the Swan Song, Nick and Sinrar stared up at the laughing pegasus.

“You... don't suppose you've any clue what she's laughing maniacally about, do you?” Nick asked.

“Merde...” Sinrar merely shrugged, re-gripping the edge of the cabin. “It's a mystery to me.”

“You know...” Nick smirked ahead, guiding the ship onto an even stretch of seawater. “...part of me believes I'm only helping her with this trip so I can find out myself.”

“Oui. You are not alone, boy.”

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