• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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The Things That You Bring Back

When the Midnight Dreary took off for the southeast horizon, Rainbow Dash expected nothing but wide open seas. While this turned out to be more or less the case, what she didn't expect was the copious amount of coral reefs forming all along the yacht's course. There were patches of underwater formations so close to the surface that several seagulls gathered every half-mile or so to rest before continuing their migratory paths.

“Where do you suppose they're headed?” Rainbow inquired.

“Northeast!” Theanim Mane exclaimed, steering the ship with remarkable grace. The scientist's muzzle took on a completely different expression while on the open sea. He looked three times as alive and his wide blue eyes reflected the rippling waves on either side of them. “There's a strip of uninhabited atolls between here and the northern Rohbredden outreaches!”

“No ponies live in these atolls?” Rainbow asked.

“They wouldn't survive the high tide six months out of the year,” Theanim explained. “Nah... nothing here but unblemished nature.”

“No kidding,” Rainbow remarked. “Is that why we're moving so slow?”

“Hmmm?” Theanim glanced over at her. “Oh. You mean to not disturb the coral and its wildlife? Quite astute. But, relax, it's a great deal swifter a venture than attempting to circumnavigate the formations entirely.”

“Still, we wanna get to Rust, don't we?”

“Patience, Miss Dash,” Theanim remarked, stifling a chuckle or two. “Honestly, what's the rush?”

Rainbow exhaled, gazing out at the shallow waters with a slight shudder. “Yeah. Good point.”

“You should head down below deck!” Theanim remarked. “Get some shade! Fraternize with the other passengers?”

“Yeah, just who are they anyways?”

“Heheh... why don't you find out for yourself?” Theanim smiled. “They're harmless, of course—at least by Nealend standards.”

“Some of your Colonialist buddies?”

“Frost Flanks, Dr. Sands, and Mr. and Mrs. Cobbletrots,” Theanim said. “They each had their own vessels at one point...”

“...but Ultimo made a meal out of them.”

“Let's just say they're quite grateful to have their necks in one piece. Hmmm?”

“Do... uh...” Rainbow fidgeted. “Do they mind taking a detour through Rust? I mean, it's not like I enlisted any of them on this trip.”

“Hah! There's absolutely nothing to regret, my dear!” Theanim exclaimed. “Rust is a major trading post. Once there, they'll surely find transit to Central Rohbredden and the Eastern reaches abroad!”

“Well, that's kinda cool... I guess...”

“You really should try socializing with them, though,” Theanim said with a smile. “Every pony is absolutely dying to know how you helped us in and out of the space beneath the lagoon.”

“Why? Haven't you told them?”

Theanim nodded, steering the ship carefully. “And they've seen my photographs, most certainly. But that's not the point. It'd be far better for them to hear the truth from the horse's mouth—if you catch my drift.”

“Jee, I dunno,” Rainbow muttered. “Not everypony is as curious as you, Doc.”

“I'd rather describe myself as... as...” Theanim tapped his chin in thought, smiled, and said, “'Exploration Friendly.'”

“Well, let's keep the exploration between you and me,” Rainbow muttered, trotting across the deck. “If you don't mind.”

“I... don't mind...” He blinked after her. “But I do feel a modicum of sympathy towards a mare who would feel the need for such introversion...”

“Heh... trust me, Doc...” Rainbow gave him a lasting glance before going to recline on the far side of the vessel. “I'm not as alone as you think.”

Theanim contemplated those words, but felt it best not to bother her about it. They resumed the rest of the daylight sojourn in silence, and the Midnight Dreary eventually cleared the shallow reefs by nightfall. When evening came, Rainbow Dash offered to pilot the ship while Theanim rested. After convincing him that she had learned enough from riding so many days and nights on the Swan Song, Rainbow Dash earned control of the rudder wheel.

That's how Rainbow Dash found herself cruising over the glossy black waves of an open ocean late at night with a celestial canopy of stars overhead. If it weren't for the gentle, persistent touch of a warm wind against her brow, Rainbow Dash may not have realized she was even moving across the onyx liquid surfaces. The only source of light was the dim haze wafting out of the yacht's lower deck windows. If Rainbow glanced to her left and right, she'd see light ripples rolling across an otherwise immaculate reflection of the constellations above.

“Somepony, please pinch me,” Rarity cooed, nearly drooling. She hovered over the cool waters, twirling about and seeing two sets of stars in every other glance. “It's like I'm flying through the heavens!” A tiny squeal came from her lips, and soon she flashed a pouting expression in Twilight's direction. “I do believe I asked to be pinched, Twilight, darling.”

“Rarity,” Twilight sighed. “I love you, but I am not going to rush over to your side every single moment you need physical interaction!”

“Well...” Rarity's ears folded back. “...if you are not going to hug or pinch me, then who will?!”

“We're going to yank Pinkie out of the ether next, aren't we?” Rainbow muttered. “Can't you wait until then?”

“Yes!” Twilight chuckled. “Just like Dr. Mane said earlier: what's the rush?

Rainbow Dash exhaled with a shudder. She held a hoof to her ruby lightning bolt pendant while chewing on her bottom lip.

“Rainbow... won't you just... won't you just take a look around you?!” Rarity cooed. “I know you're minding the handsome Mr. Mane's boat and all, but must you keep your eyes aimed ahead of you all the time?” She pointed at the stars above. “This is beauty itself! Why... I've never even been on an ocean cruise!”

“This isn't a cruise,” Rainbow mumbled. “We gotta get somewhere.” She adjusted the weight of her saddlebags. “And I gotta keep paying attention to Sinrar's maps.”

“She has a point, though, Rainbow,” Twilight said. “It would be a shame to ignore so much...” She sighed, bearing an intoxicating smile. “...gorgeous sights.”

“Eh...” Rainbow shrugged. “...I've seen it before.”

“But how could you say that?” Rarity exclaimed, her voice taking on a squeaky edge. “You've ventured further than every living Equestrian combined and you can't even allow yourself a moment to drink it all in?”

“I was more concerned with—y'know—speeding it.”

“What ever for, darling?”

“Rarity, I... I didn't exactly have a reason to drink it all in,” Rainbow said. Her ears pulled back slightly as she murmured: “I... didn't think I'd have anypony to share it all with.”

Rarity and Twilight looked on.

“And with the Jury, it was different. I mean... heh...” Rainbow's muzzle curved. “It was awesome. It was awesome a lot.” She exhaled. “But I was more interested in my traveling buddies than the places we traveled past.” She glanced back at the two spectres. “Does that make any sense?”

“Perfectly, Rainbow,” Twilight said with a nod.

“But things are different, my dear,” Rarity said, floating around until she hovered in front of the mare. “We're here now! You've got your friends back!”

“I know...” Rainbow said with a nod. She looked past the fashionista, minding the waters ahead. “I'm still trying to get used to that.”

“What?” Twilight smirked. “Having somepony to talk to?”

“It's more than that,” Rainbow said. “All this time—before I found you guys—I felt... well... I kinda sorta expected this whole thing to be a one way trip. If I was lucky, I'd get to the Midnight Armory. But boom... that was it. Like... who in their right mind could make it back from such a crazy place to even speak of it to anyone, friend or not?”

Twilight's lips pursed. She and Rarity exchanged glances.

Rainbow leaned against he rudder wheel, nostrils flaring. “But... but now the trip means so much more... hrmmf...” She smirked slightly, rolling her eyes back so that she took on the chaotic arrangement of dazzling, twinkling stars. “Circles... it's always about circles. One big circle broken into a dozen little pieces... wanting to get back together. And here I am—flying some crazy-flank circle to get it all clicking again.” Her eyes blinked. “By going in one direction.” She glanced back at the girls, smirking. “... … ...can you believe that I once thought I was unlucky?”

“It... does seem like an awful burden, Rainbow,” Rarity said in a low tone. “I... I wish there was a way we could... make this entire endeavor easier for you...”

Rainbow gazed at her, then at Twilight. Turning back towards the bow, she steered the ship forward through the glittery waves. “Do you two remember the mountain we all climbed to wake up the dragon whose breath was clouding all of Ponyville?”

“How could we not, darling?!” Rarity gasped. “That dragon encounter was positively dreadful!”

“I remember it as though it was only yesterday,” Twilight added, though she winced. “Erm... you know what I mean.”

Rainbow smirked. “Well, I've climbed mountains at least four times the height of that.”

“Mountains... that are higher?” Twilight remarked.

“Surely you jest!” Rarity added.

Rainbow slowly shook her head. “Tall, snow-covered summits... with barren rock untouched by any other pony soul.” She raised a hoof, gesturing with a “cruising” motion. “I flew through these super deep canyons—like seriously deep—that had been chiseled into the dead stone of the Grand Choke. I'm talking crazy, jagged ravines full of sand from hundreds of thousands of years of windstorms filling them up... and then emptying them... only to repeat, I beat.”

Rarity flew in a tight circle around Rainbow. “My word... I daresay very few ponies have witnessed what you have.”

“And how about the top edge of the world?” Rainbow glanced aside, eyes full of starlight. “Nopony can cross the north edge, of course, but I've seen it. Rows upon rows of jagged red crystal called skystone.”

“You've seen skystone with your naked eyes?!” Twilight gasped. “And lived?!”

“Yeah...” Rainbow nodded. “And through a hurricane powered by a giant flying city.” Rainbow bore a proud smirk. “You might remember that tale, Twilight, but not Rarity.”

“You didn't tell me about the skystone... wow!” Twilight plopped down on the deck, grinning dumbly. “Only a few Equestrians from the age of Starswirl the Bearded have managed to write about the topic.”

“Yeah, well, some of the ponies in Ledomare and Xonan powered their cities with the stuff. Try to imagine—like—cities running off of pure, unbridled magic. Huge skyscrapers half-standing... half-floating. Even a big friggin' city of smog and rusted metal just... floating over the mountains! Like Cloudsdale but harnessed out of steel and bits!”

“That... sounds positively mesmerizing,” Rarity murmured. “Please, Rainbow... do tell us more.”

Rainbow opened her mouth, but lingered. She gazed at the two mares, their friendly gazes locked on her muzzle. “Yeah...” She breathed warmly. “I think I will.”

Rarity sat down next to Twilight, her tail wagging like an excited foal's. The Midnight Dreary rolled on through the rippling drink, bathed in stars and in the cracks of Rainbow's voice.

“The desert stretches of Silvadel—I mean before Silvadel... like in the western wastelands? They have these huge... huuuuuge structures built out of stone, rock, and metal. Luna Poop... how can I even begin to describe them to you...?”

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