• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Heart and Souls, by Ron Underwhinny

With tender hooves, Rainbow Dash reached towards the lower branch of an apple tree and plucked a red juicy specimen off. She rubbed the skin of it against her chest fuzz and gave the thing a sniff. Then, salivating slightly, she took a deep bite, proceeding to eat the yummy fruit from where she hovered in the middle of the K.M.C.A. campus.

“Are... you sure you're allowed to eat that, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked, fidgeting beneath her on the grass. She glanced forlornly across the lawn. “I mean... it's part of the college grounds. Something tells me it's just for looks.”

“Nature doesn't show off just 'cuz it wants to go to the ball, Twilight,” Rainbow said, inhaled, then took another juicy bite. “Mrmmfff...” She gulped. “The fruit's here. I'm here. The sky's above us. Everything's in order.” She bit into again, munched, and shrugged. “If the Kazoo Menstrual Chaplin Academy students have a problem with it, then they shouldn't have planted an apple tree here to begin with.”

“Well...” Twilight shuddered. “I suppose anything's better than the alternative.” She looked green in the muzzle. “I... I just can't get over that.”

“Mrmmmf... Get over what?”

“Meat! That stallion was actually trying to serve you a slice of cooked flesh!” Twilight shook from head to tail. “A griffon or a sarosian, I can understand, but normal ponies?!” She paced in a tiny, lavender circle. “It was sizzling too! I... I-I can still smell the horrible stuff in my nose!”

“Ponies eat meat, Twilight,” Rainbow muttered. “Get over it.”

“Not in Equestria, we don't!”

“We're not in Equestria,” Rainbow said. “Not even close.”

“Just... wh-what could possibly convince a society to stoop so low?!” Twilight remarked. “Old Equestrian provinces used to go to war over the issue before settling upon the harmonic choice of nationally-enforced vegetarianism.”

“Lots of countries are at war today.”

“You cannot be serious...” Twilight's jaw dropped. “But how can th-that be? Don't ponies know better? If they don't respect each other's lives, at least you'd think they'd respect Celestia or Luna enough to—”

“Most ponies don't even know that alicorns exist, Twilight,” Rainbow said, tossing the core of the apple towards the base of the tree. “Much less Celestia, Luna, or Whitemane.”

“Celestia, Luna, or who?

Rainbow grimaced. With a sigh, she plucked another apple off. “Look...” She rubbed the fruit against her chest, then gazed down at Twilight with a glazed look. “The world is a big... big place. It's bigger than you think. It's bigger than I think. I've been flying non-stop in one direction for over a year.” She twitched in mid-air, blushing a little. “M... m-more or less. Ahem.” Her blue brow furrowed. “And still I've only barely scratched the surface of what this plane has to offer.”

“And ponies actually go to war with one another?!”

“Yes, Twilight, they do.”

“You've seen this?”

Rainbow fought a lump that had formed in the back of her throat. “Yes. I've seen it... up close.”

“How close?”

“Very close.” Rainbow took a heavy bite and used the delicious fruit mush to help swallow the lump down. She gave Twilight a bright glance. “And, if it helps to know, I've helped end a few of them.”

“A few of them what?”

“Wars,” Rainbow said with a smirk. “At least two of them I've brought to an end, or simply prevented. Once in Ledomare and the other time in Val Roa. Wait...” She cocked her head sideways, gazing over the western waves. “Darkstine. Yeah. I prevented civil war there. Yeesh...” She shook her head. “Always friggin' forgetting about Darkstine.” She took a delicious bite.

Twilight blinked, gazing up at her. “You... you've been some kind of hero, haven't you?” She blinked again. “All this time.”

“Mrmmmff... when it wasn't boring.” Rainbow swallowed and smirked. “And I promise you, Twilight, that I never once took a bit of meat.”

“I-I wasn't saying that you did!” Twilight stammered.

“You were giving me the look though.”

“What look?!”

The look. Your look.”


“It's the same look you always used to give me whenever I spoke my angry thoughts out loud about Rarity or Fluttershy.”

“I did not give you a look.”

“Heheheheheheh...” Rainbow clutched her tummy with one hoof and pointed with the one gripping the apple. “You totally did! As a matter of fact, you're giving me one right now!”

“Yeah... well...” Twilight's cheeks turned a deeper shade of lavender. “That's because you're sassing the ever-loving fluff out of this situation!”


“Rainbow, quit it!” Twilight stomped her hoof, frowning. “So what if I'm super behind?! I can't help it! I've been... s-some sort of eidolon all this time!”


“Eidolon, Rainbow. Eidolon. It means a 'phantom.' You know, a spectre?

“Pffft. Leave it to you to call it something funkier than I could ever drum up.”

“Nnngh... Rainbow...” Twilight glared. “Can I help it if I have a million questions?”

“And don't worry, I've got a million answers.” Rainbow tossed the second core to the ground and wiped her muzzle with her forelimb. “But, first thing's first... I've got a question for you.”

“Well, by all means.”

“How come you can stomp your hoof against the ground?”


“You just slapped your hoof against the grass!” Rainbow pointed. “Y'know, with your little eggshell tantrum! How's that—y'know—possible?”

“I-I don't understand...”

“What I'm getting at is...” Rainbow squinted. “...you're all ghost-like and poofy, right? So, like, what's keeping you from just sinking through the floor?”

“Uhm... good question, I... I...” Twilight blinked. Just then, her pupils shrunk to pinpricks, and she glanced down at a set of sinking fetlocks. “Oh dear.”

Rainbow's eyes twitched. “Uhm...”

“Oh no!” Twilight yelped, flailing as the ground swallowed her up with a lavender glow. She panted and squeaked and pony-paddled at the naked air. “Oh no no no no no noooo!” Nothing could stop her from dropping through the ground like an anvil. “Rainbow!”

“Twilight, chillax!” Rainbow barked as the unicorn disappeared completely through the campus lawn. “Dang it, girl, I mean it! Hold up!” Flapping her wings, she lifted up... up... up.

As Rainbow ascended, Twilight emerged from the ground, curled up in a lavender ball and shivering. A concave flicker of lavender light held her like a bread basket, keeping her at an even distance from Rainbow's figure.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm!” Twilight hugged herself in a little ball, fighting to contain her squeals. “I don't want to fall through the earth! I don't want to! I don't want to!”

“Twilight, friggin' calm down!” Rainbow said. “You can't go too far away from me, remember?!”

“I know that, but... b-but unless you constantly fly, how am I expected to—?!”

“Just catch your breath, alright?!”

“I... I-I'm trying...” Twilight huffed and puffed. “Maybe... m-maybe if you just put me back on the ground?! Perhaps it's all mind over matter. Oh gosh... I feel like such a fool...”

“Get a hold of yourself. I'm sorry I introduced the idea to your head.”

“Just tell me when I'm back on the ground, Rainbow,” Twilight said, her eyes still clenched tightly shut. “I... I can do this... I know I can...”

“Okay, Twilight,” Rainbow said, flapping her wings. “There ya go. You're on the ground.”

“I am?”

“Yup. Try putting your hooves down.”

Twilight took a calm breath. Her trembles dwindled as she tilted her head up, then stretched her legs out. At last, with a little bit of effort, she found a hoof-hold, then stood up straight. “Whew... okay... okay, much better.” She opened her eyes, smiling up at Rainbow. “Thanks, Rainbow, I couldn't do that without—”



Rainbow smirked down at her. “... … ...I lied.”

Twilight blinked. She looked down, only to notice that she was a good ten feet above the ground, levitating. She gasped, which caused her to plummet again—

“Just be calm!” Rainbow hollered.

Twilight flinched, her body locking up. Sure enough, she came to a levitating stop just a few feet above the campus lawn. Her hooves dangled, and soon her entire body drifted at a loose glide, hovering airlessly in place. “I... I can't explain what's going on right now...”

“Maybe neither of us are meant to,” Rainbow remarked, hovering down to Twilight's level. “But, from the looks of things, so long as you're close to me... you can just about go anywhere. I mean...” The pegasus shrugged. “Why not, right?”

“But how come I was walking across even surfaces earlier? Unless...” Twilight tapped her muzzle in thought. “...it was simply all psychosomatic. I believed that I was still subject to the laws of gravity, and thus—because of my mind's comprehension—I was creating a self-fulfilled prophecy.”


“But, that's amazingly good news!” Twilight perked up, smiling Rainbow's way. “It means that I'm not completely and utterly incorporeal! I possess a mind! And—just like Rene Decanter once said, 'I think, therefore I—'” Twilight inadvertently floated off in an upside down direction. “—boop?” Her eyes flailed along with her legs.

“Hey, just take it easy—” Rainbow outstretched a hoof.

“Rainbow, help!” Twilight chirped, fluttering about like a loose lavender feather. “You're an expert on flying, help me!”

“Yeah, only you're not exactly flying,” Rainbow droned. “More like shifting around through fartspace.”

“If I could just... just...” Twilight took a deep breath, closing her eyes and concentrating. “...mind over matter. Mind over matter. Mind over...”

Gradually, her body uprighted, then levitated just a few inches in front of Rainbow.

“H-hey!” Rainbow grinned wide. A few students in the distance gazed at her funny, but she promptly ignored them, cheering Rainbow's way. “You've got it! Well... just about...”

“I... I don't feel as though I've got it,” Twilight muttered, pawing at the air like a suspended cat.

“Would you feel better 'trotting' on the ground again?”

“I... think I should practice this instead,” Twilight said, strafing slowly through the air. She shifted through the tree, flinching—only to emerge through it with a lavender strobe. “Brbrbrbrrrr...” She shivered. “I don't think I'll ever get over that.”

“Hey, do me a favor.”


Rainbow pointed towards the western shore. “Try floating off in that direction. As far as you can.”

“But... what good will that—?”

“Just humor me, ya egghead.”

“Hrmmmf... very well...” Twilight slowly... slowlyyyy drifted westward, “swimming” through the air in a decidedly dorky fashion. “Though I don't know what it will accomp—” Bonk! Her muzzle smooshed against a concave wall of lavender energy. “Ow!”

Rainbow winced. “Er... sorry. But... uh...” She motioned towards herself with a blue hoof. “Try going the opposite way.”

“I think I see what you're getting at.” Twilight “kicked” off the lavender wall. It disappeared as she drifted swiftly in the other direction, phasing through Rainbow and her pendant, only to brace herself against a flicker of magical light on the other side. “There. That's as far as I can go.”

“That's barely spitting distance,” Rainbow said.

“I'm guessing a radius of no more than six meters,” Twilight said. “I... suppose it gives me some breathing room, which is nice... but...” She sighed, floating down towards the floor until her hooves made contact with the grass. “There just has to be a purpose to all of this.”

“I'm sure there is, Twilight,” Rainbow muttered. “There's stuff far older than you and me that's making the world tick. Stuff older than Celestia, Luna, and the rest of the alicorns.”

“Like, what kind of stuff?”

“Really trippy stuff.”

“I'm not exactly going anywhere, am I?” Twilight said, smiling nervously.

Rainbow took a deep breath, gazing up at the bright blue sky. “Very well then...” She tossed her mane to the warm winds and smiled gently at the ghostly mare. “...come along. Drift with me.”

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